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    这是一份江西省吉安市第一中学2024届高三下学期三模英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含英语高三下学期模拟考试pdf、英语docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

    命题人: 审题人: 备课组长:
    Lancm is a wrldwide language learning app and a leader in the nline language learning industry with millins f active subscribers. We huse a brad range f experts united by the cmmn gal f creating the best language learning tls pssible. With advice frm AI specialists, art designers and culture researchers, ur multi-language experts endw (赋予) Lancm with an enrmus ptential fr innvatin within the wrld f language learning. Our curses, ttalling 20,000 hurs f cntent in 20 different languages, guarantee yu language skills yu can use right away.
    At the cre f Lancm is a wrld-class effective methd that enhances language learning with advanced technlgy. Examples and dialgues are recrded with real native speakers instead f autmatic cmputers. Lancm trains yur brain t learn efficiently, s yu absrb mre infrmatin while in the app and cntinue learning utside f it. The app makes ur practical language lessns available wherever and whenever. We wrk directly fr ur learners, nt fr any third party. And it’s all supprted by an efficient custmer service team, available thrugh telephne, email and nline chat.
    Millins f learners have their wn stries and their wn reasns fr learning a new language. Lancm cares abut yu and addresses yur individual learning type. Lancm is the nly prduct t ffer curses tailred t yur native language, building n grammar and wrds yu already knw. Our cntent is abut real-life tpics that are relevant because we knw what matters t yu is what sticks best. Yu will find it very rewarding t learn with Lancm.
    1.Wh can prvide Lancm with a huge ptential fr innvatin in learning?
    A.Culture researchers.B.AI specialists.
    C.Language experts.D.Art designers.
    2.What lies at the cre f the Lancm app?
    A.A flexible system.B.An intelligent technlgy.
    C.The brain-training technique.D.The infrmative cntent.
    3.Lancm claims that it is unique in its ________.
    A.persnalised cursesB.multiple languages
    C.pricing plicyD.service team
    My name is Alice. Early last year, I was trubled by an anxiety that crippled (削弱) my ability t d anything. I felt like a strm clud hung ver me. Fr almst a year I struggled n, cnstantly staring at this wall that faced me. My perfectinist tendencies were the main rt f this: I wanted t be perfect at whatever I did, which bviusly in life is nt pssible, but it cnsumed me.
    One day, I attended a presentatin (报告) by wildlife cnservatinist Grant Brwn at my high schl. His presentatin nt nly awed (使惊叹) and inspired me, but als helped create an inner desire t make a difference in the wrld. I jined a pre-presentatin dinner with him and that smaller setting allwed me t slwly build up my curage t speak ne-n-ne with him—an idea that had seemed impssible. This cntact was where my stry began.
    A mnth later, Brwn invited me t attend the Wrld Yuth Wildlife Cnference. Lking back, I nw see that this wuld be the first in a series f timely pprtunities that my ld self wuld have let pass, but that this new and mre cnfident Alice enthusiastically seized. Shrtly after I received his invitatin, applicatins t jin the Yuth fr Nature and the Yuth fr Planet grups were sent arund thrugh my high schl. I decided t cmmit t cmpleting the applicatins, and sn I was a part f a grwing glbal team f yung peple wrking t prtect nature. Each f these new steps cntinued t grw my cnfidence.
    I am writing this just six mnths since my jurney began and I’ve realized that my biggest bstacle (障碍) this whle time was myself. It was that vice in the back f my head telling me that ne phrase that has stpped s many peple frm reaching their ptential: I can’t. They say gd things cme t thse wh wait; I say: grab every pprtunity with everything yu have and be impatient. After all, nature des nt require ur patience, but ur actin.
    4.What was the main cause fr Alice’s anxiety?
    A.Her desire t be perfect.B.Her habit f cnsumptin.
    C.Her inability t act her age.D.Her lack f inspiratin.
    5.Hw did Grant Brwn’s presentatin influence Alice?
    A.She learned abut the harm f desire.
    B.She tasted the sweetness f friendship.
    C.She decided t d smething fr nature.
    D.She built up her curage t speak up.
    6.Which f the fllwing is the best descriptin f Alice’s situatin after the activities?
    7.What can we learn frm this passage?
    A.Practice makes perfect.B.Patience is a cure f anxiety.
    C.Actin is wrry’s wrst enemy.D.Everything cmes t thse wh wait.
    Deserts culd be the best places n Earth fr harvesting slar pwer. They are spacius, relatively flat, and never shrt f sunlight. S researchers imagine it might be pssible t transfrm the wrld’s largest desert, the Sahara, int a large slar farm, capable f meeting fur times the wrld’s current energy demand.
    While the black surfaces f slar panels absrb mst f the sunlight that reaches them, nly arund 15% f that incming energy gets turned int electricity. The rest is returned t the envirnment as heat, affecting the climate. If these effects were nly lcal, they might nt matter in a thinly ppulated desert. But the area f the installatins in the Sahara wuld be vast, cvering thusands f square miles. Heat released frm an area this size will be redistributed by the flw f air in the atmsphere, having reginal and even glbal effects n the climate.
    A 2018 study used a climate mdel t assess the effects f building massive slar farms in the Sahara. The mdel revealed that when the size f the slar farm reaches 20% f the ttal area f the Sahara, the heat released by the darker slar panels creates a big temperature difference between the land and the surrunding ceans that ultimately lwers surface air pressure and causes wet air t rise and cndense (凝结) int raindrps. With mre rainfall, plants grw and the desert reflects less f the sun’s energy since vegetatin absrbs light better than sand and sil. With mre plants present, mre water is evaprated (蒸发), creating a better envirnment that causes vegetatin t spread.
    S, a large slar farm culd generate enugh energy and at the same time turn ne f the mst abminable envirnments n Earth int a habitable place. Sunds perfect, right? Nt quite. In a recent study, we used an advanced Earth system mdel t clsely examine hw Saharan slar farms interact with the climate. It shwed there culd be unintended effects in remte parts f the land and cean.
    We are nly beginning t understand the ptential cnsequences f establishing massive slar farms in deserts. Slutins like this may help sciety reduce the use f fssil energy, but Earth system studies like urs underscre the imprtance f cnsidering the numerus cupled respnses f the atmsphere, ceans, and land surface when examining their benefits and risks.
    8.What can be learned abut slar farms?
    A.They are mainly lcated in deserts.
    B.They can affect the lcal and even glbal climate.
    C.They can make the best use f incming energy.
    D.They satisfy the wrld’s current energy demand.
    9.What will happen if 20% f the Sahara is cvered with slar panels accrding t the 2018 study?
    A.It might becme greener.
    B.It might reflect mre sunlight.
    C.Its surface air pressure will increase.
    D.Its temperature difference between day and night will decrease.
    10.What des the underlined wrd “abminable” in paragraph 4 mean?
    11.What des the authr think f turning the Sahara int a slar farm?
    A.It is an impssible task.
    B.It will d mre gd than harm.
    C.It calls fr mre cnsideratin.
    D.It might be the slutin t fssil fuel pllutin.
    Mst peple aren’t gd at creative prblem slving fr tw reasns: First, they are nt trained in hw t be creative. Secnd, they dn’t understand grup strength well enugh t harness(驾驭) their pwer t maximize grup creativity.
    A key element f creativity is applying existing knwledge t a new prblem. The mre peple getting invlved in slving it, the mre knwledge there is t wrk n it. Unfrtunately, research shws that the traditinal brainstrming methds fail t achieve that gal. When grups get tgether t exchange ideas, they actually cme up with fewer ideas verall than if they each had wrked alne.
    T fix this prblem, yu shuld cnsider the tw stages f grup prblem-slving: divergence(分散) and cnvergence(集中). Divergence happens when the grup cnsiders as many different ptential slutins as pssible. Cnvergence happens when the varius prpsed slutins are evaluated and reduced t a smaller set f candidate slutins t the current prblem.
    The essential principle f grup creativity is that individuals wrking alne diverge, whereas grup members wrking tgether cnverge. In grups, nce a member states a ptential slutin, it makes thers think abut the prblem similarly. That is why grups wrking tgether diverge less than individuals wrking alne.
    Therefre, be aware f when t diverge and when t cnverge. Fr example, early in the prblem-slving prcess, have grup members wrk alne t write dwn statements describing the prblem. Then get them back t discuss their descriptins. The grup discussin will lead everyne t accept ne r a small number f these statements t wrk n—this is healthy cnvergence.
    When starting t generate slutins, yu again want divergence. Have peple wrk alne t start. Then cllect peple’s initial ideas and send them arund t thers and allw the divergence t cntinue as everyne individually builds n the ideas f ther members. Finally, let the grup discuss the resulting ideas. This discussin will gradually lead the grup t cnverge n a small number f candidate slutins.
    This simple methd wrks effectively, because it respects what individuals and grups d best.
    12.We can infer that the traditinal brainstrming methds ______.
    A.enable peple t frm mre ideas tgether
    B.greatly encurage grup creativity
    C.actually limit grup creativity
    D.prevent peple’s invlvement in the prblems
    13.Accrding t Para. 4, when a member presents an idea, thers tend t _____.
    A.think the ther way rundB.fllw his way f thinking
    C.be mre cnfident in their wn ideasD.be less willing t share their wn ideas
    14.What shuld grup members first d early in the prblem-slving prcess?
    A.Discuss the prblem.B.Put dwn grup statements tgether.
    C.Simplify the prblem.D.Write dwn their individual descriptins.
    15.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.A simple way t make grup thinking mre effective
    B.Difficulties in rganizing grup thinking
    C.Differences between divergence and cnvergence
    D.Advantages f grup thinking ver individual thinking
    When did we start walking fr leisure?
    “Ging fr a walk” is a ppular pastime amng lder and yunger generatins alike because f its well-knwn benefits fr ur physical and mental health. But yu may be surprised t hear that wandering thrugh pretty streets r hiking in muntainus have nt always been cnsidered leisure activities, accrding t Daniel Gale, a researcher f pedestrianism (步行运动).
    16 Befre that, it was just smething peple did ut f necessity, sme f whm even assciated it with criminal activity. But fr Charles Dickens, the famus English 19th Century authr, marching thrugh Lndn streets and tramping arund the cuntryside was a big part f the creative prcess. 17 He walked at an impressive pace f fur miles per hur, accrding t his bigraphy by Peter Ackryd.
    18 Perhaps yu can take inspiratin frm anther big-thinking wanderer. 19th Century American writer Henry David Threau tk a slwer apprach, preferring t strll ver hills and fields and thrugh the wds. He said that he culd nt preserve his health and spirits withut walking at least fur hurs a day.
    This idea f taking a strll t clear yur head has survived thrugh t the 21st Century. But have pedestrian manners remained the same? A 1780 article fr the Lndn Magazine advised pedestrians t avid things such as hanging arund in cnversatin and bstructing peple behind yu. 19
    In this mdern age, when many f us are tied t ur desks and t ur screens, try the simple act f stepping ut nt the city pavements, r getting lst in nature. 20 Whether yu see yurself mre as a casual strller r a purpseful strider (阔步者), why nt build a habit ut f it?
    A.What if speed-walking isn’t yur thing?
    B.This may make all the difference t ur wellbeing.
    C.Nwadays, we culd add distracted phne-users.
    D.He brught the recreatin f walking int fashin.
    E.Ging n an urban walk is much mre pleasant nw.
    F.It was a time t absrb what was ging n arund him.
    G.In Britain, walking fr fun wasn’t really a thing until the 1780s.
    One day, hundreds f peple were stuck in traffic n the highway in belw-freezing temperatures due t a snwstrm. With the cnditins making it 21 fr rescue wrkers t help, many were trapped vernight with n access t 22 .
    But ne stuck driver fund a 23 spt in the despair. As she was sitting in her car fearing the 24 , Casey Hlihan and her husband, Jhn Ne, 25 a bread truck just ahead f them in the jam. Willing t try just abut anything, they called the custmer service number listed n the back f the truck and left a 26 begging fr the driver t pen the back and 27 bread t the hungry passengers arund them. It was a last-ditch effrt, and the cuple wasn’t very 28 abut getting a respnse. But t their 29 they sn received a phne call frm the cmpany’s wner, Chuck Paterakis, with the news that he was 30 the truck’s driver t pen up and pass ut laves f bread frm his carg. Overjyed by the news, Hlihan and Ne 31 the truck’s driver t bring much-needed things t the cars arund them.
    The simple laves f bread were surely a ray f 32 in an impssibly disturbing situatin. Hlihan herself calls it “ne f the 33 mments” she’s ever witnessed. This cmpany culd have made a(n) 34 frm the bread but instead chse t help the peple arund them. That is just s incredible that smene chse 35 ver prfit, especially in a situatin where peple were s desperate.
    27.A.lendB.sellC. distributeD.send
    31.A.kept up withB.teamed up withC.met up withD.put up with
    Yung Chinese bring hanfu t the wrld during Spring Festival
    Yung peple dressed in hanfu, the traditinal clthing f the Han ethnic grup in China, 36 (spt) in many 37 (lcate) arund the wrld during this year’s Spring Festival hliday.
    An initiative launched in late January by Xiahngshu, 38 Chinese lifestyle-fcused scial media platfrm, invited users t uplad phts r vides f themselves and friends wearing hanfu at landmarks arund the wrld frm January 28 t February 19.
    The first tw weeks f the initiative saw sme 10,000 Xiahngshu users share their phts 39 (take) frm arund 30 cuntries and regins arund the wrld. One user even psted phts frm Antarctica.
    Many yung Chinese peple wrking r studying verseas als invited 40 (they) freign friends t wear 41 (traditin) Chinese cstumes t celebrate the Spring Festival tgether.
    Hanfu, as well as ther traditinal frms f Chinese cstume, 42 (experience) a surge in ppularity in recent years. Clthes featuring traditinal Chinese elements cmbined with mdern designs, 43 are dubbed the “new Chinese style” have develped int a fashin trend amng the 44 (yung) generatins nt nly in China, but als wrldwide.
    Analysts say the rise 45 “China chic” reflects yung Chinese peple’s cnfidence in their wn culture. Wearing Chinese-style cstumes nt nly reflects the wearer’s Eastern temperament, but als presents Chinese aesthetics t the wrld.
    46.高中三年即将结束,回顾丰富多彩的校园生活,哪一次校园活动给你留下了美好而深刻的印象呢?请你以“The Mst Impressive Schl Activity”为题,根据以下提示写一篇短文,向校刊投稿。
    1. 介绍活动过程;
    2. 分享个人感受。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右。
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    The Mst Impressive Schl Activity
    “Anybdy have a bandage (绷带)?” a vice eched dwn the drm hallway. That was a cmmn scene frequently happening in ur first week at cllege when we were all experiencing “frgt-this-r-that.” I had frgt t bring snacks fr late-night hunger. Sme pr girl in the drm had apparently frgtten bandages. We all felt a little displaced.
    Several mnths befre, I sat at my high schl graduatin party admiring my gifts and battling waves f pst-high schl emtins. The usual and belved inspiratinal bks were lying in disrder arund my feet, silently annuncing the wealth f wisdm they wished t share. A small pile f persnal checks lay nearby. Laundry items, desk supplies, sewing things - all well-intentined and well-received. They wuld demnstrate their givers’ thughtfulness ver and ver during my cllege career.
    But ne gift struck me as strange. I frwned when I pened it. A first aid kit? Inside it were a small packet f pills, pain-killers, creams, intments (药膏), an insect sprayer (喷雾), a tape, pads f gauze (纱布)and bandages. Wh wuld give that as a gift? “Yu’ll need that nce yu’re at schl,” Mm pinted ut. “Yu wn’t have t chase dwn the campus nurse fr every cugh. ”I shrugged at this thught.
    Nt lng after, in August, I packed my life int a brrwed truck and slipped the first-aid kit in with my luggage. I barely thught abut it nce I reached campus, busy unpacking, bk-buying, scheduling and meeting new friends.
    One day, I was peacefully sitting in my rm, absrbed in preparing my studies. The quiet atmsphere was suddenly brken by a sharp scream, “Anybdy have a bandage? Emily gt her arm burnt!” The vice eched thrugh the drmitry hall, instantly thrwing residents int a state f cnfusin and alarm.
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    I remembered my little first-aid kit.
    Paragraph 2:
    Years later, I received a party invitatin frm a yung friend wh was graduating frm high schl.
    1.C 2.B 3.A
    1.细节理解题。根据第一段“With advice frm AI specialists, art designers and culture researchers, ur multi-language experts endw (赋予) Lancm with an enrmus ptential fr innvatin within the wrld f language learning.(在人工智能专家、艺术设计师和文化研究人员的建议下,我们的多语言专家为Lancm在语言学习领域提供了巨大的创新潜力。)”可知,语言专家能给Lancm提供巨大的学习创新潜力。故选C。
    2.细节理解题。根据第二段“At the cre f Lancm is a wrld-class effective methd that enhances language learning with advanced technlgy.(Lancm的核心是一个世界级的有效的方法,通过先进的技术来提高语言学习。)”可知,Lancm应用程序的核心是先进的技术。故选B。
    3.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Lancm cares abut yu and addresses yur individual learning type. Lancm is the nly prduct t ffer curses tailred t yur native language, building n grammar and wrds yu already knw.(Lancm关心你,关注你的个人学习类型。Lancm是唯一一款根据你的母语量身定制的 课程产品,以你已经知道的语法和单词为基础。)”可知,Lancm声称,它的个性化课程是独一无二的。故选A。
    4.A 5.C 6.D 7.C
    4.细节理解题。由文章第一段“My perfectinist tendencies were the main rt f this: I wanted t be perfect at whatever I did, which bviusly in life is nt pssible, but it cnsumed me.(我的完美主义倾向是这一点的主要根源:无论我做什么,我都想做到完美,这在生活中显然是不可能的,但它消耗了我)”可知,是要求完美导致了焦虑。故选A项。
    5.细节理解题。由文章第二段“One day, I attended a presentatin (报告) by wildlife cnservatinist Grant Brwn at my high schl. His presentatin nt nly awed (使惊叹) and inspired me, but als helped create an inner desire t make a difference in the wrld. (一天,我在高中参加了野生动物保护主义者Grant Brwn的演讲。他的演讲不仅让我感到敬畏和鼓舞,还帮助我产生了一种内在的愿望,希望在世界上有所作为)”和文章第三段“Shrtly after I received his invitatin, applicatins t jin the Yuth fr Nature and the Yuth fr Planet grups were sent arund thrugh my high schl. I decided t cmmit t cmpleting the applicatins, and sn I was a part f a grwing glbal team f yung peple wrking t prtect nature. (在我收到他的邀请后不久,我的高中就收到了加入“Yuth fr Nature”和“Yuth fr Plane”组织的申请。我决定致力于完成这些申请,很快我就成为了一个日益壮大的全球年轻人保护自然团队的一员)”可知,是Grant Brwn让作者开始为从事保护自然地活动中。故选C项。
    6.细节理解题。由文章第三段“I decided t cmmit t cmpleting the applicatins, and sn I was a part f a grwing glbal team f yung peple wrking t prtect nature. Each f these new steps cntinued t grw my cnfidence.(我决定完成申请,很快我就成为了一个不断壮大的全球年轻人保护自然团队的一员。每一步都让我更加自信)”可知,Alice 加入这些活动让她变得更自信了。故选D项。
    7.推理判断题。由第一段“My name is Alice. Early last year, I was trubled by an anxiety that crippled (削弱) my ability t d anything.(去年年初,我被一种焦虑困扰,它削弱了我做任何事情的能力)”由文章第三段“I decided t cmmit t cmpleting the applicatins, and sn I was a part f a grwing glbal team f yung peple wrking t prtect nature. Each f these new steps cntinued t grw my cnfidence.(我决定完成申请,很快我就成为了一个不断壮大的全球年轻人保护自然团队的一员。每一步都让我更加自信)”可知,文章主要讲述作者通过参加保护自然活动治愈好了自己的焦虑。由此推知,从文章中我们能学到行动是忧虑最大的敌人。故选C项。
    8.B 9.A 10.D 11.C
    8.细节理解题。根据第二段“Heat released frm an area this size will be redistributed by the flw f air in the atmsphere, having reginal and even glbal effects n the climate.(这种面积的区域释放的热量将被大气中的气流重新分配,对气候产生区域性甚至全球性的影响。)”可知,太阳能农场可以影响当地甚至全球气候。故选B。
    9.细节理解题。根据第三段“With mre rainfall, plants grw and the desert reflects less f the sun’s energy since vegetatin absrbs light better than sand and sil. With mre plants present, mre water is evaprated (蒸发), creating a better envirnment that causes vegetatin t spread.(随着降雨量的增加,植物生长,沙漠反射的太阳能量更少,因为植被比沙子和土壤更能吸收阳光。有了更多的植物,更多的水被蒸发,创造了一个更好的环境,使植被扩散。)”可知,根据2018年的研究,如果撒哈拉沙漠的20%被太阳能电池板覆盖,植被会增多,因此那片沙漠会变得更绿,故选A。
    10.词句猜测题。根据倒数第二段“turn(转变)”和“int a habitable place(成一个宜居的地方)”可知,划线词所在句子表示“一个大型太阳能发电场可以产生足够的能量,同时把地球上最恶劣的环境之一变成一个宜居的地方”,划线词abminable的意思是“恶劣的”,和unpleasant意思相近,故选D。
    11.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Slutins like this may help sciety reduce the use f fssil energy, but Earth system studies like urs underscre the imprtance f cnsidering the numerus cupled respnses f the atmsphere, ceans, and land surface when examining their benefits and risks.(像这样的解决方案可能有助于社会减少化石能源的使用,但像我们这样的地球系统研究强调了在检查其收益和风险时考虑大气,海洋和陆地表面的众多耦合响应的重要性。)”可知,作者认为把撒哈拉沙漠变成太阳能农场需要更多的考虑。故选C。
    12.C 13.B 14.D 15.A
    12.推理判断题。由第二段A key element f creativity is applying existing knwledge t a new prblem. The mre peple getting invlved in slving it, the mre knwledge there is t wrk n it. Unfrtunately, research shws that the traditinal brainstrming methds fail t achieve that gal.可知,创造力的一个关键因素是应用现有知识解决新问题,人们越多地涉及创新地解决问题,就会有越多的知识被应用,不幸的是,研究表明:传统的脑力风暴并不能如愿以偿达到目的。所以研究表明,传统的头脑风暴方法实际上限制了团队的创造力。故选C项。
    13.细节理解题。由第四段In grups, nce a member states a ptential slutin, that makes thers think abut the prblem similarly.可知,在团体,一旦一个成员阐述了一个潜在的解决办法,就会使其他成员对这个问题有类似的想法。所以根据第4段,当一个成员提出一个想法时,其他人往往会跟随他的思维方式。故选B项。
    14.细节理解题。由第五段Fr example, early in the prblem-slving prcess, have grup members wrk alne t write dwn statements describing the prblem.可知,在问题解决过程的早期,团队成员应该首先写下他们各自的叙述。故选D项。
    15.主旨大意题。根据第一段的Mst peple aren’t gd at creative prblem slving fr tw reasns.可知,第一段提到众人不擅长创造性解决问题的原因有两个。再根据第二段“Unfrtunately, research shws that the traditinal brainstrming methds fail t achieve that gal. When grups get tgether t exchange ideas, they actually cme up with fewer ideas verall than if they each had wrked alne”可知,不幸的是,研究表明,传统的头脑风暴方法未能实现这一目标。当团队聚在一起交流想法时,他们实际上提出的想法比各自单独工作时要少。所以短文的前两段提出了团体不擅长创造性解决问题的原因以及现存的团队创造力解决方法的弊端,短文从第三段起就上述现象提出了一种使团体更具有创造力的方法。因此推断文章主要讲述了一种使团体更具有创造力的方法。故A项“一种使团体更具有创造力的方法”为最佳标题。故选A项。
    要注意不是所有的段落都有主题句,有时主题句暗含在句中。阅读这样的文章,就需要自己根据文章的细节来分析,概括出段落的主题,从而推导出文章的主旨。分析的方法是:先弄清该段落主要讲了哪几方面的内容,这些内容在逻辑上有什么联系,然后加以归纳形成主题。本题第4小题,根据第一段的Mst peple aren’t gd at creative prblem slving fr tw reasns.可知,第一段提到众人不擅长创造性解决问题的原因有两个。再根据第二段“Unfrtunately, research shws that the traditinal brainstrming methds fail t achieve that gal. When grups get tgether t exchange ideas, they actually cme up with fewer ideas verall than if they each had wrked alne”可知,不幸的是,研究表明,传统的头脑风暴方法未能实现这一目标。当团队聚在一起交流想法时,他们实际上提出的想法比各自单独工作时要少。所以短文的前两段提出了团体不擅长创造性解决问题的原因以及现存的团队创造力解决方法的弊端,短文从第三段起就上述现象提出了一种使团体更具有创造力的方法。因此推断文章主要讲述了一种使团体更具有创造力的方法。故A项“一种使团体更具有创造力的方法”为最佳标题。故选A项。
    16.G 17.F 18.A 19.C 20.B
    16.根据后文“Befre that, it was just smething peple did ut f necessity, sme f whm even assciated it with criminal activity.(在此之前,这只是人们出于需要而做的事情,有些人甚至把它与犯罪活动联系在一起)”可知,本句主要在说明散步流行起来的时间。故G选项“在英国,直到18世纪80年代,以散步为乐趣才真正成为一件事”符合语境,故选G。
    17.根据上文“But fr Charles Dickens, the famus English 19th Century authr, marching thrugh Lndn streets and tramping arund the cuntryside was a big part f the creative prcess. (但对19世纪英国著名作家查尔斯·狄更斯来说,在伦敦街头游行、在乡间漫步是创作过程的重要组成部分)”可知,上文提到著名作家查尔斯·狄更斯喜欢创作的时候散步,故本句承接上文,说明这么做的原因。故F选项“这是一个吸收周围发生的事情的时候”符合语境,故选F。
    18.根据后文“Perhaps yu can take inspiratin frm anther big-thinking wanderer. 19th Century American writer Henry David Threau tk a slwer apprach, preferring t strll ver hills and fields and thrugh the wds. He said that he culd nt preserve his health and spirits withut walking at least fur hurs a day.(也许你可以从另一个胸怀大志的流浪者身上得到启发。19世纪的美国作家亨利·大卫·梭罗采取了一种较慢的方式,他更喜欢在山丘、田野和树林里漫步。他说,如果每天不走至少四个小时,他就无法保持健康和精神)”可知,后文主要说明了漫步的放松方式,结合上一段“He walked at an impressive pace f fur miles per hur, accrding t his bigraphy by Peter Ackryd.(根据彼得·阿克罗伊德的传记,他以每小时4英里的惊人速度行走)”提到了快速行走,故A选项“如果你不喜欢快走呢?”符合语境,故选A。
    19.根据上文“This idea f taking a strll t clear yur head has survived thrugh t the 21st Century. But have pedestrian manners remained the same? A 1780 article fr the Lndn Magazine advised pedestrians t avid things such as hanging arund in cnversatin and bstructing peple behind yu.(通过散步来清醒头脑的想法一直延续到21世纪。但是,行人的举止还保持不变吗?1780年《伦敦杂志》上的一篇文章建议行人避免在谈话中徘徊或妨碍身后的人)”可知,本句与上文并列,都是在说明导致行人散步行为发生改变的情况,故C选项“现在,我们可以加上分心的电话用户”符合语境,故选C。
    20.根据上文“In this mdern age, when many f us are tied t ur desks and t ur screens, try the simple act f stepping ut nt the city pavements, r getting lst in nature.(在这个现代时代,当我们中的许多人都被束缚在办公桌和屏幕前时,试着走到城市的人行道上,或者迷失在大自然中)”以及后文“Whether yu see yurself mre as a casual strller r a purpseful strider (阔步者), why nt build a habit ut f it?(无论你把自己看成是一个随意的漫步者还是一个有目的的步行者,为什么不养成一种习惯呢?)”可知,后文建议出去散步,可知本句是在说明散步的好处。故B选项“这可能会对我们的健康产生很大的影响”符合语境,故选B。
    21.D 22.B 23.C 24.D 25.A 26.B 27.C 28.B 29.C 30.D 31.B 32.A 33.C 34.A 35.D
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。短文叙述了由于暴风雪,数百人在零下的气温下被困在高速公路上,由于条件恶劣,救援人员很难提供帮助,许多人被困过夜,无法获得必需品。正当人们绝望时,一位被困的司机,看到了前车是一辆装载面包的车,他们很快拨通了卡车后面的客户服务电话,很快就接到了公司老板Chuck Paterakis的电话,告诉装面包的车,把车上的面包分发出去。这救了很多被困的人,展现出人性的善良。
    21.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:由于条件恶劣,救援人员很难提供帮助,许多人被困过夜,无法获得必需品。A. stressful 紧张的,压力大的;B. effrtless 不需费力的;C. practical实际的;D. difficult困难的。根据上文“One day, hundreds f peple were stuck in traffic n the highway in belw-freezing temperatures due t a snwstrm.”可知,救援人员很难提供帮助。故选D项。
    22.考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于条件恶劣,救援人员很难提供帮助,许多人被困过夜,无法获得必需品。A. water水;B. necessities必需品;C. bread面包; D. blankets毯子。根据上文“With the cnditins making it ____1____ fr rescue wrkers t help,many were trapped vernight”可知,许多人被困过夜,无法获得必需品。故选B项。
    23.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但一位被困的司机在绝望中找到了一丝光明。A. new新的;B. familiar熟悉的;C. bright明亮的;D. strange陌生的。根据下文“a bread truck just ahead f them in the jam.”可知,这无异于困难中的一丝光明。故选C项。
    24.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Casey Hlihan和她的丈夫Jhn Ne正坐在车里担心最糟糕的情况,他们发现一辆面包车就在他们前面。A. least最少的;B. best最好的;C. mst最多的; D. wrst最糟糕的。根据上文“fearing”可知,担心最糟糕的情况。故选D项。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Casey Hlihan和她的丈夫Jhn Ne正坐在车里担心最糟糕的情况,他们发现一辆面包车就在他们前面。A. sptted发现;B. realized意识到;C. stared盯着看;D. knew知道。根据下文“a bread truck just ahead f them in the jam.”可知,他们发现一辆面包车就在他们前面。故选A项。
    26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们愿意尝试任何办法,于是打电话给卡车后面的客户服务电话,并留言请求司机打开后车厢,把面包分发给周围饥饿的乘客。A. number数字;B. message信息;C. nte笔记; D. clue线索。根据上文“they called the custmer service number listed”可知,留言请求司机打开后车厢。故选B项。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们愿意尝试任何办法,于是打电话给卡车后面的客户服务电话,并留言请求司机打开后车厢,把面包分发给周围饥饿的乘客。A. lend借;B. sell卖;C. distribute分发;D. send发送。根据下文“pass ut laves f bread frm his carg”可知,请求司机打开后车厢,把面包分发给周围饥饿的乘客。故选C项。
    28.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是最后的努力,这对夫妇对得到回应不太乐观。A. upset沮丧的;B. ptimistic 乐观的;C. excited兴奋的;D. anxius焦虑的。根据上文“It was a last-ditch effrt”以及下文的惊讶可知,这对夫妇对得到回应不太乐观。故选B项。
    29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但令他们吃惊的是,他们很快就接到了公司老板Chuck Paterakis的电话,告诉他们他正在指示卡车司机打开车门,把车上的面包分发出去。A. relief缓解;B. regret后悔;C. surprise惊讶; D. credit信贷。根据上文“It was a last-ditch effrt,and the cuple wasn’t very ____8____ abut getting a respnse.”以及下文“they sn received a phne call frm the cmpany’s wner”可知,他们很惊讶。故选C项。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但令他们吃惊的是,他们很快就接到了公司老板Chuck Paterakis的电话,告诉他们他正在指示卡车司机打开车门,把车上的面包分发出去。 A. cnsulting咨询;B. guiding指导;C. begging祈求;D. instructing指示。根据下文“the truck’s driver t pen up and pass ut laves f bread frm his carg.”可知,他们他正在指示卡车司机打开车门。故选D项。
    31.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:听到这个消息,霍利汉和诺伊欣喜若狂,他们与卡车司机合作,把急需的东西送到他们周围的汽车上。 A. kept up with跟上;B. teamed up with合作; C. met up with遇到;D. put up with忍受。根据下文“the truck’s driver t bring much-needed things t the cars arund them.”可知,他们与卡车司机合作,把急需的东西送到他们周围的汽车上。故选B项。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这种令人难以置信的混乱局面中,简单的几条面包无疑是一线希望。A. hpe希望;B. truth事实;C. inspiratin灵感; D. faith信仰。根据下文“in an impssibly disturbing situatin”可知,面包就是希望。故选A项。
    33.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:霍利汉自己称这是她所见过的“最善良的时刻之一”。A. happiest最快乐的;B. bravest最勇敢的;C. kindest最好的;D. friendliest最友好的。在困难时刻,有人伸出了援助之手,可见这是最善良的时刻。故选C项。
    34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这家公司本可以从面包中获利,但却选择帮助周围的人。A. prfit利润;B. difference不同;C. living 居住,生活;D. cntributin贡献。根据下文“prfit”可知,这家公司本可以从面包中获利。故选A项。
    35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这太不可思议了,有人选择了人性而不是利益,尤其是在人们如此绝望的情况下。A. welfare福利;B. fame名气;C. award奖,奖品;D. humanity人类,人性。在人们如此绝望的情况下得到了帮助,这是人性的体现。故选D项。
    36.were sptted 37.lcatins 38.a 39.taken 40.their 41.traditinal 42.has experienced 43.which 44.yunger 45.f
    36.考查时态,语态和主谓一致。句意:在今年春节假期期间,在世界各地的许多地方都可以看到穿着汉服(中国汉族的传统服装)的年轻人。主语Yung peple和spt之间是被动关系,由during this year’s Spring Festival hliday可知,句子描述过去的事情,因此空格处是一般过去时的被动语态,主语Yung peple是复数,因此空格处是were sptted。故填were sptted。
    40.考查物主代词。句意:许多在海外工作或学习的中国年轻人也邀请他们的外国朋友穿着中国传统服装一起庆祝春节。they和freign friends之间是所属关系,因此空格处用形容词性物主代词their修饰名词短语freign friends,故填their。
    41.考查形容词。句意:许多在海外工作或学习的中国年轻人也邀请他们的外国朋友穿着中国传统服装一起庆祝春节。空格处用形容词作定语,修饰名词短语Chinese cstumes,traditin的形容词是traditinal,意为“传统的”,故填traditinal。
    42.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:汉服和其他中国传统服装一样,近年来越来越受欢迎。由in recent years可知,句子时态是现在完成时,as well as连接并列的主语时,采用“就前原则”,其后的谓语动词要根据前面的主语来确定,即根据Hanfu来确定,Hanfu是不可数名词,因此空格处是has experienced,故填has experienced。
    44.考查比较级。句意:传统中国元素与现代设计相结合的服装,被称为“新中国风”,不仅在中国,而且在全世界的年轻一代中已经成为一种时尚趋势。根据语境,此处表示“传统中国元素与现代设计相结合的服装,被称为“新中国风”,不仅在中国,而且在全世界的年轻一代中已经成为一种时尚趋势”,“年轻一代”是yunger generatin,因此空格处是yunger。故填yunger。
    45.考查介词。句意:分析人士表示,“中国风”的兴起反映了中国年轻人对自己文化的信心。rise和“China chic”之间是所属关系,因此空格处用f表所属,故填f。
    46.One pssible versin:
    It’s hard t believe that I am s clse t reaching the end f high schl. Lking back, I find the past days has witnessed plenty f memrable activities. Hwever, the ne that stuck me as the mst impressive was the cming-f-age ceremny.
    T hnr the students wh had turned 18, a grand ceremny was held in the 2nd term f the senir year. We students, wearing traditinal dress, gathered at the stadium as scheduled. First, ur principal sincerely extended her cngratulatins n us becming a grwn-up. Then fllwed the Cnfucian-style cming-f-age ceremnies-Ji Li (fr girls) and Guan Li (fr bys). Finally, we made a slemn vw t shulder the respnsibilities f an adult, which was definitely the highlight.
    Persnally, the ceremny exerted a prfund influence n us students. Nt nly did it fully expse us t traditinal Chinese culture, but it mtivated us t embrace the new identity and live up t ur prmise.
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于开放作文。高中三年即将结束,回顾丰富多彩的校园生活,哪一次校园活动给你留下了美好而深刻的印象呢?请你以“The Mst Impressive Schl Activity”为题,根据以下提示写一篇短文,向校刊投稿。
    原句:We students, wearing traditinal dress, gathered at the stadium as scheduled.
    拓展句:We students, wh wrn traditinal dress, gathered at the stadium as scheduled.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] It’s hard t believe that I am s clse t reaching the end f high schl. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] Nt nly did it fully expse us t traditinal Chinese culture, but it mtivated us t embrace the new identity and live up t ur prmise. (运用了部分倒装)
    47.Paragraph 1:
    I remembered my little first-aid kit. Grabbing my package in n time, I strmed int the hall where I saw Emily sitting n the flr, her face cntrted in pain, her arm reddened and swllen. Kneeling beside her and gently unwrapping the first-aid kit, I quickly yet carefully cleaned the burned area with the antiseptic cream, applied a gauze pad t the burn, and secured it with a bandage. Emily’s eyes were filled with tears, but she still managed a grateful nd. “Thank yu,” she whispered, her vice harse. “It’s kay,” I reassured her. Sn, many f the ther girls heard f my little kit and paid me a visit fr varius needs. The little gift I had questined nw led me tward new friendships. As it brke diseases, it als brke the ice, allwing me t meet and befriend many in the drm.
    Paragraph 2:
    Years later, I received a party invitatin frm a yung friend wh was graduating frm high schl. Eager as I was t attend her party, I was at a lss what gift t prepare. Then like a blt ut f the blue, memries f my wn party rushed back t me, and I smiled at the pprtunity presenting itself. As I drve t the pharmacy, I knew exactly what gift I wuld give her: a first-aid kit. When I arrived at her party with the very gift fr her, her eyes widened in surprise at it, exactly as what I did years ag. I smiled and explained the depth and meaning behind my chice. It was nt just a first-aid kit but a chance t be a friend. Knwing the whle stry, she tk it and winked at me, “Yes, it is bandage fr bnd”.
    ①冲进:strmed/ dashed int/dashed
    ②打开:unwrapped/ unpacked/unraveled/untie
    ③清洁:cleaned/ sanitized/wiped/disinfected
    ①感激:gratitude/ thankfulness/appreciatin
    ②惊讶:surprise/ astnishment/amazement
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. Grabbing my package in n time, I strmed int the hall where I saw Emily sitting n the flr, her face cntrted in pain, her arm reddened and swllen. (运用了现在分词作状语和where引导的定语从句)
    [高分句型2]. When I arrived at her party with the very gift fr her, her eyes widened in surprise at it, exactly as what I did years ag. (运用了When引导的时间状语从句和what引导的宾语从句)

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