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    One day, tw bys were fighting badly ver a ty. Their father saw this, pulled 1 apart, and said, “Did yu knw 2 hunters (猎人) used t catch mnkeys? They wuld place a glass jar (罐子) with a small 3 n the grund. Then, inside the jar, they wuld put the mnkeys’ favrite fd.”
    4 the children listened carefully, the father went n, “The hunters wuld cme back, hiding smewhere, 5 fr mnkeys t cme ver.”
    “When a mnkey 6 the jar,” the father said, “it wuld reach inside, take the fd, and try t pull it ut. But here’s the 7 part: the small neck f the jar stpped the mnkey 8 getting its hand ut withut giving up the fd.”
    “N matter hw 9 the mnkey pulled,” the father cntinued, “it culdn’t free its hand withut giving up the fd. But d yu knw what happened 10 ?”
    The children 11 their heads, asking, “What?”
    The father replied, “The mnkey nly wanted t get its favrite 12 , never giving up.”
    One child asked, “What happened t the mnkey, Dad?”
    With a smile, the father said, “The hunters wuld then cme ver and 13 the mnkey, my dear.”
    “S, my little sns, remember this stry. In life, yu must chse yur battles (战斗) 14 . Knw when t give up and when t mve n. Just like the mnkey, smetimes, it’s 15 t give up and find a better way t reach yur dreams.”
    1.A. itB. themC. usD. him
    2.A. hwB. whatC. whyD. where
    3.A. headB. handC. ftD. neck
    4.A. AsB. BefreC. AfterD. Until
    5.A. jumpingB. runningC. waitingD. caring
    6.A. threwB. lkedC. fundD. shwed
    7.A. interestingB. cleverC. stupidD. cmfrtable
    8.A. tB. nC. inD. frm
    9.A. hardB. wellC. badlyD. fast
    10.A. leastB. nceC. nextD. first
    11.A. nddedB. shkC. liftedD. turned
    12.A. tailB. gunC. fdD. jar
    13.A. findB. stpC. leaveD. catch
    14.A. wiselyB. ludlyC. quietlyD. hardly
    15.A. wrseB. betterC. healthierD. clearer
    16.When can yu g t the Mvie hall f #1?
    A. At 8:00 a.m.B. At 9:00 a.m.C. At 10:00 a.m.D. At 2:00 p.m.
    17.Hw much shuld tw families pay fr a visit t #2?
    A. $30.B. $18.C. $15.D. $9.
    18.What can yu buy at #3?
    A. Cute pencils.B. Funny cards.
    C. Interesting CDs.D. Beautiful ntebks.
    19.What is the prper title fr #1, #2 and #3?
    a. Happy Farm
    b. Wds Htel
    c. The Art Museum
    A. a-b-cB. a-c-bC. b-a-cD. c-a-b
    20.Where is the text mst prbably frm?
    A. A science bk.B. A guide bk.C. A picture bk.D. A histry bk.
    Drthy lived with her uncle Henry and aunt Em wh were bth farmers. Their huse had nly fur walls, a flr and a small space t prtect them frm strng winds. Aunt Em used t be yung and cheerful but the sun had taken away her happiness. Uncle Henry als lked serius and strict. Only Tt, a black dg, culd bring laughter int Drthy’s life.
    One day, they heard lw sunds f wind frm bth the nrth and the suth. Uncle Henry realized a strng wind was cming. He rushed t prtect the animals while Aunt Em brught Drthy t the basement (地下室) quickly. Suddenly, the huse began t shake and rise int the air. Drthy fund herself stay safely in the rising huse.
    As hurs passed, Drthy slwly gt ver her fear. She finally fell asleep n her bed with Tt by her side. Later, Drthy’s huse landed in a beautiful cuntry.
    As she lked arund, she saw green grass, fruitful trees, and clrful flwers. As she std enjying the beautiful views, a grup f strangely dressed peple came near. They wre rund hats abve their heads. Three men were dressed in blue, and a little wman wre a white dress. They stpped and discussed in a lw vice as if afraid t cme near.
    21.Hw des the writer begin the stry?
    A. By shwing an example.B. By intrducing the family.
    C. By giving sme numbers.D. By describing the weather.
    22.Wh culd make Drthy happy?
    A. Tt.B. Uncle Henry.
    C. Aunt Em.D. Bth her aunt and uncle.
    23.What happened when the wind came in paragraph 2?
    A. Aunt Em brught Tt t the basement.
    B. Drthy helped Uncle Henry with the animals.
    C. Drthy gt int the basement.
    D. Tt went ut t tell Uncle Henry.
    24.What des the underlined phrase “gt ver” mean in paragraph 3?
    A. Nticed.B. Shared.C. Felt.D. Cntrlled.
    25.What can we infer (推断) frm paragraph 4?
    A. The new place wasn’t beautiful at all.
    B. Peple lived happily in the new place.
    C. The grup f peple knew Drthy very well.
    D. Drthy was unusual t the grup f peple.
    Smetimes, families can be hard. They argue a lt. Things get said. Peple get upset. Smetimes they stp talking. Our family has had lts f ups and dwns. I’d say arguments ften happen in ur family, t.
    I have an lder brther and an lder sister. I’m the baby by in the family. We grew up in quite a small huse and ften didn’t have a lt f mney. My mum and dad argued, pretty much all the time, just abut anything. My brther and sister argued. And I used t argue t.
    But as I gt lder, I always chse t be the mediatr. I wuld try t lk at bth sides f the argument and bring them tgether t make peace. “Dad, yu shuldn’t have said that t Mum, but Mum, try t see it this way.” “Cme n guys, we all lve each ther. It’s just been a bad day.” I’d say it ften wrked.
    I learned much grwing up in ur family: understanding, being patient and the knwledge that smetimes things just dn’t g yur way. We all make mistakes. We all say things that we wish we hadn’t. The key is t try and understand. Of curse, smetimes, arguments d need t happen. If smething is wrng, it needs t be slved and smetimes, we get angry abut it. But as lng as we can reflect and lk at things with an attitude (态度) f care and respnsibility, we can weather the strm and help each ther ut.
    26.What d we knw abut the writer’s family?
    A. Tw f the kids in the family are girls.
    B. The writer is the yungest in the family.
    C. The writer never argues with his parents.
    D. His parents get alng well with each ther.
    27.As a mediatr, what did the writer ften d?
    A. Started a cnversatin angrily.B. Did nthing t help but watch.
    C. Helped ne side t fight the ther.D. Tried t get agreement with each ther.
    28.What did the writer learn frm his family?
    A. Knwledge is useless in cmmunicatin.
    B. A family shuldn’t share feelings with each ther.
    C. Arguing is always bad and shuld never happen.
    D. A family shuld understand and care fr each ther.
    29.What des the underlined phrase “weather the strm” mean?
    A. T deal with a difficult situatin successfully.
    B. T ask smebdy fr help when in truble.
    C. T tell exactly what the weather will be like.
    D. T learn hw t keep cl during a strm.
    30.Which f the fllwing shws the structure f the passage?
    (①=Paragraph 1, ②=Paragraph 2)
    A. B. C. D.
    Fr many peple, tatts (纹身) are ften regarded as a symbl f being bad, thugh it may nt be cmpletely true, a large number f teenagers wh did crimes get tatted.
    Last year, a law came ut, saying that teenagers aren’t allwed t get tatted. They can’t d it even if their parents allw them. Any adult ffering teenagers such service will be punished.
    The law caused ht discussins. Sme peple wndered whether the law shuld be s strict. After all, whether a persn gets tatted is up t himself. And it has nthing t d with ther peple.
    On the ther hand, sme peple supprt the law, saying teenagers may chse t get tatted fr fun. But their tatts can’t be cleared cmpletely even if they want t. It can pssibly hurt teenagers’ bdies and minds in the end.
    In China, peple with tatts cannt be sldiers. It is said that in recent years, the number f teenagers wh can jin the army is getting smaller. Getting tatted is ne f the cmmn reasns. What’s mre, teenagers can’t be plicemen because f getting tatted.
    Hwever, the law shuldn’t be the nly way t guide teenagers. Schls and parents shuld wrk tgether t help with teenagers’ educatin. Fr example, they shuld clearly tell teenagers abut the terrible influence f tatts n their future educatin and wrk.
    31.Accrding t Paragraph 1, many teenagers wh did crimes _________. (10个词以内)
    32.Sme peple wndered whether the law shuld be s strict because they thught _________. (10个词以内)
    33.Accrding t Paragraph 4, getting tatted _________ at last. (10个词以内)
    34.What’s the result f “Peple with tatts cannt be sldiers” in recent years?(至少两项,20个词以内)
    35.D yu think what we shuld d abut tatts accrding t the passage?(20个词以内)
    36.Sme students prefer t learn by themselves. They think they can learn better in this way because they have mre freedm and independence. ①_______ But they fail t see the advantages f learning with a teacher.
    ②_______ When yu learn, yu need help and advice. A teacher will give yu a hand when yu face difficulties.
    What is mre, a teacher puts pressure n yu. If yu study by yurself, yu must be strng-minded enugh t keep n. But under the leading f a teacher, yu will feel there is always smene t watch yu. ③_______ Yu must cmplete the hmewrk, r yu will nt pass the curse.
    Last but nt least, studying with a teacher will help yu benefit (获益) frm the teacher’s knwledge. ④_______ They teach students hw t learn and hw t get infrmatin. The students in class may knw abut the tpic better.
    ⑤_______ Withut a teacher, I wuld feel there wuld be n fun and n pressure. S I chse t learn in a big family-my schl.
    A. In class, teachers d mre than just ging ver the texts.
    B. First, a teacher can act as a guide t lead yu t success.
    C. All in all, I prefer t g t class studying with a teacher.
    D. The teacher may give yu hmewrk t d.
    E. There is sme truth in their way.
    F. In a wrd, students can learn better withut a teacher.
    Dieg was lking at the ld guitar n the wall f his huse. The guitar had ①________ ld stry. Dieg’s grandfather, Miguel, played it everywhere he ②________. His playing was s gd that peple came t listen whenever he played it.
    Dieg knew this stry well. He wanted t be ③________ his grandfather. S, he started t learn t play the guitar when he was little. ④________ he grew up, he had his wn band. S, his grandfather gave him the guitar as a gift.
    Dieg’s grandfather saw hw sme musicians smashed (打碎) their guitars n the stage (舞台) during big rck ⑤________. He didn’t like this. He thught peple shuld take care f their guitars.
    “⑥________ me yu’ll never d this t ur guitar,” he said t Dieg.
    “Of curse,” said Dieg.
    Dieg was nw a big rck star. Once he brught this guitar n the stage and played amazing sngs with it. All his family were watching and felt very happy. At the end f the shw, Dieg gt s ⑦________ that he lifted the guitar in the air. When everyne thught that he was ging t smash it n the stage, he ⑧________ tk a bw.
    He always remembered ⑨________ his grandfather tld him, “If yu really lve rck, lve yur guitar. It is yur cmpanin (伙伴), nt just a thing.” Dieg ⑩________ his wrd. He shwed his lve fr rck music.
    38.假如你是李华,你所在的英语戏剧社 (English Drama Club) 将要举办演出,请给你的好友Alice 写一封邀请函。
    1. 包含以上要点,可以适当发挥;
    2. 条理清晰,内容积极,使用电子邮件格式;
    3. 不少于80词,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入词数。
    Dear Alice,
    I knw yu are interested in drama.
    Li Hua
    解析:句意:他们的父亲看到了,把他们拉开,说:“你们知道猎人过去是怎么抓猴子的吗……”it它;them他们;us我们;him他。根据“One day, tw bys were fighting badly ver a ty.”可知,两个男孩打架,他们的父亲看到之后把他们拉开了,用them指代前文“tw bys”。故选B。
    解析:句意:你们知道猎人过去是怎么抓猴子的吗?hw怎么;what什么;why为什么;where哪里。根据“Did yu (猎人) used t catch mnkeys? They wuld place a glass jar (罐子) with a the grund. Then, inside the jar, they wuld put the mnkeys' favrite fd.”可知,此处父亲问他们知不知道猎人是怎么抓猴子的。故选A。
    解析:句意:他们会把一个颈部很小的玻璃罐放在地上。head头;hand手;ft脚;neck脖子。根据后文“the small neck f the jar stpped the its hand ut withut giving up the fd”可知,猎人们在地上放了一个颈部很小的玻璃罐子。故选D。
    解析:句意:因为孩子们听得很仔细,父亲继续说道:“猎人们会回来,躲在某个地方,等猴子过来。”As因为;Befre在……之前;After在……之后;Until直到。根据“ children listened carefully, the father went n”可知,因为孩子们听得很认真,所以父亲接着讲。故选A。
    解析:句意:因为孩子们听得很仔细,父亲继续说道:“猎人们会回来,躲在某个地方,等猴子过来。”jumping跳;running跑;waiting等;caring照顾。wait fr表示“等待”,固定短语。故选C。
    解析:句意:“当猴子发现罐子时,”父亲说,“它会把手伸进里面,拿走食物,然后试图把它拔出来。但有趣的是:罐子的颈部过小,如果不放弃食物,猴子的手就没办法拿出来。”threw扔;lked看;fund发现;shwed展示。根据“it wuld reach inside, take the fd, and try t pull it ut”可知,当猴子发现罐子时,它会伸手进去拿食物。故选C。
    解析:句意:“当猴子发现罐子时,”父亲说,“它会把手伸进里面,拿走食物,然后试图把它拔出来。但有趣的是:罐子的颈部过小,如果不放弃食物,猴子的手就没办法拿出来。”interesting有趣的;clever聪明的;stupid愚蠢的;cmfrtable舒服的。根据“But here's : the small neck f the jar stpped the its hand ut withut giving up the fd.”可知,有趣的是猴子没办法把食物从罐子里拿出来。故选A。
    解析:句意:“当猴子发现罐子时,”父亲说,“它会把手伸进里面,拿走食物,然后试图把它拔出来。但有趣的是:罐子的颈部过小,如果不放弃食物,猴子的手就没办法拿出来。”t到;n在……上面;in在……里面;frm从。stp sb. frm ding sth.表示“阻止某人做某事”。故选D。
    解析:句意:“不管猴子怎么拉,”父亲继续说道,“它都无法在不放弃食物的情况下解放自己的手。但你知道接下来发生了什么吗?”hard努力地;well好地;badly糟糕地;fast快地。根据“N matter mnkey pulled, the father cntinued, it culdn't free its hand withut giving up the fd...”可知,猴子很费力地去拉,手还是拉不出来。故选A。
    解析:句意:“不管猴子怎么拉,”父亲继续说道,“它都无法在不放弃食物的情况下解放自己的手。但你知道接下来发生了什么吗?”least最少;nce一次,曾经;next接着;first第一。根据“it culdn't free its hand withut giving up the fd. But d yu knw what ”可知,此处父亲问孩子们知不知道接下来发生了什么。故选C。
    解析:句意:孩子们摇摇头,问道:“什么?”ndded点头;shk摇头;lifted举起;turned转动。根据“The heads, asking, ‘What?’”可知,孩子们不知道,他们摇摇头,问父亲接着发生了什么。故选B。
    解析:句意:父亲回答说:“猴子只想得到它最喜欢的食物,从不放弃。”tail尾巴;gun枪;fd食物;jar罐子。根据前文“Then, inside the jar, they wuld put the mnkeys' favrite fd.”可知,猴子想要得到罐子里它最喜欢的食物。故选C。
    解析:句意:父亲笑着说:“亲爱的,猎人们会过来抓猴子的。”find发现,找到;stp停止;leave离开;catch抓住。根据“The hunters wuld then cme ver mnkey”可知,猎人们会趁机抓住猴子。故选D。
    解析:句意:在生活中,你必须明智地选择战斗。wisely明智地;ludly大声地;quietly安静地;hardly几乎不。根据“Knw when t give up and when t mve n.”可知,此处父亲教育孩子要明智地选择战斗,该放弃时要放弃。故选A。
    解析:句意:就像猴子一样,有时候,放弃更好,然后找到更好的方法来实现你的梦想。wrse更差;better更好;healthier更健康;clearer更清楚。根据“Knw when t give up and when t mve n. Just like the mnkey, smetimes, it' give up and find a better way t reach yur dreams.”可知,有时候放弃是一种更好的选择。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一个表格中“Mvie hall: 11:00 ”可知,早上11点到午夜这个时间段内可以去,故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二个表格中“$15 family”可知,一个家庭是$15,那么两个家庭应是$30,故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三个表格中“including ppular drawings and a great shp full f funny bks and cards.”可知,可以买有趣的书和卡片。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一个表格中HOTEL的图片可知,#1是一个宾馆,对应b;根据第二个表格中图示及“There are many animals yu can feed. I'm sure yu can enjy yur hliday here!”可知,#2是一个农场,对应a;根据第三个表格中图示及“Cme and see the beauty f art. ”可知,#3应是一个博物馆,对应c,故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“Drthy lived with her uncle Henry and aunt Em wh were bth laughter int Drthy's life.”可知,此处是介绍了多萝西的家庭,包括他们的房子、爱姆婶婶和亨利叔叔的性格以及她的狗,为整个故事发展做出了铺垫,因而作者是通过介绍家庭展开的整个故事。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“Only Tt, a black dg, culd bring laughter int Drthy's life.”可知,能给多萝西的生活带来欢笑是小黑狗托托。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“He rushed t prtect the animals while Aunt Em brught Drthy t the basement (地下室)quickly.”可知,当飓风来临时,多萝西被婶婶带到了地下室。故选C。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据“As hurs passed, Drthy slwly gt ver her fear. She finally fell asleep n her bed with Tt by her side.”可知,她应是“控制住了”恐惧,因而在床上睡着了。gt ver应和Cntrlled意义相近。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据“As she std enjying the beautiful views, a grup f strangely dressed peple came stpped and discussed in a lw vice as if afraid t cme near.”可知当她站在那里欣赏美丽的景色时,一群穿着奇怪的人低声商量着,好像不敢再往前走。由此可推断,多萝西对这群人来说是不寻常的。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“I have an lder brther and an lder sister. I'm the baby by in the family.”可知,作者有一个哥哥和姐姐,他是他们家最小的孩子。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“But as I gt lder, I always chse t be the mediatr. I wuld try t lk at bth sides f the argument and bring them tgether t make peace.”可知,作为调解人,作者经常尽力使争论的双方团结起来,使彼此达成一致。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“I learned much grwing up in ur family: understanding, being patient and the knwledge that smetimes things just dn't g yur as lng as we can reflect and lk at things with an attitude (态度) f care and respnsibility, we can weather the strm and help each ther ut.”可知,作者从他的家庭中学到了要理解,要有耐心,看待事情要带着关爱和责任的态度。故选D。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据“If smething is wrng, it needs t be slved and smetimes, we get angry abut it. But as lng as we can reflect and lk at things with an attitude (态度) f care and respnsibility, we can weather the strm and help each ther ut.”可知,如果有问题,只要我们能反思,看待事情带着关心和责任的态度,事情就能得到解决,可猜测出“weather the strm”在这里比喻成功解决难题。故选A。
    31.答案: get tatted
    解析:根据“a large number f teenagers wh did crimes get tatted.”可知,很多犯罪的青少年都有纹身,故填get tatted。
    32.答案: whether a persn gets tatted r nt is up t himself/getting tatted has nthing t d with ther peple
    解析:根据“Sme peple wndered whether the law shuld be s strict. After all, whether a persn gets tatted is up t himself. And it has nthing t d with ther peple.”可知,他们认为一个人是否纹身取决于他自己,与他人无关。故填whether a persn gets tatted r nt is up t himself/getting tatted has nthing t d with ther peple.
    33.答案: can pssibly hurt teenagers’ bdies and minds/is bad fr teenagers’ bdies and minds
    解析:根据第四段“It can pssibly hurt teenagers’ bdies and minds in the end.”可知,纹身最终可能会伤害青少年的身心,故填can pssibly hurt teenagers' bdies and minds/is bad fr teenagers’ bdies and minds.
    34.答案: The number f teenagers wh are able t jin the army is getting smaller and teenagers can’t achieve their dreams t be a pliceman./Fewer and fewer teenagers can jin the army and sme teenagers can’t becme plicemen.
    解析:根据“In China, peple with tatts cannt be sldiers. It is said that in recent years, the number f teenagers wh can jin the army is getting 's mre, teenagers can't be plicemen because f getting tatted. ”可知,这一规定导致近年来,能参军的青少年的数量越来越少了,而且也不能当警察了。故填The number f teenagers wh are able t jin the army is getting smaller and teenagers can't achieve their dreams t be a pliceman./Fewer and fewer teenagers can jin the army and sme teenagers can't becme plicemen.
    35.答案: Schls and parents shuld wrk tgether t help with teenagers’ educatin./We shuld clearly tell teenagers abut the terrible influence f tatts n their future educatin and wrk.
    解析:根据“Schls and parents shuld wrk tgether t help with teenagers’ educatin. Fr example, they shuld clearly tell teenagers abut the terrible influence f tatts n their future educatin and wrk.”可知,学校和家长应该共同努力帮助青少年的教育。例如,他们应该清楚地告诉青少年纹身对他们未来的教育和工作的可怕影响,故填Schls and parents shuld wrk tgether t help with teenagers' educatin./We shuld clearly tell teenagers abut the terrible influence f tatts n their future educatin and wrk.
    ①句意:吉他有一个古老的故事。根据“ld stry”可知,此处表示泛指,且ld以元音音素开头,不定冠词用an。故填an。
    ②句意:伊戈的祖父米格尔无论走到哪里,都会弹奏。根据“played it everywhere he...”及备选词可知,此处指无论去哪里,g“去”,结合played可知,时态是一般过去时,所以此处用动词的过去式,故填went。
    ③句意:他想像他的祖父一样。根据“He wanted t be ... his grandfather.”及备选词可知,他想成为像他祖父那样的人,like“像”,符合语境。故填like。
    ④句意:长大后,他有了自己的乐队。根据“ grew up, he had his wn band. ”及备选词可知,应是长大后有了自己的乐队,after“在……以后”符合语境,故填After。
    ⑤句意:迭戈的祖父看到了一些音乐家在大型摇滚演出中如何在舞台上砸吉他。根据“n the stage (舞台) during big rck...”及备选词可知,此处指演出中,shw“表演”,可数名词,此处表示泛指,所以用复数,故填shws。
    ⑥句意:答应我你永远不会这样对我们的吉他。上文讲到“一些音乐家在大型摇滚演出中如何在舞台上砸吉他”,根据“He thught peple shuld take care f their guitars.”可知,迭戈的祖父认为应该好好保管吉他,结合备选词,所以此处指祖父要他承诺不会那样对吉他,prmise“承诺”,此处是祈使句,所以用动词原形,故填Prmise。
    ⑦句意:演出结束时,迭戈激动得把吉他举到空中。gt后跟形容词作表语,结合“that he lifted the guitar in the air”及备选词可知,应是很激动,excite“使兴奋,使激动”,此处是应用-ed结尾的形容词;excited“激动的”符合语境。故填excited。
    ⑧句意:当所有人都以为他要在舞台上把它砸碎时,他慢慢地鞠了一躬。根据“he... tk a bw”及备选词可知,饮食慢慢鞠了一躬,修饰动词tk应用slw的副词slwly“慢慢地”。故填slwly。
    ⑩句意:迭戈信守诺言。根据上文迭戈答应祖父爱护吉他,而且他做到了,他用自己的方式表达了对摇滚音乐的热爱,所以此处指他信守了承诺,keep ne's wrd“信守承诺”,时态是一般过去时,所以此处用keep的过去式,故填kept。
    Dear Alice,
    I knw yu are interested in drama. Our English Drama Club will perfrm tw plays this Friday. One is Mnkey King hit Lady White Bne, and the ther is Green Snake. Mnkey King hit Lady White Bne was written by Wu Cheng’en. The nvel is s ppular that peple like t turn it int mvies and dramas. Green Snake is a famus Chinese flk stry. It’s als a gd play.
    The perfrmances will be in the Drama Hall, n the secnd flr f the lab building. The first play will begin at 5:00 p.m. and the secnd ne will finish at 10:30 p.m. I d hpe yu will be able t cme n Friday evening.
    We put a lt f effrt int practicing the tw plays, s I sincerely invite yu t watch ur perfrmances. I am lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    ① ther...一个……另一个……
    ②be able t能够
    ③put sth int practicing将某事物付诸实践
    ④lk frward t期待
    ①The nvel is s ppular that peple like t turn it int mvies and dramas.(状语从句)
    ②I d hpe yu will be able t cme n Friday evening.(宾语从句)
    #1 ________
    Want t have a gd sleep? Or want t enjy yurself in a rm with a big windw? Then, it is yur chice!
    Tel: 01826 387263
    E-mail: inf@
    Opening time:
    Cffee shp: 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m.
    Mvie hall: 11:00 a.m.—midnight
    #2 ________
    There are many animals yu can feed. I’m sure yu can enjy yur hliday here!
    Tel: 01687 396842
    Opening time: 9:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m.
    E-mail: sales@
    $5 adult
    $4 child
    $15 family
    #3 ________
    Cme and see the beauty f art. There is smething fr everyne—including ppular drawings and a great shp full f funny bks and cards.
    Price: $4.00
    Opening time: Mnday-Friday 10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.
    Saturday 11:00 a.m.—5:30 p.m.
    Tel: 01887 396822
    like; keep; g; after; slw; shw; what; excite; an; prmise
    Plays by the English Drama Club
    Time: 5:00 p.m.—7:40 p.m.
    Names: Mnkey King Hit Lady White Bne (孙悟空三打白骨精)
    Time: 8:00 p.m.—10:30 p.m.
    Names: Green Snake (青蛇)
    Place: Secnd flr f the Lab Building-Drama Hall

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    2023年湖北省荆州市中考英语试卷(含答案解析): 这是一份2023年湖北省荆州市中考英语试卷(含答案解析),共18页。







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