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    这是一份河南省金科新未来大联考2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题(学生版+教师版),文件包含河南省金科新未来大联考2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题教师版docx、河南省金科新未来大联考2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.
    1.Where des the man plan t g this year?
    A.Asia. B.Suth America. C.Eurpe.
    2.What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A.Sit in Rw5. B.Clean the flr. C.Dry glass bttles.
    3.When will the speakers get t Grace’s huse?
    A.At 6:30. B.At 6:50. C.At 7:00.
    4.What des the wman mean?
    A.She missed the speech.
    B.She lst her way t the train statin.
    C.She culdn’t understand what the lecture r said.
    5.Wh is the man cmplaining abut?
    A.His bss. B.A c-wrker. C.The wman.
    6.Hw many languages can the man speak fluently nw?
    A.Fur. B.Six. C.Tw.
    7.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Interviewer and interviewee.
    B.Waiter and custmer.
    C.Teacher and student.
    8.What did the wman prbably lk like in the past?
    A.She wre glasses. B.She had brwn hair. C.She was verweight.
    9.What d we knw abut the wman?
    A.She is a dctr. B.She has tw children. C.She gt married last year.
    10.Which cuntry des Li Dng cme frm?
    A.China. B.America. C.Germany.
    11.Why did Li Dng decide t study Chinese medicine?
    A.T learn Chinese culture.
    B.T fllw in his parents’ ftsteps.
    C.T make up fr Western medicine.
    12.What did Li Dng find mst difficult t get used t?
    A.The weather. B.The language. C.The living habit.
    13.What are the special bards used fr?
    A.Prducing energy. B.Cvering buildings. C.Keeping sunshine ut.
    14.Where are the gardens?
    A.In the backyards. B.On the rfs. C.Next t the wrk statins.
    15.Hw will Mlly g hme tday?
    A.By bus. B.By bike. C.By car.
    16.What des Mlly say abut BedZED?
    A.It is envirnment-friendly.
    B.There’s much parking space.
    C.The public transprtatin is pr.
    17.Hw lng culd the film last at mst?
    A.12 minutes. B.11 minutes. C.8 minutes.
    18.What kind f films are required this year?
    A.Cmedy. B.Hrrr. C.Drama.
    19.What is the tpic f the films this year?
    A.The family B.The weather. C.Changes in a day.
    20.What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A.Steps f making a film.
    B.Best films ver the years.
    C.A film-making cmpetitin.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Flating Markets in Bangkk, Thailand
    One might feel as thugh they are entering a different wrld upn visiting a Thai flating market. While sme cuntries in Asia have their wn flating markets, nne cmpare t Thailand’s, and the special experience is ne yu cannt miss while visiting the cuntry.
    Lng-tail bats, ancient and traditinal huses, and shuting vendrs (商贩) are the majr elements f flating markets in Bangkk. They are excellent ptins fr experiencing the unusual culture and life f Thailand. Here are the tp 8 flating markets in Bangkk, where yu can experience the chatic and charming atmsphere.
    1. Which flating market nly pens n weekends with the shrtest pening hurs?
    A. Taling Chan.B. Bang Phli.
    C. Bang Nam Pheung.D. Khlng Lat Maym.
    2. What is the unique characteristic f the market clsest t Bangkk?
    A. Delicius Thai fd.B. Numerus temple buildings.
    C. Varius massage services.D. The traditinal cuntryside life.
    3. Which statement abut Wat Sai is crrect?
    A. It is influenced by Chinese cultural elements.
    B. Its number f pen days in a week is the largest.
    C. It is the centre f cultural exchange arund the wrld.
    D. It is a must-see turist destinatin fr Chinese turists.
    A wman in Lakewd, Washingtn, wanted t find a by wh left $5 and a heartbreaking aplgy nte n her drstep. On Friday, Marie fund this nte frm “Jake”:
    “I am srry that I tk yur butterfly wind chimes (风铃) withut yur permissin. My mum died and she liked butterflies s I tk them t put by ur windw. Nw I feel terrible fr my past behaviur. I am srry. This is the nly mney I have. Please d nt be mad at me.”
    Mari e tld KCPQ she was nt mad and wanted t find Jake t return his $5. “I wanted t cry because apparently he felt bad fr what he had dne. And I think he might be scared,” she tld the statin. Marie said she knws stealing is immral, but she is sympathetic t the child. “I’m nt agreeing with the stealing act but he did try t make up fr what he had dne. I lst my mum at a yung age s I really make sense f his feeling and knw hw hard it is,” she said.
    Marie wanted t find Jake, nt t punish him, but t return his mney fr his hnesty. Marie mved t the neighburhd tw mnths ag and didn’t knw many peple there, which made tracking dwn Jake difficult.
    In rder t find the by, she turned t Facebk. Almst a week later, her Facebk pst gt much attentin frm scial media, but she still didn’t hear frm the by. Marie said she wanted Jake t knw that she had n intentin f embarrassing r scaring him by asking him t reveal himself. She als said she was willing t help Jake with his schling if she culd find him.
    4. Why did Jake feel srry?
    A. He caught butterflies in Marie’s garden.B. He stle five dllars frm a wman.
    C. He lst smething brrwed frm Marie.D. He tk Marie’s wind chimes withut permissin.
    5. What d Marie and Jake have in cmmn?
    A. Their mums liked butterflies.B. They lst their mums in childhd.
    C. They cllected wind chimes.D. They tk smething f neighburs.
    6. What makes it hard fr Marie t find Jake?
    A. Her neighburs’ unwillingness t help her.
    B Her cnsiderable shyness.
    C. Her annuncement t punish the by.
    D. Her being unfamiliar with the neighburhd.
    7. Which f the fllwing can best describe Marie?
    A. Kind and sympathetic.B. Devted and caring.
    C. Generus and humble.D. Hnest and careful.
    Hawaii lawmakers are cnsidering legislatin (立法) that wuld require visitrs t pay fr a year-lng license r pass t visit state parks. Jsh Green is the state’s gvernr. He said, “We get between 9 and 10 millin visitrs a year, but we nly have 1.4 millin peple living here.” He added, “Thse 10 millin travellers shuld be helping us sustain ur envirnment.” Lawmakers still debating hw much they wuld charge.
    The gvernr campaigned in 2022 n the idea f having all turists pay a $50 fee t enter the state. Legislatrs think this wuld vilate US cnstitutinal prtectins fr free travel. They instead think visitrs shuld pay t enter parks and trails. Either plicy wuld be a first f its kind fr any US state. Hawaii’s leaders are fllwing the example f ther ppular turist areas with similar fees r taxes. They include Venice, Italy, and Ecuadr’s Galapags Islands.
    Hawaii State Representative Sean Quinlan is the leader f the Huse Turism Cmmittee. He said changes in the activities f travellers are part f Hawaii’s push. He said glf runds per visitr per day have drpped 30 percent ver the past 10 years while hiking has increased50 percent. Peple are als seeking ut islated places they have seen n scial media. The state des nt have the mney t versee and prtect all these places, he said.
    Mst state parks and trails are currently free. Sme f the mst ppular nes already charge, like Diamnd Head State Mnument. That trail leads hikers frm the flr f a 300,000-year-ld vlcan up t the tp. It gets 1 millin visitrs each year and csts $5fr each traveller.
    A bill currently befre the legislature wuld require visitrs ver the age f 15t buy a yearly pass t visit frests, parks, trails r “ther natural area n state land”. Peple wh live in Hawaii wuld nt need t pay.
    8. What des the underlined wrd “vilate” mean in Paragraph 2?
    A. Break.B. Establish.C. Uphld.D. Perfect.
    9. What is Paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The decreasing number f turists t Hawaii.
    B. Advantages f Hawaii’s turism resurces.
    C. The increasing financial burden f Hawaii.
    D. One reasn fr wanting t charge turists.
    10. What can be cncluded frm the text?
    A. Nne f the attractins in Hawaii charge fees currently.
    B. The gal t charge fees is t limit the number f turists.
    C. Lawmakers are arguing abut whether charging fees is legal.
    D. Charging fees is beneficial fr Hawaii’s natural envirnment.
    11. What is the text?
    A. A news reprt.B. A travel guide.
    C. A law textbk.D. A prmtinal brchure.
    Why d farmers grw crps utside in fields when we can arrange them vertically (垂直地)? The idea f vertical farming was first prpsed in 1999. It was seen as a way t save space, reduce air miles and transfrm ld and abandned buildings, like warehuses. In 2021, Frtune Business Insights valued the glbal vertical farming market at 3.47 billin dllars. Nw, hwever, this industry is under threat, partly due t rising energy csts.
    Accrding t the magazine Science Fcus, vertical farming gives ten times the yield (产量) f cnventinal utdr farming. Hwever, in rder fr crps t grw using this methd, plants are placed in a cntrlled envirnment, grwn nt under the Sun, but under LED lights and watered with recycled water pumped n a clsed-lp system (闭环系统).
    Unfrtunately, energy prices have risen acrss the glbe. Therefre, this reliance n electricity has meant the last few years have nt been easy fr the industry. Cindy van Rijswick, frm the Dutch research firm RabResearch, has estimated that peratinal csts fr a vertical farm are arund 15% higher nw cmpared t 18 mnths ag. Infarm, Eurpe’s largest vertical farming cmpany, made arund500 emplyees redundant (被裁员的) in Nvember 2022 because they needed t dwnsize. They blamed higher perating csts due t energy increases as ne reasn fr the layffs.
    Anther issue related t the cst-f -living crisis and affecting vertical farming is the type f prduce grwn. This includes herbs such as basil, as well as salad leaves and leafy greens. Cmpared t traditinally farmed plants, like nins and carrts, these prducts tend t be mre expensive, which culd lead t reduced demand as cnsumers becme mre cautius abut their spending.
    S, it seems that a future with fd grwn under LED lights is lking less and less bright.
    12. What is the feature f vertical farming?
    A. Saving urban land and achieving zer emissins.
    B. Demanding highly technical and cmplex cntrl.
    C. High energy cnsumptin and lw utput value.
    D. Making full use f sunlight and water resurces.
    13. Hw des the authr develp his idea in Paragraph 3?
    A. By making assumptins.
    B. By criticizing a typical behaviur.
    C. By listing specific data and facts.
    D. By referring t a scial phenmenn.
    14. What can we infer frm the text?
    A. Vertical farming avids climate and disaster impacts.
    B. Vertical farming csts jumped due t higher energy prices.
    C. Vertical farming grws high-value, cst-effective prduce.
    D. High yield prtects vertical farming frm market cmpetitin.
    15 Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Is This the End f Vertical Farming?B. Is Vertical Farming Highly Efficient?
    C. Challenges Industrial Agriculture FacesD. New Trends in Vertical Agriculture
    Fungi (真菌) play an imprtant rle in ecsystems, are a surce f fd, and make key cntributins t the wrld f medicine. ____16____
    An estimated tw millin fungal species — mre than 90% f all fungi — have yet t be described by science, accrding t a science reprter. ____17____ Scientists are trying t find ut mre abut this largely unexplred wrld, but it is challenging. Dr Martyn Ainswrth, a senir researcher frm Ryal Btanic Gardens, Kew, in Lndn, says, “We can grw a certain number in the lab. ____18____ This has held back a lt f research.”
    ____19____ “A lt f peple are afraid f pisnus mushrms,” says Dr Jassy Drakulic, a plant pathlgist, “but nly a very small prprtin f the thusands f species f fungi in the wrld can cause disease.” Mst are harmless and ften beneficial, called by sme “the hidden helpers f ur envirnment”. Sme fungi prvide fd and shelter fr wildlife, help plants absrb water and nutrients and recycle waste and dead matter. Other types f fungi grw n the rts f trees and plants, frming a huge undergrund netwrk that helps nurish trees. ____20____
    S, next time yu add mushrms t yur dinner, take a painkiller fr a headache, r g fr a walk thrugh the wds, remember t thank the living things that made it all pssible — fungi.
    A. Are mushrms a type f fungus?
    B. S, why d we knw s little abut them?
    C. Wetlands are imprtant because they prvide fd and shelter fr wildlife.
    D. The fact that we knw s little abut fungi leads us t misunderstand them.
    E. “Fungi are really the behind-the-scenes team ding all the wrk,” adds Dr Ainswrth.
    F. But there is a whle hst f fungi that we cannt grw in the lab.
    G. In the UK there are arund 25,000 species f fungi — five r six times mre than plants.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Eric Mussambani is the first swimmer frm Equatrial Guinea t cmpete in the Olympics. He fund his passin fr swimming shrtly after high schl. At the time, he didn’t knw hw t ____21____, but he knew it was a sprt he wanted t ____22____.
    Unfrtunately, there were n ____23____ swimming pls in his cuntry. ____24____, he fund a htel pl where he culd nly swim three hurs a week. When he culdn’t ____25____ the pl, he trained in rivers and the sea, with the lcal fishermen ____26____ him n hw t use his legs and arms.
    After abut eight mnths f swimming, Eric gained ____27____ int the 2000 Summer Olympics thrugh a prgramme designed t ____28____ sprts develpment in develping cuntries.
    In Sydney, Eric saw an Olympic-size swimming pl fr the first time. It was s big that Eric said he was s ____29____ t cmpete in it. In ____30____ his event, Eric trained at the same time with the US team and tk the pprtunity t ____31____ their techniques clsely.
    On September 19, 2000, Eric stepped ut fr the men’s 100-metre freestyle cmpetitin. “I swam the first 50 metres really well,” said Eric. After turning fr the secnd length, hwever, Eric fund his legs stiffened (变僵硬). “It was then I heard the crwd shuting, encuraging me t g. It gave me the ____32____ t make it t the end.” Eric ____33____ the race with a time f 1:52.72, the ____34____ recrded time in Olympic histry. But the audience did nt care. They ____35____ him as if he had brken the wrld recrd.
    21. A. swimB. cmpeteC. participateD. apply
    22. A. riskB. prmteC. pursueD. cntinue
    23. A. cleanB. perfectC. similarD. standard
    24. A. EventuallyB. StrangelyC. NaturallyD. Certainly
    25. A. reachB. discverC. rentD. use
    26. A. cngratulatingB. guidingC. fcusingD. pinting
    27. A. entryB. abilityC. experienceD. right
    28. A. slveB. prtectC. awardD. encurage
    29. A. interestedB. frightenedC. embarrassedD. disappinted
    30. A. fighting frB. lking frC. preparing frD. answering fr
    31. A. adjustB. studyC. dubtD. benefit
    32. A. frtuneB. wayC. strengthD. gratitude
    33. A. expandedB. finishedC. estimatedD. revealed
    34. A. slwestB. earliestC. highestD. timeliest
    35. A. releasedB. leftC. tleratedD. cheered
    The United Natins Educatinal, Scientific and Cultural Organizatin (UNESCO) established 23 April ____36____ Wrld Bk and Cpyright Day in 1995.Hwever, it gt its start lng befre that in Spain.
    Setting aside a day t celebrate bks traces its beginnings t Spanish writer Vicente Clavel Andrés. In 1922 he prpsed ____37____ idea as a way t hnur Miguel de Cervantes. It was fur years later ____38____ the first celebratin tk place n 7 Octber, Cervantes’ birthday, but it was mved t 23 April, the date f his death, in 1930.
    In 1995, the UNESCO ____39____ (decide) t pay hmage t authrs and bks wrldwide as a way f encuraging everyne ____40____ (access) bks. Chsing 23 April seemed a lgical ____41____ (chse); besides being the date f Cervante’s death, it als happens t be the date William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilas de la Vega died. Additinally, several distinguished authrs were brn n 23 April, ____42____ (make) it a symblic date in the wrld literature.
    ____43____ (annual) since 2001, ne city is chsen t be the UNESCO Wrld Bk Capital fr a year. The selected city ____44____ (task) with carrying ut activities ver its year-lng designatin t encurage “a culture f reading and diffusing its values in all ages and ppulatin grups in and ut f the natinal brders”.
    The initiative was put frward by Spain in 2001, and Madrid was designated the first capital, ____45____ (fllw) by Alexandria and then New Delhi.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Sam来信祝贺你的生日,并寄给你一本英语词典和一本科幻小说《海底两万里》(Twenty Thusand Leagues Under the Sea)作为礼物,请你为此用英语给他写一封回信。内容包括:
    Dear Sam,
    Best wishes,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Learning mtivatin nly accmpanied by interest can last lng. My grandfather used t be the directr f a lcal museum. S since I was yung, I had the pprtunity t visit varius museums with him. After entering high schl, I became interested in histry, and I cnstantly cllected infrmatin related t museums.
    When I was 17, I read a magazine article abut a museum called the McNay, nce the hme f a waterclurist named Marian McNay. She had requested the cmmunity t turn it int a museum upn her death.
    D nt miss yur chance t see Texas’ first mdern art museum—the McNay Art Museum. There are mre than 20,000 different and significant wrks. With beautiful Spanish gardens and the amazing architecture f the building, the art within the walls isn’t the nly wnder t see.
    On a sunny Saturday, Sally and I drve ver t the museum. She asked, “D yu have the address?” “N, but I’ll recgnize it, there was a picture in the magazine.”
    “Oh, stp. There it is!”
    The museum was free. We entered, excited. A grup f peple sitting in the hall stpped talking and stared at us.
    “May I help yu?” a man asked. “N,” I said. “We’re fine.” Tur guides gt n my nerves. What if they talked a lng time abut a painting yu weren’t that interested in? Sally had gne upstairs. The peple in the hall seemed very nsy (爱管闲事的), keeping their eyes n me with curisity. What was their prblem? I saw sme nice sculptures in ne rm. Suddenly I sensed a man standing behind me. “Where d yu think yu are?” he asked. I turned sharply. “The McNay Art Museum!” He smiled, shaking his head. “Srry, the McNay is n New Braunfels Street.” “What’s this place?” I asked, still cnfused. “Well, it’s ur hme.” My heart jlted (震颤). I raced t the staircase.
    I called ut, “Sally! Cme dwn immediately!”
    Thirty years later, a wman apprached me in a public place.
    Distance frm Dwntwn Bangkk
    Open Times
    Damnen Saduak
    80 km (50 mi)
    Every day frm 7 a. m. t 5 p. m
    Lng-tail bat cruises, remte villages, plantatins
    90 km (55mi)
    11 a. m. t 9.30 p. m., Friday t Sunday
    Thai fd, little wden huses, temples
    Wat Sai
    23 km (14 mi)
    8 a. m.-6 p. m., Tuesday-Saturday
    A mixture f Chinese culture and Thai culture
    Taling Chan
    12 km (7 mi)
    8 a. m.-6 p. m., Saturday-Sunday
    Temples, massages (按摩) n bats, ft massages under trees
    100km (60 mi)
    8 a. m.-6 p. m., Saturday-Sunday
    Remte cuntryside, charm, biking
    Bang Nam Pheung
    20 km (12 mi)
    8: 30 a. m.-5p. m. Saturday-Sunday
    Fruit, fd, a nature sanctuary (避难所)
    Bang Phli
    38 km (24 mi)
    11 a. m.-5:30 p. m., Tuesday-Saturday
    Oldest, histrical buildings, temples
    Khlng Lat Maym
    21 km (13 mi)
    7 a. m.-5p. m., Saturday—Sunday
    Fd, fruit, bat ndles

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