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    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. What will the speakers d tday?
    A. Visit a z.B. Climb a bridge.C. Watch a play.
    2. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Language teaching in middle schl.
    B. Spanish speaking in the US.
    C. Karen’s career plan.
    3. Why did Mark fail t finish the game?
    A. He gt a red card.B. He fainted suddenly.C. He didn’t feel very well.
    4. Hw des the wman sund in the end?
    A. Relieved.B. Wrried.C. Disappinted.
    5. What is Henry’s slutin t his prblems?
    A. Turn t friends.B. Apply fr a lan.C. D a full-time jb.
    6. Hw lng did the festival last?
    A. Tw days.B. Three days.C. Fur days.
    7. Which activity appealed t Amy mst?
    A. Dragn bat races.B. Musical perfrmances.C. Water splashing.
    8. Hw ld is Calvin nw?
    A. 16 years ld.B. 26 years ld.C. 35 years ld.
    9. Where did the wman g last Sunday night?
    A. A theater.B. The man’s hme.C. A friend’s huse.
    10. Why was the final perfrmance f the shw special?
    A. Sme famus singers watched it.
    B. The creatr gave a speech after it.
    C. Many frmer actrs returned t it.
    11. What is the wman ding?
    A. Chairing a meeting.B. Hsting a prgram.C. Cnducting an interview.
    12. What was Miles’s mther’s attitude tward his plan?
    A. Indifferent.B. Supprtive.C. Disapprving.
    13. What des the nn-prfit rganizatin d?
    A. Dnate mney frm sales.
    B. Clean up plastics in the cean.
    C. Call n kids t clean waterways.
    14. What is a feature f the kayak tur?
    A. It’s allwed t bk as a family.
    B. It just accepts fur turists.
    C. It’s a small-grup ne.
    15. What can turists d during the tur?
    A. Watch Sea animals.B. Have a beach party.C. G hunting in a frest.
    16. What des the wman think f the price?
    A. Very lw.B. Quite expensive.C. Fairly reasnable.
    17. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends.B. Husband and wife.C. Guide and turist.
    18. What des Wiscnsin expect t d thrugh the new bill?
    A. Imprve scial media services.
    B. Get rid f pr scial media apps.
    C. Limit yungsters’ usage f scial media.
    19. Where are children frbidden t use scial media services after 10:30 pm?
    A. In Utah.B. In Arkansas.C. In Wiscnsin.
    20. What are the scial media cmpanies required t d?
    A. Check users’ age.
    B. Mnitr users’ health.
    C. Send messages t users’ parents.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Is yur teen bred after schl? Perhaps it’s time t cnsider signing up fr an activity. Here are sme fr yung teenagers t participate in after schl.
    Fr yur child, grwing int a yung adult may be all abut changes. They may start t feel awkward while expressing new tastes and styles.
    Luckily, music and arts ffer great utlets t help channel their energy and frustratins in a creative methd. Nt t mentin, they bth strengthen creative thinking and math skills which can help build n all their subjects.
    Participating in sprts is much mre than just lsing weight. Fr mst teens, there are plenty f sprts-based activities fr bys and girls after schl. With sprts prgrams, there are plenty f chances fr teens t wrk tgether while building strength and leadership skills in c-peratin.
    If yur teenager’s schl desn’t ffer schl clubs, yu can always try the lcal parks and recreatin department activities.
    What’s better than learning in schl? Helping ther students learn. If yur kid has a gd cmmand f certain schl subjects, it may be a great chice fr them t help tutr yunger students in their ff time, getting sme incme.
    If tutring is nt yur child’s strng suit, cnsider helping them apply fr an after-schl jb. These jbs help teens learn real wrld skills and they lk great n cllege applicatins.
    Vlunteer wrk is cnstantly n the rise with plenty f chances fr yur teen t get invlved. Wrking n vlunteer prjects will nt nly give yur child a psitive sense f accmplishment but als prvide beneficial experiences fr yur kid’s cllege applicatin t help the apprval prcess.
    Frm packing fd at the lcal fd strage t walking animals at a lcal animal center, there are always chances, n matter what yur child’s interests are. Check with yur lcal twn hall fr mre chances fr yur teen t participate in.
    21. What is special abut “music and arts”?
    A. They require participants t be energetic.
    B. They make teens start t feel awkward.
    C. They have nthing t d with creativity.
    D. They imprve teens’ math perfrmance.
    22. Sprts can benefit teenagers in ________.
    A. wrking tgether betterB. strengthening tutring skills
    C. gaining mre cnfidenceD. becming a bssy leader
    23. What d the last tw activities have in cmmn?
    A. They invlve helping yunger students.
    B. They give teens a sense f achievement.
    C. They help teens with their cllege admissin.
    D. They help teens earn sme pcket mney.
    At first lk, the playgrund at the Children’s Guild-Transfrmatin Academy in Baltimre, Maryland, lks like any ther. It has swings, slides, and places fr children t climb and crawl. But the playgrund is nt just a place fr fun. It is als a place where students can learn, grw and gain independence. Everything—frm the kind f surface it sits n, t the clr f its sitting areas, t the placement f the surrunding fence—is specifically designed fr kids with autism (自闭症).
    Mark Rapaprt is the managing directr f autism services at the Transfrmatin Academy. He tld VOA Learning English the schl accepts students aged 5 t 21 with autism spectrum disrder (ASD) and are lwer- functining.
    Rapaprt said the gal f Transfrmatin Academy is t make the students as independent as pssible in an effrt t help them prepare fr adult life. The schl aims t prvide help with develping cmmunicatin and scial skills, as well as practical abilities like cleaning r cking.
    “The playgrund, designed by Maryland cmpany Sparks@Play, using structures manufactured by Landscape Structures, Inc., tk mnths t develp,” said Dan Hack. He wrks fr Sparks@Play and helped lead the playgrund’s design. Hack said he and thers spent weeks getting t knw the students and understanding their needs befre any building was started. The design prcess invlved physical therapists, ccupatinal therapists, and ther specialists. The $500, 000 prject was funded with supprt frm the state f Maryland and the nnprfit Orkawa Fundatin.
    Parts f the playgrund that seem small are very imprtant fr children with autism and ther disabilities. The surrunding fence extends int a wded area t make it seem mre pen, And the grund under the play areas is made f sft, but slid materials t supprt students using wheelchairs r crutches. The benches n the utside f the playgrund lk simple frm far away, but are “ne f ur mst inclusive sensry” elements, Hack said. They have many different clrs that bring abut feelings f calm and curisity. They are als made with smth material that can be felt and mved. The academy’s Rapaprt said if a child starts t feel uneasy, they can sit dwn and feel the bench, which can help them relax.
    24. Why is the playgrund at the Transfrmatin Academy different frm any ther?
    A. It has equipment and places fr kids t climb and crawl.
    B. Kids can becme healthy mentally and physically in the playgrund.
    C. Only students aged 5 t 21 are allwed t play in the playgrund.
    D. It is designed with special materials fr ASD kids.
    25. What des the Transfrmatin Academy intend t d?
    A. Prvide practical life skills fr students with ASD.
    B. Teach students with ASD t exercise gradually.
    C. Help students with ASD get ready fr their adulthd.
    D. Sharpen the cmmunicatin skills f students with ASD.
    26. Hw did Sparks@Play design the playgrund?
    A. By launching a fundraising campaign in the state f Maryland.
    B. By figuring ut and cnsidering students’ special needs at first.
    C. By decreasing the size f the playgrund t ensure students’ safety.
    D. By asking specialists t gather advice frm students and teachers.
    27. What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A. The surrunding fence is made f wden materials.
    B. The grund under the play areas avids the falling f students.
    C. The benches can relieve students’ stress and nervusness.
    D. The playgrund is small but pen enugh fr students.
    Amblypia is the mst cmmn cause f visin lss in children. In all cases f amblypia, there’s a strnger eye and a weaker eye, and it’s winner-take-all in the crtex (大脑皮层), The crtex learns t ignre the signal frm the weaker eye. By ignring the weaker eye, the brain desn’t fuse (融合) images frm bth eyes. As a result, peple with amblypia can have truble seeing in 3D.
    In an attempt t slve this prblem, dctrs start treating patients with amblypia at a yung age, while their brain pathways are still develping. The children, usually under 7 years ld, are ften tld t wear an eye patch ver their strng eye t frce the brain t rely n the weaker. But whenever the eye patch is remved, the cmpetitin can start ver. Fr lasting imprvement, new treatments need t teach the brain t stp suppressing (抑制) key visual cues cming frm the weaker eye, says neurscientist Dennis Levi f the University f Califrnia.
    Nw, several research teams are taking a new way that aims t get the brain t make better use f the infrmatin cming frm bth eyes, Several cmpanies are wrking n treatment s based n this new angle. One is called Luminpia.
    Luminpia’s therapy invlves having children watch vides thrugh a virtual reality headset. As the children watch, the headset blcks ut certain parts f the display fr each eye, s the patients actually have t cmbine input frm the tw images t get the full vide.
    The cmpany cnducted a trial shwing that children with amblypia begin t see better n eye chart assessments after three mnths f ne-hur sessins dne six days a week, But they have yet t measure imprvements in lng-term effectiveness. It is believed that if peple with amblypia dn’t learn t fuse signals frm bth eyes frm a yung age, they never will. S sme scientists think attempting t treat adults, whse brains have suppressed signals frm their weak eye fr decades, is a lst cause.
    28. Why des a persn with amblypia have truble seeing in 3D?
    A. His brain is unable t receive images.
    B. His crtex verlks signals frm the weaker eye.
    C. His strnger eye can’t send signals t the brain.
    D. His weaker eye fails t receive signals.
    29. Which f the fllwing best describes the effect f an eye patch?
    A. Ineffective.B. Temprary.
    C. Wnderful.D. Cmprehensive.
    30. What is the wrking principle f Luminpia’s therapy?
    A. Activating the weak eye t get the full vide.
    B. Frcing the brain t rely n the weaker eye.
    C. Imprving the situatins with eye chart assessments.
    D. Blcking ut the images received frm the strnger eye.
    31. What can we learn abut Luminpia’s therapy frm the last paragraph?
    A. It has an instant effect.B. Adults are is main targets.
    C. Mre trials need t be cnducted.D. It has lng-term effectiveness.
    One evening in February 2007, a student named Paula Ceely brught her car t a stp n a remte in Wales. She gt ut t pen a metal gate that blcked her path. That’s when she heard the whistle sunded by the driver f a train. Her Renault Cli parked acrss a railway line. Secnd later, she watched the train drag her car almst a kilmetre dwn the railway tracks.
    Ceely’s near miss made the news because she blamed it n her GPS device (导航仪). She had never driven the rute befre. It was dark and raining heavily. Ceely was relying n her GPS. But it made n mentin f the crssing. “I put my cmplete trust in the device and it led me right int the path f a speeding train,” she tld the BBC.
    Wh is t blame here? Rick Stevensn, wh tells Ceely’s stry in his bk When Machines Fail Us, pints the finger at the limitatins f technlgy. We put ur faith in digital devices, he says, but ur digital helpers are t ften nt up t the jb. They are filled with small prblems. And it’s nt just GPS devices: Stevensn takes us n a tur f digital disasters invlving everything frm mbile phnes t wireless keybards.
    The prblem with his argument in the bk is that it’s nt clear why he nly fcuses n digital technlgy, while there may be a number f ther pssible causes. A mapmaker might have left the crssing ff a paper map. Maybe we shuld blame Ceely tr nt paying attentin. Perhaps the railway authrities are at fault fr pr signaling system. Or maybe smene has studied the relative dangers and wrked ut that there really is smething specific wrng with the CPS equipment. But Stevensn desn’t say.
    It’s a prblem that runs thrugh the bk. In a sectin n cars, Stevensn gives an accunt f the advanced techniques that criminals use t defeat cmputer based lcking systems fr cars. He ffers tw independent sets f figures n car theft; bth shw a small rise in sme parts f the cuntry. He says that nce again nt all new lcks have prved reliable. Perhaps, but maybe it’s als due t the shrtage f plicemen n the streets. Or changing scial circumstances. Or sme cmbinatin f these factrs.
    The game between humans and their smart devices is amusing and cmplex. It is shaped by ecnmics and psychlgy and the cultures we live in. Smewhere in the mix f thse frces there may be way a wiser use f technlgy.
    If there is such a way, it shuld invlve mre than just an awareness f the shrtcmings f ur machines. After all, we have lived with them fr thusands f years. They have prbably been fling us fr just as lng.
    32. The phrase “near miss” (paragraph 2) can best be replaced by ________.
    A. clse hitB. heavy lssC. big mistakeD. narrw escape
    33. Which f the fllwing wuld Rick Stevensn mst prbably agree with?
    A. Mdern technlgy is what we can’t live withut.
    B. Digital devices are mre reliable than they used t be.
    C. Digital technlgy ften falls shrt f ut expectatin.
    D. GPS errr is nt the nly cause fr Celery’s accident.
    34. In the writer’s pinin, Stevensn’s argument is ________.
    A. reasnableB. ne-sidedC. puzzlingD. well-based
    35. What is the real cncern f the writer f this article?
    A. The shrtcmings f digital devices we use.
    B. The relatinship between humans and technlgy
    C. The majr causes f traffic accidents and car thefts.
    D. The human unawareness f technical prblems.
    Agriculture has cme a lng way frm its ancient beginnings. Lng ag. farmers wuld wrk hard n their individual plts f land, using simple tls r even their bare hands. They tended t their crps fr many hurs each day s that the crps grew well. 36 Fr example, a single strm culd destry a whle year’s wrk, while a summer f gd weather culd ensure a gd harvest.
    Mdern science and technlgy have helped t greatly reduce the back-breaking labur invlved in farming, alng with the reliance n luck and guesswrk. 37
    Prbably ne f the mst beneficial innvatins is drip irrigatin, which has made it pssible t develp big, green farms in the middle f the desert. Simcha Blass, an Israeli scientist, discvered this new way f irrigatin in the 1930s. Thrugh this discvery, farmers can nw prduce crps n dry land withut needing much water. 38 The limited and fcused use f just the right amunt f water als denies misture (水分) t weeds, keeping them frm harming the crps.
    39 Hwever. what if an area has plenty f water, but little usable sil? As it turns ut, it is pssible t grw plants withut using sil at all. With hydrpnics (水培), plant rts are supprted by rcks r a fiber mat. Nutrient-rich water is then prvided s that the plants can grw. Recent research has centered n vertical hydrpnics farming. With a vertical farm, the crps are planted in cntainers that are piled int plant skyscrapers. 40
    With such technlgical advances, the image f a farmer pushing a plugh will eventually becme a thing f the past.
    A. Luck played a great part in farming.
    B Sme areas wuld be t dry t grw crps.
    C. Drip irrigatin deals with a lack f water in an area.
    D. There have been experiments t make drip irrigatin a reality.
    E. This irrigatin methd uses far less water than ther methds.
    F. Farmers have benefited greatly frm innvatins in crp prductin.
    G. Furthermre, nearly all hydrpnic farms partially r fully autmated.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    I used t find award shw speeches inspiring when celebrities encuraged peple t “chase their dreams.” Hwever, as I grew lder, I 41 the txicity (毒性) behind this ntin. Pursuing ur dreams is nt always easy due t varius 42 . Fr instance, I 43 t be a singer but lacked the financial means t auditin fr cmpetitin shws. Later, my dream 44 t becming a manga editr, but I faced 45 like language barriers, travel csts, and difficult exams.
    Thugh there is hpe, cnsidering many celebrities started frm humble beginnings, achieving dreams remains 46 . As smene wh nce had ambitius aspiratins, these “chase yur dreams” speeches gave me 47 hpe. I take issue with such celebrity speeches because they suggest that anyne can 48 whatever they desire simply by wishing fr it. 49 , reality tells us therwise. I am nt trying t be 50 , but rather realistic. Grwing lder has taught me that sme dreams are meant t stay as dreams.
    Nnetheless, I am grateful that my dream f becming a singer did nt materialize. I have fund ther passins — writing and editing — and 51 pursued them as a career thrugh cllege. I have n regrets abut this path. If we d nt 52 exactly where we want t be, it is alright. Life smetimes presents bstacles that 53 us frm chsing ur first preference fr the future. Our dreams may nt always be 54 , but that des nt mean gd things are nt in stre fr us. Life ften takes us n different paths. D nt lse hpe, fr yu have a bright future ahead, 55 the chices yu make.
    41. A. wrriedB. changedC. realizedD. cntrlled
    42. A. barriersB. sheltersC. excusesD. thughts
    13. A. failedB. agreedC. usedD. desired
    14. A. fcusedB. shiftedC. cntinued.D. happened
    45. A. effrtsB. challengesC. demandsD. chices
    46. A. straightfrwardB. cmmnC. cmplicatedD. rare
    4/. A. falseB. trueC. greatD. special
    48. A. cnfirmB. appreciateC. accmplishD. distribute
    49. A. TherefreB. MreverC. HweverD. Furthermre
    50. A. ptimisticB. pessimisticC. energeticD. enthusiastic
    51. A. unexpectedlyB. unavidablyC. uneventfullyD. unnecessarily
    52. A. cme upB. turn upC. set upD. end up
    53. A. saveB. prtectC. preventD. guard
    54. A. cmfrtableB. attainableC. bearableD. adjustable
    55. A. instead fB. in terms fC. by means fD. regardless f
    Baduanjin, a frm f 56. ________ (fit), has been ppular with Chinese yunger peple thanks t its health benefits.
    Last year, fashin designer Jiang Xi tk up Baduanjin. She psted vides f her practicing Baduanjin n scial media, and attracted mre than 10, 000 fllwers in fur mnths. Mst f her fllwers 57. ________ (age) between 20 t 30. “58. ________ practicing Baduanjin, all yu need t d is t fcus n yur bdy and health, mving slwly in 59. ________ cmfrtable rhythm, and liberate yurself frm the anxiety f living alne in big cities,” said Jiang Xi. Under her influence and persuasin, Jiang Xi’s lder brther Jiang Nan als became a vlgger f Baduanjin. 60. ________ (live) in different cities, the siblings (兄弟) have fund new kinship ties in Baduanjin.
    Every week, a grup f yungers practice Taichi by the lake in Xiagang Park f Guangzhu city, suth China’s Guangdng Prvince. Feng Junhua is the rganizer f martial arts practicing. He gathers yungsters 61. ________ (interest) in martial arts and health maintenance, and finds a 62. ________ (delight) place in the park t relax their bdies. “Practicing martial arts is lw-cst and peple are free 63. ________ the burden f scializing. These factrs attract yung peple in the metrplis t participate.” said Feng.
    Traditinal Chinese culture requires the inheritance f yung 64. ________ (generatin). Yung peple are seeking their inner “rder” in an evlving wrld. Traditinal martial arts have brught a cncrete and natural way f life in line with their inner selves. They are 65. ________ yung peple and traditinal Chinese culture blend (融合).
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    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右:
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    参考词汇:排练v. rehearse n. rehearsal
    Dear Betty,
    Li Hua
    I didn’t like Del s much. He always called me the nickname “Germy,” which meant “dirty”, instead f my real name “Jamie.” Besides, he was knwn as a truble-maker in schl. S when the head teacher Mr. Smith asked Del t cme t his ffice, I naturally thught that Del had dne smething mean t smene. Thrugh the windw, I caught sight f a smaller by crying. Del seemed unhappy, t.
    He did nt return t class that day. All f us were discussing what had happened t him. What else culd such an annying by d? “He must have hit the by and was sent hme,” I whispered t my friends. Their eyes widened. It felt gd t see them s interested in what I said.
    The next mrning, the whle schl was talking abut Del being expelled (开除) fr beating up a kid. I was surprised that my assumptins were passed n s quickly. S when Del walked int the classrm, all the kids were shcked. The kids next t him shifted their desks away. “What’s yur prblem?” Del asked. “I dn’t want yu t attack me,” ne kid said. Sme laughed. “Yeah, I might, said Del. I culd tell he was jking, but many kids thught he admitted he did beat up smene.
    During recess (课间休息), Del tried t jin the kickball game. “Neither team wants yu,” ne f the players said. “Why?” Del asked, lking cnfused. “I always play with yu guys.” They ignred him and went n playing. Del sat by himself while the rest f the schl enjyed their recess away frm him. Del lked lnely and sad, much different frm befre. I started t feel srry fr him.
    Later that day, I learned what really happened. The kid was Del’s little brther and he was crying because their mther fell ill and was sent t hspital. I felt even srrier fr what I said befre. I started a rumr (谣言).
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答
    Paragraph 1:
    At recess the next day, I saw Del sitting alne watching the kickball game.
    Paragraph 2:
    Nw that Del had frgiven me, I decided t d mre befre the recess was ver.
    1~5 BCCAB6~10 BABAC11~15 CBACA16~20 CBCAA
    21-23 DAC24-27 DCBC28-31 BBAC32-35 DCBA36-40 AFECG
    41-45 CADBB46-50 DACCB51-55 ADCBD
    56. fitness57. are aged58. While/When59. a60. living
    61. interested62. delightful63. frm/f64. generatins65. where
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Betty,
    As president f the English Drama Club, I’m feeling fully frustrated since the days has witnessed ur unsatisfactry rehearsal. Given that yu are an enthusiast in drama perfrmance , we are in desperate need f yur expert guidance n the scene.
    T start with, wit the lines frm the riginal play, we students encunter great challenges during the rehearsals because f ur limited vcabulary and inaccurate prnunciatin. Culd yu please help adapt the lines and crrect ur prnunciatin? What depressed us mre is that during the rehearsal, nt nly des ur actin stiffen, but ur facial expressins seem unnatural n the scene, making the perfrmance unintegrated with the play.
    Wrds fail t express my gratitude if yu can make presence and ffer us valuable guidance.
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    At recess the next day, 1 saw Del sitting alne watching the kickball game. I hated the nickname “Germy,” but seeing him islated was als nt what l wanted. Guilt pushed me t him. “What d yu want, Germy?” Del asked, his vice sunding mre hurt than angry. 1 sat next t him and gradually uttered the whle thing abut hw my hasty assumptin turned int such a terrible rumr. “I’m srry. I wish l had never said that,” I aplgized, daring nt t lk int his eyes. Annyance and surprise flickered acrss his face. But secnds later, he lwered his head and said quietly, “it’s kay. I guess 1 wasn’t very nice t yu, either.” His wrds sthed me, but l culd feel he was still sad.
    Nw that Del had frgiven me, I decided t d mre befre the recess was ver. I walked twards the kickball players and called fr their attentin. Everyne stpped in surprise. “Del didn’t beat up anyne” I stated, explaining what actually happened. Whispers f astnishment spread and finally ne player shuted, “Alright, Del, d yu want t jin my team?” A smile brke thrugh Del’s glmy face. “Yes , and I want Jamie n it, t!” He glanced at me shyly, and 1 culd tell his use f my real name was his way f making an aplgy. Sn the playgrund was filled with laughter and talks. But this time they made me realize smething-wrds have the pwer t hurt and heal.
    Text 1今日计划
    M: Which d yu prefer t d tday, enjying a play at Sydney Opera Huse, r watching animals at Tarnga Z?
    W: I really lk frward t climbing Sydney Harbur Bridge. Why dn’t we g there tday?
    M: OK.
    Text 2职业规划
    M: Karen, what d yu majr in at cllege?
    W: Spanish. It will be helpful fr my future wrk.
    M: What are yur plans after graduatin?
    W: I’m cnsidering teaching this language at a middle schl in the US.
    Text 3天气炎热中止比赛
    W: Mark, smene said yu didn’t finish yur first game in the turnament. What happened? Did the referee give yu a red card?
    M: N. It was t ht yesterday. I had t stp because I didn’t feel cmfrtable. I’d faint if I kept playing.
    Text 4即将登机
    W: We are ging t bard. Why hasn’t Jennifer arrived yet?
    M: Maybe we shuld try calling her again.
    W: But she desn’t answer the phne. Oh, there she is. Thank gdness!
    Text 5经济困难
    W: Henry, I heard yu cme acrss a few prblems with yur finances. Why nt find a full-time jb?
    M: My friends give me the same advice, but I cannt affrd the time at present. I guess I’ll try t brrw sme mney frm the bank.
    W: Gd luck, then! I hpe yu’ll get thrugh it sn.
    Text 6分享云南傣族泼水节的经历
    M: Amy, did yu have a gd time during yur trip in Yunnan Prvince in China last week?
    W: Yes. I was very interested in the Water-Sprinkling Festival f the Dai and sme ther minrity natinalities. I went there mainly t experience the festival.
    M: Hw lng did it last?
    W: ⑥It lasted frm Thursday t Saturday, but I didn’t leave until last Sunday.
    M: Did yu splash water n thers?
    W: Of curse, and I gt wet all ver. I als tk part in sme ther activities, such as clrful
    dragn bat races and impressive dance, and musical perfrmances. ⑦I was really impressed with the dragn bat races.
    Text 7音乐剧歌剧魅影在百老汇落幕
    W: Calvin, have yu ever watched the musical theater shw The Phantm f the Opera?
    M: Yes. ⑧I watched it n Bradway when I was 16 years ld. Ten years has passed in a flash. I heard the shw is still n.
    W: Nt anymre. ⑨It clsed n last Sunday night after 35 years n Bradway.
    M: What a pity! I went t my friend’s party that night. ⑨Did yu watch the final perfrmance f it?
    W: ⑨Certainly. I’m a big fan f it.
    M: S was there anything special?
    W: Yes. It ended with its mst famus sng, The Music f the Night. The perfrmance included many well-knwn singers and actrs wh had parts in the shw ver the years. The shw’s creatr, Andrew Llyd Webber, attended the final perfrmance, t.
    M: It’s a pity I missed it.
    Text 8采访环保人士
    W: Gd mrning, Miles Featherstn-Resch. I wrk fr Kids View. I’ve learned smething abut yu frm a friend, and I’d like t write an article abut yu. Can I ask yu a few questins?
    M: Sure. G ahead, please.
    W: Hw did yu get int such an actin f saving ceans?
    M: Tw years ag, I learned frm a TV shw that sharks were in truble and I decided t take actin. I persuaded my mm t help me start a nn-prfit rganizatin. She was very happy t help me. Tgether we started Kids Saving Oceans.
    W: Awesme! What kind f wrk d yu d?
    M: We sell T-shirts, hats, and stickers made ut f recycled plastics fund in the cean n the website. A prtin f every sale is dnated t causes that supprt t clean waterways. S far we’ve dnated abut $40, 000.
    W: Culd yu give sme advice t ther kids abut hw t begin this kind f wrk?
    M: If yu have an idea, g fr it. The wrst thing is having it nt wrk ut. And that’s nt a lss.
    W: Yu’ve really set a gd example t them.
    Text 9 商量参加一个家庭旅游团
    M: Hney, I’m learning abut a kayak tur. I think it’s quite suitable fr a family.
    W: Is this a big-grup tur r a small-grup tur?
    M: Oh, it’s nt big. It just accepts six turists.
    W: S what activities are there in the tur?
    M: Turists will rw a bat thrugh a sea, searching fr wildlife like whales, seals, sea lins and s n. The fur-hur tur includes abut tw and a half hurs n the water. After returning t the beach, turists can enjy seafd and ther snacks.
    W: Sunds great. It must be very expensive!
    M: Nt really! The ticket price starts at $60 per persn. It includes rund-trip transprtatin between the start f the kayak tur and the cruise ship dcks in dwntwn Ketchikan.
    W: Nt bad. Can little children g t it?
    M: Yes. The tur is pen t participants aged frm 6 and abve. Bth Jim and Tm are 7 years ld nw. They will be excited. I’ll call the travel agency right nw.
    W: That’s great!
    Text 10 社交媒体使用限制法案
    W: Gd evening, everyne. I’m yur ld friend Linda Brwn. Tnight let’s learn smething abut a new bill frm state lawmakers in Wiscnsin. If it passes, it wuld limit the way yung peple use scial media services such as Twitter. Wiscnsin is the third US state, after Utah and Arkansas, t mve frward with age restrictins n scial media. Bth Arkansas and Utah nw have laws that require thse under 18 t get their parents’ permissin befre using the services. The law in Utah als prevents children frm using apps such as TikTk between the hurs f 10:30 pm and 6:30 am. The prpsal in Wiscnsin includes similar restrictins. The states say they are making the changes t prtect the mental health f yung peple. The laws wuld permit parents t read private messages sent t their children. In additin, the scial media cmpanies are ging t be asked t check the age f users in Arkansas, Utah and pssibly in Wiscnsin. That’s all fr tnight’s prgram. Thank yu fr listening.

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