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    这是一份2024年河南省三门峡市中考二模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年河南省三门峡市中考二模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年河南省三门峡市中考二模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。

    一、听力理解 (20 小题,每小题1分,共20分)
    第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
    1. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A letter. B. A pht. C. A sng.
    2. Whse is the white handbag?
    A. Jenny’s. B. Pam’s. C. Grace’s.
    3. When des the girl think Martin is free?
    A. This Thursday. B. This. Friday. C. This Saturday.
    4. What will the by have fr dinner?
    A. Ndles and eggs. B. Fish and rice. C. Chicken and rice.
    5. Hw did the man g t Beijing fr the first time?
    A. By plane. B. By car. C. By train.
    第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Wh went fr the picnic with Sctt?
    A. His uncle. B. His parents. C. His cusins.
    7. What fd did Sctt's aunt make?
    A. A cheesecake. B. Beef. C. Dumplings.
    听下面一段对话,回答第8 至第9两个小题。
    8. Hw des Anne get t wrk in the mrning?
    A. On ft. B. By undergrund. C. By car.
    9. When des Anne visit her parents?
    A. On Fridays. B. On Saturdays. C. On Sundays.
    听下面一段独白, 回答第10 至第12 三个小题。
    10. Where did the stry happen?
    A On the bus. B. On the train. C. On the plane.
    11. What was wrng with the ld man?
    A. He had a fever.
    B. He had a stmachache.
    C. He had a heart prblem.
    12. What did ther passengers d t help the ld man?
    A. They called 120.
    B. They gave him sme medicine.
    C. They agreed t send the man t the hspital first.
    听下面一段对话,回答第13 至第15 三个小题。
    13. Which club is Rbert in?
    A. The swimming club. B. The art club. C. The chess club.
    14. What des Dra's sister's hair lk like?
    A. Shrt and blnde. B. Straight and black. C. Shrt and black.
    15. What clthes des Dra like t wear?
    A. Skirts and bluses. B. Lng dresses. C. Shrts and T -shirts.
    第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
    16. _________ 17. _________ 18. _________ 19. _________ 20. _________
    二、阅读理解 (20 小题,每小题2分,共40分)
    The Paris 2024 Olympic Games will be held frm July 26 t August 11, 2024. It will be a gd chance fr everyne t watch sme games. Here are sme rules t fllw when visiting the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
    Archery (射箭)
    ● Sit at the back r n either side f the field.
    ● Keep quiet during the match. Turn ff yur cellphne r keep it silent.
    ● D nt use the flash (闪光灯) n yur camera r yur phne.
    ● When the athletes are trying t sht the target (靶子), keep yur vice dwn.
    ● Yu cannt bring drinks in glass bttles.
    ● Keep the cheers dwn at imprtant mments.
    ● D nt use the camera flash.
    ● If yu easily get nervus and make nise, bring sme snacks. Keep yur muth mving t calm yu dwn.
    ● Audiences (观众) shuld keep ff the track (赛道). Cntrl yur pets.
    ● Athletes might lk tired and thirsty, but d nt hand them water r anything else.
    ● If an athlete falls d nt tuch r help him.
    1. When can yu visit the Paris 2024 Olympic Games?
    A. On June 26.B. On July 30.
    C. On August 28.D. On September 10.
    2. Hw many rules shuld yu fllw when watching the archery match?
    A. 3.B. 4.C. 8.D. 11.
    3. Which f the fllwing isn’t mentined when watching the basketball match?
    A. B. C. D.
    4. What’s the writer’s purpse in writing the text?
    A. T list sme matches.B. T share sme experiences.
    C. T cmpare three matches.D. T intrduce sme rules.
    5 Wh is the text written fr?
    A. Audiences in the 2024 Olympics.B. Athletes in the 2024 Olympics.
    C. Visitrs in Paris in 2024.D. Fans fr archery, basketball r cycling.
    Once upn a time, there was an unlucky pr man. His hme was very pr—a small and empty huse, which was als the hme f mice and spiders. Peple tried t avid cming int his huse. And the pr man thught that pverty (贫穷) was the reasn f his unlucky life.
    S nce, the pr man met a wise man and cmplained (抱怨) t him abut his pverty and terrible life. The wise man felt srry fr the pr man and gave him a unique vase, and said. “This is a magical vase that will save yu frm pverty.”
    The pr man tk the vase and wanted t sell it at first and then spend the mney n alchl (酒) as usual. Besides, why wuld he need such a beautiful thing?
    But then he started enjying the vase and culdn’t take it t the market. He brught the vase hme, put it n the table and started enjying it.
    “It’s nt right fr such a beautiful thing t be empty,” the pr man thught, s he picked sme wild flwers and put them int the vase. It became even mre beautiful.
    “Nt gd,” the pr man thught again, “that such a beautiful thing stands next t a spider web.”
    S the pr man started cleaning his huse frm spider webs, sweeping ut spiders and mice, cleaning the dust, washing the flr and the walls, and whitening the ceiling.
    And it became clear that his huse wasn’t pr, but rather warm and cmfrtable. Nw mre and mre peple came t visit his huse. He had n time fr thughts abut his unlucky life.
    6. Which wrd can describe the pr man’s feeling abut his life at the beginning f the stry?
    A. Wrried.B. Cmplaining.C. Srry.D. Sad.
    7. Hw did the pr man feel abut the vase at first?
    A. He didn’t like it.B. He thught it was beautiful.
    C. He wanted t sell it.D. He wanted t keep it.
    8. What happened t the pr man after bringing the vase hme?
    ①He thught the vase was t empty.
    ②He began cleaning up his huse.
    ③He put it n the table and started enjying it
    ④He picked sme wild flwers and put them int the vase.
    A. ②①③④B. ④①③②C. ③①④②D. ②④①③
    9. We can infer that the pr man became _________ later.
    A. lazyB. hnestC. braveD. hard-wrking
    10. What des the writer want t tell us?
    A. Where there is life, there is hpe.
    B. Dn’t be afraid t make a change.
    C. Huse cleaning can bring gd luck.
    D. It’s imprtant t have a magic vase.
    Succulent (多肉) plants are very ppular with gardeners arund the wrld. They usually have thick leaves, are easy t take care f and fun t lk at. S they can be easily fund everywhere.
    Mst dictinaries explain “succulent” as “full f juice” r “juicy”. The leaves, which are filled with water-string cells (储水细胞), make mst succulents easy t tell. While it’s true that all plants stre water, nne des it as well as succulents. An example is the gigantic Saguar cactus (巨型仙人掌), which can grw ver 12 meters tall. It cllects as much water as pssible and can live fr years withut rain.
    This makes succulents easy t care fr. Even a persn withut a green thumb can find success with the ppular plants. They need water and sunlight but little ther care. Place plants where they will receive six hurs f indirect sunlight each day. Then they will grw well.
    One mre thing abut succulent plants is hw t water yur succulent. Check yur plant by sticking yur finger dwn int the sil a little. If the sil feels dry, it’s time t water yur plant. In ther cnditins, yu dn’t need t water it. If yu give it t much water, it will have a bad influence n its grwth.
    Succulents are perhaps ne f the easiest plants yu’ll ever grw. With s many chices t chse frm, why nt give them a try?
    11. Why are succulent plants full f juice r juicy?
    A. They are tall enugh t cllect water.
    B. They have thick leaves and easy t lk after.
    C. The leaves filled with water-string cells.
    D. They can live fr years withut rain.
    12. What des the underlined phrase “a persn withut a green thumb” mean in the text?
    A. A persn whse thumb is green.
    B. A persn wh desn’t have green thumbs.
    C. A persn wh is gd at planting succulents.
    D. A persn wh isn’t gd at taking care f plants.
    13. What des the third paragraph mainly talk abut?
    A. The features f succulent plants.B. Succulents are easy t care fr.
    C. Succulents stre water well.D. Hw t water succulents.
    14. What is the structure f the text?
    A. ①/②③/④⑤B. ①②/③④/⑤
    C. ①/②③④/⑤D. ①②/③/④⑤
    15. In which part f a newspaper can the text be fund?
    A. Nature.B. Fine Arts.
    C. Animal Wrld.D. Cmputer Science.
    Fllw these steps t develp yur wn persnal learning plan and wrk t achieve yur gals.
    ·Find a learning gal
    Befre creating a persnal learning plan, yu need t find yur gal. ____16____ It shuld als be imprtant enugh that yu’ll fcus n it ver ther things. Be sure t have a clear finish line in mind fr yur gals.
    T reach yur verall learning gal mre easily, break it dwn int smaller gals. Think f these smaller gals as the steps yu need t take t achieve yur final gal. By breaking yur gal int smaller gals, it’ll be clear what yu need t learn and hw t get there.
    ·Develp yur plan
    After finding yur verall gal and smaller gals, ____18____ Organize yur plan in an rder, listing each f yur learning gals, the actins yu need t take t reach them, and the date by which yu wuld like t cmplete each actin.
    ·Be respnsible fr yurself
    After yu’ve successfully created a persnal learning plan, yur wrk has nly just begun. ____19____
    In a wrd, learning new skills can take time, but yu have t put in the necessary time t meet yur gals. ____20____
    A. it’s time t use this infrmatin t develp a cmplete plan.
    B. Yur gal shuld be pssible and challenging enugh.
    C. Try t fcus n yur learning at regular time each week.
    D. It’s imprtant t fllw the learning activities yu’ve planned.
    E. Break yur gal int smaller gals
    三、完形填空 (15 小题,每小题1分,共15 分)
    Cheng Feng, a teacher in a rural (乡村的) primary schl, has been wrking t prvide the best educatin fr students in a cmmunity f Pyang, Jiangxi Prvince.
    After graduating ____21____ cllege in 2011, Cheng became a teacher at Tutang Primary Schl in Pyang. It was near her hme, ____22____ she chse t live in the schl. “I wanted t have mre time with my ____23____ during the day. And I culd better ____24____ class and study at might,” Cheng said. Over the fllwing fur years, she did really well in her jb.
    Mst students have been left behind by their parents ____25____ have t g t wrk far away frm hme, and their grandparents lked after them.
    “Seeing these ____26____ families and children, I realized the imprtance f family educatin. And it is ne f the main reasns why I have ____27____ arund all these years,” says Cheng, wh als grew up in Pyang.
    After learning that ne f her students, Tan Yeting, and her brther were just living n the ____28____ incme (收入) f their grandparents’ handmade brm business, Cheng wuld pay regular ____29____ t Tan’s hme. She wuld help the tw children ____30____ their hmewrk, enjy beautiful rural scenery with them and cut their hair. These things have helped bth children grw ____31____ and shake ff their shy nature at schl.
    She als helped t ____32____ the teaching facilities and infrastructure (基础设施) in the schl, and went ut f her way t ask students t cme t schl.
    Cheng’s care fr her rural students has gne beynd the classrm and makes her like a ____33____ t them all.
    Thanks t her effrts, mre than 200 children in the neighbrhd have been able t enjy ____34____ educatin. “We shuld let the light in urselves ____35____ n mre peple. We shuld help them t see further and dream bigger.” she said.
    21. A. inB. tC. frmD. at
    22. A. butB. sC. rD. and
    23. A. parentsB. friendsC. classmatesD. students
    24. A. lk frB. search frC. prepare frD. pay fr
    25. A. whichB. whC. whatD. whm
    26. A. strangeB. specialC. happyD. lucky
    27. A. traveledB. askedC. flewD. stuck
    28. A. lwB. largeC. cmmnD. enugh
    29. A. habitsB. visitsC. changesD. checks
    30. A. dB. cpyC. finishD. set
    31. A. cnfidentlyB. quicklyC. strnglyD. cmpletely
    32. A. findB. buildC. imprveD. dnate
    33. A. teacherB. mtherC. relativeD. cusin
    34. A. cheaperB. prerC. stricterD. better
    35. A. shineB. dependC. callD. fcus
    四、语篇填空 (15 小题,每小题1 分,共 15分)
    Last winter vacatin, my family spent ur New Year in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, which is famus fr its prcelain culture.
    We visited a ____36____ that shwed us hw prcelain was made. There we learned abut hw t make prcelain. ____37____, the prcelain clay needs t be shaped int smething, like pts. Then, the craftsmen (手艺人) use a special paint ____38____ is called ceramic glaze (釉) t draw patterns n its surface. After that, the craftsmen put the pieces int a kiln (窑) and burn them at a ____39____ temperature fr 12 t 24 hurs. Finally, the prcelain can be taken ut after it cls dwn.
    As the saying ges, “Success nly cmes ____40____ hard wrk.” It’s easy t see that ____41____ prcelain takes a lt f time. But the craftsmen’s hard wrk has ____42____ in beautiful wrks.
    We als went t Taxichuan Ceramic Art Avenue. Many prcelain lvers were there making ____43____ wn prcelain wrks. Turists walked thrugh the market and picked ut pieces they liked.
    Nw I can ____44____ why Jingdezhen is called “Prcelain Capital”. It is because f the lcal ____45____ deep lve fr prcelain and their will t share this wnderful traditinal culture with the wrld.
    Just like the red pst bx and Buckingham Palace, red buses are a big part f the city f Lndn.
    Lndn has had a big bus system since the 1820s. At that time, tw hrses pulled a bus. And there ____46____ n rules in thse days. Drivers wuld take the mst ppular rutes (路线) t get mre mney. They wuld cmpete with ther drivers by making their prices lwer ____47____ win mre passengers. In the 1840s, mre rules came in. Numbers and clrs helped passengers knw ____48____ the buses were ging.
    The first mtr buses appeared in the 1900s. They were called “Vanguard” and were red. They were different ____49____ the big buses f tday and lked like ld carts but withut the hrses. Then, the Lndn General Omnibus Cmpany tk cntrl f all the Vanguards. They put ____50____ “winged wheel” symbl n them. The symbl has changed a little, but it is still used n all Lndn transprt t this day. And, f curse, the buses are still red.
    五、补全对话 (5 小题,每小题2分,共10分)
    (Li Ming and his father are taking a walk in the park in the mrning.)
    A: Dad, lk at the ld peple dressed up! ____51____?
    B: Yes, they are. Many peple like t sing Beijing Opera.
    A: ____52____?
    B: Well, Beijing pera is ur natinal pera with a histry f ver 200 years.
    A: Oh…I’ve listened t Beijing Opera n TV befre, but never listened t it live (现场).
    B: What d yu think f it after listening t it?
    A: ____53____.
    B: D yu knw hw many rles there are in Beijing Opera?
    A: ____54____. Culd yu tell me mre abut it?
    B: Sure. They are Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chu.
    A: Haha, nw I am mre interested in it. ____55____?
    B: Gd idea! Let’s g!
    六、书面表达 (20分)
    56. 在成长的过程中,你总会遇到一些麻烦事或烦心事,但是只要大家用心对待总能找到解决问题的方法。请你以“A difficult thing I met”为题,用英语写一篇作文。
    2. 词数100左右。
    A difficult thing I met
    which, thrugh, high, understand, first, museum, they, peple, make, result

    2024年河南省洛阳市中考二模英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024年河南省洛阳市中考二模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年河南省洛阳市中考二模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年河南省洛阳市中考二模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024年河南省许昌市中考二模英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024年河南省许昌市中考二模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年河南省许昌市中考二模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年河南省许昌市中考二模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共32页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024年河南省十二县一区中考二模英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024年河南省十二县一区中考二模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年河南省十二县一区中考二模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年河南省十二县一区中考二模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。







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