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    第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    1. The Chinese wmen’s table tennis team wn the champinship ______ February 24th, 2024.
    A. inB. nC. atD. fr
    考查介词辨析。in用于表示在某个月份、季节、年份或者一段时间内;n表示具体的某一天;at用于表示在某个具体的时间点;fr后跟时间段。根据“February 24th, 2024.”可知,此处时间具体到某一天,应使用n。故选B。
    2. —______ Tina and Tim ______ the beautiful sights arund Dian Lake?
    —Yes, they did.
    A. Has; enjyedB. Have; enjyed
    C. D; enjyD. Did; enjy
    考查时态。根据“Yes, they did”可知句子用一般过去时,变疑问句时借助助动词did,后加动词原形。故选D。
    3. Peple ______ smke r make a fire after entering the frest.
    A. mustB. mustn’tC. needD. needn’t
    考查情态动词辨析。must必须;mustn’t禁止;need需要;needn’t不需要。根据“after entering the frest”可知,森林里禁止吸烟和生火,故选B。
    4. I ______ t Shangri-la n the high-speed railway next summer vacatin.
    A. travelB. traveled
    C. was travelingD. will travel
    考查时态。根据“next summer vacatin”可知,句子时态是一般将来时,故选D。
    5. With the ppularity f Chinese traditinal clthes, lts f peple want ______ hrse-face skirts in their daily life.
    A. t tryB. tryC. triedD. trying
    考查非谓语动词。want t d sth.“想要做某事”,动词不定式作宾语。故选A。
    6. Study hard, ______ yu will make prgress in yur studies.
    A. andB. butC. rD. yet
    考查连词辨析。and和;but但是;r 或者;yet然而。根据“yu will make prgress in yur studies”可知,前后两句是顺承关系,且是句型“祈使句+and+陈述句”,故选A。
    7. —______ delicius the dish is! Thank yu, my sn.
    —My pleasure, mm. Yu knw I like cking.
    A. What aB. What anC. HwD. What
    8. Hua Hua, a 3-year-ld panda, is s cute that ______ peple lve her.
    A. less and lessB. fewer and fewer
    C. mre and mreD. better and better
    考查词汇辨析。less and less越来越少;fewer and fewer越来越少;mre and mre be越来越多;better and better越来越好。根据“Hua Hua, a 3-year-ld panda, is s cute...”可知,花花非常可爱,所以越来越多的人喜欢她,故选C。
    9. In Shanghai Cffee Culture Week, Yunnan cffee was ______ fast fr its high quality.
    A. sld utB. wrked ut
    C. cut utD. cme ut
    考查短语辨析。sld ut卖完;wrked ut 解决;cut ut剪下;cme ut出版。根据“fr its high quality”可知,云南咖啡因为品质高,很快卖完了,故选A。
    10. —Culd yu please tell me ______ yesterday?
    —In ur city park.
    A. what time yu planted treesB. where yu planted trees
    C. what time did yu plant treesD. where did yu plant trees
    考查宾语从句。分析句子可知,此句含有宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除C和D;根据“In ur city park.”可知,询问地点,故选B。
    第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    There was a farm with many animals. Amng them was ne little hrse that was very picky (挑剔的) abut his fd. He was always unhappy with what the farmer ____11____ him t eat. S he decided t walk arund t see what tasty things the ther animals were eating.
    The little hrse quickly fund a few chickens eating smething ____12____. He then went t take a ____13____. He fund it was crn. He tried a muthful and spit it ut at nce. “It’s terrible!” he said and ____14____.
    Befre lng, the little hrse saw a dg gnawing a bne (啃骨头) in excitement, and a cat singing a sng ____15____ she was eating a fish. Just lking at these fds scared him, and the smell made him sick, s he quickly tk his leave.
    After walking fr a while, the little hrse felt ____16____, s he went t the small river t drink sme water. He saw tw ducks fighting ver an earthwrm (蚯蚓). Finally, they brke it int tw pieces and ate their wn piece with ____17____. Seeing this, the little hrse culdn’t ____18____ drinking any water and quickly ran away. “It’s awful!” he said.
    He ran all arund, and everything he saw the ther animals eating was nt t ____19____ taste and sme made him even sicker. He returned t his huse with a(n) ____20____ stmach, and fund that the farmer had prepared the mst delicius fd fr him.
    A. helpedB. gaveC. taughtD. phned
    A. happilyB. badlyC. usuallyD. heavily
    A. restB. shwerC. lkD. seat
    A. ateB. appearedC. diedD. left
    A. althughB. untilC. unlessD. while
    A. hungryB. thirstyC. bredD. upset
    A. hpeB. fearC. jyD. stress
    A. stpB. likeC. avidD. stand
    A. hisB. herC. urD. their
    A. busyB. healthyC. emptyD. angry
    【答案】11. B 12. A 13. C 14. D 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. C
    helped帮;gave给;taught教;phned打电话。根据“him t eat.”可知,是对给他吃的东西不满意。故选B。
    happily快乐地;badly严重地;usually通常;heavily沉重地。根据“fund a few chickens eating smething”可知,是小鸡开心地在吃东西。故选A。
    rest休息;shwer淋浴;lk看;seat座位。根据“He fund it was crn.”可知,他走近看了看,take a lk“看一看”。故选C。
    ate吃;appeared出现;died死;left离开。根据“Befre lng, the little hrse saw a dg”可知,他说完就离开了。故选D。
    althugh虽然;until直到;unless除非;while当……的时候。根据“and a cat singing a sng…she was eating a fish.”可知,是吃鱼的时候在唱歌。故选D。
    hungry饿的;thirsty渴的;bred无聊的;upset伤心的。 根据“s he went t the small river t drink sme water.”可知,小马口渴了,于是去河边喝水。故选B。
    hpe希望;fear害怕;jy欢乐;stress压力。根据“Finally, they brke it int tw pieces and ate their wn piece with”并结合语境,指的是两个小鸭子开心地吃了自己的那一份食物。故选C。
    stp停止;like喜欢;avid避免;stand忍受。根据“drinking any water and quickly ran away.”可知,是说无法忍受做某事,culdn’t stand ding“忍受不了做某事”。故选D。
    his他的;her她的;ur我们的;their他们的。根据“and everything he saw the ther animals eating was nt t”以及后文的“and sme made him even sicker.”可知,后文提到了甚至让他更恶心,因此设空处应该说食物不合他的口味。故选A。
    busy忙的;healthy健康的;empty空的;angry生气的。根据“and everything he saw the ther animals eating was nt t his taste and sme made him even sicker.”可知,他什么都没吃,空着肚子回家。故选C。
    第二部分 阅读理解(共三节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    Children are the future f ur wrld. The healthy develpment f them is imprtant t any cuntry. The wrld has lng been lking fr ways t supprt children’s healthy develpment. As fr that, the Child Friendly Cities Initiative (《儿童友好城市倡议》), CFCI fr shrt, prvides us with a gd way frward.
    CFCI is an initiative started by UNICEF and UN-Habitat in 1996. The initiative calls n peple t build a city in which children can grw up healthily and safely and make their vices heard. The initiative has made a big difference wrldwide since it started. Nw, there are abut 1,000 child friendly cities in the wrld.
    Many cities in China have als shwn their interest in jining the initiative. Shenzhen is ne f the first cities in China that are trying t g child friendly. The city came up with an initiative called “seeing the wrld frm a height f ne meter”. It calls n sciety t see the wrld frm the perspective (角度) f children and hear their vices. The city has pened up many child friendly spaces like reading rms and playgrunds. Alng with imprving children’s living cnditins, Shenzhen has als started child friendly radi lines and prgrams t let children share their pinins.
    Building child friendly cities shws ur wish fr the healthy and happy grwth f children. China plans t build 100 child friendly cities by 2025. We hpe that all the children can grw up healthily and happily.
    21. CFCI prvides us with a gd way t supprt children’s healthy develpment.
    22. CFCI has made a big difference wrldwide since 1996.
    23. Shenzhen is the first city in China that is trying t g child friendly.
    24. Shenzhen calls n sciety t see the wrld frm children’s perspective and hear their vices.
    25. Shenzhen has started child friendly radi lines and prgrams t let children shw their talents in music.
    【答案】21. T 22. T 23. F 24. T 25. F
    细节理解题。根据“CFCI fr shrt, prvides us with a gd way frward.”可知CFCI为我们提供了一个支持儿童健康发展的好方法。故答案为T。
    细节理解题。根据“CFCI is an initiative started by UNICEF and UN-Habitat in 1996”以及“The initiative has made a big difference wrldwide since it started”可知CFCI开始于1996年,它从创建以来,在全球范围内产生了巨大的影响。故答案为T。
    细节理解题。根据“Shenzhen is ne f the first cities in China that are trying t g child friendly”可知深圳是中国最早尝试儿童友好型发展的城市之一。故答案为F。
    细节理解题。根据“ calls n sciety t see the wrld frm the perspective (角度) f children and hear their vices”可知深圳呼吁社会从儿童的角度看世界,倾听他们的声音。故答案为T。
    细节理解题。根据“Shenzhen has als started child friendly radi lines and prgrams t let children share their pinins.”可知深圳还开通了儿童友好型广播线路和节目,让孩子们分享他们的意见,并没有提到让孩子们展示音乐才能。故答案为F。
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Nt lng ag, there was a special pht exhibitin (展览) in Beijing. The phts all came frm ne camera. 34 peple acrss China tk them. They tk turns t use the camera t take the phts.
    The camera is LKs’. LKs likes taking phts. He has a great number f fllwers nline. In Octber 2022, he started this Drifting Camera prject (“漂流相机”计划). He bught an expensive camera, abut 60,000 yuan. Then he chse 34 peple frm different places in China. They all like taking phts. Then these peple tk turns t take phts with the camera. Each persn kept the camera fr 5 days and tk phts f anything in China.
    The trip f the camera started frm Beijing and tk abut 10 mnths. It returned t Beijing in mid-August, 2023. It brught back thusands f phts—phts f peple, nature, streets and s n.
    At first, many f LKs’ fllwers wrried abut the camera. They thught smene may break it. Hwever, it was in gd cnditin when it came back.
    26. Where was the exhibitin held?
    A. In New Yrk.B. In Lndn.
    C. In Chengdu.D. In Beijing.
    27. Accrding t Paragraph 2, what d peple in the prject have in cmmn?
    A. They like taking phts.
    B. They cme frm the same city.
    C. They can affrd this expensive camera.
    D. They have a great number f fllwers nline.
    28. Hw lng did the trip take?
    A. Abut 5 mnths.B. Abut 8 mnths.
    C. Abut 10 mnths.D. Abut 12 mnths.
    29. What did LKs’ fllwers wrry abut?
    A. The phts.B. The camera.
    C. The plan f the prject.D. The cst f the exhibitin.
    30. Why are the phts f this prject special?
    A. Because they were bught at high prices.
    B. Because they were shwn in 34 exhibitins.
    C. Because they were taken in different places arund the wrld.
    D. Because they were taken by different peple with the same camera.
    【答案】26. D 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Nt lng ag, there was a special pht exhibitin (展览) in Beijing.”可知,展览在北京举行,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Then he chse 34 peple frm different places in China. They all like taking phts.”可知,参加项目的人共同点是都喜欢拍照。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“The trip f the camera started frm Beijing and tk abut 10 mnths.”可知,这次旅行持续10个月。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“At first, many f LKs’ fllwers wrried abut the camera.”可知,很多LKs的粉丝都对这款相机感到担忧,故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Then these peple tk turns t take phts with the camera.”可知,这些相片的特别之处是它们是由不同的人用一个相机拍的。故选D。
    Lanterns, as we all knw, have always been a symbl f China. During the Lantern Festival, Chinese peple hang red lanterns utside their drs. Families get tgether t celebrate the festival by watching millins f beautiful lanterns at night.
    Chinese lanterns first appeared in the Han Dynasty. With a histry f mre than 1,800 years, they are a perfect cmbinatin (结合) f Chinese painting, paper cutting, paper art as well as the use f lighting. There are many kinds f lanterns, such as bamb lanterns, palace lanterns and pendant lanterns (吊灯). The patterns n the lanterns can be different, including peple, birds and flwers.
    Traditinally, Chinese lanterns are used t symblize family reunins (团聚). Hwever, tday’s lanterns have als becme a symbl f traditinal Chinese culture. They play an imprtant rle in peple’s life. With Chinese culture sweeping the wrld, Chinese lanterns are even used as huse decratins (装饰) by many peple wh lve Chinese culture. Nwadays, the materials f lanterns have changed frm paper and bamb t clth and plastic. The clrs and patterns f lanterns have als changed in sme ways. Chinese lanterns are used in many different situatins, such as weddings and birthdays.
    31. Chinese lanterns first appeared in the ______.
    A. Qin DynastyB. Han Dynasty
    C. Ming DynastyD. Qing Dynasty
    32. Hw many kinds f lanterns are mentined in Paragraph 2?
    A. One.B. Tw.C. Three.D. Fur.
    33. What can we knw frm the text?
    A. The patterns n the lanterns haven’t changed s far.
    B. During the Lantern Festival, Chinese peple make lanterns by themselves.
    C. The materials f lanterns have changed frm paper and plastic t clth and bamb.
    D. Chinese lanterns are a perfect cmbinatin f many different Chinese traditinal arts.
    34. Where can we prbably read the text?
    A. In a map.B. In a ntice.
    C. In a magazine.D. In a dictinary.
    35. What culd be the best title fr the text?
    A. Chinese lanternsB. Chinese patterns
    C. The Lantern FestivalD. The lantern materials
    【答案】31. B 32. C 33. D 34. C 35. A
    细节理解题。根据“Chinese lanterns first appeared in the Han Dynasty.”可知,中国的灯笼最早出现在汉代。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“There are many kinds f lanterns, such as bamb lanterns, palace lanterns and pendant lanterns (吊灯).”可知,一共提到了三种灯笼。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“With a histry f mre than 1,800 years, they are a perfect cmbinatin (结合) f Chinese painting, paper cutting, paper art as well as the use f lighting.”可知,中国灯笼是许多不同中国传统艺术的完美结合。故选D。
    最佳标题题。根据“Lanterns, as we all knw, have always been a symbl f China.”并结合全文可知,本文主要介绍了中国的灯笼文化,选项A“中国灯笼”可以作为本文最佳标题。故选A。
    “Hell everyne, my name is Zhang Jianna. I’m a city cleaner frm Chayang Sanitatin (环卫中心)…”
    Recently, a vide f Zhang became ppular nline. Many peple were shcked at her fluent (流利的) English and wndered hw she had such great English skills. Actually, behind this is a lng jurney f persistence (坚持).
    Zhang cmes frm a village in Hebei Prvince. In 2012, she gt the jb as a sanitatin wrker in Chayang District, Beijing. One day, she met a freigner. The freigner spke a lt f unfamiliar (陌生的) wrds t her. She didn’t knw what t d because she culdn’t understand what the freigner said. Sn, the freigner fund that Zhang didn’t understand his wrds. S, he pinted t the street and gave her a thumbs-up while saying, “Gd, gd!” Zhang suddenly realized that the freigner was cheering her fr keeping the street clean, but she culdn’t say anything t express herself.
    This unusual experience tuched Zhang, and she made up her mind t learn English. Then, Zhang fund her children’s textbks and started her learning jurney. Hwever, learning English at an lder age was difficult. Zhang wuld easily frget the wrds she learned. But she didn’t flinch frm facing up t the challenge. She used all her free time t learn and memrize the wrds ver and ver again. Finally, her hard wrk paid ff. S far, she has learned arund 3,000 English wrds and has been able t cmmunicate fluently with freigners. Zhang said, “Persistence is the key t learning English. Learn step by step and learn every day.”
    Nw, Zhang’s amazing jurney leads t a new gal. She says she wants t intrduce her hmetwn in English t draw mre turists ne day.
    36. Zhang decided t learn English t ______.
    A. have a better jbB. get mre attentin nline
    C. cmmunicate with freignersD. win mre praise frm freigners
    37. Hw did Zhang start t learn English?
    A. By making wrd cards.B. By talking with freigners.
    C. By taking night schl lessns.D. By using her children’s textbks.
    38. What des the underlined wrd “flinch” in Paragraph 4 prbably mean in Chinese?
    A. 畏惧B. 进取C. 克服D. 抉择
    39. What des Zhang plan t d in the future?
    A. T set up a schl in her hmetwn.
    B. T intrduce her hmetwn in English.
    C. T be an English teacher in her hmetwn.
    D. T help mre peple get jbs in her hmetwn.
    40. Which f the fllwing can best describe Zhang’s stry?
    A. Family is the best gift.
    B. Persistence is the key t success.
    C. True friends are always tgether in spirit.
    D. Sharing a prblem is like cutting it in half.
    【答案】36. C 37. D 38. A 39. B 40. B
    推理判断题。根据“She didn’t knw what t d because she culdn’t understand what the freigner unusual experience tuched Zhang, and she made up her mind t learn English”可知她不理解外国人说的话,这段经历让她下定决心学习英语,可推知她决定学习英语是为了和外国人交流。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“Zhang fund her children’s textbks and started her learning jurney”可知张建娜开始学习英语是通过找到她孩子的教科书。故选D。
    词义猜测题。根据“Zhang wuld easily frget the wrds she learned. But she didn’t flinch frm facing up t the challenge”可知张建娜在面对挑战时并没有畏惧,所以“flinch”在这里的意思是“畏惧”。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“She says she wants t intrduce her hmetwn in English t draw mre turists ne day.”可知张建娜的未来计划是用英语介绍她的家乡,以吸引更多的游客。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据“Actually, behind this is a lng jurney f persistence”以及本文内容可知,本文主要介绍了一位清洁工张建娜自学英语,虽然她遇到一些困难,但是她不放弃,最终取得成功,故张娟娜的故事最好的描述是“坚持是成功的关键”。故选B。
    第三节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    Preparing fr exams isn’t easy, but in right ways, it can be a piece f cake. ____41____
    Start early. ____42____ Then yu can have mre time t prepare fr all the subjects.
    ____43____ Write ntes in yur wn wrds. Yu can use clred pens r sticky ntes t help yu find imprtant things quickly.
    Practice, practice, practice: Practice makes perfect. ____44____
    Dn’t study ne subject fr t lng. Cncentratin (专注) ges dwn after a lng time f study. Yu can try the Pmdr Technique (番茄工作法). Study fr 25 minutes, then have a 5-minute break. It really wrks.
    Learn t relax. As the saying ges, “All wrk and n play makes Jack a dull by.” A healthy mind and bdy can help yu study better. ____45____
    Remember, put yur heart int what yu d, and then yu will d well in yur exams. Gd luck!
    A. Take study ntes.
    B. Yu shuld start reviewing as sn as pssible.
    C. It’s imprtant t have time t play, eat and sleep.
    D. Here are sme suggestins t help yu have a healthy bdy.
    E. The Pmdr Technique culd imprve yur cncentratin.
    F. Here are sme useful ways t help yu get ready fr yur exams.
    G. Take practice tests and review ld exam questins t help yu prepare.
    【答案】41. F 42. B 43. A 44. G 45. C
    根据“Preparing fr exams isn’t easy, but in right ways, it can be a piece f cake.”以及下文内容可知,本文讲述了一些如何备考的方法,选项F“这里有一些有用的方法来帮助你准备考试。”符合语境,故选F。
    根据“Then yu can have mre time t prepare fr all the subjects.”可知,此处讲述准备考试应尽量早点,选项B“你应该尽快开始复习。”符合语境,故选B。
    根据“Write ntes in yur wn wrds.”可知,此处讲述记笔记,选项A“做学习笔记。”符合语境,故选A。
    根据“Practice, practice, practice: Practice makes perfect.”可知,此处讲述考前要有大量练习,选项G“做一些练习测试和复习以前的考题来帮助你做好准备。”符合语境,故选G。
    根据“A healthy mind and bdy can help yu study better.”可知,此处介绍要会平衡学习和休闲,选项C“有时间玩耍、吃饭和睡觉是很重要的。”符合语境,故选C。
    第三部分 写作(共三节,满分20分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    46. Tina lked after the sick dg ______ at the animal hspital last night. (careful)
    【解析】句意:蒂娜昨晚在动物医院细心地照顾这只生病的狗。根据“Tina lked after the sick dg”可知是细心地照顾狗狗,修饰动词用副词carefully“细心地”。故填carefully。
    47. The Yellw River is the ______ lngest river in China. (tw)
    【解析】句意:黄河是中国的第二长河。根据“The Yellw River is the…lngest river”可知,此处是指在中国范围内“第二”长的河流,提示词tw为基数词,应用其序数词形式修饰最高级,the+数词+形容词最高级,表示“第几最……”。故填secnd。
    48. Uncle Li is strict with ______ but friendly t thers. (he)
    【解析】句意:李叔叔对自己要求很严格,但对别人很友好。根据“but friendly t thers.”可知他对自己很严格,对别人很友好,故此处用反身代词himself“他自己”。故填himself。
    49. My little brther is creative and he dreams f being an ______ in the future. (invent)
    【解析】句意:我的小弟弟很有创造力,他梦想将来成为一名发明家。invent“发明”,根据“My little brther is creative and he dreams f being the future.”可知,此处指想做“发明家”inventr。故填inventr。
    50. Yu shuld always be ______ t yur parents fr giving yu a gd educatin.(thank)
    【解析】句意:你应该永远感谢你的父母给你良好的教育。根据“Yu shuld always yur parents fr giving yu a gd educatin.”可知,此处作表语,应使用形容词thankful“感激的”。故填thankful。
    第二节 (共5 小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语, 注意使用适当的形式。
    51. It’s a gd habit t ______ yur fd every meal. (吃光)
    【答案】eat up##finish ff##finish up
    【解析】句意:每餐把食物吃完是个好习惯。结合句意和汉语提示可知,eat up/finish ff/finish up“吃光”,动词短语;根据“It’s a gd idea t…yur fd every meal.”可知,句中it为形式主语,动词不定式为真正的主语,因此这里用动词原形。故填eat up/finish ff/finish up。
    52. My sister has learned t make a strawberry ______ in the labr class.(奶昔)
    【答案】milk shake
    【解析】句意:我妹妹在劳动课上学会了做草莓奶昔。根据中文提示可知,milk shake“奶昔”符合句意,不可数名词,故填milk shake。
    53. ______, Kunming is filled with rich clrs. (在秋天)
    【答案】In autumn##In fall
    【解析】句意:在秋天,昆明充满了丰富的色彩。表达“秋天”用autumn或fall,季节前面用介词in。所以表达“在秋天”用短语in autumn或in fall,短语放在句首,首字母i要大写。故填In autumn/In fall。
    54. Last weekend, I ______ with my family at the ft f a muntain.(去露营)
    【答案】went camping##went t camp##camped
    【解析】句意:上周末,我和家人在山脚下露营。“去露营”g camping/g t camp/camp;句子时态为一般过去时,动词应使用过去式。故填went camping/went t camp/camped。
    55. In China, many ______ have been passed dwn thrugh the ages and lts f them are enjyed and shared tday. (民间故事)
    【答案】flk stries##flk tales
    【解析】句意:在中国,许多民间故事已经流传了很长一段时间,今天有很多故事被人们欣赏和分享。民间故事:flk stry/tale,many后加可数名词复数。故填flk stries/tales。
    第三节 书面表达(满分 10分)
    56. 亲爱的同学,课后生活宛如一幅绚丽多彩的画卷,每个角落都洋溢着青春的活力与光彩。你可以尽情享受青春的美好,收获友谊与成长,为自己增添更多色彩与回忆。请以“What I Enjy after Schl”为题, 用英语写一篇短文,叙述你的课后生活以及收获或感悟。
    1. 语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于80个;
    2. 文中不得使用真实姓名、校名,则以零分计;
    3. 请将短文写在答题卡上,写在本试题卷上无效。
    What I Enjy after Schl
    What I Enjy after Schl
    Althugh campus life is very busy, my life after schl is clrful and happy. First f all, I need t finish my hmewrk, which is the first thing I need t d. Only when I finish my hmewrk can I play happily with my friends. Playing badmintn is my favrite sprt after schl. In my pinin, sprts cntribute t my health, which is imprtant in my daily life. I am very satisfied with myself, because I nt nly study hard, but als have a gd time after schl. As a student, I need t learn. At the same time, I need t enjy my childhd.

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