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      四川省射洪市2024届高三下学期5月高考模拟试题 英语 Word版含答案.docx
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    这是一份四川省射洪市2024届高三下学期5月高考模拟英语试卷(Word版附答案),文件包含四川省射洪市2024届高三下学期5月高考模拟试题英语Word版含答案docx、射洪市2024年普通高考模拟测试英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英 语
    第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共100分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    1. What's the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Shp assistant and custmer.
    B. Bus driver and passenger.
    C. Tur guide and visitr.
    2. What did the man vlunteer t d?
    A. Lk after his parents.
    B. Visit his grandfather.
    C. Take his sister t the museum.
    3. What did Cral d yesterday?
    A. She visited the cean park.
    B. She bught sme bks.
    C. She stayed indrs.
    4. Hw much shuld the man pay?
    A. $40. B. $50. C. $60.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. The Bahama Island.
    B. A big fire.
    C. The effects f Hurricane Drian.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What did Karen find interesting?
    A. The swiss queuing culture.
    B. The swiss cutting in line.
    C. The swiss weather.
    7. When did Karen leave Switzerland?
    A. Last Friday. B. Last Saturday. C. Last Sunday.
    8.What are the speakers ding?
    A. Climbing a hill. B. Training fr marathn. C. Camping alng the stream.
    9. What happened t the man?
    A. He nearly fell int a stream.
    B. His ankle was injured.
    C. He was t tired t mve n.
    10. What will the speakers d next?
    A. Stp fr a rest. B. Receive training. C. Finish the race.
    11. Why des the wman rder Sleeping Murder?
    A. She needs t cpy it.
    B. She wants it as a gift.
    C. Her birthday is cming.
    12. Hw much des the wman we t the bkshp?
    A. $31. B. $3. C. $15.
    13. What is the date tday?
    A. July 31st . B. July 29th . C. July 28th .
    14. What's the man's pinin abut the film?
    A. Scary. B. Bring. C. Exciting.
    15. What is the wman's plan this evening?
    A. Play a game. B. Watch a film. C. Visit a museum.
    16. Where is the Mdern Art Museum?
    A. Acrss the wman's flat.
    B. On the nrth side f the river.
    C. On the suth side f the river.
    17. When will the wman leave her flat?
    A. At 7:00p. m. B. At 7:15p. m. C. At 6:45p. m.
    18. Which areas are mst at risk in the strm?
    A. Dwntwn areas. B. Castal neighbrhds. C. Suburban twns.
    19. What des the speaker suggest all viewers d?
    A. Prtect windw glass. B. Avid driving cars. C. Leave the city.
    20. Wh might Julia be?
    A. An emergency rescuer. B. A weather reprter. C. A traffic reprter.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
    Must-see exhibitins f 2024
    Cute at Smerset Huse, Lndn
    Explre the irresistible frce f cuteness in cntemprary culture. Frm emjis t Internet memes, vide games t plush tys, cuteness has taken ver ur wrld, but hw has smething s charming and seemingly harmless gained such attractin? Smerset Huse brings tgether cultural ephemera and cntemprary artwrks, alngside a sptlight n Hell Kitty, t cincide with her 50th anniversary.
    Tickets: £18.50 per persn/Cncessins(减价票) frm £11 per persn
    25 Jan. 2024—14 Apr. 2024
    Barbie at Design Museum, Lndn
    Running with 2023's Barbie mania, and cinciding with Barbie's 65th anniversary, Lndn's Design Museum will tell the icn's stry thrugh a design lens in their majr new shw. The exhibitin will trace the legacy that began in 1959 when Ruth Handler sught a new female narrative fr her daughter, Barbara. It delves int Barbie's evlutin thrugh fashin, architecture, furniture, and vehicle design.
    05 Jul. 2024—23 Feb. 2025
    Brâncuşi at Centre Pmpidu, Paris
    The Centre Pmpidu presents an unprecedented Cnstantin Brancusi exhibitin, featuring nearly 200 sculptures, phtgraphs, drawings, films, archives, tls, and furniture frm his wrkshp. This unique shwcase, cinciding with the wrkshp's relcatin during renvatin, ffers a fresh perspective n the art f this immense 20th-century artist. The wrkshp, a jewel f the museum's cllectin since 1957, frms the cre f this retrspective, enriched by majr lans frm internatinal museums.
    Tickets: Frm €15 per persn/Cncessin frm €12 per persn
    27 Mar. 2024—01 Jul. 2024
    Michelangel: The last decades at The British Museum, Lndn
    In 1534, Michelangel left Flrence fr Rme, never t return. This exhibitin explres his final 30 years in Rme, shwcasing new reunins with clse friends, and his majr wrks. It features numerus preparatry drawings fr the Last Judgement fresc, the restred Epifania cartn, and studies fr St Peter's Basilica's recnstructin. Cntrasting tday's yuth-centric culture, the exhibitin highlights lifelng practice, mastery, experience, wisdm, and experimentatin, embdying Michelangel's enduring legacy.
    02 May 2024—28Jul. 2024
    21. Hw much will a cuple pay fr the first exhibitin at least?
    A. £37. B. £11. C. £22. D. £18.5.
    22. Which f the fllwing exhibitins lasts the lngest time?
    A. Cute at Smerset Huse, Lndn.
    B. Barbie at Design Museum, Lndn.
    C. Brâncuşi at Centre Pmpidu, Paris.
    D. Michelangel: The last decades at The British Museum, Lndn.
    23. What can we knw abut Michelangel?
    A. He passed away in Flrence.
    B. His wrks will be exhibited with bjects frm internatinal museums.
    C. He cmpleted the Last Judgement fresc effrtlessly.
    D. His later years were spent in Rme.
    Sachin Oza always seemed t catch whatever cld and flu germs were flying arund. Despite being nly in his mid-thirties, he felt ut f shape and ut f srts. He realized that if he didn't make sme changes, his immune functin wuld cntinue wrsening with age.“I have a family backgrund f diabetes, high chlesterl, and heart disease,”adds Oza.“I had t take actin.”
    But Oza's lifestyle std in the way. He clcked lng days wrking in finance in Lndn, with little pprtunity t be active r fcus n his well-being. His cmmute frm his hme in Orpingtn, Kent, t the ffice was stressful and time-cnsuming, and he was spending far t many hurs stuck behind his desk.
    Oza's increasingly sedentary(久坐不动的)lifestyle had repercussins. In additin t catching bugs easily, he lacked energy, his bdy ached, and he felt lethargic.“My immune system was really weak,”recalls Oza.“I knew that I shuldn't be feeling this way befre even hitting 40.”
    S he began a 15-year jurney t examine his health fully. He cnducted sme changes t his diet, intrducing mre raw fruits and vegetables and cutting dwn n junk fd. He started ging fr runs and began regular training, resistance training, and stretching. He als became interested in mindfulness, practising deep-breathing and meditatin.
    Nw 49, Oza feels like a new man.“I catch clds far less frequently than befre,” he says. His aches and pains have eased, his stress levels are lwer, and he sleeps sundly.“I n lnger wake up in the early hurs, which has made a huge difference in hw I feel.”
    There are many factrs affecting the immune system that we can't cntrl-ageing weakens ur immune functin, fr example, and we have individual genetic differences that affect hw we deal with diseases.
    24. What was the barrier fr Oza t make changes befre?
    A. His immune system. B. His family backgrund.
    C. His unfavurable lifestyle. D. His weak health situatin.
    25. What des the underlined wrd“lethargic”mean?
    A. Sleepy. B. Puzzled. C. Uncnfident.D. Energetic.
    26. Hw has Oza regained health?
    A. By taking a 15-year jurney.
    B. By giving up his jb in Lndn.
    C. By eating raw fruits and vegetables.
    D. By changing diets and keeping training.
    27. What d yu think f Oza accrding t his experience?
    A. Busy.B. Determined.C. Intelligent.D. Dull.
    Andrea Lankfrd quit her jb after spending 12 years as a Natinal Park Service frester specializing in search and rescue missins in scenic and remte American landscapes. Hwever, decades later, three yung hikers went missing n the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). She fund herself unable t turn away frm the three separate cases despite challenges in the inquiry int them.
    Trail f the Lst was her answer.
    It's an absrbing nnfictin narrative (叙事) abut the three hikers, including their lives and thse f the peple lking fr them. It als explres the histry f the PCT and the rich subculture, practices and even literature that surrund it and thse wh undertake the 2,650-mile jurney.
    The bk is a rich multilayered narrative that wrks n three different levels. The first is the stry f each f the three hikers. Lankfrd ffers a bigraphy f each f the missing men and shws them thrugh the eyes f thse wh knew them well and thse wh jined the search.
    Right underneath the narratives abut the three hikers are the stries f everyne lking fr them. Lankfrd played a rle in each search but she allwed friends, family and even strangers t ccupy center stage thrughut mst f the narrative. The stry lks at the rle f missing persn Facebk grups in the searches and hw crucial wrd f muth can be. Many warm-hearted individuals came frth and became instrumental in the searches r prvided valuable infrmatin. But Lankfrd als writes f the many wh lied fr n apparent reasn and cnfused the investigatins.
    The narrative als shines a light n diverse aspects f the PCT. Lankfrd, wh has hiked the entire Appalachian Trail and was the first persn t muntain bike the 800-mile Arizna Trail, knws just hw the PCT is physically and mentally demanding. Besides, the bk explres threats frm muntain lins t peple with bad intentins wh dn't bserve the PCT's unspken mral rules, serving as a revelatin f the well-knwn, hidden r ignred dangers f the PCT.
    Written with a clear, fast-paced, straightfrward style, Trail f the Lst is as full f hpe and humanity as it is packed with pain, srrw, danger and tensin. Read it and yu'll find mre than yu seek.
    28. What led Lankfrd t write Trail f the Lst?
    A. Her lve fr her prir career.
    B. Her strng attachment t the PCT.
    C. The stress frm the missing families.
    D. Her investigatin int hikers' disappearance.
    29. What is presented n the secnd level f the bk?
    A. Effrts by different peple in searches.
    B. A string f wilderness survival tips.
    C. Appraches t infrmatin classificatin.
    D. Respective stries f the three hikers.
    30. What's the purpse f mentining Lankfrd's previus adventures?
    A. T prmte her bk.
    B. T make her a celebrity.
    C. T mtivate hikers t challenge themselves.`
    D. T stress the difficulty f hiking the PCT.
    31. What can we say abut the bk?
    A. It targets single yuth.B. It's a rmantic nvel.
    C. It's based n actual events.D. It's a detailed accunt f a jurney.
    Begus is a linguist at the University f Califrnia, Berkeley. He gt the chance, last summer, t bserve sperm whales in their wild Caribbean habitat. With him were marine bilgists and rbticists. There were als cryptgraphers and experts in ther fields. All have been wrking tgether t listen t sperm whales and figure ut what they might be saying. They call this Prject CETI. Prject CETI's team is nt the nly grup turning t AI fr help deciphering animal talk. Researchers have trained AI mdels t srt thrugh the sunds f prairie dgs, dlphins, naked mle rats and many ther creatures.
    Lng befre AI came int the picture, scientists and thers have wrked tward understanding animal cmmunicatin. Sme learned that vervet mnkeys have different calls when warning f lepards, eagles r pythns. Others discvered that elephants cmmunicate in rumbles t lw fr human ears t hear. Bats chatter in squeaks t high fr ur hearing. Still ther grups have explred hw bees cmmunicate thrugh dance.
    “It tk us a lng time t measure all these things,”says researcher Karen Bakker. AI, she ntes, has the ptential t greatly speed up this type f research. Perhaps ne day we'll be able t use AI t build a futuristic CHAT bx that translates animal sunds int human language, r vice versa.
    “AI culd eventually get us t the pint where we understand animals,”says Bakker. What's interesting t her is what we can learn frm hw bats and ther creatures talk amng each ther. We shuld listen t animals in rder t better prtect them, she argues. Fr example, a system set up t recrd whales r elephants can als track their lcatins. This can help us avid whales with ur bats r prtect elephants frm illegal hunters.
    32. What is Prject CETI aimed at?
    A. Applying AI t animal research.
    B. Imprving the living cnditins f sperm whales.
    C. Preventing animals frm being hunted.
    D. Decding animal talk.
    33. Hw is the secnd paragraph develped?
    A. By listing figures. B. By citing examples.
    C. By making cmparisns. D. By analyzing causes.
    34.What is Karen Bakker's attitude t using AI fr animal study?
    A. Psitive. B. Uncaring. C. Ambiguus. D. Disapprving.
    35. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. AI: A Ptential Threat t Human Future
    B. AI: The Cutting Edge Mdern Science
    C. AI: A Tl t Understand and Cnserve Animals
    D. AI: A Field f Fierce Majr-cuntry Cmpetitin
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    Hw t Build Resilience
    Resilience(适应力)is a crucial skill that can help us face the unpredictability f life and thrive in the face f adversity. 36 . Whether it's learning hw t be resilient at wrk r hw t be resilient t stress, use these strategies as a starting pint fr yur resilience-building jurney.
    Build strng relatinships
    37 . Having caring, supprtive peple arund yu acts as a prtective factr during times f crisis. While simply talking abut a situatin with a friend r lved ne wn't make yur trubles g away, it allws yu t share yur feelings, get supprt, receive psitive feedback, and cme up with pssible slutins t yur prblems.
    Yur physical well-being significantly impacts yur resilience. A healthy bdy can cpe better with stress and recver faster frm illness r tiredness. Start t imprve yur health by integrating a simple exercise rutine int yur daily schedule, like a 30-minute strll r a shrt yga sessin. By taking care f yurself, yu can bst yur verall health and resilience and be fully ready t face life's challenges.
    Discver yur purpse
    A sense f purpse can give yu directin and mtivatin, especially during tugh times. Cnsider what gals yu have, whether little r large. These gals give a sense f purpse t yur life and keep yu fcused. Write dwn a list f things yu want t accmplish in life. 39 .
    Develp prblem-slving skills
    Whenever yu encunter a new challenge, brainstrm sme f the ptential ways yu culd slve the prblem. 40 . By practicing yur prblem-slving skills n a regular basis, yu will be better prepared t cpe when a serius challenge emerges.
    A. Priritize physical health
    B. Activate psitive emtin
    C. It's imprtant t have peple yu can trust.
    D. It can be develped and enhanced ver time.
    E. Keep this list in a safe place and evaluate yur prgress regularly.
    F. Experiment with different strategies t wrk thrugh cmmn prblems.
    G. It means the difference between handling pressure and lsing yur cl.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Until a few years ag, I had what mst peple wuld prbably call a gd life, fr I had a (an) 41 jb that paid the bills; I had a gd family that I was really clse t, and I had a place t live in and mney in the bank fr trips and 42 , and there was nthing much wrng in my life. 43 , I was bred.
    I wanted mre. I wanted t live 44 and ludly and make sharp memries instead f the 45 nes f everyday life. But I was a little 46 . I've never had any 47 in myself. As a child, even buying smething in a shp caused me a great deal f 48 , and even thugh I did get better as I gt lder, I never 49 that childhd shyness. And I tried everything, like reading bks abut cnfidence. I tk tiny steps leading t my gals. But nne f them really 50 .
    S I 51 that the small steps weren't enugh. I signed up fr an internship(实习期)teaching English in Vietnam, a huge step which seems 52 , ne that 53 me as much as it excited me. And then the day came and I left my hme and my lved ne. I was alne in a cuntry where the fd was 54 and the streets were dirty. I had n idea whether I culd 55 everything this very strange envirnment wuld 56 at me.
    I spent mre than five mnths in Vietnam, teaching, explring and laughing. I’d learned t 57 myself, my skills, my abilities and my decisins. After that, I returned hme 58 , even t myself, let alne t thers. The 59 that had cntrlled my life and the self-dubt were cmpletely 60 . That ne big chance changed everything fr me, and in me.
    第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共50分)
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    T write his wn medical text, Li Shizhen referenced ver 800 medical texts, cuntless bks n histry and gegraphy, and wrks f literature. He even studied the cmplete wrks f many ancient pets, frm 61 he selected a surprising number f verses abut medicine. Hwever, the greatest issue he encuntered was the widespread incnsistency(不一致) in the use f drug names. Realizing the imprtance f field research utweighed 62 f extensive reading, Li travelled far and wide int the muntains and wilderness in 1565. He cvered what are tday's prvinces f Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui and Jiangsu, and many ther places.
    After ver a decade f field research, Li 63 (successful) cmpleted the first draft f his masterpiece, Benca Gangmu, r the Cmpendium f Materia Medica in 1578. He revised 64 wrk at least three times right up until his death in 1593.
    Since its first publicatin in 1596, the bk 65 (receive) wrld-wide recgnitin. British naturalist Charles Darwin acknwledged the bk 66 an“ancient Chinese encyclpedia(百科全书).”In 2011, the bk 67 (list) n the UNESCO Memry f the Wrld Register. In 2017, an internatinal cnference was held in Beijing 68 (celebrate) Li's 500th birthday.
    Tday, there are a 69 (grw) number f internatinal exchanges centering n Li Shizhen and his bk, and many peple arund the wrld can still find the 70 (wise) f human develpment in this ancient classic.
    61. ▲ 62. ▲ 63. ▲ 64. ▲ 65. ▲
    66. ▲ 67. ▲ 68. ▲ 69. ▲ 70. ▲
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Once I was asked t cach the cmmunity basketball team. Thugh have many gd players, the team never wn a game. I quickly fund ut what they culd nt win fr the first time I watched them play their game. Everyne desires t be a star. I pinted ut that smebdy wuld be a star if they didn't shw the team spirit and supprt each ther. Evident they began t realize their mistakes. In the fllwing practice, every team member wuld pass the ball t ther members wh were in a better psitin scre pints. When they finally wn a game, they all learned the strng f teamwrk.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    假设你是李华,6月6日是全国爱眼日。在爱眼日来临之际,你校英文报以“Hw t Prtect Our Eyes”为主题开展征文活动,以呼吁同学们爱护眼睛。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    Hw t Prtect Our Eyes
    ▲ ▲ ▲
    ▲ ▲ ▲
    ▲ ▲ ▲
    ▲ ▲ ▲
    41. A. stable
    B. temprary
    C. infrmal
    D. tiring
    42. A. sacrifices
    B. rewards
    C. treats
    D. fines
    43. A. Thus
    B. Instead
    C. Otherwise
    D. Hwever
    44. A. easily
    B. brightly
    C. peacefully
    D. gracefully
    45. A. sweet
    B. unfrgettable
    C. rdinary
    D. entertaining
    46. A. addictive
    B. inncent
    C. utging
    D. afraid
    47. A. pride
    B. cnfidence
    C. enthusiasm
    D. shame
    48. A. stress
    B. excitement
    C. cnfusin
    D. amazement
    49. A. added t
    B. talked abut
    C. gt ver
    D. suffered frm
    50. A. cntinued
    B. survived
    C. failed
    D. helped
    51. A. decided
    B. prmised
    C. predicted
    D. imagined
    52. A. equal
    B. impssible
    C. reasnable
    D. ccasinal
    53. A. ignred
    B. impressed
    C. annyed
    D. terrified
    54. A. tasty
    B. accessible
    C. strange
    D. varius
    55. A. adpt
    B. handle
    C. abandn
    D. gain
    56. A. pint
    B. thrw
    C. shut
    D. aim
    57. A. trust
    B. accept
    C. excuse
    D. frgive
    58. A. uncncerned
    B. unsatisfied
    C. unchangeable
    D. unrecgnizable
    59. A. fear
    B. respect
    C. curage
    D. exhaustin
    60. A. picked up
    B. held up
    C. wrn away
    D. brken dwn
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1-5 BCBAC
    6-10 ABABC 11-15 BCCBA 16-20 CCABC
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    21-25 CBDCA 26-30 DBDAD 31-35 CDBAC
    36-40 DCAEF
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    41-45 ACDBC 46-50 DBACD 51-55 ABDCB 56-60 BADAC
    61.which 62.that 63.successfully 64.the 65.has received
    66.as 67.was listed 68.t celebrate 69.grwing 70. wisdm
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Once I was asked t cach the cmmunity basketball team. Thugh have many
    a having
    gd players, the team never wn a game. I quickly fund ut what they culd nt
    win fr the first time I watched them play their game. Everyne desires t be a star. I
    pinted ut that smebdy wuld be a star if they didn't shw the team spirit and
    nbdy r
    supprt each ther. Evident they began t realize their mistakes. In the fllwing
    practice, every team member wuld pass the ball t ther members wh were in a
    better psitin ∧scre pints. When they finally wn a game, they all learned the
    strng f teamwrk.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    Hw t Prtect Our Eyes
    Eyes are the windw f ur mind. But nwadays, we can see mre and mre students arund us wear glasses. It nt nly has a strng effect n ur study, but als makes ur daily life incnvenient.
    Hw can we prtect ur eyes? It's nt right t keep ur eyes wrking fr a lng time. We'd better nt read in a strng r pr light. Dn't read in bed r n a mving bus. Remember t keep bks away frm ur eyes fr abut a ft and d eye-exercises every day, What's mre, a balanced diet is necessary.
    Fllw the advice abve and frm a gd habit. It's time t say gdbye t thick glasses.(115 wrds)

    四川省遂宁市射洪中学2024届高三下学期5月三模英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份四川省遂宁市射洪中学2024届高三下学期5月三模英语试题(Word版附答案),文件包含英语试题docx、英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共12页, 欢迎下载使用。

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