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    这是一份2024年江苏省苏州市吴中、吴江,相城区中考二模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年江苏省苏州市吴中吴江相城区中考二模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年江苏省苏州市吴中吴江相城区中考二模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本试卷共七大题, 满分100分(不含听力口语30分), 考试用时100分钟;
    2. 答题前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、考场号、座位号用0. 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答 题卡相对应的位置上;
    3. 答选择题必须用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑, 如需改动, 请用橡皮擦 干净后, 再选涂其他答案;答非选择题必须用0. 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡指定
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    4. 考生答题必须答在答题卡上, 答在试卷和草稿纸上一律无效。
    第一部分 完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
    请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
    When I was seven years ld, my mm was diagnsed (诊断) with cancer. The dctrs tld us my mm might be ____1____ with an peratin. But it culd als kill her. She chse t have it.
    The day befre the peratin, I was ____2____ schl, and my mm planned the best day f my life, everything I lved at seven and everything that wuld put a smile n my face. The day began with her ____3____ me up saying, “Kate, I have a ____4____ fr yu. Cme and see. ” The surprise was a dll I had wanted fr the lngest time. On that day, she tld me everything that she thught I wuld need t knw t ____5____ up and be a gd persn. She tld me t be the best I culd be and that I wuld always make her ____6____. We had a picnic in the park, and it was ____7____ cld that we mved t the car. The day was filled with laughter. Fr the first time in a lng time I culd see she was really happy. I wuld ____8____ frget her smile, r the way her eyes shne as if we were the same age. It was the best day f my life, and I wuld never frget the cnversatins we shared.
    My mther managed t live ____9____ the peratin. Nw when I lk back, I realize that the best day f my life culd be her last and this culd be the last day I wuld remember with her, the last ne we shared. I als understand hw ____10____ a mther is.
    1. A. killedB. savedC. filledD. influenced
    2. A. atB. inC. ffD. frm
    3. A. wakingB. callingC. shakingD. taking
    4. A. chiceB. resultC. suggestinD. surprise
    5. A. getB. grwC. cmeD. sit
    6 A. sadB. wrriedC. unhappyD. prud
    7. A. sB. veryC. reallyD. such
    8. A. alwaysB. neverC. smetimesD. ften
    9. A. thrughB. inC. nD. at
    10. A. hard-wrkingB. neverC. greatD. ften
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)
    请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    11. Why are the Huashan Caves mysterius?
    A. There was n way t get ut f them.
    B. They are large caves under Fuxian Lake.
    C. It’s unclear why ancient peple dug thse caves.
    D. It’s clear that they were the remains f an ancient kingdm.
    12. Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the material?
    A. Peple nce lived in the Taklimakan Desert.
    B. Peple dug under Fuxian Lake 3, 000 years ag.
    C. The ancient Dian Kingdm was built under water.
    D. The Huashan Caves were used fr keeping mummies.
    13. In what part f a magazine can we prbably read the material?
    A. Medicine.B. Science.C. Sprts.D. Culture.
    Lking back at these past three years
    I remember many things
    Trying t be n time fr mrning readings
    Running when the lunch bell rings
    I remember the excitement
    Of the schl sprts day each year
    The many lng hurs f training
    Pride f vercming fear
    I remember starting day ne
    The shyest in my whle class
    Never speaking t anyne
    And thinking I wuld nt pass
    Then slwly I made sme new friends
    T remember frever
    Helping each ther with hmewrk
    Getting better tgether
    Preparing fr art festivals
    And making a great big mess
    Having fun at New Year’s parties
    Wishing everyne the best
    We have learned a different language
    That is frm a freign land
    English brings many challenges
    We wrk hard t ________
    And nw it’s time t graduate
    We will leave ur lvely schl
    I can’t believe it’s been three years
    I’m trying t keep myself cl
    But it’s difficult nt t cry
    I’ll miss the schl trees and flwers
    And ur kind and caring teachers
    Wnderful memries f urs
    14. What des the underlined wrd “vercming” mean?
    A. Fighting against.B. Paying attentin t.
    C. Getting used t.D. Getting ready fr.
    15. Which f the fllwing des the writer find easy t d?
    A. Learning a freign language.B. Talking n the 1st day at schl.
    C. Taking part in New Year’s Party.D. Trying nt t cry when leaving schl.
    16. Which f the fllwing wrds can be filled in the sentence “We wrk hard t”?
    A. learnB. understandC. speakD. try
    17. What is the main purpse f the pem?
    A. T describe the clrful schl life in the past.
    B. T shw the writer’s gd achievements in study.
    C. T lk frward t new life in senir high schl.
    D. T express the writer’s deep lve t the schl.
    Last night my Chinese friend tk me t a cncert f Chinese flk music. The piece which was played n the erhu mved me a lt. The music was beautiful, but under the beauty I sensed a strng sadness and pain. The piece had a simple name, Erquan Yingyue. Later I lked up the histry f Erquan Yingyue, and I began t understand the sadness in the music.
    The music was written by Abing wh was brn in 1893. His mther died when he was very yung. Abing’s father taught him t play many musical instruments, and by age 17 Abing was knwn fr his musical ability. Hwever, after his father died, Abing’s life grew wrse. He was very pr. He develped a serius illness and became blind. Fr several years, he had n hme. He lived n the streets and played music t make mney. Even after Abing gt married and had a hme again, he cntinued t sing and play n the streets. He perfrmed in this way fr many years.
    Abing’s amazing musical skills made him very ppular during his lifetime. By the end f his life, he culd play ver 600 pieces f music. It is a pity that nly six pieces f music in ttal were recrded fr the future wrld t hear. Tday, Abing’s Erquan Yingyue has becme ne f China’s natinal treasures. Its sad beauty nt nly paints a picture f Abing’s wn life but als makes peple recall their deepest wunds frm their wn sad r painful experiences.
    18. What des the writer think f Erquan Yingyue?
    A. Exciting and beautiful.B. Sad but beautiful.
    C. Quiet and wnderful.D. Cheerful but nisy.
    19 When did Abing becme hmeless?
    A After his father died.B. When he gt married.
    C. When his mther died.D. When he was seventeen.
    20. What’s the main idea f Paragraph 3?
    A. It describes the picture f Abing’s life.
    B. Abing’s musical skills made him ppular.
    C. Abing nce lived a very pr and sad life.
    D. It tells the histry f Abing’s Erquan Yingyue.
    21. What can we learn abut Abing?
    A. He develped a serius illness and became deaf.
    B. He taught himself t play many musical instruments.
    C. Over 600 pieces f his music were recrded fr the future wrld.
    D. His Erquan Yingyue has becme ne f China’s natinal treasures.
    Jack and Mia had wrked n a sng fr Saturday’s band cmpetitin. Jack finally thught f an ending and culdn’t wait t play it fr her.
    “Hey buddy!” his friend Liam came when the bell rang.
    “Ready fr basketball after schl?” Uh-h, Jack has frgtten all abut basketball. He didn’t want t refuse Liam, but he really wanted t try ut the new ending with Mia immediately. Maybe if he culd find an excuse.
    “Hey, Liam,” Jack said, “I dn’t feel well tday. A-h-em!” He gave a small cugh. “Anther time?” His heart was beating fast.
    “Sure, n prblem. Feel better sn.” Liam replied and walked away.
    “Lying was easier than I imagined,” Jack breathed a sigh f relief. He thught he culd finish the sng withut hurting Liam’s feelings.
    Back at Jack’s hme, the ending turned ut t be perfect when Jack and Mia tried it ut.
    “That sunded great, guys.” Liam std n Jack’s basement (地库) steps, lking at Jack surprisingly.
    “Oh, n.” Jack said t himself, trying t think quickly. “It was strange. I suddenly felt fine as sn as I came back hme.” His heartbeat is racing and palms (手掌) were sweating. He hped his mind culd be fast enugh t keep up with his new lie. “I wuld have met yu at the playgrund, but it was t late. And then Mia stpped by, and...”
    “But Jack, I didn’t stp by. Yu called me,” Mia said, shaking her head.
    Liam managed a smile. There was n dubt that he was unhappy. He left a small case and said, “I’ve brught yu a mvie since yu were nt feeling well.” Befre Jack culd think f smething t say, Liam left and s did Mia. Jack felt quite awful—he was wrried that he might lse them because f his lies. Jack decided t stp lies frm destrying their friendship.
    The next mrning, Jack aplgized (道歉) t Liam fr lying t him.
    “Yu culd have just tld me. I knw that cmpetitin is imprtant t yu,” Liam said.
    “I guess the truth wuld have been easier, huh?” Jack said.
    Liam ndded and smiled.
    22. Why did Jack make a small cugh?
    A. He wanted t make Liam leave.B. He tried t catch Liam’s attentin.
    C. He wanted t play a trick n Liam.D. He tried t make Liam believe him.
    23. Which is the right rder f the stry?
    a. Jack said srry t Liam.
    b. Liam and Mia left Jack’s hme.
    c. Jack thught f an ending f a sng.
    d. Liam saw Jack and Mia play the sng.
    e. Jack planned t play basketball with Liam.
    A. e-c-d-b-aB. c-e-d-b-aC. c-d-b-a-eD. e-c-d-a-b
    24 What can we knw frm the text?
    A. Jack lst tw gd friends because f lying.
    B. Jack and Mia wuld win the cmpetitin.
    C. Jack had a terrible cugh when Liam came.
    D. Liam and Mia left Jack’s hme fr the same reasn.
    25. What des the text tell us?
    A. Practice makes perfect.
    B. It is never t ld t learn.
    C. Hnesty is the wisest strategy.
    D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
    第三部分 信息还原 (共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)
    D yu knw peple make judgments (判断) abut yur character in less than a secnd? It might seem unbelievable but it’s true. It might nt be easy t present yur best self t smene. ____26____
    D gd preparatins.
    Being prepared is imprtant when making a gd first impressin. D research ahead f time t understand the situatin and the peple cnnected. ____27____ S yu lk prepared when it’s time fr intrductins.
    Dress accrding t the ccasin.
    It’s als imprtant t dress rightly fr whatever ccasin (场合) r event yu attend. ____28____ Just wear clthing that fits the envirnment instead.
    Once it’s time fr intrductins r meeting new peple, make eye cntact thrughut the cnversatin. Yu shuld als keep an pen and cnfident bdy language, fr example, arms uncrssed. Smiling can als help create an air f penness and psitivity (积极性). It encurages thers t d the same with yu during cnversatins.
    Jin in cnversatin.
    ____30____ Dn’t just say what needs t be said withut much thught r care behind it.
    Remember t speak neither t slwly nr t quickly. Ndding in agreement r repeating a key pint f discussin are examples f active listening. It shws yu are interested in the cnversatin.
    A. It desn’t mean dressing frmally (正式的).
    B. Being able t listen silently shws respect fr thers.
    C. Maintain (保持) eye cntact and psitive bdy language.
    D. Luckily, there are ways yu can make a gd first impressin.
    E. Ask questins and jin in meaningful cnversatins.
    F. Creating a psitive impressin is key t keeping gd relatinships.
    G. Make sure yu have everything yu need with yu.
    第四部分 词汇运用 (共13小题;每小题1分, 满分13分)
    第一节 根据下列句子所给汉语注释或首字母, 在答题卡标有题号的横线上, 写出空 缺处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。
    31. It is said that Chinese parents like ________ (比较) their children with thers’ children.
    32. Travelers usually send _________ (明信片) t their friends when they visit a new place.
    33. Thugh Mr. Wu ________ (解释) the prblem many times, sme still did nt catch it.
    34. Jack seems _______ (忙碌) than befre, because his wife gave birth t a secnd child.
    35. The car is quite small, e________ if yu have a large family.
    36. “I will never fall behind.” said Peter, quite believing h___________.
    37. I am nt sure w__________ t g t university r t wrk after high schl.
    38. Many students are a___________ frm class these days because f having a temperature.
    第二节 选词填空
    In 2015, Liu Weixue left a well-paid jb as a designer t learn frm his grandfather the ____39____ art f making Yuhang il paper umbrellas. “I want t bring the art t life,” Liu said. “When it rains smene uses the umbrellas—that’s what I want t see.”
    After ____40____ the skills, Liu pened a studi and gathered umbrella-making wrkers.
    Liu imprved the umbrellas t win the hearts f yung peple. As the cmmn paper was easy t break, he started t use a ____41____ type f paper. In a test, his umbrellas were pened and clsed fr 1000 times withut breaking. He used a lighter bamb t make the umbrellas weigh less.
    In 2017, Liu pened an nline shp t sell umbrellas. It nw has mre than 80,000 fllwers. Still, Liu desn’t hurry. T keep the quality, his studi makes nly 1,000 umbrellas each year.
    Liu hpes the art can _____42_____. He ges t lcal schls t teach students. He als takes part in different _____43_____ in different places t prmte the art.
    第五部分 短文填空 (共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
    HONG KONG film ____44____ (direct) Wng Karwai’s first televisin series, Blssms Shanghai (《繁花》), made ____45____ (it) first appearance at the end f December. The drama helped readers understand the culture f Shanghai better. The drama was ____46____ (base) n the 2012 nvel f the same name written by Jin Yucheng in Shanghainese.
    Set in Shanghai during the 1990s, a yung man called A Ba (played by Hu Ge) wh rises frm small beginnings t becme ____47____ successful businessman in ten years. Alng the way, he receives help frm ____48____ (supprt) such as Ling Zi, Miss Wang and Uncle Ye. The majr rles were ____49____ (main) brn and raised in Shanghai and a great deal f the dialgue was in Shanghainese. Even Wng himself spke Shanghainese while wrking n set.
    In the series, different kinds f bjects frm ld newspapers ____50____ sewing machines, and ____51____ a car, were frm the 1990s. Thse bjects had interesting stries behind them, which ____52____ (remind) the Shanghai citizens f the past days. Besides, the main setting f the stry, “Huanghe Rad”, was rebuilt at a 1:1 scale at Shanghai Film Park in Sngjiang.
    The drama tk six years t cmplete. In rder t get the ____53____ (gd) sht, Wng ften required actrs t perfrm a scene upwards f ten times.
    第六部分 阅读表达 (共3小题;54题2分, 55题2分, 56题3分, 满分7分)
    Furteen-year-ld Jimmy Cper and the ther bys n the lcal teenage ftball team may smetimes lse a game, but they wn a fight against bullying.
    Danny Edwards, the team’s “water by”, was being bullied at schl. Danny has had a speech disrder (语言障碍) since his birth. When he grew up, kids made fun f him fr the way he talked and the way he dressed. Each day, Danny went t schl in a favurite suit, tie and fedra hat (软呢帽). Danny didn’t think it was a big deal. “I…just feel…really…cmfrtable in it,” he said.
    Jimmy was upset when he fund ut Danny was being bullied. “I thught t myself, n ne shuld be picked n fr the way he lks r speaks,” said Jimmy.
    S Jimmy decided t wear the same suit and hat t schl, t. “I did it t stand up fr Danny and shw him that bullying is nt right. I wanted him t feel happy and safe and knw that anywhere he ges he’ll be treated fairly by his friends,”Jimmy said. “I knew Danny wuld like it. I tld my mum that I didn’t care what peple thught abut me in schl because I was ding it fr Danny.”
    When Jimmy tld the ther bys n the team what he was planning, they wanted t be part f it, t. S they planned a “Danny Edwards Appreciatin Day (感恩日).”
    They decided that n a special day, instead f wearing ftball jerseys (球衣), they wuld dress like Danny. Wrd spread abut the special day, and ther kids in schl decided t shw their supprt, t. On the planned day, they all dressed in suits and ties and met in the schl library where they cheered, stmped (跺) their feet, and chanted “Danny! Danny! Danny!”.
    “I was…really…really happy, and it made…my…day, ” said Danny.
    54. What made the kids at schl make fun f Danny Edwards?
    55. Why did Jimmy want t help Danny?
    56. What d yu think f Jimmy and the ther bys’ plan fr Danny? What will yu d if yu are bullied?
    第七部分 书面表达 (共1题;满分25分)
    57. 尝试是一种积极的生活态度,它让我们在面对困难时不退缩,不逃避,而是积极地去寻找解决问题的方法。只有敢于尝试,我们才能突破自我,实现更大的成就。请你结合自身体验描述一次挑战自我的经历。内容包括:
    1. 你曾经尝试过做什么?
    2. 你是如何突破自我的?
    3. 这次尝试给你的启示是什么?
    1. 词数:100左右(已给出的短文开头,不计入总词数);
    2. 内容完整 (照抄阅读语篇不得分);
    3. 文中不得出现与考生相关真实姓名、校名等信息。
    Trying is a psitive attitude twards life. Yu wuld never knw what yu can get until yu have a try. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Three Great Ancient Mysteries in China
    Ancient City under Fuxian Lake
    Under Fuxian Lake, Yunnan Prvince
    In 2001, a research team fund stnewrk under the lake, cvering an area f nearly 2.4 t 2.7 square kilmeters. Researchers said that the stnewrk was 1,750 years ld. It’s believed that it was remains f the ancient Dian Kingdm which mysteriusly disappeared after 86 BCE.
    Mystery f the Huashan Caves
    Near Munt Huang, Anhui Prvince
    The caves fund amng the hills are 10 t 20 metres in height. The walls and stne stairs shw that men dug the caves mre than 1,700 years ag. As n histrical recrds tell what thse caves were used fr, the reasn fr creating thse caves remains a mystery.
    Ancient Wrld under the Taklimakan Desert
    Under the Taklimakan Desert, in Xinjiang
    Ancient peple believed that nce yu entered the Taklimakan Desert, there was n way t get ut f it. But ver the years, remains f huses and the ancient city f Lulan were fund under this mysterius area. In the late 1980s, several mummies (木乃伊) which were at least 3,000 years ld were als fund there.
    pass n; learn; event; traditin; thick

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    苏州市吴中、吴江、相城区2022~2023学年初三英语二模试卷: 这是一份苏州市吴中、吴江、相城区2022~2023学年初三英语二模试卷,共4页。







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