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    第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What is Mrs. Smith ding?
    A. Acting in a play. B. Taking an interview. C. Wrking at an ffice.
    2 What will the wman prbably d next?
    A. Give directins. B. Buy a train ticket. C. Tur arund the city.
    3. What did Maria learn recently?
    A. News reprting. B. Sme survival skills. C. Ways t build cnfidence.
    4. Wh is the ldest living dg nw?
    A. Bbi. B. Bluey. C. Spike.
    5. Why is the wman aplgizing?
    A. She bught t many items.
    B. She wasted t much mney.
    C. She spent t much time shpping.
    第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. Explanatins fr wrld map.
    B. Causes f ppulatin grwth.
    C. Reasns fr cultural differences.
    7. What des the man believe influenced Australians mst?
    A. The landscape. B. The weather. C. English traditins.
    听第7段材料,回答第8至 10题。
    8. What is wrrying the wman abut the new mvie?
    A. The stry. B. The length. C. The rating.
    9. What des the man think f the recent mvie?
    A. It's attractive. B. It's serius. C. It's humrus.
    10 Hw des the wman prbably watch Barbie?
    A. She ges t the cinema.
    B. She watches it with her kids.
    C. She spends a few nights n it.
    11. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A Travel agent and custmer.
    B. Athlete and cach.
    C. TV hst and guest.
    12. Hw many sngs did Jasmine sing at the Super Bwl?
    A. Three. B. Six. C. Twelve.
    13. Where is the last stp f the cncert tur?
    A. Nrth America. B. Asia. C. Eurpe.
    14. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a car. B. In a htel. C. In the wman's hme.
    15. Why des the wman care abut the time?
    A. She wrries abut her safety.
    B. She desn't want t miss the sunset.
    C. She hpes t see sme certain animals.
    16. What did the wman frget?
    A. Her key card. B. Her camera. C. Her fd.
    17. What will the man d fr the wman?
    A. Send her sme phtgraphs.
    B. Give her number t a friend.
    C. Email her a list f things she needs.
    18. What is applied t the new phne?
    A. A smart lck system.
    B. A different pwer mde.
    C. New cmmunicatin technlgy.
    19. What is the inspiratin fr the phne's name?
    A Its shape. B. Its functin. C. Its camera.
    20. What is special abut the camera f the Mn Glw 2?
    A. It has a tp design in its appearance.
    B. It wrks better at night than during the day.
    C. It can take clear phts f distant things.
    第一节 (共12小题;每小题2.5分,满分30分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    It was Natinal Adptin Day. The pet stre was wrking with the Lexingtn Humane Sciety t find gd hmes fr abandned dgs and cats. After endless pleas (恳求) frm my sns, Mark and Luke, I decided t stp in. I didn’t knw it at the time but adpting a hmeless dg wuld really make me feel better. I was struggling with depressin. We’d mved frm Ohi t Kentucky. Ohi had been my hme fr frty years, and I missed my parents, friends and the familiarity f hme.
    Inside the pet stre, there were rws f cages filled with furry animals. I sptted urs immediately: a tw-year-ld female Jack Russell named Princess. I lked int her cage. She pushed her nse tward the cage, sniffed and then lwered her head. Trembling in her cage, she seemed unsure f her surrundings. I wndered if Princess felt that way when she’d been brught here, surrunded by peple she didn’t knw. Is that why she was shaking s hard? It made me want her.
    “Let’s adpt her,” I said. My sns culdn’t cntain their excitement, “We want her!” My husband als agreed. After I filled ut the paperwrk, we tk Princess hme. She barely ate and didn’t bark the first few days, but gradually she relaxed.
    One afternn, I was abut t dze ff (打盹) when I felt Princess jump n the bed. She was like a friend next t me. Actually, after adpting Princess, I felt better. While I still missed my parents and friends, I started making friends and visiting places in Kentucky.
    When my sn Luke turned seven, we had a birthday party. While I was making the cupcakes, Princess settled n the flr next t me. She was taking in everything: the sunds f children laughing, the smell f fd and tw f my new friends sitting at the kitchen table. She lked arund and then up at me and wagged her tail. I thught it was her way f saying, “I’m finally hme” And yu knw what? She was right. We were bth hme.
    1. Why did the authr feel depressed?
    A. She was hmesick then.B. She lst her previus pet.
    C. She disliked her new life.D. She felt srry fr the animals.
    2. What made the authr decide t adpt Princess?
    A. Its attractive physical appearance.
    B. Its elegant respnses t her family.
    C. Its seemingly emtinal suffering.
    D. Its bviusly favrable persnality.
    3. Hw did the arrival f Princess impact the authr’s life?
    A. It changed her rutine.B. It changed her lifestyle.
    C. It imprved her scial life.D. It imprved her family life.
    4. What might be the best title fr the text?
    A Setting inB. Hlding n
    C. Changing fr gdD. Caring fr animals
    Clean water might nt grw n trees, but the trees might d the next best thing—prvide a cheap and easy way f filtering (过滤) it.
    Researchers frm the Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy (MIT) have been able t use wd frm tree branches t filter water bth in the labratry and in the field. Cmpared t ther water filters, the new way f filtering water gets an edge. This culd prvide an inexpensive and lw-tech alternative t cstly methds f getting clean water in places that need it the mst.
    In a new study, researchers shw that the natural structure f wd frm nn-flwering plants like pine prvides enugh filtratin t remve bacteria frm water. This methd was already prven t wrk in a lab in 2014, but nw the researchers have fund, thrugh interviews with ptential users and tests f lcal water surces, that the tree-based purificatin system wrks just as well in the field in India and that the lcals are willing t use it.
    The branches f nn-flwering plants are built f thin, straw-like tubes called x ylem in the layer f wd under the skin. The unique structure f the xylem tissue in the branches allws it t wrk as a water filter because these channels are cnnected t each ther thrugh prus membranes (多孔薄膜). These membranes can catch water pllutants, similar t a water filter membrane.
    The researchers were even able t extend the shelf life f dry wd filters t arund tw years by dipping (浸泡) them in a prtective mix f ht water and ethanl (乙醇). T make this ptentially life-saving technlgy be reachable t thse wh need it, the cnstructin f the filter is pen t the public and instructins can be fund n their website detailing hw anyne can try t cnstruct their wn wd water filter.
    5. What des the underlined “gets an edge” in Paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Has a limitatin.B. Has an advantage.
    C. Faces a challenge.D. Prduces an effect.
    6. Why des the authr mentin the example in India?
    A. T call n peple t prtect lcal water surces.
    B. T shw the cnsequences f lacking pure water.
    C. T explain why water filters are in great demand.
    D. T prve the water filter is effective and welcmed.
    7. What makes the branches f nn-flwering plants act as a water filter?
    A. They are thinner than ther plants' branches.
    B. They have wide straw-like tubes in the xylem tissue.
    C. The tiny hles f membranes can trap water pllutants.
    D. The layer f wd under their skin carries plenty f water.
    8. What des the passage mainly talk abut?
    A. A unique way f btaining water frm plants.
    B. The wrking principle f tree-based water filters.
    C. MIT creates a high-tech water purificatin system.
    D. MIT's wden water filter cmes int practical use.
    Imagine reading a stry titled “The Cnstant Pursuit f Alchl”. Yu wuld likely expect a depressing stry abut a persn abusing alchl. Nw imagine reading a stry titled “The Cnstant Pursuit f Success”. That wuld be an inspiring stry, wuldn’t it?
    Thugh it isn’t a cnventinal medical addictin, fr many peple, success has addictive prperties. T a certain extent, praise stimulates the neurtransmitter dpamine (神经递质多巴胺) , which is shwn in all addictive behavirs. Therefre, success is als similar t alchl addictin in its effects n human.
    “Unhappy is he wh depends n success t be happy,” wrte Arex DiasRibeir, a frmer Frmula l race-car driver. “Fr such a persn, the end f a successful career is the end f the line. His destiny (命运) is t die f bitterness r t search fr mre success in ther careers and t g n living frm success t success until he falls dead. In this case, there will nt be life after success.”
    There is plenty yu can d t retrain yurself t pursue happiness instead f success. The first step is an admissin that successful as yu are, were, r hpe t be in yur life and wrk, yu are nt ging t find true happiness in yur prfessinal life. Yu’ll find it in things that are deeply rdinary: enjying a walk r a cnversatin with a lved ne. The secnd step is t make up fr any relatinships yu’ve cmprmised (妥协) in the name f success. The last step is t find the right measurement f success. If yu measure yurself nly by the rewards f mney and pwer, yu’ll spend yur life running n these and cmparing yurself t thers. I suggest the better measurements be faith, family, and friendship.
    Success in and f itself is nt a bad thing. It can bring fun and sweetness t life. But it becmes tyrannical (专横的) when it is a replacement fr the relatinships and lve that shuld be at the center f ur lives.
    9. What can we learn frm Paragraph 2?
    A. Success is determined by many factrs.
    B. Peple can be greatly addictive t success.
    C. Success can be really attractive t humans.
    D. It’s difficult t achieve great success in life.
    10. What can we learn frm Alex Dias Ribeir’s wrds in Paragraph 3?
    A. It is nt wise t end a successful career.
    B. Happiness is mre imprtant than success.
    C. Successful peple usually live a bring life.
    D. Success may nt be the surce f happiness.
    11. What is the right measurement f success accrding t the authr?
    A. T take n a highly-paid jb.B. T hld a high scial psitin.
    C. T fcus n the true meaning f life.D. T find the right apprach t success.
    12. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A. T shw us the imprtance f success.
    B. T suggest lve is at the center f ur life.
    C. T remind us nt t verly pursue success.
    D. T share his experience in finding happiness.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Party themes are a ppular way t add smething special t birthdays, anniversaries r any type f gathering. There are many ptins fr putting tgether a French-themed party. ____13____
    Including French phrases in yur invitatin is an easy way t set the md fr a French-themed party. Cnveniently enugh, a number f standard invitatin and party phrases are already French. “Hrs d’ euvre” can be substituted fr “appetizer (开胃小菜)”, fr instance. The cmmnly-used “R. S. V. P.” stands fr the French “repndez sil vus plait”, meaning please respnd.____14____
    Yu can use the French spellings fr ther wrds, t, particularly if yu are thrwing a French-themed party fr an anniversary r ther ccasins. Fr instance, “Ceur” is French fr “heart”, “enchante” means “enchanted”, and as many are already aware, “l’ amur” means “lve”. ____15____
    ____16____ French music can be dwnladed nline if yu dn’t have access t a cllectin. French fd can als be researched nline. Crème Brulee, Eclairs and madeleines are all ppular French desserts.
    Decratin can be an imprtant part f carrying ff any theme. Fr a French-themed party, ne way t imprve yur decratin is t use well-knwn French icns. The Eiffel Twer and Arc de Trimphe are bth recgnizable architectural structures, fr instance.____17____ Anther ptin is t decrate yur dining area like an utdr cafe in Paris.
    A. S cnsider spelling ut this phrase t add effect.
    B. Yu might als pst prints by famus French artists.
    C. Music and fd can add much t yur French-themed party.
    D. Anyne wh has been t France will be eager t talk abut it.
    E. Besides, it can be relatively easy and inexpensive t create ne.
    F. These wrds can als be used in yur decratin, thank-yu ntes and mre.
    G. Clr schemes fr French-themed parties can vary accrding t yur preferences.
    第三部分:语言运用 (共三节,满分37.5分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Alng with a dzen bys, I made a trip t Lwa in rder t see a cllege that I was thinking f ____18____ last mnth. Althugh the trip had been fun fr the mst part, I felt ____19____ frm time t time. I was missing my family and ____20____ that I wuldn’t be seeing them very much if I studied here. I was als missing the ____21____ f my hme. I lved hw they turned int a thusand shades f green in the spring and then became a sea f gld, red and range in the fall. I lved the smell f the wild flwers.
    Here in Iwa everything was ____22____. What I culd see was a wild prairie(大草原) with n trees. All that I culd ____23____ was a mixture f crn, mud, and pigs. One day after a lng walk, I rested with my eyes clsed and ____24____ being back hme again. ____25____, when I pened them, I saw smething that ____26____ my sul. It was a prairie sunset. It seemed t fill the sky frm hrizn t hrizn. Gld, red and purple cluds all _____27_____ tgether in a picture painted by nature’s wn hand. It was s _____28_____ that it tk my breath away. It made the sunsets f my hmetwn seem tiny in cmparisn. At that mment I knew hw _____29_____ and judgmental I had been. This place als had its wn _____30_____. This place was als a part f nature’s creatin.
    Over the years t cme I learned smething else. Each f us has a(n) _____31_____ beauty as well. Each f us has ur wn unique _____32_____ and abilities.
    18. A. visitingB. researchingC. attendingD. supprting
    19. A. excitedB. lnelyC. disappintedD. wrried
    20. A. realizedB. regrettedC. admittedD. expected
    21. A. grasslandsB. muntainsC. crpsD. frests
    22. A. messyB. freshC. flatD. pr
    23. A. imagineB. smellC. getD. remember
    24. A. dreamed fB. insisted nC. heard abutD. delighted in
    25. A. TherefreB. HweverC. MreverD. Instead
    26. A. savedB. settledC. tuchedD. searched
    27. A. cnnectedB. addedC. packedD. flwed
    28. A. fantasticB. energeticC. fastD. different
    29. A. pure-mindedB. absent-mindedC. narrw-mindedD. pen-minded
    30. A. pwerB. valueC. significanceD. beauty
    31. A. utstandingB. specialC. naturalD. inner
    32. A. experiencesB. chicesC. talentsD. tasks
    A Dream f Splendr is ne f the httest TV dramas this year. It narrates a stry abut a wman ____33____ (run) a teahuse with her tw friends in the Sng Dynasty. Centering n tea, the series features China's traditinal tea art. The herine shws ____34____ (impress) skills f puring tea and creating beautiful patterns n the surface f a cup f tea in sme scenes.
    Chinese tea culture ____35____ (witness) a lng histry since the Tang Dynasty. It develped thrughut the Sng Dynasty,____36____ the ppular way f having tea became “dian cha”— a kind f tea art.
    It is ____37____ excellent technique that starts frm puring ht water ver fine pwdered tea t make it mushy. Then mre ht water ____38____ (add) slwly while the tea is cnstantly stirred (搅拌) by hand ____39____ a bamb stick t create frth (泡沫), which can be used t create patterns n the surface f the tea. This actin f puring ht water is called “dian”, giving this art the name “dian cha”, while the art f using water ____40____ (draw) n the tea is called “chabaixi”.
    It’s cmmn t see cffee art in mdern sciety, but tea art is ____41____ (relative) little-knwn. This ppular TV series brings this intangible (无形的) cultural heritage t mre ____42____ (viewer), and helps spread traditinal Chinese tea culture t the yunger generatins and the wrld as well.
    43. The yung girl’s eyes were filled with i______ as she lked up at the sky, unaware f the cmplexities f the wrld belw her feet.(根据首字母单词拼写)
    44. The f______ f habits requires repetitin and cnsistency ver time. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    45. Hnesty is a v______ that is ften verlked in tday’s sciety, but it remains crucial fr building trust and maintaining integrity in relatinships. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    46. We need t find a t______ slutin t this prblem until we can cnduct a mre permanent fix. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    47. C______ t handle challenging tasks, he gt prmted t a higher psitin. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    48. After cnducting a thrugh analysis f the available ptins, she shwed her p______ fr the prject that prmised the mst significant impact n the cmmunity. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    49. After a careful review f the dcuments, the changes in the reprt did nt c______ t theries applied t the prject. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    50. The greater emphasis n perfrmance evaluatin makes it difficult fr rganizatins t t______ thse wh fail t meet their high standards f perfrmance. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    51. Their shared experience f suffering eventually brught them tgether in a bnd f deep ______ (同情) and mutual understanding. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    52. As a candidate fr the psitin, she had t demnstrate nt nly her exceptinal ______ (资历) and vast experience in the field but als her ability t handle the pressure. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    53. In the diverse field f science, each discipline has its ______ (各自的) fcus and methdlgies, ranging frm the explratin f bilgy t the vast expansin f astrnmy. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    54. ______(灰心的) frm applying fr the schlarship because f her previus failures, she hesitated t even try again. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    55. The magazine has attracted a large number f ______(订阅者) wh take interest in its unique perspective n current affairs. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    56. It's imprtant t challenge yur ______(假设) and keep an pen mind when appraching new ideas. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    57. She made a(n) ______ (提及) t her previus experience in the industry during the interview. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    第四部分写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    58. 假定你是李华,是你校书画社的社长。近期,书画社打算开设中国画绘画课程,你得知好友 Tim对中国画感兴趣,请你给 Tim写一封电子邮件,邀请他来参加这个课程,内容包括:
    1.词数 80 左右;
    参考词汇: 书画社 the Painting and Calligraphy Assciatin
    Dear Tim,
    听力:1-5 BABCA 6-10 CBBAC 11-15 CBCAC 16-20 BAABC
    第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What is Mrs. Smith ding?
    A. Acting in a play. B. Taking an interview. C. Wrking at an ffice.
    2. What will the wman prbably d next?
    A. Give directins. B. Buy a train ticket. C. Tur arund the city.
    3. What did Maria learn recently?
    A. News reprting. B. Sme survival skills. C. Ways t build cnfidence.
    4. Wh is the ldest living dg nw?
    A. Bbi. B. Bluey. C. Spike.
    5. Why is the wman aplgizing?
    A. She bught t many items.
    B. She wasted t much mney.
    C. She spent t much time shpping.
    第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. Explanatins fr wrld map.
    B Causes f ppulatin grwth.
    C. Reasns fr cultural differences.
    7. What des the man believe influenced Australians mst?
    A The landscape. B. The weather. C. English traditins.
    听第7段材料,回答第8至 10题。
    8. What is wrrying the wman abut the new mvie?
    A. The stry. B. The length. C. The rating.
    9. What des the man think f the recent mvie?
    A. It's attractive. B. It's serius. C. It's humrus.
    10. Hw des the wman prbably watch Barbie?
    A. She ges t the cinema.
    B. She watches it with her kids.
    C. She spends a few nights n it.
    11. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Travel agent and custmer.
    B. Athlete and cach.
    C. TV hst and guest.
    12. Hw many sngs did Jasmine sing at the Super Bwl?
    A. Three. B. Six. C. Twelve.
    13. Where is the last stp f the cncert tur?
    A. Nrth America. B. Asia. C. Eurpe.
    14. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a car. B. In a htel. C. In the wman's hme.
    15. Why des the wman care abut the time?
    A. She wrries abut her safety.
    B. She desn't want t miss the sunset.
    C. She hpes t see sme certain animals.
    16. What did the wman frget?
    A. Her key card. B. Her camera. C. Her fd.
    17. What will the man d fr the wman?
    A. Send her sme phtgraphs.
    B. Give her number t a friend.
    C. Email her a list f things she needs.
    18. What is applied t the new phne?
    A. A smart lck system.
    B. A different pwer mde.
    C. New cmmunicatin technlgy.
    19. What is the inspiratin fr the phne's name?
    A. Its shape. B. Its functin. C. Its camera.
    20. What is special abut the camera f the Mn Glw 2?
    A. It has a tp design in its appearance.
    B. It wrks better at night than during the day.
    C. It can take clear phts f distant things.
    第一节 (共12小题;每小题2.5分,满分30分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    It was Natinal Adptin Day. The pet stre was wrking with the Lexingtn Humane Sciety t find gd hmes fr abandned dgs and cats. After endless pleas (恳求) frm my sns, Mark and Luke, I decided t stp in. I didn’t knw it at the time but adpting a hmeless dg wuld really make me feel better. I was struggling with depressin. We’d mved frm Ohi t Kentucky. Ohi had been my hme fr frty years, and I missed my parents, friends and the familiarity f hme.
    Inside the pet stre, there were rws f cages filled with furry animals. I sptted urs immediately: a tw-year-ld female Jack Russell named Princess. I lked int her cage. She pushed her nse tward the cage, sniffed and then lwered her head. Trembling in her cage, she seemed unsure f her surrundings. I wndered if Princess felt that way when she’d been brught here, surrunded by peple she didn’t knw. Is that why she was shaking s hard? It made me want her.
    “Let’s adpt her” I said. My sns culdn’t cntain their excitement, “We want her!” My husband als agreed. After I filled ut the paperwrk, we tk Princess hme. She barely ate and didn’t bark the first few days, but gradually she relaxed.
    One afternn, I was abut t dze ff (打盹) when I felt Princess jump n the bed. She was like a friend next t me. Actually, after adpting Princess, I felt better. While I still missed my parents and friends, I started making friends and visiting places in Kentucky.
    When my sn Luke turned seven, we had a birthday party. While I was making the cupcakes, Princess settled n the flr next t me. She was taking in everything: the sunds f children laughing, the smell f fd and tw f my new friends sitting at the kitchen table. She lked arund and then up at me and wagged her tail. I thught it was her way f saying, “I’m finally hme” And yu knw what? She was right. We were bth hme.
    1. Why did the authr feel depressed?
    A. She was hmesick then.B. She lst her previus pet.
    C. She disliked her new life.D. She felt srry fr the animals.
    2. What made the authr decide t adpt Princess?
    A. Its attractive physical appearance.
    B. Its elegant respnses t her family.
    C. Its seemingly emtinal suffering.
    D. Its bviusly favrable persnality.
    3. Hw did the arrival f Princess impact the authr’s life?
    A. It changed her rutine.B. It changed her lifestyle.
    C. It imprved her scial life.D. It imprved her family life.
    4. What might be the best title fr the text?
    A. Setting inB. Hlding n
    C. Changing fr gdD. Caring fr animals
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段的“I was struggling with depressin. We’d mved frm Ohi t Kentucky. Ohi had been my hme fr frty years, and I missed my parents, friends and the familiarity f hme.(我一直在与情绪低落作斗争。我们从俄亥俄州搬到了肯塔基州。俄亥俄州是我四十年的家,我想念我的父母、朋友和熟悉的家)”可知,作者情绪低落是因为当时她很想念家人和朋友。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第二段的“I sptted urs immediately: a tw-year-ld female Jack Russell named Princess. I lked int her cage. She pushed her nse tward the cage, sniffed and then lwered her head. Trembling in her cage, she seemed unsure f her surrundings. I wndered if Princess felt that way when she’d been brught here, surrunded by peple she didn’t knw. Is that why she was shaking s hard? It made me want her.(我立刻发现了我们的:一只名叫Princess的两岁雌性Jack Russell。我看着她的笼子。她把鼻子伸向笼子,嗅了嗅,然后低下了头。她在笼子里颤抖着,似乎对周围的环境不确定。我想知道当Princess被带到这里,周围都是她不认识的人时,她是否有这种感觉。那就是她抖得这么厉害的原因吗?这让我想要她。)”推知,作者最终决定收养Princess是因为当时的Princess和作者的状态很相似,正遭受情感上的痛苦。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“Actually, after adpting Princess, I felt better. While I still missed my parents and friends, I started making friends and visiting places in Kentucky.(事实上,收养Princess后,我感觉好多了。虽然我仍然想念我的父母和朋友,但我开始结交朋友,去肯塔基州的一些地方。)”可知,Princess的到来改善了作者的社交生活。故选C。
    主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述作者在远在他乡想家的情况下收养似乎和自己经历相同情感痛苦的小狗Princess。Princess慢慢适应了在作者家的生活,而她也让作者逐渐适应了肯塔基的生活。结合最后一段的“I thught it was her way f saying, “I’m finally hme” And yu knw what? She was right. We were bth hme.(我认为这是她说“我终于有了家”的方式,你知道吗?她是对的。我们都有了“家”。)”可知,A项“安顿下来”可以作为本文的最佳标题。故选A。
    Clean water might nt grw n trees, but the trees might d the next best thing—prvide a cheap and easy way f filtering (过滤) it.
    Researchers frm the Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy (MIT) have been able t use wd frm tree branches t filter water bth in the labratry and in the field. Cmpared t ther water filters, the new way f filtering water gets an edge. This culd prvide an inexpensive and lw-tech alternative t cstly methds f getting clean water in places that need it the mst.
    In a new study, researchers shw that the natural structure f wd frm nn-flwering plants like pine prvides enugh filtratin t remve bacteria frm water. This methd was already prven t wrk in a lab in 2014, but nw the researchers have fund, thrugh interviews with ptential users and tests f lcal water surces, that the tree-based purificatin system wrks just as well in the field in India and that the lcals are willing t use it.
    The branches f nn-flwering plants are built f thin, straw-like tubes called x ylem in the layer f wd under the skin. The unique structure f the xylem tissue in the branches allws it t wrk as a water filter because these channels are cnnected t each ther thrugh prus membranes (多孔薄膜). These membranes can catch water pllutants, similar t a water filter membrane.
    The researchers were even able t extend the shelf life f dry wd filters t arund tw years by dipping (浸泡) them in a prtective mix f ht water and ethanl (乙醇). T make this ptentially life-saving technlgy be reachable t thse wh need it, the cnstructin f the filter is pen t the public and instructins can be fund n their website detailing hw anyne can try t cnstruct their wn wd water filter.
    5. What des the underlined “gets an edge” in Paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Has a limitatin.B. Has an advantage.
    C. Faces a challenge.D. Prduces an effect.
    6. Why des the authr mentin the example in India?
    A. T call n peple t prtect lcal water surces.
    B. T shw the cnsequences f lacking pure water.
    C. T explain why water filters are in great demand.
    D. T prve the water filter is effective and welcmed.
    7. What makes the branches f nn-flwering plants act as a water filter?
    A. They are thinner than ther plants' branches.
    B. They have wide straw-like tubes in the xylem tissue.
    C. The tiny hles f membranes can trap water pllutants.
    D. The layer f wd under their skin carries plenty f water.
    8. What des the passage mainly talk abut?
    A. A unique way f btaining water frm plants.
    B. The wrking principle f tree-based water filters.
    C. MIT creates a high-tech water purificatin system.
    D. MIT's wden water filter cmes int practical use.
    【答案】5. B 6. D 7. C 8. D
    词句猜测题。由文章第二段中“This culd prvide an inexpensive and lw-tech alternative t cstly methds f getting clean water in places that need it the mst. (这可以为最需要水的地方提供一种廉价和低技术含量的替代方法,以获得昂贵的清洁水。)”可知,与其它滤水器相比,这种新型滤水器具有优势,划线部分的含义为“有优势”。A. Has a limitatin有局限性;B. Has an advantage有优势;C. Faces a challenge面临挑战;D. Prduces an effect产生效果。故选B。
    推理判断题。由文章第三段“In a new study, researchers shw that the natural structure f wd frm nn-flwering plants like pine prvides enugh filtratin t remve bacteria frm water. This methd was already prven t wrk in a lab in 2014, but nw the researchers have fund, thrugh interviews with ptential users and tests f lcal water surces, that the tree-based purificatin system wrks just as well in the field in India and that the lcals are willing t use it. (在一项新的研究中,研究人员表明,来自松树等非开花植物的木材的自然结构提供了足够的过滤,可以去除水中的细菌。这种方法早在2014年就已经在实验室里被证明是有效的,但现在研究人员通过对潜在用户的采访和对当地水源的测试发现,这种基于树木的净化系统在印度的田地里也同样有效,当地人也愿意使用它。)”可知,作者提到印度的例子,以证明水过滤器是有效的和受欢迎的。故选D。
    细节理解题。由文章第四段中“The branches f nn-flwering plants are built f thin, straw-like tubes called x ylem in the layer f wd under the skin. The unique structure f the xylem tissue in the branches allws it t wrk as a water filter because these channels are cnnected t each ther thrugh prus membranes (多孔薄膜). These membranes can catch water pllutants, similar t a water filter membrane. (非开花植物的树枝是由薄薄的、像稻草一样的管状物构成的,这些管状物被称为叶质部,位于树皮下的一层木头中。枝条中木质部组织的独特结构允许它作为水过滤器,因为这些通道通过多孔膜相互连接。这些膜可以捕获水污染物,类似于水过滤膜。)”可知,膜上的小孔可以捕获水污染物,从而使不开花植物的枝条起到滤水器的作用。故选C。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是由文章第二段中“Researchers frm the Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy (MIT) have been able t use wd frm tree branches t filter water bth in the labratry and in the field. Cmpared t ther water filters, the new way f filtering water gets an edge. This culd prvide an inexpensive and lw-tech alternative t cstly methds f getting clean water in places that need it the mst. (麻省理工学院(MIT)的研究人员已经能够在实验室和现场使用树枝上的木头来过滤水。与其它滤水器相比,这种新型滤水器具有优势。这可以为最需要水的地方提供一种廉价和低技术含量的替代方法,以获得昂贵的清洁水。)”可知,麻省理工学院发明了新的木制滤水器,并投入实际使用。故选D。
    Imagine reading a stry titled “The Cnstant Pursuit f Alchl”. Yu wuld likely expect a depressing stry abut a persn abusing alchl. Nw imagine reading a stry titled “The Cnstant Pursuit f Success”. That wuld be an inspiring stry, wuldn’t it?
    Thugh it isn’t a cnventinal medical addictin, fr many peple, success has addictive prperties. T a certain extent, praise stimulates the neurtransmitter dpamine (神经递质多巴胺) , which is shwn in all addictive behavirs. Therefre, success is als similar t alchl addictin in its effects n human.
    “Unhappy is he wh depends n success t be happy,” wrte Arex DiasRibeir, a frmer Frmula l race-car driver. “Fr such a persn, the end f a successful career is the end f the line. His destiny (命运) is t die f bitterness r t search fr mre success in ther careers and t g n living frm success t success until he falls dead. In this case, there will nt be life after success.”
    There is plenty yu can d t retrain yurself t pursue happiness instead f success. The first step is an admissin that successful as yu are, were, r hpe t be in yur life and wrk, yu are nt ging t find true happiness in yur prfessinal life. Yu’ll find it in things that are deeply rdinary: enjying a walk r a cnversatin with a lved ne. The secnd step is t make up fr any relatinships yu’ve cmprmised (妥协) in the name f success. The last step is t find the right measurement f success. If yu measure yurself nly by the rewards f mney and pwer, yu’ll spend yur life running n these and cmparing yurself t thers. I suggest the better measurements be faith, family, and friendship.
    Success in and f itself is nt a bad thing. It can bring fun and sweetness t life. But it becmes tyrannical (专横的) when it is a replacement fr the relatinships and lve that shuld be at the center f ur lives.
    9. What can we learn frm Paragraph 2?
    A. Success is determined by many factrs.
    B. Peple can be greatly addictive t success.
    C. Success can be really attractive t humans.
    D. It’s difficult t achieve great success in life.
    10. What can we learn frm Alex Dias Ribeir’s wrds in Paragraph 3?
    A. It is nt wise t end a successful career.
    B. Happiness is mre imprtant than success.
    C. Successful peple usually live a bring life.
    D. Success may nt be the surce f happiness.
    11. What is the right measurement f success accrding t the authr?
    A. T take n a highly-paid jb.B. T hld a high scial psitin.
    C. T fcus n the true meaning f life.D. T find the right apprach t success.
    12. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A. T shw us the imprtance f success.
    B. T suggest lve is at the center f ur life.
    C. T remind us nt t verly pursue success.
    D. T share his experience in finding happiness.
    【答案】9. B 10. D 11. C 12. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“fr many peple, success has addictive prperties(对许多人来说,成功具有上瘾的特性)”以及“Therefre, success is als similar t alchl addictin in its effects n human.(因此,成功对人的影响也类似于酒精成瘾)”可知,人们很容易对成功上瘾。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“Unhappy is he wh depends n success t be happy(依靠成功来获得快乐的人是不快乐的)”以及“Fr such a persn, the end f a successful career is the end f the line. His destiny (命运) is t die f bitterness r t search fr mre success in ther careers and t g n living frm success t success until he falls dead. In this case, there will nt be life after success.(对这样的人来说,成功的职业生涯的结束就是赛道线的终点。他的命运要么是含恨而终,要么是在其他领域追求更多的成功,在成功中延续生命,直至走向死亡。在这种情形里,成功之外没有生命)”可知,从Alex Dias Ribeir的话中可知,依靠成功来获得快乐的人是不快乐的,因此推知成功可能不是幸福的来源,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“If yu measure yurself nly by the rewards f mney and pwer, yu’ll spend yur life running n these and cmparing yurself t thers. I suggest the better measurements be faith, family, and friendship.(如果你只以金钱和权力的回报来衡量自己,你的一生都会在这些东西上奔跑,并把自己和别人比较。我建议更好的衡量标准是信仰、家庭和友谊)”可知,作者认为正确衡量成功的方式是信仰、家庭和友谊,即生活的真正意义,故选C。
    推理判断题。根据全文内容,结合文章最后一句“But it becmes tyrannical (专横的) when it is a replacement fr the relatinships and lve that shuld be at the center f ur lives.(但当它取代了本应成为我们生活中心的关系和爱时,它就变得专横)”可知,文章主要讲述成功具有上瘾的特性,依靠成功来获得快乐的人是不快乐的,并介绍了追求幸福而不是成功的方法,故文章目的是提醒我们不要过度追求成功。故选C。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Party themes are a ppular way t add smething special t birthdays, anniversaries r any type f gathering. There are many ptins fr putting tgether a French-themed party. ____13____
    Including French phrases in yur invitatin is an easy way t set the md fr a French-themed party. Cnveniently enugh, a number f standard invitatin and party phrases are already French. “Hrs d’ euvre” can be substituted fr “appetizer (开胃小菜)”, fr instance. The cmmnly-used “R. S. V. P.” stands fr the French “repndez sil vus plait”, meaning please respnd.____14____
    Yu can use the French spellings fr ther wrds, t, particularly if yu are thrwing a French-themed party fr an anniversary r ther ccasins. Fr instance, “Ceur” is French fr “heart”, “enchante” means “enchanted”, and as many are already aware, “l’ amur” means “lve”. ____15____
    ____16____ French music can be dwnladed nline if yu dn’t have access t a cllectin. French fd can als be researched nline. Crème Brulee, Eclairs and madeleines are all ppular French desserts.
    Decratin can be an imprtant part f carrying ff any theme. Fr a French-themed party, ne way t imprve yur decratin is t use well-knwn French icns. The Eiffel Twer and Arc de Trimphe are bth recgnizable architectural structures, fr instance.____17____ Anther ptin is t decrate yur dining area like an utdr cafe in Paris.
    A. S cnsider spelling ut this phrase t add effect.
    B. Yu might als pst prints by famus French artists.
    C. Music and fd can add much t yur French-themed party.
    D. Anyne wh has been t France will be eager t talk abut it.
    E. Besides, it can be relatively easy and inexpensive t create ne.
    F. These wrds can als be used in yur decratin, thank-yu ntes and mre.
    G. Clr schemes fr French-themed parties can vary accrding t yur preferences.
    【答案】13. E 14. A 15. F 16. C 17. B
    根据上文“Party themes are a ppular way t add smething special t birthdays, anniversaries r any type f gathering. There are many ptins fr putting tgether a French-themed party.(派对主题是为生日、纪念日或任何类型的聚会添加一些特别的东西的一种流行方式。举办法国主题派对有很多选择)”可知,本句承接上文,补充说明举办派对的好处。故E选项“此外,它可以是相对容易和便宜的创建一个”符合语境,故选E。
    根据上文“Including French phrases in yur invitatin is an easy way t set the md fr a French-themed party. Cnveniently enugh, a number f standard invitatin and party phrases are already French. “Hrs d’ euvre” can be substituted fr “appetizer (开胃小菜)”, fr instance. The cmmnly-used “R. S. V. P.” stands fr the French “repndez sil vus plait”, meaning please respnd.(在邀请函中加入法语短语是为法国主题派对营造气氛的一个简单方法。方便的是,一些标准的邀请和聚会用语已经是法语了。例如,“开胃菜”可以用“Hrs d’ euvre”来代替。常用的“R”。R. S. V. P.代表法语“repndez silvus plait”,意思是请回复)”可知,本段的主旨是在邀请函中加入法语短语,A选项中this phrase对应上文R. S. V. P.。故A选项“所以考虑把这个短语拼出来增加效果”符合语境,故选A。
    根据上文“Yu can use the French spellings fr ther wrds, t, particularly if yu are thrwing a French-themed party fr an anniversary r ther ccasins. Fr instance, “Ceur” is French fr “heart”, “enchante” means “enchanted”, and as many are already aware, “l’ amur” means “lve”.(你也可以用法语拼写其他单词,特别是当你为周年纪念或其他场合举办法国主题的派对时。例如,“Ceur”在法语中是“心”的意思,“enchante”是“着迷”的意思,正如许多人已经知道的,“l’amur”是“爱”的意思)”可知,本句为本段最后一句,故承接上文,说明上文列举单词的用法。故F选项“这些词也可以用在你的装饰、感谢信等场合”符合语境,故选F。
    根据后文“French music can be dwnladed nline if yu dn’t have access t a cllectin. French fd can als be researched nline. Crème Brulee, Eclairs and madeleines are all ppular French desserts.(如果你没有法国音乐的收藏,你可以在网上下载。法国食物也可以在网上搜索。法式布丁、泡芙和玛德琳都是很受欢迎的法式甜点)”可知,本段主要介绍了派对的音乐和食物的选择,故C选项“音乐和食物可以为你的法式主题派对增色不少”符合语境,故选C。
    根据上文“Decratin can be an imprtant part f carrying ff any theme. Fr a French-themed party, ne way t imprve yur decratin is t use well-knwn French icns. The Eiffel Twer and Arc de Trimphe are bth recgnizable architectural structures, fr instance.(装饰可以是承载任何主题的重要组成部分。对于一个以法国为主题的聚会,改善你的装饰的一个方法是使用著名的法国图标。例如,埃菲尔铁塔和凯旋门都是可识别的建筑结构)”可知,本段主要就派对的装饰提出了建议。故B选项“你也可以张贴法国著名艺术家的作品”符合语境,故选B。
    第三部分:语言运用 (共三节,满分37.5分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Alng with a dzen bys, I made a trip t Lwa in rder t see a cllege that I was thinking f ____18____ last mnth. Althugh the trip had been fun fr the mst part, I felt ____19____ frm time t time. I was missing my family and ____20____ that I wuldn’t be seeing them very much if I studied here. I was als missing the ____21____ f my hme. I lved hw they turned int a thusand shades f green in the spring and then became a sea f gld, red and range in the fall. I lved the smell f the wild flwers.
    Here in Iwa everything was ____22____. What I culd see was a wild prairie(大草原) with n trees. All that I culd ____23____ was a mixture f crn, mud, and pigs. One day after a lng walk, I rested with my eyes clsed and ____24____ being back hme again. ____25____, when I pened them, I saw smething that ____26____ my sul. It was a prairie sunset. It seemed t fill the sky frm hrizn t hrizn. Gld, red and purple cluds all _____27_____ tgether in a picture painted by nature’s wn hand. It was s _____28_____ that it tk my breath away. It made the sunsets f my hmetwn seem tiny in cmparisn. At that mment I knew hw _____29_____ and judgmental I had been. This place als had its wn _____30_____. This place was als a part f nature’s creatin.
    Over the years t cme I learned smething else. Each f us has a(n) _____31_____ beauty as well. Each f us has ur wn unique _____32_____ and abilities.
    18. A. visitingB. researchingC. attendingD. supprting
    19. A. excitedB. lnelyC. disappintedD. wrried
    20. A. realizedB. regrettedC. admittedD. expected
    21. A. grasslandsB. muntainsC. crpsD. frests
    22. A. messyB. freshC. flatD. pr
    23. A. imagineB. smellC. getD. remember
    24. A. dreamed fB. insisted nC. heard abutD. delighted in
    25. A. TherefreB. HweverC. MreverD. Instead
    26. A. savedB. settledC. tuchedD. searched
    27. A. cnnectedB. addedC. packedD. flwed
    28. A. fantasticB. energeticC. fastD. different
    29. A. pure-mindedB. absent-mindedC. narrw-mindedD. pen-minded
    30. A. pwerB. valueC. significanceD. beauty
    31. A. utstandingB. specialC. naturalD. inner
    32. A. experiencesB. chicesC. talentsD. tasks
    【答案】18. C 19. B 20. A 21. D 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. D 31. B 32. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:上个月,我和十几个男生一起去了一趟洛瓦,目的是看看我想上的一所大学。A. visiting参观;B. researching研究;C. attending参加,出席;D. supprting支持。根据“see a cllege”以及“I wuldn’t be seeing them very much if I studied here”可知,作者此行是为了看看这所自己想上的大学,故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然这次旅行大部分时间都很有趣,但我时不时地感到孤独。A. excited兴奋的;B. lnely孤独的;C. disappinted失望的;D. wrried担心的。根据“Althugh the trip had been fun fr the mst part”和“I was missing my family”可知,虽然旅程很开心,但作者还是想家,所以感到孤独,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我意识到如果我在这里学习,我就不会经常见到他们。A. realized意识到;B. regretted后悔;C. admitted承认;D. expected期待。根据后文“that I wuldn’t be seeing them very much if I studied here”可知,想家的作者是意识到了在这里学习就不能经常见到家人,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我也怀念家乡的森林。A. grasslands草原;B. muntains山脉;C. crps庄稼;D. frests森林。根据“I lved hw they turned int a thusand shades f green in the spring and then became a sea f gld, red and range in the fall. I lved the smell f the wild flwers.”以及后文的对比“What I culd see was a wild prairie(大草原) with n trees.”可知,作者想念家乡有着五彩斑斓四季的森林,故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在这里,爱荷华州的一切都是平坦的。A. messy凌乱的;B. fresh新鲜的;C. flat平坦的;D. pr贫穷的。根据“What I culd see was a wild prairie(大草原) with n trees.”可知,作者看到的是一片没有树的大草原,所以一切看起来都是平坦的,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我能闻到的只是玉米、泥土和猪的混合气味。A. imagine想象;B. smell闻;C. get得到;D. remember记得。根据“a mixture f crn, mud, and pigs”可知,作者描述的是闻到的气味,故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:有一天,走了很长一段路后,我闭上眼睛休息,梦想着再次回家。A. dreamed f梦想;B. insisted n坚持;C. heard abut听说;D. delighted in喜欢。根据“I rested with my eyes clsed”和“being back hme again”可知,作者闭上眼睛休息时是脑海里在梦想着回家,故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,当我睁开眼睛时,我看到了一些触动我灵魂的东西。A. Therefre因此;B. Hwever然而;C. Mrever此外;D. Instead代替。前文提到作者梦想着回家,后文“It made the sunsets f my hmetwn seem tiny in cmparisn.”说明作者观念发生了很大变化,前后文之间存在转折关系,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. saved拯救;B. settled解决;C. tuched触动;D. searched搜寻。根据后文“my sul”以及“it tk my breath away”可知,作者看到的东西触动了他的灵魂,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:金色、红色和紫色的云朵交织在一起,构成了一幅由大自然亲手绘制的画卷。A. cnnected连接;B. added增加;C. packed打包;D. flwed流动。根据主语cluds以及“tgether in a picture painted by nature’s wn hand”并结合常识可知,这里描述的是各色的云彩在天空中漂浮,然后交织在一起,故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它是如此美妙,让我惊叹不已。A. fantastic奇妙的;B. energetic充满活力的;C. fast快的;D. different不同的。根据前文的风景描写以及后文“it tk my breath away”可知,这幅景色让作者惊叹不已,说明它非常美妙,故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那一刻,我知道我曾经是多么狭隘和武断。A. pure-minded纯真的;B. absent-minded心不在焉的;C. narrw-minded狭隘的;D. pen-minded开放的。根据后文“and judgmental”以及作者之前对大草原的看法,可以推断出作者之前的态度是狭隘和武断的,故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个地方也有它自己的美。A. pwer力量;B. value价值;C. significance重要性;D. beauty美。根据前文描述的美景和作者对此的赞美,可以推断出这个地方也有它自己的美。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们每个人都有一种独特的美。A. utstanding杰出的;B. special特殊的;C. natural自然的;D. inner内在的。根据后文“Each f us has ur wn unique 15 and abilities.”可知,我们每个人都是独特的,都有自己特别的美。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们每个人都有自己独特的经历和才能。A. experiences经历;B. chices选择;C. talents才能;D. tasks任务。根据后文“and abilities”可知,此处与才能和能力并列的应该是与它们相似的名词。选项C“talents”表示才能,符合语境。故选C。
    A Dream f Splendr is ne f the httest TV dramas this year. It narrates a stry abut a wman ____33____ (run) a teahuse with her tw friends in the Sng Dynasty. Centering n tea, the series features China's traditinal tea art. The herine shws ____34____ (impress) skills f puring tea and creating beautiful patterns n the surface f a cup f tea in sme scenes.
    Chinese tea culture ____35____ (witness) a lng histry since the Tang Dynasty. It develped thrughut the Sng Dynasty,____36____ the ppular way f having tea became “dian cha”— a kind f tea art.
    It is ____37____ excellent technique that starts frm puring ht water ver fine pwdered tea t make it mushy. Then mre ht water ____38____ (add) slwly while the tea is cnstantly stirred (搅拌) by hand ____39____ a bamb stick t create frth (泡沫), which can be used t create patterns n the surface f the tea. This actin f puring ht water is called “dian”, giving this art the name “dian cha”, while the art f using water ____40____ (draw) n the tea is called “chabaixi”.
    It’s cmmn t see cffee art in mdern sciety, but tea art is ____41____ (relative) little-knwn. This ppular TV series brings this intangible (无形的) cultural heritage t mre ____42____ (viewer), and helps spread traditinal Chinese tea culture t the yunger generatins and the wrld as well.
    【答案】33. running
    34. impressive
    35. has witnessed
    36. when 37. an
    38. is added
    39. with 40. t draw
    41. relatively
    42. viewers
    考查时态和主谓一致。句意:自唐代以来,中国茶文化有着悠久的历史。根据since the Tang Dynasty可知,witness“见证,目睹”这一动作开始于过去,持续到现在,句子应用现在完成时,又因主语是Chinese tea culture,因此助动词用has。故填has witnessed。
    考查定语从句。句意:它在整个宋代发展起来,当时流行的喝茶方式变成了“点茶”----一种茶艺。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是the Sng Dynasty,指时间,关系词代替先行词在从句中作时间状语,应用关系副词when引导。故填when。
    考查动词语态、主谓一致。句意:然后慢慢地加入更多的热水,同时用竹棒不断地用手搅拌茶叶,以产生泡沫,这可以用来在茶叶表面创造图案。结合语境可知,本句陈述事实,故时态用一般现在时,且主语water 与add“添加”为被动关系,故句子用一般现在时的被动语态,主语为第三人称单数,be动词用is。故填is added。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:这种倒热水动作被称为“点”,因此这门艺术被称为“点茶”,而用水在茶上作画的艺术被称为“茶白戏”。while后的句子谓语为is called,此处为非谓语动词,应用draw“画”的不定式,作目的状语。故填t draw。
    43. The yung girl’s eyes were filled with i______ as she lked up at the sky, unaware f the cmplexities f the wrld belw her feet.(根据首字母单词拼写)
    44. The f______ f habits requires repetitin and cnsistency ver time. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    45. Hnesty is a v______ that is ften verlked in tday’s sciety, but it remains crucial fr building trust and maintaining integrity in relatinships. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    46. We need t find a t______ slutin t this prblem until we can cnduct a mre permanent fix. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    47. C______ t handle challenging tasks, he gt prmted t a higher psitin. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    48. After cnducting a thrugh analysis f the available ptins, she shwed her p______ fr the prject that prmised the mst significant impact n the cmmunity. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:在对可用的方案进行了彻底的分析之后,她对社区影响最大的项目展示了偏爱。根据句意和首字母可知,空处填名词preference作宾语,构成短语shw preference fr,意为“对……有偏爱”。故填preference。
    49. After a careful review f the dcuments, the changes in the reprt did nt c______ t theries applied t the prject. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:经过对文件的仔细审查,报告中的变化与适用于该项目的理论不符。根据句意及首字母提示可知,此处使用动词crrespnd“相一致,符合”,用动词原形,与空前的did nt构成一般过去时的否定形式。故填crrespnd。
    50. The greater emphasis n perfrmance evaluatin makes it difficult fr rganizatins t t______ thse wh fail t meet their high standards f perfrmance. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    51. Their shared experience f suffering eventually brught them tgether in a bnd f deep ______ (同情) and mutual understanding. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    52. As a candidate fr the psitin, she had t demnstrate nt nly her exceptinal ______ (资历) and vast experience in the field but als her ability t handle the pressure. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:作为该职位的候选人,她不仅要证明自己在该领域的卓越资格和丰富经验,还要证明她应对压力的能力。根据汉语提示“资历”可知,此处使用可数名词qualificatin,结合exceptinal和vast experience可知,qualificatin应用复数形式,作demnstrate的宾语,且该词多用复数形式。故填qualificatins。
    53. In the diverse field f science, each discipline has its ______ (各自的) fcus and methdlgies, ranging frm the explratin f bilgy t the vast expansin f astrnmy. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:在各种各样的科学领域中,从生物学的探索到天文学的广泛扩展,每个学科都有其各自的重点和方法。根据汉语提示“各自的”可知,此处使用形容词respective,作定语,修饰fcus and methdlgies。故填respective。
    54. ______(灰心的) frm applying fr the schlarship because f her previus failures, she hesitated t even try again. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    55. The magazine has attracted a large number f ______(订阅者) wh take interest in its unique perspective n current affairs. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    56. It's imprtant t challenge yur ______(假设) and keep an pen mind when appraching new ideas. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    57. She made a(n) ______ (提及) t her previus experience in the industry during the interview. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    第四部分写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    58. 假定你是李华,是你校书画社的社长。近期,书画社打算开设中国画绘画课程,你得知好友 Tim对中国画感兴趣,请你给 Tim写一封电子邮件,邀请他来参加这个课程,内容包括:
    1.词数 80 左右;
    参考词汇: 书画社 the Painting and Calligraphy Assciatin
    Dear Tim,
    【答案】Dear Tim,
    Knwing yu're interested in Chinese painting, I'm writing t invite yu t attend the Chinese painting curse t be held by ur Painting and Calligraphy Assciatin.
    The class is scheduled t begin at 2:00 pm next Friday in Rm 307 f the Student Center and will last fr tw hurs. A prfessr frm the Cllege f Fine Arts will be invited t shw us the basic knwledge f Chinese painting and prvide an verview f the culture behind it. It's better t bring yur wn tls if pssible.
    I'd appreciate it if yu culd jin us. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    对……感兴趣:be interested in→ be keen t
    提供:prvide→ ffer
    展示:shw→ demnstrate
    期待:lk frward t→anticipate
    原句:The class is scheduled t begin at 2:00 pm next Friday in Rm 307 f the Student Center and will last fr tw hurs.
    拓展句:The class is scheduled t begin at 2:00 pm next Friday in Rm 307 f the Student Center, which will last fr tw hurs.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Knwing yu're interested in Chinese painting, I'm writing t invite yu t attend the Chinese painting curse t be held by ur Painting and Calligraphy Assciatin.(运用了非谓语动词中的现在分词作状语,省略that的宾语从句,不定式作定语)
    【高分句型2】I'd appreciate it if yu culd jin us. Lking frward t yur reply.(运用了if引导的条件状语从句。)
    听力:1-5 BABCA 6-10 CBBAC 11-15 CBCAC 16-20 BAABC

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