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    这是一份山东省济宁市泗水县2023-2024学年高二年级下学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含山东省济宁市泗水县2023-2024学年高二年级下学期期中考试英语试题原卷版docx、山东省济宁市泗水县2023-2024学年高二年级下学期期中考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When is Mary’s birthday?
    A. On Mnday.B. On Tuesday.C. On Wednesday.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw did the wman get t wrk tday?
    A. By taxi.B. By bike.C. By bus.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What did the man d during his hliday?
    A. He walked alng the beach.B. He swam in the cean.C. He went fishing.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Janice’s arm injury.B. Their messy huse.C. A car accident.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What type f film is The Outfit?
    A. Cmedy.B. Science fictin.C. Crime film.
    6. Wh is Cindy?
    A. A teacher.B. A student.C. An envirnmental expert.
    7. What des Cindy wrry mst abut the future public transprt?
    A. The effect n the envirnment.
    B. The arrival and departure time.
    C. The high cst n it.
    8. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a pst ffice.B. In a suvenir shp.C. In a wrkshp.
    9. What will the man send t his sister?
    A. Sme vases.B. Sme key rings.C. Sme shell crafts.
    10. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Pay by cash.B. Fill in a frm.C. Give her a business card.
    11. What is Tm ding?
    A. Making a pster.B. Finding a parking space.C. Attending a demnstratin.
    12. What is the purpse f the demnstratin?
    A. T get a new market.
    B. T tell peple what Space Party is.
    C. T prevent the gvernment frm building a car park.
    13. What will Jane d?
    A. Watch TV.B. G shpping.C. Play vlleyball.
    14. Why was the man n the rf yesterday?
    A. T cl himself.B. T repair it.C. T put smething n it.
    15. Hw des the wman examine the man?
    A. By having an X-ray.
    B By taking his temperature.
    C. By lking at his thrat and ear.
    16. What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A. D mre exercise.B. Get sme rest.C. Drink mre water.
    17. Hw ften shuld the man take pills?
    A. Three times a day.B. Twice a day.C. Once a day.
    18. Which rad will stay clsed fr ver an hur?
    A. M16.B. M43.C. M48.
    19. Why is Nrth Street clsed t all cars?
    A. The snw is thick.B. It is under repair.C. There’s an accident.
    20. Hw can passengers get the latest infrmatin abut trains?
    A. By making a call.B. By visiting a website.C. By listening t the radi.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Tp Pian Players in the Wrld
    Martha Argerich
    Martha Argerich culd be cnsidered the next Beethven, as she is ne f the mst utstanding pianists ever t play. Argerich preferred being n stage with thers instead f perfrming sl; therefre, she has been perfrming in a cncert frmat since the 1980s. Argerich was nt ne fr the sptlight, as she ften avided public appearances such as interviews; hwever, her great talent was all the publicity she needed, standing ut during cncerts and snatas.
    Leif Ove Andsnes
    Knwn fr his appealing perfrmances f Edvard Grieg’s wrks, Andsnes has wn praise fr his perfrmances at sme f the wrld’s mst famus cncert halls. Andsnes has certainly made his mark in Nrway, as he is the funding directr f Nrway’s Rsendal Chamber Music Festival. Because f his unique vice and interesting apprach, he was praised by The New Yrk Times as a “pianist f authritative elegance, pwer, and insight.”
    Alfred Brendel
    Knwn fr his beautiful interpretatins f Beethven, Haydn, Schubert and Mzart, Alfred Brendel was cnsidered ne f the greats. He played in varius cncerts thrughut his career and became knwn fr his interpretive cldness in recreating these wrks. Brendel was cnsidered ne f the greatest musicians f the 20th century, as he made his mark in the classical music industry. Brendel was self-taught and learned his lve f pian at an early age.
    Arthur Rubinstein
    Arthur Rubinstein was certainly ne f the greats. His career began in the early 20th century when he began t cme int cntact with sme f the wrld’s mst imprtant cmpsers, such as Maurice Ravel, Paul Dukas, and Jacques Thibaud. He made varius trips wrldwide and visited nearly every cntinent, where crwds met him with great praise and encuragement.
    21. What des the female pianist fcus n in her career?
    A. Skills in hsting cncerts and snatas.B. Cperatin with ther musicians.
    C. Clse relatinships with the media.D. Unique ways t interpret music.
    22. Wh learned music by himself r herself?
    A. Martha Argerich.B. Leif Ove Andsnes.
    C. Alfred Brendel.D. Arthur Rubinstein.
    23. Hw is Arthur Rubinstein different frm the ther pianists?
    A. He was the directr f a Nrwegian festival.
    B. He made a difference in classical music.
    C He was the best musician f the 20th century.
    D. He gt in tuch with sme famus cmpsers.
    Mia Samlinski attended the same schl as Anthny Zhngr, an 18-year-ld freshman, but the tw had never met. That night, their paths crssed in the mst remarkable way.
    Mia had just gtten int her car and was abut t drive away, but she hit the gas instead f the brakes. Security ftage (录像) shws the car rushing ver a sidewalk, hitting a trash can, and then plunging (突然前冲) int the dark, cld water f the bay in just a few shrt secnds. Peple rushed t lk in the water, but nly ne persn jumped in after Mia, and it was Anthny.
    “She went pretty deep in there,” the teenager recalled. “She was striking the dr and the windw, trying t break the windw, f curse, and that gt me nervus and scared fr her, s I just tk my clthes ff and went int the water.”
    Mia’s car began t sink rapidly, but she culdn’t get the drs r windws pen. Anthny tried t get the drs pen frm the utside, but culdn’t quite manage it. As the secnds ticked by, the teenage her realized he culd use his wn bdy weight t push dwn the heavy frnt end f the car, making the back end stick ut f the water. Mia climbed int the back and managed t escape thrugh the rear hatch (后备箱盖). She and Anthny swam t the shre tgether. As sn as they were safe, tearful Mia thanked Anthny sincerely fr saving her.
    Like s many heres, Anthny did nt set ut t save a life that night. But he was in the right place, at the right time. “It desn’t matter wh it was, he r she was suffering,” he said, “I culdn’t watch anybdy suffering in frnt f me.”
    24. What led Mia int the accident?
    A. The brake’s failing.
    B. Her wrng peratin.
    C. Her awkward driving skill.
    D. The cmplex traffic situatin.
    25. Hw did Anthny help Mia escape frm the car?
    A. He pened the back dr.
    B. He brke ne f the windws.
    C. He kept the back f the car ut f the water.
    D. He managed t push the car t the shallw end.
    26. Which f the fllwing best describes Anthny?
    A. Brave and helpful.
    B. Creative and gifted.
    C. Lucky and friendly.
    D. Generus and careful.
    27. What message des the last paragraph mainly cnvey?
    A. Heres are never accidental.
    B. Heres cme frm teenagers.
    C. Heres are nt brn but made.
    D. Behind every her hides a tragedy.
    It’s knwn that reading is gd fr a child’s vcabulary and literacy skills, teaching them math r science cncepts and helping them learn histry. Apart frm thse, reading has anther benefit. Have yu read a stry and felt tears well up because f a character’s suffering? If s, that is because yu have empathy (共鸣) fr the character — and empathy can be learned thrugh varius fictins. “It’s a magic eye that sees int ther peple’s hearts,” explains authr Cressida Cwell.
    Research shws that human brains react differently t stries and facts. “Many mre areas f yur brain light up when yu’re enjying a stry,” explains Miranda McKearney frm EmpathyLab, an rganizatin that builds empathy thrugh reading. “Yur brain thinks yu are in the stry… This means yu experience the characters’ thughts as if they are real.”
    Empathy helps yu t read peple’s emtins and wrk ut the best way t respnd. This skill, called emtinal intelligence, can make it easier t cmmunicate and cnnect with peple. Research has shwn that building empathy can lead t greater kindness and tlerance. One study fund that children wh read the Harry Ptter nvels — which tell stries abut humans fighting against the evil — were less likely t behave unfairly twards pwerless grups including refugees (难民).
    This thery has been put int practice by St Michael’s Primary Schl. After reading The By at the Back f the Class — a stry abut a by wh is a refugee escaping frm the war — students in that schl were inspired t d a 10-mile walk fr the nn-prfit rganizatin Refugee Actin. Their empathy als spurred them t raise £1,000 fr peple wh were frced t leave their hmes because f war.
    Reading encurages children t empathise with thers, which culd ptentially lead t several beneficial learning utcmes, new research suggests. Fr sciety t develp, creative, cmmunicative and empathetic individuals really matter.
    28. Why d readers cry abut a character’s experience?
    A. They have magic eyes.B. They want t shw empathy.
    C. They understand his feelingsD. They have the same experience.
    29. What des the authr shw by referring t the Harry Ptter nvels?
    A. The prcess f building empathy.
    B. The benefits f develping empathy.
    C. The definitin f emtinal intelligence.
    D. The results f the schl’s activity.
    30. What des the underlined wrd “spurred” mean in paragraph 4?
    A. Reminded.B. Permitted.C. Persuaded.D. Encuraged.
    31. What might the authr advise children t d?
    A. Read t learn empathy.
    B. Becme empathetic t thers.
    C. Put themselves in thers’ shes.
    D. Read as many bks as pssible.
    Mre than 3,400 years after tw ancient Egyptians were laid t rest, the jars f fd left still smell sweet. A team f analytical chemists and archaelgists (考古学家) has analysed these smells t help identify the jars’ cntents. The study shws hw the explratin f smell can enrich ur understanding f the past.
    The 1906 discvery f the undisturbed tmb (墓穴) f Kha and Merit symblized an imprtant stage in Egyptlgy. The tmb remains the mst cmplete nn-ryal ancient ne ever fund in Egypt, shwing imprtant infrmatin abut hw high-ranking individuals were treated after death.
    Unusually fr the time, the archaelgist wh discvered the tmb resisted the temptatin t pen the sealed cntainers even after they were sent t the Egyptian Museum. The cntents f many f these cntainers are still unknwn, althugh there are sme clues, says analytical chemist Ilaria Degan. “Frm taking with the museum keeper we knew there were sme fruity smells in the display cases,” she says.
    Degan and her clleagues placed varius artefacts (人工制品) inside plastic bags fr several days t cllect sme f the chemical substances they released. Then the team used a special machine t identify the cmpnents f the smells frm each artefact. They fund sme chemicals assciated with dried fish, and sme chemicals cmmn in fruits. The findings will feed int a larger prject t reanalyse the tmb’s cntents and prduce a mre cmprehensive picture f burial custms fr nn-ryals that existed when Kha and Merit died, abut 70 years befre Tutankhamun became the Egyptian ruler.
    Aside frm shwing mre abut past civilizatins, ancient smells culd make museum visits mre inviting. Usually, peple admire exhibits with their eyes in museums. “Smell is a relatively unexplred gateway t the cllective past fr museum visitrs,” says Cecilia Bembibre at University Cllege Lndn. “It has the ptent alt allw us t experience the in a mre emtinal, persnal way, thrugh ur nse.”
    32. What can we describe the 1906 discvery f Kha and Merit’ tmb as?
    A. A landmark in Egyptlgy.B. A turning pint in human histry.
    C. A breakthrugh in archaelgy.D. A mirrr f ancient nn-ryal life.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “temptatin” mean in paragraph 3?
    A. Pressure.B. Ambitin.C. Desire.D. Tendency.
    34. Degan and her clleagues placed things inside plastic bags t .
    A. prtect them frm harmB. gather their smells
    C. test the special machineD. back up a larger prject
    35. What can the ancient smells d fr museum visitrs accrding t Bembibre?
    A. They bring them back t the past.
    B. They give them emtinal supprt.
    C They change their view n civilizatins.
    D. They add t their experience.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Everyne wants t keep their kitchen clean and have a healthy pantry(食品储藏室)that ffers healthy fd ptins year-rund. Yu already d s much fr yur family’s health. ____36____
    Yu can smarten up yur strage. Whenever pssible, yu can stre pepper, grains, and ther pantry fds in glass cntainers.____37____ Plastic fd strage cntainers are a gd secnd best, thugh plastics are always less desirable frm an envirnmental angle.
    It’s time t sharpen yur knife skills. Grcery stres ffer pre-cut vegetables, which is a wnderful innvatin fr the shrt-n-time amng us. But if yu are able, buying a whle vegetable will save yu sme mney-and yur prduce will last lnger if yu dn’t ck it immediately.
    ____38____ Sme fds, like tmates, shuld never be refrigerated, while thers, like cucumbers, stay fresh lnger if they’re stred in cld cnditins. Knwing where each fd is happy will help yu use yur cling equipment t maximum benefit.
    Clean up yur cleaning prducts. Mst kitchen cleaning wrk can be handled withut prducts that have pwerful but damaging chemicals which cme in plastic cntainers and put ec-unfriendly substances int the air and near yur fd.____39____ Yu can use baking sda(小苏打)t clean cunters, sinks, and stvetps. Lemn juice, essential ils, and even large pieces f sea salt fr cleaning can als help with yur cleaning rutine.
    Share with yur lcal fd pantry. A quick nline search r phne call can put yu in tuch with yur lcal fd pantry. Learn what they need mst and seek ut items in yur pantry that are nt yet past their best-befre date r that yu aren’t likely t use in the near future.____40____ Bth sides will get a benefit.
    A. Yu shuld manage strage temperatures.
    B. Then hw can yu keep just what yu need?
    C Extend yur fds’ shelf life as lng as yu can.
    D. Seek ut sme simple and mild slutin “recipes”.
    E. Yu’ll be reducing yur waste and feeding yur neighbrs at ne g.
    F. The see-thrugh material will shw yu when things are running lw
    G. But culd yu als pay sme attentin t keeping an ec-friendly pantry?
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Tidying yur desk, watering yur plants, flding clthes — these husehld chres are hardly the height f pleasure. Yet I ften find myself ___41___ these little tasks.
    If I’m stuck in writer’s blck with a deadline ___42___, I’ll have t clear up the papers placed arund my ffice — and it’s smetimes the mst ___43___ I feel all day.
    I’m nt ___44___ in this. As we faced the stresses f the pandemic, many peple reprted finding renewed interest in ___45___ their hmes as a way f cping with uncertainty.
    Psychlgists suggest there are many ptential mechanisms (机制) that can explain the pleasure frm these tasks and their benefits — these may well encurage yu t ___46___ these dd jbs mre ften.
    Little chres may be useful because they ___47___ the mind, leading us t devte fewer resurces t the things that ___48___ us. Even if we struggle with activities that are meant t help us relax, we may find husehld tasks can help us appreciate the here and nw. But this depends n where we place ur ___49___.
    In ne f the few studies t examine the mental health benefits f washing the dishes, researchers at Flrida State University divided 51 ___50___ int tw grups. Half read a text that encuraged them t ___51___ fcus their thughts n the activity. “While washing the dishes, ne shuld be cmpletely ___52___ f the fact that ne is washing the dishes,” they were tld. The rest read factual instructins n hw t d washing up withut being encuraged t fcus their awareness n the activity.
    Afterwards, the participants were asked t take a questinnaire abut their ___53___. Thse wh had fully engaged with the experience reprted a significantly better md. This included ___54___ nervusness and even a sense f “inspiratin”, as if the simple activity had ___55___ their minds.
    41. A. ignringB. enjyingC. avidingD. simplifying
    42. A. agreedB. establishedC. passingD. appraching
    43. A. relaxedB. bredC. wrriedD. annyed
    44. A. cnfidentB. fitC. alneD. stuck
    45. A. pening upB. lking afterC. returning tD. setting up
    46 A. sum upB. give upC. learn abutD. engage in
    47. A. ccupyB. bradenC. mtivateD. challenge
    48. A. interestB. btherC. delightD. surprise
    49. A. fcusB. hpeC. pressureD. happiness
    50. A. dishesB. husehldsC. participantsD. tasks
    51. A. entirelyB. quicklyC. slightlyD. initially
    52. A. sureB. prudC. gladD. aware
    53. A. interestsB. abilitiesC. feelingsD. habits
    54. A. cntinuedB. increasedC. unexpectedD. reduced
    55. A. slippedB. refreshedC. develpedD. exhausted
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Dressed in lng rbes, a crwd f yung peple wanders arund ryal gardens, with their flwing sleeves and skirts gentry waving in the light wind. They are nt actrs nr actresses in a mvie set,____56____Hanfu enthusiasts in a themed event held in Beijing.
    Benefiting frm the grwing____57____(ppular) f scial media and a passin fr traditinal culture, Hanfu, the traditinal clthing f the Han ethnic grup, was brught back t ____58____cutting edge by a new wave f yung Chinese devtees. Many Hanfu cmmunities were funded fllwing a Hanfu revival mvement ____59____emerged frm the desire t express natinal identity and their____60____(grw) curtual cnfidence. Since then, sme peple have been vlunteering t supprt these grups
    In recent years, a number f cstume dramas____61____(gain) admiratin amng audiences and sme Internet celebrities. Hanfu is becming mre and mre____62____(attract) t peple. An increasing number f yung Chinese wear____63____ (adapt) Hanfu as they believe the best way____64____(preserve) traditin is t adapt it t mdern life. Meanwhile, they say that they wear it t shw____65____(appreciate) fr their heritage and t feel a cnnectin t their rts. They even want t prmte the acceptance f Hanfu as mainstream fashin.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    66. 假定你是李华,是学校健身社团(gym club)的负责人。你的爱尔兰笔友Peter发来邮件,向你询问该社团的有关情况。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:
    1. 成立健身社团的目的;
    2. 社团开展的活动;
    3. 你的感受。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    第二节 (满分25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整的短文。续 写的词数应为150左右。
    Cld December wind passed right thrugh my wrn cat. I might have wished t be at hme, but thse days it wasn’t much warmer there than it was standing at the bus stp. Mama had written a letter t the electric cmpany explaining that we were late paying ur bill because my sister was ill and Daddy had been laid ff, but the pwer was cut ff anyway. That’s why we were n ur way int twn t pay the bill in persn.
    I sat clse t Buddy Earl fr warmth n the bus when it finally shwed up. The walk t the electric cmpany ffice frm the bus stp was nly a cuple f blcks, but it was a relief t get inside.
    After settling the bill Mama brught us ver t Rich’s department stre. There was Santa in a big wden chair. “Yu tw g talk t him,” she said. “Just dn’t expect t get all yu ask fr.” Buddy Earl and I jined the line f children waiting, and Mama sat n a bench nearby.
    Then Santa started talking with us and asked us what we wanted. Santa reached in his pcket, pulled ut a ntepad and scribbled smething with a pencil. “Is yur mther with yu tw?” he asked. I pinted t the bench. “That’s ur mama ver there. She’s waiting fr us t finish.” Santa lifted Buddy Earl ff his knee. “Culd yu ask her t cme and talk t me?” he said.
    Later, Mama and Santa talked fr a few minutes. Santa tk a cuple mre ntes. Then Mama brught us hme. We didn’t dare ask abut their private cnversatin. Christmas mrning Mama and Daddy gathered us arund ur tree t give thanks fr all we had. There were n tys frm Santa under the tree. N presents at all, really. But that was kay, especially since we had electricity again. I felt pretty gd as I tk my seat at the kitchen table.
    Paragraph 1:
    Suddenly, there was a knck at the dr.
    Mama and Daddy lked at each ther, and she unpacked the fd frm the bx.

    山东省济宁市泗水县2023-2024学年高一年级下学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份山东省济宁市泗水县2023-2024学年高一年级下学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含山东省济宁市泗水县2023-2024学年高一年级下学期期中考试英语试题原卷版docx、山东省济宁市泗水县2023-2024学年高一年级下学期期中考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    山东省济宁市泗水县2023-2024学年高二年级下学期期中考试英语试题: 这是一份山东省济宁市泗水县2023-2024学年高二年级下学期期中考试英语试题,文件包含山东省济宁市泗水县2023-2024学年高二年级下学期期中考试英语试题docx、高二英语试题答案docx、高二听力原文docx等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共22页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年山东省济宁市泗水县高一上学期期中考试英语试题: 这是一份2023-2024学年山东省济宁市泗水县高一上学期期中考试英语试题,共5页。试卷主要包含了 strategy 2等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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