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    山西省太原市2024届高三下学期三模考试 英语试题01
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    山西省太原市2024届高三下学期三模考试 英语试题

    这是一份山西省太原市2024届高三下学期三模考试 英语试题,文件包含山西省太原市2024年高三年级模拟考试英语试题三docx、山西省太原市2024年高三年级模拟考试三英语参考答案与评分建议docx、太原市2024高三三模听力516定稿1mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。 录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    1. What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A. Get ff the bus.B.Ask the passenger.C. Check the schedule.
    2.Where are the speakers prbably?
    A.In a cinema.B.In a restaurant.C.In a supermarket.
    3. What was difficult fr the man?
    A.Waiting t get help.B.Driving in the snw.C. Finding a parking place.
    4.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.A club.B.Asng.C.A vide.
    5. What des the man mean?
    A. He plans t revisit Yellwstne.
    B.He desn't think the visit is gd.
    C.He agrees with the wman's pinin.
    What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. New facilities assisting the disabled.
    B.Traffic safety fr peple with disabilities.
    C.The dificulties that disabled peple face.
    7.Wh might benefit mst frm the new drs?
    A.Peple in wheelchairs.
    B.Peple with hearing lss
    C. Peple with visin prblems.
    8. Fr what did the man get his pet dg?
    A.His graduatin.B.His respnsibility.C.His academic perfrmance.
    9.What is the mst imprtunt duty fr keeping a dg?
    A.Learning abut its character,
    B. Taking gd care t keep it healthy.
    C.Training it int a well-behaved ne.
    10.Why can't David check the bks ut?
    A.His student ID is nt available.
    B.He hasn't returned the verdue bk.
    C. He has been fined by the library befre.
    Why des David need the five bks?
    A. T d his friend a favr.
    B. T wrk n his research paper.
    C. T prepare fr the midterm exam.
    12.What des the wman advise David t d?
    A. Call his friend.B. Apply fr a new ID.C. Make a cpy.
    13.Why is Chen asking fr leave?
    A. T prepare fr the final exam.
    B. T spend time with her parents.
    C. T travel arund in Ls Angles.
    14. What d we knw abut Chen's parents?
    A. They dn't speak English.
    B. They will get arund themselves.
    C. They dn't have an electrnic translatr.
    15. Hw many days is Chen allwed t take ff?
    A.Tw days.B. Fur days.C.Seven days,
    16. What is the pssible relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues.B. Teacher and student.C. Emplyer and emplyee.
    17.What is the purpse f the speech?
    A. T intrduce cllege life t students.
    B. T welcme students back t schl.
    C.T cngratulate students n their graduatin.
    18. What is the cre value f Redmnd High Schl?
    A. Gratitude.B.Leadership.C.Perseverance.
    19. What des the speaker inspire the students t have?
    20. Wh is giving this speech mst prbably?
    A. A student's parent.B.A graduate studentC.A schl principal.
    Amazing apps helping senirs stay sharp
    Undubtedly, yur grandparents gain experience and wisdm as they get lder. Hwever, they are likely t be anxius abut health prblems many senirs face, especially the frightening disrder f mental functining 一 thinking, remembering, and reasning. But dn't wrry! The apps are here t help yur grandma and grandpa.
    It presents level-based crsswrd puzzles and wrd search games, featuring versized buttns and cntrls fr senirs.Its games use pint systems t judge the perfrmance f players and it can dynamically adjust the difficulty f games t suit each individual -which keeps senirs enjying their sense f achievement.
    It includes everything senirs need t stay sharp-minded. All they have t d is spend ten minutes per day playing a wide range f the app's 45 available games. Peak even includes a built-in persnal trainer that helps track players' prgress and arrange the seeps that they'll need t imprve their mental sharpness.
    It takes a scientific apprach t brain training with a variety f games t imprve senirs’ mental keenness. Players begin by seeing hw well they challenge specific types f mental abilities. Then with fun themes and enjyable elements added, they can keep players engaged while imprving their perfrmance at the given tasks.
    It is a multipurpse app that helps senirs keep fit with brain training, physical activities, and tips n healthy eating. The apprach starts with brain. stimulating games that imprve memry, attentin and speed. And t tp it ff, it als cmes with senir-friendly wrkut vides.
    21.What can the fur apps help senirs d?
    A.Gain experience and wisdm.B.Keep life in rder.
    C.Relieve mental aging anxiety.D.Extend scial circle.
    22.Hw des Witty Wrds app make peratin easier fr the senins?
    A. By designing large buttns.B. By tracing their prgress.
    c. By using built-in trainers.D. By prviding dynamic games,
    23.Which app als helps the senirs t build up the bdy?
    A. Witty Wrds.B.Peak.C.Lumsity.D.MindMate.
    Walking int the n-campus barbershp, the student custmers will be greeted by Alexander Garcia with clippers in hand, a harber chair, a full prfessinal clipping set, and custmers chatting abut Ozzy's latest DJ set in the backgrund
    Garcia started cutting hair during his junir year f high schl. He spent his time learning frm barber vides by 360Jeery n YuTube abut different hair styles. That learning tk trial and errr, and he spent his time practicing n his yunger cusin, but he never intended it t be a business.
    He came int cllege as an Electrical and Cmputer Engineering majr and spent his time in the students" assciatins, wrking as a part-time DJ. His jurney f cutting hair n campus began in the secnd year, with mainly rmmates and clse friends cming in fr a cut and a chat, but his hbby fully develped int CutzbyOzzy earher this year. Barbens in the city are expensive, he nticed, especially fr cllege students, which pushed him t expand his hbby t a private business.
    Garcia is busy, with appintments made usually a week in advance. Custmers can pay $18 fr a full haircut and $5 fr a line-up. His business grws mstly thrugh the wrd-f-muth f his custmers, wh are mainly first-years. "Seeing that mst f the custmers are freshmen, I like t give them advice, try t expiain my wn experience and prmte student rganizatins because I feel that enhances my experience," he said. "I lead them thrugh things I encunter n the way-- internships(实习),schlarships, jb pprtunities, and questins."
    T Garcia, it’s abut creating the feel f walking int an actual barbershp; it's abut ffering instructins and friendship t his custmers. He's fund ver time that these students start breaking ut f their shells and cming t him with their prblems.
    "I can just never stay put," he said. "I always like t try different things in different fields. Apart frm being an engineer, the barbershp is truly my life."
    What inspired Garcia t start his barbershp business?
    His hbby as a part-time DJ. B.The real demand frm his friends.
    The high cst f haircut in the city. D.His barbering experience in high schl.
    What helps Garcia's business grw?
    A.Discunts fr the freshmen. B.Recmmendatin by custmers.
    C.Advertisements via scial media. D. Partnership with lcal barbershps.
    26.Hw des Garcia distinguish frm ther barbers in the city?
    A.He keeps his burbershp better-equipped
    B.He prvides a wider selectin f hairstyles.
    C.He shares mre practical guidance fr students.
    D.He intrduces mre jb pprtunities t graduates.
    27. Which f the fllwing can best describe Garcia?
    A.Ambitius and adventurus. B. Multitalented and supprtive,
    C.Knwledgeable and intelligent. D. Business-minded and fame-seeking.
    Feeling dwn abut mney? D yu knw yu culd have thusands f punds wrth f junk hiding in yur drawers? Well, here's sme fantastic news t brighten yur day: yur unwanted tech culd be a gldmine, with ptential earrings ranging frm £1,300 t £6,330.That's right - that neglected hairdryer, frgtten electric tthbrush, r unused smartphne sitting in yur cupbard culd be yur ticket t sme extra hliday cash, a dream summer vacatin, r a special weekend treat!
    Recent research frm Recycle Yur Electricals reveals a shcking 880 millin unused wrking electrical items gathering dust in UK husehlds, averaging 31 items per husehld. The ptential earnings? A suriprising £36.7 billin fr lder, lwer, and unbranded items and an astnishing £178.5 billin fr newer, higher branded items. It's an incredible new pprtunity!
    It's nt just abut making mney; selling yur ld electricals is als great fr the planet. Waste electricals are the fastest grwing e-wastc stream, with few peple realising that they cntain sme f the mst precius materials n the planet, like gld, aluminium and lithium. S whether yu chse t sell r dnate yur wrking items, r yu recycle the brken nes, it's ging t be gd fr the envirnment.
    It's time t unlck that mney. Start by taking stck f all yur electricals and research their market value by cnsidering factrs like brand, age, and cnditin. Wipe dwn surfaces, remve dust, and ensure everything is in wrking rder. Remember, a picture is wrth a thusand wrds - a detailed descriptin with high-quality phts speaks luder. Select the platfrm that suits yur item and target audience. Abve all, security first. Ensure all persnal data are securely wiped. If meeting in persn, chse a safe, public lcatin. Alternatively,use secure shipping methds with tracking fr added peace f mind.
    What can be inferred frm paragraph 1?
    The wealth frm junk is ften verlked
    B. Peple ften put plenty f cash in the drawers.
    C.The ptential earnings frm wastes are wrth a gldmine.
    D. Electricals are likely t break dwn if nt used frequently.
    What can the e-waste be used fr accrding t the text?
    A. Repair wrk,B. Metal extractin.C.Data security.D.Scientific research.
    30. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Methds f saving mney. B. Ways t prmte nline sales.
    C. Prcedures f nline shpping. D. Steps t prfit frm used electricals.
    31. What's the authr's writing purpse?
    A. T ffer tips fr making a frtune.
    B. T warn against e-waste pllutin.
    C. T increase the purchase f new electricals.
    D. T advcate recycling ecnmically and envirnmentally.
    In an incrensingly fast-paced wrld that rewards immediacy, urgency culture makes it hard t tell what is truly imprtant and what is nt. At wrk, this culd invlve handling frequent last- minute requests, unrealistic deadlines, and the expectatin t be reachable even after hurs. In persnal life, behaviur patterms f urgency culture include verextending in relatinships, frequently checking scial media updates ut f fear f missing ut, and respnding immediately t calls and texts, even when it 's incnvenient.
    The cnstant rush t be “always n" prfessinally and persnally can create stress. Being part f the "always n" culture ften invlves multitasking. Hwever, research shws every time we multitask, it actually slws the brain dwn and may reduce prductivity by up t 40 percent. Meanwhile, cnstant verstimulatin - a significant cntributr t urgency culture - will debilitate yur dpamine(多巴胺)system. In shrt, the mre verstimulated yu are, the less jy yu can feel. Over time, urgency culture can als be harmful t physical health. A false sense f urgency tricks the bdy int reacting as if it' s in a threatening situatin, activating the "fight-r- flight” respnse. Yur breathing becmes faster, yur bld pressure and heart rate g up, and yu lse the ability t regulate emtins, and an veractive fight-r-fight respnse cntributes t high bld pressure, pr quality f sleep and eating disrders.
    T avid the urgency trap, experts recmmend pausing fr a few mments befre leaping int actin every time smething cmes up. It allws yu t step back and assess whether this demand fr yur attentin is in line with yur pririties. Setting clear expectatins in persnal and prfessinal relatinships can als help plan, priritize and prblem-slve withut causing false urgency. The best thing yu can d t deal with urgency calture is t regularty engage in activities that remind yu there is n rush.
    Which f the fllwing can be described as "urgency culture" accrding t paragraph1? A.Fcusing n imprtant matters. B.Finishing wrk befre deadline.
    C.Giving everything high pririty. D.Maintaining useful relatinships.
    33.Hw des multitasking influence peple accrding t the authr?
    A. It cntributes t their wrk efficiency.
    B. They may feel under cnstant pressure.
    C. It helps t slw dwn their wrking pace.
    D.Their sense f achievement will decrease.
    34.What des the underlined wrd "debilitate" in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A.Weaken,B.Balance.C.Activate.D. Divide.
    35.Which f the fllwing can be the best title f the text?
    A. The Pwer f Rush: The Secret t Mdern Success
    B.Stay Well-cnnected: The New Path t Persnal Prductivity
    C.N Pressure,NGrwth: Bsting Yurself in Ungency Culture
    D.Mre Haste, Less Speed: Breaking Free Frm the "Always-n" Tmp
    Hw t chse a hiking trail (路径)
    If yu're a keen hiker, chances are yu have yur favrite trails mstly because they' re easy t reach and fit int yur schedule. If yu desire t set ft in hiking in depth, this guide may walk yu thrugh the steps f hw t chse a hiking trail t yur next great adventure.
    36 , defining hw many miles the hike cvers befre departure. Next, ask yurself if yu can reasnably walk that far. Yu can just walk as far dwn a trail as yu want, and then turn back when yu're ready. 37 . such as a waterfall r standing stnes, yu'll ideally make sure yu can reach it.
    Knw what's ging t be underft. 38 On a hike yu might encunter all different types f land, and the climbing is ging t be dangerus r stable. S d research and understand what type f terrain (地形) yu're likely t encunter. There's a big difference between walking thrugh a frest and stair-stepping up a steep rck. When yu're using rute finding apps, trails are usually rated us easy, mderate r difficult. Make sure yu understand exactly what the hike invlves frm a skill t equipment. 39
    Fr hikers, a thundering waterfull falling ver a cliff can be a breathtaking climax t a frest hike. 40 . the things yu'll see alng the way are a great reasn t chse ne hiking trail ver anther --s lng as the rest f it falls within yur ability level f curse.
    Master yur hiking equipment
    B. Even if they are wrth visiting
    C. Check the ttal distance invlved
    D. But if there's a waymark yu're hping t see
    E. It helps yu decide between hiking shes r bts
    F. Althugh nt all hikes lead t a fantastic viewpint
    G. Dn't rush int the jurney withut the investigatins abve
    I have had this lng-sleeved shirt since cllege. After many years, there are warning 41 that it is n the way ut. Sme buttns are getting a bit 42 .And even there are thse faint 43 f meals that haven't quite cme ut in the wash. Thugh 44 . it is still my favrite.
    One mrning. I was putting n it fr the family trip when my wife nticed a hle in the elbw(肘部). She advised me t 45 it r it wuld get wrse. But it was s tiny. I decided t 46 it and went t reach fr the backpack at the tp f my clset when I heard the rip"sss-" Was I reached fr the clset dr and 47 it shut. Riiippp again. The tiny hle became a big tear, leaving my arm48. "Nw yu lk like a scarecrw(稻草人),” My wife laughed. "Maybe yu shuld thrw it away,"
    Shuld I? I asked myself in such a fast-fishin wrld which rushes t prduce clthes that49 the latest trend, few material items 50 ur lyalty. But this shirt had seen a lt with me, frm my 51 t my marriage. I knew even a piece f clthing represented a life 52 lived. I intended t stay.53
    "Is it time t let that shirt g?” My wife asked. I paused fr a mment and then grabbed a pair f scissrs.54 , I sun picked up my "new” 55 shirt and shwed it t her. "Nt yet," I replied with a prud smile.
    B.fineC. flexibleD.lse
    B. appealsC.ingredientsD.tastes
    44.A. in lw spiritsB.in pr cnditinC.ut f sightD.ut f cntrl
    46.A. nticeB.ignreC.mindD.refuse
    49.A. prtestB.missC.fitD.pass
    50.A: wasteB. identifyC. questinD.gain
    51.A. graduatinB.familyC.childhdD.retirement
    B. cautiuslyC.fullyD.busily
    53.A efficientB.fashinableC.lyalD.calm
    As the surce f all life, water plays a vital rle in Chinese culture, influencing bth Chinese
    civilizatin and philsphy. Many Chinese legends reflect the 56 (admire) fr water and the spirit f bravely fighting natural disasters caused by water. Yu, the first ruler f the Xia Dynasty. 57 (successful) cntrlled the flds by digging waterways s that the fldwater culd flw int the sea smthly. The Dujiangyan Irrigatin System in Sichuan, first 58 (cnstruct) in 256 BC,tk advantage f the lcal natural features withut 59 (daumage) the envirnment. Additinally, water 60 (give) philsphical meanings t help nurture Chinese peple and gvern the cuntry, inspiring the ancient rulers 61 (respect) the will f peple and fllw the laws f nature. Cnfucius believed water had diverse 62 (virtue) including justice, curage and righteusness, s 63 was suggested that peple shuld learn frm water and cultivate their sense f mrality. Lazi gave birth t the idea f vercming hardness with sftness and nn-actin. Xunzi cmpared a ruler and his peple 64 a bat and water t shw the imprtance f the peple in sciety. Water, being an essential clement in daily life, is a symbl in Chinese culture, 65 flws thrugh Chinese civilizatin.
    On a sunny afternn, my friend Ollie and I were enjying skatcbarding at ur lcal park. Our md was light until Olle sptted a pster fr the upcming Harvest Fair. The idea f attending it was thrilling, but the ticket price f $50 quickly iced ur enthusiasm.
    While we were thinking ver the cst, ur attentin was drawn t the list f attractins. Amng the varius activities, we nticed that ur favrite band - Eagles was ging t perfrm. We culdn't help but break int singing ur favrite sng by them. What added t ur excitement was the pie cntest in the pster, a delightful reminder f ur shared memry. It used t be the mst ppular event in ur cmmunity. But thinking f the expensive tickets, which seemed t be a shadw ver ur excitement, we all sighed. Then I suggested ging t my parents’ stre t see if they culd help.
    Upn arriving, my dad tld us he had sme gd news, shwing sme tickets t us. They were the very nes we had seen in the pster! My dad explained that his ld partner had made a request t hang a pster here fr the Harvest Fair, and in return, he ffered us free passes. Much t my delight, there were six tickets fr five peple in ur family and an extra ne fr my friend! The news was like a breath f fresh air, bringing unexpected jy int ur day. We culd all set ut t experience the fair tgether, n ne missing ut.
    Just then, Mrs. Smith, ut awesme 80-year-ld neighbr, walked unsteadily twards us."I just saw the pster in yur windw. Hw I used t lve ging t fairs!" She paused, with her eyes drpping befre she cntinued. "But it's hard fr me t get arund nw, and tickets cst s much these days...”
    Dear Ryan.
    Hw time flies!
    Ollie apprached me, seemingly t say smething.
    After the fair, I came up with a plan t make up fr Ollie's absence.

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        山西省太原市2024届高三下学期三模考试 英语试题
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