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    Having a right app can make a huge difference in yur daily life.
    As a fitness app, Swrkit prvides users with lts f wrkut variety —frm strength t cardi(有氧运动) t yga. Once yu dwnlad the app, yu'll be asked t d a quiz s Swrkit can wrk ut the best prgram and fitness plan fr yu. The app is free t dwnlad but yu'll need t pay a mnthly fee t access wrkuts after ne-week free trial.
    Wuld yu like smething t track yur reading prgress? Here cmes Bkly. Yu can get nt nly detailed and insightful statistics, such as reading speed, estimated bk finish time, days yu've read in a rw, but als many persnalized reading suggestins. Hwever, what really makes this app shine is its anther distinctive functin which enables users t add their wn cmments, qutes, r thughts while reading.
    As the name suggests, this app's aim is t make yu feel fabulus(极好的). This daily self-care app ffers specially designed rutines that help yu build healthy habits. Once yu cmplete a habit r rutine, the app will respnd with wrds f encuragement, cute sund effects, r even a special letter.
    This app is all abut keeping yur mind sharp. It has ver 45 shrt, interactive games and puzzles that fcus n aspects including memry, attentin, prblem-slving, and emtin cntrl. When yu pen Peak fr the first time, yu'll get t set persnal gals and chse what brain-related aspects yu'd like t imprve n. The app is free t dwnlad, but unless yu buy the paid versin, yu'll need t watch sme vide advertisements every nw and then.
    1.Which is the right app fr peple wh want t develp gd habits?
    A. Bkly. B. Fabulus. C. Swrkit. D. Peak.
    2.What makes Bkly utstanding particularly?
    A. It tracks users' reading prgress.
    B. It prvides detailed and useful statistics.
    C. It ffers persnalized reading suggestins.
    D. Users can add their cmments while reading.
    3.What d Swrkit and Peak have in cmmn?
    A. They ffer varieties f ptins.B. Plans are made by users themselves.
    C. Users need t watch advertisements.D. They can be used fr free all the time.
    HER Bremble, a great science-fictin mvie and TV directr, wh uses his imaginatin fr Hllywd, is riding a new wave f creatin.
    Recently, he came t China t apply his wisdm t a new prject, which requires creativity and imaginatin; he's the art directr at the Space Travel Theme Park, pened last weekend in Beijing. “Like making a mvie, I have t make sure that everything is ne cmplete narrative stry,” Bremble said, explaining his jb. But the park is different frm a mvie where yu just sit and lk at things. Visitrs can walk thrugh things and can try n an astrnaut's clthes and taste his fd.
    “Prjects like this are bigger than mvies as yu have t let peple's experiences cme alive,” the imagineer explained. “T be an imagineer, yu have t be up and yu have t be ready t d the impssible.” He did admit, hwever, that even this field, with its fantastic ideas, is nt withut its limitatins. The hardest thing fr the imagineer is that his wrk is “always a dialgue between creativity and mney”. That means business is invlved.
    “S, my rle is t be pen t different ideas and t make the best cmprmise (妥协)between what it csts and what yu want t d,” he said. When asked abut what it takes t becme a gd imagineer, Bremble said, “It's abut dreaming and reading.”
    The wrd “imagineer” sunds gd, which makes yu think f a stylish prfessin where yu just sit in frnt f a laptp with a cup f cffee, waiting fr the ideas t jump ut f yur mind. Then yu cash in n them. But it's nt as easy r as cmfrtable as that. Fr ne thing, Bremble sleeps less than a lt f peple d and eats fast fd. Fr anther, he has t keep his mind running and evlving and upgrading. But, maybe that's why this career attracts ambitius yung minds.
    4.What can we knw abut Bremble?
    A. He is imaginative and creative.
    B. He’ll apply fr a new prject in Beijing.
    C. His new jb is the same as making a mvie.
    D. He wrked as a mvie directr at the theme park.
    5.What des Bremble find the mst difficult in his new jb?
    A. T be pen t different ideas.B. T make big prfits fr the cmpany.
    C. T let peple's experiences cme alive.D. T keep a balance between creativity and mney.
    6.What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A. It's easy t be an imagineer.B. Imagineer is a stylish prfessin.
    C. Bremble's jb is hard and challenging.D. The jb is t hard t attract ambitius minds.
    7.In which clumn(专栏) f a magazine can the text be fund?
    A. Scial Insight. B. Figure Interview.
    C. Arts and Culture. D. Travel and Adventure.
    Yu may have heard the ld saying, “The mre, the merrier.” It's usually true, but nt fr travel. When it cmes t travel, I say, “The mre, the messier.”
    I first figured this ut a few years ag. I bught the cheapest airline ticket I culd find: the Philippines. It turned ut great! Once, I went n a lng hike and missed the last bus back t twn. N prblem! Because I was traveling alne, I was able t ride with sme Swiss turists wh nly had ne extra seat in their van(货车). Traveling alne, I was never really alne at all. It was easier t meet peple. I talked t everyne I met.
    I'm nt alne in my preference fr sl travel. Accrding t the Daily Mail, there has been a 143 percent increase in “sl travel” internet searches ver the past three years. This makes it ne f the fastest grwing parts f the travel industry.
    T me, it's bvius why peple like it. It's easier t plan. Just pack yur bag and g straight t yur dream place. If yu invlve ther peple, yu'll have t make cmprmises with yur time and mney.
    Besides freedm, fr sme peple, sl travel is a jurney fr the mind and sul. They believe sl travel helps them escape trivial (琐碎的) prblems f daily life and scial activities. “I need peace. I need quiet,” said Suzanne Jinsn in the Telegraph. “And mst f all, I really, really need t be alne.” N wnder US authr Henry Rllins nce wrte: “Lneliness adds beauty t life. It puts a special burn n sunsets and makes night air smell better.”
    8.What's the authr's purpse in mentining the ld saying at the beginning f the text?
    A. T aruse peple's thinking.B. T prve it's cmpletely wrng.
    C. T intrduce his pinin n travel.D. T shw peple's pinins n happiness.
    9.What des the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Few peple prefer sl travel.
    B. Nt all the peple like sl travel.
    C. Sme ther peple als like sl travel.
    D. The authr desn't feel lnely when travelling alne.
    10.Accrding t the cntext, if peple travel with their friends r families,___________.
    A. it's easier t planB. they will have mre freedm
    C. they can find their inner peaceD. they need t cmprmise with their time and mney
    11.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Sl Travel: Lnelier but Freer
    B. Sl Travel: a Jurney fr the Sul
    C. Sl Travel: the Best Way f Travelling
    D. Sl Travel: a Merrier Way f Travelling
    Are there any lakes in yur hmetwn? What clr are they? Arund ne-third f the wrld's lakes are blue, accrding t a study in September 2022. But glbal warming may lead them t turn green r even brwn.
    Xia Yang frm Suthern Methdist University in the US and his team analyzed the clr f ver 85,000 lakes based n satellite phts taken frm 2013 t 2020. They fund that lakes in places with cler average summer air temperatures —belw 19°C —were mre likely t be blue than lakes in places with warmer summers.
    The clr f a lake is in part decided by what's in the water. Water mlecules (分子)absrb the lng wavelengths f sunlight, such as red, range, and yellw, leaving behind the shrter nes presenting green and mstly blue. Simply put, the cleaner the water, the bluer it lks. In warmer lakes, algae(藻) and phytplanktn(浮游植物) develp easily. These micrbes(微生物) cntain clrs frm green t brwn and red, giving the lake a different clr. If the temperature cntinues t rise with climate change unchecked, ne in 10 blue lakes might change clr, accrding t the study.
    Lakes serve as a vital part f nature, with their clr being ne f the ldest ways t determine the health f an ecsystem. Humans get their drinking water frm lakes, streams and grund water. As lakes becme greener, peple may lse lts f clean water. Because f this, treating the water f such lakes becmes mre expensive. Fr lake animals, the thriving(茁壮成长) f algae and phytplanktn in greener lakes can prvide mre fd resurces. Hwever, an increase in these micrbes may cause lake animals t die fr lack f xygen.
    12.What decide the clr f lakes in part accrding t the text?
    A. Micrbes. B. Lake animals.C. Shrtages f xygen. D. Wavelengths f sunlight.
    13.What can we learn frm the study?
    A. Mre micrbes symblize cleaner water.
    B. Lakes in warmer places tend t be green.
    C. Researchers tk phts f ver 85,000 lakes.
    D. The higher the temperature, the greener the lakes must be.
    14.What des the underlined wrd “unchecked” in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. Prevented. B. Uncntrlled.C. Quickened. D. Unnticed.
    15.What's the main idea f the last paragraph?
    A. The significance f lakes.
    B. The way t prtect the lakes.
    C. The ptential impact f greener lakes.
    D. The influence f glbal warming n peple.
    16.The yuth are like the early spring, the mrning sun and the budding(萌芽的) flwers. There's n denying that yuth is the mst valuable time f life. During this perid f time, habits and interests that will cntinue fr the rest f yur life are frmed and develped. ①______s the earlier yu cultivate(培养) the yuth spirit, the mre likely yu will achieve success in life.
    Be self-reliant and self-mtivated. Sure, yu might have parents and friends t help yu, but ultimately, yu must rely n yurself. ②______, which enables yu t get thrugh the challenges f life. N ne can frce yu t get gd grades r get an excellent jb. ③______. Only yu can be the authr f yur wn life.
    ④______. Train yurself t be strng when times get tugh. Anything wrth ding isn'teasy. Tell yurself that yu can make it whatever bstacles(障碍) stand in yur way as lng as yu wn't give up. After all the trials and errrs, yu will thank perseverance fr guiding yu t success.
    Wrk hard. As Albert Einstein nce put it, “Genius is ne percent inspiratin, ninety-nine percent perspiratin (汗珠).”Yung and talented as yu are, withut diligence, yu can hardly bring ut yur ptentials. As a result, dn't waste time admiring thers’ success r daydreaming. ⑤______.
    In cnclusin, the prime f yuth, the mst vibrant and energetic perid in life, is als the mst fleeting(转瞬即逝的). Let's capture the spirit f yuth and turn ur dreams int reality.
    A. Be persevere
    B. Be brave
    C. It is really significant t cherish it
    D. Instead, g all ut and see hw far yu can g
    E. Thse respnsibilities are yurs and yurs alne
    F. Hwever, it's a relatively brief perid in ne's life
    G. It builds yur character and makes yu independent
    Skiing has always been a big part f Mikaela's life. Her dad, an amateur(业余的) skier, raced all thrugh cllege and ①______skiing later as a part-time jb. Her ②______ taught Mikaela and her brther t ③______at a very yung age. At tw and a half years ld, Mikaela ④______her first ski run dwn her steep driveway n plastic skis.
    Mikaela lved skiing. Frm ages 8 t 11, she wrked hard, ⑤______hundreds f training runs n small hills t master the ⑥______skills f slalm skiing (障碍滑雪), which ⑦______tw runs in a slalm race where the ⑧______is the ne with the best cmbined time.
    When Mikael a was 11, she began t ⑨______at the Burke Muntain Academy, a Vermnt barding schl fr skiers. She tk classes, studied, and ⑩______ all the difficulties that she met t imprve her skiing.
    Accrding t the headmaster Kirk Dwyer, “What ⑪______Mikael a frm thers was the degree f her cmmitment(投入) t be the best. Her⑫______t cnditining, getting prper sleep, eating crrectly, ding the drills(训练), and watching vide was ⑬______fr an 11-t 13-year-ld. Mikaela practiced mre than anyne and ⑭______herself.”
    At age 14, Mikaela began her internatinal ⑮______when she raced in the wrld champinships fr 13- and 14-year-lds. And she wn!
    17.A. trained B. practised C. explred D. researched
    18.A. cach B. classmate C. headmaster D. parent
    19.A. skate B. camp C. ski D. surf
    20.A. made B. realized C. greeted D. invited
    21.A. benefiting B. enjying C. repeating D. preparing
    22.A. crrect B. familiar C. simple D. funny
    23.A. cmes frm B. results frm C. leads t D. cnsists f
    24.A. lser B. racer C. winner D. cmpetitr
    25.A. race B. learn C. teach D. cmpete
    26.A. vercame B. cnsidered C. shared D. discussed
    27.A. hid B. prevented C. rescued D. separated
    28.A. energy B. demand C. devtin D. invitatin
    29.A. unhappy B. unusual C. unhealthy D. unlucky
    30.A. believed in B. depended n C. came t D. lked after
    31.A. medal B. career C. jurney D. trade
    32.Thugh Peking Opera and English dn't ①______(nrmal) g tgether, they fit tgether like a dream. They have made up the best ②______(mment) f my life.
    After ③______(win) a prize at the age f 10, I went n t win the Silver Award fr the Natinal Children's Peking Opera Cntest n CCTV Channel 11. I delivered ④______impressive perfrmance f qingyi, the graceful female rle in ⑤______(traditin) Chinese drama. It was by singing Peking Opera in English ⑥______I wn the judges ver and gt int the final rund f the⑦______(cmpete).
    I'm prud that Peking Opera and English cme tgether in my life, ⑧______brings me the dream t intrduce Chinese culture t the wrld by perfrming Peking Opera in English. With this dream in my heart, singing Peking Opera in English, I ⑨______(participate) in the 2019 Natinal Star f Outlk English Cntest, and wn the first prize.
    In the cming days, I'll keep wrking hard n Peking Opera and English ⑩______(realize)my dream f perfrming Peking Opera in English acrss the wrld.
    33.Rbert and Henry were tw friends in the same class. They always played tgether and went hme tgether. One day, Rbert and Henry were ging hme frm schl. On turning a crner, Rbert cried ut, “Oh! Lk, a fight! Let's g and see!”
    “Nne f ur business!” said Henry. “Let us g hme quietly and nt meddle(管闲事)with it. Or we may get int truble. Als, ur parents are expecting t have dinner with us and I dn't want them t wrry abut me.”
    “Yu are a cward(胆小鬼)!”said Rbert, running ff angrily.
    Henry went straight hme, and in the afternn went t schl as usual. But Rbert had tld all the bys in class what happened t Henry and they laughed at him a great deal. Frm then n, they lked dwn upn Henry and wuldn't play with him.
    Henry was a bit sad but he wasn't angry with them fr Rbert's rude behavir, because he knew that they misunderstd him, and that he was just afraid f ding wrng. Thus, he ignred their laughter and cntinued t fcus n his study.
    Hwever, Rbert didn't invite Henry t g hme tgether with him any mre. Instead, he befriended the bys wh regarded Henry as a cward. Every day after schl, they didn't g back hme directly but went t the river r smewhere t play games and had a lt f fun.
    A few days later, with all f his learning tasks cmpleted and feeling a little tired, Henry decided t take a walk alng the river. All f a sudden, he heard smene crying fr help. Knwing smene was in danger, Henry ran in the directin f crying as quickly as he culd. While getting clser, he saw a by struggling in the water with several bys that ften played with Rbert recently nshre, knwing nthing t d.
    第一节 根据文本内容从方框中选择恰当的词并用其正确形式填入文本图示中,每词限用一次,有两词为多余选项。
    第二节 根据文本内容回答下列问题。
    (1) Why did ther bys laugh at Henry?
    (2)Hw did Henry react t their rude behaviur?
    (3)What wuld Henry d when he saw the drwning by struggling in the river? Why?
    34.近来越来越多的同学热衷于点外卖,据此你校英语报开设了 My Life at Campus 专栏,想了解大家的看法。请你以“My Opinin f Takeaway”为题,写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:
    1. 你的看法;
    2. 阐述理由。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    My Opinin f Takeaway
    解析:通过Swrkit介绍的第一句中“with lts f wrkut variety”和Peak介绍中第二句“It has ver45 shrt,,interactive games and puzzles.”可知答案。
    解析:根据第三段原文“The hardest thing fr the imagineer..”可知答案。
    解析:根据最后一段“But it's nt as easy r as cmfrtable as ne thing,Bremble sleeps less than a lt f peple d and eats fast fd.Fr anther,he has t keep his mind running and evlving and pgrading.”可推测出正确答案。
    解析:该语篇有大量对Bremble说的话的直接引用,尤其是根据第四段最后一句“When asked abut what it takes t becme a gd imagineer,Bremble said..”等语句可知该语篇最有可能是人物特写之访谈类。
    解析:该题考查作者的写作意图。作者一开始提到“人越多越开心”的普遍观点,其实是为了引出他对旅游方式的看法,即“人越多越糟心”,为引出下文中他认同的旅行方式Sl Travel作铺垫。
    解析:考查学生对“.is nt alne.”的正确理解。学生也可以通过后文提到的Daily Mail关于“Sl Travel'”急剧增长的搜索量可以推断:如作者那样喜欢Sl Travel的人还有很多。
    解析:根据第四段“If yu invlve ther peple,yu'll have t make cmprmises with yur time and mney.”可知答案。
    解析:主旨大意题一标题类。根据第二段“Traveling alne,I was never really alne at was easier t meet peple.I talked t everyne I met..”可知作者虽独行,但并不孤独,所以A选项不正确;根据最后一段“Besides freedm,fr sme peple,。sl travel is a jurney fr the mind and sul..”可知,这只是人们喜欢Sl Travel的原因之一,并不是全文的主旨,故B选项不正确:虽然作者更喜欢Sl Travel,。但他并没有论证Sl Travel就是最好的旅行方式,故C选项不正确。相较而言,D选项Sl Travel:a Merrier Way f Travelling更准确。
    解析:根据第三段“These micrbes(微生物)cntain clrs frm green t brwn and red,giving the lake a different clr.”可知答案。
    解析:根据第一段可知地球三分之一的湖泊是蓝色,但是全球气候变暖可能会导致湖泊变绿甚至变成棕色。第二段“They fund that lakes in places with cler average summer air temperatures一belw l9°C一were mre likely t be blue than lakes in places with warmer summers..”可知科学家们发现夏日平均气温更凉爽地区的湖泊比起夏日平均气温更暖的地方的湖泊而言,更可能是蓝色。因此可以推断气温更高地方的湖泊更可能变成绿色。
    解析:根据原文“If the temperature cntinues t rise with climate change unchecked,ne in 10
    blue lakes might change clr,。accrding t the study.”以及首段和第二段我们知道,气温较高的区域,湖的颜色更可能是绿色。如果气温随着全球变暖持续上升而不加以控制,十分之一的蓝色的湖就会变色。
    解析:承接前面青春的重要性,过渡到青春的稍纵即逝,为后面提出越早培养青春之精神,越可能成功作铺垫。同时与最后一段“In cnclusin,the prime f yuth,。the mst vibrant and energetic perid in life,is als the mst fleeting(转瞬即逝的)。”形成首尾呼应。
    解析:该段主旨句是“Be self--reliant and self-mtivated.”,空白处前一句“yu must rely n yurself.”
    为具体建议。G选项进而阐述了该建议的好处:“培养你的品格,让你独立”,其中“t”指代前文中的建议“rely n yurself"”,,后半句中“which”则指代G选项中提到的好处。
    解析:通过概括本段大意,以及最后一句“After all the trials and errrs,yu will thank perseverance fr guiding yu t success..”可知答案为A。
    解析:该题主旨句为“Wrk hard”,空白处前一句建议读者不要浪费时间羡慕别人的成功和做白日梦。D选项通过“Instead”一转,进而给出正确做法。
    解析:根据“skiing later as a part--time jb”和后文“taught Mikaela and her brther'”可知,此处应表示Mikaela的父亲培训(其他人)滑雪,故选A。
    解析:根据上下文可知,此处表示在Mikaela and her brther很小的时候,教他们滑雪的应是她的父亲,故选D。
    解析:根据上下文,因Mikaela喜欢滑雪,所以她努力训练,重复数百次,以培养slalm skiing所需的技能,故选C。
    解析:根据tw runs in a slalm race,说明障碍滑雪比赛由两次滑行组成,故选D。
    解析:根据后文the ne with the best cmbined time,此处指的是在两次滑行中总时间最好的选手,即获胜者,故选C。
    解析:根据后文,Mikaela在11岁时,在the Burke Muntain Academy这个学校开始系统学习滑雪,故选B。
    解析:根据前文Mikaela practiced mre than anyne,此处表示她相信自己,故选A。
    32.答案:nrmally; mments ;winning;an;traditinal;that;cmpetitin;which;participated;t realize;
    ①考查副词。设空处作状语修饰动词短语g tgether。
    ⑤考查形容词。此处作定语修饰Chinese drama。
    ⑨考查动词做谓语。根据in the2019可知用一般过去时;主动参加;故答案为participated。
    ⑩考查非谓语。不定式短语t realize在此句中表目的。
    (1).Having heard Rbert's sharing the stry abut Henry,they did think Henry was a cward and lked dwn upn him.
    (2).Althugh being misunderstd by his classmates and feeling sad,Henry ignred their laughter and cntinued t fcus n his study.
    (3).He may jump int the water withut any hesitatin and tried his best t save the drwning by.
    Because frm the several bys nshre that ften played with Rbert recently,Henry knew that the struggling by in the river must be Rbert,wh nce was his best friend.
    wrry help tell friend fight fcus walk advise distance require return expect
    Rbert and Henry were very ①_______ t each ther and they ften played and went hme tgether.
    One day they fund smene ②_______n the way hme. Excited and curius, Rbert advised seeing it immediately.
    ③_______ that they might get int truble and knwing parents were expecting them, Henry didn't take Rbert's ④_______.
    Disappinted and angry, Rbert ⑤_______ther bys Henry was a cward, making them laugh at and ⑥_______Henry.
    Henry just⑦_______n his study, ignring thers' laughter.
    Rbert didn't ⑧_______hme directly but went with ther bys t the river r smewhere t have fun.
    A few days later, ⑨_______ alng the river, Henry fund smene in danger f drwning.
    Rbert was struggling with several ⑩_______ bys nshre.

    四川省成都市蓉城名校2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份四川省成都市蓉城名校2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试卷(含答案),共23页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    四川省成都市蓉城名校2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份四川省成都市蓉城名校2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语试卷(含答案),共22页。试卷主要包含了听力题,阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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