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    What t taste in Kuala Lumpur 2024
    Great restaurants in Kuala Lumpur ffer a genuine glbal dining experience. Whether yu are lking t enjy hearty cmfrt fd r sme lcal delicacies(佳肴), the city's dining scene satisfies all cmers.
    Situated abut 20 minutes frm dwntwn Malacca, it is a hme-based eatery(餐馆)with abut 10 tables manned by fur peratrs. Unlike mst restaurants, fd is self-service here, with dishes placed n catering pans fr custmers t chse frm. It serves traditinal Malaysian dishes with distinct Chinese influences. Yu will find rice dumplings and chicken rendang amng the fferings. It has tw branches in the city. Their dishes sell ut fast, s it'd be best t head there befre lunch time.
    Mum's Place
    Nthing brings mre cmfrt than mm's cking. With recipes inspired by the wners' mther, this restaurant brings yu Nynya dishes that are genuinely Malaysian. Lying in the district f Damansara Perdana, Mum's Place is a neighburhd restaurant with its main custmers frm residents nearby. Sme f the best dishes include cencaru fish, devil curry chicken and beef rendang.
    YumYum Restaurant
    Situated in the beautiful Shangri-La Htel, Yum Yum Restaurant is amng the lcals' many favurite spts t dine at. It ffers an interesting Nynya and Thai fd with Chinese influences that make them stand ut. The classic dishes include sambal petai prawns, assam fish head and Yum Yum egg. It can get crwded here, s it'd be best t head there early r call ahead fr reservatins.
    Trika Sky Dining
    Offering fine dining, the amazing Trika Sky Dining undubtedly stands ut frm the pack. Set n the 23rd flr f Twer B f The Trika, it ges withut saying that the clud-skimming views here are smething else entirely. The fd is what helps it stand ut. It serves award-winning French, Italian, Greek, and Spanish fd and adventurus menu f high-end pizzas and pasta.
    1.What's unique abut Cantalupe?
    A.It is a cafeteria.B.It is a htel-based eatery.
    C.It has a branch in the city.D.It requires reservatins in advance.
    2.Where are the dishes cmbined with Chinese style available?
    A.Cantalupe and Mum's Palace.
    B.Cantalupe and Yum Yum Restaurant.
    C.Mum's Place and Trika Sky Dining.
    D.Yum Yum Restaurant and Trika Sky Dining.
    3.What can custmers d while eating in Trika Sky Dining?
    A.Help serve fd.B.Win an award.
    C.Play adventurus games.D.Enjy breathtaking views.
    What is a barrier? It usually refers t an bstacle r a difficulty that prevents yu frm achieving smething. Whether it was in yur past, r yu're presently facing ne, yu have t reslve it. While many peple avid barriers, deny their existence r let barriers cntrl themselves, what stand yu take n barriers will define the utcme f whether yu rise frm the challenge, r remain stuck in it. Here are sme mre great things t lve abut barriers.
    First f all, barriers give yu mtivatins. Smetimes barriers can reset yur gals. Yu might have always had a particular way f ding things, r wanted t pursue certain gals; but when yu're faced with setbacks r difficulties, yu're frced t re-think, and re-examine yur path. Yu may end up fcusing n smething new and exciting. Or, yu may cncentrate n smething that yu therwise wuldn't have if nt fr the particular setback. By having t vercme an bstacle, yu'll be fulfilling a purpse, rather than just ging thrugh the mtins.
    Als, barriers prepare yu fr the unexpected. They serve as guides fr where t g next. Even thugh barriers can bring ut many negative emtins in us, such as frustratin, anger, r sadness, it's imprtant t realize that they dn't stp yu frm reaching yur intended gals. Instead, they, in a way, give yu time t stp and think if perhaps there is a new and better path t take and what yu can prepare fr what will happen alng the way. Barriers shift yur perspective.
    Barriers, mre ften than nt, are unavidable. Life will never stp thrwing yu new barriers. S, the best thing t d is knw hw t better see and apprach these bstacles, and transfrm them int pprtunities fr self-imprvement. The mre yu're able t see barriers as being an advantage t yur life, the better yu'll be at managing them.
    It will be rewarding t accept barriers, which will make yu cnstantly change and adapt t new situatins, thus allwing yu t grw int a better versin f yurself.
    4.What is the determining factr f the utcme when facing barriers?
    A.Yur specific gals.B.Yur wn attitude.
    C.Yur diverse preparatins.D.Yur strng will pwer.
    5.Which f the fllwing is true abut barriers?
    A.They bring yu psitive emtins.
    B.They prevent yu frm realizing yur gals.
    C.They are avidable if yu prepare fr them well.
    D.They enable yu t view things in a different way.
    6.What des the underlined wrd "apprach" in paragraph 4 mean?
    A.T cpe with.B.T g ver.
    C.T cme near t sb.D.T speak t sb abut sth.
    7.What's the main idea f the passage?
    A.Life is always thrwing us barriers.
    B.Barriers are duble-edged swrds.
    C.Embracing barriers benefits a lt.
    D.Meeting barriers is actually avidable.
    Saving Us: A Climate Scientist's Case fr Hpe and Healing in a Divided Wrld—Katherine Hayhe's new bk, prpses t fight climate change thrugh better cmmunicatin. It is a fllw-up t her awesme TED talk in 2018,when she declared the mst imprtant thing any individual can d t fight climate change is t talk abut it.
    Of many refreshing aspects f this bk, ne is that Hayhe recunts bth her successes and her failures t cmmunicate, thrugh which she has gathered evidence abut what wrks and what des nt. Much f the bk's advice is cmmn sense, all backed up nt just by Hayhe's experience but als with cnvincing research by psychlgists and scial scientists.
    Hayhe advises against trying t engage with a small minrity, the "Dismissives", wh angrily reject the idea that human-caused climate change is a threat. Hayhe pays special attentin t Dismissives early n, nting that their aggressive psture nline may create the impressin that they're everywhere. Hwever, she argues, Dismissives accunt fr nly 7% f all American adults. The ther 93% are mre receptive by degree.
    The bk includes amusing examples f her encunters with the "Dismissives", including an engineer wh was uncnvinced abut the evidence but with whm she was able t establish mutual (相互的)respect thrugh a shared passin fr knitting(打毛线衣).It is als packed with inspiring accunts f hw she has wn ver even the crwds wh are the mst suspicius. Her mtt is "bnd, cnnect and inspire", which represents her apprach f always lking fr pints f cmmn grund.
    She als tells f a man wh apprached her after an event in Lndn in 2019.Inspired by her TED talk, he had started t speak t everybdy he culd in his neighbrhd f Wandswrth. He shwed her details f 12,000 cnversatins that had taken place, claiming that they had helped t cnvince the cuncil t declare a climate emergency and t switch investments frm fssil fuels t renewable energy.
    And s, while it may feel difficult t influence the utcme f the COP26, Hayhe's uplifting bk makes a persuasive case that we can all d ur bit t bring abut success just by talking abut the issue.
    8.What des the bk mainly fcus n?
    A.Explaining critical talking thrugh literature.
    B.Teaching cmmunicatin skills with TED talks.
    C.Sharpening peple's insight int climate change.
    D.Sharing cmmunicatin-centered tips fr climate prblems.
    9.Which f the fllwing best describes the advice in the bk?
    A.Serius and challenging.B.Well-based and wrkable.
    C.Apprachable but ne-sided.D.Practical but unacknwledged.
    10.Hw did Hayhe win ver the "Dismissives"?
    A.By upgrading their scial psitin.
    B.By seeking shared interests r hbbies.
    C.By changing their fundamental beliefs.
    D.By ffering mre facts abut climate change.
    11.What des the authr want t say by telling the stry in paragraph 5?
    A.Turning t clean energy is inevitable.
    B.We shuld raise peple's awareness f the climate crisis.
    C.Cnversatins have an impact n climate decisin-making.
    D.A shy man began t speak t everybdy mtivated by Hayhe.
    As AI technlgy is imprving by leaps and bunds, a lw-cst cmputer training prgram can help lder persns drive less dangerusly, accrding t a recent research.
    "It is Drive Smart, a training prgram, that is develped by us, which culd be used by anyne wh has a cmputer," says Jing Feng, c-authr f the study and a prfessr f psychlgy at Stanfrd University. "Drive Smart is a cgnitive(认知的)training prgram that can help lder persns ntice traffic risks mre effectively. Our gal f recent study was t see t what degree Drive Smart changes trainees' driving behavirs when they get behind the wheel."
    The researchers sught ut 24 persns aged 65 and up t test Drive Smart. In a driving simulatr (模拟器),all f the study participants experienced a basic driving exam. The "active training" grup was made up f eight f the study participants. Every tw weeks, the active training grup had tw Drive Smart trainings. A grup f eight additinal study participants was asked t take "passive training" where this grup watched vides f thers receiving the Drive Smart instructin. This happened twice, with each lasting abut a week. The cntrl grup, which was made up f the remaining eight study participants, received n training. After that, all 24 study participants perfrmed a secnd driving exam in the simulatr.
    Cmpared with the ther tw grups, the study participants in the active training grup experienced 23% fewer "unsafe incidents" fllwing the training, accrding t the researchers. There was n bvius change in the number f dangerus incidents amng study participants in the passive training and cntrl grups.
    "This testing was cnducted with a fairly limited number f study participants," Feng says in the interview. "If we can succeed in getting sufficient fund, we'd like t further ur testing with mre peple t clearly prve hw effective this training is at reducing accidents amng lder drivers."
    12.Where might the text mst prbably be taken frm?
    A.A website.B.A newspaper.C.A science fictin.D.A test reprt.
    13.What is paragraph 3 f the text mainly abut?
    A.The specific pattern f the test.
    B.The underlying meaning f the test.
    C.The driving behavir f three training grups.
    D.The theretical basis fr the training prgram.
    14.Jing Feng fund that the "Passive training" grup rarely changed their driving behavir thugh ______.
    A.they had reduced dangerus incidents apparently
    B.they had experienced insecure incidents previusly
    C.they had been shwn instructive vides abut tw weeks
    D.they had received Drive Smart trainings every ther week
    15.What is Feng's attitude twards the testing result?
    16.Tips Fr Staying Active Over the Hlidays
    The hliday seasn is here, which fr mst peple, signals a departure frm their typical exercise regime(方式,管理制度).Being physically active n a cnsistent basis can be challenging during this perid especially as we travel t see relatives r hst friends in ur hmes. ①_____ Exercise is als knwn t give yu an energy bst and reduce stress levels. Cnsidering these, yu can take fllwing tips fr making physical activities regular in yur lifestyle, thrugh hlidays and beynd.
    This is the first rule f any sustainable exercise rutine. If yur wrkut feels like anther task n yur t-d list, it'll be difficult t stick with. Therefre, be creative in identifying physical activities. Dance. Garden. Take a yga class nline. All f these cunt as physical activities, and even small amunts add up.
    Find breaks t mve thrughut the day.
    ③_____Taking three 10-minute walks during the day—ne in the mrning, anther during yur lunch and anther after dinner—prduces similar benefits t spending 30 minutes at the gym. In ther wrds, taking shrt mvement breaks thrughut yur day makes fr a mre active lifestyle and helps meet yur gals.
    Make it a pririty.
    Mst f us are managing cuntless respnsibilities every day, s it's vital t cnsider physical activities an imprtant part f yur day. ④_____ And, let thers knw when yu'll be busy exercising and hw they can help yu find time t d s. Having the supprt frm thers is an imprtant element f success.
    Be realistic.
    Mst are verly ptimistic when first mapping ut a wrkut plan. In fact, exercise isn't necessarily at maximal intensity t be effective. Besides, yu dn't have t exercise befre, during and after wrk every day in rder t hit yur gals. ⑤_____
    A.Find smething yu enjy.
    B.Participate in varius physical activities.
    C.Exercise desn't have t take place in a gym.
    D.Of curse, it is realistic t avid being injured in sprts.
    E.Instead, just put mre mvement int yur current daily life.
    F.Hwever hard it seems, staying active can help nt just yur waistline.
    G.Put it n yur schedule, just as yu make an appintment with a dctr.
    My schl hliday rutine usually invlves sleeping in, but ne mrning, I wke up early fr n particular reasn. With nthing t d, I decided t 1 glance ut f my windw at the parking lt belw, but unexpectedly witnessed smething that greatly 2 my life.
    As I 3 peple cming and ging, getting int their cars and driving away, my attentin was drawn t a(n) 4 man busy washing and cleaning the cars near a bicycle with a bucket attached t its 5 . The damp grund 6 that he must have started his wrk quite early.
    He was just simply dressed. Hwever, there was a 7 sense f pride in the way he went abut his tasks-cleaning ne windw at a time, 8 t admire his wrk, and repeating the prcess. He seemed devted t his small business, happily 9 at passers-by and ccasinally stpping t chat with ther ld flks heading t the nearby market.
    10 his simple life, he appeared cntent. This incident made me recnsider my 11 . If we are willing t wrk hard, 12 shuld nt be a barrier t earning a living. I felt ashamed and 13 when cmpared with him. It 14 me that at any age, we shuld make the mst f time and 15 the value f hard wrk.
    17.A.gradually B.causally C.cnstantly D.regularly
    18.A.attracted B.disturbed C.tuched D.impacted
    19.A.bserved B.recgnized C.felt D.heard
    20.A.adult B.yung C.elderly D.pr
    21.A.bicycle B.handle C.wheel D.seat
    22.A.explained B.cncluded C.indicated D.described
    23.A.slight B.visible C.hidden D.pssible
    24.A.backing ff B.stepping frward
    C.taking ver D.shwing up
    25.A.pinting B.lking C.laughing D.waving
    26.A.Due t B.Accrding t C.In spite fD.In view f
    27.A.attitude B.principle C.identity D.standard
    28.A.sex B.age C.character D.psitin
    29.A.grateful B.sympathetic C.exhausted D.guilty
    30.A.cnfused B.infrmed C.warned D.struck
    31.A.predict B.reflect C.appreciate D.cnvince
    32.Munt Tai, is a representative f Chinese muntains with ①______ (impress) views and beautiful natural scenery. Abve all, it ②______ (carry) histrical and cultural significance in China.
    Munt Tai, ③______ (lcate)nrth f Tai'an in Shandng prvince, is the third highest f the Five Great Muntains. Hwever, in Chinese culture, east is viewed as a ④______ (true) sacred directin, where the sun and the mn rise. Therefre, Munt Tai is clsely related t sunrise, birth and renewal (复兴). That is ⑤______ it is knwn as the leader f the Five Great Muntains. The summit, Jade Emperr Peak, standing ⑥______ an altitude f 1,545 meters, prvides turists with a remarkable bird's eye perspective f Tai an city.
    Histrically, Munt Tai served as ⑦______ essential ceremnial center in China, witnessing the presence f 72 emperrs. It was a must fr emperrs t visit it when they came int pwer, because Munt Tai ⑧______ (cnsider)the symbl f the kingdm's peace and prsperity. Mrever, Munt Tai sparked cuntless creatins f wrks, ⑨______ (leave) behind a wealth f cultural relics. In 1987, Munt Tai was listed as bth a Wrld Natural Heritage site and a Wrld Cultural Heritage site by UNESCO. Nwadays, Munt Tai cntinues t be a surce f inspiratin fr ⑩______ (pem),essays and paintings.
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    My childhd is magical and full f adventure. I have s many childhd memries, and I wuld like t share ne that still stimulates me. This unfrgettable childhd event was abut the first day when I learned hw t swim. It happened s unexpectedly and quickly that nt nly I but my parents were surprised. Of curse, we were prud as well. I was barely seven years ld back then, and my parents thught that it was time fr me t learn hw t swim. One summer mrning, they tk me t a swimming pl in the City Swimming Cmplex which was just a 35-minute drive frm ur huse. It was a weekend and bth my parents accmpanied me. After we reached the Swimming Cmplex, we fund many peple were learning hw t swim. My mther said she wuld watch me learn this imprtant skill with the help f my father. Then she cheered me n and tk a seat.
    I had n idea hw t swim but I was excited t try this new adventure. Hwever, when my father gt int the swimming pl with me, I became a bit nervus. It seemed that things were nt quite as easy fr me.
    Lking arund, I nticed that many ther children f all ages were als trying t grasp this skill and sme f them had pretty much learned the art and science f this skill. Influenced by thers, I was determined t fcus n my training and swim as well as them. Under the guidance f my father, I learned with all my effrt and devtin, and I made rapid prgress. After teaching me fr 30 minutes r s, my father went t buy sme snacks fr us and my mther came t talk t me fr a while near the pl. She asked me if I had learned anything at all. T prve my prgress, I jumped int the water and started swimming.
    My mther was frightened by my actin at first.
    Eating the snacks bught by my father, we were all thrilled and excited.
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章Cantalupe这部分Unlike mst restaurants, fd is self-service here, with dishes placed n catering pans fr custmers t chse frm.可知,Cantalupe的特殊之处在于它是一家自助餐厅,故选A项。。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章部分Cantalupe的It serves traditinal Malaysian dishes with distinct Chinese influences. Yu will find rice dumplings and chicken rendang amng the fferings. 和YumYum Restaurant这部分的It ffers an interesting Nynya and Thai fd with Chinese influences that make them stand ut.故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章Trika Sky Dining部分的Set n the 23rd flr f Twer B f The Trika, it ges withut saying that the clud-skimming views here are smething else entirely可知选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据首段"While many peple avid barriers, deny their existence r let barriers cntrl themselves, what stand yu take n barriers will define the utcme f whether yu rise frm the challenge, r remain stuck in it."可知,面对障碍你采取什么样的态度决定最后的结果。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段Instead, they, in a way, give yu time t stp and think if perhaps there is a new and better path t take and what yu can prepare fr what will happen alng the way. Barriers shift yur perspective.故选D。
    解析:猜测词义题。根据倒数第二段"S, the best thing t d is knw hw t better see and apprach these bstacles, and transfrm them int pprtunities fr self-imprvement."上下文句意 猜测是"着手处理,对付"的意思,故选A。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据首段末句"Here are sme mre great things t lve abut barriers. (如下是关于热爱障碍的几点好处。) "可知,欣然接受障碍会让你受益匪浅。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中Saving Us: A Climate Scientist's Case fr Hpe and Healing in a Divided Wrld-Katherine Hayhe's new bk, prpses t fight climate change thrugh better cmmunicatin.和第二段中" f the bk's advice is cmmn sense 书中的大部分建议都是常识) "可知,这本书主要分享了"在解决气候改变问题方面,沟通是最重要的"这个建议。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据二段中"Much f the bk's advice is cmmn sense, all backed up nt just by Hayhe's experience but als with cnvincing research by psychlgists and scial scientists. "可知,书中的这些建议是可行的,根据第四段中"The bk includes amusing examples f her encunters with the "Dismissives", including an engineer wh was uncnvinced abut the evidence but with whm she was able t establish mutual (相互的) respect thrugh a shared passin fr knitting(打毛线衣). It is als packed with inspiring accunts f hw she has wn ver even the crwds wh are the mst suspicius. "可知,这本书中充满了鼓舞人心的故事,由此可推知,这本书 是有事实基础的,即有良好的基础,故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中"The bk includes amusing examples f her encunters with the "Dismissives", including an engineer wh was uncnvinced abut the evidence but with whm she was able t establish mutual (相互的) respect thrugh a shared passin fr knitting (打毛线衣). It is als packed with inspiring accunts f hw she has wn ver even the crwds wh are the mst suspicius. "可知,海霍通过在共同的爱好的基础上寻求共同点,来赢得“轻蔑者”的支持,故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第五段"She als tells f a man wh apprached her after an event in Lndn in 2019. He had been s inspired by her TED talk that he had started t speak t everybdy he culd in his neighbrhd f Wandswrth. He shwed her details f 12,000 cnversatins that had taken place as a result, claiming that they had helped t cnvince the cuncil t declare a climate emergency and t switch investments frm fssil fuels t renewable energy. "和最后一段中 "Hayhe's uplifting bk makes a persuasive case that we can all d ur bit t bring abut success just by talking abut the issue. "可知,这些对话帮助说服理事会宣布气候紧急状态并将投资从化石燃料转向可再生能源,由此可推知,作者通过第五段的故事表明对话可以影响气候决策。故选C。
    解析:文章出处题。根据全文的中心:一个造价低的电脑培训项目Drive Smart可以帮助老 年人开车时不那么危险,还有第二段,最后一段Jing Feng的访谈式话语可知,这是一篇新闻报 道,故选B。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第三段中的内容可知本段讲的就是测试Drive Smart的具体模 式,把参加者分三组,每组8人,对每组做不同的培训要求,故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段"The study participants in the active training grup experienced 23% fewer "unsafe incidents(事件)" fllwing the training, accrding t the researchers. There was n bvius change in the number f dangerus incidents amng study participants in the passive training and cntrl grups.(研究者们说,在接受积极的训练的那一组的参与者在训练之后经历了少23%的不安全事件。而被动训练和控制组的人在危险事件上没 有明显的数据的变化) "和第三段这个事实A grup f eight additinal study participants was asked t take "passive training" where this grup watched vides f thers receiving the Drive Smart instructin. 'This happened twice, with each lasting abut a week.可知,答案应该选C。
    解析:观点态度题。根据最后一段中的" "This testing was dne with a fairly limited number f study participants," Feng says. "If we can succeed in getting the fund, we’d like t further ur testing with mre peple t clearly prve hw effective this training is at reducing accidents amng lder drivers. " ( Feng说,"这次测试只有非常有限的参加者参与,如果我们能获得资金,我们更愿意让更多的人来做更深入的测试,这样就可以清楚的证明这项培训在减少老年人司机的车祸方面是多么的有效了") "可知,冯对这个测试结果持积极乐观的态度。故选D。
    解析:①结合上文Being physically active n a cnsistent basis can be challenging during this perid说明在假期坚持锻炼很难,下文Exercise is als knwn t give yu an energy bst and reduce stress levels.因此F项起承上启下的作用,符合语境,故选F。
    ②根据下文"If yur wrkut feels like anther task n yur t-d list, it'll be difficult t stick with.(如果你的锻炼感觉像是你待办清单上的另一项任务,那就很难坚持下去) "说明你得找到你喜欢的体育锻炼,结合下文"Therefre, be creative in identifying physical activities. "因此A项符合语境,故选A。
    ③下文Taking three 10-minule walks during the day—ne in the mrning, anther during yur lunch and anther after dinner—prduces similar benefits t spending 30 minutes at the gym. 说明"白天分在不同时间进行三次10分钟的锻炼其好处和在体育馆集中锻炼30分钟差不多"反推,C项符合题意, "锻炼不一定非得在体育馆进行"故选C。
    ④结合上文" it's vital t cnsider physical activities an imprtant part f yur day. ", G项"Put it n yur schedule, just as yu make an appintment with a dctr. "是对上文进一步举 例说明,故选G。
    ⑤根据小标题和前文主要大意,讲的是制定计划时运动量要现实合理,强调的是运动 量,且逻辑上是转折关系,呼应上一句"Besides, yu dn't have t exercise befre, during and after wrk every day in rder t hit yur gals.",故E项"Instead, just put mre mvement int yur current daily life." (相反,只是在你目前的日常生活中加入多一点的运动就行了)符合语境,故选E。
    解析:根据最后一段可知作者的生活态度发生了变化,所以是看见的事情影响、改变了他的生活态度。impact v.对……有影响,符合语境,故选D。
    解析:根据上文中的glance ut f 和witnessed可知,作者看到了人们来来往往,进入车里,然 后开走。bserve v.观察、看到,符合语境,故选A。
    解析:根据下文chat with ther ld flks可知,是一位年老的洗车工吸引了作者的注意力。elderly adj.年纪较大的,故选C。
    解析:句意为:我的注意力被一位忙着擦洗车的老人所吸引,他边上有一辆自行车,水桶挂 在车把上。handle n.把手,符合语境,故选B。
    解析:句意为:从潮湿的地面可以推断出他一定很早就出来干活了。indicate暗示,符合语 境,故选C。
    解析:根据前一句He was just simply dressed. 及 Hwever转折,前后形成对比,再看后文 admire欣赏,happily高兴地,可知他干活的方式让人感受到他明显的自豪感。visible adj.可见的;明显的,故选B。
    解析:句意:然而,他完成工作的方式让人感到他有明显的自豪感—擦一下窗户,后退一 下,去欣赏他的作品,然后再重复这个过程。back ff 后退;step frward 向前迈步;take ver接管;shw up 出现、露面,故选A。
    解析:根据下文ccasinally stpping t chat with ther ld flks heading t the nearby market可知老人高兴地与他人打招呼、挥手,故选D。
    解析:根据his simple life 和 cntent可知,前后句为转折关系。句意为:虽然他过着俭朴的生 活,但他看起来非常满足。due t 由于;accrding t根据;in spite f虽然、尽管;in view f鉴于、考虑到……,故选C。
    解析:根据文章开头My schl hliday rutine usually invlves sleeping in,及最后一段跟老人比起来感到羞愧,作者反思自己的生活态度,故选A。
    解析:句意:我突然想到,在任何年龄,我们都应该充分利用时间,重视、领会努力工作的价值。固定句式,时态为过去时。Ii struck sb that..,某人突然想起某事。故选D。
    解析:句意同上。appreciate 重视、领会,故选C。
    32.答案:impressive;carries;lcated;truly;why;at;an;was cnsidered;leaving;pems
    ②考查谓语动词。此处译为:泰山具有历史和文化意义。句子主语为it与 carry 构成主动关系,据上下文时态应为一般现在时,主语为单数,故填carries。
    ③考查非谓语动词, be lcated坐落于……,被动,故填lcated。
    ④考查形容词变副词,修饰形容词,故填副词 truly,译为“真正地”。
    ⑤考查表语从句。根据前后句,译为:这就是为什么泰山被称为五岳之首。故填 why。
    ⑧考查谓语动词,据上下文时态应为一般过去时,主语Munt Tai为单数, 与cnsider构成被动关系,故填 was cnsidered。
    Dear Peter,
    Hearing that yu're cnsidering giving up maths due t yur recent struggles with it, I understand yur frustratin, but I disagree with yur decisin.
    Maths is a fundamental subject that is valuable in many aspects f life, frm prblem-slving t critical thinking, which will benefit yu in the lng run. Instead f abandning maths altgether, I suggest yu shuld cnsider seeking extra help. In fact, all it takes is a different apprach r sme additinal guidance t imprve. Besides, perseverance is the key t vercming challenges.
    I hpe yu can take my advice int cnsideratin. I'm cnvinced yu can make it.
    Li Hua
    My mther was frightened by my actin at first. Never did she think I wuld jump int the water withut my father accmpanying me. Scared and terrified, she almst let ut a cry fr help. But what surprised her mst was that I was actually swimming withut struggle. In n time, her panic gave way t excitement. Meanwhile, she cheered me n, stimulating me t swim with pride. I was swimming cnfidently when my father came back. Seeing me swimming n my wn, he was astnished as well. Hwever, he said nthing, signing me t enjy snacks.
    Eating the snacks bught by my father, we were all thrilled and excited. My mther seemed t have frgtten her terrr just nw. My father was satisfied with my prgress, but still wished I hadn't taken risks. After all, safety matters a lt. Ndding my head, I prmised nt t take risks any mre.A little adventurus as it was, this was the first time that I had realized my achievements culd make my parents s happy and prud, which als bsted my cnfidence. It was this childhd adventure that made me understand nthing is impssible with all yur effrts and devtin.

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