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    这是一份江苏省无锡市2023_2024学年高二英语上学期期中试题含解析,共37页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. What’s the weather like tday?
    A. Windy. B. Sunny. C. Warm.
    2. Hw will the wman get t the railway statin?
    A. By car. B. By taxi. C. By subway.
    3. Wh still needs t jin a grup?
    A. Alex. B. Simn. C. Helen.
    4. When did the man leave the ffice?
    A. At 1:00. B. At 1:30. C. At 2:00.
    5. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Watching a mvie. B. Attending a wedding. C. Admiring a picture.
    6. What will the speakers d tgether?
    A. G running. B. Play tennis. C. G swimming.
    7. Where will the man pick up the wman?
    A. In the gym. B. At the tennis curt. C. At the swimming pl.
    8. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Hw t learn Italian.
    B. Hw t spend the vacatin.
    C. Hw t enjy music.
    9. Why desn’t the wman want t. g t Rme?
    A. She is afraid f flying.
    B. She hates Italian music.
    C. She has n interest in histry.
    10. What is the wman prbably interested in?
    A. The delicius fd. B. The great architecture. C. The natural scenery.
    11. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a supermarket. B. At a pst ffice. C. At hme.
    12. Hw much did the tw speakers spend n the fruit?
    A. $4.50. B. $3.40. C. $2.99.
    13. Hw des the wman feel in the end?
    A. Angry. B. Satisfied. C. Calm.
    14. What is the prbable relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Dctr and patient. C. Teacher and student.
    15. What did the man d in the mrning?
    A. He had a PE lessn.
    B. He skipped the breakfast.
    C. He brke the recrd f 200-meter race.
    16. Why did the man suffer a stmachache?
    A. He ran t fast. B. He ate t much. C. He rse t early.
    17. Which rm is fr the Academic Test f English?
    A. Rm 304. B. Rm 403. C. Rm 504.
    18. Where culd the students put their schlbags?
    A. In the lckers with keys.
    B. In frnt f the testing rm.
    C. On the chairs utside the washrm
    19. What shuld the students d if they want t use the washrm?
    A. G tgether with a partner.
    B. Wait until their name is called.
    C. Get the mnitr’s permissin.
    20. What can we learn frm the annuncement?
    A. Students can use their wn pencils.
    B. The speaker is ne f the candidates.
    C Cats are frbidden in the testing rm.
    Need a Jb This Summer?
    The prvincial gvernment and its partners ffer many prgrams t help students find summer jbs. The deadlines and what yu need t apply depend n the prgram.
    Nt a student? G t the gvernment website t learn abut prgrams and nline tls available t help peple under 30 build skills, find a jb r start businesses all year rund.
    Jbs fr Yuth
    If yu are a teenager living in certain parts f the prvince, yu culd be eligible(符合条件)fr this prgram, which prvides eight weeks f paid emplyment alng with training.
    Wh is eligible: Yuth 15-18 years ld in select cmmunities(社区).
    Summer Cmpany
    Summer Cmpany prvides students with hands-n business training and awards f up t $3,000 t start and run their wn summer businesses.
    Wh is eligible: Students aged 15-29, returning t schl in the fall.
    Stewardship Yuth Ranger Prgram
    Yu culd apply t be a Stewardship Yuth Ranger and wrk n lcal natural resurce management prjects fr eight weeks this summer.
    Wh is eligible: Students aged 16 r 17 at time f hire, but nt turning 18 befre December 31 this year.
    Summer Emplyment Opprtunities(机会)
    Thrugh the Summer Emplyment Opprtunities prgram, students are hired each year in a variety f summer psitins acrss the Prvincial Public Service, its related agencies and cmmunity grups.
    Wh is eligible: Students aged 15 r lder. Sme psitins require students t be 15 t 24 r up t 29 fr persns with a disability.
    1. What is special abut Summer Cmpany?
    A. It requires n training befre emplyment.
    B. It prvides awards fr running new businesses.
    C. It allws ne t wrk in the natural envirnment.
    D. It ffers mre summer jb pprtunities.
    2. What is the age range required by Stewardship Yuth Ranger Prgram?
    A. 15-18.B. 15-24.C. 15-29.D. 16-17.
    3. Which prgram favrs the disabled?
    A. Jbs fr Yuth.B. Summer Cmpany.
    C. Stewardship Yuth Ranger Prgram.D. Summer Emplyment Opprtunities.
    My wife’s birthday falls at the beginning f spring when the winter chill still hangs ver the appraching warmth.
    On that day, I came hme frm wrk, stpped her frm entering the kitchen and asked her t dine ut. “Has Lily called?” she asked. I shk my head. The atmsphere at the dinner was ppressive. My wife kept glancing at her phne, shwing n signs f appetite.
    Early the next mrning, my wife gt up, dark rings encircling her eyes. We nly have ne child. When Lily still lived at hme, every year when her birthday apprached, we wuld start the grand preparatins days in advance. And after she left fr cllege, my wife wuld call her cuntless times frm mrning till night. Hw culd she ignre all ur lve and utterly frget her mum’s birthday? On the way t wrk, I texted Lily, “Yur mum didn’t sleep well last night.”
    Anther day cncluding, we were abut t g t bed when there was a sund f a key rattling in the lck. In came ur daughter, face red with cld, birthday cake in hand. “Srry, Mum. Happy birthday!” she said, tears welling up. Immediately, my wife pulled Lily int a hug, cmplaining, “Yu silly girl, why d yu cme all the way back at such a time? Dn’t yu knw it is cld utside?”
    Lily just stayed tw hurs in case f missing her classes. Seeing Lily barding the train, my wife started blaming me fr that message, yet in a better md. I did feel I handled this matter perfectly bth fr my wife and my child’s grwth.
    Later, I called my parents and tld them abut it. I never thught they wuld respnd with a lng silence, and then said: “Hw many times have yu frgtten ur birthdays? Has either f us ever cmplained?”
    4. What des the underlined wrd “ppressive” mean in paragraph 2?
    A. Relaxing.B. Funny.C. Unique.D. Heavy.
    5. What can be inferred abut the wman in paragraph 3?
    A. Watching TV is her daily rutine.B. She set her phne in silent mde.
    C. Sme anxiety is felt f the wman.D. She wasn’t satisfied with her dinner.
    6. Why did Lily burst int tears n seeing her mther?
    A. She was verjyed t see her mther.
    B. She felt srry abut frgetting her mther’s birthday.
    C. She feared t be sclded fr ignring her parents’ lve.
    D. She pitied herself fr being half-frzen all the way back.
    7What message is cnveyed frm the wrds f the authr’s parents?
    A. Lve is a tw-way street.B. Birthday party is a must.
    C. Parental lve is fr a return.D. It is never t late t say srry.
    Engineers in Upstate New Yrk have invented a flded paper device that lks like a decrated ant prject. But dn’t be fled. This is actually a paper-based battery. N, it desn’t lk like any f thse metal batteries running flashlights r smartphnes. In these systems, the battery can be printed n a page. The battery’s pwer cnsists f living bacteria.
    Paper electrnics are simple t make and inexpensive, ntes study leader Sekheun Chi, an engineer at Binghamtn University. They need n electrical utlet t recharge. They just need mre bacteria, which can be fund everywhere- including dirty water.
    “Mst batteries use chemicals t generate electricity. Substituting bacteria can be an advantage,” Chi says. “They are cheap and self-repairing.” What paper—based batteries wn’t d is generate much pwer. They d, hwever, create enugh t run small devices in faraway r dangerus places—such as a battlefield. They might als find use in medicine. Fr instance, they might pwer tiny sensrs, such as the types used t measure bld sugar.
    This inventin is based n an bservatin made mre than a century ag—that micrbes (微生物) prduce electricity as they digest fd. Scientists refer t the bi-batteries based n this principle as micrbial fuel cells. A fuel cell generates electricity like a regular battery. But a regular battery stps prducing electricity when its inner chemical reactins stp. A fuel cell uses fuel that can be refilled. In this case, bacteria serve as the fuel. By refilling mre micrbes, as needed, scientists can keep these fuel cells running.
    Lab tests have shwn that the new battery can prduce a current. Nw, Chi and his team are lking at ways t increase the pwer. They’re studying different shapes and materials fr the ande and cathde (正负极). They’re als lking fr the best ways t cmbine batteries fr mre pwer. The beauty f the paper devices is that yu can simply fld them t cnnect them. And they surely will be a trend in the near future.
    8. What makes the paper-based batteries different frm ther batteries?
    A. They are mainly used t run smartphnes.B. They use bacteria t generate electricity.
    C. They are used t decrate small devices.D. They take a much shrter time t recharge.
    9. What can the paper-based batteries d?
    A. Pwer tiny devices.B. Lwer bld sugar levels.
    C. Prduce much electricity.D. Change chemicals in the paper.
    10. What is the furth paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The applicatin f the new battery.B. The characteristics f the paper batteries.
    CThe intentin t invent the device.D. The wrking principle f the inventin.
    11. What is the authr’s attitude twards the develpment f the paper-based batteries?
    A. Defensive.B. Optimistic.C. Dubtful.D. Pessimistic.
    Hw AI will transfrm educatin is very imprtant t schls such as mine, teachers such as me, and hardwrking care-givers such as the parents in my cmmunity. Culd AI get ur children t grasp new cncepts and skills? Might AI be better equipped t help them explit their wn intelligence? After a few days watching my children use artificial intelligence-based learning tls, I can tell yu the shrt answer is NO.
    Human intelligence is different frm the cmputer’s. Fr ne, human intelligence can nt be measured. The brain is plastic, always develping and grwing as we learn frm ur envirnments. In additin, human intelligence relies n human interactin. Exercising ur intelligence is smething we d naturally as we cnnect with thers, cnsider the wrld arund us and seek t imprve ur relatinship t that wrld.
    In educatin, there has been a mvement tward scial-emtinal and prblem-based learning. S educatrs attempt t mtivate interest in subjects and skills by turning learning mments int cmmunal (共有的) prblem-slving events. When we cmbine analytical learning with scial- emtinal learning, students becme mastered in the material we want them t knw and get mre excited abut the learning prcess.
    Using AI lks very different frm this. AI learning ften invlves an individual wrking alne with a cmputer prgram. It can crwd surce infrmatin t help students find facts abut their envirnment, slve a prblem and cme up with a creative way frward. But AI desn’t frce students t think thrugh r keep anything. And simply being fed facts and infrmatin is nt the same as “learning”.
    It is fascinating t imagine that AI might cure what annys us. Many parents dn’t have the resurces-in time, mney r energy—t teach their kids at hme. If AI culd fill the gaps, hw great, right? Yet the nature f AI “teaching” as it currently exists means that students merely level up withut learning. When it cmes t develping intelligence, nthing can beat what we humans have been ding, face t face, fr centuries.
    12. What d we knw abut human intelligence accrding t paragraph 2?
    A. It is measured easilyB. It is f great significance
    C. It is related t educatinD. It is changeable and interactive
    13. What can be inferred abut AI learning frm paragraph 4?
    A. It is widely used at schl.
    B. It makes n difference t educatin.
    C. It helps develp students’ intelligence
    D. It des little help with students’ true learning.
    14. What is the authr’s attitude t AI learning?
    A. UnclearB. NeutralC. DisapprvingD. Favrable
    15. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Culd AI Really Teach Students
    B. Shuld students Use AI Frequently
    C. Hw Students Use AI in Their Study
    D. Hw Teachers Interact with Students
    When heading t bed, peple ften d sme things t prmte sleep, such as drinking a cup f warm milk. ____16____ The answer is varied.
    “One reasn that warm milk makes peple sleepy is that it reminds yu f the persn wh was kind enugh t give it t yu when yu were yunger,” said psychlgist Michael. ____17____
    On the mlecular level, the tryptphan (色氨酸) in milk has prperties which can prmte sleeping. ____18____ Our bdies use the tryptphan frm fd, alng with ther things, t prduce the brain chemical sertnin, which is transfrmed int melatnin, a hrmne that helps yu sleep.
    ____19____ That’s because the bdy transfrms it int hrmnes that enhance sleep. But in reality, it wuld take a lt f tryptphan t make a persn feel sleepy. Even if a persn drinks that much milk, it’s unclear whether the high amunt f tryptphan wuld be enugh t make him r her feel sleepy. Milk, after all, cntains many ther materials that cmpete t enter ur brain thrugh the bld. Thus, the sleep-prmting effect f milk is limited.
    As fr the temperature f the milk, there aren’t any studies that suggest milk has t be warm fr any f its psychlgical r physical effects t kick in. ____20____ It can in turn help t relax the bdy.
    A. The calming assciatin may help t lwer pre-sleep anxiety.
    B. In thery, taking fd rich in tryptphan can make us feel sleepy.
    C. Relaxing befre ging t bed can help yu fall asleep.
    D. Can the temperature f the milk accelerate the speed f ur sleeping?
    E. The bdy cannt prduce tryptphan, s peple must get it frm the diet.
    F. But the warmth f the milk may help raise ur internal bdy temperatures
    GBut is there any scientific evidence that drinking warm milk will make yu sleepy?
    I hated travelling by plane.Whenever I was n bard, I culd see the ther passengers'___21___:“Gd, Please.Dn't let that fat guy sit next t me!” After I ___22___ squeezed (挤) int my seat,the seat belt wasn't ___23___ enugh t fit arund my waist. I nce wished my life wuld just___24___.
    I knew I needed t ___25___.A dctr recmmended I adpt a dg t ___26___ fr exercise. S there he was: a black-and-white dg with a big rund bdy. He lked up at me and then drpped his head with a clear lk f ___27___ , as if saying “Really? This lser?” I lked at him, ___28___ him in silence. Pr thing like me. I named him Peety.
    We walked tgether every day and it ___29___. I culd rll ut f bed ___30___.He appeared thinner t. Then he lked up at me and smiled.
    I started taking Peety t different parks. He kept___31___ himself at the end f the rpe, trying t run ahead. Maybe it was time t let him experience what ___32___ really felt like. I remved his rpe.Peety ___33___ like a racer at the Olympics,beaming(笑)with ___34___ and excitement.
    At that mment, I realized I lved him. He lked up at me like I was the greatest guy in the wrld. He'd cme int my life, and he___35___ me.
    “Want t keep walking?"I asked him.
    21. A. careB. faithC. angerD. fear
    22. A. easilyB. finallyC. suddenlyD. deliberately
    23. A. wideB. lngC. tightD. lse
    24. A. endB. startC. repeatD. cntinue
    25. A. winB. restC. laughD. change
    26. A. feedB. rideC. walkD. bark
    27. A. excitementB. agreementC. disappintmentD. amazement
    28. A. pettingB. pressingC. pushingD. punishing
    29. A. failedB. wrkedC. dependedD. suffered
    30. A. by accidentB. with pleasureC. by intentinD. with ease
    31. A. bitingB. hidingC. chkingD. hlding
    32. A. dangerB. bredmC. departureD. freedm
    33. A. passed awayB. tk ffC. brke upD. sat dwn
    34 A. prideB. pressureC. plitenessD. tiredness
    35. A. replacedB. missedC. rescuedD. pitied
    Air pllutin is n dubt a majr cncern in many big cities acrss the wrld. Mre than 80% f peple living in urban areas ____36____ (expse) t unsafe air, accrding t a reprt ____37____ (deliver) by the Wrld Health Organizatin.
    “Urban air pllutin cntinues t rise at ____38____ alarming rate, ding great ham t human health,” said Dr. Maria Neira, the directr f Public Health and Envirnmental Plicy at the WHO. “At the same time, ____39____ (aware) is rising and mre cities are mnitring their air quality.”
    In the past tw years, the number f cities mnitring air pllutin ____40____ (duble)-nw cvering abut 3,000 cities in 103 cuntries. The WHO warned f the serius effects pr air quality culd have ____41____ the health f urban residents, ____42____ (link) it t the risk f strkes, heart disease, lung cancer and many ther diseases.
    The reprt als shwed that lw-and middle incme cuntries ____43____ (general) have prer air quality. Abut 98% f cities with 100,000 r mre peple in lw-and middle-incme cuntries d nt meet WHO air quality guidelines, ____44____ 56% in high-incme cuntries fail t meet the standard. The reprt als urged lcal gvernments t take strnger and _____45_____ (effect) measures t fight against air pllutin.
    46. Paper making in China __________ (date) back t abut 200 BC.(所给词的适当形式填空)
    47. He played the rle f an __________ (ambitin) lawyer in his latest mvie. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    48. Why are yu s late? I __________ (wait) fr yu fr three hurs. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    49. It tk him quite a while t adjust t __________ (live) alne after his parents passed away. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    50. We are waiting fr the news with __________ (anxius). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    51. We made a careful __________ (analyse) f his character. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    52. Srry, I can’t meet yu at five ’clck tmrrw afternn, because I __________ (play) sccer then. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    53. ______(equip)with an intelligent cmputer brain, a rbt can give us infrmatin such as the weather cnditins within secnds. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    54. The new technlgy has been used t __________ (identity) the sex f unbrn children. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    55. The Olympics are an internatinal srting event with thusands f __________ (participate). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    56. 这是第一次在无锡举行这个会议。(It was the first time…)(汉译英)
    57. 据报道,余华的最新小说已经被翻译成很多国家的语言。(be reprted t)(汉译英)
    58. 对别人的相貌品头论足是不礼貌的。(remark)(汉译英)
    59. David是正致力于制造出更好的假肢的科学家之一。(be cmmitted t) (汉译英)
    60. 不可否认的是,养成一种良好的学习习惯对于我们来说是很重要的。(deny)(汉译英)
    61. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Last weekend, I went t Mark’s new huse near a frest fr a little get-tgether. After lunch when I was chatting with him and his wife Cdy, he asked me, “Hey, Thra, have yu ever been t a secret spt?” Befre I culd even finish saying n, Cdy and Mark were already at the dr with their jackets n. And the next mment we were heading ut int the frest with a camera, a fishing net and a plastic bucket (桶).
    We walked thrugh the frest alng a path by a small river. Breathing the fresh air, we three talked and laughed all the way.
    “Hey! What are yu guys ding ?” smene suddenly shuted frm behind. Mark and Cdy’s eyes immediately widened, and withut a wrd they started running. I had n chice but t fllw them, getting my shes wet and dirty with mud. We prbably ran fr abut 10 minutes befre Mark and Cdy slwed dwn. I stpped t catch my breath and asked, “Wh was that?”
    Mark replied, “The mst annying neighbr ever. There’s n telling what culd happen if he caught up with us. He is always making fun f us. I dislike him.” We kept walking n fr a few mre minutes. Then a beautiful lake appeared befre ur eyes. “Ww! Amazing!” I shuted and culd hardly hld back my excitement. The lake was large and the water was deep and blue, lking s peaceful with tall trees arund it.
    Lking arund, we saw a bat flating by the shre.
    Paragraph 2:
    “Help! Help! Help!” I was s frightened and cried fr help.
    听力答案:1-5 ACABB 6-10 CBBAB 11-15 CCBAA 16-20 BAACC
    1. What’s the weather like tday?
    A. Windy. B. Sunny. C. Warm.
    2. Hw will the wman get t the railway statin?
    A. By car. B. By taxi. C. By subway.
    3. Wh still needs t jin a grup?
    A. Alex. B. Simn. C. Helen.
    4. When did the man leave the ffice?
    A. At 1:00. B. At 1:30. C. At 2:00.
    5. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Watching a mvie. B. Attending a wedding. C. Admiring a picture.
    6. What will the speakers d tgether?
    A. G running. B. Play tennis. C. G swimming.
    7. Where will the man pick up the wman?
    A. In the gym. B. At the tennis curt. C. At the swimming pl.
    8. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Hw t learn Italian.
    B. Hw t spend the vacatin.
    C. Hw t enjy music.
    9. Why desn’t the wman want t. g t Rme?
    A. She is afraid f flying.
    B. She hates Italian music.
    C. She has n interest in histry.
    10. What is the wman prbably interested in?
    A. The delicius fd. B. The great architecture. C. The natural scenery.
    11. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a supermarket. B. At a pst ffice. C. At hme.
    12. Hw much did the tw speakers spend n the fruit?
    A. $4.50. B. $3.40. C. $2.99.
    13. Hw des the wman feel in the end?
    A. Angry. B. Satisfied. C. Calm.
    14. What is the prbable relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Dctr and patient. C. Teacher and student.
    15. What did the man d in the mrning?
    A. He had a PE lessn.
    B. He skipped the breakfast.
    C. He brke the recrd f 200-meter race.
    16. Why did the man suffer a stmachache?
    A. He ran t fast. B. He ate t much. C. He rse t early.
    17 Which rm is fr the Academic Test f English?
    A. Rm 304. B. Rm 403. C. Rm 504.
    18. Where culd the students put their schlbags?
    A. In the lckers with keys.
    B. In frnt f the testing rm.
    C. On the chairs utside the washrm
    19. What shuld the students d if they want t use the washrm?
    A. G tgether with a partner.
    B. Wait until their name is called.
    C. Get the mnitr’s permissin.
    20. What can we learn frm the annuncement?
    A. Students can use their wn pencils.
    B. The speaker is ne f the candidates.
    C. Cats are frbidden in the testing rm.
    Need a Jb This Summer?
    The prvincial gvernment and its partners ffer many prgrams t help students find summer jbs. The deadlines and what yu need t apply depend n the prgram.
    Nt a student? G t the gvernment website t learn abut prgrams and nline tls available t help peple under 30 build skills, find a jb r start businesses all year rund.
    Jbs fr Yuth
    If yu are a teenager living in certain parts f the prvince, yu culd be eligible(符合条件)fr this prgram, which prvides eight weeks f paid emplyment alng with training.
    Wh is eligible: Yuth 15-18 years ld in select cmmunities(社区).
    Summer Cmpany
    Summer Cmpany prvides students with hands-n business training and awards f up t $3,000 t start and run their wn summer businesses.
    Wh is eligible: Students aged 15-29, returning t schl in the fall.
    Stewardship Yuth Ranger Prgram
    Yu culd apply t be a Stewardship Yuth Ranger and wrk n lcal natural resurce management prjects fr eight weeks this summer.
    Wh is eligible: Students aged 16 r 17 at time f hire, but nt turning 18 befre December 31 this year.
    Summer Emplyment Opprtunities(机会)
    Thrugh the Summer Emplyment Opprtunities prgram, students are hired each year in a variety f summer psitins acrss the Prvincial Public Service, its related agencies and cmmunity grups.
    Wh is eligible: Students aged 15 r lder. Sme psitins require students t be 15 t 24 r up t 29 fr persns with a disability.
    1. What is special abut Summer Cmpany?
    A. It requires n training befre emplyment.
    B. It prvides awards fr running new businesses.
    C. It allws ne t wrk in the natural envirnment.
    D. It ffers mre summer jb pprtunities.
    2. What is the age range required by Stewardship Yuth Ranger Prgram?
    A. 15-18.B. 15-24.C. 15-29.D. 16-17.
    3. Which prgram favrs the disabled?
    A. Jbs fr Yuth.B. Summer Cmpany.
    C. Stewardship Yuth Ranger Prgram.D. Summer Emplyment Opprtunities.
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. D
    细节理解题。根据Summer Cmpany部分中的Summer Cmpany prvides students with hands-n business training and awards f up t $3,000 t start and run their wn summer businesses.可知,Summer Cmpany为学生提供实践性的商业培训和高达3000美元的奖励,以启动和经营他们自己的暑期业务。“start and run their wn summer businesses”即“为开办新的业务”,这对应B项中的“runn new businesses”,二者是词义之间的转述关系。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据Stewardship Yuth Ranger Prgram部分中Wh is eligible: Students aged 16 r 17 at time f hire, but nt turning 18 befre December 31 this year.可知,符合条件的学生是16岁或17岁的学生,但在今年12月31日之前未满18岁。由此得出,这个项目要求年龄在16-17岁之间。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据Summer Emplyment Opprtunities部分中最后一句Sme psitins require students t be 15 t 24 r up t 29 fr persns with a disability.可知,Summer Emplyment Opprtunities有些职位是给残疾人的。故选D。
    My wife’s birthday falls at the beginning f spring when the winter chill still hangs ver the appraching warmth.
    On that day, I came hme frm wrk, stpped her frm entering the kitchen and asked her t dine ut. “Has Lily called?” she asked. I shk my head. The atmsphere at the dinner was ppressive. My wife kept glancing at her phne, shwing n signs f appetite.
    Early the next mrning, my wife gt up, dark rings encircling her eyes. We nly have ne child. When Lily still lived at hme, every year when her birthday apprached, we wuld start the grand preparatins days in advance. And after she left fr cllege, my wife wuld call her cuntless times frm mrning till night. Hw culd she ignre all ur lve and utterly frget her mum’s birthday? On the way t wrk, I texted Lily, “Yur mum didn’t sleep well last night.”
    Anther day cncluding, we were abut t g t bed when there was a sund f a key rattling in the lck. In came ur daughter, face red with cld, birthday cake in hand. “Srry, Mum. Happy birthday!” she said, tears welling up. Immediately, my wife pulled Lily int a hug, cmplaining, “Yu silly girl, why d yu cme all the way back at such a time? Dn’t yu knw it is cld utside?”
    Lily just stayed tw hurs in case f missing her classes. Seeing Lily barding the train, my wife started blaming me fr that message, yet in a better md. I did feel I handled this matter perfectly bth fr my wife and my child’s grwth.
    Later, I called my parents and tld them abut it. I never thught they wuld respnd with a lng silence, and then said: “Hw many times have yu frgtten ur birthdays? Has either f us ever cmplained?”
    4. What des the underlined wrd “ppressive” mean in paragraph 2?
    A. Relaxing.B. Funny.C. Unique.D. Heavy.
    5. What can be inferred abut the wman in paragraph 3?
    A. Watching TV is her daily rutine.B. She set her phne in silent mde.
    C. Sme anxiety is felt f the wman.D. She wasn’t satisfied with her dinner.
    6. Why did Lily burst int tears n seeing her mther?
    A. She was verjyed t see her mther.
    B. She felt srry abut frgetting her mther’s birthday.
    C. She feared t be sclded fr ignring her parents’ lve.
    D. She pitied herself fr being half-frzen all the way back.
    7. What message is cnveyed frm the wrds f the authr’s parents?
    A. Lve is a tw-way street.B. Birthday party is a must.
    C. Parental lve is fr a return.D. It is never t late t say srry.
    【答案】4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A
    词句猜测题。根据上一句“On that day, I came hme frm wrk, stpped her frm entering the kitchen and asked her t dine ut. “Has Lily called?” she asked. I shk my head.(那天,我下班回家,不让她进厨房,请她出去吃饭。“莉莉打电话来了吗?”她问道。我摇了摇头)”和下一句“My wife kept glancing at her phne, shwing n signs f appetite.(我妻子一直在看她的手机,没有任何食欲)”可知,妻子在生日那天,在等女儿的祝福电话,中午了女儿还没打电话,应该是忘记了妈妈的生日,妻子应该是心情不好,气氛比较沉闷。由此可知,划线词意为“沉闷的,沉重的”。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“Early the next mrning, my wife gt up, dark rings encircling her eyes. We nly have ne child. When Lily still lived at hme, every year when her birthday apprached, we wuld start the grand preparatins days in advance. And after she left fr cllege, my wife wuld call her cuntless times frm mrning till night. Hw culd she ignre all ur lve and utterly frget her mum’s birthday?”(第二天一大早,我妻子起床了,黑眼圈围绕着她的眼睛。我们只有一个孩子。莉莉还在家里的时候,每年临近她的生日,我们都会提前几天开始隆重地准备。在她上大学后,我妻子从早到晚给她打了无数次电话。她怎么能无视我们所有的爱,完全忘记她妈妈的生日呢?)”可知,妻子在女儿生日时,打很多电话表示关心祝福,而女儿上大学后都不记得妈妈的生日,妻子是失落的,黑眼圈表明妻子的焦虑,晚上没睡好觉。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“‘Srry, Mum. Happy birthday!’ she said, tears welling up.(‘对不起,妈妈。生日快乐!’她说,眼泪涌了出来)”可知,女儿见到妈妈哭了是因为自己忘记妈妈的生日而感到抱歉和懊悔。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Later, I called my parents and tld them abut it. I never thught they wuld respnd with a lng silence, and then said: ‘Hw many times have yu frgtten ur birthdays? Has either f us ever cmplained?’(后来,我打电话给我的父母,告诉他们这件事。我从没想过他们会沉默很长时间,然后说:‘你多少次忘了我们的生日?我们俩谁抱怨过吗?’)”可知,作者把女儿忘记她妈妈的生日这事儿讲给父母听,而父母的回答表明作者也多次忘记父母的生日。父母的沉默和后面的回答表明父母也是期待作者对他们生日的重视。由此可知,父母传达的信息是爱是一条双行道,爱是相互的。故选A项。
    Engineers in Upstate New Yrk have invented a flded paper device that lks like a decrated ant prject. But dn’t be fled. This is actually a paper-based battery. N, it desn’t lk like any f thse metal batteries running flashlights r smartphnes. In these systems, the battery can be printed n a page. The battery’s pwer cnsists f living bacteria.
    Paper electrnics are simple t make and inexpensive, ntes study leader Sekheun Chi, an engineer at Binghamtn University. They need n electrical utlet t recharge. They just need mre bacteria, which can be fund everywhere- including dirty water.
    “Mst batteries use chemicals t generate electricity. Substituting bacteria can be an advantage,” Chi says. “They are cheap and self-repairing.” What paper—based batteries wn’t d is generate much pwer. They d, hwever, create enugh t run small devices in faraway r dangerus places—such as a battlefield. They might als find use in medicine. Fr instance, they might pwer tiny sensrs, such as the types used t measure bld sugar.
    This inventin is based n an bservatin made mre than a century ag—that micrbes (微生物) prduce electricity as they digest fd. Scientists refer t the bi-batteries based n this principle as micrbial fuel cells. A fuel cell generates electricity like a regular battery. But a regular battery stps prducing electricity when its inner chemical reactins stp. A fuel cell uses fuel that can be refilled. In this case, bacteria serve as the fuel. By refilling mre micrbes, as needed, scientists can keep these fuel cells running.
    Lab tests have shwn that the new battery can prduce a current. Nw, Chi and his team are lking at ways t increase the pwer. They’re studying different shapes and materials fr the ande and cathde (正负极). They’re als lking fr the best ways t cmbine batteries fr mre pwer. The beauty f the paper devices is that yu can simply fld them t cnnect them. And they surely will be a trend in the near future.
    8. What makes the paper-based batteries different frm ther batteries?
    A. They are mainly used t run smartphnes.B. They use bacteria t generate electricity.
    C. They are used t decrate small devices.D. They take a much shrter time t recharge.
    9. What can the paper-based batteries d?
    A. Pwer tiny devices.B. Lwer bld sugar levels.
    C. Prduce much electricity.D. Change chemicals in the paper.
    10. What is the furth paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The applicatin f the new battery.B. The characteristics f the paper batteries.
    C. The intentin t invent the device.D. The wrking principle f the inventin.
    11. What is the authr’s attitude twards the develpment f the paper-based batteries?
    A. Defensive.B. Optimistic.C. Dubtful.D. Pessimistic.
    【答案】8. B 9. A 10. D 11. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段“They need n electrical utlet t recharge. They just need mre bacteria, which can be fund everywhere- including dirty water.(它们不需要电源插座充电。它们只需要更多的细菌,而细菌无处不在——包括脏水)”可知,纸质电池与其他电池的不同在于它们利用细菌发电。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“What paper—based batteries wn’t d is generate much pwer. They d, hwever, create enugh t run small devices in faraway r dangerus places—such as a battlefield.(纸质电池不能产生太多的能量。然而,它们确实能制造出足够的能量来在遥远或危险的地方运行小型设备,比如战场)”可知,纸质电池能为微型设备供电。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第四段“This inventin is based n an bservatin made mre than a century ag—that micrbes (微生物) prduce electricity as they digest fd. Scientists refer t the bi-batteries based n this principle as micrbial fuel cells. A fuel cell generates electricity like a regular battery. But a regular battery stps prducing electricity when its inner chemical reactins stp. A fuel cell uses fuel that can be refilled. In this case, bacteria serve as the fuel. By refilling mre micrbes, as needed, scientists can keep these fuel cells running.(这项发明是基于一个多世纪以前的观察——微生物在消化食物时产生电。科学家们将基于这一原理的生物电池称为微生物燃料电池。燃料电池像普通电池一样发电。但是当内部化学反应停止时,普通电池就会停止发电。燃料电池使用的燃料是可以再填充的。在这种情况下,细菌充当燃料。根据需要,科学家们可以通过补充更多的微生物来保持这些燃料电池的运转)”可知,第四段介绍了生物电池的工作原理。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“The beauty f the paper devices is that yu can simply fld them t cnnect them. And they surely will be a trend in the near future.(纸质设备的美妙之处在于你可以简单地将它们折叠起来连接起来。在不久的将来,它们肯定会成为一种趋势)”可推知,作者对于该设备持一种积极的态度。故选B。
    Hw AI will transfrm educatin is very imprtant t schls such as mine, teachers such as me, and hardwrking care-givers such as the parents in my cmmunity. Culd AI get ur children t grasp new cncepts and skills? Might AI be better equipped t help them explit their wn intelligence? After a few days watching my children use artificial intelligence-based learning tls, I can tell yu the shrt answer is NO.
    Human intelligence is different frm the cmputer’s. Fr ne, human intelligence can nt be measured. The brain is plastic, always develping and grwing as we learn frm ur envirnments. In additin, human intelligence relies n human interactin. Exercising ur intelligence is smething we d naturally as we cnnect with thers, cnsider the wrld arund us and seek t imprve ur relatinship t that wrld.
    In educatin, there has been a mvement tward scial-emtinal and prblem-based learning. S educatrs attempt t mtivate interest in subjects and skills by turning learning mments int cmmunal (共有的) prblem-slving events. When we cmbine analytical learning with scial- emtinal learning, students becme mastered in the material we want them t knw and get mre excited abut the learning prcess.
    Using AI lks very different frm this. AI learning ften invlves an individual wrking alne with a cmputer prgram. It can crwd surce infrmatin t help students find facts abut their envirnment, slve a prblem and cme up with a creative way frward. But AI desn’t frce students t think thrugh r keep anything. And simply being fed facts and infrmatin is nt the same as “learning”.
    It is fascinating t imagine that AI might cure what annys us. Many parents dn’t have the resurces-in time, mney r energy—t teach their kids at hme. If AI culd fill the gaps, hw great, right? Yet the nature f AI “teaching” as it currently exists means that students merely level up withut learning. When it cmes t develping intelligence, nthing can beat what we humans have been ding, face t face, fr centuries.
    12. What d we knw abut human intelligence accrding t paragraph 2?
    A. It is measured easilyB. It is f great significance
    C. It is related t educatinD. It is changeable and interactive
    13. What can be inferred abut AI learning frm paragraph 4?
    A. It is widely used at schl.
    B. It makes n difference t educatin.
    C. It helps develp students’ intelligence
    D. It des little help with students’ true learning.
    14. What is the authr’s attitude t AI learning?
    A. UnclearB. NeutralC. DisapprvingD. Favrable
    15. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    ACuld AI Really Teach Students
    B. Shuld students Use AI Frequently
    C. Hw Students Use AI in Their Study
    D. Hw Teachers Interact with Students
    【答案】12. D 13. D 14. C 15. A
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Fr ne, human intelligence can nt be measured. The brain is plastic, always develping and grwing as we learn frm ur envirnments. In additin, human intelligence relies n human interactin. (首先,人类的智力是无法测量的。大脑是可塑的,总是随着我们从环境中学习而发展和成长。此外,人类的智能依赖于人类的互动。)”可知,人类的智能因大脑的发展成长而一直在改变,同时也存在互动性。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“AI learning ften invlves an individual wrking alne with a cmputer prgram. It can crwd surce infrmatin t help students find facts abut their envirnment, slve a prblem and cme up with a creative way frward. But AI desn’t frce students t think thrugh r keep anything. And simply being fed facts and infrmatin is nt the same as ‘learning’. (人工智能学习通常需要一个人单独使用计算机程序。它可以集中资源信息,帮助学生找到有关环境的事实,解决问题,并提出创造性的前进道路。但人工智能不会强迫学生思考或保留任何东西。简单地接受事实和信息与‘学习’是不一样的。)”可知,人工智能学习的过程中,学生只是简单的接受事实和信息,没有思考或保留任何东西,并不是真正意义上的学习,所以对于学生的学习没什么帮助。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“After a few days watching my children use artificial intelligence-based learning tls, I can tell yu the shrt answer is NO. (在观察了我的孩子们使用基于人工智能的学习工具几天后,我可以告诉你简短的答案是否定的。)”,以及最后一段“Many parents dn’t have the resurces—in time, mney r energy—t teach their kids at hme. If AI culd fill the gaps, hw great, right? Yet the nature f AI ‘teaching’ as it currently exists means that students merely level up withut learning. When it cmes t develping intelligence, nthing can beat what we humans have been ding, face t face, fr centuries. (许多父母没有足够的资源,无论是时间、金钱还是精力,在家教育孩子。如果人工智能能填补这些空白,那该有多好,对吧?然而,目前存在的人工智能‘教学’的本质意味着,学生只是在没有学习的情况下升级。说到发展智力,没有什么能比得上几个世纪以来我们人类面对面所做的事情。)”可知,作者认为发展只能还得靠人类面对面的教学,许多父母因没有足够的资源,无论是时间、金钱还是精力,在家教育孩子,而选择人工智能教孩子,其实人工智能并没有填补这些空白,故作者对人工智能是不赞同的。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“Hw AI will transfrm educatin is very imprtant t schls such as mine, teachers such as me, and hardwrking care-givers such as the parents in my cmmunity. Culd AI get ur children t grasp new cncepts and skills? Might AI be better equipped t help them explit their wn intelligence? After a few days watching my children use artificial intelligence-based learning tls, I can tell yu the shrt answer is NO. (人工智能将如何改变教育,对于像我这样的学校、像我这样的老师,以及像我所在社区的父母这样勤奋的照顾者来说,都是非常重要的。人工智能能让我们的孩子掌握新的概念和技能吗?人工智能是否能更好地帮助人类开发自己的智力?在观察了我的孩子们使用基于人工智能的学习工具几天后,我可以告诉你简短的答案是否定的。)”可知,作者列出多个问题,引出本文主题:人工智能能否教学生,Culd AI Really Teach Students,适合作标题,故选A项。
    When heading t bed, peple ften d sme things t prmte sleep, such as drinking a cup f warm milk. ____16____ The answer is varied.
    “One reasn that warm milk makes peple sleepy is that it reminds yu f the persn wh was kind enugh t give it t yu when yu were yunger,” said psychlgist Michael. ____17____
    On the mlecular level, the tryptphan (色氨酸) in milk has prperties which can prmte sleeping. ____18____ Our bdies use the tryptphan frm fd, alng with ther things, t prduce the brain chemical sertnin, which is transfrmed int melatnin, a hrmne that helps yu sleep.
    ____19____ That’s because the bdy transfrms it int hrmnes that enhance sleep. But in reality it wuld take a lt f tryptphan t make a persn feel sleepy. Even if a persn drinks that much milk, it’s unclear whether the high amunt f tryptphan wuld be enugh t make him r her feel sleepy. Milk, after all, cntains many ther materials that cmpete t enter ur brain thrugh the bld. Thus, the sleep-prmting effect f milk is limited.
    As fr the temperature f the milk, there aren’t any studies that suggest milk has t be warm fr any f its psychlgical r physical effects t kick in. ____20____ It can in turn help t relax the bdy.
    A. The calming assciatin may help t lwer pre-sleep anxiety.
    B. In thery, taking fd rich in tryptphan can make us feel sleepy.
    C. Relaxing befre ging t bed can help yu fall asleep.
    D. Can the temperature f the milk accelerate the speed f ur sleeping?
    E. The bdy cannt prduce tryptphan, s peple must get it frm the diet.
    F. But the warmth f the milk may help raise ur internal bdy temperatures
    G. But is there any scientific evidence that drinking warm milk will make yu sleepy?
    【答案】16. G 17. A 18. E 19. B 20. F
    下文“The answer is varied.(答案各不相同)”,下一段的““One reasn that warm milk makes peple sleepy is that it reminds yu f the persn wh was kind enugh t give it t yu when yu were yunger,” said psychlgist Michael.(心理学家迈克尔说:“温牛奶让人昏昏欲睡的一个原因是,它让你想起了年轻时给你喝温牛奶的人。”)”以及第三段“On the mlecular level, the tryptphan (色氨酸) in milk has prperties which can prmte sleeping.(在分子水平上,牛奶中的色氨酸具有促进睡眠的特性)”说明科学家研究了牛奶让人睡眠好的原因。根据空后的The answer可知,空处为一个疑问,该问题跟后文所提到的内容相关,也就是牛奶和睡眠的关系。G项为一个疑问句,“any scientific evidence”和下文中的“On the mlecular level”相呼应。而“warm milk will make yu sleepy”和前文“sme things t prmte sleep, such as drinking a cup f warm milk”相呼应,表明空处询问“有没有科学证据表明喝温牛奶会让你昏昏欲睡?”。故选G。
    上文““One reasn that warm milk makes peple sleepy is that it reminds yu f the persn wh was kind enugh t give it t yu when yu were yunger,” said psychlgist Michael. (心理学家迈克尔说:“温牛奶让人昏昏欲睡的一个原因是,它让你想起了年轻时给你喝温牛奶的人。”)”说明热牛奶让人想起曾经给自己温暖的人,使人内心感动,这种联系能减缓睡前焦虑。A项中的“The calming assciatin”对应前文的提到的“想起那个在你年轻时好心给你热牛奶的人”,这会产生令人镇静的作用,说明这种平静的联系可能有助于降低睡眠前的焦虑。故选A。
    下文“Our bdies use the tryptphan frm fd, alng with ther things, t prduce the brain chemical sertnin, which is transfrmed int melatnin, a hrmne that helps yu sleep.(我们的身体利用食物中的色氨酸和其他物质来产生大脑化学物质血清素,血清素被转化为褪黑激素,一种帮助睡眠的激素)”说明色氨酸是从食物以及其他物质中获取的,我们身体本身不具有色氨酸。E项中的“peple must get it frm the diet”和下文中的“the tryptphan frm fd, alng with ther things”相呼应,表明人体不能产生色氨酸,所以人们必须从饮食中获取色氨酸。故选E。
    下文“That’s because the bdy transfrms it int hrmnes that enhance sleep. But in reality, it wuld take a lt f tryptphan t make a persn feel sleepy.(这是因为身体将其转化为激素,从而增强睡眠。但事实上,要想让人感到困倦,需要大量的色氨酸)”说明本段从理论和实际两个方面去论述到底色氨酸是否具有助眠的作用。空处引出理论方面的说明,B项“理论上,摄入富含色氨酸的食物会让我们感到困倦。”符合语境。故选B。
    上文“As fr the temperature f the milk, there aren’t any studies that suggest milk has t be warm fr any f its psychlgical r physical effects t kick in.(至于牛奶的温度,没有任何研究表明牛奶必须是温热的才能产生任何心理或身体影响)”以及下文“It can in turn help t relax the bdy.(它反过来可以帮助放松身体)”说明牛奶的温度可能也是一个影响助眠效果的因素。空处承上启下,F项中的“the warmth f the milk”对应上文“the temperature f the milk”,而“raise ur internal bdy temperatures”为下文中it所指代的内容,说明牛奶的温暖可能有助于提高我们体内的温度。故选F。
    I hated travelling by plane.Whenever I was n bard, I culd see the ther passengers'___21___:“Gd, Please.Dn't let that fat guy sit next t me!” After I ___22___ squeezed (挤) int my seat,the seat belt wasn't ___23___ enugh t fit arund my waist. I nce wished my life wuld just___24___.
    I knew I needed t ___25___.A dctr recmmended I adpt a dg t ___26___ fr exercise. S there he was: a black-and-white dg with a big rund bdy. He lked up at me and then drpped his head with a clear lk f ___27___ , as if saying “Really? This lser?” I lked at him, ___28___ him in silence. Pr thing like me. I named him Peety.
    We walked tgether every day and it ___29___. I culd rll ut f bed ___30___.He appeared thinner t. Then he lked up at me and smiled.
    I started taking Peety t different parks. He kept___31___ himself at the end f the rpe, trying t run ahead. Maybe it was time t let him experience what ___32___ really felt like. I remved his rpe.Peety ___33___ like a racer at the Olympics,beaming(笑)with ___34___ and excitement.
    At that mment, I realized I lved him. He lked up at me like I was the greatest guy in the wrld. He'd cme int my life, and he___35___ me.
    “Want t keep walking?"I asked him.
    21. A. careB. faithC. angerD. fear
    22. A. easilyB. finallyC. suddenlyD. deliberately
    23 A. wideB. lngC. tightD. lse
    24. A. endB. startC. repeatD. cntinue
    25. A. winB. restC. laughD. change
    26. A. feedB. rideC. walkD. bark
    27. A. excitementB. agreementC. disappintmentD. amazement
    28. A. pettingB. pressingC. pushingD. punishing
    29. A. failedB. wrkedC. dependedD. suffered
    30. A. by accidentB. with pleasureC. by intentinD. with ease
    31. A. bitingB. hidingC. chkingD. hlding
    32. A. dangerB. bredmC. departureD. freedm
    33. A. passed awayB. tk ffC. brke upD. sat dwn
    34. A. prideB. pressureC. plitenessD. tiredness
    35. A. replacedB. missedC. rescuedD. pitied
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. C 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. D 31. C 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. C
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:无论何时在飞机上,我都能看到其他乘客的恐惧:“上帝啊,求你了。别让那个胖子坐在我旁边!”A. care关心;B. faith信念;C. anger愤怒;D. fear恐惧。根据后文“Dn't let that fat guy sit next t me!”可知其它乘客恐惧和作者坐在一起。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我终于挤进座位后,发现安全带不够长,绕不上我的腰。A. easily容易地;B. finally终于;C. suddenly突然;D. deliberately故意地。根据后文“squeezed int my seat”指作者终于挤进自己的座位。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我终于挤进座位后,发现安全带不够长,绕不上我的腰。A. wide宽的;B. lng长的;C. tight紧的;D. lse松散的。这里要填写的词是修饰“seat belt”安全带,而作者是一个肥胖的人,所以这个安全带不够长,绕不上腰,故选lng。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我曾经希望我的生命能就此结束。A. end结束;B. start开始;C. repeat重复;D. cntinue继续。文章第一句话写的就是我讨厌坐飞机,说明坐飞机的经历对我而言是不愉快的,所以这里填的是一个消极的词汇,选end。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我知道我需要改变。A. win赢得;B. rest休息;C. laugh笑;D. change改变。根据后文“A dctr recmmended I adpt a dg t”可知,医生建议多运动,所以这里是决定要改变自己肥胖的情况,故选change。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一位医生建议我领养一只狗来散步锻炼。A. feed喂养;B. ride骑车;C. walk散步;D. bark犬吠。根据后文“We walked tgether every day”可知医生建议遛狗来锻炼,故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他抬头看了看我,然后低下头,一脸失望的神情,好像在说:“真的吗?这个失败者?”A. excitement激动;B. agreement同意;C. disappintment失望;D. amazement惊讶。根据后面的描述,狗的神情好像在说“真的吗,这个lser?”,lser这个词的使用说明狗对自己主人即“我”是不满意的,所以选disappintment。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我看着他,默默地抚摸着他。A. petting爱抚;B. pressing按压;C. pushing推;D. punishing惩罚。后跟him指狗,故pet用作动词是“爱抚”的意思。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们每天一起散步,这很有效。A. failed失败;B. wrked有效,起作用;C. depended决定;D. suffered遭受。根据后文“He appeared thinner t.”写Petty看上去也瘦了“t”说明作者在petty的帮助下减肥有用了,wrked符合语境。故选B。
    考查固定短语辨析。句意:我可以轻松地从床上爬起来。A. by accident意外;B. with pleasure愉快地;C. by intentin故意;D. with ease轻松地。根据后文可知“He appeared thinner t.”作者变瘦了,所以下床就很轻松了,with ease=easily。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他一直被绳子勒住,想跑到前面去。A. biting咬;B. hiding隐藏;C. chking窒息;D. hlding握住。Petty一直想要往前跑,但因为有绳子,他是被勒住的,keep chking himself。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:也许是时候让他体验真正的自由了。A. danger危险;B. bredm厌倦;C. departure离开;D. freedm自由。后面写“remve the rpe”解开了绳子,所以这里是让他体会一下自由的滋味了,故选freedm。故选D。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:Peety就像奥运会上的比赛选手一样飞奔而去,脸上洋溢着自豪和兴奋。A. passed away去世;B. tk ff起飞,急忙离开;C. brke up打破;D. sat dwn坐下。根据后文“like a racer at the Olympics”指拿走绳子以后,petty就快速地冲出去了。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Peety就像奥运会上的比赛选手一样飞奔而去,脸上洋溢着自豪和兴奋。A. pride自豪;B. pressure压力;C. pliteness礼貌;D. tiredness疲惫。由excitement可知,这里是填一个很积极的词汇,所以选pride。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他走进了我的生活,他救了我。A. replaced取代;B. missed错过;C. rescued救援;D. pitied可怜。从第一段可知,作者在飞机上曾将想要结束自己的生命,但Petty的出现让自己重新获得了自信,所以是Petty拯救了作者。故选C。
    Air pllutin is n dubt a majr cncern in many big cities acrss the wrld. Mre than 80% f peple living in urban areas ____36____ (expse) t unsafe air, accrding t a reprt ____37____ (deliver) by the Wrld Health Organizatin.
    “Urban air pllutin cntinues t rise at ____38____ alarming rate, ding great ham t human health,” said Dr. Maria Neira, the directr f Public Health and Envirnmental Plicy at the WHO. “At the same time, ____39____ (aware) is rising and mre cities are mnitring their air quality.”
    In the past tw years, the number f cities mnitring air pllutin ____40____ (duble)-nw cvering abut 3,000 cities in 103 cuntries. The WHO warned f the serius effects pr air quality culd have ____41____ the health f urban residents, ____42____ (link) it t the risk f strkes, heart disease, lung cancer and many ther diseases.
    The reprt als shwed that lw-and middle incme cuntries ____43____ (general) have prer air quality. Abut 98% f cities with 100,000 r mre peple in lw-and middle-incme cuntries d nt meet WHO air quality guidelines, ____44____ 56% in high-incme cuntries fail t meet the standard. The reprt als urged lcal gvernments t take strnger and _____45_____ (effect) measures t fight against air pllutin.
    【答案】36. are expsed
    37. delivered
    38. an 39. awareness
    40. has dubled
    41. n 42. linking
    43. generally
    44. while 45. effective
    考查时态语态。句意:世界卫生组织发布的一份报告显示,超过80%的城市居民暴露在不安全的空气中。本句在陈述事实,所以为一般现在时,主语Mre than 80% f peple与谓语expse为被动关系,所以本句为一般现在时的被动语态。故填are expsed。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:世界卫生组织发布的一份报告显示,超过80%的城市居民暴露在不安全的空气中。结合上题分析,本句已经有谓语,空处填非谓语,a reprt 与deliver在逻辑上是被动关系,所以用过去分词作后置定语。故填delivered。
    考查时态。句意:在过去两年里,监测空气污染的城市数量翻了一番,现在覆盖了103个国家的约3000个城市。根据“In the past tw years”可知。本句为现在完成时,the number f cities作主语,谓语动词为单数第三人称。故填has dubled。
    考查介词。句意:世界卫生组织警告称,糟糕的空气质量可能会对城市居民的健康造成严重影响,并将其与中风、心脏病、肺癌和许多其他疾病的风险联系起来。have effects n“对…...有影响”为固定短语。故填n。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:世界卫生组织警告称,糟糕的空气质量可能会对城市居民的健康造成严重影响,并将其与中风、心脏病、肺癌和许多其他疾病的风险联系起来。本句已经有谓语动词,空处填非谓动词,与前面逻辑主语the serius effects在逻辑上是主动关系,所以用现在分词。故填linking。
    46. Paper making in China __________ (date) back t abut 200 BC.(所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查时态。句意:中国的造纸可以追溯到公元前200年左右。分析句子结构可知,空处为句子的谓语动词,date back t无被动形式。句子描述一般事实,所以用一般现在时态,主语为paper making,谓语单数形式。故填dates。
    47. He played the rle f an __________ (ambitin) lawyer in his latest mvie. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    48. Why are yu s late? I __________ (wait) fr yu fr three hurs. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】have been waiting
    【详解】考查时态。句意:你为什么这么晚?我已经等你三个小时了。分析句子结构可知,空处为句子的谓语动词。根据fr three hurs可知,本句话用现在完成进行时态,强调动作的持续性,主语为I,助动词用have。故填have been waiting。
    49. It tk him quite a while t adjust t __________ (live) alne after his parents passed away. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:父母去世后,他花了很长时间才适应独自生活。adjust t ding sth.适应做某事。根据句意,故填living。
    50. We are waiting fr the news with __________ (anxius). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:我们焦急地等待消息。根据空前的with可知,空处需要名词。anxius为形容词,其名词形式为anxiety“焦虑”。with anxiety“焦虑地”,介词短语在句中作状语。故填anxiety。
    51. We made a careful __________ (analyse) f his character. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    52. Srry, I can’t meet yu at five ’clck tmrrw afternn, because I __________ (play) sccer then. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】will be playing
    【详解】考查时态。句意:对不起,明天下午五点我不能和你见面,因为那时我在踢足球。分许句子结构可知,空处为原因状语从句的谓语动词。根据“at five ’clck tmrrw afternn”可知,从句中的时态为将来进行时,表示将来的某一时间点或时间段正在做某事。故填will be playing。
    53. ______(equip)with an intelligent cmputer brain, a rbt can give us infrmatin such as the weather cnditins within secnds. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:配备了智能计算机大脑的机器人可以在几秒钟内给我们提供天气状况等信息。分析句子结构可知,句中谓语是can give,空格处用非谓语形式,a rbt和equip之间是逻辑动宾关系,因此用过去分词equipped表被动,位于句首,首字母大写,故填Equipped。
    54. The new technlgy has been used t __________ (identity) the sex f unbrn children. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:这项新技术已被用于识别未出生婴儿的性别。be used t d sth.“被用来做某事”,所以动词不定式后面需要动词原形。identity为名词,其动词形式为identify“识别”。故填identify。
    55. The Olympics are an internatinal srting event with thusands f __________ (participate). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查可数名词复数。句意:奥运会是一项有数千人参加的国际性赛事。根据空前的thusands f可知,空处需要名词。participate为动词,其名词形式为participant“参与者”,该名词为可数名词,符合语境。空处需要该名词的复数形式,表示“数千个参与者”。故填participants。
    56. 这是第一次在无锡举行这个会议。(It was the first time…)(汉译英)
    【答案】It was the first time that the meeting had been held in Wuxi.
    【详解】考查固定句型,时态和固定短语。根据提示,本题用固定句型It was the first time that sb. had dne表示“某人第一次做了某事”,主句用一般过去时,that引导的从句应用过去完成时,“会议”可用the meeting,表示特指,作从句主语,“举行”可用hld表达,作从句谓语,与主语meeting是被动关系,用用过去完成时的被动语态,“在无锡”可译为in Wuxi。故翻译为It was the first time that the meeting had been held in Wuxi.
    57. 据报道,余华的最新小说已经被翻译成很多国家的语言。(be reprted t)(汉译英)
    【答案】Yu Hua’s latest nvel is reprted t have been translated int many languages.
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。sth./sb. is reprted t d意为“据报道某人/某事……”。余华的最新小说可以翻译为“Yu Hua’s latest nvel”,根据句意可知,余华的小说已经被翻译成了许多国家的语言,“被翻译成”需要用动词不定式完成式的被动。其结构为t have been dne。“被翻译成”可翻译为“t have been translated int”;许多国家的语言可翻译为“ many languages”。故翻译为Yu Hua’s latest nvel is reprted t have been translated int many languages.
    58. 对别人的相貌品头论足是不礼貌的。(remark)(汉译英)
    【答案】It’s bad manners t remark n/ make remarks n the appearance f thers.
    【详解】考查动词短语。It is bad maners t d sth.“做某事是没有礼貌的”,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语为动词不定式;品头论足可用动词短语“remark n”或者“make remarks n ”;别人的相貌可以翻译为“the appearance f thers”。故翻译为It’s bad manners t remark n/ make remarks n the appearance f thers。
    59. David是正致力于制造出更好的假肢的科学家之一。(be cmmitted t) (汉译英)
    【答案】David is ne f the scientists wh are cmmitted t making better artificial limbs.
    【详解】考查定语从句、时态和非谓语动词。主语David是单数,句子在描述当前的情况,时态应用一般现在时,系动词“是”应用is,表语“科学家之一”应译为名词短语ne f the scientists;“正致力于制造出更好的假肢的”可用指人的关系代词wh (替代先行词在从句中作主语)引导限制性定语从句修饰先行词scientists,先行词为复数,在从句中作主语,“致力于”可译为固定短语be cmmitted t,此处也是描述当前的情况,时态应用一般现在时,be动词应用are,“制造出更好的假肢”可译为动词短语make better artificial limbs,且因为作介词t的宾语,make需用动名词形式。故译为:David is ne f the scientists wh are cmmitted t making better artificial limbs.
    60. 不可否认的是,养成一种良好的学习习惯对于我们来说是很重要的。(deny)(汉译英)
    【答案】There is n denying that it’s very imprtant fr us t frm a gd habit f study.
    【详解】考查固定句型。There is n denying that...意为“不可否认的是……”。重要的可以用形容词“imprtant”,从句中可用句型“it is +adj.+fr sb. t d sth.”,其中it作形式主语,动词不定式为真正的主语。养成一种良好的学习习惯可以翻译为“frm a gd habit f study”。故翻译为There is n denying that it’s very imprtant fr us t frm a gd habit f study.
    61. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整短文。
    Last weekend, I went t Mark’s new huse near a frest fr a little get-tgether. After lunch when I was chatting with him and his wife Cdy, he asked me, “Hey, Thra, have yu ever been t a secret spt?” Befre I culd even finish saying n, Cdy and Mark were already at the dr with their jackets n. And the next mment we were heading ut int the frest with a camera, a fishing net and a plastic bucket (桶).
    We walked thrugh the frest alng a path by a small river. Breathing the fresh air, we three talked and laughed all the way.
    “Hey! What are yu guys ding ?” smene suddenly shuted frm behind. Mark and Cdy’s eyes immediately widened, and withut a wrd they started running. I had n chice but t fllw them, getting my shes wet and dirty with mud. We prbably ran fr abut 10 minutes befre Mark and Cdy slwed dwn. I stpped t catch my breath and asked, “Wh was that?”
    Mark replied, “The mst annying neighbr ever. There’s n telling what culd happen if he caught up with us. He is always making fun f us. I dislike him.” We kept walking n fr a few mre minutes. Then a beautiful lake appeared befre ur eyes. “Ww! Amazing!” I shuted and culd hardly hld back my excitement. The lake was large and the water was deep and blue, lking s peaceful with tall trees arund it.
    Lking arund, we saw a bat flating by the shre.
    Paragraph 2:
    “Help! Help! Help!” I was s frightened and cried fr help.
    Lking arund, we saw a bat flating by the shre. “Hw abut ging bating?” Mark asked. “Gd idea.” I agreed. I was excited t find s many fishes in the lake. Befre I culd say a wrd, Mark had cast the fishing net int the water. “Lk this way. Let me take a pht f yu tw.” Cdy said, taking ut the camera. Hearing that, I quickly apprached Mark. But all f a sudden I lst my balance and fell int the water.
    Paragraph 2:
    “Help! Help! Help!” I was s frightened and cried fr help. Hwever, nne f us culd swim. Mark and Cdy tried t pull me up frm the water but failed. Struggling in the water, I was almst exhausted. Suddenly, I felt myself lifted by smene. It was Mark’s neighbr, wh fllwed us there. Withut hesitatin, he jumped int the water and saved me.
    ①撒网:cast a net/pay ut a net/thrw a net
    ②把某人拉出水:pull sb. up frm the water/pull sb.ut f the water/drag sb.ut f the water
    ③跟随,追踪:fllw/trace/keep track f
    ①兴奋:excited/filled with excitement/thrilled
    ②害怕:frightened/fearful/terrified/scared t death
    [高分句型1] Befre I culd say a wrd, Mark had cast the fishing net int the water.(由befre引导的时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] Hearing that, I quickly apprached Mark.(由现在分词hearing作状语)
    [高分句型3] It was Mark’s neighbr, wh fllwed us there.(由wh引导的非限制性定语从句)
    听力答案:1-5 ACABB 6-10 CBBAB 11-15 CCBAA 16-20 BAACC

    江苏省常州市2023_2024学年高二英语上学期期中试题含解析: 这是一份江苏省常州市2023_2024学年高二英语上学期期中试题含解析,共26页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江苏省常州市2023_2024学年高二英语上学期期中试题含解析: 这是一份江苏省常州市2023_2024学年高二英语上学期期中试题含解析,共26页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江苏省泰州市2023_2024学年高二英语上学期期中试题含解析: 这是一份江苏省泰州市2023_2024学年高二英语上学期期中试题含解析,共26页。试卷主要包含了 5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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