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    这是一份广东省广州科学城中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题(无答案),共8页。试卷主要包含了 5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Festivals are a great way t experience a destinatin in a different way. Whether yu are lking fr a unique cultural difference r the experience f sheer jy, there is smething here fr everyne in this article.
    St. Patrick's Day
    Dublin, Ireland & New Yrk, the USA, March 17th
    It has been a cultural and religius celebratin held in memry f the death date f Saint Patrick, the fremst patrn saint f Ireland, since 1762. On that day the whle city turns green and many Irish make traditinal bread. It is als ne f the mst fun days f the year, when the whle city turns int a big green party.
    Suth by Suthwest (SXSW)
    Austin, the USA, March
    Funded in 1987, SXSW has been praised by music fans and the media wrldwide as ne f the tp 10 music festivals in the wrld. It is nt nly a music feast but als dedicated t the integratin f technlgy and films. Yu can als enjy free fd, drinks and music. Sunds gd?
    King's Day
    Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 27th
    King's Day may well be the best party in Hlland and Amsterdam turns a very bright clr f range n April 27th. Peple celebrate King Willem-Alexander's birthday with music, street parties, flea markets, and fun fairs. The king himself travels thrugh the cuntry with his family.
    Just fr Laughs
    Mntreal, Canada, July 14th-30th
    Fr cmedy lvers there is n ther festival in the wrld better than Mntreal's Just fr Laughs. The festival cncentrates mst f its shws in the Latin Quarter. During the day street perfrmers delight the crwds and at night the city cmes alive with cmedy all ver the city.
    1. Which f the fur festivals mainly invlves music and films?
    A. St. Patrick's Day. B. Suth by Suthwest.
    C. King's Day. D. Just fr Laughs.
    2. What d St. Patrick's Day and King's Day have in cmmn?
    A. They are bth religius festivals.
    B. They are celebrated in the same mnth.
    C. They are in hnur f the birthday f a great persn.
    D. They bth feature a clr.
    3. What can we learn abut Just fr Laughs?
    A. It lasts fr a mnth B. It prvides free fd fr all.
    C. It's the best cmedy feast. D. It is cncerned abut the ryal family.
    Amanda Grman, a 22-year-ld pet, recited her pem The Hill We Climb at the recent. Presidential Inauguratin (就职) Ceremny. Her wrds and perfrmance were wnderful and were admired acrss the wrld. But what is even mre wnderful is the stry f hw Amanda arrived at this mment and the lessns she ffers ther kids arund the wrld.
    Amanda was raised by a single mther, Jan Wicks, in Ls Angeles. There was very limited televisin watching in their huse. Encuraged by her mther, wh was a teacher, Amanda fell in lve with reading and writing. She gained cnfidence in these areas. Her passin fr petry started when she was abut 8 years ld.
    But despite her interests and talents, she had sme bstacles. Amanda has a listening prcessing disrder and is very sensitive t sund. She als had a speech disrder during childhd. This caused her t participate in speech treatment which helped her t turn her bstacles int gifts and strengths. As she tld The Harvard Gazette in 2018, “I always saw it as a strength because since I was experiencing these bstacles in terms f my listening and speech skills, I became really gd at reading and writing.”
    Amanda started t dream f becming president when she was in 6th grade. As Amanda became mre cnfident, she became mre driven t transfrm the wrld fr gd. She went n t earn a degree at Harvard University. And then, Amanda became the wrld's first Yuth Pet' Laureate (获奖者) in histry!
    While Amanda lked calm, cl, and cllected at the inauguratin, she admits she is always nervus, like many f us, abut public speaking. T ease this, she develped a spell that she recites t give herself cnfidence in mments f dubt, “I am the daughter f black writers. We are descendants f freedm fighters wh brke thrugh chains and changed the wrld.”
    4. What d we knw abut Amanda Grman?
    A. She tk t reading and writing thanks t her teacher.
    B. She published her first pem at the age f 8.
    C. She recited a pem at a presidential inauguratin.
    D. She became the first Yuth Pet Laureate at high schl.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “bstacles” mean in paragraph 3?
    A. Barriers. B. Changes. C. Strengths. D. Disabilities.
    6. Hw did Amanda vercme her nervusness abut public speech?
    A. By seeking supprt frm sme black writers.
    B. By reciting special sentences t herself.
    C. By practicing the speech cntext repeatedly.
    D. By talking t freedm fighters befre the speech.
    7. What is the authr's purpse in writing the text?
    A. T share a funny stry. B. T educate disabled kids.
    C. T recrd a wnderful mment. D. T encurage mre children.
    A team f scientists is studying the sund f the frest in Ecuadr t learn hw artificial intelligence (AI) culd fllw animal life in recvering envirnments.
    When scientists want t measure new frest grwth, they can study large areas f land with tls like satellites. But understanding hw fast and in what number wildlife is returning t an area is mre difficult. Smetimes it requires an expert t listen thrugh sund recrdings and pick ut animal calls.
    Jrg Muller, an expert n birds, wndered if there was a different way. S, he turned t biacustics (生物声学) , which uses sund t learn mre abut animal life and their living envirnments. Muller and his team recrded wildlife sunds in Ecuadr. They first had experts listen t the recrdings and list the sunds f different animals. Then, they examined the sund quality t measure the envirnment. Finally, they ran tw weeks f recrdings thrugh an AI cmputer prgram trained t understand 75 different bird calls.
    The prgram was able t pick ut the calls n which it was trained. Hwever, scientists wndered if the prgram culd crrectly identify the number f different kinds f plants and animals in each envirnment. T see if the prgram culd d that, the team used tw different cntrls. One was frm the experts wh listened t the recrdings, and the secnd was based n examples frm each envirnment, which can be used t understand bidiversity (生物多样性) .
    Since the number f sunds that are fund t be used t train is limited, the AI prgram culd nly identify ne-furth f the bird calls experts culd. But it was still able t crrectly measure bidiversity levels in each envirnment, the study said. It als said the results shw the AI prgram is a pwerful tl t measure the recvery f animal scieties in sme frests. The study shwed that bidiversity fund frm recrdings can be measured in a cst-effective and cmplete way and measure envirnments.
    There are still areas fr imprvement, including the lack f animal sunds n which t train AI mdels. And the methd can nly catch animals that use sund t cmmunicate.
    8. What des the study fcus n?
    A. Studying plant grwth. B. Observing birds' behavir.
    C. Understanding Al's effect n wildlife. D. Measuring wildlife recvery.
    9. What methd did the team use t learn wildlife sunds in Eduadr?
    A. Biacustics. B. Satellite recrding.
    C. Sund recrding by AI. D. Direct bservatin by experts.
    10. What did the AI prgram prve t be useful fr?
    A. Identifying plant species. B. Measuring bidiversity levels.
    C. Tracking weather change. D. Identifying all the bird calls.
    11. What did the study suggest fr imprvements?
    A. Measuring mre bird envirnments.
    B. Catching animals that use sund t cmmunicate.
    C. Training the prgram n a wider variety f sunds.
    D. Having experts study mre and understand bird calls.
    Music is a part f every culture arund the wrld. In fact, the ability t appreciate music is built int ur brains. Music makes us feel gd. Many music studies lk at the lng-term benefits f being a music listener r participating in a music prgram as a child. But can listening t music help us cnnect and empathize (产生共鸣) with smene right at the mment? A new study aims t find it ut.
    In this study, 60 university students were asked t watch several 15-secnd vides in which a persn describes an autbigraphical (自传体的) experience. In sme cases, peple in the vide talk abut a relatively rdinary event, like mving int a new apartment, while ther stries cntain strng emtinal cntent, like recalling a terrible accident r a lved ne's death.
    While students watched these vides, the researchers randmly played either “emtinally neutral (中立的)” music r very sad music in the backgrund. After watching each vide, the students expressed hw much sympathy they had fr the persn in the vide, and hw much they wanted t help that persn. They were als tested n their scial reasning skills-hw well they understd the persn's thinking methd in the vide. All f these culd be signs f empathic cnnectin (同感沟通) .
    Results shwed that peple watching the sad vides felt mre sadness themselves and mre sympathy fr the ther persn than thse watching the neutral vides—nt a big surprise. But these empathic feelings were strengthened by listening t sad music. The music had n effect, hwever, n whether r nt the students culd reasn ut the ther persn's experience and understand what they might be thinking r feeling.
    While music is nt the nly way—ther art frms, like fictin and dancing, have als been shwn t increase empathy, fr example—music culd be a pwerful tl. “It'd be very interesting t extend ur finding further, t see if listening t music in a scial cntext can imprve ur real-wrld ability t empathize with and feel sympathy fr thers in the lng term,” says the lead researcher Brennan McDnald.
    12. What des the new study want t find ut?
    A. Whether music can benefit us.
    B. Whether music can aruse genuine emtins.
    C. Whether music can imprve the scial effect.
    D. Whether music prgrams can increase ur cnfidence.
    13. What were the participants required t d during the study?
    A. T film a shrt autbigraphical vide.
    B. T share ne f their miserable experiences.
    C. T think up ways t help the persn in need.
    D. T watch vides while listening t different backgrund music.
    14. Which f the fllwing belngs t the pinin f the researchers?
    A. We can increase ur sympathy by using sme music.
    B. Music helps us understand thers' thinking prcesses.
    C. Mst adults are much mre emtinal than children.
    D. Music can influence us bth emtinally and intellectually.
    15. What will the researcher Brennan prbably d next?
    A. Study different types f music.
    B. Test the lng-term effect f music n peple.
    C. Find mre ways t make peple mre caring.
    D. Cmpare the effect f music with that f ther art frms.
    第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5)
    Hw t learn a language n yur wn?
    Are yu thinking f learning a language n yur wn but dn't knw where t start? Are yu wndering hw t keep n learning when meeting difficulties? 16
    T start with, be independent. Yu're ging t learn this language, s it is yur respnsibility. It desn't matter whether yu're at a schl r entirely n yur wn. If yu're interested in a certain tense, yu can lk it up after the classrm. 17 It just means that yu are determined.
    Next, cver the same material in different bks. Yu're cming acrss the same material again and again thrugh lts f repetitin. 18 Yu're nt wrried abut answering questins r writing exams. Dn't try t master r remember anything. Just keep letting the language wash ver yu.
    19 Find materials that are interesting real, but nt t difficult when yu start learning the language. Materials f a cnversatinal nature r pdcasts are easier than frmal materials. But as yu becme mre skilled in the language, yu need t mve frm easy materials t real nes. This may sund challenging, but it helps a lt in imprving yu understanding f the language.
    Learning a language is a challenging activity. Yu may dubt yurself during this prcess. Smetimes it helps t take a break frm it. 20 These gals tell yu that yu are mving because yu make n mistake as lng as yu cntinue t spend time with the language. Keep it up and ne day, yu will find certain things cme tgether fr yu.
    A. Furthermre, seek ut materials that aruse yur interest.
    B. It als helps t set specific gals like the number f wrds.
    C. Slwly yur brain gets used t the material and the language.
    D. In additin, use different materials at different stages f learning.
    E. Here are sme tips that help yu becme a successful language learner.
    F. If yu're cnfused abut the frmatin f a certain wrd, search it by yurself.
    G. Therefre, being an independent learner desn't mean that yu are nt in a class.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    There was smething in the elderly wman's behavir that caught my eye. Althugh 21 gestures, the wman mved steadily (平稳地) , and there was n hesitatin in her gestures. She was as 22 as anyne else, as her mvements suggested. And she had a jb t d.
    The ld wman left frm her 23 sn and began t tick thrugh the DVDs n the nearest shelf. After the slightest hesitatin, I 24 and asked if I culd help her find smething. The wman smiled up at me and shwed me a title written n a piece f paper. The title was unusual and a bit difficult t understand. 25 a persn lking fr it knew smething abut mvies, and had a special taste f it.
    Rather than rushing ff t lcate the DVD fr the wman, I asked her t walk with me s I culd shw her where she culd 26 it. I think I wanted t enjy her 27 fr a mment. Smething abut her deliberate mvements 28 me f my wn mther, wh had passed away last year.
    We fund the 29 , and I praised her n her chice. She smiled and tld me it was ne she had enjyed when she was her sn's age and that she hped he wuld enjy it as much as she had. “Maybe,” she said, with a little bit 30 , “he culd enjy it with his wn yung children.”
    I shwed the ld wman the way t the queue at the cash register. When the lder wman's 31 in line came, she paid in cash, cunting ut the dllars and cins with the same 32 she'd displayed earlier.
    I walked ver t the ld wman's sn and tld him t 33 her, because when she's gne, it's the little mments that'll cme back. It's true. I 34 my mm still and remembered the mments when I'd used my impatience t make her 35 .
    21. A. slw B. friendlyC. shamefulD. graceful
    22. A. prettyB. delighted C. painful D. gd
    23. A. busy B. impatient C. delightful D. helpful
    24. A. std up B. stepped back C. walked verD. went arund
    25. A. Clearly B. Generally C. EventuallyD. Frequently
    26. A. hear B. write C. find D. chse
    27. A. praise B. cmpany C. mvement D. literature
    28. A. infrmed B. warned C. freed D. reminded
    29. A. mvie B. sng C. chice D. title
    30. A. anxiety B. sadness C. pride D. determinatin
    31. A. pprtunity B. ride C. change D. turn
    32. A. taste B. beauty. C. sureness D. satisfactin
    33. A. treasure B. reward C. benefit D. tend
    34. A. helped B. thanked C. missedD. phned
    35. A. strict B. upset C. scaredD. Unique
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,共15分)
    Many peple may think the Frbidden City r the Palace Museum is 36. _________ utstanding and ld-fashined museum. But in the past few years, the museum 37. _________ (wrk) hard t ppularize Chinese cultural relics (遗产) amng yung peple.
    The museum's nline stre nw ffers special cultural and 38. _________ (create) prducts. Fr example, in 2014, it started t make T-shirts that lk like an emperr's cat. It als sld 39. _________ (earphne) that lk like the necklaces wrn by ancient fficials, 40. _________ brught in abut 1 billin yuan in sales in 2016, reprted China Yuth Daily.
    Last year, a dcumentary (纪录片) whse title is Masters in Frbidden City became ppular nline. The dcumentary is abut the peple 41. _________ (repair) the relics in the museum. Many f these wrkers are yung, and sme are even in their 42. _________ (twenty) .
    Sme ther museums acrss the cuntry, such 43. _________ the Natinal Museum f China, 44. _________ (inspire) by the Palace Museum's effrts, are wrking n similar prjects f 45. _________ (they) wn.
    第三部分 写作(共三节,满分50分)
    第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    46. Asa r _________ (居民) in Beijing, I feel excited and like t share with yu my happiness.
    47. When he heard the mving stry, he felt i_________ (鼓舞) .
    48. We began by reviewing the p_________ (之前的) day's wrk.
    49. The leader was a_________ (宣布) a piece f gd news when the vlcan erupted.
    50. Lang Ping is the c_________ (最高级别的) cach f the Chinese wmen's natinal vlleyball team.
    51. I'm sending yu my warmest c_________ (祝贺) n yur success.
    52. He _________ (抱怨) bitterly that he had been unfairly treated.
    53. Li Jiacheng remains e_________ (精力充沛的) in his senir life. I d admire him.
    54. One f the schl's f_________ (特色) is the lvely gse.
    55. The artist has painted the scene frm v_________ (各种各样的) viewpints.
    第二节 句子翻译(每句3分,满分15分)
    56. 要记住,你的个人信息一定要保密。 (keep in mind, keep. private)
    ____________________________________________________________________________________________57. 每年,人们都会举办各种各样的活动庆祝国庆节,从升旗仪式到烟花表演。 (range frm… t, flag-raising ceremny, firewrks)
    ____________________________________________________________________________________________58. 在山间远足时,他的腿被一条蛇咬了一口。 (bite, 用V-ing做状语)
    ____________________________________________________________________________________________59. 父母应该让孩子的内心平静而充实。 (sul)
    ____________________________________________________________________________________________60. 像拥有相同的货币和国防一样,他们也使用同一面国旗,称为“英国国旗”。 (as well as, 用过去分词作定语)
    ____________________________________________________________________________________________第三节 书面表达(满分25分)
    假定你是李华,你校英语俱乐部将于下周举行主题为“The quality I value mst”的英语演讲比赛,请你准备一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:
    1. 你的看法;
    2. 给出理由。
    参考词汇:quality n. 品质value v. 认为重要
    1. 写作词数应为100左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    The Quality I Value Mst
    Gd mrning, everyne!
    Thank yu fr yur attentin.

    广东省广州市番禺区象贤中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题: 这是一份广东省广州市番禺区象贤中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题,共8页。

    广东省广州市番禺区象贤中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题: 这是一份广东省广州市番禺区象贤中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题,共8页。

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