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    这是一份广西壮族自治区南宁市第二中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含广西壮族自治区南宁市第二中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题原卷版docx、广西壮族自治区南宁市第二中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (时间120分钟 共150分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A. In a shp B. In a museum C. In a restaurant.
    2. What is the man’s favurite free-time activity?
    A. Watching TV B. Reading a bk. C. Listening t music.
    3. Fr hw lng will the girl stay with her parents?
    A. Tw weeks. B. Three weeks. C. One mnth.
    4. Where des the man usually g n weekend nights?
    A. T a cinema B. T a restaurant C. T a bar.
    5. What is the wman ging t d?
    A. G t her wn ffice. B. See the headmaster. C. Shw the man arund the schl.
    6. What is the wman?
    A. A hstess. B. A plicewman. C. A businesswman.
    7. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Cmmunity safety. B. The traffic rules C. Plice fficers’ wrk.
    8. What did the wman d during her first visit t New Yrk?
    A. She went t sme parks. B. She visited her mther. C. She enjyed watching birds.
    9. When did the wman g t New Yrk?
    A. In spring B. In autumn C. In winter
    10. What des the man think f traveling with kids?
    A. Tiring. B. Terrible. C. Great.
    11. What did the man’s daughter like t d best?
    A. G swimming. B. Ride elephants C. Play n the beach.
    12. Where will the man g this summer?
    A. Egypt B. Singapre. C. Thailand.
    13. Wh is Suzy?
    A. Ann’s dctr B. Ann’s daughter. C. Ann’s grandmther
    14. Why can’t Suzy stay at Peter’s huse?
    A. Peter can’t lk after her well.
    B. She may pass n her cld t his kids.
    C. She can’t get alng well with his kids.
    15. Hw lng will Ann stay in Ls Angeles?
    A. Fr five days. B. Fr eight days C. Fr thirteen days.
    16. What des Ann want Peter t d?
    A. Give her Sara’s phne number.
    B. Send her t the airprt.
    C. Call Sara and meet her.
    17. Wh usually reads the mrning annuncements?
    A. Timmy. B. Mr. McKinney C. Principal Jhnsn
    18. When is the deadline fr handing in the hmewrk?
    A. May 20th. B. Next Wednesday. C. One mnth frm tday.
    19. Fr what des the speaker aplgize?
    A. The library hurs. B. The hmewrk. C. The cmputers
    20. What will take place n Saturday afternn?
    A. A sftball game B. A basketball game. C. A baseball game.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Study Abrad Schlarships t Apply fr in 2024
    Fund the perfect study abrad prgram, but dn’t knw hw t pay fr it? Frtunately, here are sme study abrad schlarship pprtunities fr students lking t take their studies verseas!
    Trenchard Cx Schlarship
    All yu have t d is write tw 400-wrd reasned descriptins: ne n a wrk f art yu lve and ne that yu hate. The schlarship, established in memry f Sir Trenchard Cx, awards the winner an Art Histry Abrad 2-week summer curse in Venice.
    Requirement: At least 16 and n lder than 18 years f age
    Deadline: March 1, 2024
    Arcadia Abrad Schlarships & Financial Aid
    Did yu knw that Arcadia Abrad prvides financial aid t arund 70% f students wh apply fr it? It values equity, diversity, and inclusivity when awarding schlarships. Students wh apply fr schlarships will need t write a 300-wrd essay.
    Requirement: Must be included in an Arcadia Abrad prgram
    Award: $ 500-$ 2,500
    Deadline: February 1, 2024
    AIFS Study Abrad Schlarships, Grants & Financial Supprt
    We believe a study abrad experience is an imprtant part f well-runded university educatin and we are cmmitted t prviding financial help t as many students as pssible. AIFS als ffers internship (实习期) and study abrad + internship mixed prgrams t supprt the develpment f persnal and prfessinal skills.
    Award: $ 500- $ 5,000
    Deadline: June 1, 2024
    American Assciatin f University Wmen(AAUW) Fellwships & Grants
    The AAUW supprts wmen searching fr a variety f graduate academic pprtunities. There are n barriers (障碍) t full participatin in this rganizatin. Preference is given t thse wh shw great interest in the advancement f girls and wmen.
    Requirement: Wmen nly
    Award:$ 2,000- $ 50,000
    Deadline: Nvember 15, 2024
    1. What is required t apply fr Trenchard Cx Schlarship?
    A. Being ver 18 years f age.B. Fluency in English and Italian.
    C. Tw 400-wrd essays n artwrks.D. A member f the Art Histry Abrad summer curse.
    2. Which f the fur schlarship prgrams ends the earliest?
    A. Trenchard Cx Schlarship.
    B. Arcadia Abrad Schlarships & Financial Aid.
    C. AIFS Study Abrad Schlarships, Grants & Financial Supprt.
    D. American Assciatin f University Wmen(AAUW)Fellwships & Grants.
    3. Wh is mst likely t receive the AAUW Fellwships & Grants?
    A. A freshman suffering ecnmically.B. A graduate needing internship abrad.
    C. An art student frm a develping cuntry.D. A female student devted t wmen educatin.
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D
    细节理解题。根据Trenchard Cx Schlarship部分中“All yu have t d is write tw 400-wrd reasned descriptins: ne n a wrk f art yu lve and ne that yu hate.(你所要做的就是写两篇400字的合理描述:一篇是关于你喜欢的艺术品,另一篇是你讨厌的艺术品)”可知,申请Trenchard Cx奖学金需要两篇400字的艺术作品文章。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第一个项目结束日期是“Deadline: March 1, 2024(截止日期:2024年3月1日)”;第二个项目为“Deadline: February 1, 2024(截止日期:2024年2月1日)”;第三个项目为“Deadline: June 1, 2024(截止日期:2024年6月1日)”以及最后一个项目“Deadline: Nvember 15, 2024(截止日期:2024年11月15日)”可知,四个奖学金项目中Arcadia Abrad Schlarships & Financial Aid结束得最早。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一部分“Preference is given t thse wh shw great interest in the advancement f girls and wmen.(优先考虑那些对女孩和妇女的发展表现出极大兴趣的人)”可知,致力于妇女教育的女学生最有可能获得AAUW Fellwships & Grants。故选D。
    Every Friday, Rss Harringtn heads fr a shp t pick up deep-fried dim sim, kicking ff his weekend rutine. Dim sim is a variant f the traditinal Chinese dumpling. Served in varius ways, it’s becme typical dish in Melburne and beynd.
    Australia’s dim sim stry began in 1942, when Chinese-Australian businessman William Chen Wing Yung realized elderly freigners wh had cme t Australia t wrk during the gld rush were left jbless. “They were like leftvers frm the gldfields days. They didn’t make it back hme and were t ld fr heavy wrk.” says Chen. Meanwhile, Chen nticed hw ppular Cantnese dim sum had becme in Australia. He cnsidered if he culd mass-prduce siu mai, a steamed Chinese fd, these men culd sell them n fd trucks.
    Hwever, siu mai differed widely frm Australian wrds and was t much f muthful fr Australian. Chen called it “dim sim” instead, which has the same meaning as dim sum, but in a different Cantn dialect, and named the business Wing Lee. But the fd wasn’t ppular until his sn stepped in, accidentally.
    “While my sn was n his way t deliver takeut, he stpped by the fish and chip shp f his friend Je and left him a bx f dim sim,” Chen says. Je decided t deep fry it, as “that’s the nly way yu culd ck it in fish and chip shp”. The next day, Je rang, saying all his mates were asking where he gt the dim sim. That caused Chen t make fried dim sim and develp ther cking ways. The results were an immediate hit, making Wing lee Dim Sim the first Chinese factry t cmmercialize a fast fd fr the masses.
    “The dim sim is definitely an typical Australian fd,” says Harringtn. “Besides the flavr, it reminds us we’re always a cuntry that welcmes new cultures and cuisines.”
    4. What’s Chen’s mtivatin t prduce dim sim at first?
    A. T make use f the leftversB. T help needy peple make a living.
    C. T intrduce Chinese fd in AustraliaD. T satisfy the needs f the elderly Australians.
    5. Why did Chen call siu mai “dim sim”?
    A. T have it easily prnunced.B. T cpy the famus dim sum.
    C. T make it clse t his dialect.D. T distinguish it frm Australian wrds.
    6. What’s the key factr in the success f Chen’s business?
    A. Innvatin.B. Teamwrk.C. Advertisement.D. Management.
    7. What’s the purpse f the text?
    A. T recmmend a traditinal Chinese dish.
    B. T explain why Australians lve dim sim.
    C T shw the difference in glbal fd cultures.
    D. T tell hw dim sim becmes ppular in Australia.
    【答案】4 B 5. A 6. A 7. D
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了Dim sim在澳大利亚开始、发展并受欢迎的始末。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Australia’s dim sim stry began in 1942, when Chinese-Australian businessman William Chen Wing Yung realized elderly freigners wh had cme t Australia t wrk during the gld rush were left jbless. “They were like leftvers frm the gldfields days. They didn’t make it back hme and were t ld fr heavy wrk.” says Chen. Meanwhile, Chen nticed hw ppular Cantnese dim sum had becme in Australia. He cnsidered if he culd mass-prduce siu mai, a steamed Chinese fd, these men culd sell them n fd trucks.(澳大利亚的点心故事始于1942年,当时华裔澳大利亚商人陈永扬(William Chen Wing Yung)意识到,在淘金热期间来澳大利亚工作的年长外国人失业了。“他们就像是金矿时代的遗留物。他们没能回家,而且年纪太大,不能干重活了。陈说。与此同时,陈注意到广东点心在澳大利亚非常受欢迎。他认为,如果他能大量生产烧麦,这些人就可以在食品车上卖)”可知,陈最初制造点心的目的是为了帮助那些在淘金热期间来澳大利亚工作但却因为年纪太大而失业的的年长外国人们。由此推知,陈的最初动机是为了帮助那些有需求的人谋生。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Hwever, siu mai differed widely frm Australian wrds and was t much f muthful fr Australian. Chen called it “dim sim” instead, which has the same meaning as dim sum, but in a different Cantn dialect, and named the business Wing Lee.(然而,siu mai与澳大利亚的词汇差别很大,对澳大利亚人来说太拗口了。陈将其命名为“dim sim”,意思与dim sum相同,但用的是不同的广东方言,并将公司命名为Wing Lee)”可知,因为siu mai与澳大利亚的词汇差别很大,对澳大利亚人来说太拗口,所以陈将其命名为dim sim。由此可知,其目的是为了更容易发音。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Je decided t deep fry it, as “that’s the nly way yu culd ck it in fish and chip shp”. The next day, Je rang, saying all his mates were asking where he gt the dim sim. That caused Chen t make fried dim sim and develp ther cking ways. The results were an immediate hit, making Wing lee Dim Sim the first Chinese factry t cmmercialize a fast fd fr the masses.( Je决定把它油炸,因为“这是你在炸鱼薯条店唯一能做的方法”。第二天,Je打电话来,说他所有的伙伴都在问他从哪里弄来的点心。这促使陈开始制作油炸点心,并发展出其他烹饪方法。结果一炮而红,Wing lee点心成为中国第一家将大众快餐商业化的工厂)”可知,在得知人们对进行油炸后的dim sim非常喜欢后,陈开始制作油炸点心并发展出其他烹饪方法以后一炮走红,而所有这一切都是因为陈对技术进行了革新。由此可知,陈生意成功的关键在于技术的革新。故选A项。
    推理判断题。文章第一段引入话题——dim sim,第二段介绍的是陈制作dim sim的背景及原因,三、四段主要讲的是陈开始制作dim sim的过程及其发展与革新,最后一段讲的是dim sim的文化内涵。由此可知,文章主要围绕着dim sim在澳大利亚发展并受欢迎的经过来展开,所以文章的目的是为了告诉我们dim sim是怎样流行起来的。故选D项。
    Taste in music varies cnsiderably, but whatever peple enjy listening t, they ften reprt an emtinal respnse that has a tuch f the physical t it. Maybe yu feel beautiful music gives yu the feeling f being cld, r makes yur hair stand n end.
    By studying a rare persn, named BW, wh des nt like r respnd t music at all, psychlgist Psyche Lui f Nrtheastern University has discvered that cnnectivity patterns in the brain link finding music rewarding with finding scial interactin enjyable.
    “BW said he had never understd why peple enjy music,” Lui says. BW is nt smene wh desn’t like art, Lui says. “He ges t museums. He’s an enthusiastic phtgrapher. He likes gd fd. He likes lng walks n the beach. He just desn’t like music.” He tld Lui that when he saw a persn at the grcery stre with headphnes in their ears dancing t music, he culd never understand why anyne wuld d that. “This really seems t be a smewhat scially weakening experience,” Lui says.
    “Given that music is imprtant fr scial bnding acrss different cultures and that music is a way fr the hearing system t cnnect t the reward system, ne strng predictin is that music reward sensitivity can partially explain individual differences in sensitivity t scial reward.”
    This newly discvered cnnectivity between the hearing and reward systems may be why we feel emtins in respnse t music, Lui says. “I think that there’s a rle f music fr scial bnding.” She als thinks there are influences frm this wrk fr ther cnditins with lw scial reward. “If peple wh dn’t lve music have differences in specific systems in the brain, then that shws these specific systems are related t the lve f music. Then we can examine what else engages these same systems and what ther abilities r human capacities are linked t music.”
    8. Why are “being cld” and “hair stand n end” mentined in Paragraph 1?
    A. T develp the plt.B. T draw a cnclusin.
    C. T make cmparisns.D. T supprt the argument.
    9. What is BW’s attitude twards music?
    A. He thinks music is imprtant in scial bnding.
    B. He enjys music while wandering n the beach.
    C. He figures music is less imprtant than art and fd.
    D. He takes little interest in and is unrespnsive t music.
    10. What will Lui prbably examine in the fllw-up study?
    A. What rle music plays in scial bnding.
    B. Hw peple respnd t music emtinally.
    C. Whether specific music influences brain system.
    D. What ther human abilities are linked with music.
    11. What’s the text mainly abut?
    A. Peple’s emtinal and physical reactins t beautiful music.
    B. Cnnectins between enjyment f music and scial interactin.
    C. Relatinships amng scial bnding, diverse cultures and music.
    D. Links amng music sensibility, hearing system and reward system.
    【答案】8. D 9. D 10. D 11. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Taste in music varies cnsiderably, but whatever peple enjy listening t, they ften reprt an emtinal respnse that has a tuch f the physical t it.(音乐的品味差异很大,但无论人们喜欢听什么,他们通常都会报告出一种与身体有关的情绪反应。)”可知,第一段中提到““being cld” and “hair stand n end”(寒冷,或者让你的头发竖起来)”的目的是对上文提到的“与身体有关的情绪反应”进行举例说明,来支持观点,故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“BW is nt smene wh desn’t like art, Lui says. “He ges t museums. He’s an enthusiastic phtgrapher. He likes gd fd. He likes lng walks n the beach. He just desn’t like music.”(BW并不是一个不喜欢艺术的人。“他去博物馆。他是一个热情的摄影师。他喜欢美食。他喜欢在海滩上长时间散步。他就是不喜欢音乐。”)”以及“He tld Lui that when he saw a persn at the grcery stre with headphnes in their ears dancing t music, he culd never understand why anyne wuld d that.(他告诉路易,当他在杂货店看到一个人戴着耳机随着音乐跳舞时,他永远不明白为什么有人会这么做。)”可知,他对音乐不感兴趣,也没有反应,故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“If peple wh dn’t lve music have differences in specific systems in the brain, then that shws these specific systems are related t the lve f music. Then we can examine what else engages these same systems and what ther abilities r human capacities are linked t music.(如果不喜欢音乐的人大脑中的特定系统存在差异,那么这表明这些特定系统与对音乐的热爱有关。然后我们可以检查这些系统中还有哪些参与,以及还有哪些其他能力或人类能力与音乐有关)”可推理出,在接下来的研究中,将会研究人类还有哪些能力与音乐有关,故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第二段“By studying a rare persn, named BW, wh des nt like r respnd t music at all, psychlgist Psyche Lui f Nrtheastern University has discvered that cnnectivity patterns in the brain link finding music rewarding with finding scial interactin enjyable.(东北大学的心理学家Psyche Lui通过研究一个罕见的完全不喜欢音乐或对音乐没有反应的人,发现大脑中的连接模式将发现音乐的奖励与发现社交互动的乐趣联系起来)”、倒数第二段“Given that music is imprtant fr scial bnding acrss different cultures and that music is a way fr the hearing system t cnnect t the reward system, ne strng predictin is that music reward sensitivity can partially explain individual differences in sensitivity t scial reward(鉴于音乐对不同文化之间的社会联系很重要,音乐是听觉系统与奖励系统连接的一种方式,一个强有力的预测是,音乐奖励敏感性可以部分解释个体对社会奖励敏感性的差异)”以及最后一段“This newly discvered cnnectivity between the hearing and reward systems may be why we feel emtins in respnse t music, Lui says. “I think that there’s a rle f music fr scial bnding.”(Lui说,这种新发现的听觉和奖励系统之间的联系可能是我们对音乐产生情绪反应的原因。“我认为音乐对社会关系有一定的作用。”)”可知,本文主要讲的是享受音乐和社交之间的联系,故选B项。
    A Swiss radi statin recently, carried ut a scial experiment n air, testing rbt-created vices and cntent. The 13-hur experiment tk place at the French language. statin Culeur3. During the perid, listeners heard the clned vices f five human presenters. The statin s prgramming als included music created by artificial intelligence ( AI) methds. The prgramming infrmed listeners abut the experiment every 20 minutes. “AI is taking yur favrite radi by strm,” a vice said. “Our vice clnes and AI are here t unsettle, surprise and shake yu. And fr that matter, this text was als written by a rbt.”
    Recent AI develpments have led t the creatin f a series f tls that permit rbts t lead different human activities. These tls belng t a grup f systems knwn as “generative AI”. The tls use machine learning methds t train AI systems n huge amunts f data t prduce human-quality results. One f the mst highly publicized “generative AI” tls received wide attentin by shwing the ability t quickly prduce written answers t questins at a level and quality similar t humans. Hwever, the develpment f “generative AI” systems has led t sme criticism f the technlgy. Critics have alerted peple t the dangers f such systems. They say if used incrrectly, the systems can have ecnmic, cultural and scial harms.
    The Swiss statin’s chief, Antine Multne, defended the prject as a lessn n hw t live with AI. Antine said if we became striches(鸵鸟), we wuld put ur heads in the sand, blindly wrrying abut the new technlgy. He thught when AI was cming, we shuld study the technlgy, s we culd then prperly put limits n it. He added that abut90 percent f the listener reactins suggested the experiment was a gd idea. But many said they fund the human element missing and nted, “Yu can sense these are rbts, and there are fewer surprises, less persnality
    12. Why was the experiment cnducted at Culeur 3?
    A T test the texts the rbt writes.
    B. T test the vcal sunds the rbt creates.
    C. T test the capabilities f the human presenters.
    D. T test the audience’s abilities f cmpsing music.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “alerted” mean in paragraph.2?
    A. Warned.B. cmmittedC. DevtedD. Applied.
    14. What shuld we d with AI accrding t Antine?
    A. Limit and prevent its prgress
    B. Take human elements ut f it.
    C. Take advantage f it withut defense.
    D. Research and make use f it sensibly.
    15. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Putting AI Vices n Radi.
    B. Replacing Annuncers with Rbts
    C. New. Technlgies Changing Our Lives
    D. Language barriers in the Develpment f AI
    【答案】12. B 13. A 14. D 15. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段中的“A Swiss radi statin recently carried ut a scial experiment n air, testing rbt-created vices and cntent. The 13-hur experiment tk place at the French-language statin Culeur 3. During the perid, listeners heard the clned vices f five human presenters. (瑞士一家广播电台最近在播放中进行了一项社会实验,测试机器人创造的声音和内容。这场为期13个小时的实验在法语站Culeur 3进行。在此期间,听众听到了五位人类主持人的克隆声音。)”可知,瑞士这家广播电台在法语站Culeur 3测试机器人创造的声音和内容,播放了五位主持人的克隆声音,所以实验的目的是测试机器人创造出来的声音。故选B。
    词义猜测题。根据画线词前的“Critics (评论家,批评者)”和后的“the dangers f such systems (这种系统的危险)”可知,批评家对人工智能会提出批判性的意见,这里是警告人们注意这种系统的危害,由此可推测出,alert意为“警告”。A. Warned警告;B. cmmitted承诺;C. Devted奉献;D. Applied申请。故划线词与warn的意思最接近。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The Swiss statin’s chief, Antine Multne, defended the prject as a lessn n hw t live with AI. Antine said if we became striches(鸵鸟), we wuld put ur heads in the sand. He thught when AI was cming, we shuld study the technlgy, s we culd then prperly put limits n it. (这家瑞士电台的负责人Antine Multne为该项目辩护,称该项目是如何与人工智能一起生活的课程。安东尼说,如果我们变成了鸵鸟,我们会把我们的头放在沙子里,他认为,当人工智能到来时,我们应该研究这项技术,这样我们就可以适当地限制它。)”可知,他认为我们应该研究人工智能技术,并理智使用它。故选D。
    主旨大意题。通读全文可知,第一段引出下文对人工智能的讨论,根据第一段首句“A Swiss radi statin recently carried ut a scial experiment n air, testing rbt-created vices and cntent. (瑞士一家广播电台最近在播放中进行了一项社会实验,测试机器人创造的声音和内容。)”可知,本文主要通过瑞士一家广播电台做的关于机器人创造的声音和内容的社会实验,引出不同的人对人工智能的不同看法,由此可推测出,“在广播中播放人工智能声音”最适合作本文标题。故选A。
    There are a lt f strategies fr visiting a museum and aviding “museum tiredness”. Cnsider what is mentined belw in planning. ____16____
    Regardless f a museum’s size, yu’ll get tired quickly if yu try t lk clsely at every bject displayed. Likewise, mst museums prvide lts f infrmatin abut the bjects n view. S dn’t try t read everything. ____17____ “Tmbstne” labels are very brief and prvide facts abut the artist, their cuntry etc. There may be a number, which the museum uses t register the bject, usually accrding t when it became a part f the cllectin, and a credit line that indicates the dnr. Object labels are placed next t many bjects. ____18____ The apprach used t write museum labels has been much debated amng art histrians and museum prfessinals.
    ____19____ Ask fr a map, r have museum staff suggest highlights in the cllectin r special exhibitins. Many museums have special turs, audiguides, r dwnladable apps that pint yu t these bjects.
    Sme peple recmmend setting a specific amunt f time fr yur visit (1 r 2 hurs). ____20____ In additin t benches in the galleries, mst museums have a cafe, shp, sculpture curtyard r gardens where yu can hang ut and relax fr a bit.
    A. Yu’ll likely meet with tw types f labels.
    B. Yu are sure t make the mst f yur experience.
    C. It’s always a gd idea t stp by the infrmatin desk.
    D. It wuld als be wise t plan frequent breaks in the galleries.
    E. Nte that these might nt be artwrks that yu find appealing.
    F. If yu live near, cnsider frequent visits t the changed exhibitins.
    G. These aim t give infrmatin nt always bvius abut the artwrk.
    【答案】16. B 17. A 18. G 19. C 20. D
    上文“There are a lt f strategies fr visiting a museum and aviding “museum tiredness”. Cnsider what is mentined belw in planning.”(参观博物馆和避免“博物馆疲劳”有很多策略。在计划时考虑下面提到的内容。)说明下面提到的策略有助于更好地参观博物馆,B项“Yu are sure t make the mst f yur experience.”(你一定能充分利用你的游览经历。)衔接上文,说明考虑这些策略所带来的好处,即使自己的游览获得最大的满意,衔接恰当。故选B项。
    下文“ “Tmbstne” labels are very brief and prvide facts abut the artist, their cuntry etc. ”(“墓碑”标签非常简短,并提供有关艺术家及其国家等的事实。)及“Object labels are placed next t many bjects.”(对象标签被放置在许多对象旁边。)可知,此处列举了博物馆两种标签类型,A项“Yu’ll likely meet with tw types f labels.”(你可能会遇到两种类型的标签。)可概括下文内容。故选A项。
    上文“Object labels are placed next t many bjects.”(对象标签被放置在许多对象旁边。)说明了对象标签放置的位置,G项“These aim t give infrmatin nt always bvius abut the artwrk.”(这些都是为了提供关于艺术品并不总是显而易见的信息。)衔接上文,说明对象标签的作用,即提供关于艺术品的隐含信息,衔接恰当。故选G项。
    下文“Ask fr a map, r have museum staff suggest highlights in the cllectin r special exhibitins. Many museums have special turs, audiguides, r dwnladable apps that pint yu t these bjects.”(索要一张地图,或者让博物馆工作人员推荐馆藏或特别展览中的亮点。许多博物馆都有专门的导览、语音指南或可下载的应用程序,指引你去看这些文物。)说明在开始参观之前可以做的事情,C项“It’s always a gd idea t stp by the infrmatin desk.”(在问讯处停下来总是个好主意。)衔接下文,说明在问讯处停下来可以做的事情,衔接恰当。故选C项。
    上文“Sme peple recmmend setting a specific amunt f time fr yur visit (1 r 2 hurs). ”(有些人建议为你的参观设定一个特定的时间(1或2小时)。)说明设定参观时间是明智的,D项“It wuld als be wise t plan frequent breaks in the galleries.”(在画廊里经常安排休息也是明智的。)衔接上文,说明另一件明智的事情是留出休息时间,引出下文“In additin t benches in the galleries, mst museums have a cafe, shp, sculpture curtyard r gardens where yu can hang ut and relax fr a bit.”(除了画廊里的长椅,大多数博物馆都有咖啡厅、商店、雕塑庭院或花园,你可以在那里闲逛和放松一下。)指出具体的休息方式,衔接恰当。故选D项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Julia fund sme f her grandmther Gergie’s ld design sketches (草图) frm the 1940s. Gergie tld her granddaughter she was prud f the sketches and wanted them t be ____21____ by mre peple, fr ____22____ was a big part f her life. “Being alne all day was difficult fr Grandma. I think ding smething wuld ____23____ lift her spirits,” Julia said.
    Julia tk sme pictures f thse sketches and made a pst. It became ____24____ vernight. A lt f replies under the pst ____25____ Julia t physically make her grandmther’s designs. Thugh her sewing (缝纫) skills were ____26____, Julia decided t figure it ut. And she learned the basics sn.
    With the help f her grandmther, Julia spent cuntless hurs ____27____ the sketches and turning them int cmplete designs. Despite the great interest her fllwers had in____28____ her grandma’s designs, the dresses Julia recreated were nt fr sale. “We have ____29____ when we d these prjects and we dn’t like t take this t seriusly. Maybe ne day that’ll becme a career, but right nw we’re just fcusing n ur _____30_____. I’m glad t put n the dresses and _____31_____ them t Grandma. I _____32_____ that I will re-wear the dresses. S I try t be as envirnmentally friendly as pssible,” Julia said.
    “Yu can have yur wn _____33_____ and it’s never t late t g after it. Yu can still fllw smething _____34_____ in yur life at any age. Maybe it wn’t _____35_____, but it’s wrth taking that risk,” Julia said.
    A. shwnB. checkedC. discveredD. appreciated
    A. fashinB. perfrmanceC. travelD. play
    A. slightlyB. greatlyC. prlyD. hardly
    A. ppularB. helpfulC. differentD. cnvenient
    A. taughtB. frcedC. challengedD. encuraged
    A. necessaryB. specialC. limitedD. excellent
    A. cpyingB. prtectingC. judgingD. imprving
    A. recrdingB. buyingC. changingD. praising
    A. experienceB. freedmC. pleasureD. instructin
    A. serviceB. creatinC. stryD. duty
    A. intrduceB. handC. cnnectD. present
    A. prmiseB. dubtC. admitD. warn
    A. educatinB. surpriseC. interestD. memry
    A. naturalB. meaningfulC. peacefulD. practical
    A. wrk utB. stand utC. pass dwnD. mve arund
    【答案】21. D 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. C 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. A
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。短文叙述了Julia找到了一些她祖母Gergie 20世纪40年代的旧设计草图,Julia在祖母的帮助下,花了无数的时间改进草图,把草图变成完整的设计。作者感悟到在任何年龄,你仍然可以追求生活中有意义的事情,也许不会成功,但值得冒这个险。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:乔治告诉她的孙女,她为这些素描感到骄傲,并希望更多的人欣赏它们,因为时尚是她生活的重要组成部分。A. shwn展示;B. checked核对;C. discvered发现;D. appreciated 感激,欣赏。根据上文“she was prud f the sketches”可知,她希望更多的人欣赏它们。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:乔治告诉她的孙女,她为这些素描感到骄傲,并希望更多的人欣赏它们,因为时尚是她生活的重要组成部分。A. fashin时尚;B. perfrmance表演;C. travel 旅行;D. play游戏。根据上文“Gergie’s ld design sketches (草图) frm the 1940s”可知,时尚是她生活的重要组成部分。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我想做点什么会大大提振她的精神。A. slightly轻微地;B. greatly非常地,极大地;C. prly贫穷地;D. hardly几乎不。根据下文“lift her spirits”可知,想大大提振她的精神。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它一夜之间流行起来。A. ppular受欢迎的;B. helpful有帮助的;C. different不同的;D. cnvenient方便的。根据下文“A lt f replies”可知,设计一夜之间流行起来。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:帖子下面的很多回复都鼓励朱莉娅动手做她祖母的设计。A. taught教;B. frced迫使;C. challenged挑战; D. encuraged鼓励。根据下文“Julia decided t figure it ut.”可知,帖子下面的很多回复都鼓励朱莉娅动手做她祖母的设计。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然她的缝纫技术有限,但茱莉亚决定自己想办法。 A. necessary必要的;B. special特殊的;C. limited有限的;D. excellent优秀的。根据下文“And she learned the basics sn.”可知,她的缝纫技术有限。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在祖母的帮助下,朱莉娅花了无数的时间改进草图,把它们变成完整的设计。A. cpying模仿;B. prtecting保护;C. judging判断;D. imprving改进。根据下文“turning them int cmplete designs”可知,朱莉娅花了无数的时间改进草图。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管她的粉丝们对购买她祖母的设计非常感兴趣,但朱莉娅重新设计的裙子并不出售。A. recrding记录;B. buying买;C. changing改变;D. praising赞扬。根据下文“the dresses Julia recreated were nt fr sale.”可知,粉丝们对购买她祖母的设计非常感兴趣。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们做这些项目时,我们很高兴,我们不喜欢把这个太当回事。A. experience经历;B. freedm自由;C. pleasure快乐;D. instructin指示。根据下文“we dn’t like t take this t seriusly.”可知,当我们做这些项目时,我们很高兴。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:也许有一天这将成为一种职业,但现在我们只专注于我们的创造。A. service服务;B. creatin创造;C. stry故事; D. duty职责。根据上文“Julia spent cuntless hurs ____7____ the sketches and turning them int cmplete designs.”可知,他们专注于创造。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:很高兴穿上裙子,把它们送给奶奶。 A. intrduce介绍;B. hand递交;C. cnnect 连接;D. present呈现,送给。根据下文“them t Grandma”可知,指送给奶奶。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我保证我会重新穿那些裙子。A. prmise承诺;B. dubt怀疑;C. admit承认;D. warn警告。根据下文“I will re-wear the dresses.”可知,作者保证会重新穿那些裙子。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:你可以有自己的兴趣,追求它永远不会太晚。A. educatin教育;B. surprise惊讶;C. interest 兴趣;D. memry记忆。根据上文“Thugh her sewing (缝纫) skills were ____6____ , Julia decided t figure it ut.”可知,每个人都有自己的兴趣。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在任何年龄,你仍然可以追求生活中有意义的事情。 A. natural自然的;B. meaningful有意义的;C. peaceful和平的;D. practical实际的。根据上文“it’s never t late t g after it”可知,在任何年龄,你仍然可以追求生活中有意义的事情。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:也许不会成功,但值得冒这个险。A. wrk ut锻炼,弄明白,成功;B. stand ut脱颖而出; C. pass dwn传承;D. mve arund走来走去。根据下文“but it’s wrth taking that risk”可知,也许不会成功,但值得冒这个险。故选A项。
    The Dunhuang Academy recently shwed its latest digital achievement—a digitalized versin f the Library Cave.
    As the 17th cave f the Mga Grttes(石窟), the Library Cave ____36____ (discver)in 1900 in Dunhuang City, a city in the nrthwest f China’s Gansu Prvince, ___37___ arund 60, 000 rare cultural relics dug ut. Since then, mre than 10 cuntries ____38____ (take) away abut 40, 000 pieces frm the site. T prtect the cultural relics, digital technlgy is used ____39____ (perfrm) 3-D mdeling f the cultural relics and reprduce sme f the relics ____40____ have been lst verseas. By ____41____ (visit) the website “Digital Dunhuang”, peple can view the images f the cultural relics in the cave.
    The Dunhuang Mga Grttes, are a 1,600-year-ld UNESCO wrld heritage site. ___42___ idea f digitalizing Dunhuang was put frward in the late 1980s. The fllwing decades have seen much ____43____ (develp) and numerus achievements in digital preservatin (保存).
    At present, the “digital Dunhuang prject” has ____44____ (successful) cmpleted the digital cllectin f ver 300 grttes. Its digital platfrm, launched at the end f 2022, shares abut 6,500 _____45_____ (create) wrks with peple arund the wrld.
    【答案】36. was discvered
    37. with 38. have taken
    39. t perfrm
    40. that##which
    41. visiting
    42. The 43. develpment
    44. successfully
    45. creative
    考查动词的时态和语态。句意:图书馆洞是莫高窟的第17个洞穴,于1900年在中国西北部甘肃省敦煌市被发现,当时挖掘出了大约6万件珍贵的文物。设空处表被动,应用被动语态;又根据后面的时间状语in 1900可知谓语动词应用一般过去时,谓语用单数。故填was discvered。
    考查动词的时态。句意:从那以后,10多个国家从该遗址拿走了大约4万件文物。主语是mre than 10 cuntries,谓语动词应用复数形式,且根据时间状语Since then可知谓语动词应用现在完成时,助动词用have。故填have taken。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:为了保护文物,利用数字技术对文物进行三维建模,重现部分流失海外的文物。设空处用动词不定式作目的状语,故填t perfrm。
    考查定语从句。句意:为了保护文物,利用数字技术对文物进行三维建模,重现部分流失海外的文物。先行词是sme f the relics,在从句中作主语,指物。故填that/which。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Bill对广西的三月三节日(Flk Sng Festival)非常感兴趣,发邮件向你咨询节日的情况,请你用英文给他回一封电子邮件。内容包括:
    参考词汇:steam five-clred sticky rice蒸五色糯米饭
    Dear Bill,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Bill,
    Knwing that yu are interested in the Flk Sng Festival, I’m writing t tell yu smething abut it.
    The Flk Sng Festival, which is ne f the mst significant festivals in Guangxi Zhuang Autnmus Regin, falls n the third day f the third lunar mnth every year. At this time f the year, Zhuang peple will get tgether t celebrate the festival by hlding varius flk activities, including sng fairs, bamb ple dancing, steaming five-clred sticky rice and thrwing embridered balls. Besides, in sme rural areas f Zhuang peple, it is a day when peple hnur their ancestrs, like what we d n Tmb Sweeping Day.
    I hpe yu can cme t experience ur culture by yurself. Yu are sure t understand better abut ur traditin.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    感兴趣:be interested in→take interest in
    此外:besides→in additin
    纪念:hnur→in memry f
    原句:Knwing that yu are interested in the Flk Sng Festival, I’m writing t tell yu smething abut it.
    拓展句:Since yu are interested in the Flk Sng Festival, I’m writing t tell yu smething abut it.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Knwing that yu are interested in the Flk Sng Festival, I’m writing t tell yu smething abut it. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] Besides, in sme rural areas f Zhuang peple, it is a day when peple hnur their ancestrs, like what we d n Tmb Sweeping Day. (运用了what引导宾语从句)
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “N. Yu can’t get n withut mney. Please get ff. I really need t get ging,” Jeffrey, the bus driver, impatiently tld a girl wh wanted t get n the bus but nly had a few pennies. She was arund seven years ld, and Jeffrey wasn’t in the md t deal with unaccmpanied children that day.
    “Please, sir. I want t visit my grandma,” the girl begged. “Then g and ask yur parents fr the mney and cme back next time,” Jeffrey replied. The girl finally left the bus, upset. Jeffrey saw her sit dwn at the bus stp and drve ff. “My gdness! What have I dne?” he asked himself regretfully later.
    He finished his rute and went hme, greeting his wife, Greta, and sitting n the sfa t rest. He gt his phne ut t surf the Internet mindlessly. One lcal man had shared a picture that made him surprised. It was a picture f the little girl he had just refused an hur earlier. The wrd “Missing” was written n tp f the picture. Shcked, he read further and learned the girl had left hme and disappeared a day befre. Her parents were anxius, trying t find her.
    Jeffrey’s back went cld. This girl was missing, and he had just kicked her ut f the bus. “What have I dne?” he said t himself. Immediately, he std up and went t the frnt dr, putting his shes n hurriedly. “Where are yu ging?” Greta asked, cming ut f the kitchen.
    “Quick! Call 911 and this number,” Jeffrey said, shwing her the picture f the girl n his phne. “I saw this girl at a bus stp earlier, but I turned her away because she didn’t have enugh mney. I’m ging t find her.” “OK, which bus stp exactly?” she asked, and he explained. Greta then called the plice and the girl’s parents immediately.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Jeffrey anxiusly rushed t his car and started the engine.
    Jeffrey then asked the girl gently, “Did yu escape frm yur hme? Where were yu ging?”.
    Jeffrey anxiusly rushed t his car and started the engine. Jeffrey set ut fr the bus statin where he had kicked the girl ut f the bus, hping that the girl was still there. He sped up all the way, keeping an eye n the pedestrians n bth sides f the rad. Just within 15 minutes, he arrived at the bus statin. Then in sight was the girl, still sitting there, weeping. Hardly had the car stpped when Jeffrey ran t the girl.
    Jeffrey then asked the girl gently, “Did yu escape frm yur hme? Where were yu ging?”. Lking up at Jeffrey, the girl recgnized that Jeffrey was the bus driver and said, “I want t visit my grandma.” “But yu shuldn’t have left hme withut telling yur parents. They are s wrried abut yu,” Jeffrey said, “Nw, let me drive yu hme.” The girl std up and fllwed Jeffrey t his car. Just then, a plice car arrived, fllwed by anther car. Out f the car rushed the girl’s parents wh had received a phne call frm Jeffrey’s wife and knew that their daughter might be at the bus statin. The girl’s mther embraced her daughter firmly and the father shwed his gratitude t Jeffrey and the pliceman.
    ②由第二段首句内容“然后杰弗里温柔地问女孩:“你是从家里逃出来的吗? 你上哪儿去?”可知,第二段可描写杰弗里找到了小女孩并把她交给她的父母。
    动身前往:set ut fr/set ff fr/leave fr
    接到电话:receive a phne call/get a phne call
    拥抱某人:embrace smebdy/wrap smebdy arund ne’s arms/hug smebdy
    感谢:shwing his gratitude /shw his appreciatin /be grateful
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. Jeffrey set ut fr the bus statin where he had kicked the girl ut f the bus, hping that the girl was still there. (由关系副词where引导限制性定语从句;现在分词hping作状语)
    [高分句型2]. Out f the car rushed the girl’s parents wh had received a phne call frm Jeffrey’s wife and knew that their daughter might be at the bus statin.(介词短语ut f the car放在句首,句子用倒装;wh引导限制性定语从句)
    听力1-5 AABCB 6-10 ACCBC 11-15 BABBA 16-20 CAACB

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