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    Last year, brilliant’ btanists frm Ryal Btanic Gardens, Kew, discvered, identified and named 114 spectacular new species f plants and fungi (真菌) frm arund the wrld. Let’s find ut mre abut sme f Kew’s mst wnderful new finds.
    NAME: Queen’s hedgehg fungus
    FROM: Surrey, England
    Named after the late Queen Elizabeth II, this rare fungus was fund in an ancient frest in White Dwn, Surrey. Accrding t the scientists wh discvered it, the sft, white needles under the fungus’15cm-wide cap lk like hedgehgs’ needles — giving it the secnd part f its name. Cl!
    NAME: Sternbergia mishustinii
    FROM: Turkey
    The flwers f this rare species are bright yellw, but they’re nly 2cm lng and dn't pen up int a visible flwer. Just 300 f these plants have been discvered, secret t hide them frm illegal plant cllectrs.
    NAME: Giant Blivian waterlily
    FROM: Blivia. Suth America
    Check ut this huge waterlily — its 3m wide leaves are big enugh fr a kid t flat n! The big species has just wn three Guinness Wrld Recrds fr largest waterlily, largest waterlily leaf and largest undivided leaf. And get this — althugh the giant plant was nly named last year, a dried sample has been kept in Kew’s wn Herbarium since 1845! Btanists had thught it was a similar, related species. Thankfully, the case f mistaken identity is all cleared up nw. Unbe-leaf-able!
    1.What’s Queen’s hedgehg fungus like?
    A. It has yellw flwers.B. It’s native t England.
    C. It lks like hedgehgs.D. It’s critically endangered.
    2.What Guinness recrd des Giant Blivian waterlily hld?
    A. The ldest fungi.B. The biggest leaves.
    C. The fastest grwing plant.D. The largest waterlily species
    3.Where is the passage mst likely t have been taken frm?
    A. A btanical magazine.B. A gegraphic textbk.
    C. A histrical dcument.D. Guinness Wrld Recrds.
    Grwing up in a Jamaican American husehld, fd was an imprtant part f my childhd. I remember my grandmther preparing fried dumplings and curry muttn, jazz music playing in the backgrund. Fd was ur greatest treasure. Fd brught the family tgether. Fd celebrated new beginnings and eased the wunds f life’s untimely endings.
    When I was 8, I was diagnsed with a muscle disease, which caused me t spend mst f my childhd in hspital. rms and wheelchairs, slwly gaining weight by swallwing prednisne (肾上腺皮质激素) hidden inside mint chclate chip ice cream. My mm made it her duty t help me lse the weight thrugh strict dieting. I’ve tried every single ne. In fairness, my mther did the best she culd. As a single mm, she felt this brught us clser. Hwever, as an adult, I began t experience a paralyzing fear f fd. My “I’ll start a new diet n Mnday” mind-set lasted fr 16 years as I uncntrllably ate and abused my bdy. I was wrried that I was nt attractive enugh. S bsessed and afraid n ne wuld hire me as an actress if I didn’t win the battle with the numbers n the scale, in February 2011 I was send t hspital.
    We d extreme things t ur bdies because f thse numbers, numbers that cannt talk with us r lve us. I have had t stp judging my belly, stp starving myself, stp getting n the scale and staring at thse numbers. I have cme t the realizatin that my life is mre imprtant than thse numbers n the scale and that the quality f the life I live is mre imprtant than hw I lk in the mirrr.
    4.What rle did fd play in authr’s childhd?
    A. It strengthened the family bends.
    B. It was a surce f family incme.
    C. It’s the nly treasure the family had.
    D. It’s the way t celebrate Jamaican traditin.
    5.What might be the initial reasn f the authr’s strict dieting?
    A. The beauty trend.B. Her muscle disease treatment.
    C. Her mther’s expectatin.D. Anxiety abut her career.
    6.Hw did the authr feel abut her dieting?
    A. It was fruitful.B. It way useless.
    C. It made her frightened f fd.D. It brught her and Mm clser.
    7.What attitude des the authr have t the numbers n the scale nw?
    A. Uncaring.B. Deeply skeptical.
    C. Dismissive.D. Particularly cncerned.
    We nrmally think f bacteria as ur enemies. But they aren’t all bad. Our bdies are full f them and it turns ut we can’t live withut them. Frm the mment we’re brn, we acquire, and develp an internal ecsystem f symbitic bacteria and ther micrbes (微生物) -they are interdependent players in ur bdy. In fact, there are rughly as many micrbial cells in ur bdies as human cells. This micrbial wrld is called ur micrbime (微生物组).
    While sme micrbes can make us ill, we need ur micrbime t survive. Cmbined, they are every bit as essential as ur heart, ur lungs, r ur brain. Mst f the micrbime is fund in ur gut (肠道). They are essential fr digestin and help regulate hrmnes and bst ur immune system.
    A healthy cllectin f micrbes seems t be vital fr ur well-being, prtecting against sme f the biggest health threats. On the ther hand, having an unhealthy micrbime may be a cntributing factr fr many cmmn diseases. Our mdern lifestyles, western diets and veruse f antibitics might all be having a harmful effect n ur internal eclgy.
    S hw d yu develp a healthy micrbime in the gut? Well, it seems that the mre diverse yur micrbial ppulatin is, the better. And the best way t increase yur diversity is t eat a wide range f plant-based fds. Research shws that peple wh have at least 30 plant-based elements in their diet every week have a wider range f bacteria in their gut, and that’s linked t better weight management, better heart heath and better mental health. One easy way t bst yur numbers is t add a teaspn f mixed seeds t yur breakfast.
    The influence f yur gut micrbes ges a lt further than yu might think. In the last 20 years, we’ve learned that they cmmunicate cnstantly with the brain, perhaps even having cntrl ver yur md and emtins.
    8.Which can best replace the underlined wrd symbitic in the first paragraph?
    A. Cexisting.B. Beneficial.C. Special.D. Cmplicated.
    9.Which statement might the authr agree with?
    A. Plant-based diets make peple healthier.
    B. Micrbime is mre imprtant than ur brain.
    C. There's sme link between the diversity f bacteria and health.
    D. The veruse f antibitics leads t distinct increase in micrbime.
    10.What might be discussed after the last paragraph?
    A. Examples f gut micrbes.
    B. Gut micrbes and mental welling-being.
    C. Interactins f micrbes in ur bdy.
    D. Ways t identify beneficial gut micrbes.
    11.What's the best title fr the passage?
    A. Gut micrbes: Fighters in the bdy
    B. The micrbime: A cure f all diseases
    C. Gut micrbes: Prtectrs f mental health
    D. The micrbime: A cntributr t ur health
    A study expands psitive evidence fr a new screening tl that directly engages preschl children during clinic visits t assess their early literacy skills. The tl, called The Reading Huse (TRH), is the first f its kind. It has the ptential t identify reading difficulties as early as pssible, accrding t researchers at Cincinnati Children's Hspital Medical Center.
    TRH is an assessment develped by Jhn Huttn and his team fr kids aged frm 3 t 5. Screening takes just abut five minutes and assesses perfrmance levels fr kids aged frm 3 t 5. It addresses a significant gap in ways t screen early literacy skills efficiently and directly. The tl, which is fun fr kids, culd be used in places like primary care r preschl settings. The screening measures cre skills typically appearing in the preschl age range, including vcabulary, rhyming, alphabet knwledge and print cncepts. All are skills predictive f reading success and ften assciated with reading difficulties.
    The study invlved 70 healthy children – 34 bys and 36 girls---between 3 and 5 years ld frm varius sciecnmic backgrund. The children cmpleted standardized tests f imprtant literacy skills: vcabulary, rhyming arid rapid autmatized naming. Fifty-tw f these children als successfully cmpleted MRI (磁共振成像), including the measurement f the gray matter surface f their brains. The thicker crtex (皮质), particularly in left-sided areas supprting language and reading, has been assciated with higher skills that are predictive f reading utcmes.
    Many children arrive at kindergarten unprepared t learn t read, especially thse frm minrity and ecnmically pr backgrunds---estimated at ver 50% f children frm disadvantaged backgrunds in the U. S. and ver 25% verall. “By screening early during clinic visits, we can target effective interventins that help these children better prepare fr kindergarten and imprve reading utcmes –literally, snaping thein brains t read. ” said Huttn.
    12.What might be the purpse f creating TRH?
    A. T identify the best reading apps fr kids.
    B. T develp preschl kids' literacy skills.
    C. T discver kids' reading prblems early.
    D. T study key factrs in kids’ develpment.
    13.What can we knw abut the new screening tl?
    A. It lacks reliability.B. It has peratinal advantages.
    C. It cvers a wider target grup.D. It’s mdelled after cnventinal tls.
    14.Which participants may be mre capable f reading?
    A. Older children frm minrity grups.
    B. Yunger children frm ecnmically advanced areas.
    C. Children with cmplex crtical patterns in their brains.
    D. Children with the thicker crtex in the left-sided areas f their brains.
    15.What attitude des Huttn have t TRH?
    A. Dubtful.B. Favrable.C. Uncertain.D. Cnservative.
    16.It’s bvius that ur sciety favrs the utging persnality, s being intrverted (内向的) has always been seen as smething that needs t be “fixed”. Hwever, there is n fault in being intrverted. ① _________
    Intrverts have hidden pwers. ② _________ . While thers are busy chatting, intrverts bserve things mst-peple are unaware f. Smetimes we can even read peple. While it may seem intrverts are always zned ut, we’re actually analyzing and thinking f creative ideas t ne day share with yu.
    Intrverts als keep the wrld balanced. In a wrld that can’t stp talking, the ability t listen t what each ther has t say is an imprtant virtue that will assist us in building peaceful relatinships f understanding. ③ _________ . By listening t whatever peple pur ut, intrverts help maintain the rder f the wrld.
    Intrverts can self-recharge. Thugh the utging may gain their energy thrugh mixing in crwds, intrverts are self-recharging pwerhuses. ④ _________ . Their energy is fund thrugh lneliness.
    ⑤ _________ . In the nise f chatterbxes, their vices ften get drwned ut. There’s nthing mre disappinting t an intrvert than finally taking advantage f a mment t speak, nly t be interrupted by the extrverts (外向者). While extrverts may speak every thught that cmes t mind, an intrvert will chse their thughts carefully and nly speak f the nes they think their best t share. S next time, all yu have t d is t be willing t listen.
    A. Unluckily, intrverts are faced with a big challenge.
    B. And this is exactly what ur intrverts are brn with.
    C. Intrverts have shwn the ptential t be great leaders.
    D. Extrverted peple wuld have n ne t listen t them.
    E. Instead, we shuld appreciate intrverts fr varius reasns.
    F. They dn’t need t cnstantly put themselves ut there t be lively.
    G. Just because we intrverts dn’t say much desn’t always mean we’re clueless.
    It had lng been trubling a little by that his desk mate culd rank 1st in the class every time while he failed t: he nly ranked 21st.
    At hme, he asked his Mm, “Mm, am I mre stupid than thers? I feel I am as 1 as him, but hw cme I always fall behind?” Hearing the wrds, she went 2 . Mm really wanted t tell her sn that 3 differs. Hwever, was this in her sn’s best 4 ? Thank gdness she did nt pen her muth.
    There were times when she wanted t tell him. “Yur father and I used t be 5 . Why aren’t yu just as clever?” But she stpped because she felt it was cruel t 6 him and that she needed a better 7 .
    Time flew swiftly. T reduce the 8 n her sn wh was suffering frm the 9 f unsatisfied grades and rankings, Mm decided t take him t the sea.
    When lying n the beach, Mm pinted t the 10 and said, “D yu see the seabirds ver there? When the waves cme near, little birds can rise 11 while it wuld take lnger fr clumsy sea-gulls (笨拙的海鸥) t cmplete the 12 . Hwever, have yu nticed birds that 13 fly acrss the endless cean are nne ther than clumsy sea-gulls? Yu might be a bit 14 , but yu will be the ne wh will make it!” The 15 speech affected the sn int tears.
    Nw, the sn n lnger wrries abut his rankings, because, with the 1st ranking, he is admitted t a tp university.
    17.A. cleverB. determinedC. mindfulD. Hardwrking
    18.A. wrdlessB. crazyC. shyD. missing
    19.A. methdB. degreeC. intelligenceD. result
    20.A. pininB. practiceC. interestD. case
    21.A. utgingB. utstandingC. activeD. ambitius
    22.A. hitB. hldC. blameD. blck
    23.A. answerB. questinC. excuseD. explanatin
    24.A. debtB. tensinC. cmmentD. burden
    25.A. painsB. tragediesC. riskD. lss
    26.A. backB. skyC. frntD. feet
    27.A. sharplyB. slightlyC. dramaticallyD. quickly
    28.A. assignmentB. acquisitinC. prjectD. prcess
    29.A. accidentallyB. finallyC. carefullyD. patiently
    30.A. slwerB. swifterC. nervusD. anxius
    31.A. emtinalB. mvingC. typicalD. cntinuus
    32.The high-prfile China-Las Railway pened t internatinal passengers n Thursday, shwing hw the Belt and Rad Initiative (BRI) is a win-win situatin. The D887 train, ① _________ (depart)frm Kunming, Yunnan prvince, at 8: 08 am and arrived at Vientiane, capital f Las, at 6: 38 pm.
    It is the first internatinal crss-brder passenger train service that China has put int peratin since the COVID-19 pandemic. "The service nt nly② _________ (far) facilitates the flw f peple and trade between: China and Las, ③ _________ prmtes the recvery f turism and ther④ _________ (industry), and brings vitality t the develpment between these tw cuntries." said Wang Wenbin, spkesman fr the Ministry f Freign Affairs, at a news cnference n Thursday, "It is a mdel prject f China and Assciatin f Sutheast Asian Natins (ASEAN) cuntries wrking n the BRI and prmting⑤ _________ (regin) ecnmic integratin. "
    Accrding t a Wrld Bank estimate, the grss dmestic prduct in Las will be increased⑥ _________ 21 percent as a result f the cnstructin and peratin f the China-Las Railway. ⑦ _________ will als create mre jbs fr La peple.
    This year⑧ _________ (mark) the tenth anniversary f the BRI. ⑨ _________ (prmte) the initiative, China will cntinue t cperate with ASEAN members, ⑩ _________ (benefit) tw billin peple in the regin.
    33.假定你是李华,你的朋友Gerge想要了解中国舞狮(Lin Dancc)的文化。请给Gerge写封邮件介绍相关的内容,内容包括:
    1. 写信的目的;
    2. 简单介绍舞狮的形式和意义;
    3. 邀请他来中国亲自感受。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Gerge,
    Hearing that yu are interested in Chinese Lin Dunce. I’m writing t
    Li Hua
    A yung and successful manager had a new Jaguar, whse side* dr was dented (凹陷的). The damage was very nticeable, but the manager never bthered t repair it. He kept the dent there t remind him f ne afternn as well as this message: Dn't g thrugh life s fast that smene has t thrw a brick at yu t get yur attentin!
    The manager was traveling dwn a neighbrhd street, ging a bit t fast in his new. Jaguar. He was watching fr kids rushing ut frm between parked cars and slwed dwn when he thught he saw smething. As his car passed, n children appeared. Instead, a brick crashed int the Jag's side dr! He braked sharply and drve the Jag backward t the spt where the brick had been thrwn. The angry driver then jumped ut f the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car, shuting, “What was that all abut and wh are yu?”
    The yung by aplgized. "Please mister ... please, I’m srry. . . I didn't knw what else t d," he begged.
    “I threw the brick because n ne else wuld stp. . ." With tears crning dwn his face, the little by pinted t a spt just arund a parked car.
    “My elder brther fell ut f his wheelchair and I can't lift him up. he said.
    Still crying, the by asked the astnished manager, "Wuld yu please help me get him back int his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's t heavy fr me. ”
    Mved beynd wrds, he hurried t the spt with the by. Anther by was lying n the, grund bleeding. He tk ut his clean handkerchief and tuched lightly at the fresh scrapes (擦 伤)and cuts. A quick lk tld him that the wund was serius, the disabled must be taken t the hspital at nce.
    Luckily, he had a first-aid kit in the car.
    In fifteen minutes, they arrived at the nearest hspital.
    解析:细节理解题。根据ROYAL MUSHROOM标题下的“NAME: Queen’s hedgehg fungus(名称:女王刺猬菌)”以及“ FROM: Surrey, England(来自:英国萨里)”可知,Queen’s hedgehg fungus原产于英国。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段的“The big species has just wn three Guinness Wrld Recrds fr largest waterlily, largest waterlily leaf and largest undivided leaf. (这种大物种刚刚获得了三项吉尼斯世界纪录,分别是最大睡莲、最大睡莲叶和最大未裂叶)”可知, Giant Blivian保持着“最大的睡莲物种”这个吉尼斯世界纪录。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“Last year, brilliant’ btanists frm Ryal Btanic Gardens, Kew, discvered, identified and named 114 spectacular new species f plants and fungi (真菌) frm arund the wrld. Let’s find ut mre abut sme f Kew’s mst wnderful new finds.(去年,来自邱园皇家植物园的杰出植物学家发现、鉴定并命名了114种来自世界各地的壮观的植物和真菌新物种。让我们来了解更多关于邱园最精彩的新发现)”以及下文可知,文章主要介绍了英国皇家植物园最新发现的3个物种及其各自的特征。由此推知,这篇文章最有可能出自一本植物学杂志。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Fd brught the family tgether.(食物使一家人团聚在一起。)”可知,在作者的童年,食物是加强家庭联系的纽带。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段“When I was 8, I was diagnsed with a muscle disease, which caused me t spend mst f my childhd in hspital. rms and wheelchairs, slwly gaining weight by swallwing prednisne (肾上腺皮质激素) hidden inside mint chclate chip ice cream. My mm made it her duty t help me lse the weight thrugh strict dieting.(当我8岁的时候,我被诊断出患有肌肉疾病,这导致我童年的大部分时间都在医院里度过。房间和轮椅,通过吞下藏在薄荷巧克力片冰淇淋里的泼尼松慢慢增重。我妈妈把帮助我通过严格的节食减肥当作她的责任。)”可知,作者由于8岁时罹患肌肉疾病不得不注射激素药物,导致体重增加。为了帮女儿减掉因罹患肌肉疾病而增加的体重,作者母亲严格限制作者的饮食。所以,作者最初严格控制饮食是由于作者小时候治疗肌肉疾病产生的副作用所致。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Hwever, as an adult, I began t experience a paralyzing fear f fd.(然而,作为一个成年人,我开始体验到对食物的极度恐惧。)” 可知,作者因为过度节食而对食物感到害怕。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“I have cme t the realizatin that my life is mre imprtant than thse numbers n the scale and that the quality f the life I live is mre imprtant than hw I lk in the mirrr.(我开始意识到,我的生命比体重秤上的数字更重要,我的生活质量比我在镜子里的样子更重要。)”可推知,作者现在对自己的体重毫不在意。故选A。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据前文“Our bdies are full f them and it turns ut we can’t live withut them.(我们的身体充满了它们,事实证明我们的生活不能没有它们)”可知,我们和细菌是共存的关系,推知symbitic意为“共生的”,和A项意思相近。故选A项。
    解析:推理判断题。由第四段“And the best way t increase yur diversity is t eat a wide range f plant-based fds. Research shws that peple wh have at least 30 plant-based elements in their diet every week have a wider range f bacteria in their gut, and that’s linked t better weight management, better heart heath and better mental health.(增加多样性的最好方法是吃各种各样的植物性食物。研究表明,每周饮食中至少含有30种植物性元素的人肠道细菌种类更广,这与更好的体重管理、心脏健康和心理健康有关)”可知,每周食用至少30种植物元素的人,他们的肠道中有更多种类的细菌,而细菌的种类越多,与更多的体重管理,更好的心脏健康,更好的精神健康相关。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。由文中最后一段“The influence f yur gut micrbes ges a lt further than yu might think. In the last 20 years, we’ve learned that they cmmunicate cnstantly with the brain, perhaps even having cntrl ver yur md and emtins.(肠道微生物的影响比你想象的要大得多。在过去的20年里,我们已经了解到它们不断地与大脑交流,甚至可能控制你的情绪和情绪)”可知,下文作者可能会写肠道微生物对于人类的精神健康的影响。故选B项。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“We nrmally think f bacteria as ur enemies. But they aren’t all bad. Our bdies are full f them and it turns ut we can’t live withut them. Frm the mment we’re brn, we acquire, and develp an internal ecsystem f symbitic bacteria and ther micrbes (微生物) -they are interdependent players in ur bdy. In fact, there are rughly as many micrbial cells in ur bdies as human cells. This micrbial wrld is called ur micrbime (微生物组).(我们通常认为细菌是我们的敌人。但也不全是坏事。我们的身体充满了它们,事实证明我们的生活不能没有它们。从我们出生的那一刻起,我们就获得并发展了一个由共生细菌和其他微生物组成的内部生态系统——它们是我们体内相互依存的参与者。事实上,我们体内的微生物细胞和人体细胞一样多。这个微生物世界被称为我们的微生物群)”以及纵观全文可知,本文的主旨主要是讲的肠道微生物对人类的健康的积极影响,所以D项“The micrbime: A cntributr t ur health(微生物群:对我们的健康有贡献)”是本文最好的标题。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的“The tl, called The Reading Huse (TRH), is the first f its kind. It has the ptential t identify reading difficulties as early as pssible, accrding t researchers at Cincinnati Children's Hspital Medical Center.(该工具名为“阅览室”(TRH),是同类工具中的第一个。辛辛那提儿童医院医学中心的研究人员表示,它有可能尽早发现阅读困难)”可知,该工具可以确认学龄前儿童是否会有阅读困难。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的“Screening takes just abut five minutes and assesses perfrmance levels fr kids aged frm 3 t 5. It addresses a significant gap in ways t screen early literacy skills efficiently and directly.(筛查只需大约五分钟,评估3至5岁儿童的表现水平。它解决了在有效和直接筛选早期识字技能方面的一个重大差距)”可推知,该工具有操作方面的优势——可操作性强。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的“The thicker crtex (皮质), particularly in left-sided areas supprting language and reading, has been assciated with higher skills that are predictive f reading utcmes.(较厚的皮层,特别是在支持语言和阅读的左侧区域,与预测阅读结果的较高技能有关)”可知,左边大脑皮质层较厚的孩子会有较强的阅读能力。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Many children arrive at kindergarten unprepared t learn t read, especially thse frm minrity and ecnmically pr backgrunds---estimated at ver 50% f children frm disadvantaged backgrunds in the U. S. and ver 25% verall.“By screening early during clinic visits, we can target effective interventins that help these children better prepare fr kindergarten and imprve reading utcmes –literally, snaping thein brains t read. ” said Huttn.(许多孩子在上幼儿园时没有做好学习阅读的准备,尤其是那些来自少数民族和经济贫困背景的孩子——据估计,在美国,超过50%的儿童来自贫困背景,总体上超过25%。Huttn说:“通过在诊所就诊期间尽早进行筛查,我们可以针对有效的干预措施,帮助这些孩子更好地为上幼儿园做准备,并改善阅读效果——实际上,就是在大脑中快速阅读。”)”可知,Huttn认为该工具能帮助改善来自贫穷家庭孩子的阅读,因此他是满怀希望的。故选B。
    解析:①根据空前“Hwever, there is n fault in being intrverted.(然而,内向并没有错。)”可知,作者认为内向性格没有过错。选项E“Instead, we shuld appreciate intrverts fr varius reasns.(相反,出于各种原因,我们应该欣赏内向的人。)”延续上文内容,指出内向并没有错,同时引出下文对内向性格的优点的介绍。故选E。
    ②根据下文内容“While thers are busy chatting, intrverts bserve things mst-peple are unaware f. Smetimes we can even read peple. While it may seem intrverts are always zned ut, we’re actually analyzing and thinking f creative ideas t ne day share with yu.(当别人忙着聊天时,内向的人却能观察到大多数人不知道的事情。有时我们甚至能读懂别人。虽然内向的人似乎总是走神,但我们实际上是在分析和思考有创意的想法,以便有一天与你分享。)”可知,内向的人不说话有可能是在思考或分析。选项G“Just because we intrverts dn’t say much desn’t always mean we’re clueless.(仅仅因为我们内向的人不说太多并不总是意味着我们毫无头绪。)”与下文内容相符,指的是内向的人不说话并不意味着内向的人毫无头绪,他们只是在思考。故选G。
    ③根据下文内容“By listening t whatever peple pur ut, intrverts help maintain the rder f the wrld.(通过倾听别人的倾诉,内向的人帮助维持世界的秩序。)”可知,内向的人会倾听别人的倾诉。选项B“And this is exactly what ur intrverts are brn with.(这正是我们内向的人与生俱来的特质。)”中的“this”指的是上文“In a wrld that can’t stp talking, the ability t listen t what each ther has t say is an imprtant virtue that will assist us in building peaceful relatinships f understanding.(在一个不能停止谈话的世界里,倾听彼此的能力是一种重要的美德,它将帮助我们建立和平的理解关系。)”中的“the ability t listen t what each ther has t say”,也就是倾听的能力,同时引出下文,这种特质可以让内向的人维持世界的秩序。故选B。
    ④根据空前的“Thugh the utging may gain their energy thrugh mixing in crwds, intrverts are self-recharging pwerhuses.(虽然外向的人可能会在人群中获得能量,但内向的人是自我充电的动力。)”以及空后的“Their energy is fund thrugh lneliness. (他们的能量来自孤独。)”可知,外向的人和内向的人获得能量的方式不同。选项F“They dn’t need t cnstantly put themselves ut there t be lively.(他们不需要经常把自己放在外面来表现活泼。)”延续上文内容,指的是内向的人自我充电,不需要表现活泼,而是来自孤独。故选F。
    ⑤空处为段首句,为本段主要内容。根据下文“In the nise f chatterbxes, their vices ften get drwned ut. There’s nthing mre disappinting t an intrvert than finally taking advantage f a mment t speak, nly t be interrupted by the extrverts (外向者). While extrverts may speak every thught that cmes t mind, an intrvert will chse their thughts carefully and nly speak f the nes they think their best t share. S next time, all yu have t d is t be willing t listen.(在喋喋不休者的嘈杂声中,他们的声音常常被淹没。对于内向的人来说,没有什么比利用这个机会说话却被外向的人打断更让人失望的了。外向的人可能会说出想到的每一个想法,而内向的人会仔细选择他们的想法,只说出他们认为最适合分享的想法。所以下次,你所要做的就是愿意倾听。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是内向的人的声音经常被淹没,由此可知,这是内向的人所面临的挑战。选项A“Unluckily, intrverts are faced with a big challenge.(不幸的是,内向的人面临着一个巨大的挑战。)”与本段内容相符,指的是内向的人有一个巨大的挑战。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.clever聪明的; B.determined有决心的;C.mindful留心的; D.hardwrking努力的。句意:我觉得我和他一样努力,可我怎么总是落后呢?根据下文"but hw cme I always fall behind?"可知,小男孩觉得自 己和第一名一样努力。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.wrdless默默无 言的;B.crazy疯狂的;C.shy害羞的;D.missing 丢失的。句意:听到这些话,她默默无言。根据下文"Hwever, was this in her sn's best _____? Thank gdness she did nt pen her muth."可知,考虑到儿子的感受,妈妈当时默默 无言。故选A。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.methd方法; B.degree学位; C.intelligence智力;D.result结 果。句意:妈妈很想告诉儿子,人的智商是不同的。根据下文"Why aren't yu just as clever?"可知,妈妈想告诉儿子的真相是人的智商是不同的。 故选C。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.pinin观点; B.practice练习;C.interest兴趣,利益;D.case案 例。句意:然而,这是她儿子的最佳利益吗?根据上文"Mm really wanted t tell her sn that _____ differs."和"Hwever"可知,妈妈想告诉儿子真相,但是考虑到儿子的最佳利益,当时没有开口。故选C。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.utging外向的;B.utstanding杰出的;C.active积极的; D.ambitius有雄心的。句意:你父亲和我曾经很出色。根据下文"Why aren't yu just as clever?"可知,妈妈觉得自己和小男孩的爸爸曾经 都是很优秀的。故选B。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.hit打击;B.hld举办;C.blame责备;D.blck阻碍。句意:但她停了 下来,因为她觉得责备他太残忍了,她需要一个更 好的回答。根据上文"There were times when she wanted t tell him. "Yur father and I used t be _____. Why aren't yu just as clever?" "和"But"可知,妈妈觉得用儿子不够聪明 来责备他太残忍了。故选C。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.answer回答; B.questin问题;C.excuse借口,理由; D.explanatin解释。句意:但她停了下来,因为她觉得责备他太残忍了,她需要一个更好的回答。根 据上文"At hme, he asked his Mm, "Mm, am I mre stupid than thers? I feel I am as _____ as him, but hw cme I always fall behind?""可知,妈妈考虑儿子需要一个更好的回答。故选A。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.debt债务; B.tensin紧张;C.cmment评论;D.burden负担。句意:为了减轻因成绩和排名不理想而痛苦的 儿子的负担,妈妈决定带他去海边。根据下文"unsatisfied grades and rankings"可知,此处指为了减轻儿子的负担。故选D。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.pains痛苦; B.tragedies悲剧;C.risk风险;D.lss损失。句 意:为了减轻因成绩和排名不理想而痛苦的儿子的负担,妈妈决定带他去海边。根据上文"suffering frm"和"unsatisfied grades and rankings"可知,儿子因为成绩和排名不理想而痛苦。故选A。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.back后面;B.sky 天空;C.frnt前面;D.feet脚。句意:躺在沙滩上 的时候,妈妈指着前面说:"你看到那边的海鸟了吗? "根据下文"When the waves cme near"可知,妈妈面朝大海,指着前面问儿子问题。故选 C。
    解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.sharply敏锐地,瑞 丽地; B.slightly轻微地;C.dramatically显著地; D.quickly迅速地。句意:当海浪靠近时,小鸟可以 迅速上升,而笨拙的海鸥需要更长的时间才能完成 这个过程。根据下文"while it wuld take lnger fr clumsy sea-gulls"可知,与海鸥比起来,小鸟可以迅速上升。故选D。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.assignment任务; B.acquisitin习得;C.prject项目;D.prcess过 程。句意:当海浪靠近时,小鸟可以迅速上升,而 笨拙的海鸥需要更长的时间才能完成这个过程。根据上文"little birds can rise _____"可知,此处指海鸥上升的过程。故选D。
    解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.accidentally偶然地,意外地;B.finally最终地;C.carefully细心 地;D.patiently有耐心地。句意:然而,你有没有 注意到,最终飞越无尽海洋的鸟不是别的,正是笨拙的海鸥吗?根据下文"fly acrss the endless cean are nne ther than clumsy sea-guls"可知,最终飞越无尽海洋的鸟正是笨拙的海鸥。故选 B。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.slwer更慢的; B.swifter更迅速地;C.nervus紧张的;D.anxius 焦虑的。句意:你可能会慢一点,但你将是那个成 功的人!根据上文"while it wuld take lnger fr clumsy sea-gulls(笨拙的海鸥) t cmplete the _____."可知,妈妈将儿子比作海鸥,可能过程慢一点,最终却能成功。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.emtinal情感 的;B.mving令人感动的;C.typical典型的; D.cntinuus连续不断的。句意:那动人的演说使 儿子感动得流下了眼泪。根据下文"sn int tears"可知,妈妈的演说感动了儿子。故选B。
    32.答案:①departed②further③but④industries⑤reginal⑥by⑦which⑧marks⑨T prmte⑩benefiting
    解析:①考查时态。句意:D887次列车于上午8点08分从云南昆明出发,于下午6点38分抵达老挝首都万象。考查本句谓语动词,根据下文的并列谓语“arrived at Vientiane”以及时间状语可知,本句时态为一般过去时。故填departed。
    ③考查固定搭配。句意:外交部发言人汪文斌在周四的新闻发布会上说:“这项服务不仅进一步促进了中老两国之间的人员流动和贸易往来,还促进了旅游业和其他行业的复苏,为两国的发展带来了活力。这是中国和东南亚国家联盟国家致力于BRI和促进区域经济一体化的典范项目。”固定搭配:nt nly…but(als)…,意为“不但……而且……”,符合句意。故填but。
    ⑤考查形容词。句意:外交部发言人汪文斌在周四的新闻发布会上说:“这项服务不仅进一步促进了中老两国之间的人员流动和贸易往来,还促进了旅游业和其他行业的复苏,为两国的发展带来了活力。这是中国和东南亚国家联盟国家致力于BRI和促进区域经济一体化的典范项目。”分析句子成分可知,空处为形容词,修饰空后的“ecnmic integratin”。故填reginal。
    ⑥考查固定搭配。句意:据世界银行估计,中老铁路的建设和运营将使老挝国内生产总值增长了21%,也将为老挝人民创造更多就业机会。固定搭配:increase by,意为“增长了……”,符合句意。故填by。
    ⑧考查时态和主谓一致。句意:今年是“一带一路”倡议提出10周年。这里为本句谓语动词,根据时间以及上文可知,本句时态为一般现在时;主语为“this year”,单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填marks。
    ⑨考查非谓语动词。句意:为推进“一带一路”建设,中国将继续同东盟国家开展合作,惠及本地区20亿人民。非谓语动词担当目的状语,表示“为了……”,用动词不定式形式;出现在句首,首字母大写。故填T prmte。
    33.答案:Dear Gerge,
    Hearing that yu are interested in Chinese Lin Dance, I’m writing t intrduce smething abut it t yu t satisfy yur curisity.
    The Lin Dance, als called wushi in Chinese, is a traditinal flk art in China, which is usually perfrmed n festivals t drive away bad luck and pray fr a happy life, fr lins are cnsidered brave and auspicius in Chinese culture. Generally, tw dancers cperate with each ther t make flexible and vivid gestures f the lin with ne hlding the head and the ther the bdy f the lin. Years f tugh martial art training is needed befre dancers have a chance t perfrm the difficult mvements. Nw, nt nly is wushi ppular in China, but it is well renwned in any place where Chinese live.
    I sincerely invite yu t witness the Lin Dance in China smeday. I am sure that yu will appreciate this jyful perfrmance.
    Li Hua
    对……感兴趣:be interested in→ shw interest in
    认为:cnsider→ think f/regard/view
    机会:chance→ pprtunity
    真诚地:sincerely→ genuinely
    原句:Generally, tw dancers cperate with each ther t make flexible and vivid gestures f the lin with ne hlding the head and the ther the bdy f the lin.
    拓展句:Generally, tw dancers cperate with each ther t make flexible and vivid gestures f the lin when ne hlds the head and the ther hlds the bdy f the lin.
    【高分句型1】Hearing that yu are interested in Chinese Lin Dance, I’m writing t intrduce smething abut it t yu t satisfy yur curisity.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】The Lin Dance, als called wushi in Chinese, is a traditinal flk art in China, which is usually perfrmed n festivals t drive away bad luck and pray fr a happy life, fr lins are cnsidered brave and auspicius in Chinese culture.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句和fr引导的原因状语从句)
    34.答案: Luckily, he had a first-aid kit in the car. Immediately, he tk ut a bandage frm the kit, and lied it Lightly arund the wund. Slwly, he gt the disabled int the back seat f the car, while the yunger brther sating beside t take care f him. Then the manager flded the wheelchair and put it int the trunk. Starting the car quickly again, he rushed tward the nearest hspital. On the way,he handed his smart phne t the yunger brther t call their parents, and cnstantly cmfrted the tw brthers t take it easy.
    In fifteen minute, they arrived at the nearest hspital. The manager gt ut the wheelchair and lifted the disabled int it and hurriedly pushed him t the emergency center. When giving the injured by t the medical wrkers, he gt released. At this time, the yunger by and his parents came t him and gave him heartfelt thanks. Finally he drve his car t wrk, with the side dr still dented.
    ①.取出:take ut / hand ut/get ut
    ①.感谢:shwing his appreciatin/shw his gratitude/ gave him heartfelt thanks.
    ②.放松:take it easy / just relax
    [高分句型1] When giving the injured by t the medical wrkers, he gt released. (运用状语从句的省略)
    [高分句型2] Finally he drve his car t wrk, with the side dr still dented.(运用with的复合结构)

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