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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Mre peple are increasingly biking t cmmute (上下班往返), fr exercise, r just fr fun. Bicyclists shuld bserve bicycle safety rules t help reduce deaths and injuries n the rad.
    Wear a helmets
    Every bike ride begins with putting n a helmet. Yur helmet can best prtect yu. Fr the mst cmprehensive list f helmet sizes accrding t manufacturers, click here t visit the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute (BHSI) website.
    Avid crashes
    There are tw main types f crashes: the mst cmmn (falls) , and the mst serius (the nes with cars). Regardless f the reasns fr the crash, preventin is the key pint.
    Be alert (警惕的)
    Be alert t the rad and all traffic arund yu; anticipate what thers may d befre they d it. This is defensive driving — the quicker yu ntice a ptential cnflict, the quicker yu can act t avid a ptential crash.
    Pay attentin t rad signs and rad cnditins
    Obey street signs, signals, and rad markings, just like a car. Lk ahead fr risks r situatins t avid what may cause yu t fall, like pthles (坑洼) and train tracks. N texting, listening t music r using anything that distracts yu by taking yur eyes and ears r yur mind ff the rad and traffic.
    Ride in the same directin as traffic
    This way, if the sidewalk ends, yu are already riding with the flw f traffic. If crssing a street, mtrists will lk left, right, left fr traffic. When yu are t the driver’s left, the driver is mre likely t see yu. Slw and lk fr traffic (left — right — left and behind) when crssing a street frm a sidewalk; be prepared t stp and fllw the pedestrian signals.
    1.What is the mst imprtant aspect f aviding crashes?
    A.Putting n a helmet.B.Cycling slwly.
    C.Reacting quickly.D.Preventin in advance.
    2.What is the crrect rder t crss the street frm the sidewalk?
    A.Behind — left — right and left. B.Left — right — left and behind.
    C.Left — behind — left and right. D.Right — left — right and behind.
    3.Where is the text mst likely frm?
    A.A website.B.A lcal radi statin.
    C.A ppular magazine.D.A manufacture instructin.
    J.K. Rwling frequently shws there is magic every day. Her Harry Ptter series has helped peple thrugh times f stress and depressin and she is always there t deliver wise wrds f encuragement.
    She is ne celebrity wh is very active n Twitter. S when a single dad named Matt Burke sent her a message thanking her fr the series, she nticed. Her series had helped strengthen his relatinship with his 9-year-ld daughter Bailey.
    He included a link t his article titled Being a Brke Parent. He explained hw he hadn’t fund a level f financial stability that allwed him t pay bills n time and take his daughter n mre activities and events. The family als desn’t have the Internet r TV, which means there’s n “digital babysitter”, and he has t rely n his wn creative ways t bnd with his daughter. Since he received the series, the main thing that has ccupied them these days is reading bks tgether.
    Burke admits that he thught he was “t cl” fr the bks when they first came ut and he was in his twenties, but he’s lving reading them nw. “We switch ff chapter by chapter reading them ut lud,” Burke explains. “This nt nly allws her t get mre used t reading alud in frnt f smene, but it gets me directly invlved in smething she lves, and it gives me the chance t be very dramatic when I read my chapters and bring myself int the characters in the bk, which has prven t be a tn f fun.”
    After hearing Burke’s stry, Rwling said hw hnred she was when Harry Ptter was a part f his family’s life and ffered Burke mre signed bks. Besides, peple are als ffering t send Burke mre bks as gifts. Fr Burke, this experience, far mre than gifts, will be what he treasures.
    4.Why did Burke thank J.K. Rwling accrding t the text?
    A.She guided him hw t write a gd stry.
    B.She encuraged him when he was in truble.
    C.Her bks helped him thrugh times f cnfusin.
    D.Her bks helped him imprve his bnd with his daughter.
    5.What is implied in Burke’s wrds in Paragraph 4?
    A.He has fund it interesting t read the series.
    B.He was t ld t understand the series better.
    C.He has chsen a better way f reading the series.
    D.He hpes t play a rle in the drama in the future.
    6.Which wrd can best describe Burke’s experience accrding t the text?
    A.Unique. B.Nrmal.C.Precius.D.Funny.
    7.What is the main idea f this text?
    A.J.K. Rwling chses t help imprve kids’ health.
    B.J.K. Rwling gives a magical gift t a single father.
    C.J.K. Rwling has a deep influence n thers’ grwth.
    D.Burke cmes t knw J.K. Rwling thrugh her series.
    That artificial fd dyes(染料) are unhealthy is nt news. Sme are knwn t cause hyperactivity(多动症) in sme children, affecting their ability t learn. But regulatry agencies arund the wrld dn’t necessarily agree n which fd dyes are a prblem, r why. That may sn change. An 2021 peer-reviewed reprt by Califrnia’s Office f Envirnmental Health Hazard Assessment cncluded that artificial fd dyes “cause r wrsen neurbehaviral prblems in sme children” and that the current levels regarded safe fr cnsumptin by the federal gvernment are t high.
    Califrnia is nw cnsidering requiring warning labels n fd prducts and dietary supplements cntaining the seven mst cmmnly used artificial dyes. The warning label requirement wuld put Califrnia n par with the Eurpean Unin, which since 2010 has required fd prducts cntaining certain artificial fd dyes t carry warning labels abut their negative effect n activity and attentin in children.
    Artificial dyes are used in fds fr ne reasn: t make prducts lk prettier. Bright clrs make candies appealing, especially t kids. But dyes are als in chclate cake mixes, sala dressings and ther prducts that dn’t seem t cry ut fr a clr bst.
    In Eurpe, it was the 2010 label lawmaking that triggered cmpanies’ decisins t refrmulate. “If yu’re a cmpany, yu d nt want t put a warning label n yur prduct,” says Lefferts, an envirnmental health cnsultant. Warning labels are why Eurpean Starburst Fruit Chews are nw clred with natural prducts, nt the artificial dyes that brighten their Nrth American cunterparts(同类商品).
    Given that artificial fd dyes are excessively used, we need t be mre cautius. After all, we dn’t dye fresh fruits and vegetables, but we d dye candy and sprinkles, pints ut Je Schwarcz, a chemistry prfessr at McGill University in Mntreal. “The fds in which yu find fd dyes are fds that are pr in nutritin,” he says. “If yu limit fds that cntain fd dyes, yu autmatically make yur diet better.”
    8.What can we learn abut artificial fd dyes frm paragraph 1?
    A.A 2021 reprt cnfirmed their negative effects.
    B.The fact that they are harmful is newly revealed.
    C.Regulatry agencies cnsider them a serius prblem.
    D.The Federal gvernment thinks their current standard t high.
    9.What des the underlined part “n par with” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A.In ppsitin t. B.Ahead f. C.In line with.D.Behind.
    10.Which might be a pssible result f the new rule accrding t the article?
    A.Fd cmpanies will stp clring their prducts.
    B.Mre fresh fruits and vegetables will appear in the market.
    C.Fd cmpanies may replace artificial dyes with natural prducts.
    D.It will be hard t find packaged fds withut warning labels f dyes.
    11.What’s Je Schwarcz’s attitude twards artificial fd dyes?
    A.Apprving. B.Cncerned.C.Neutral.D.Indifferent.
    When yu think f art restratin, what cmes t mind is prbably a grup f specialists labring ver paintings with small brushes, making effrts in a museum basement.
    S it might cme as a surprise that ne thing mst peple think shuld be kept away frm art is what is bringing it back t life: bacteria.
    Accrding t Ppular Science, specialized micrbes (微生物) have been set lse n everything frm centuries - ld fresces (壁画) t il paintings t massive cathedral (大教堂) walls, all in an effrt t clean and restre the riginal glry f these pieces f cultural heritage.
    Recently, a team frm the Italian Natinal Agency fr New Technlgies, Energy and Sustainable Ecnmic Develpment (ENEA) and restratin cllabratrs (合作者) were tasked with slving the issue f decaying (腐烂) human remains that were staining (弄脏污染) the Michelangel - carved marble in the Medici Chapel in Flrence, Italy. Several members f the Medici family were buried there.
    Anna Rsa Sprcati, a bilgist at the ENEA, chse eight f the mst prmising types f bacteria frm a cllectin f abut 1,000 and tested them n the marble. The bacteria successfully remved the cntaminants (污染物) while leaving the marble unharmed.
    “Bicleaning” - using micrrganisms t clean debris (碎屑) frm stnewrk and artwrk - was first used in the 1990s by Italian micrbilgist Giancarl Ranalli.
    A team was attempting t restre fresces at the Campsant Mnumentale in Pisa, Italy. When the cemetery was bmbed in Wrld War Ⅱ, the remains f the artwrk were remved using animal glue t keep the pieces tgether.
    Accrding t Ppular Science, after traditinal methds f restratin failed, Ranalli said that the prject leader turned t him and asked: “But yu, Dr Ranalli, can't yu d anything with yur bugs ?” It turns ut bacteria are perfect fr this srt f task - but it's imprtant t select the right ne. Fr Ranalli, it was Pseudmnas stutzeri (施氏假单胞菌), type A29. It ate thrugh the animal glue while leaving the riginal pigments (料). In fact, Pseudmnas stutzeri is used fr mre than just cleaning up artwrks. Their favrite fd surces happen t be the same kind f materials that are ften fund as pllutants, and scientists have grwn different kinds f the bacteria t cnsume specific types f pllutin, Frbes reprted.
    It is indeed the famus artists wh create masterpieces, but it's the bugs that keep them gd fr future generatins t appreciate.
    12.What's the aim f the team frm the ENEA?
    A.T speed up the decaying f human remainsB.T explre the histry f the Medici family
    C.T save the Michelangel - carved marbleD.T study the effects f bacteria n the human bdy
    13.Hw d bacteria cntribute t art restratin?
    A.By making clrs brighter B.By getting rid f pllutants
    C.By keeping the pieces tgether D.By prducing a prtective material
    14.What are paragraphs 6 - 8 mainly abut?
    A.The rigin f “bicleaning” B.The benefits f “bicleaning”
    C.The functins f Pseudmnas stutzeri D.The way the first artwrk was restred
    15.What's the main purpse f the article?
    A.T intrduce the histry f art restratinB.T cmpare different methds f art restratin
    C.T stress the imprtance f micrrganismsD.T reprt n an apprach t art restratin
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    Hw Arts Prmte Our Ecnmy
    When mst peple think f the arts, they imagine the end prduct, the beautiful painting, a wnderful piece f music, r an award-winning perfrmance in the theater. 16 Unfrtunately, the ecnmic impact f the arts is ften verlked and badly judged.
    The arts create jbs that help develp the ecnmy. Any given perfrmance takes a tur bus full f artists, technical experts, musicians, r writers t create an appealing piece f art. These peple can earn a living wage fr their prfessinal knwledge and skills. 17 Digital media experts, phtgraphers and advertising agents are hired t sell tickets and prmte the event. Accrding t the Dallas Area Cultural Advcacy Calitin, arts agencies emply mre than 10,000 peple as full-r part-time emplyees r independent cntractrs.
    18 In 2005, when the Bishp Arts Theatre was dnated t ur twn, the lcatin was cnsidered a pr area f twn. After investing mre than $1 millin in recnstructing the building, we began prducing a full seasn f theater perfrmances, jazz cncerts, and year-rund arts educatin prgrams in 2008.Besides tickets, sme jazz lvers nearby will pay their transprt fares t and frm the events.
    Arts cntribute t cultural develpment. 19 When they gather tgether, they will share their experiences and renew their energy. As-a-result, cultures find the way t exchange, and ecnmy can be advanced. It is wrng t assume arts grups cannt make a prfit. If yu are a student studying the arts, dds are that yu have been ill-advised t have a plan B. 20
    A.Anther grup is needed t help market the event.
    B.Abve analysis in mind, yu needn’t wrry abut yur career and have an alternative plan.
    C.The arts bst the develpment f ecnmy thrughut a cmmunity despite the side effects.
    D.In fact, arts grups bring brader value t ur cmmunities, especially in ecnmy
    E.A successful arts neighbrhd creates a series f effects thrughut a cmmunity.
    F.Artists and audience are all frm diverse backgrunds.
    G.Culture binds tgether nt nly hearts and suls, but the entire sciety
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A|、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。
    It was the first night f a tiring seven-day 250 km race acrss the Gbi Desert a year ag. Mr. Lenard 21 a little dg ging arund his camp trying t 22 herself.
    “Cute, but I’m nt giving yu any,” Lenard thught. Like all 23 , he had packed just enugh fr the whle 24 . He’d been running cmpetitively fr three years, and he had a 25 t win.
    The next day, at the starting line, the dg 26 him again. He waved her away, wrried that she culdn’t cpe with dangerus situatins and might be stepped n by the runners. 27 , the dg fllwed him all the way until the day’s race 28 . That night the dg snuggled (依偎) up t Lenard and even 29 t get a little fd frm him. By then, he was determined t name her Gbi.
    The pair went n t finish the seven-day race, with Gbi 30 a distance f 125 km n her wn, and winning Lenard ver, enugh fr him t make a 31 ---he wuld take her hme t Edinburgh. “Seeing Gbi in the race 32 my attitude t things. It made me think mre abut stpping and helping her, rather than just fcusing n winning, ”said Lenard, wh finished secnd. “In the meantime, it als made my running mre enjyable, giving me a lt f pleasure. ”
    As Lenard was preparing t get Gbi hme,she was missing. With a grup f lcal vlunteers cming t his 33 , he finally fund her. After that, Lenard never let Gbi ut f 34 . Nw Gbi’s favrite activity is still running, and she 35 des at least 8 km a day with Lenard up the hills.
    A.came utB.carried nC.kicked ffD.wund up
    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分, 满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Chinese screen, als knwn as pingfeng, is 36 unique and elegant piece f traditinal furniture in Chinese decratin. 37 (typical), it is made f wd and features a delicate appearance. Famus fr its carvings and paintings, the Chinese screen can blck wind and nise frm the utside, cver a dr and make the rm private. When 38 (decrate) a huse, Chinese peple attach great imprtance 39 the harmny f their living space with the surrunding envirnment. Architects believe a screen can help t cntrl hw the energy flw in a rm and prmte 40 (peace) envirnment.
    With its rts in Chinese culture and ancient histry, the screen is mre than just a physical barrier r decratin. In additin t its decrative and practical 41 (functin), the Chinese screen 42 (cnsider) a symbl f hnr and respect as well. When imprtant guests visit, the hst ften greets them behind the screen as a sign f respect and privacy.
    Tday, Chinese screens are still treasured and emplyed fr their multiple rles. Whether 43 (use) t divide a rm, create privacy, 44 add a tuch f traditinal elegance t a space, the Chinese screen 45 (remain) a belved and valuable piece f design.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头句续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Nt Withut My Mama
    Thirty-eight. That was hw many stray cats (流浪猫) I had been feeding n the street where I lived. I lved them all, but I did have a favrite. A gigantic yellw cat with blue eyes had seized my heart.
    I named him Butterball. Often, Butterball wuld try t jump in my car when I arrived hme r cme inside my huse. I wished that I culd bring him inside, but it was nt allwed where I lived.
    Week after week, I fed the large grup f cats. Mstly, nne f them wanted t be tuched. They wuld eat in a hurry and leave, but nt Butterball. He wuld stick arund fr head scratches (抓挠), purring (发出呼噜声) ludly. I nticed that he was always in the cmpany f a small Calic cat.
    Thugh nt as friendly, she was tuchable.
    One day, my dream came true—I bught my wn huse. The cats, especially Butterball, watched anxiusly as I started mving my things t my new hme. I began t be away lnger as I set up the new place, but I never frgt t g back and feed them every night. Butterball wuld jump in my car and try t get in extra hugs.
    Smetimes, I fund him amngst the bxes in the back when I came ut with anther lad. As I packed up the very last lad and set ut the cats’ nightly dinner, I paused befre leaving.
    The nights were starting t get cld, and sn winter wuld be upn us. Upstate New Yrk winters can be bitter. Butterball seemed t knw I was leaving fr gd. I peered int his blue eyes and tld him, “I will cme back fr yu.” He turned away as if he didn’t believe me.
    The next day, I returned with a grup f friends. We set ut a bunch f humane traps and caught the strays ne by ne. We transprted them t a n-kill shelter. All, except Butterball.
    1. 续写词数应为150词左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
    I intended t take Butterball t my new hme.
    Surprisedly, I fllwed him t the bush and fund Calic.
    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案
    第一部分 阅读(共20小题,每小题2.5分,满分50分)
    1.D 2.B 3.A
    4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B
    8.A 9.C 10.C 11.B
    12.C 13.B 14.A 15.D
    16.D 17.A 18.E 19.F 20.B
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
    21.C 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.B 26.D 27.B 28.D 29.A 30.C 31.B 32.D 33.A 34.A 35.C
    第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    36.a 37.Typically 38.decrating 39.t 40.peaceful 41.functins 42.is cnsidered 43.used 44.r 45.remains
    写作 (满分40分)
    写作第一节 (满分15分)
    I intended t take Butterball t my new hme. Butterball seemed very happy t see me again. He wandered ver and jumped int my car as usual. But when I tried t clse the dr, he jumped ut and walked ff tward the bushes. It lked as if he was ging t lk fr smething. I wndered why he was acting s strangely, and I decided t keep fllwing it. I fllwed, lking frward t making new discveries.
    Surprisedly, I fllwed him t the bush and fund Calic. When he reached the bushes, Calic came ut t jin him and they bth lked at me. I realized that Butterball was nt ging anywhere withut Calic. Gently, I picked up Calic. Butterball fllwed me. I psted pictures f my cats nline. I was surprised when I read a cmment frm my frmer neighbr, “I am s glad that yu tk in the big cat and his mama, t.” At that mment I understd everything.
    1.D 2.B 3.A
    1.细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Regardless f the reasns fr the crash, preventin is the key pint.(不管撞车的原因是什么,预防是关键。)”可知,避免撞车最重要的方面是提前预防。故选D。
    2.细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“Slw and lk fr traffic (left — right — left and behind) when crssing a street frm a sidewalk; be prepared t stp and fllw the pedestrian signals.(从人行道过马路时,要慢行并注意车辆(左——右——左和后面);做好停车的准备,并按照行人信号行驶)”可知,从人行道过马路的正确顺序是左——右——左和后面。故选B。
    3.推理判断题。根据第二段第三句“Fr the mst cmprehensive list f helmet sizes accrding t manufacturers, click here t visit the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute (BHSI) website.(根据制造商的头盔尺寸的最全面的列表,点击这里访问自行车头盔安全研究所(BHSI)的网站)”可知,这篇文章最有可能来自一个网站。故选A。
    4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。J.K. Rwling的书帮助一个单身父亲改善他和女儿的关系,他在Twitter上给J.K .Rwling留言表示感谢。
    4.细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Her series had helped strengthen his relatinship with his 9-year-ld daughter Bailey.(她的系列帮助他加强了与9岁女儿Bailey的关系。)”可知,Burke感谢J.K. Rwling是因为她的书帮助他改善了和女儿的关系。故选D。
    5.推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Burke admits that he thught he was ‘t cl’ fr the bks when they first came ut and he was in his twenties, but he’s lving reading them nw.(Burke承认,当这些书刚出版并且当时他才20多岁时,他觉得自己‘太酷了’,不适合读这些书,但他现在很喜欢读。)”和“This nt nly allws her t get mre used t reading alud in frnt f smene, but it gets me directly invlved in smething she lves, and it gives me the chance t be very dramatic when I read my chapters and bring myself int the characters in the bk, which has prven t be a tn f fun.(这不仅让她更习惯于在别人面前大声朗读,而且让我直接参与到她喜欢的事情中,让我有机会在阅读我的章节并融入书中的角色时表现得非常戏剧化,这已经被证明是一件非常有趣的事。)”可知,他现在很喜欢读这些书,这不仅可以让他参与到女儿喜欢的事情中,也让他能够融入书中的角色,他认为这很有趣。由此可推测出,他现在觉得读这些书很有趣。故选A。
    6.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Fr Burke, this experience, far mre than gifts, will be what he treasures.(对Burke来说,这段经历将是他所珍视的东西,而不仅仅是礼物。)”可知,对于Burke来说,这样的经历将会是他一生都会珍视的东西,由此可推测出,这段经历将是很宝贵的。故选C。
    7.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“J.K. Rwling frequently shws there is magic every day. Her Harry Ptter series has helped peple thrugh times f stress and depressin and she is always there t deliver wise wrds f encuragement.(J.K. Rwling经常表现出每天都有魔法。她的《哈利·波特》系列帮助人们度过了压力和抑郁的时期,她总是在那里发表明智的鼓励话语。)”和第二段中的“S when a single dad named Matt Burke sent her a message thanking her fr the series, she nticed. Her series had helped strengthen his relatinship with his 9-year-ld daughter Bailey.(因此,当一位名叫Matt Burke的单身父亲给她发信息感谢她的这个系列时,她注意到了这一点。她的系列帮助他加强了与9岁女儿Bailey的关系。)”可知,本文主要讲述了J.K. Rwling的书帮助一个单身父亲改善他和女儿的关系,是很有魔力的一份礼物。因此B项“J.K. Rwling给了一名单身父亲一份神奇的礼物”符合题意。故选B。
    8.A 9.C 10.C 11.B
    8.推理判断题。根据第一段中“An 2021 peer-reviewed reprt by Califrnia’s Office f Envirnmental Health Hazard Assessment cncluded that artificial fd dyes “cause r wrsen neurbehaviral prblems in sme children” and that the current levels regarded safe fr cnsumptin by the federal gvernment are t high.”(加州环境健康危害评估办公室(Office f Envirnmental Health Hazard Assessment) 2021年的一份同行评议报告得出结论,人工食用色素“会导致或加剧一些儿童的神经行为问题”,目前联邦政府认为,被视为安全的食用色素水平太高了。)可知,从第一段中可推断出,2021年的这份报告确认人工食用色素有危害作用。故选A项。
    9.词义猜测题。根据第二段中“The warning label requirement wuld put Califrnia n par with the Eurpean Unin, which since 2010 has required fd prducts cntaining certain artificial fd dyes t carry warning labels abut their negative effect n activity and attentin in children.”(警告标签的要求将使加州与欧盟________,欧盟自2010年以来就要求含有某些人工食用色素的食品贴上警告标签,说明它们对儿童活动和注意力的负面影响。)可知,欧盟早在2010年已经要求食品要贴上警告标签,可猜测加州也要和欧盟保持一致,所以猜测n par with意为“保持一致”。A. In ppsitin t.反对;B. Ahead f.先于;C. In line with.与…一致;D. Behind.落后。故选C项。
    10.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中““If yu’re a cmpany, yu d nt want t put a warning label n yur prduct,” says Lefferts, an envirnmental health cnsultant. Warning labels are why Eurpean Starburst Fruit Chews are nw clred with natural prducts, nt the artificial dyes that brighten their Nrth American cunterparts. ”(“如果你是一家公司,你不想在你的产品上贴上警告标签,”环境健康顾问莱弗茨(Lefferts)说。警告标签就是为什么欧洲的星爆果咀嚼片(Eurpean Starburst Fruit Chews)现在用天然产品着色,而北美的同类商品却用的是人造染料着色。)以及倒数第一段中“Given that artificial fd dyes are excessively used, we need t be mre cautius.”(鉴于人工食用色素被过度使用,我们需要更加谨慎。)可推断出,人们在购买食品时,会对贴有人工色素警告标签的食品更加警惕,所以食品加工公司为了公司的长久发展,可能会使用天然色素来代替人工色素。故选C项。
    11.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Given that artificial fd dyes are excessively used, we need t be mre cautius. After all, we dn’t dye fresh fruits and vegetables, but we d dye candy and sprinkles, pints ut Je Schwarcz, a chemistry prfessr at McGill University in Mntreal. “The fds in which yu find fd dyes are fds that are pr in nutritin,” he says. “If yu limit fds that cntain fd dyes, yu autmatically make yur diet better.””(鉴于人造食用染料被过度使用,我们需要更加谨慎。蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学的化学教授乔·施瓦茨指出,毕竟,我们不给新鲜的水果和蔬菜染色,但我们会给糖果和糖霜染色。他说:“你能发现食物染料的食物都是营养不良的食物。”。“如果你限制含有食物染料的食物,你的饮食会自动变得更好。”)可推断出,化学教授乔·施瓦兹(Je Schwarcz)对含有人工色素的食物持担心的态度。A. Apprving.支持的;B. Cncerned.担心的;C. Neutral.中立的; D. Indifferent.漠不关心的。故选B项。
    12.C 13.B 14.A 15.D
    12.推理判断题。根据文章第四段“Recently, a team frm the Italian Natinal Agency fr New Technlgies, Energy and Sustainable Ecnmic Develpment (ENEA) and restratin cllabratrs (合作者) were tasked with slving the issue f decaying (腐烂) human remains that were staining (弄脏污染) the Michelangel - carved marble in the Medici Chapel in Flrence, Italy.(最近,意大利国家新技术、能源和可持续经济发展机构(ENEA)的一个团队和修复合作者承担了一项任务,解决腐烂的人类遗骸污染意大利佛罗伦萨美第奇教堂米开朗基罗雕刻的大理石的问题。)”可知,ENEA团队的目标是拯救米开朗基罗雕刻的大理石。故选C。
    13.细节理解题。根据文章第五段“The bacteria successfully remved the cntaminants (污染物) while leaving the marble unharmed.(细菌成功地清除了污染物,而大理石却毫发无损。)”可知,细菌通过清除污染物有助于艺术品的修复。故选B。
    14.主旨大意题。根据文章第六段“‘Bicleaning’ - using micrrganisms t clean debris (碎屑) frm stnewrk and artwrk - was first used in the 1990s by Italian micrbilgist Giancarl Ranalli.(20世纪90年代,意大利微生物学家吉安卡洛·拉纳利(Giancarl Ranalli)首次使用“生物清洁”——利用微生物清理石制品和艺术品上的碎片。)”、文章第七段“A team was attempting t restre fresces at the Campsant Mnumentale in Pisa, Italy. When the cemetery was bmbed in Wrld War Ⅱ, the remains f the artwrk were remved using animal glue t keep the pieces tgether.(一个团队正试图修复意大利比萨坎波桑托纪念碑(Campsant mnument)的壁画。当墓地在第二次世界大战中被轰炸时,这些艺术品的残骸被用动物胶水粘在一起。)”和文章第八段“It turns ut bacteria are perfect fr this srt f task - but it's imprtant t select the right ne. Fr Ranalli, it was Pseudmnas stutzeri (施氏假单胞菌), type A29. It ate thrugh the animal glue while leaving the riginal pigments (料).(事实证明,细菌是完成这类任务的最佳选择,但选择正确的细菌很重要。Ranalli为A29型stutzeri假单胞菌。它吃掉了动物胶,而留下了原始的色素。)”可知,文章6到8段主要介绍了“生物清洗”的由来。故选A。
    15.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“S it might cme as a surprise that ne thing mst peple think shuld be kept away frm art is what is bringing it back t life: bacteria.(所以,让人惊讶的是,大多数人认为应该远离艺术的一件事是让艺术回归生命的东西:细菌。)”和文章第三段“Accrding t Ppular Science, specialized micrbes have been set lse n everything frm centuries - ld fresces t il paintings t massive cathedral walls, all in an effrt t clean and restre the riginal glry f these pieces f cultural heritage.(据《大众科学》报道,从几个世纪前的壁画到油画再到大教堂的巨大墙壁,专门的微生物已经被释放出来,这一切都是为了清理和恢复这些文化遗产的原始荣耀。)可知,文章的主要写作目的是为了报告艺术品修复的方法。故选D。
    16.D 17.A 18.E 19.F 20.B
    16.根据上文“When mst peple think f the arts, they imagine the end prduct, the beautiful painting, a wnderful piece f music, r an award-winning perfrmance in the theater.(当大多数人想到艺术时,他们想象的是最终产品,一幅美丽的画,一段美妙的音乐,或者剧院里一场获奖的表演)”以及后文“Unfrtunately, the ecnmic impact f the arts is ften verlked and badly judged.(不幸的是,艺术的经济影响往往被忽视和错误的判断)”可知,本句承接上文,继续说明艺术给人们所带来的好处。故D选项“事实上,艺术团体给我们的社区带来了更广泛的价值,尤其是在经济方面”符合语境,与下文是转折关系。故选D。
    17.根据上文“The arts create jbs that help develp the ecnmy. Any given perfrmance takes a tur bus full f artists, technical experts, musicians, r writers t create an appealing piece f art. These peple can earn a living wage fr their prfessinal knwledge and skills.(艺术创造了有助于发展经济的就业机会。任何给定的表演都需要一辆满载艺术家、技术专家、音乐家或作家的巡演巴士来创造一件吸引人的艺术品。这些人可以用他们的专业知识和技能赚取维持生活的工资)”以及后文“Digital media experts, phtgraphers and advertising agents are hired t sell tickets and prmte the event.(数字媒体专家、摄影师和广告代理商被雇佣来销售门票和宣传活动)”可知,后文提到了宣传活动,可推测本句与宣传活动有关。且A选项market对应后文prmte。故A选项“需要另一个组织来帮助推广这项活动”符合语境,故选A。
    18.根据后文“In 2005, when the Bishp Arts Theatre was dnated t ur twn, the lcatin was cnsidered a pr area f twn. After investing mre than $1 millin in recnstructing the building, we began prducing a full seasn f theater perfrmances, jazz cncerts, and year-rund arts educatin prgrams in 2008.Besides tickets, sme jazz lvers nearby will pay their transprt fares t and frm the events.(2005年,当主教艺术剧院被捐赠给我们镇时,这个地方被认为是镇上的贫困地区。在投资了100多万美元用于重建大楼后,我们于2008年开始制作整季的戏剧表演、爵士音乐会和全年的艺术教育项目。除了门票之外,附近的一些爵士乐爱好者还会支付往返演出的交通费)”可知,后文的例子表明艺术社团会给社区带来收入,产生积极影响。故E选项“一个成功的艺术社区会在整个社区产生一系列的影响”符合语境,故选E。
    19.根据上文“Arts cntribute t cultural develpment.(艺术促进文化发展)”以及后文“When they gather tgether, they will share their experiences and renew their energy. As-a-result, cultures find the way t exchange, and ecnmy can be advanced.(当他们聚在一起时,他们会分享他们的经历,恢复他们的能量。因此,文化找到了交流的途径,经济才能得到发展)”可知,后文提到了文化交流,推测本句是在说明后文they所指代的人群,且与文化有关。故F选项“艺术家和观众都来自不同的背景”符合语境,故选F。
    20.根据上文“It is wrng t assume arts grups cannt make a prfit. If yu are a student studying the arts, dds are that yu have been ill-advised t have a plan B.(假设艺术团体不能盈利是错误的。如果你是一名学习艺术的学生,那么你有可能不明智地有一个B计划)”可知,本句为本段最后一句,故总结上文,指出学习艺术的学生未来的职业道路如何选择。故B选项“记住以上的分析,你不必担心你的职业生涯,有一个替代计划”符合语境,总结上文。故选B。
    21.C 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.B 26.D 27.B 28.D 29.A 30.C 31.B 32.D 33.A 34.A 35.C
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Lenard先生发现一只小狗在他的营地周围走动,试图找东西吃。A. treated对待,治疗;B. adpted收养;C. sptted发现;D. recgnized辨认,认出。根据上文“It was the first night f a tiring seven-day 250km race acrss the Gbi Desert a year ag.”及常识可知,Lenard先生在参加横跨戈壁沙漠的马拉松比赛时发现了这只小狗,spt意为“看见,发现”符合句意。故选C。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Lenard先生看到一只小狗在他的营地周围走动,试图找东西吃。A. entertain娱乐;B. water浇水;C. feed喂;D. impress使印象深刻。根据后文“That night the dg snuggled (偎依) up t Lenard and even____29____ t get a little fd frm him.”可知,这只狗正在找东西给自己吃,所以feed符合句意。故选C。
    23.考查名词词义辨析。句意:和所有的参赛者一样,他带的东西只够整个赛程使用。A. hikers徒步旅行者;B. cmpetitrs参赛者;C. explrers探险家,勘探者;D. climbers登山者。根据上文“It was the first night f a tiring seven-day 250km race acrss the Gbi Desert a year ag.”以及下文“He’d been running cmpetitively fr three years, and he had a __25__ t win.”可知此处指参加马拉松比赛的参赛者,所以cmpetitrs意为“参赛者”符合题意。故选B。
    24.考查名词词义辨析。句意:像所有的参赛者一样,他所带的东西刚好够他跑完全程。A. curse过程,课程;B. plan计划;C. day天;D. camp营地。根据“It was the first night f a tiring seven-day 250km race acrss the Gbi Desert a year ag.”以及下文第四段第一句“The pair went n t finish the seven-day race”可知,此处指Lenard参加的马拉松比赛整个赛程,curse符合题意。故选A。
    25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他参加跑步比赛已经三年了,他渴望获胜。A. chance机会;B. desire渴望;C. right权利;D. md情绪。根据“He’d been running cmpetitively fr three years,”可知,Lenard参赛很渴望获得胜利,短语have a desire t d意为“渴望做某事”符合句意。故选B。
    26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天,在起跑线上,狗再次走近他。A. bthered打扰;B. stpped停止;C. welcmed欢迎;D. apprached接近,着手处理。根据后文“He waved her away”可知,这只狗靠近他。故选D。
    27.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,这只狗一直跟着他,直到那天的比赛结束。A. Meanwhile同时;B. Nevertheless尽管如此,然而;C. Therefre因此;D. Otherwise否则。根据上文“He waved her away”及下文“the dg fllwed him all the way until the day’s race ____28____.”可知,前后句意存在转折关系,应用表示转折意义的副词,所以nevertheless意为“然而”符合句意。故选B。
    28.考查动词短语辨析。句意:然而,这只狗一路跟着他,直到那天的比赛结束。A. came ut出版;B. carried n继续;C. kicked ff踢开;D. wund up结束。根据“the dg fllwed him all the way”可知,这只狗是一直跟着Lenard到比赛结束。故选D。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天晚上,这只狗依偎在Lenard身边,甚至还设法从他那里弄到一点食物。A. managed管理;B. expected期待;C. affrded买得起,承担得起(后果),提供;D. begged恳求。根据上文“‘Cute, but I’m nt giving yu any,’ Lenard thught.”以及本句中“That night the dg snuggled (偎依) up t Lenard and even”可知这次狗设法从Lenard那里弄到一点食物,动词短语manage t d sth意为“设法做成某事”符合句意。故选A。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:两人继续完成了为期7天的比赛,Gbi独自跑了125公里,这赢得了Lenard的支持,这足以让他做出决定——他将带她回爱丁堡的家。A. keeping保持;B. setting设立;C. cvering覆盖;行走(一段路程);D. extending扩展。根据“The pair went n t finish the seven-day race,”可知Gbi跑完125公里的路程,短语cver a distance f意为“走完(一段路程)”。故选C。
    31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:两人继续完成了为期7天的比赛,Gbi独自跑了125公里,这赢得了Lenard的支持,足以让他做出决定——他要带她回爱丁堡的家。A. remark评论;B. decisin决定;C. chice选择;D. difference不同(之处),差异。根据“he wuld take her hme t Edinburgh.”可知Lenard决定将戈壁带回家,短语make a decisin意为“做决定”符合句意。故选B。
    32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:看到比赛中的Gbi改变了我对事物的态度。A. spnsred赞助;B. identified识别;C. challenged挑战;D. changed改变。根据“It made me think mre abut stpping and helping her, rather than just fcusing n winning,”可知,Lenard改变自己的态度。故选D。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在20名当地志愿者的帮助下,他终于找到了她。A. assistance帮助;B. mind头脑,心思,思维;C. rescue拯救;D. defense防御。根据后文“he finally fund her”可知,找到走失的Gbi是在当地志愿者的帮助下找到的,所以assistance意为“帮助”,came t ne’s assistance意为“帮助某人”符合句意。故选A。
    34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:从那以后,Lenard再也没有让Gbi离开过他的视线。A. sight视力;B. way方法;C. hand手;D. reach到达。根据语境可知,找到Gbi之后,Lenard从来没有让Gbi离开过他的视线。ut f sight“看不见;在视野之外”符合句意。故选A。
    35.考查副词词义辨析。句意:现在Gbi最喜欢的活动仍然是跑步,她每天和Lenard一起爬山,每天至少跑8公里。A. gradually逐渐地;B. eventually最终;C. rutinely日常地;常规地;D. ccasinally偶尔。根据前文“Nw Gbi’s favrite activity is still running,”可知,Lenard每天和Gbi爬山,所以rutinely符合句意。故选C。
    36.a 37.Typically 38.decrating 39.t 40.peaceful 41.functins 42.is cnsidered 43.used 44.r 45.remains
    38.考查非谓语动词。句意:中国人在装修房子的时候,非常注重自己的居住空间与周围环境的和谐。此处为状语从句的省略,且decrate与为Chinese peple主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。故填decrating。
    39.考查介词。句意:中国人在装修房子的时候,非常注重自己的居住空间与周围环境的和谐。根据“attach great imprtance”可知,此处用固定短语attach imprtance t,意为“重视,注重”。故填t。
    41.考查名词的数。句意:中国屏风除了具有装饰和实用功能外,还被认为是荣誉和尊重的象征。分析句子可知,空处作in additin t的宾语,结合空前的“its decrative and practical”可知,功能不止一个,functin应用复数形式。故填functins。
    42.考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:中国屏风除了具有装饰和实用功能外,还被认为是荣誉和尊重的象征。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,此处在描述一般性的事实,时态应用一般现在时,cnsider“认为”和主语the Chinese screen之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,且主语为单数,be动词应用is。故填is cnsidered。
    43.考查状语从句中的省略。句意:无论是用来划分房间,营造私密性,还是为空间增添一丝传统的优雅,中国屏风仍然是一种受人喜爱和有价值的设计。分析句子可知,此处用了whether引导让步状语从句,且从句的主语和主句的主语一致,从句中含有be动词,对主语和be动词进行了省略,use“使用”,和被省略的主语the Chinese screen之间是被动关系,应用use的过去分词形式。故填used。
    45.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:无论是用来划分房间,营造私密性,还是为空间增添一丝传统的优雅,中国屏风仍然是一种受人喜爱和有价值的设计。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,此处在描述一般性的事实,时态应用一般现在时,且主语the Chinese screen为单数,remain应用第三人称单数形式。故填remains。
    As is knwn t all, a healthy lifestyle plays a significant rle in ur life, which needs us t be aware f the imprtance f a balanced diet and ur apprpriate schedule. Half a year ag, I realized I hardly ever felt well, either physically r mentally. I ften felt sleepy and dizzy in class, and even lacked passin. Hence, I made up my mind t make sme changes.
    Firstly, I stpped buying all the junk fd such as sweets, sugary drinks. In additin, I did sme simple exercise and went fr a walk fr at least 20 minutes every day. T my surprise, I have gt quite fantastic results. Nw I feel mre dynamic and strnger than befre, in bth bdy and mind. I sleep sundly every night.
    Frm my experience abve, I believe that we students all can be in cntrl f ur wn life. Everybdy can definitely change themselves fr the better.

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