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    这是一份浙江省温州市浙南联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(无答案),共9页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高一年级英语学科 试题
    1. 本卷共10页,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
    2. 答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号并填涂相应数字。
    3. 所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效。
    4. 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. What will the man d tmrrw?
    A. Write his reprt. B. Catch a flight. C. Hand in his reprt.
    2. What's Lucy gd at?
    A. Teaching. B. Dressing. C. Cking.
    3. Hw much will the wman spend if she buys the dress?
    A. ¥1,700. B. ¥1,000. C. ¥700.
    4. Why des the wman feel srry?
    A. Because she refused the man.B. Because the man had an accident.
    C. Because she ruined the man's party.
    5. What's the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Father and daughter. B. Teacher and student. C. Mther and sn.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Where is the man ging?
    A. His hme. B. The subway statin. C. The shpping mall.
    7. What time is it nw?
    A.6:10. B.6:45. C.6:55.
    8. Why des the man teach his mum vide-chatting?
    A. He will wrk abrad.B. He wants t save mney.C. He makes her fashinable.
    9. What des the man's mum think f learning vide-chatting?
    A. Easy. B. Interesting. C. Hard.
    10. Hw lng has the man played basketball n the city team?
    A. Fr ne year. B. Fr eleven mnths. C. Fr eight mnths.
    11. Hw is the man's painting?
    A. Pretty gd. B. T bad. C. Just OK.
    12. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Hbbies. B. Sprts. C. Arts.
    13. What can we knw abut Malia Obama frm the cnversatin?
    A. She fllwed her parents'rder.B. She read many bks in high schl.
    C. Her father graduated frm Harvard University.
    14. What will Malia d befre ging t university?
    A. Take ne year's break.B. Travel acrss the cuntry.C. Make friends in Hllywd.
    15. Which university des the man prefer?
    A. Yale University. B. Oxfrd University. C. Harvard University.
    16. What subject is the wman pr in?
    A. Histry. B. Math. C. Science.
    17. Where is the Chinese Kite Festival held this year?
    A. In China. B. In Sweden. C. In Switzerland.
    18. What's the weather like during this year's Festival?
    A. Nice and clear. B. Cld and cludy. C. Sunny and ht.
    19. What grup f peple are attracted by the festival?
    A. Yung peple. B. Peple f middle age. C. Peple f almst all ages.
    20. What events des the Festival have besides flying kites?
    A. Chinese paintings. B. Chinese sngs. C. Chinese films.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Paris is ne f the mst imprtant and influential cities in the wrld. In terms f turism, Paris is the secnd mst visited city in Eurpe after Lndn. Everyne knws all abut the icnic sights in Paris, such as the Eiffel Twer and Luvre Museum. But what abut ther facts that yur average guide bk desn't tell yu?
    •Every year the French celebrate the strming f the Bastille prisn in Paris n July 14th 1789. Usually the jail held plitical prisners but n the day the Bastille was strmed there were nly 7 prisners in the jail, nne f plitical significance, and fur f them had been jailed fr check-frging(伪造支票).
    • Paris is called the City f Lights. But it has nthing t d with the pwer used t illuminate the Eiffel Twer r the streetlights f the city. Lights in this case, means intellectuals, referring t the high-cncentratin f writers, artists and academics that have always been drawn t the city.
    •Shakespeare And Cmpany is the mst famus English-language bkshp in Paris and it is named after the riginal stre, wned by Sylvia Beach, which published James Jyce's classic nvel Ulysses in 1922. Nw it has been a saln fr writers and readers in Paris fr mre than seventy years.
    • Paris is a city with a lng, interesting but sadly a bld-stained histry. Paris’ Latin mtt is “Fluctuat nec mergitur” meaning “It is tssed by the waves, but des nt sink.”
    MreinfrmatincanbegainedfrmOnlinetravelguide@whatparis.cm .
    21. What facts abut Paris can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Paris is the secnd mst ppular turist city in the wrld.
    B. Prisners in the Bastille were all f plitical significance.
    C. Paris is called the City f Lights because f the pwer f the rad lights.
    D. Shakespeare And Cmpany is a meeting place fr writers and readers in Paris.
    22. What can be inferred frm the underlined sentence?
    A. Paris has a lng and interesting histry. B. Paris will never sink int the cean.
    C. Parisians are tugh in face f challenges. D. Parisians are drwned by huge waves.
    23. The passage is mst likely taken frm _______.
    A. A news reprt. B. A travel guide. C. An advertisement. D. An annuncement.
    Iris Apfel, the interir designer and fashin tastemaker, wh fund fame in her 80s, has died aged 102. “She was frward-thinking in every sense f the wrld and saw the wrld thrugh a unique lens. She saw the wrld as a kaleidscpe(万花筒) f clur, a canvas f patterns and prints,” said Apfel's agent, Lri Sale.
    Brn in 1921 in Queens, New Yrk, Apfel studied art histry at New Yrk University and later attended art schl at the University f Wiscnsin. Her first jb was as a cpywriter at Wmen's Wear Daily. She later wrked fr the interir designer Elinr Jhnsn and als the illustratr Rbert Gdman. In 1948, she married Carl Apfel. Tw years later they launched the textile cmpany Old Wrld Weaver s and ran it until they retired in 1992.
    As an utstanding authrity n ld-fashined fabrics(纺织物), Apfel gave guidance n restratin prjects, including wrk at the White Huse. She was the subject f several museum exhibitins and mre recently starred in campaigns fr H&M, eBay, Citren and even had a Barbie dll made in her likeness. Amng thse shwing respect was the US designer Tmmy Hilfiger, wh praised Apfel as an “innvatr and leader” in the wrld f textiles and style, saying “Iris Apfel has becme a wrld-famus fashin icn because f her incredible talent and amazing effect n s many peple with her huge heart and magic tuch.”
    In 2005, her persnal cllectin f designer accessries(配饰) and clthes became the subject f an exhibitin at the Metrplitan Museum f Art in New Yrk. It was the first time that the Met had fcused n a living female wh was mre than a designer. In anther first, Apfel dressed the mannequins(人体模型) herself, styling them in her wn unique and magnificent manner.
    When asked abut aging in a 2018 interview, Apfel said, “I wuldn't want t stp the clck. N, that wuld be s bring. It wuld be like being caught in a time machine. I dn't like that. I think variety is the spice f life.”
    24. Which f the fllwing is true accrding t the passage?
    A. Apfel saw the wrld thrugh a lens because she was far-sighted.
    B. Apfel set up the textile cmpany Old Wrld Weavers n her wn.
    C. Apfel ffered suggestins n the way t restre the White Huse.
    D. Apfel was the first t dress the mannequins fr the design industry.
    25. Why was Apfel called an “innvatr and leader” in the wrld f textiles and style?
    A. Because she was a talented film star.B. Because many US designers praised her.
    C. Because she had a great influence n peple.D. Because a Barbie dll was made n her lks.
    26. What can be learned abut Apfel frm the last paragraph?
    A. She believes aging is full f excitement.
    B. She prefers being caught in a time machine.
    C. She wants t experience different stages f fashin.
    D. She thinks variety is significant fr a meaningful life.
    27. What's the best title fr the passage?
    A. Aging with style B. Grwing with talent
    C. Living with passin D. Wrking with determinatin
    Landfills are places where a large amunt f waste and ther refuse is buried in the grund. They are respnsible fr releasing a large amunt f planet-warming methane gas int the atmsphere, a new study suggests
    The study, which was published in Science Advances n Wednesday, is aimed at helping lcal gvernments carry ut targeted effrts t limit glbal warming by identifying areas f majr cncern. Fr this purpse, the scientists used satellite data frm fur majr cities arund the wrld—Delhi and Mumbai in India, Lahre in Pakistan and Buens Aires in Argentina.
    Based n the cllected data, the scientists have drawn the cnclusin that landfills are the third-largest surce f methane emissins(排放) wrldwide, after il and gas systems and agriculture. And further investigatin shws that the methane released frm the landfills is generated frm the decmpsitin(分解)f natural waste in them, like fd, wd r paper.
    Methane, thugh nly accunting fr abut 11 percent f greenhuse gas emissins, traps 80 times mre heat in the atmsphere than CO₂. Scientists estimate that at least 25 percent f tday's warming is driven by methane frm human actins. That's why landfills are partly t blame fr the glbal warming.
    Jannes Maasakkers, a leader f the study, said, “We fund that these landfills, which are relatively small cmpared t city sizes, are respnsible fr a large part f ttal emissins frm a given area.” Anther scientist, Euan Nisbet, wh was nt part f the study, said, “This new wrk shws just hw imprtant it is t manage landfills better, especially in cuntries like India where landfills are ften n fire, resulting in a wide range f damaging pllutants(污染物).”He als added that the newer satellite technlgy and n-the-grund research make it easier fr researchers t identify “wh is plluting the wrld.”
    28. Why did the scientists carry ut the study?
    A. T reduce the emissin f the methane.B. T help the authrities cntrl the glbal warming.
    C. T test ut the new satellite technlgy.D. T clarify which places peple are cncerned abut.
    29. What d we knw abut methane gas accrding t the passage?
    A. There exists methane in fd, wd and paper.
    B. Methane makes up mst f the greenhuse gases.
    C. Mre methane is released frm landfills than frm agriculture.
    D. Methane prevents mre heat in the air frm escaping than CO₂ des.
    30. What's Euan Nisbet's attitude twards the study?
    A. Favurable B. Cncerned C. Unclear D. Dubtful
    31. What's the main idea f the passage?
    A. Methane causes the temperature f the earth t g up.
    B. Satellite data help identify the surce f the pllutants.
    C. Landfills are t blame fr the release f much methane.
    D. Waste and ther refuse shuld be frbidden fr their impact.
    Playing Minecraft, a vide game, culd be key t creating adaptable(可调试的) artificial intelligence mdels that can pick up a variety f tasks the way humans d.
    Steven James at the University f the Witwatersrand in Suth Africa and his clleagues develped a test within Minecraft t measure the general intelligence f AI mdels. This MinePlanner test rates an AI's ability t ignre unimprtant details while slving a cmplex. multi-step prblem.
    Lts f AI training “cheats” by giving a mdel all the data it needs t learn hw t d a jb and nthing related t it, says James. Future AI mdels will need t deal with cnfusing prblems, and he hpes that MinePlanner will guide that research. AI wrking t slve a prblem in the game will see everything invlved, including bjects and ther details that aren't necessarily needed t slve a prblem and must be ignred. It will have t survey its surrundings and wrk ut by itself what is and isn't needed.
    The virtual test cnsists f 15 cnstructin prblems, and each ne can be easy, medium and hard. T finish each task, the AI may need t take sme steps in between, like building stairs t reach a certain height. This means the AI has t think abut the whle picture and plan what t d next.
    State-f-the-art planning AI mdels were unable t cmplete any f the tugh prblems and they nly d a little better n the easier nes, suggesting there is rm fr imprvement.
    “We can't require a human designer t cme in and tell the AI exactly what it shuld and shuldn't care abut fr each and every task it might have t slve,” says James. “That's the prblem we're trying t address.”
    32. Why is playing Minecraft imprtant fr creating adaptable AI mdels?
    A. Because it ffers tasks that require human-like ability.
    B. Because it prvides different situatins fr AI training.
    C. Because it is an easy game fr AI t learn and master.
    D. Because it is a vide game ppular amng AI scientists.
    33. What des James mean by saying that “AI training cheats”?
    A. AI mdels are trained in a dishnest way.
    B. AI mdels are nly taught t perfrm simple tasks.
    C. AI mdels are ffered all the necessary data fr a task.
    D. AI mdels are given wrng infrmatin during training.
    34 Hw did the state-f-the-art planning AI mdel perfrm in the test?
    A. It slved all the 15 cnstructin prblems.B. It perfrmed prly in handling hard tasks.
    C. It was cmpletely unable t deal with any task.D. It perfrmed excellently in slving easy prblems.
    35. What des James think AI mdels need imprving?
    A. Adaptabe ability.B. Cmputing speed.
    C. Cmmunicative skills.D. Data-prcessing pwer.
    Unplugging(拔插头) is ften impssible. A recent survey fund that mst Americans say they spend t much time n their phnes. 36 Frtunately, the answer is yes.
    Start with ne simple questin.
    Knw that urge(冲动) yu get t reach fr yur phne withut realizing it? And then, befre yu knw it, yu have been absrbed in the scial media fr hurs? 37 Asking yurself if yu really need t d this right nw may help yu pause, reflect n and resist the temptatin(诱惑) t check yur device.
    Take the “mbile” ut f yur mbile devices.
    38 Head ut fr a walk? Turn ff yur ntificatins. If yu're feeling brave, try pwering dwn yur phne. Making sure it wn't buzz(嗡嗡响) can help yu fcus n the wrld arund yu.
    Schedule tiny tech breaks.
    Extended vacatins frm yur devices may nt be pssible. But if yu're trying t spend less time staring at yur screens, 10-r 15-minute breaks might be a mre practical ptin. 39 Anther trick: Put tech breaks in yur calendar. It may feel strange t schedule smething like “take a phne-free walk,” but it shuldn't if it's a pririty.
    40 .
    T build a health y relatinship with technlgy, yu need t be in cntrl f it and nt the ther way arund. Think abut yur devices as tls that yu decide hw t use. Make it wrk fr yu, nt against yu. Whether it's an email prgram r yur dishwasher, it's the intentin behind hw yu're using it that really makes the big difference.
    A. Use yur phne t d husewrk.
    B. Make the technlgy wrk fr yu.
    C. Is it pssible fr them t stp using phne s in their daily life?
    D. Yu might take a quick walk, clse yur eyes, wrk n a puzzle r read a bk.
    E. Is it pssible t have a health y relatinship with technlgy while still using it daily?
    F. If yu want t peacefully cexist with technlgy, yu need t get a handle n that urge.
    G. One way t create harmny with yur technlgy is t limit yur phne use when yu're n the mve.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Tucker's adventure began in early Nvember, when McCall, a retired electrician, spent the night in a htel in the twn f Cleveland, Tennessee. McCall's budget was tight, and her head was full f questins. In the 41 tw years, McCall had lst her husband t cancer, and their grandchildren t 42 . And an accident had left McCall partially disabled and 43 t wrk.
    “Hnestly, after all the 44 , I was ready t give up,” says McCall. “If it hadn't been fr Tucker, the cat, I dn't think I wuld've made it.”
    McCall planned t spend the night in Cleveland and 45 n. But when she returned frm breakfast the next mrning, ready t 46 and hit the rad again, the cat was gne. Panicked(惊慌的), she 47 alng the busy rad fr hurs, but he was 48 t be fund.
    As 49 fell, McCall realized she had t g. She culdn't 50 t stay anther night. 51 , she gt
    in her car and gt back n the way.
    The next day, Lillard, 27, was jgging just dwn the rad frm the htel where McCall had stayed when she sptted Tucker. She tk him hme, certain he was smene's missing friend, and 52 his stry n Facebk. McCall, t, had been psting abut Tucker. Within hurs, smene made the 53 , and sn McCall was n the phne with Lillard, hearing Tucker's mews and sbbing with 54 . One mnth and a half later, Tucker was 55 t McCall, just in time fr Christmans.
    41. A. present B. precius C. previus D. preferable
    42. A. vilence B. cancer C. jy D. revival
    43. A. unwilling B. unnecessary C. unable D. incnvenient
    44. A. diseases B. accidents C. injuries D. deaths
    45. A. ride B. drive C. walk D. pack up
    46. A. clean up B. take up C. pick up D. surveyed
    47. A. lked B. researched C. searchedD. anywhere
    48. A. smewhere B. nwhere C. elsewhereD. night
    49. A. dawn B. nn C. duskD. ensure
    50. A. affrd B. ffer C. remain D. ensure
    51. A. Bad-tempered B. Heartbrken C. Helpless D. Hmeless
    52. A. psted B. wrte C. blgged D. tld
    53. A. tuch B. aplgy C. cnnectin D. annuncement
    54. A. srrw B. panic C. satisfactin D. relief
    55. A. awarded B. delivered C. ffered D. dnated
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第二节 (共10小题: 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The chengsam is a female dress with distinctive Chinese features and enjys a grwing 56 (ppular) in the internatinal wrld.
    The name “chengsam,” 57 (simple) meaning “lng dress,” entered the English vcabulary frm the dialect f China's Guangdng Prvince. In ther parts, 58 , it is knwn as “qipa”. When the early Manchu(满族的) rulers came t China, they rganized certain peple, mainly Manchus, int “qi” and called them “qiren”. The Manchu wmen nrmally 59 (wear) a ne-piece dress which came t be called “qipa”. Althugh the 1911 Revlutin ended the rule f the Qing Dynasty, the female dress survived the plitical change and, with later imprvements, has becme the 60 (traditin) dress fr Chinese wmen.
    Cmfrtable t wear, the chengsam fits the female figure well. Its neck is high, cllar-clsed, and its sleeves may be shrt, medium r full length, 61 (depend) n seasn and taste. The dress is buttned n the right side, with a lse chest, a fitting waist, and slits(开衩) up frm the sides, all f 62 cmbine t set ff the beauty f the female shape. Anther beauty f the chengsam is that, 63 (make) f different materials, they can be wrn 64 either casual r frmal ccasins. In either case, it creates 65 impressin f charm, elegance and neatness.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    1. 介绍一款 app;
    2. 分享使用体验。
    参考词汇: 歌词: lyrics 网易云音乐: NetEase Music QQ 音乐: QQ Music
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    As a teaching student, I was sent n my first practicum(实习) at a lcal high schl. During my practicum. I fund that the awful aspects f high schl haven't changed since I was there. It can still be a place where judgements are made n different kids.
    Jess was a Year 10 student wh always respected her classmates, thugh she failed t be treated equally in return. Kids cnstantly made fun f her. As a teacher, I felt it natural t prtect students like Jess, but I sn realized that there was s little I culd actually d.
    Tysn, a Year 12 student knwn fr his music al talents, turned ut t be ppsite. He was always surrunded by admirers and was willing t help thers. Obviusly, he was a cnfident, helpful and ppular yung man.
    When the schl talent shw came arund, Jess asked t perfrm a sl act. I was hesitant t allw her t take the stage, fearing she might make herself the target f laughter. Hwever, I knew that it wuld be unfair t say n n these grunds, s her name made it nt the list f perfrmers.
    When the day f the shw arrived, the whle schl gathered in the cncert hall. The shw began and I was pleasantly surprised that each perfrmance was greeted with cheers and applause, creating an encuraging atmsphere. Then, n the stage std Jess, smiling bradly. The music started and, t my hrrr, she missed the first line f the sng. She became s nervus that she sang in the wrng key and frgt her lyrics(歌词). As Jess struggled n the stage, sme kids in the audience whispered and giggled, but mst remained silent.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为100左右;
    2. 续写部分为一段,请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    Jess lked embarrassed and was abut t give up when smething amazing happened.__________________

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