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    这是一份2024绵阳南山中学高二下学期期中考试英语含答案(含听力),文件包含英语试卷docx、英语答题卡doc、英语答案docx、高二半期听力音频MP3等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共15页, 欢迎下载使用。

    命题人:余美静 审题人:汪艳梅
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What shuld the man take tmrrw?
    A. Sme fruit.B. The ticket.C. Sme mney.
    2. At what time des the film start?
    A. 3:50.B. 4:00.C. 4:10.
    3. What will the man d this weekend?
    A. Buy sme bks.B. See a dctr. C. G t the library.
    4. Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A. In a htel.B. In a restaurant. C. In a supermarket.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. An annuncement.B. A meeting.C. An accident.
    6. Why des the man dislike the suit made f pure wl?
    A. The clr is t light.
    B. The size is a bit t large.
    C. The style is ut f date.
    7. What clr f suit des the man decide t buy?
    A. Brwn.B. Blue.C. Yellw.
    8. What des the man ffer t d?
    A. Call the ffice manager.
    B. Arrange a meeting.
    C. Sign a frm.
    9. What shuld be put in the meeting rm?
    A. The desks.B. The chairs.C. The cmputers.
    10. What is Mr. Brwn prbably ding nw?
    A. Treating a patient.
    B. Having an peratin.
    C. Attending a meeting.
    11. Hw des the wman prbably feel nw?
    A. Wrried.B. Annyed.C. Surprised.
    12. What will the wman d next?
    A. See her husband.
    B. Wait utside the rm.
    C. Get sme frms.
    13. Where will the wman g this weekend if the weather is bad?
    A. T a beach.B. T a stre.C. T a library.
    14. What will the man d if he finishes his reprt?
    A. See sme vides.
    B. Wrk ut at the gym.
    C. Practice the guitar.
    15. What wuld the wman d if she had lts f mney?
    A. Buy a huge TV.B. Live n an island.C. Open a vide stre.
    16. What des the wman think f their wishes?
    A. Realistic.B. Nice.C. Impractical.
    17. What des the speaker say abut the rm?
    A. It is very big.B. It is quite bright.C. It is pretty tidy.
    18. What des the speaker keep ding t the rm?
    A. Arranging the furniture.
    B. Painting the walls.
    C. Cvering the windws.
    19. What des the speaker have n the walls?
    A. Papers abut schlwrk.
    B. Pictures f her family.
    C. Psters f pp stars.
    20. Why des the speaker like the rm?
    A. There are many f her favrite things.
    B. It is a gd place t d her schlwrk.
    C. She lives in the rm all by herself.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    PYOP: Pick Yur Own Prduce at These Lcal Farms
    Hllin Farms Delaplane, VA
    Hllin Farms’ strawberry picking seasn will begin in late May, and last several weeks. Hurs are 9:00 am-4:00 pm frm Wednesday t Sunday. If yu cme in summer, peaches, blackberries, red raspberries and sur cherries are available. Apples are ready in late summer, and fall brings green vegetables, ptates, and dig-yur-wn peanuts. And a special P. S. t meat lvers: they pride themselves n their grass-fed beef.
    Great Cuntry Farms Bluemnt, VA
    Great Cuntry Farms is well-knwn fr its seasnal festivals and fun farm-themed attractins. Their U-pick strawberry fields will pen in May. The weekends f May 20-21 and May 27-28 are the yearly Strawberry Jubilee with live music, pie-eating cmpetitins, tasty fd, and mre. Admissin is $10/child and $12/adult, and it’s pen daily during 9:00 am-6:00 pm.
    Waters Orchard (果园) Gaithersburg, MD
    This is a great place fr apple picking. Just cme in late summer and fall. After parking, it’s a 5-10 minutes’ walk t the rchard. Hurs are 12:00-5:00 pm n Fridays, and 9:00 am-5:00 pm n weekends. Pick-yur-wn (PYO) pricing is by the peck (配克) —$15/half peck, $22/peck, and an entry fee fr tw is included. It’s $5/guest after that.
    Hmestead Farm Plesville, MD
    Hmestead Farm’s PYO seasn begins a little later than farms in ther areas. The first crp will be tart cherries in June, and ther berries will be ripe sn after. Peaches and apples cme later. There are als animals t visit (gats, pigs, and chickens), and watching gats climb alng the gat walk is always a trip fr kids. The farm perates seven days a week, and PYO hurs are 9:00 am-5:00 pm.
    21. When is suitable t visit Hllin Farms?
    A. 9:00 am n Mnday.B. 10:00 am n Thursday.
    C. 4:30 pm n Saturday.D. 5:00 pm n Sunday.
    22. What can visitrs d at Great Cuntry Farms n May 27?
    A. Play with gats and chickens. B. Pick strawberries and apples.
    C. Enjy grass-fed beef fr free.D. Participate in a pie-eating cmpetitin.
    23. Hw much shuld a family f three pay if they buy tw-peck apples?
    A. $35B. $37C. $44D. $49
    I still remember my father’s embarrassment the day when he was invited t have dinner at a clleague’s huse. Freshly arriving in Brazil, and nt being able t lk up n the Internet, he ffended his hsts by making a hand gesture — a circle with the thumb and index finger. He had always understd it t mean “OK”, but in Brazil, it meant smething different.
    The incident was quickly frgtten. My father’s clleague understd that he prbably wasn’t yet aware f the lcal meaning f the gesture. He gently explained it meant smething rude, and then it was kept in mind under “things nt t be dne in Ri”.
    I was reminded myself when turing China. After I replied t a friend’s WeChat message with a Van Ggh sticker that I thught meant “keep fighting”, anther friend tld me I used it wrng.
    “The Chinese versin is a bit different,” she said, taking ut her phne and shwing t me. “See these characters? They mean ‘I will hit yu!’”
    Life is full f crssed meanings. In India, yu sign t smene t cme ver with yur palm dwn, nt up. And in the Middle East, yu never use yur left hand fr anything public.
    As adults, we understand that even if it hurts, a mistake is nly an insult (侮辱) when it is made n purpse. Yet, many cnflicts cme frm misunderstanding, and histry is full f the unfrtunate utcmes f crss-cultural cmmunicatin.
    My father’s pre-Internet Brazilian mistake was frgiven because f cntext — he had just arrived and he didn’t knw its lcal meaning. But when cntext is absent r simply differently understd — especially in the scial media — perhaps it is time we all think twice befre typing r talking, especially when the cnsequences can be mre severe than the misuse f a WeChat sticker.
    24.What can be inferred frm the authr’s father’s stry?
    A.Cultural differences are cmmn.
    B.The Internet helps t avid mistakes.
    C.Misunderstandings lead t bad results.
    D.The OK sign means differently in Brazil.
    25.What did the authr mean t d by using the Van Ggh sticker?
    A.T greet his friend.B.T threaten his friend.
    C.T encurage his friend.D.T make fun f his friend.
    26.What might take place if there is n cntext in cmmunicatin?
    A.Mutual frgiveness.B.Cultural gaps.
    C.Cultural cnflicts. D.Mutual respect.
    27.What’s the passage mainly abut?
    A.Turism and Culture.B.Language and Culture.
    C.Verbal Cmmunicatin.D.Crss-Cultural Cmmunicatin.
    Frget abut “military-style travel” during which peple tend t visit as many places as pssible in the least amunt f time. A mre relaxed and leisurely alternative, such as “Citywalk”, is becming the nrm amng urban yungsters.
    Unlike military-style travel, Citywalk is abut wandering arund a city n ft, feeling the atmsphere and finding unusual things that even a resident f the city might nt have nticed befre. It can be a special event where peple start a jurney led by tur guides r simply explre the streets.
    Such walks generally avid famus scenic spts and shpping centers, and take yu t places where yu can have real interactins with the lcal peple, eat at small but authentic restaurants, and gain a deeper understanding f the histry and culture f the city.
    Citywalkers have shared their carefully planned rutes n scial media platfrms. Their psts usually include hw lng the walk is ging t take, and interesting places and restaurants alng the way. Sme psts are mre like a fd tur.
    Nan Xi, wh recently mved frm Beijing t Shanghai, said “I think Shanghai is a city perfect fr Citywalk. There are big trees alng the streets and shps selling different prducts, which is ideal fr cuples and friends t walk tgether and take phts.” After several Citywalk experiences, she signed up fr a tw-and-a-half-hur Citywalk priced at 88 yuan per persn. A tur guide narrated the histry f the buildings and streets alng the way. “If it were me walking alne, I wuld simply find the streets artistic, but the tur that day helped me gain a better understanding f hw Western culture blends in with the lcal culture in Shanghai,” she said. Anther surprising benefit f the walk was that she has made friends with tw f her fellw walkers.
    Lin Yi, a manager fr an nline platfrm fr self-guided turs, said Citywalk can help travelers learn abut lcal culture and live as lcal peple d, feeling the vibes f a city. Peple wh participate in Citywalks usually have similar tastes, and can have in-depth discussins with each ther, he said.
    28. What is the main difference between military-style travel and Citywalk?
    A. The transprt. B. The cst.
    C. The purpse. D. The destinatin.
    29. What can we cnclude abut Citywalk in Shanghai accrding t Nan Xi?
    A. It is a perfect place t run shps.
    B. There are great things t d at weekends.
    C. Ideal cuples and friends ften gather there.
    D. It prvides great experiences in many ways.
    30. What can be inferred frm Nan Xi’s tw-and-a-half-hur Citywalk?
    A. She thught it well wrth a try.
    B. She went n the tur withut cmpany.
    C. She wuldn't have fund the artistic streets by herself.
    D. She knew hw Western culture differed frm the lcal culture in Shanghai.
    31. What is the main idea f the article?
    A. Citywalk is a new trend in urban turism.
    B. Citywalk can help travelers make new friends.
    C. Military-style travel is becming mre ppular.
    D. Travelers chse Citywalk ver military style t fllw suit.
    In rder t survive trips t Mars, humans need xygen. Nw, a team f scientists has designed a rbt that culd extract xygen frm water n the Red Planet.
    The rbt, which is called “AI chemist”, used a machine learning mdel t find a cmpund that culd ignite an xygen-prducing chemical reactin n Mars. The cmpund, knwn as a catalyst (催化剂), is made entirely frm elements fund in Martian meterites (陨石) —which means, if such a system culd wrk reliably, space travelers wuld nt need t bring xygen r even the catalyst needed t prduce it.
    Mars’ atmsphere cntains nly trace amunts f xygen. But scientists have detected evidence f liquid water beneath the planet’s suthern ice cap. T create the breathable gas, researchers wanted t find a way t break dwn this water int its hydrgen and xygen mlecules using materials fund n Mars.
    Their rbt analyzed five meterites that either came frm Mars r had a cmpsitin similar t that f the Martian surface. Using a laser, it identified significant amunts f irn, nickel, calcium, magnesium, aluminum and manganese in the samples. Frm these six elements, the rbt’s algrithm (算法) determined it culd prduce mre than 3.7 millin pssible mlecules t break dwn water and frm xygen n Mars. Accrding t the researchers, finding the best ne frm this extensive list wuld take rughly 2,000 years f human labr, but fr the AI chemist, it tk nly weeks.
    “On Earth, we dn’t use these six elements,” Yi Lu, a c-authr f the study says. “They are nt the best chices fr catalysts, but it’s nly what yu’ve gt n Mars.”
    With its chsen catalyst, the system culd prduce xygen frm the Martian materials at arund -37℃, demnstrating the chemical reactin culd be pssible n the cld Martian surface.
    Ntably, the rbt was able t carry ut the entire prcess—analyzing the rck samples, identifying the best pssible catalyst and prducing it withut human interventin.
    32. What des the underlined wrd “ignite” mean in paragraph 2?
    A. Delay. B. Limit. C. Change.D. Cause.
    33. What is the basis f extracting xygen n Mars?
    A. The xygen that Mars’ atmsphere cntains.
    B. The scientists’ previus study n meterites.
    C. The existence f water and catalyst n Mars.
    D. The amazing learning ability f “AI chemist”
    34. What des paragraph 4 mainly talk abut?
    A. The finding f six elements.
    B. The advantages f the rbts.
    C. The frmatin f the meterites.
    D. The prcess f prducing xygen.
    35. What is the writer’s attitude twards “AI chemist”?
    A. Dubtful. B. Favrable. C. Unclear. D. Indifferent.
    第二节(共5小题:每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    There are a lt f ways t becme wiser. But yu have t remember, this is a jurney and nt a destinatin. ____36____
    Try experiencing new pprtunities
    Yu will never grw frm being in yur cmfrt zne, which is why yu need t get ut f it. ____37____ Yu can try learning new skills that yu never thught f. Change yur rutine and see where life takes yu, take cntrl!
    We need t be receptive t different views, which will pen up new pathways fr us. Always develp a sense f curisity. Observe the wrld frm different angles and it will always help yu ut. Never base yur perspective n the mst ppular pinin r which is the mst cmfrtable fr yu. Train yur mind t be a judgment-free space fr ideas.
    Meet new peple
    Limiting yurself t nly ne type f peple that share the same idelgy as yu can be cmfrting but it desn’t get yu anywhere in life. Yu need t meet and experience new peple and learn what they have t ffer. ____39____This will be extremely beneficial fr yur future.
    Learn and grw frm yur mistakes
    All f us make mistakes in life. ____40____ We can pnder upn what made us fail s that we may imprve urselves. Let me tell yu that yur best teacher will always be yur last mistake, s learn the best frm it.
    A. Cultivate new friendships.
    B. Open yurself t diverse perspectives.
    C. Here are sme strategies that yu can use t get wiser.
    D. This is a way yu will catch chances and becme better.
    E. But it is the acknwledgment f mistakes that makes us grw.
    F. They help us ut but we need t set them aside mst f the time.
    G. Wisdm actually allws us t cnquer the demands f tday’s difficult wrld.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Isabella Springmuhl Tejada is ne f the first prfessinal fashin designers with Dwn Syndrme (唐氏综合征).
    Her path t success wasn’t ___41___. Althugh she shwed her___42___ fr design in childhd, when she wuld spend hurs designing paper dresses fr her dlls, she was___43___by several fashin schls due t her disease. She had n___44___but t seek ther ways. She___45___fr a sewing curse, where she was___46___t sew clthing fr finger-sized traditinal Guatemalan (危地马拉的) dlls, which she___47___happily. Meanwhile, she als made a(n)___48__ in designing dlls, creating sme life-sized dlls and dressing them in the clrful traditinal embridered jackets she’s nw famus fr.
    This design experience helped Tejada develp her wn design style,___49___traditinal Guatemalan patterns, clrs, and materials in her culture. She als created her wn brand Dwn T Xjabelle, ___50___fr peple with Dwn Syndrme, knwing hw difficult it was fr peple like her t find ___51___clthes. The new brand ___52___right away, making it all the way t Lndn Fashin Week, prving fashin can___53___all barriers and brders.
    And the ___54___designer talks abut her plans fr the future as well, “I want t exprt my brand all ver the wrld and___55___that peple with Dwn Syndrme can d what they set ut t d.”
    41. A. rewarding B. awfulC. awkwardD. smth
    42. A. arrangementB. talentC. determinatinD. criterin
    43. A. rejectedB. dismissedC. ignredD. excused
    44. A. guidanceB. aimC. ptinD. variatin
    45. A. waited B. cmpetedC. preparedD. registered
    46. A. assignedB. frcedC. inspiredD. persuaded
    47. A. purchasedB. acceptedC. imaginedD. estimated
    48. A. discveryB. pprtunityC. innvatinD. schedule
    49. A. indicatingB. abandningC. transfrmingD. highlighting
    50. A. speciallyB. naturallyC. dramaticallyD. apparently
    51. A. priceyB. suitableC. fancyD. famus
    52. A. paid ffB. gt acrssC. tk ffD. caught up
    53. A. cmbineB. fuelC. beautifyD. vercme
    54. A. ambitiusB. enthusiasticC. humbleD. curageus
    55. A. guaranteeB. assessC. shwD. cnclude
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Unifrms, dating back t 800 years ag, have always been a part f ur sciety and have been widely used in varius institutins, rganizatins, and even sme cmpanies. ___56___(literal), they mean “U Need Frm”, ___57___ regulate peple in different walks f life in the same way and make a better sciety fr us. Tday, unifrms cntinue t play a significant rle in numerus ___58___(setting), particularly in schls.
    Mst peple feel ___59___ necessary t standardize students’ unifrms because unifrms serve as a means t prmte equality and reduce peer pressure. By dressing in the same way, students are nt judged by their clthing chices r fashin sense, which ___60___(remve) a significant surce f bullying and allws students t fcus n their studies rather than wrrying t much abut the external ___61___(appear). Furthermre, unifrms cntribute ___62___ a mre disciplined and rderly schl envirnment, cultivating a sense f respect and stimulating learning mtivatin amng students.
    Beynd their practical benefits, unifrms als have a psychlgical impact. ___63___(dress) in schl unifrms, wherever the students g, they see themselves as a member f a grup, thus creating a sense f belnging and fstering a shared identity. In a way, unifrms ___64___(cnsider) as a bridge between students, nt nly bringing them tgether under a cmmn banner but ___65___(prmte) unity and cperatin amng individuals.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40 分)
    第一节 (满分 15分)
    2. 反映存在的问题;
    3. 表达期望。
    第二节(满分 25分)
    When I was a child, my mther tld my sister, wh had a 10-inch very bvius scar n her arm, “Nancy, if yu ignre the scar, ther peple will ignre it. It des nt mean they will nt ntice it, but it means it will nt matter t them if it desn’t matter t yu.”
    It never ccurred t me that smething like this wuld happen t my sn years later. Sending a child ff t cllege can certainly be stressful fr cncerned parents. It was in 2018 that my sn went ff t cllege. He rarely cntacted us. I culdn’t help asking abut ther aspects, which smetimes made him cmplain that I didn’t treat him as an adult.
    T be hnest, my sn is excellent. Sme f my friends always tell me that they admire my sn’s characters and they hpe their sns culd have sme f them.
    Unexpectedly, it was 4 ’clck in the mrning in 2020, when I received the phne call. “This is the emergency rm calling and yur sn was just brught in with severe burns n his face, neck and arms. We have called fr an aircraft and are ging t fly him t the burn unit in Seattle.” Seattle was 350 miles frm his cllege, s we knew immediately this was serius.
    The dctr described the reasn, which caused the burns. At 6 am, my sn and his friends decided t barbecue hamburgers in the curtyard f their apartment. When they lit the charcal, it burst int flames because they had sprayed t much gasline. The flames caught my sn’s shirt tail and sht frm his waist t well ver his head.
    Frtunately, ne f the bys wh was quick-minded grasped my sn and rlled him n the grass. While it saved his life, it was nt in shape t save him frm severe burns and terrible scars.
    After he recvered frm the treatments, the dctrs tld him they wuld nt d plastic surgery fr 6 mnths because it takes that lng fr the skin t stp shrinking and wrinkling.
    1. 续写词数应为150词左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The dctrs suggested he return t cllege with scars f severe burns temprarily.
    S I tld him abut Nancy’s childhd.

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