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    这是一份湖北十一校2024届第二次联考高三英语试题(附答案与听力材料),文件包含湖北十一校2024届第二次联考高三英语试题docx、湖北十一校2024届第二次联考高三英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共8页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1.What will the wman drink mst prbably?
    A. Tea. B. Cffee. C. Water.
    2.What did the man.d at the park?
    A. He played basketball. B. He did sme walking. C. He had a picnic.
    3.Hw lng will it take the wman by subway?
    A. Abut 10 minutes. B. Abut 15 minutes. C. Abut 25 minutes.
    4.Where might the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a bkstre. B. In a cinema. C. in a library.
    5. What's wrng with the man?
    A. His tngue hurts. B. He ate smething wrng. C. His head aches.
    6. What is the weather like nw?
    A. Warm. B. Ht. C. Cld.
    7.What des the wman like t d in summer?
    A. D utdr sprts. B. Eat ht pt. C. Buy clthes.
    听第 7.段材料,回答第 8、9。
    What are the speakers quarrelling ver?
    A. Whether t raise a pet rabbit. B. Hw t spend mney n travelling. C. Which suvenir t chse.
    9. What's the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues. B. Friends. C. Husband and wife
    10. What is the man's jb?
    A. A gym trainer. B.A financial trader. C.A restaurant wner.
    11. Why des the man prefer t ck rather than have a takeaway?
    A. le wants t feel creative. B. He lves t ck fr thers. C. He likes hme-made fd.
    12.What des the man cnsider the high stress?
    A. A ttally bad thing. B. A gd thing n matter what. C. A gd thing if used prperly
    13. hat part des the man enjy abut his stressful jb?
    A. The scial cnnectin. C. The uncertainty. B. 'The high payment.
    14. Why des NOT the wman read newspapers?
    A. She is wrried abut wasting mney.
    B. She is cncerned abut the envirnment.
    C. She gets all news frm the web.
    15, Hw many headlines pp ut n the man's first page every day?
    A. Abut three r fur. B. Abut six r seven. C. Abut eight r nine.
    16. Why is the wman wrried abut lads f news?
    A. Mst f them might nt be true. B. They cnsume t much time. C. Peple might ignre serius news.
    17. What's the wman's attitude t “e-bks replacing paper bks”?
    A. Supprtive. B, Indifferent. C. Disapprving.
    听第 10 段材料,回答第18至20。
    18. What d we knw abut the “ikumen” curse?
    A. It's fr parents. B. It’s rganized by the gvernment. C. It's charged 30.000 yen.
    19. What is taught t d in the curse?
    A. Cking fr kids. B. Getting a baby dressed. C. Wearing a 5 kg pregnancy jacket.
    20, What is the main purpse f this talk?
    A. T intrduce the “jkumen” curse B. T help bachelrs lk fr lve. C. T recruit students fr a university.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15 小题:每小题2.5分,分 37.5分)
    At The Rachael Ray Fundatin (RRF), we're pretty big animal lvers. As a part f ur wrk, we supply a wide variety f rganizatins that d gd fr animals, frm rescue t care and mre. Get t knw a few f them and the wrk we d tgether.
    Pittsburgh Aviatin Animal Rescue Team
    RRF helped enable Pittsburgh Aviatin Animal Rescue Team (PAART) t purchase a new and bigger plane fr its rescue missins which bring animals frm danger t safety. Whether it be flying dgs in vercrwded shelters t new hmes, saving animals caught in the path f natural disasters, r bringing supplies t shelters in need, the brave PAART' pilts are always ready t help.
    Natinal Disaster Search Dg Fundatin
    Natinal Disaster Search Dg Fundatin (SDF) wrks t find and train shelter dgs wh have the talent and drive t becme search and rescue animals. RRF supprts SDF's effrts t identify and transfrm rescued dgs int rescuers, t prvide lifetime care fr these dgs and t find hmes fr all dgs wh enter the SDF training prgram.
    Rachael Ray Save Them All Grants
    This is a prgram administered by Best Friends Animal Sciety (BFAS) t supprt Best Friends’ netwrk partners in their lifesaving effrts. The mney has been awarded t rganizatins acrss the cuntry t fund initiatives such as adptin drives and shelter intake preventin effrts.
    Nrth Shre Animal League America Disaster Relief Grants
    This prgram, administered by Nrth Shre Animal League America (NSAL,A), prvides mney fr animal welfare rganizatins impacted by disasters, RRF is prud t help NSALA in its effrts t identify needs in disaster situatins and prvide targeted, effective relief
    21. What is special abut PAART?
    A. It prvides necessities fr animals in need. B. It cnducts animal rescue missins by plane
    C. It is supprted by the Rachael Ray Fundatin. D. It assists in finding adpters fr rescued animals.
    22. Which rganizatin is devted t training shelter animals t d rescue wrk?
    23. What d the last tw prgrams have in cmmn?
    A They bth strngly prmte animal adptin,
    B. They are bth in charge f Best Friends Animal Sciety.
    C. They bth prvide financial assistance t animal welfare initiatives.
    D. They are bth administered by welfare rganizatins impacted by disasters.
    It was just after 17:00 n a mid-September evening at a histrical Church in Harlem, New Yrk City Mstly the lw-incme black neighbrhd sat at dining tables. In frnt f them was a menu listing three curses. which they nly saw n TV, Bach dish was prepared with “leftver” ingredients (食材), ffered free f charge and placed alngside a blue card that read “yu are lved” in hand-written script.
    This is ne f 14 cmmunity centers created arund the wrld in cities like Milan, Paris, Mérida, Lima Sydney and nw New Yrk thrugh three-Michelin starred chef Massim Bttura's Fd fr Sul prject. He started the prject in 2016 with his wife, Lara Gilmre, t help fight the glbal prblem f fd waste - by using ingredients that might therwise be thrwn away by suppliers -- and t give scially and ecnmically vulnerable peple access t high quality meals.
    Partnering with architects, artists and cmmunity leaders, the prject is transfrming spaces, which are nt fully taken advantage f, such as churches and even a histrical hme int intentinally designed cultural centers equipped with kitchens, dining rms and ther facilities that help create a sense f well-being, cnnectin and inclusin.
    When l asked Bttura why he created such thughtful meals within beautifully appinted spaces fr the lw-incme, he tld me that everyne deserves respect und beauty - and f curse, healthy fd, “They cme in and are cmpletely lst because they're nt used t cming int beautiful places like this. But nce they're here, they realize that this place is their place. It's nt my place,” he said.
    Bttura's philsphy is ne that cmes frm the heart. T-shirs wrn by vlunteers at his cmmunity centers say “cking is an act f lve”, and he appraches the fd served there with as much care as he des at his restaurants - “prbably even mre", he said since the diners are extremely stressed and need healthy fd t feel better. Bttura insists that it's imprtant t change the language arund the fd served in his cmmunity centers.
    24. Why des the authr describe such a scene in the first paragraph?
    A. T intrduce Bttura's prject. B. T shw the appeal f the dishes.
    D. T explain hw the event is rganized. C. T emphasize the warm atmsphere.
    25. What des the underlined wrd “vulnerable” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Privileged. B. Independent. C. Cnservative. D. Disadvantaged.
    26. Which f the fllwing best describes Massim Bttura?
    A. Skilled and strict. B. Caring and cnsiderate. C. Wealthy and humrus. D. Ecnmical and influential.
    27. What fundamental philsphy des Massim Bttura express?
    A. Respect and beauty are fr all. B. Beautiful places inspire respect.
    C. Cking shuld be a prfessin. D. Cmmunity centers bring peple tgether
    In the late 1990s, tw psychlgy researchers, were talking abut hw the female scientists in their lab respnded differently t stress than the men did. The men wuld disappear int their ffices, the wmen wuld bring ckies t lab meetings and bnd ver cffee. Frget fight-r-flight, they jked. The wmen were tending and befriending.
    The jke stuck in the mind f ne f the wmen, researcher Laura Cusin Klein. Psychlgy research has suggested that stress leads t aggressin, but that wasn’t her experience. Wmen were mre likely t want t talk with smene abut their stress, spend time with their lved nes, r channel their stress int caring fr thers. She wndered if it was pssible that science had gtten stress wrng.
    Klein dug deeper int the science, and she made the surprising discvery that 90 percent f the published research n stress was cnducted n males, S Klein studied the scial side f stress, especially in wmen. Lking at bth animal and human research, she fund evidence that stress can increase caring, cperatin, and cmpassin(同情).
    While the lend-and-befriend thery began as an investigatin int the female respnse t stress, it quickly expanded t include men. in times f stress, bth men and wmen have been shwn t becme mre trusting, generus, and willing t prtect thers.
    The tend-and-befriend thery desn’t say that stress always leads t caring - stress can indeed make us angry and defensive. It simply says that stress can make peple mre caring. And when we care fr thers, it activates systems f ur brain that prduce feelings f hpe and curage.
    I wrte my bk The Upside f Stress with that purpse in mind: t help yu discver yur wn strength and cmpassin. Seeing the upside f stress is nt abut deciding whether stress is either gd r bad, It's abut hw chsing t sec the gd i stress can help yu meet the challenges in yur life, Tending and befriending is ne f the best ways t d this, and t transfrm yur wn stress int a catalyst (作化剂) fr curage and cnnectin.
    28. What dcs the jke in paragraph l shw?
    A. Male scientists are smarter than female scientists.
    B. Female scientists are friendlier than male scientists
    C. Men tend t seek a temprary escape frm pressure
    D. Wmen care fr each ther when they are under stress
    29. Why did Laura keep the jke in her mind?
    A. It didn't fit with her life experience. B. It had the same tpic as her new bk.
    C. It went against previus psychlgy research D. It indicated the inequalities between wmen and men.
    30. What d we knw abut the tend-and-befriend thery?
    A. It is applicable t bth men and wmen. B. It suggests stress always leads t caring
    C. It prves the fight-r-flight respnse wrng D. It shws men are mre defensive than wmen.
    31.What des the authr's bk aim t d?
    A. Prvide evidence fr her research
    B. Explain the fight-r-flight respnse.
    C. Make suggestins n hw t respnd t stress psitively.
    D. Demnstrate wmen's and men's different respnses t stress
    It was lng therized that peple make decisins based n integrated glbal calculatins that ccur within the frntal crtex (额叶 皮层) f the brain, which is cnsidered the seat f higher-rder thinking. Hwever, Yale researchers have fund that three distinct brain circuits frm the frntal crtex cnnecting t different brain regins are invlved in making gd decisins, bad nes, and determining which f thse past chices t stre in memry.
    The study f decisin-making in rats may help scientists find the rts f flawed decisin-making cmmn t mental health disrders such as addictin, the authrs say. They used a new tl t manipulate (操纵) brain circuits in rats while they were making chices between actins that led t them receiving rewards r n rewards。 If the rats made the right decisin, ne that ended in a reward, ne f the brain circuits was activated, but anther was activated if the rats made the wrng chice and received n reward. The third circuit stred past experiences and decisins t help the rats with future chices.
    Stephanie Grman, lead authr f the research says, “A cmparisn wuld be deciding n a restaurant fr dinner, Fr instance, withut the ‘gd chice’ circuit yu may nt return t the restaurant with gd fd and withut the ‘bad chice’ circuit yu might nt avid the restaurant with bad fd. The third ‘memry’ circuit is crucial in making decisins such as whether t return t the restaurant after receiving ne bad meal after several gd nes.”
    Changes in these circuits may help explain a typical feature f addictin - why peple cntinue t make harmful chices even after repeated negative experiences, The Yale researchers previusly shwed that sme f the same brain calculatins were disrupted (拢乱) in animals that had taken methamphetamine. “Because we used a test that is similar t thse used in studies f human decisin making, ur findings have direct relevance t humans and culd aid in the search fr nvel treatments fr substance abuse in humans,” Grman said.
    32. Hw was Yale's research different frm the previus thery?
    A. It defined the functin f different brain regins.
    B. It identified specific circuits invlved in decisin-making.
    C. It fcused n the cnnectin between chices and memries.
    D. It highlighted the rle f the frntal crtex in higher-rder thinking.
    33.What can be inferred frm Stephanie Grman's wrds?
    A. Memries are related t all the three circuits.
    B. Peple base their decisins n persnal preferences.
    C. The three circuits are all f vital imprtance in making decisins
    D. The circuit related t rewards is the fundatin f deciding wisely.
    34.What des the last paragraph mainly fcus n?
    A. The limitatins f the present study. B. A descriptin f the research methd.
    C. A pssible reasn fr the study findings. D. The ptential applicatin f the cnclusin
    35. What might be the best title fr the text?
    A. Hw peple get addicted and cured B. Hw making decisins influences ur brain
    C. Hw ur brain develps when facing chices D. Hw the brain helps us make gd decisins and bad nes
    Get Better at Saying N
    When rejecting a request, “n” is a shrt, simple wrd that can cause anxiety fr the persn trying t say it. The fllwing strategies can help yu get better at saying n.
    Be intentinal abut what yu cmmunicate
    36 Sure, but as psychlgist Vanessa Bhns pints ut, nly saying a “n” is ften pretty uncmfrtable fr the asker, Instead, she advises cmmunicating three things: “It's nt because f me, it's nt because f yu, and it's nt because f us.” One way t d that is by thanking peple fr thinking f yu. 37 Then, fllw up with a shrt explanatin: “I wish I culd, but I just dn't have the time right nw.” That helps make it clear that yur “n” isn't a pr reflectin f yur w character, it's nt the ther persn; and it's nt a disapprval f the relatinship, Bhns says.
    Have a planned phrase fr mre infrmal encunters.
    Nt every situatin, f curse, calls fr such a thughtful apprach. Think thrugh times when yu've gtten stressed ver delivering a quick “n”, and then brainstrm phrases yu culd use in the future. Bhns, fr example, is ften asked t dnate t sme cause r anther as she checks ut at the grcery stre. 38 “It's true, and it's a way f saying, essentially, that I'm still a gd persn,” she says.
    39 .
    There's always that ne guy wh wn't take “n” fr an answer. If smene is applying t much pressure, adpt what psychlgist Ellen Hendriksen describes as the brken-recrd technique. 40 Occasinally, the asker will get annyed, but usually after repeating yurself tw r three times, even the mst persistent (执着的) peple will get the message.
    A. She says n directly.
    B. That is, stick t yur answer.
    C. Adpt the brken-recrd technique.
    D. It's nt wrth repeating yur request again and again.
    E. She nw has a g-t respnse; "I already dnated this year,
    F. Yu might hear that “n” is a cnvenient wrd fr declining requests.
    G. This makes them relieved that they didn't d anything wrng by asking,
    William Gwyn Thmas, wh used t be a dairy farmer in Lampeter, Ceredigin, has been cleaning trains at Carmarthen statin fr 25 years.
    Gwyn is still wrking with a team as 41 as ever t clean anywhere between 18 and 26 carriages at night and is prud f what he des. “I didn't expect I'd still be 42 at 80,” said Gwyn. “But I really lve it, and I'll 43 when I feel I can't d it.”
    Gwyn jined the train cleaning team in the late 1990s. He 44 his lng wrking life t “eating well, nt drinking anything 45 than a beer and cutting dwn n smking”.
    Wrking frm 7:30 pm t 2:30 am, Gwym and his team clean each 46 frm tp t bttm, including the cabs (驾驶室), tilets, tables and flrs.
    The wrst 47 tend t be Saturdays, when Transprt fr Wales (TfW) said the tilets can be “ 48 ”, but Gwyn said he takes it all in his stride (泰然处之).
    “It's annying but there's n pint 49 it because that's the jb and we just have t 50 it,” he said. “Smene has t get it lking nice fr 51 again.”
    TfW's cleaning manager Wendy Jnes described passinately Gwyn as “part f the 52 the Carmarthen statin”.
    Wishing him a happy 80th birthday, he 53 , “The standard f wrk Gwyn puts in night after night is a(n) 54 example t us all n hw t shw 55 in yur wrk.”
    41. A, silently B. gracefully C. energetically D. cautiusly
    42. A. wrking B. driving C. learning D. faming
    43. A. cntinue B. cncentrate C. hesitate D. finish
    44. A. applies B. expses C. wes D. devtes
    45. A, weaker B. strnger C. cheaper D. clder
    46. A. rm B. department C. hall D. carriage
    47. A. cabs B. shifts C. perfrmances D. accidents
    48. A. rewarding B. exciting C. challenging D. surprising
    49. A. dreaming abut B. cmplaining abut C. cntributing t D. submitting t
    50. A. break away frm B. watch ut fr C. give way t D. get n with
    51. A. cnductrs B. wrkers C. passengers D. managers
    52. A. structure B. refrm C. schedule D. platfrm
    53. A. suggested B. added C. questined D. respnded
    54. A. true B. pr C. interesting D. hpeful
    55. A. depressin B. curisity C. bravery D. pride
    Munt Fanjing Natinal Nature Reserve is lcated in the nrtheastern part f Tngren City in the Prvince f Guizhu. With a ttal area f 43,411 hectares (公顷) and 96.5 percent frest 56 (cver), this nature reserve is hme t many rare and endangered species such as the grey snub-nsed mnkey, the Chinese Dve tree, the Fanjingshan Fir tree, 57 an ld-grwth frest ec-system. Inside the nature reserve, ne can find layer upn layer f muntains and valleys, clear streams 58 (flw) int deep blue lakes, and mighty frzen waterfalls 59 frm shimmering ice cascades in winter, making fr 60 even mre spectacular landscape.
    In January f 2013, Tngren City fficially applied 61 (cnsider) as a wrld heritage site, In Octber f the same year, Fanjing 62 (add) t China's tentative (试验性的) list f natinal natural heritage. In February f this year, tgether with UNESCO, China frmally. supprted the applicatin f Guizhu's Munt Fanjing 63 Wrld Heritage status (地位): These applicatins aim t prtect Munt Fanjing's ld .grwth frest ecsystem and rare flra and fauna, while at the same time expliting 64 (it) eclgical prducts, prmting sustainable lcal sci ecnmic develpment, and 65 (ultimate) achieving a prductive balance between prtectin and develpment.
    Welcme t Our English Club
    March;28, 2024
    Welcme t ur English club
    English Club
    第二节(满分 25 分)
    “I challenge yu t a hundred-meter race," my ppnent, Julius, declared, He had beaten me cuntless times during practice, but I wanted t prve him wrng fr a change, “That’ll wipe the smile ff his face!” I thught, even as fear started t pl in my stmach. He was well-knwn arund the schl fr being the fastest runner n the track-and-field team, while I tailed behind in secnd place - a respectable psitin, but nt yet gd enugh t surpass (超过) him. Nevertheless, I shk his hand and said, “Challenge accepted!” Hwever negative thughts flded my mind. Wuld I be able t win? After all, Julius'’ speed f light wuld guarantee a sure win!
    Sn, all my friends and the teachers had gathered arund t watch the challenge. “Oh n, I will lse and be embarrassed in frnt f the whle schl!" I spke in a lw vice. Nevertheless, I turned my wrried expressin int a determined smile. T keep myself frm sinking int self-dubt, I did sme stretches and jumping jacks t warm up my bdy.
    Finally, the crucial mment arrived. The referee (裁判) fired the starting gun and we tk ff like a sht. Adrenaline (肾上腺絮) rcketed thrugh my bdy as I launched myself frward. True t my expectatins, Julius caught up with me easily and was in the lead! “N way will I lse! Victry, here I cme!” I mtivated myself as anger cursed thrugh my bdy. As the race prgressed, my eyes lcked nt Julius, his athletic frm effrtlessly mving ahead, His quick steps and strng fcus shwcased his impressive skills. Yet, I refused t let dubt cnsume me. A fierce fire burnt within, fueled by a mix f unwillingness t admit defeat and anger. Hw dare he assume he was unbeatable? With every step, my determinatin slidified (变坚定), and my reslve t surpass him strengthened.
    1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
    “Faster!” I screamed and in that instant, I felt like Superman.
    “Yi Ru Yi Ru Yi Ru!” The whle schl was cheering my name!
    湖北十一校2024 届高三第二次联考高三英语试题参考答案
    第一部分听力 (两节共 20 小题:每小题 1. 5 分,满分30 分)
    1-5 CBBAA 6-10 CABCB 11-15 ACCBB 16-20 CACBA
    第二部分阅读 (两节共 20 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分50 分)
    21-23 BAC 24-27 ADBA 28-31 DCAC 32-35 BCDD 36-40 FGECB
    第三部分语言运用 (共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    41-45 CADCB 46-50 DBCBD 51-55 CABAD
    第二节 (共 10 小题:每小题 1. 5 分,满分 15 分)
    56. cverage 57. and 58. flwing 59. which/that 60. an61. t be cnsidered 62. was added 63. fr 64. its 65. ultimately
    第四部分写作 (共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节应用文写作 (15 分)
    Welcme t Our English Club
    March28, 2024
    Welcme t ur English Club! It culd serve as a platfrm t shw yur utstanding abilities and help yu develp a range f great skills.
    Yu can participate in a variety f activities including staging musical dramas, hlding grup discussins, watching Oscar-winning mvies, and s n. These after-class activities culd ffer yu abundant pprtunities. First, yur active participatin is helpful in strengthening the sense f respnsibility and managing interpersnal relatins. Secnd, varius activities rganized by us culd raise yur level f prficiency in English. A gd cmmand f English will undubtedly give yu a cmpetitive advantage ver yur peers.
    Yu can file a written applicatin t ur staff ffice r email us via englishclub@163.cm. The deadline fr entries is April 9. Cme n, and jin us nw!
    English Club
    第二节读后续写 (25 分)参考范文:
    One pssible versin:
    “Faster!” I screamed and in that instant, I felt like Superman. Julius was still ahead f me. My eyes nearly ppped ut f my head. The war cntinued but the finishing line was within reach. Using my last unce f energy, I raced past Julius! Fr the first time, I had passed the finishing line befre Julius! Drps f sweat rlled dwn my cheeks, mixing with the intense expressin n my face. This was nt just a race – it was a representatin f my willpwer, a prf f the depths f my reslve.
    “Yi Ru! Yi Ru! Yi Ru!” The whle schl was cheering my name! I std there excited. Julius, ut f breath, reached ut t shake my hand. “That was a brilliant race! I hpe that I can race with yu again.” Sn after, I cllapsed as everyne came t cngratulate me. They gave me warm pats n the back. I was s tired that all I managed t d was smile at them. “Thank yu fr all the supprt! It really was a challenge!”
    Text 1
    M: Tea, cffee r water?
    W: The ne which wn’t make me sleepless at night.
    M: I see.
    Text 2
    W: I remember yu tld me yu were ging t play basketball with Tmmy tday. Why d yu cme backs early?
    M: He std me up, s I just tk a walk in the park and nw I cme back. Gt sme fd? I’m hungry nw.
    Text 3
    W: Hw lng des it take frm ur schl t Peple’s Theater by bus?
    M: Abut 25 minutes, but yu can save abut 10 minutes if yu chse the subway.
    Text 4
    W: Hw can I help yu, sir?
    M: Yeah, I was wndering if yu gt Dan Brwn’s nvel The Lst Symbl here. I’d like t buy ne. W: Oh, it’ll be n the shelves next Mnday. I can infrm yu when it arrives if yu like.
    Text 5
    W: What is the expressin? Des it taste really that bad?
    M: N, it’s gd. Actually, it’s t gd. I just bit my tngue because I ate t fast.
    W: Fr a mment I just thught my apple pie gave yu a headache r smething.
    Text 6
    M: I need t buy sme winter clthing. It’s getting freezing these days.
    W: I’m nt a winter persn. D yu like winter?
    M: Well, at least I wn’t sweat like a pig in winter. Yu knw hw easily I sweat. Besides, I d enjy eating Chinese ht pt with my friends. The ht pt is just nt that wnderful t eat in summer, is it?
    W: I d lve the sunshine fr I can d s many utdr activities, like swimming in the warm sea water, playing vlleyball n the beach, etc. Oh, hw I miss summer!
    Text 7
    M: Hw much did yu spend n this suvenir?
    W: Nt much. Only 200 dllars.
    M: What? I tld yu we were n a lw budget! We need t spend mney n real meaningful things like fd and traffic! And what is this stuff yu bught? A glass-made rabbit which csts 200 dllars! Really?
    W: What is the pint f travelling if yu can’t let me enjy myself? Why didn’t yu just lck me at hme s yu culd enjy this hneymn all alne?
    Text 8
    W: S why des yur jb have a reputatin fr being stressful?
    M: Stress is generally driven by the feeling f being ut f cntrl f a situatin and the feeling f a situatin cntrlling yu. Trading in financial markets cmbines bth.
    W: Hw d yu relax in the evening?
    M: I rarely d anything wrk-related s it’s easy t escape “The Markets”. I generally g t the gym r g fr a run, especially if I’ve had a bad day. I always ck a meal rather than have a takeaway, yu knw, t d smething my brain wuld regard as creative. W: Wuld yu cnsider changing yur jb because f the high stress factr?
    M: I have cnsidered leaving my jb due t stress-related factrs. Hwever, I d think that an element f stress can actually be a psitive thing, if used in a right way.
    W: What d yu enjy abut the stressful aspects f yur jb?
    M: I d actually enjy an element f uncertainty. Trading generates a wide range f emtins secnd by secnd. It’s very challenging.
    Text 9
    M: D yu read newspapers these days, Rachel?
    W: N. I dn’t even subscribe t ne because I was wrried abut wasting paper and therefre trees.
    M: Me neither. I just lk n the Internet. I’ve gt my first page which pps up abut six r seven headlines everyday. There’s always s much news fr me t chse frm. One sentence is enugh t draw me in, and then I end up reading my news nline.
    W: I’m actually a bit wrried when we have lads f news t chse frm, we wuld always chse reading entertainment articles instead f really serius news.
    M: Yu have a pint. Having t many ptins is nt always a gd thing. But still I wnder in the future if there will be newspapers anyway. W: I heard even the mst famus newspapers are starting t g bankrupt.
    M: Maybe paper bks will disappear smeday, t. Peple are starting t read electrnic bks.
    W: I’m pr the idea f “e-bks replacing paper bks”, but I just wish they culd make the experience f reading an e-bk mre cmfrtable t ur eyes.
    Text 10
    W: Japanese bachelrs lking fr lve can nw learn parenting skills t increase their chances f finding a partner. The male-nly “ikumen” curse, r parenting curse fr men, was rganized by Osaka-based cmpany “ikumen University” and was priced at 30,000 yen. The curse teaches participants hw t bathe and dress a baby and als helps them understand a wman’s perspective n parenting thrugh exercises such as wearinga7kgpregnancy jacket. Participants als learn hw t imprve cmmunicatin with a ptential partner. Instructr Mr. Takeshi Akiyama said the aim f the curse was t help single men lk mre appealing t ptential wives. “I wanted t create a frm f certificatin prving a man’s parenting skills and supprt fr married life,” Mr. Akiyama said. Masaya Kurita, a 31-year-ld bachelr living in Tky started the curse after lking fr a wife ver the last six mnths. “During the self-reflectin part f the curse I’ve realized I have a tendency t hide my weaknesses. I hpe t be able t shw my mre vulnerable side after this,” said Mr. Masaya Kurita.
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