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    Unit 3 综合素质评价限时: 60分钟 满分: 100分一、完形填空(每小题1 分, 共10 分)There are 1 robots around the world. We use robots here and there. They 2 a big role in our lives. They can always do 3 work and they never feel tired or bored. Sometimes they do some dangerous, difficult or dirty work. Robots don’t have the same brains (大脑) 4 humans do, and they don’t have any senses (意识), either. Then how do they do the work? Well, they have computers inside 5 bodies to work like our brains.Robots are becoming smarter day by day. It’s not difficult 6 of the future of robots. In the future they 7 just like the ones in the movies. They can speak, walk and even think. Maybe persons can also make friends 8 robots. However, will they become 9 than us? The answer is “No”. We 10 have new ideas, but they don’t.1. A. all kind of B. a kind of C. kind of D. all kinds of2. A. play B. have C. make D. take3. A. same B. different C. the same D. the different4. A. to B. as C. for D. with5. A. they B. themselves C. their D. them6. A. to think B. think C. thinking D. thinks7. A. are B. is C. were D. will be8. A. with B. to C. of D. for9. A. smart B. smarter C. smartest D. the smartest10. A. really B. finally C. always D. never二、阅读理解(每小题3 分, 共30 分)AWelcome to my Robot Toy Store! We have some new robots. Have a look!11. What should we touch if we want to hear stories from Mr. Cute? A. Its right hand. B. Its screen. C. Its right ear. D. Its mouth.12. What won’t Robot Dog do? A. Play ball games with people. B. Take a walk with people. C. Talk with people. D. Ask for dog food from people.13. Which one is the most expensive? A. Mr. Cute. B. Robot Dog. C. Super Man. D. Miss Pretty.14. Miss Pretty is made to _______. A. teach people how to dance B. take care of old people C. make friends with children D. play music for people15. What’s the main purpose of the passage? A. To invite people to a robot show. B. To ask people to buy the robots. C. To ask people to make more robots. D. To teach people how to use robots.BBy about 2050, a new company from India will open stores all over the world to sell its products (产品). They will sell a lot of big things for low prices.At these stores, they will sell cars. But the cars are different from those we use today. The company will make cars according to your needs. So you will buy your car piece by piece. Why do you buy a top (顶部) if you don’t need one? Why do you buy sides of a car if you want a good view? If you always drive alone, why do you buy four seats?Buy only what you need: pay a dollar for a wheel, a dollar for an engine (发动机), a dollar for a seat, and drive it away. When it is going to rain, run back and buy a top. When winter comes, you can buy the sides and top. Anyway, you might only pay $12 for the car. Isn’t it cool?16. The new Indian company will sell _______ at its stores. A. seats B. engines C. cars D. wheels17. The company can make your car according to _______. A. your life B. your needs C. the weather D. the environment18. What does the underlined word “alone” mean in Chinese? A. 独自地 B. 谨慎地 C. 鲁莽地 D. 灵敏地19. Which of the following is NOT true? A. The company is from India. B. You can buy your car piece by piece. C. You have to make a car by yourself. D. You can buy your car cheaply.20. What’s the best title for the passage? A. How to Choose a New Car B. Good Driving Habits C. Buying Cars in the Future D. How to Make a Car三、词汇运用(每小题1 分, 共10 分)A) 根据句意及音标或汉语提示完成句子。21. [2023 威海文登区期中] There are many people working in the ______________ /ˈfæktəri/.22. He is a policeman. His job is interesting, but kind of ______________ (危险的).23. In the future, people will work more so they’ll ______________ /ˈprɒbəbli/ have fewer vacations.24. Try to be quick! We are late ______________ /ɔːlˈredi/.25. There will be less ______________ (污染) in 100 years.B) 根据汉语意思翻译或完成句子。26. 人人都应该参与拯救地球。_________________________________________________________________27. ——你还要多久去参观长城?——两周以后。__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________28. 机器人在工厂反复做同样的事情。In factories, robots do the same things _____________ and over _____________.29. 妈妈正在找她的笔记本。Mom is _____________ _____________ her notebook.30. 大风过后, 一些墙体倒塌了。Some walls _____________ _____________ after the strong wind.四、A)[2022 威海荣成期中] 综合填空(每小题1 分, 共10 分)从方框中选择合适的词并用其正确形式完成短文。We live in the “computer age”. Today, it is more and more important for us 31._____________ computers. We use them at work, and we also use them at home. Adults use computers and 32. _____________ use computers, too. We often use the mouse (鼠标) 33. _____________ all the work.Slowly, you may 34. _____________ painful and numb (麻木的) in your hand, your wrist, your shoulder, and your neck. What’s wrong 35. _____________ you? The mouse 36. _____________ your body from your hand to all. Some researchers explain that we feel painful 37. _____________ we often repeat the same action —click (点击). So we feel 38. _____________ little by little.Nowadays, there are no best ways to solve this problem. The only way 39._____________ to change the way we use the mouse and the keyboard (键盘). When we are at work, we should have a break and exercise to keep our body 40._____________.B)<荣德原创>阅读还原(每小题2 分, 共10 分)Should school teachers be replaced (被取代) by computers? People discuss it for many years. 41 They are the future of school education.Some students are easily distracted (使分心) by what the teacher is wearing or doing. If computers replace teachers, students will focus (集中) better on their lessons. 42 They look the same every day.Teachers teach their students all in the same way. Computers can help every child with his or her own problems. They can teach in different ways according to the students’ homework scores.When teachers teach, they may make mistakes. 43 They can teach more in the same time, so students will spend less time learning the same lesson. The words on the screens are also easier to read than the ones that teachers write on the blackboard. 44 They don’t have to spend time travelling to or from school.Moreover, if computers replace teachers, schools will save lots of money. They won’t need to pay their teachers every month. They will only need to buy computers. 45 And students won’t need to buy lots of books, pencils or other school things. This will save parents’ money and is good for environment, too.I think using computers is a new way of teaching and learning. I am looking forward to such a change.五、[2023 烟台蓬莱期中]书面表达(30 分)你们班下周将召开一次班会, 主题是“2050 年的生活”, 请根据以下内容提示写一份发言稿。提示:1. 工作时间缩短, 娱乐和旅游的时间将更加充裕;2. 机器人做大量工作, 很多人面临失业。要求:80 词左右(开头已给出, 不计入总词数), 短文要包括所有提示内容, 可适当发挥。Life in 2050Dear classmates,Life in 2050 will be different from the life now, because changes _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 3 综合素质评价【答案及点拨】一、【主旨大意】本文主要介绍了机器人的一些情况。1. D 【点拨】句意:世界上有各种各样的机器人。all kinds of 各种各样的, 故选D。2. A 【点拨】play a role in 在……中发挥作用, 为固定搭配。3. C 【点拨】句意:它们可以一直做相同的工作, 并且永远不会感到疲惫或者厌烦。same 相同的, same 前需要加定冠词 the。故选C。4. B 【点拨】the same… as… 和……有一样的……, 为固定搭配。故选B。5. C 【点拨】此处作定语修饰 bodies, 应用形容词性物主代词, 故选C。6. A 【点拨】本句考查了固定句式:It’s + adj.+ to do sth., 故选A。7. D 【点拨】In the future 表示将来的时间, 本句应使用一般将来时。故选D。8. A 【点拨】make friends with… 和……交朋友, 为固定短语。9. B 【点拨】根据空后的 than 可知此处用比较级, 故选B。10. C 【点拨】句意:我们总是有新想法, 但它们没有。always 表示“总是”, 用在此处符合语境。故选C。二、A)【主旨大意】本文介绍了四款机器人的广告信息。11. C 【点拨】细节理解题。根据表格一“If you touch its right ear, it will tell interesting stories to you.”可知, 如果我们想听Mr. Cute 讲故事应该碰它的右耳, 故选C。12. D 【点拨】细节理解题。根据表格二“It looks like a dog, but it will never ask you for dog food.”, 可知Robot Dog 不会向人们索要狗粮, 故选D。13. C 【点拨】细节理解题。根据四种机器人价格对比, 可知“Super Man Price: $165”是价格最高的, 故选C。14. A 【点拨】细节理解题。根据“Miss Pretty is a teaching robot. It teaches people how to dance.”可知, Miss Pretty是用来教人们跳舞的机器人, 故选A。15. B 【点拨】主旨大意题。根据表格内容, 结合“Welcome to my Robot Toy Store! We have some new robots.”可知, 短文介绍了四款机器人的基本信息, 目的是让人们买机器人, 故选B。B)【主旨大意】本文主要介绍了大约到2050 年一家印度的汽车公司将在全球开展业务。该公司生产的车与今天我们所用的不一样, 该公司将根据客户的需求生产汽车的部件。16. C 【点拨】细节理解题。由第二段中“At these stores, they will sell cars.”可知, 这家公司将出售汽车。故选C。17. B 【点拨】细节理解题。由第二段中“The company will make cars according to your needs.”可知, 该公司将根据你的需求生产汽车。故选B。18. A 【点拨】词义猜测题。由常识可知, 汽车里面的座位通常是四个, 但若总是独自驾驶就不必买四个座位了。alone“独自地”。故选A。19. C 【点拨】推理判断题。文章介绍的是一家印度的公司根据客户的需要生产汽车, 未提及客户自己制造汽车。故C 项是不正确的。20. C 【点拨】最佳标题题。整篇文章都是在谈论未来客户可以根据自己的需求购买汽车部件。故选C。三、A)21. factory 22. dangerous 23. probably24. already 25. pollutionB)26. Everyone should play a part/ role in saving the earth.27. —How soon will you go and visit the Great Wall?—In two weeks.28. over; again 29. looking for 30. fell down四、A)【主旨大意】本文介绍了电脑在我们生活中的重要性和对身体的显著影响, 同时给出了合理建议。31. to use 【点拨】句意:今天, 使用电脑对我们来说越来越重要。根据“Today, it is more and more important for us... computers.”可知, 是使用电脑, 选择use, 用于“It is+ adj. +for sb. to do sth.”句型中, 故填to use。32. children 【点拨】句意:成人使用电脑, 儿童也使用电脑。根据“Adults use computers and... use computers, too.”可知, 成人和儿童都使用电脑, 选择child, 此处表示复数含义, 使用名词复数形式, 故填children。33. to run 【点拨】句意:我们经常用鼠标来运行所有的工作。根据“We often use the mouse (鼠标) ... all the work.”可知, 用鼠标来运行所有的工作, 选择run, 用于“use sth. to do sth.”短语中, 故填to run。34. feel 【点拨】句意:慢慢地, 你可能会感到手、手腕、肩膀和脖子疼痛和麻木。根据“Slowly, you may...painful and numb (麻木的) in your hand”可知, 是感到疼痛和麻木, 选择feel, 用在情态动词may 后, 使用动词原形, 故填feel。35. with 【点拨】句意:你怎么了? “What’s wrong with you?”意为“你怎么了? ”, 故填with。36. is eating 【点拨】句意:鼠标正在侵蚀你的身体, 从你的手到所有。根据“The mouse... your body from your hand to all.”可知, 鼠标正在侵蚀你的身体, 选择 eat, 强调动作正在发生, 时态是现在进行时, 故填is eating。37. because 【点拨】句意:一些研究人员解释说, 我们感到痛苦是因为我们经常重复同样的动作——点击。“we often repeat the same action”是“Some researchers explain that we feel painful”的原因, 用because 引导原因状语从句, 故填because。38. uncomfortable 【点拨】句意:所以我们一点一点地感到不舒服。根据“So we feel... little by little.”和前文可知, 重复点击鼠标会让我们感觉不舒服, 用 comfortable 的反义词作表语, 故填uncomfortable。39. is 【点拨】句意:唯一的方法就是改变我们使用鼠标和键盘的方式。根据“The only way... to change the way we use the mouse and the keyboard (键盘).”可知, 此处需要be 动词作谓语, 主语是“The only way”, be 动词用is。故填is。40. healthy 【点拨】句意:当我们在工作的时候, 我们应该休息和锻炼来保持我们的身体健康。根据“we should have a break and exercise to keep our body...”可知, 休息和锻炼可以保持我们的身体健康, 用备选词health的形容词作宾语补足语, 故填healthy。B)【主旨大意】本文作者介绍电脑教学和老师教学相比的优越性。41. C 【点拨】上下文联系法。空处应该是表明观点、对上文问题做出回答的句子, 选项C 符合语境。故选C。42. E 【点拨】上下文联系法。上文提到学生会因老师的穿戴和行为分心, 下文提到它们每天看起来都是一样的, 空处应该是说电脑和老师在这方面的区别, 选项E“不像老师那样, 电脑只有一个屏幕。”符合语境。故选E。43. A 【点拨】上下文联系法。上文提到老师有可能犯错误, 下文提到电脑教学的好处, 空处应该是在犯错方面两者进行对比, 故选A。44. B 【点拨】下文提到学生们不必花费时间上下学, 故选B。45. D 【点拨】上下文联系法。上下文都是对花费方面进行对比, 选项D 符合语境。故选D。五、范文:Life in 2050Dear classmates, Life in 2050 will be different from the life now, because changes will take place. But what will the changes be? ①People will work fewer② hours than they do now, and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling. Many people will go to other countries for holidays. Work in the future will be different, too. Robots will do lots of dangerous and hard work. So many people will have less work to do. This will be a problem.I think our life will become better and better, but there will be more problems, too.名师点评:本文运用“总—分—总”法写作。一开始总起全文;第二段分别具体介绍会有哪些变化;最后一段总结全文。全文结构紧凑, 脉络分明。添彩点:恰当运用了本单元所学的fewer, more, less 等一系列词汇。 答案1—5 6—10Name: Mr. Cute Price: $98It can feel happy and sad like a real human! If you touch its right ear, it will tell interesting stories to you. Would you like to have one?Name: Robot Dog Price: $119It looks like a dog, but it will never ask you for dog food. If you touch its mouth, it will take a walk or play ball games with you. It can also talk with you in many languages. Interesting, right?Name: Super Man Price: $165There is a screen on its face. You can watch movies or play video games on it. And it will also teach you to say some English words. Come and get your own Super Man!Name: Miss Pretty Price: $128Miss Pretty is a teaching robot. It teaches people how to dance. It can move its hands, arms and legs easily. If you are interested in robots and dancing, buy Miss Pretty now!答案11—15答案16—20child, feel, with, comfortable, eat, run, use, health, be, becauseA. Computer programs make few mistakes.B. With computers, students can even learn from the comfort of their own homes.C. In my opinion (观点), computers are better than teachers.D. They can use the same computers for many years.E. Unlike teachers, computers only have a screen.答案41—45






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