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    注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必用黑色钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号填写在答题卡上, 将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。因笔试不考听力,选择题从第二部分的“阅读”开始,试题序号从“21”开始。
    2.作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案, 答案不能答在试卷上。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    A city can becme famus and experience a significant increase in visitrs due t the influence f a well-liked film r a TV drama. Fr audiences, stepping int the scenes and experiencing the daily lives f the characters has becme a new travel trend. Over the past year, several films and TV dramas have put their shting lcatins int the public sptlight.
    Qingda in Shandng prvince
    The Wandering Earth 2, a sci-fi that explres digital life and space jurney, shwcases impressive sci-fi scenes.90 percent f the film was sht in different places f Qingda city, including the Jiazhu Bay Bridge-the wrld’s lngest crss-sea bridge, and the TAG Art Museum. Fr sci-fi fans, visiting Qingda t explre the mvie’s filming lcatins has becme a ppular trend.
    Jiangmen in Guangdng prvince
    The hit shw The Knckut made Jiangmen an imprtant turism destinatin. As the hmetwn fr many verseas Chinese, the city features histrical cultural street scenes and Suth Asian-style architecture. The city has recrded mre than 3.34 millin trips in the past tw mnths, which has generated ver 3.4 billin yuan f turism incme, reflecting a ntable rise f 124.3 percent cmpared t the same perid the previus year.
    Ningb Museum in Zhejiang prvince
    The primary setting fr the sci-fi TV drama Three-Bdy Prblem Ningb Museum, has caught significant attentin. The museum integrates reginal cultural features, traditinal architectural elements, and mdern techniques. Fllwing the TV shw’s release, daily visitr numbers rcketed t 5,000, marking a remarkable 220 percent year-n-year increase.
    Taiyuan Ancient Cunty in Shanxi prvince
    Full River Red, directed by Zhang Yimu, set the Taiyuan Ancient Cunty n fire with excitement. The mvie highlights the cunty’s cmplex and narrw streets. The cunty nw draws ver 40,000 turists every day, a significant rise cmpared t the daily 20,000 previusly. Ntably, ne-third f these turists were frm utside Shanxi prvince, accrding t lcal statistics.
    1. Which place best suits visitrs wh appreciate buildings f freign style?
    A. Qingda city.B. Jiangmen city.
    C Ningb Museum.D. Taiyuan Ancient Cunty.
    2. What aspect f Taiyuan Ancient Cunty des Full River Red emphasize?
    A. Its characteristic streets.B. Its disastrus fire.
    C. Its increasing ppulatin.D. Its ecnmic grwth.
    3. What d the fur places have in cmmn?
    A. Their incme depends heavily n turism.B. Their architecture integrates different cultures.
    C. They are famus fr their histrical landmarks.D. They becme a hit thrugh films r TV dramas.
    We’re ften tld t fllw ur dreams, and ne persn in Canada has dne just that after building a wnderland fr animals. In his wn backyard, the eight water features which Rbert Perkins dug int the grund are nw a shelter fr birds, frgs, beavers (河狸) and ther animals in the middle f suburban develpment. But fr Perkins, creating habitat fr wildlife is nt nly abut ding his part t help the envirnment. It’s a labr f lve fr a wman he met when he was 16 years ld.
    Perkins met Rhnda in 1974 and the tw f them hit it ff. They bth lved animals, and she always wished t have a place where they culd live in harmny with the land. Rhnda, whm Perkins stayed with all his life, passed away in 2006. Perkins reslved t build a wnderland where her spirit culd stay in peace.
    Ignring planning departments and neighbrs alike, Perkins began digging large hles fr water t flw. Over the curse f nine years his prperty went frm being a neighbrly headache t a perfect hme fr wildlife.
    Perkins says he wn’t take all the credit fr the wetland he built. When Perkins started creating the wildlife habitat in the early 2000s, a family f beavers gt wind f it sn and claimed the land. “When we built ur subdivisins, we cleared all the trees, dried the hills, drve all the water dwn t the lakes... In turn, the beavers helped dam (筑坝) and purify the water.”
    Wetland habitats nt nly attract wildlife, but prbably ffer the mst cmplete package f ecsystem services, including preventing pllutin, enriching the sil, and prmting the well-being f wildlife species.
    Perkins says he desn’t need t wnder what Rhnda might think f the place; he feels her presence whenever he walks alne amng the trees, the grass, and the pnds, lking at birds r beavers, and listening t the sngbirds and frgs. Perkins hpes his prject will ne day becme an educatinal place that lcal peple can visit t learn abut the imprtance f wetlands.
    4. Why did Perkins build the water features?
    A. T fulfill his childhd dream.B. T shw his lve fr his wife.
    C. T preserve endangered wildlife.D. T adapt t suburban develpment.
    5. Which best describes Perkins’ wetland building prcess?
    A. Effrtless but creative.B. Discuraging but efficient.
    C. Painful but influential.D. Demanding but rewarding.
    6. What can we infer abut building the wetland frm Perkins’ wrds?
    A. Perkins had a strategic plan fr it.B. Human’s rle in it was vervalued.
    C. Nature itself als played a part in it.D. Beavers were invited t help with it.
    7. What is Perkins’s expectatin f the wetland?
    A. T help spread his stry.B. T be a recreatinal spt.
    C T bring ecnmic value.D. T serve as an inspiratin.
    Initial cnversatins can have a huge impact n hw relatinships develp ver time. Peple are ften stuck in the impressins they think they might have made the minute they finish speaking with smene fr the first time: “Did they like me r were they just being plite?” “Were they deep in thught r deeply bred?”
    T find ut whether these wrries are necessary, we have cnducted nearly 10 years f research. In ur studies, participants in the UK talked with smene they had never met befre. Afterward, they were asked hw much they liked their cnversatin partner and hw much they believed that their cnversatin partner liked them. This allwed us t cmpare hw much peple believed they were liked t hw much they were actually liked.
    Time and time again, we fund that peple left their cnversatins with negative feelings abut the impressin they made. That is, peple systematically underestimate hw much their cnversatin partners like them and enjy their cmpany — a false belief we call the “liking gap”.
    This bias (偏见) may seem like smething that wuld ccur nly in initial interactins, but its effects extend far beynd a first impressin. Surprisingly, the liking gap can cnstantly affect a variety f relatinships, including interactins with cwrkers, lng after the initial cnversatins have taken place. Having a larger liking gap is assciated with being less willing t ask wrkmates fr help, less willing t prvide wrkmates with pen and hnest feedback, and less willing t wrk n anther prject tgether.
    There are numerus strategies t minimize yur biased feelings. One place t start is shifting yur fcus f attentin. Try t direct yur attentin t yur cnversatin partner, be genuinely curius abut them, ask them mre questins, and really listen t their answers. The mre yu’re zered in n the ther persn, and the less yu’re fcused n yurself, the better yur cnversatin will be and the less yur mind will turn t all the things yu think yu didn’t d well.
    8. Why did the authr carry ut 10 years f research?
    A. T dismiss natinal cncerns.B. T check ut a ptential bias.
    C. T enhance human cmmunicatin.D. T develp harmnius relatinships.
    9. What is ne effect f peple’s liking gap?
    A. Fewer chances f new prjects.B. Underestimatin f their ability.
    C. Bad relatinships with peple arund.D. Lw willingness t interact with thers.
    10. What des the authr intend t d in the last paragraph?
    A. Restate pinins.B. Deliver warnings.C. Give suggestins.D. Make a summary.
    11. Which might be the best title fr the text?
    A. Liking Gap May Influence Wrk Perfrmances
    B. First Impressins Rely On Initial Cnversatins
    C. Peple Prbably Like Yu Mre Than Yu Think
    D. Hw Peple Like Yu Matters Less Than Yu Assume
    Building artificial intelligences that sleep and dream can lead t mre dependable mdels, accrding t researchers wh aim t mimic (模仿) the behavir f the human brain.
    Cncett Spampinat and his research members at the University f Catania, Italy, were lking fr ways t avid a phenmenn knwn as “disastrus frgetting”, where an AI mdel trained t d a new task lses the ability t carry ut jbs it previusly excelled at. Fr instance, a mdel trained t identify animals culd learn t spt different fish species, but then might lse its ability t recgnize birds. They develped a methd f training AI called Wake-Sleep Cnslidated Learning (WSCL), which mimics the way that ur brains rerganize shrt-term memries f daily learning when we are asleep.
    Besides the usual training fr the “awake” phase, mdels using WSCL are prgrammed t have perids f “sleep”, where they analyze awake data frm earlier lessns. This is similar t human sptting cnnectins and patterns while sleeping.
    WSCL als has a perid f “dreaming”, which invlves nvel data made frm cmbining previus cncepts. This helps t integrate previus paths f digital “neurns (神经元)”, freeing up space fr future cncepts. It als prepares unused neurns with patterns that will help them pick up new lessns mre easily.
    The researchers tested three AI mdels using a traditinal training methd, fllwed by WSCL training. Then they cmpared perfrmances fr image identificatin. The sleep-trained mdels were 2 t 12 percent mre likely t crrectly identify the cntents f an image. They als measured an increase in hw much ld knwledge a mdel uses t learn a new task.
    Despite the results, Andrew Rgyski at the University f Surrey, UK, says using the human brain as a blueprint isn’t necessarily the best way t bst AI perfrmance. Instead, he suggests mimicking dlphins, which can “sleep” with ne part f the brain while anther part remains active. After all, an AI that requires hurs f sleep isn’t ideal fr cmmercial applicatins.
    12. WSCL was develped t help imprve AI’s ______.
    A. reliabilityB. creativityC. securityD. ppularity
    13. What d mdels using WSCL d during the “sleeping” perids?
    A. Generate new data.B. Prcess previus data.
    C. Receive data fr later analysis.D. Save data fr the “awake” phase.
    14. What is paragraph 5 mainly abut?
    A. The applicatin f WSCL.B. The benefits f AI research.
    C. The findings f the research.D. The underlying lgic f WSCL.
    15. Which best describes Andrew’s attitude twards the sleep-trained mdels?
    A. Cautius.B. Prejudiced.C. Pessimistic.D. Uncncerned.
    Research has shwn that mindful eating has psitive impacts n peple, s it’s beneficial t knw hw t eat mre mindfully. Here are sme techniques fr eating at a healthy pace.
    Remve all distractins while yu eat. ____16____ Make sure yur cell phne is face dwn and yu’re nt ging t be respnding t any messages that cme thrugh.
    Take enugh time t finish yur meal. Even with all distractins remved, very ften yu still find yurself eating faster than yu shuld.____17____ It takes abut that time fr yur bdy t get the signal t the brain that yu are full.
    ____18____ Yu might wnder hw t spend 20 whle minutes eating a sandwich. One way t slwdwn is t engage yur senses and think thrugh all the details abut yur meal. Ask yurself: What’s n my plate? Hw hungry am I tday? Is it t salty? Ntice the smell, the taste and whatever ther senses that arise as yu eat.
    Limit the amunt f the fd yu might munch n(大口吃) mindlessly. Put a small amunt f snack fd, like ptat chips, in a separate bwl t help avid mindless munching.____19____ Putting aside sme f the fd can help yu eat less at a healthier pace.
    Actually chew. If yu’re wlfing dwn(狼吞虎咽) yur fd yu’re prbably nt chewing it. And chewing is an imprtant part f digestin. ____20____ Lk at each bite befre putting it int yur muth, acknwledge what yu’re eating and chew, chew, chew.
    A. Ntice all the little details abut yur fd.
    B. Limit yur time fr a meal within 20 minutes.
    C. It helps break up the fds s it’s easier fr absrptin.
    D. Watch ut fr yur fd intake and the time yu spend n it.
    E. When yu sit dwn t eat, spend at least 20 minutes ding s.
    F. If yu have a whle bag f it, it is challenging t stp after several bites.
    G. They can limit yur ability t enjy yur fd and ntice when yu are full.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    At graduatin ceremnies, it’s cmmn t see parents prudly cheering and clapping fr their kids. But have yu ever seen it ____21____ the ther way arund? A heartwarming viral vide shws a little girl named Shivaee ____22____ rting fr her dad during his graduatin ceremny.
    The vide shws Shivaee’s dad, Aashish, walking up t the stage t ____23____ his master’s degree certificate frm Teesside University in England. As the then 34-year-ld ____24____ the stage, Shivaee shuts, “Cngratulatins, Daddy!” stimulating ____25____ frm thse in the rm.
    The dad,____26____ by the act, replies, “I lve yu,” and blws her a kiss. Excited t ____27____ a mment with her dad, she replies, “I lve yu, daddy!” His smile grws even wider, and he lks deeply mved when his ____28____ is annunced and he jins the rest f the ____29____ n the stage.
    “This ceremny wuld have been _____30_____ withut my princess,” Aashish wrte n scial media. “Asher _____31_____ spread thrugh the silent ceremny hall, my heart melted alng with all the thers present._____32_____ the graduatin award, I felt ‘Being father t my daughter’ is the biggest _____33_____ t me.”
    Shivaee was barely 3 years ld when the vide was taken in 2022. That makes the _____34_____ even mre sweet, and it’s smething her dad will never frget. He added, “This was the cutest mment during my whle graduatin ceremny. It wuld stay _____35_____ frever.”
    21. A. shwB. happenC. changeD. return
    22. A. secretlyB. patientlyC. shylyD. ludly
    23. A. pick upB. shw ffC. apply frD. hand ut
    24. A. bservesB. decratesC. ccupiesD. appraches
    25. A. laughterB. encuragementC. suspicinD. ppsitin
    26 A. cnfusedB. embarrassedC. relievedD. tuched
    27. A. shareB. imagineC. chseD. recllect
    28 A. newsB. nameC. planD. prize
    29. A. prfessrsB. audiencesC. graduatesD. kids
    30. A. heartwarmingB. specialC. incmpleteD. unbearable
    31. A. wrdsB. stryC. ideasD. ptimism
    32. A. Thanks tB. Regardless fC. Rather thanD. As fr
    33. A. challengeB. achievementC. pprtunityD. cntributin
    34. A. fatherB. dreamC. girlD. scene
    35. A. ppularB. awakeC. aliveD. hpeful
    第二节(共 10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Trends ppular amng the yuth such as “China chic” and the grwing influence f yung cnsumers have driven the develpment f hanfu industry in recent years. Amng the varius ____36____ (style), the hrse face skirt has emerged as the mst ppular item.
    ____37____(cmbine) classical elegance with mdern simplicity, the hrse face skirt is said t perfectly suit the cntemprary culture and lifestyle f yung peple, making ____38____ a fashin icn (标志). This trend has gained ppularity in Luyang city, Central China’s Henan prvince,____39____ numerus perfrmers recently shwcased these beautiful skirts in their acts, with many visitrs alike ____40____ (dress) in the elegant hrse face skirts. In Caxian cunty f Shandng prvince, ne f the cuntry’s hanfu prductin and sales centers, the sales ____41____ the hrse face skirts during last Spring Festival hliday ____42____ (increase) dzens f times cmpared t usual vlumes. Actually, the skirt has becme a very ppular ____43____ (chse) fr gifts.
    The current ppularity f hanfu in the cuntry is believed ____44____ (indicate) mre than a fashin trend; it _____45_____ (represent) a deeper cnnectin t Chinese traditin and cultural identity.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是校学生会主席李华。你校外教 Tny将与学生一起到阳光农场参加务农实践活动,请给Tny写一封邮件,告知活动相关安排。
    Dear Tny,
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分 25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “Mm, please,” Ann a begged eagerly. “Please, let me d it by myself!” She had never made ckies by herself befre, but at the age f nine, she felt capable f handling many things. Her friends had been baking cupcakes fr a year. Yet, it seemed her parents had little faith in her.
    “Anna is ging t make ckies? Alne?” her brther, Carl, asked with a laugh. “That is ging t be disaster!” Carl used big wrds t act smarter than Anna. Having a big brther culd be annying. Admittedly, Anna always appeared clumsy. But that was befre she turned nine. She thught her parents shuld realize she wuld d better nw.
    At her wrds, a flash f uncertainty crssed her parents’ faces. Wuld they agree? Hlding her breath, she had waited fr what seemed like ages. Surprisingly, Mm ndded, saying, “Okay, but please be careful, and remember t take a lk at the ckbk first.”
    Fueled by determinatin, Anna raced t the kitchen. With each step, there was a sense f purpse and cnfidence grwing within her. She had already dne it with Mm a millin times befre. Putting the ckbk aside, she gt dwn t baking ckies frm memry, breaking eggs, drpping a cld stick f butter, adding salt and then…um…yes, mixing it well! Using a mixer was easy. She turned n the mixer at the medium speed—and wha. Wha. Wha! Butter splattered (飞溅) everywhere, making the kitchen in a mess. Cllecting herself, she turned back t the mixing bwl and started again. This time with sfter butter.
    Anna placed runded spnfuls f mixture nt the ckie pan and put it int the ven (烤炉). Within a few minutes, a fantastic smell filled the kitchen- the smell f ckie success! She was ging t silence all thse dubts. N mre eye-rlling frm her big brther. N mre “Yu’re t yung, Anna” frm her parents. She believed she was grwn up and mature enugh t be relied n.
    The mment Anna pulled the pan ut f the ven, Carl stepped int the kitchen.
    Nw she decided t have anther try, carefully fllwing the ckbk.
    注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必用黑色钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号填写在答题卡上, 将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。因笔试不考听力,选择题从第二部分的“阅读”开始,试题序号从“21”开始。
    2.作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案, 答案不能答在试卷上。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    A city can becme famus and experience a significant increase in visitrs due t the influence f a well-liked film r a TV drama. Fr audiences, stepping int the scenes and experiencing the daily lives f the characters has becme a new travel trend. Over the past year, several films and TV dramas have put their shting lcatins int the public sptlight.
    Qingda in Shandng prvince
    The Wandering Earth 2, a sci-fi that explres digital life and space jurney, shwcases impressive sci-fi scenes.90 percent f the film was sht in different places f Qingda city, including the Jiazhu Bay Bridge-the wrld’s lngest crss-sea bridge, and the TAG Art Museum. Fr sci-fi fans, visiting Qingda t explre the mvie’s filming lcatins has becme a ppular trend.
    Jiangmen in Guangdng prvince
    The hit shw The Knckut made Jiangmen an imprtant turism destinatin. As the hmetwn fr many verseas Chinese, the city features histrical cultural street scenes and Suth Asian-style architecture. The city has recrded mre than 3.34 millin trips in the past tw mnths, which has generated ver 3.4 billin yuan f turism incme, reflecting a ntable rise f 124.3 percent cmpared t the same perid the previus year.
    Ningb Museum in Zhejiang prvince
    The primary setting fr the sci-fi TV drama Three-Bdy Prblem, Ningb Museum, has caught significant attentin. The museum integrates reginal cultural features, traditinal architectural elements, and mdern techniques. Fllwing the TV shw’s release, daily visitr numbers rcketed t 5,000, marking a remarkable 220 percent year-n-year increase.
    Taiyuan Ancient Cunty in Shanxi prvince
    Full River Red, directed by Zhang Yimu, set the Taiyuan Ancient Cunty n fire with excitement. The mvie highlights the cunty’s cmplex and narrw streets. The cunty nw draws ver 40,000 turists every day, a significant rise cmpared t the daily 20,000 previusly. Ntably, ne-third f these turists were frm utside Shanxi prvince, accrding t lcal statistics.
    1. Which place best suits visitrs wh appreciate buildings f freign style?
    A. Qingda city.B. Jiangmen city.
    C. Ningb Museum.D. Taiyuan Ancient Cunty.
    2. What aspect f Taiyuan Ancient Cunty des Full River Red emphasize?
    A. Its characteristic streets.B. Its disastrus fire.
    C. Its increasing ppulatin.D. Its ecnmic grwth.
    3 What d the fur places have in cmmn?
    A. Their incme depends heavily n turism.B. Their architecture integrates different cultures.
    C. They are famus fr their histrical landmarks.D. They becme a hit thrugh films r TV dramas.
    【答案】1. B 2. A 3. D
    细节理解题。根据第三段“As the hmetwn fr many verseas Chinese, the city features histrical cultural street scenes and Suth Asian-style architecture.(作为许多海外华人的家乡,这座城市以历史文化街景和南亚风格的建筑为特色)”可知,江门市最适合欣赏外国风格建筑的游客。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“Full River Red, directed by Zhang Yimu, set the Taiyuan Ancient Cunty n fire with excitement. The mvie highlights the cunty’s cmplex and narrw streets.(张艺谋导演的《满江红》让太原古县城充满了激情。这部电影突出了这个县复杂而狭窄的街道)”可知,《满江红》强调了太原古县的特色街道。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“A city can becme famus and experience a significant increase in visitrs due t the influence f a well-liked film r a TV drama. Fr audiences, stepping int the scenes and experiencing the daily lives f the characters has becme a new travel trend. Over the past year, several films and TV dramas have put their shting lcatins int the public sptlight.(由于一部受欢迎的电影或电视剧的影响,一座城市可能会变得出名,游客也会大幅增加。对于观众来说,走进场景,体验角色的日常生活已经成为一种新的旅行趋势。在过去的一年里,几部电影和电视剧将其拍摄地点置于公众的聚光灯下)”可知,这四个地方的共同之处是都是通过电影或电视剧走红。故选D。
    We’re ften tld t fllw ur dreams, and ne persn in Canada has dne just that after building a wnderland fr animals. In his wn backyard, the eight water features which Rbert Perkins dug int the grund are nw a shelter fr birds, frgs, beavers (河狸) and ther animals in the middle f suburban develpment. But fr Perkins, creating habitat fr wildlife is nt nly abut ding his part t help the envirnment. It’s a labr f lve fr a wman he met when he was 16 years ld.
    Perkins met Rhnda in 1974 and the tw f them hit it ff. They bth lved animals, and she always wished t have a place where they culd live in harmny with the land. Rhnda, whm Perkins stayed with all his life, passed away in 2006. Perkins reslved t build a wnderland where her spirit culd stay in peace.
    Ignring planning departments and neighbrs alike, Perkins began digging large hles fr water t flw. Over the curse f nine years his prperty went frm being a neighbrly headache t a perfect hme fr wildlife.
    Perkins says he wn’t take all the credit fr the wetland he built. When Perkins started creating the wildlife habitat in the early 2000s, a family f beavers gt wind f it sn and claimed the land. “When we built ur subdivisins, we cleared all the trees, dried the hills, drve all the water dwn t the lakes... In turn, the beavers helped dam (筑坝) and purify the water.”
    Wetland habitats nt nly attract wildlife, but prbably ffer the mst cmplete package f ecsystem services, including preventing pllutin, enriching the sil, and prmting the well-being f wildlife species.
    Perkins says he desn’t need t wnder what Rhnda might think f the place; he feels her presence whenever he walks alne amng the trees, the grass, and the pnds, lking at birds r beavers, and listening t the sngbirds and frgs. Perkins hpes his prject will ne day becme an educatinal place that lcal peple can visit t learn abut the imprtance f wetlands.
    4. Why did Perkins build the water features?
    A. T fulfill his childhd dream.B. T shw his lve fr his wife.
    C. T preserve endangered wildlife.D. T adapt t suburban develpment.
    5. Which best describes Perkins’ wetland building prcess?
    A. Effrtless but creative.B. Discuraging but efficient.
    C. Painful but influential.D. Demanding but rewarding.
    6. What can we infer abut building the wetland frm Perkins’ wrds?
    A. Perkins had a strategic plan fr it.B. Human’s rle in it was vervalued.
    C. Nature itself als played a part in it.D. Beavers were invited t help with it.
    7. What is Perkins’s expectatin f the wetland?
    A. T help spread his stry.B. T be a recreatinal spt.
    C. T bring ecnmic value.D. T serve as an inspiratin.
    【答案】4. B 5. D 6. C 7. D
    【导语】这是一篇新闻报道。主要说明了加拿大人Rbert Perkins为了为野生动物创造栖息地,同时表达对妻子的爱,建造了一个水景。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“It’s a labr f lve fr a wman he met when he was 16 years ld.(这是为给他16岁时遇到的一个女人的爱的劳动)”以及第二段“Perkins reslved t build a wnderland where her spirit culd stay in peace.(珀金斯决心建造一个仙境,在那里她的灵魂可以安息)”可知,珀金斯建造水景是为了表达他对妻子的爱。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“ Over the curse f nine years his prperty went frm being a neighbrly headache t a perfect hme fr wildlife.(在九年的时间里,他的房子从一个让邻居头疼的地方变成了野生动物的完美家园)”以及倒数第二段“Wetland habitats nt nly attract wildlife, but prbably ffer the mst cmplete package f ecsystem services, including preventing pllutin, enriching the sil, and prmting the well-being f wildlife species.(湿地栖息地不仅吸引野生动物,而且可能提供最完整的生态系统服务,包括防止污染、丰富土壤和促进野生动物物种的福祉)”可推知,珀金斯的湿地建设过程费时费力但有回报。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“When Perkins started creating the wildlife habitat in the early 2000s, a family f beavers gt wind f it sn and claimed the land. “When we built ur subdivisins, we cleared all the trees, dried the hills, drve all the water dwn t the lakes... In turn, the beavers helped dam (筑坝) and purify the water.”(当珀金斯在21世纪初开始创建野生动物栖息地时,一群海狸很快就听到了风声,并声称拥有这片土地。“当我们建造小区时,我们清除了所有的树木,晒干了山丘,把所有的水都排到湖里……反过来,海狸帮助筑坝和净化水。”)”可知,建造湿地时自然本身也起了作用。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“Perkins hpes his prject will ne day becme an educatinal place that lcal peple can visit t learn abut the imprtance f wetlands.(珀金斯希望他的项目有一天能成为一个教育场所,让当地人可以参观,了解湿地的重要性)”可知,珀金斯期望湿地可以作为一种激励。故选D。
    Initial cnversatins can have a huge impact n hw relatinships develp ver time. Peple are ften stuck in the impressins they think they might have made the minute they finish speaking with smene fr the first time: “Did they like me r were they just being plite?” “Were they deep in thught r deeply bred?”
    T find ut whether these wrries are necessary, we have cnducted nearly 10 years f research. In ur studies, participants in the UK talked with smene they had never met befre. Afterward, they were asked hw much they liked their cnversatin partner and hw much they believed that their cnversatin partner liked them. This allwed us t cmpare hw much peple believed they were liked t hw much they were actually liked.
    Time and time again, we fund that peple left their cnversatins with negative feelings abut the impressin they made. That is, peple systematically underestimate hw much their cnversatin partners like them and enjy their cmpany — a false belief we call the “liking gap”.
    This bias (偏见) may seem like smething that wuld ccur nly in initial interactins, but its effects extend far beynd a first impressin. Surprisingly, the liking gap can cnstantly affect a variety f relatinships, including interactins with cwrkers, lng after the initial cnversatins have taken place. Having a larger liking gap is assciated with being less willing t ask wrkmates fr help, less willing t prvide wrkmates with pen and hnest feedback, and less willing t wrk n anther prject tgether.
    There are numerus strategies t minimize yur biased feelings. One place t start is shifting yur fcus f attentin. Try t direct yur attentin t yur cnversatin partner, be genuinely curius abut them, ask them mre questins, and really listen t their answers. The mre yu’re zered in n the ther persn, and the less yu’re fcused n yurself, the better yur cnversatin will be and the less yur mind will turn t all the things yu think yu didn’t d well.
    8. Why did the authr carry ut 10 years f research?
    A. T dismiss natinal cncerns.B. T check ut a ptential bias.
    C T enhance human cmmunicatin.D. T develp harmnius relatinships.
    9. What is ne effect f peple’s liking gap?
    A. Fewer chances f new prjects.B. Underestimatin f their ability.
    C. Bad relatinships with peple arund.D. Lw willingness t interact with thers.
    10. What des the authr intend t d in the last paragraph?
    A. Restate pinins.B. Deliver warnings.C. Give suggestins.D. Make a summary.
    11. Which might be the best title fr the text?
    A. Liking Gap May Influence Wrk Perfrmances
    B. First Impressins Rely On Initial Cnversatins
    C. Peple Prbably Like Yu Mre Than Yu Think
    D. Hw Peple Like Yu Matters Less Than Yu Assume
    【答案】8. B 9. D 10. C 11. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Initial cnversatins can have a huge impact n hw relatinships develp ver time. Peple are ften stuck in the impressins they think they might have made the minute they finish speaking with smene fr the first time: “Did they like me r were they just being plite?” “Were they deep in thught r deeply bred?”(最初的对话会对关系的发展产生巨大的影响。人们常常会陷入自己第一次和别人说话时留下的印象中:“他们是喜欢我还是只是出于礼貌?”“他们是在沉思还是很无聊?”)”以及第二段“T find ut whether these wrries are necessary, we have cnducted nearly 10 years f research.(为了弄清楚这些担忧是否有必要,我们进行了近10年的研究)”可知,作者进行10年的研究是为了找出潜在的偏见。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Having a larger liking gap is assciated with being less willing t ask wrkmates fr help, less willing t prvide wrkmates with pen and hnest feedback, and less willing t wrk n anther prject tgether.(好感认知差距越大,就越不愿意向同事寻求帮助,越不愿意向同事提供公开和诚实的反馈,越不愿意一起完成另一个项目)”可知,好感认知差距的一个影响是与他人互动的意愿低。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“There are numerus strategies t minimize yur biased feelings. One place t start is shifting yur fcus f attentin. Try t direct yur attentin t yur cnversatin partner, be genuinely curius abut them, ask them mre questins, and really listen t their answers. The mre yu’re zered in n the ther persn, and the less yu’re fcused n yurself, the better yur cnversatin will be and the less yur mind will turn t all the things yu think yu didn’t d well.(有很多策略可以减少你的偏见。可以从转移你的注意力开始。试着把你的注意力转移到你的谈话对象身上,真诚地对他们感到好奇,问他们更多的问题,并认真倾听他们的回答。你越关注对方,越少关注自己,你们的对话就会越好,你也就越不会去想那些你认为自己做得不好的事情)”可知,作者在最后一段想给出建议。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段“Time and time again, we fund that peple left their cnversatins with negative feelings abut the impressin they made. That is, peple systematically underestimate hw much their cnversatin partners like them and enjy their cmpany — a false belief we call the “liking gap”.(我们一次又一次地发现,人们在结束谈话时对自己留下的印象感到消极。也就是说,人们系统性地低估了交谈对象对自己的喜爱程度和对陪伴的享受程度——这种错误的信念我们称之为“好感认知差距”)”结合文章主要说明了什么是“好感认知差距”以及这种心态对人们社交关系的影响。可知,C选项“人们可能比你想象的更喜欢你”最符合文章标题。故选C。
    Building artificial intelligences that sleep and dream can lead t mre dependable mdels, accrding t researchers wh aim t mimic (模仿) the behavir f the human brain.
    Cncett Spampinat and his research members at the University f Catania, Italy, were lking fr ways t avid a phenmenn knwn as “disastrus frgetting”, where an AI mdel trained t d a new task lses the ability t carry ut jbs it previusly excelled at. Fr instance, a mdel trained t identify animals culd learn t spt different fish species, but then might lse its ability t recgnize birds. They develped a methd f training AI called Wake-Sleep Cnslidated Learning (WSCL), which mimics the way that ur brains rerganize shrt-term memries f daily learning when we are asleep.
    Besides the usual training fr the “awake” phase, mdels using WSCL are prgrammed t have perids f “sleep”, where they analyze awake data frm earlier lessns. This is similar t human sptting cnnectins and patterns while sleeping.
    WSCL als has a perid f “dreaming”, which invlves nvel data made frm cmbining previus cncepts. This helps t integrate previus paths f digital “neurns (神经元)”, freeing up space fr future cncepts. It als prepares unused neurns with patterns that will help them pick up new lessns mre easily.
    The researchers tested three AI mdels using a traditinal training methd, fllwed by WSCL training. Then they cmpared perfrmances fr image identificatin. The sleep-trained mdels were 2 t 12 percent mre likely t crrectly identify the cntents f an image. They als measured an increase in hw much ld knwledge a mdel uses t learn a new task.
    Despite the results, Andrew Rgyski at the University f Surrey, UK, says using the human brain as a blueprint isn’t necessarily the best way t bst AI perfrmance. Instead, he suggests mimicking dlphins, which can “sleep” with ne part f the brain while anther part remains active. After all, an AI that requires hurs f sleep isn’t ideal fr cmmercial applicatins.
    12. WSCL was develped t help imprve AI’s ______.
    A. reliabilityB. creativityC. securityD. ppularity
    13. What d mdels using WSCL d during the “sleeping” perids?
    A. Generate new data.B. Prcess previus data.
    C. Receive data fr later analysis.D. Save data fr the “awake” phase.
    14. What is paragraph 5 mainly abut?
    A. The applicatin f WSCL.B. The benefits f AI research.
    C. The findings f the research.D. The underlying lgic f WSCL.
    15. Which best describes Andrew’s attitude twards the sleep-trained mdels?
    A. Cautius.B. Prejudiced.C. Pessimistic.D. Uncncerned.
    【答案】12. A 13. B 14. C 15. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Building artificial intelligences that sleep and dream can lead t mre dependable mdels, accrding t researchers wh aim t mimic (模仿) the behavir f the human brain.(据旨在模仿人类大脑行为的研究人员称,构建睡眠和做梦的人工智能可以产生更可靠的模型)”可知,开发WSCL是为了帮助提高AI的可靠性。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Besides the usual training fr the “awake” phase, mdels using WSCL are prgrammed t have perids f “sleep”, where they analyze awake data frm earlier lessns.(除了通常的“清醒”阶段的训练之外,使用WSCL的模型还被编程为有“睡眠”阶段,在那里它们分析来自早期课程的清醒数据)”可知,使用WSCL的模型在“睡眠”期间处理之前的数据。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第五段“The researchers tested three AI mdels using a traditinal training methd, fllwed by WSCL training. Then they cmpared perfrmances fr image identificatin. The sleep-trained mdels were 2 t 12 percent mre likely t crrectly identify the cntents f an image. They als measured an increase in hw much ld knwledge a mdel uses t learn a new task.(研究人员使用传统的训练方法测试了三个人工智能模型,然后进行了WSCL训练。然后,他们比较了图像识别的表现。经过睡眠训练的模型正确识别图像内容的可能性要高出2%到12%。他们还测量了模型在学习新任务时使用的旧知识的增加)”可知,第5段的主要内容是研究的结果。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Despite the results, Andrew Rgyski at the University f Surrey, UK, says using the human brain as a blueprint isn’t necessarily the best way t bst AI perfrmance. Instead, he suggests mimicking dlphins, which can “sleep” with ne part f the brain while anther part remains active. After all, an AI that requires hurs f sleep isn’t ideal fr cmmercial applicatins.(尽管取得了这些成果,英国萨里大学的安德鲁·罗戈伊斯基表示,使用人类大脑作为蓝图并不一定是提高人工智能性能的最佳方式。相反,他建议模仿海豚,海豚可以在大脑的一部分“睡觉”时,另一部分保持活跃。毕竟,需要长时间睡眠的人工智能并不适合商业应用)”可知,安德鲁对睡眠训练模特是谨慎态度。故选A。
    Research has shwn that mindful eating has psitive impacts n peple, s it’s beneficial t knw hw t eat mre mindfully. Here are sme techniques fr eating at a healthy pace.
    Remve all distractins while yu eat. ____16____ Make sure yur cell phne is face dwn and yu’re nt ging t be respnding t any messages that cme thrugh.
    Take enugh time t finish yur meal. Even with all distractins remved, very ften yu still find yurself eating faster than yu shuld.____17____ It takes abut that time fr yur bdy t get the signal t the brain that yu are full.
    ____18____ Yu might wnder hw t spend 20 whle minutes eating a sandwich. One way t slwdwn is t engage yur senses and think thrugh all the details abut yur meal. Ask yurself: What’s n my plate? Hw hungry am I tday? Is it t salty? Ntice the smell, the taste and whatever ther senses that arise as yu eat.
    Limit the amunt f the fd yu might munch n(大口吃) mindlessly. Put a small amunt f snack fd, like ptat chips, in a separate bwl t help avid mindless munching.____19____ Putting aside sme f the fd can help yu eat less at a healthier pace.
    Actually chew. If yu’re wlfing dwn(狼吞虎咽) yur fd yu’re prbably nt chewing it. And chewing is an imprtant part f digestin. ____20____ Lk at each bite befre putting it int yur muth, acknwledge what yu’re eating and chew, chew, chew.
    A. Ntice all the little details abut yur fd.
    B. Limit yur time fr a meal within 20 minutes.
    C. It helps break up the fds s it’s easier fr absrptin.
    D. Watch ut fr yur fd intake and the time yu spend n it.
    E. When yu sit dwn t eat, spend at least 20 minutes ding s.
    F. If yu have a whle bag f it, it is challenging t stp after several bites.
    G. They can limit yur ability t enjy yur fd and ntice when yu are full.
    【答案】16. G 17. E 18. A 19. F 20. C
    根据上文“Remve all distractins while yu eat. (吃饭时排除一切干扰。)”可知,本句承接上文说明“吃饭时排除一切干扰”这么做的原因。故G选项“它们会限制你享受食物的能力,也会限制你注意到自己已经吃饱了。”符合语境,故选G。
    根据上文“Take enugh time t finish yur meal. Even with all distractins remved, very ften yu still find yurself eating faster than yu shuld. (花足够的时间吃完你的饭。即使排除了所有的干扰,你仍然经常发现自己吃得比你应该吃的快。)”以及后文“It takes abut that time fr yur bdy t get the signal t the brain that yu are full. (大约需要这段时间,你的身体才会向大脑发出你吃饱了的信号。)”可知,本句主要针对吃饭花费的时间提出建议。故E选项“当你坐下来吃饭时,至少花20分钟这样做。”符合语境,故选E。
    根据本段内容“Yu might wnder hw t spend 20 whle minutes eating a sandwich. One way t slwdwn is t engage yur senses and think thrugh all the details abut yur meal. Ask yurself: What’s n my plate? Hw hungry am I tday? Is it t salty? Ntice the smell, the taste and whatever ther senses that arise as yu eat. (你可能想知道如何花整整20分钟吃一个三明治。放慢速度的一种方法是调动你的感官,仔细考虑你吃饭的所有细节。问问你自己:我的盘子里有什么?我今天有多饿?是不是太咸了?注意你吃东西时产生的气味、味道和其他感觉。)”可知,后文提到注意你吃东西时产生的气味、味道和其他感觉,即建议注意食物的细节。故A选项“注意食物的所有细节。”符合语境,故选A。
    根据上文“Put a small amunt f snack fd, like ptat chips, in a separate bwl t help avid mindless munching. (把少量的零食,如薯片,放在一个单独的碗里,以帮助避免无意识地咀嚼。)”可知,上文建议把零食单独放在一个碗里,可知本句承接上文,说明这么做的原因。故F选项“如果你有一整袋,吃几口就停止是很困难的。”符合语境,故选F。
    根据上文“And chewing is an imprtant part f digestin. (咀嚼是消化的重要组成部分。)”可知,上文提到了咀嚼的重要性,可知本句说明咀嚼的作用。故C选项“它有助于分解食物,这样更容易被吸收。”符合语境,故选C。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    At graduatin ceremnies, it’s cmmn t see parents prudly cheering and clapping fr their kids. But have yu ever seen it ____21____ the ther way arund? A heartwarming viral vide shws a little girl named Shivaee ____22____ rting fr her dad during his graduatin ceremny.
    The vide shws Shivaee’s dad, Aashish, walking up t the stage t ____23____ his master’s degree certificate frm Teesside University in England. As the then 34-year-ld ____24____ the stage, Shivaee shuts, “Cngratulatins, Daddy!” stimulating ____25____ frm thse in the rm.
    The dad,____26____ by the act, replies, “I lve yu,” and blws her a kiss. Excited t ____27____ a mment with her dad, she replies, “I lve yu, daddy!” His smile grws even wider, and he lks deeply mved when his ____28____ is annunced and he jins the rest f the ____29____ n the stage.
    “This ceremny wuld have been _____30_____ withut my princess,” Aashish wrte n scial media. “Asher _____31_____ spread thrugh the silent ceremny hall, my heart melted alng with all the thers present._____32_____ the graduatin award, I felt ‘Being father t my daughter’ is the biggest _____33_____ t me.”
    Shivaee was barely 3 years ld when the vide was taken in 2022. That makes the _____34_____ even mre sweet, and it’s smething her dad will never frget. He added, “This was the cutest mment during my whle graduatin ceremny. It wuld stay _____35_____ frever.”
    21. A. shwB. happenC. changeD. return
    22. A. secretlyB. patientlyC. shylyD. ludly
    23. A. pick upB. shw ffC. apply frD. hand ut
    24. A. bservesB. decratesC. ccupiesD. appraches
    25. A. laughterB. encuragementC. suspicinD. ppsitin
    26. A. cnfusedB. embarrassedC. relievedD. tuched
    27. A. shareB. imagineC. chseD. recllect
    28. A. newsB. nameC. planD. prize
    29. A. prfessrsB. audiencesC. graduatesD. kids
    30. A. heartwarmingB. specialC. incmpleteD. unbearable
    31. A. wrdsB. stryC. ideasD. ptimism
    32. A. Thanks tB. Regardless fC. Rather thanD. As fr
    33. A. challengeB. achievementC. pprtunityD. cntributin
    34. A. fatherB. dreamC. girlD. scene
    35. A. ppularB. awakeC. aliveD. hpeful
    【答案】21. B 22. D 23. A 24. D 25. A 26. D 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. C 31. A 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是你见过相反的情况发生吗?A. shw展示;B. happen发生;C. change改变;D. return返回。上文it指代上文“At graduatin ceremnies, it’s cmmn t see parents prudly cheering and clapping fr their kids.(在毕业典礼上,经常看到父母自豪地为他们的孩子欢呼和鼓掌)”这一情况,此处指相反的情况发生,故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:在一段热播的视频中,一个名叫希瓦伊的小女孩在爸爸的毕业典礼上大声为他加油。A. secretly秘密地;B. patiently耐心地;C. shyly害羞地;D. ludly大声地。后文“rting fr her dad”表示为大声为父亲加油。故选D。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:视频显示,希瓦伊的父亲阿什什走上舞台,领取他在英国蒂赛德大学获得的硕士学位证书。A. pick up捡起,领取;B. shw ff炫耀;C. apply fr申请;D. hand ut分发。根据后文“his master’s degree certificate frm Teesside University”指希瓦伊的父亲阿什什领取他在英国蒂赛德大学获得的硕士学位证书。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当当时34岁的希瓦伊走上舞台时,他喊道:“恭喜你,爸爸!”这句话引起了房间里的笑声。A. bserves观察;B. decrates装饰;C. ccupies占据;D. appraches靠近。根据后文“the stage”可知,此处指34岁的父亲走上舞台,应用动词apprach。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当当时34岁的希瓦伊走上舞台时,她喊道:“恭喜你,爸爸!”这句话引起了房间里的笑声。A. laughter笑声;B. encuragement鼓励;C. suspicin怀疑;D. ppsitin反对。根据上文“Cngratulatins, Daddy!”以及选项内容可知,她大声祝贺父亲的话引起了房间里的笑声。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:爸爸被感动了,回答说:“我爱你,”然后给了她一个飞吻。A. cnfused困惑;B. embarrassed尴尬的;C. relieved安慰的;D. tuched感动的。根据后文“by the act, replies, “I lve yu,” and blws her a kiss”可知,父亲被孩子祝贺的话感动。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她很兴奋能和爸爸分享这一刻,她回答说:“我爱你,爸爸!”A. share分享;B. imagine想象;C. chse选择;D. recllect回忆。根据后文“a mment with her dad”可知,她和父亲分享了毕业的时刻,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的笑容变得更加灿烂,当他的名字被宣布时,他看起来很感动,他加入了舞台上的其他毕业生。A. news新闻;B. name名字;C. plan计划;D. prize奖品。根据上文“his master’s degree certificate frm Teesside University”以及后文“is annunced”可知,父亲要领取毕业证书,所以是被叫到名字。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的笑容变得更加灿烂,当他的名字被宣布时,他看起来很感动,他加入了舞台上的其他毕业生。A. prfessrs教授;B. audiences观众;C. graduates毕业生;D. kids孩子。根据上文“his master’s degree certificate frm Teesside University”可知,当时在领取毕业证书,所以是加入了其他毕业生。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“没有我的公主,这个仪式就不完整了,”阿什什在社交媒体上写道。A. heartwarming暖心的;B. special特别的;C. incmplete不完整的;D. unbearable难以忍受的。根据后文“withut my princess”可知,父亲认为没有自己的女儿在场,仪式就不完整了。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:阿瑟的话传遍了寂静的仪式大厅,我的心和在场的所有人一样融化了。A. wrds话语;B. stry故事;C. ideas想法;D. ptimism乐观。此处指上文“Cngratulatins, Daddy!”女儿鼓励的话传遍了寂静的仪式大厅,故选A。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:比起毕业奖,我觉得‘做女儿的父亲’才是我最大的成就。A. Thanks t由于;B. Regardless f不管;C. Rather than而不是;D. As fr至于。根据后文“I felt ‘Being father t my daughter’ is the biggest”可知,他认为做女儿的父亲才是最大的成就,而不是毕业奖。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:比起毕业奖,我觉得‘做女儿父亲’才是我最大的成就。A. challenge挑战;B. achievement成就;C. pprtunity机会;D. cntributin贡献。根据上文可知34岁的父亲大学毕业,但是比起这个成就,他认为做女儿的父亲才是自己最大的成就。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这让梦更加甜蜜,这是她爸爸永远不会忘记的事情。A. father父亲;B. dream梦想;C. girl女孩;D. scene场景。根据后文“even mre sweet”以及父亲34岁大学毕业,可知这是父亲的梦想,而女儿让梦想更加甜蜜了。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它会永远活着。A. ppular受欢迎的;B. awake醒着的;C. alive活着的,充满活力的;D. hpeful有希望的。根据上文“it’s smething her dad will never frget”可知,父亲不会忘记这一刻,即这一刻在父亲心里永远铭记,充满活力。故选C。
    第二节(共 10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Trends ppular amng the yuth such as “China chic” and the grwing influence f yung cnsumers have driven the develpment f hanfu industry in recent years. Amng the varius ____36____ (style), the hrse face skirt has emerged as the mst ppular item.
    ____37____(cmbine) classical elegance with mdern simplicity, the hrse face skirt is said t perfectly suit the cntemprary culture and lifestyle f yung peple, making ____38____ a fashin icn (标志). This trend has gained ppularity in Luyang city, Central China’s Henan prvince,____39____ numerus perfrmers recently shwcased these beautiful skirts in their acts, with many visitrs alike ____40____ (dress) in the elegant hrse face skirts. In Caxian cunty f Shandng prvince, ne f the cuntry’s hanfu prductin and sales centers, the sales ____41____ the hrse face skirts during last Spring Festival hliday ____42____ (increase) dzens f times cmpared t usual vlumes. Actually, the skirt has becme a very ppular ____43____ (chse) fr gifts.
    The current ppularity f hanfu in the cuntry is believed ____44____ (indicate) mre than a fashin trend; it _____45_____ (represent) a deeper cnnectin t Chinese traditin and cultural identity.
    【答案】36. styles
    37. Cmbining
    38. it 39. where
    40. dressed
    41. f 42. increased
    43. chice 44. t indicate
    45. represents
    考查非谓语动词。句意:马面裙结合了古典的优雅和现代的简约,据说它非常适合当代年轻人的文化和生活方式,使其成为时尚偶像。分析句子结构可知cmbine与逻辑主语the hrse face skirt构成主动关系,故用现在分词作状语,首字母大写。故填Cmbining。
    考查代词。句意:马面裙结合了古典的优雅和现代的简约,据说它非常适合当代年轻人的文化和生活方式,使其成为时尚偶像。此处指代上文the hrse face skirt,应用代词it。故填it。
    考查定语从句。句意:这一潮流在中国中部河南省洛阳市流行起来,最近许多表演者在表演中展示了这种美丽的裙子,许多游客都穿着优雅的马面裙。非限制性定语从句修饰先行词Luyang city,关系词在从句作地点状语,故填where。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:这一潮流在中国中部河南省洛阳市流行起来,最近许多表演者在表演中展示了这种美丽的裙子,许多游客都穿着优雅的马面裙。短语be dressed in表示“穿着”,此处过去分词作宾补。故填dressed。
    考查介词。句意:在全国汉服生产和销售中心之一的山东省曹县,去年春节期间马面裙的销量比平时增长了几十倍。此处sales与the hrse face skirts构成所属关系,应用介词f。故填f。
    考查时态。句意:在全国汉服生产和销售中心之一的山东省曹县,去年春节期间马面裙的销量比平时增长了几十倍。根据上文during last Spring Festival hliday可知为一般过去时。故填increased。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:汉服在中国的流行被认为不仅仅是一种时尚趋势;它代表了与中国传统和文化认同的更深层次的联系。此处为短语be believed t d sth.表示“被认为……”。故填t indicate。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是校学生会主席李华。你校外教 Tny将与学生一起到阳光农场参加务农实践活动,请给Tny写一封邮件,告知活动相关安排。
    Dear Tny,
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Tny,
    I hpe this email finds yu in gd spirits. I’m Li Hua, the Student Unin’s president, and I’m glad t express ur thrill f having yu jin us fr the farming practice activity at Sunlight Farm.
    The event is set fr May 1st at 8:00 a. m., meeting at the schl plaza. Thrughut the day, yu’ll engage in planting, watering and harvesting alngside ur students, under the guidance f experienced farm staff. It’s a fantastic pprtunity t learn abut sustainable agriculture and envirnmental stewardship while fstering teamwrk.
    Please wear cmfrtable clthing and bring essentials like sunscreen and a water bttle. If yu have any questins, feel free t reach ut. We’re excited t embark n this enriching experience tgether. Lking frward t seeing yu there!
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    参加:engage in→take part in
    原句:Please wear cmfrtable clthing and bring essentials like sunscreen and a water bttle.
    拓展句:Please wear cmfrtable clthing and bring essentials like sunscreen and a water bttle s that yu can enjy this event cmfrtably.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] It’s a fantastic pprtunity t learn abut sustainable agriculture and envirnmental stewardship while fstering teamwrk.(运用了不定式作后置定语)
    [高分句型2] If yu have any questins, feel free t reach ut.(运用了if引导条件状语从句)
    第二节 (满分 25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “Mm, please,” Ann a begged eagerly. “Please, let me d it by myself!” She had never made ckies by herself befre, but at the age f nine, she felt capable f handling many things. Her friends had been baking cupcakes fr a year. Yet, it seemed her parents had little faith in her.
    “Anna is ging t make ckies? Alne?” her brther, Carl, asked with a laugh. “That is ging t be disaster!” Carl used big wrds t act smarter than Anna. Having a big brther culd be annying. Admittedly, Anna always appeared clumsy. But that was befre she turned nine. She thught her parents shuld realize she wuld d better nw.
    At her wrds, a flash f uncertainty crssed her parents’ faces. Wuld they agree? Hlding her breath, she had waited fr what seemed like ages. Surprisingly, Mm ndded, saying, “Okay, but please be careful, and remember t take a lk at the ckbk first.”
    Fueled by determinatin, Anna raced t the kitchen. With each step, there was a sense f purpse and cnfidence grwing within her. She had already dne it with Mm a millin times befre. Putting the ckbk aside, she gt dwn t baking ckies frm memry, breaking eggs, drpping a cld stick f butter, adding salt and then…um…yes, mixing it well! Using a mixer was easy. She turned n the mixer at the medium speed—and wha. Wha. Wha! Butter splattered (飞溅) everywhere, making the kitchen in a mess. Cllecting herself, she turned back t the mixing bwl and started again. This time with sfter butter.
    Anna placed runded spnfuls f mixture nt the ckie pan and put it int the ven (烤炉). Within a few minutes, a fantastic smell filled the kitchen- the smell f ckie success! She was ging t silence all thse dubts. N mre eye-rlling frm her big brther. N mre “Yu’re t yung, Anna” frm her parents. She believed she was grwn up and mature enugh t be relied n.
    The mment Anna pulled the pan ut f the ven, Carl stepped int the kitchen.
    Nw she decided t have anther try, carefully fllwing the ckbk.
    【答案】Paragraph 1:
    The mment Anna pulled the pan ut f the ven, Carl stepped int the kitchen. There was a smug grin n his face. “Well, well, well, Anna, it seems yur cking adventure ended in disaster, just as I predicted,” he teased his t me dripping with superirity. Anna’s heart sank as she surveyed the misshapen, burnt ckies n the tray. She had underestimated the imprtance f measuring ingredients accurately, resulting in an unappetizing mess. Carl’s mcking laughter eched in her ears, fueling her frustratin and disappintment. She knew her failure resulted frm her ignring the ckbk.
    Paragraph 2:
    Nw she decided t have anther try, carefully fllwing the ckbk. Determined t redeem herself, Anna carefully measured each ingredient, ensuring precisin in every step f the prcess and taking care t avid the mistakes f her previus attempt. After twenty minutes, Anna pened the ven dr t reveal perfectly glden-brwn ckies. Her parents’ eyes were filled with pride and admiratin. Even Carl culdn’t hide his astnishment. In that mment, Ann a realized success wasn’t just abut baking perfect ckies; it was abut believing in herself and being meticulus in everything she des.
    ②相信:believe in/trust
    ③意识到:realize/be aware f
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Anna’s heart sank as she surveyed the misshapen, burnt ckies n the tray. (运用了as引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] She had underestimated the imprtance f measuring ingredients accurately, resulting in an unappetizing mess. (运用了现在分词作状语)

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