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    这是一份2024年浙江省杭州市保俶塔实验学校中考模拟英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年浙江省杭州市保俶塔实验学校中考模拟英语试题原卷版docx、2024年浙江省杭州市保俶塔实验学校中考模拟英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共32页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2. 答题前,必须在答题卷的密封区内填写姓名、班级。
    3. 所有答案必须做在答题卷标定的位置上,务必注意试题序号和答题序号相对应。
    4. 考试结束后,只需上交答题卷。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
    1. What is the man ging t d tday?
    A. Have a picnic. B. Have a trip. C. Have a meeting.
    2 When is Lucy’s birthday party?
    A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.
    3. Where was Tm when the heavy rain came?
    A. In the library. B. In the classrm. C. In the museum.
    4. Hw was the weather in Lndn last weekend?
    A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Windy.
    5. What’s the relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Dctr and patient. C. Teacher and student.
    听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题。从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What are Gerge and Ann ding nw?
    A. They’re ging shpping. B. They’re visiting the museum. C. They’re speaking n the phne.
    7. What did Gerge give Ann as a present?
    A. A red shirt. B. A blue sweater. C. A green sweater.
    8. Wh did Gerge g t the science museum with?
    A. His mther and father. B. His grandparents. C. His friends.
    9.Why des the by always get gd marks?
    A. He is just lucky. B. He knws hw t study. C. Others help him.
    10. What kind f place des the by always study in?
    A. A nisy place. B. A crwded place. C. A quiet place.
    11. Hw lng des the by study befre a break?
    A. Sixty minutes. B. Thirty minutes. C. Twenty minutes.
    12. What was the survey mainly abut?
    A. Schl educatin. B. Family educatin. C. Rle mdels.
    13. What is the mst imprtant fr Chinese middle schl students?
    A. Mney. B. Dreams. C. Families.
    14. Hw many percent f the students chse famus peple as their rle mdels?
    A.60. B.30. C.10.
    15. Which is TRUE abut the 75 percent f the students after schl?
    A. They dn’t have enugh talk with their parents. B. They like t talk with their parents. C. They never talk with their parents.
    第二部分 完形填空(本题共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    It was a lvely spring afternn. My classmates and I were playing happily n the playgrund when I let ut a cry, “Ow! Ow! Smething in my she is biting me.”
    Everyne was shcked by the cry. They tk me int a classrm and were abut t take ff my___1___. “Which ft is it?” One asked “let us have a lk.”
    Suddenly, I remembered the hles in ___2___ scks. My family was very pr during thse years. I wre welfare scks, which cst nly a little, but thse ___3___ welfare scks didn’t last lng. They sn had ___4___ at the bttm.
    I refused t take ff my she. I ___5___ stand thers seeing the hles in my sck. I tried t hld back my tears. Yet, each time the thing ___6___ my she bit me, tears raced dwn my face.
    My teacher, Miss Diane, hurried int the ___7___, “What’s wrng? ” She asked.
    “Smething is biting her right ft, ___8___ she desn’t let us take ff her she,” One f my classmates answered.
    Miss Diane lived next dr t me. She ___9___ everything abut my family. She put bth hands n my shaking shulders and _____10_____ int my painful and hpeless eyes.
    “Oh, yes, it must be a sck-eating ant,” She said, as if she had _____11_____ seen the thing inside the she. “I had a bite frm ne f thse ants. By the time I gt my she ff, it had _____12_____ almst the whle bttm ff my sck.” My classmates ndded while they were listening t the teacher _____13_____, althugh they all lked a little puzzled.
    Miss Diane tk ff my right she and sck and shk them ver the dustbin. Tw red ants _____14_____ it.
    “Just what I thught. The ants have eaten part f her sck.” When she strked an alchl cttn ball n the bites, she added, “Yu are such a _____15_____ girl t take s many bites.”
    The alchl felt cl n the bites and a little girl’s pride was saved by the “sck-eating ant ” stry.
    1. A. sheB. shirtC. hatD. cat
    2. A. hisB. herC. myD. yur
    3. A. freeB. wetC. dirtyD. cheap
    4. A. hlesB. bxesC. stnesD. pckets
    5. A. culdB. culdn’tC. mustD. mustn’t
    6. A. nB. nearC. underD. in
    7. A. fficeB. playgrundC. classrmD. tilet
    8. A. becauseB. butC. rD. s
    9. A. knewB. frgtC. taughtD. brrwed
    10. A. lkedB. drppedC. ranD. gt
    11. A. hardlyB. alreadyC. stillD. nly
    12. A. turnedB. putC. takenD. eaten
    13. A. angrilyB. sadlyC. carefullyD. happily
    14. A. lived nB. fell intC. went verD. turned t
    15. A. luckyB. friendlyC. braveD. clever
    第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    16. Wh is this annuncement made t?
    A Judges.B. Parents.C. Teachers.D. Students.
    17. What des the underlined wrd “them” in Paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Ideas.B. Shes.C. Bicycles.D. Cmpetitins.
    18. After this year’s Bicycle Festival, what will happen mst prbably?
    A. Fewer peple will use public bicycles.B. Mre students will ride bicycles t schl.
    C. The Bicycle Festival will be held every year.D. Bicycle trips t ther cities will be rganized.
    19. What’s the best title fr the annuncement?
    A. Care fr the EnvirnmentB. Entries frm Creative Students
    C. Suggestins t the StudentsD. Results f New Festival Cmpetitin
    20. Why des Mr. Rsen write this letter?
    A. T tell the shp keeper the prblems with his rder.
    B. T rder a size medium and red shirt frm the shp.
    C. T say thanks t Victr Smith fr the gd service.
    D. T sell his yunger brther’s small size and red shirt.
    21. Adam’s shirt is different frm that is shwn in the picture in ________.
    A. sizeB. materialC. priceD. clr
    22. When can Mr. Rsen g t Victr’s ffice?
    A. At 10 a.m. n Mnday.B. At 3 p.m. n Friday.C. At 7 p.m. n Saturday.D. At 1 p.m. n Sunday.
    Charles Darwin
    Early years
    Charles Darwin was ne f the six children frm a big family. His grandfather and father were dctrs and the yung Darwin went t Edinburgh University t study medicine. Hwever, he hated t see bld and he sn realized that he culdn’t be a dctr. He then went t Cambridge University and discvered that he had a great interest in studying plants, insects and animals. Luckily, ne f Darwin’s university teachers helped him jin the perfect trip fr a bilgist: a vyage arund the wrld t study nature.
    The Beagle
    In 1831, Charles Darwin left Plymuth n The Beagle, a ship that tk him arund the wrld fr five years. While he was travelling, he studied the plants and animals in the cuntries and n the islands that the ship visited. Darwin als spent his time n The Beagle writing ntes abut the things he had seen. When he finally arrived back in Britain, Darwin was already starting t create his famus thery that all living things had a cmmn ancestr (祖先).
    Dwn huse
    At hme at Dwn Huse a place that yu can still visit tday, Darwin wrte many articles and bks abut his travels, but he didn’t want t make anything abut his thery knwn t the public. He wrked in his study, where he wrte 250,000 wrds abut his thery f evlutin (进化论), but he was frightened abut what peple might say abut his idea that mnkeys were the ancestrs f humans. He thught the public wuld be against it and was s frightened that he became ill with wrry. Hwever, when anther scientist started t write abut similar ideas, Darwin decided t print his bk, On the Origin f Species.
    Mst scientists accepted Darwin’s thery and peple cntinue t study it tday. On 12th February, the day he was brn, Darwin Day is celebrated arund the wrld t encurage mre peple t study the natural wrld.
    23. What caused Darwin t give up his study f medicine?
    A. He didn’t like seeing bld.B. He fund the studies t difficult.
    C. He was pushed t give up by his family.D. He was advised t study natural science.
    24. Why was the trip n The Beagle imprtant t Darwin?
    A. It helped him t finish his study at the university.
    B. It allwed him t change his mind abut his future.
    C. It gave him ideas abut the beginnings f human life.
    D. It gt him t cmplete his mst famus bk n the ship.
    25. In what rder did the fllwing happen in Darwin’s life?
    a. He arrived back in Britain in 1836.
    b. He thught the public wuld nt supprt his ideas.
    c. He became interested in studying the natural wrld.
    d. He printed his famus bk, On the Origin f Species.
    e. He received help t get a place n a trip arund the wrld.
    f. He studied the plants and animals n the islands he visited.
    A. e→f→c→a→b→dB. c→e→f→a→b→d
    C. e→f→a→c→d→bD. c→e→f→d→a→b
    26. What is the purpse f adding the last paragraph by the writer?
    A. T intrduce Darwin’s famus bk.B. T tell hw peple celebrate Darwin Day.
    C. T explain why peple accept Darwin’s ideas.D. T shw Darwin’s influence n natural science.
    D yu knw Rma peple? They were called Gypsies (吉普赛人) by Eurpeans because they thught they came frm Egypt (a cuntry in Africa). Abut a thusand years ag, the Rma peple left their hmeland. They are knwn as nmads because fr hundreds f years many f them have lived in large grups that travel frm place t place. They have n real hmeland.
    Tday, the Rma are nw living all ver the wrld. They have kept their language and many custms. Fr example, it’s imprtant fr Rma t marry ther Rma. It’s als a custm fr parents t chse the persn their children will marry. Rma peple get married when they are yung, smetimes even as yung as 14.
    Rmany is the language f the Rma peple, which was written dwn nly recently. Because the Rma are nmadic and have mved all ver the wrld, their language has develped in many different ways. It is smetimes hard fr Rma in ne part f the wrld t cmmunicate with Rma frm anther part.
    Rma music is famus all ver the wrld because many Rma thrughut histry have been musicians. Their music has influenced many ther kinds f music, like classical and jazz.
    Rma dn’t usually assimilate (同化) int hst cuntries. Over many centuries, gvernments have frbidden them t marry each ther, travel r wear their traditinal bright clthes. They have their gld taken away frm them—treasures frm their parents and grandparents. They have been taken as slaves (奴隶), and have been frced t change their names.
    But tday, the Rma are finding ways t live in peace with thers while keeping the treasures f their culture. “There’s a will within us t cntinue t live as a peple.” says Gerge Kaslv, whse family arrived in New Yrk frm Russia a hundred years ag. “All the ther ethnic (种族) grups wh came t America assimilate gradually with time ging; they lse their custms and language. But nt the Rma. We hld ut.”
    27. What des the underlined wrd “nmads” in the 1st paragraph mean?
    A. Peple wh lived centuries ag.B. Peple wh cme frm Rme.
    C. Peple wh have their hmeland.D. Peple wh mve frm place t place.
    28. Why is the cmmunicatin difficult between Rma in ne area and anther?
    A. Because the language is really difficult.
    B. Because their language develps differently.
    C. Because parents teach their children the language.
    D. Because they have mved acrss the wrld.
    29. What can we infer abut the Rma accrding t the passage?
    A. Mst f the Rma live in very unusual huses.
    B. Their language is endangered and may sn die ut.
    C. Their culture is very different frm ther Eurpean cultures.
    D. Mst Rma get married either when they are very yung r very ld.
    30. What is the main purpse f the passage?
    A. T tell readers abut an interesting culture.B. T tell us why the Rma need ur help.
    C. T shw us hw all peple are similar.D. T ask peple hw t live in peace.
    第二节 任务型阅读 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
    May Day is the day when we celebrate the end f winter and the arrival f spring. It’s a time f new life, with new leaves n the trees and wildflwers grwing in the wds and fields. On that day, children in Britain and ther parts f Eurpe ften make May baskets and hang them n a neighbr’s dr as a gift f lve and friendship.
    Here are the steps f making this kind f basket.
    Step 1 Fld paper int a cne (圆锥形) and stick it t keep the shape.
    Step 2 Cut tp f the cne with scissrs.
    Step 3 Make tw hles n ppsite sides f the cne. Leave 5 cm frm the tp.
    Step 4 Pass ribbn (彩带) thrugh hles and tie it t create a basket handle.
    Step 5 Fill yur basket with different kinds f flwers.
    A. B. C. D. E.
    What’s the meaning f May baskets as a gift? (10词以内)
    第四部分 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    Once upn a time, there was a family with 8 children living in a village. Tw f the children, bth bys, lved painting very much, ____36____ the family was s pr that it was impssible t send bth f them t study at art schl.
    After many discussins, the tw bys finally came up with ____37____ idea. They wuld tss (抛) a cin. The lser wuld g dwn int the mines (矿井) and supprt his brther with his pay. Then, when the brther wh wn the tss finished his studies, in fur years, he wuld pay the schl fee fr the ther brther ____38____ (study) at the cllege.
    One f the brthers, Albrecht Durer, wn the tss and his brther Jack went dwn the ____39____ (danger) mines. Durer wrked with all his heart and his paintings were much better than thse f mst f his ____40____ (teacher). He made a lt f mney fr his paintings.
    Durer ____41____ (return). When he tld Jack he culd g t art cllege, Jack said ____42____ (quiet), “The fur years in the mines has dne t much t my hands. It is t late. Nw I can’t even hld a glass.”
    T shw his lve t his brther, Durer drew his brther’s hands ____43____ palms (手掌) tgether and thin fingers twards the sky. He called his drawing simply Hands, but the whle wrld almst quickly pened their ____44____ (heart) t the great wrk and renamed it The Praying Hands.
    The next time yu see a cpy f that tuching creatin, take a ____45____ (tw) lk. Let it be yur reminder: N ne can ever succeed alne!
    第五部分 词汇运用(共两节,满分15分)
    用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每个单词限用一次 (每空一词)。
    46. Wendy came up, sat ________ me and asked sme questins.
    47. Fast fd ________ isn’t always bad fr yu,but t much f it is nt gd.
    48. Peple in western cuntries usually eat with frks and ________.
    49. The teacher hpes everyne will jin ________ in class discussin.
    50. Lk! The little by is ________ a bicycle ver there.
    There are many ways yu can ____51____ (练习) and imprve yur English utside the classrm. Fllwing are sme examples:
    ◆Get an English-speaking pen friend. This is a great way t learn English!
    ◆Yu can learn English frm m____52____ r newspapers. Read a stry in yur ____53____ (自己的) language first, and then read it in English t see hw well yu can u____54____.
    ◆Buy r brrw a bk that is ____55____ (适合的) fr yu. The stries are interesting and the language isn’t t difficult. Yu’ll ____56____ (开始) t enjy reading English.
    ◆ It’s a gd idea t listen t sngs by ne f yur favrite English-speaking ____57____ (乐队). Yu needn’t get every wrd ____58____ (清楚地).
    ◆Yu can try an English learning website r just read abut yur favrite film stars r sprts peple. 80% f the Internet is in English and there’s a lt f interesting i____59____ there.
    ◆And dn’t ____60____ (忘记) t watch TV fr example, CCTV 9, r films in English. It’s als a fun way t imprve yur listening.
    第六部分 书面表达(共1小题,满分20分)
    61. 你校英语节举办了主题为“Sharing My Hmetwn”的短视频征集活动,你所在组的作品成功入选。请根据下表信息写一篇发言稿,在英语课上分享你们的创作过程及收获。
    (1) 发言稿必须包括上表所有信息,可适当增加细节;
    (2) 你们的收获至少两条;
    (3) 次数:110字左右。
    We are pleased t annunce the results f ur cmpetitin t create a new schl festival fr students t celebrate this year. This cmpetitin, which we have had twice, has been a huge success. But this year, we have had mre entries (参赛作品) than ever befre!
    We have received many wnderful suggestins including ne that suggested there shuld be a festival f shes! This was certainly a creative idea, but nt surprisingly, ur judges (裁判) liked ther suggestins mre!
    The winning suggestin was frm Henry Chan, wh suggested that there shuld be a festival f bicycles. It was the judges’ favrite. Henry, wh is in Grade Eight, said that he went t schl by bicycle every day and enjyed taking bicycle trips very much. He added that s many public bicycles were in use in ur city that it wuld be a shame nt t celebrate them.
    As part f the festival, a bicycle trip will be rganized in the city. Then students will hld a ten-meter bicycle riding cmpetitin, in which anyne wh can ride the slwest wins. What’s mre, yu students are called n t ride bicycles t schl as ften as pssible.
    The Bicycle Festival will be frm June 18th and last tw days. We hpe yu will take part in the festival and d yur bit t prtect ur envirnment!
    knife, ride, it, beside, actively
    Gains (收获)
    Make a plan
    Cllect materials
    Create a vide
    Learn abut lcal culture better

    浙江省杭州市保叔塔实验学校中考二模英语试题(含听力): 这是一份浙江省杭州市保叔塔实验学校中考二模英语试题(含听力),文件包含浙江省杭州市保叔塔实验学校中考二模英语试题含听力原卷版docx、浙江省杭州市保叔塔实验学校中考二模英语试题含听力解析版docx、九年级二模听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共42页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    浙江省杭州市保俶塔申花实验学校2023-2024学年上学期八年级英语12月质量调研试卷(1): 这是一份浙江省杭州市保俶塔申花实验学校2023-2024学年上学期八年级英语12月质量调研试卷(1),共9页。







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