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    北京市东城区2024届高三下学期4月一模试题 英语 Word版含答案
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    北京市东城区2024届高三下学期4月一模试题 英语 Word版含答案

    这是一份北京市东城区2024届高三下学期4月一模试题 英语 Word版含答案,共9页。试卷主要包含了5分,共15分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 知识运用(共两节,30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
    In 2019, Thierry Henry, a bus driver, fund there was a rise in bike thefts in his city, Reykjavik. Rather than 1 that the bike was gne frever, he decided t take matters int his wn hands and started t track dwn the bikes and return them t their 2 wners.
    The 44-year-ld has helped return hundreds f stlen bikes in the past 4 years. His scial media accunt has ver 14,500 members and helps peple track dwn mre than just lst bikes. His page 3 t peple wh have lst tls, cars and ther items f high value. On tp f his nble act, Henry has helped the bike 4 t refrm in the prcess.
    5 , Henry wuld deal with the thieves with anger. Hwever, ver time, he realized that mst f the thefts were driven ut f pverty and ther issues. He went frm feeling 6 twards the thieves, t develping empathy(同理心) fr their situatins. It was very tugh at first. But Henry decided t try t 7 them and just talk t them.
    Frm this mment nward, he reached ut t the thieves, ffering help and guidance. After the change in his 8 , Henry fund that the bike thieves began t ften hand back the bikes t him. Amazingly, sme frmer thieves that Henry helped nw 9 him in lking fr the stlen bikes.
    “It’s like a 10 that has gt bigger and bigger,”. says Henry. “It’s nt nly me. Many times, smene spts a bike hidden in a bush and takes a picture. Then smene else cmments,’ hey, that’s my bike’.”
    Thanks t Henry, everyne’s lking ut.
    7.A.level withB.reply tC.side withD.aplgize t
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
    When I lived in Bstn, I taught English as a secnd language t adult students frm arund the wrld. On the last day, they threw a nice party. I was amazed they had learned enugh English 11 (rganize) such an event altgether. At the end f the party, they prudly handed me a gift bx. After the bx 12 (pen), I gently lifted a beautiful cat frm it. “We went shpping fr a new cat!” they all shuted 13 wnderfully perfect English.
    In early Nvember in 2023, a diver, swimming ff the cast f Sardinia, 14 (ntice) pieces f metal n the cean flr. He called the authrities and mre divers were sent t lk. The pieces turned ut t be ancient Rman cins. The cins mstly lay 15 (bury) in sand and seagrass nt far frm the cast. It is said that mre than 30,000 cins have been fund, 16 are clse t 2,000 years ld. Experts call this a majr histrical discvery.
    ChatGPT is a chatbt. Sme schls 17 (ban) it since its birth. They need time t make rules abut 18 it’s t be used prperly in class. Sme teachers see it as a 19 (cheat) tl. But many principals believe it’s t late t keep AI ut f classrms. A grwing number f 20 (educate) say the panic abut AI is a lt like the panic caused by the Internet when it was new. One f them says, “ChatGPT is t English and t writing what the calculatr is t math.”
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,38分)
    Are yu lking fr teen vlunteer pprtunities fr 2024 that prvide a rewarding experience that will stay with yu fr life? Every year thusands f teens chse t vlunteer abrad with Internatinal Vlunteer HQ(IVHQ)—the wrld’s mst trusted prvider f safe and affrdable vlunteer prgrams fr teens.
    Service trips fr teens are available in mre than 50 destinatins and there are 17 teen vlunteer prgrams fr 16 t 18 year-lds. Sme f the best prgrams in 2024 include Turtle Cnservatin in Bali, Animal Care in Csta Rica and Childcare in Tanzania. Or, if yu’re wanting t vlunteer with a grup f students frm yur high schl, IVHQ can tailr a prgram fr yur grup t!
    ▶Benefits fr vlunteers:
    ·There is n dubt that vlunteering as a teenager is a meaningful way t braden yur educatin and add experiences that will stand ut n yur cllege applicatin.
    ·Crssing bundaries t wrk with partners frm different parts f the wrld fsters glbal understanding.
    ·Living in a cuntry different t yur wn means that yu will be invlved in a new culture, cuisine, and way f thinking.
    ▶Guaranteed supprt:
    Chances are yur parents will als want t learn mre abut IVHQ, whether r nt they will g abrad with yu. Having placed mre than 130,000 vlunteers abrad, we’re always happy t speak with parents t ensure all their questins are fielded. Thrugh ur nline safety training, cmprehensive infrmatin brchures, n-ging supprt frm experienced prgram managers and rund-the-clck supprt frm ur lcal teams, IVHQ vlunteers are well supprted t make the mst f the time abrad.
    If yu’re ready t pack yur bags and experience a cmpletely different lifestyle and widen yur glbal perspective, please cntact us. IVHQ will be mre than happy t ffer a service.
    21.What can IVHQ prvide fr a high schl grup?
    A.Rewards fr vlunteering.B.A free service trip.
    C.An pprtunity t study abrad.D.A specialized prgram.
    22.What des IVHQ prmise t vlunteers?
    A.Lcal teams’ assistance.B.Partners’ supprt.
    C.Cllege recmmendatin letters.D.Parents’ cmpany
    23.The main purpse f the passage is t ______.
    A.advcate vlunteeringB.intrduce requirements
    C.advertise a serviceD.suggest a lifestyle
    An Art Class
    When Kelly was twelve, she started taking classes at Miss Grace’s Schl fr Art. She didn’t like it at first: the “nvice artists”—the kids wh hadn’t really dne art befre—wrked mstly with clay, and Kelly was a terrible sculptr.
    It wasn’t until her third year that Kelly fund smething she was really gd at—charcal drawing(素描). She lved watching the lines spread unevenly acrss the page as she mved the bits f charcal back and frth ver the paper.
    One day, Sphia, the best artist in her class, sat dwn and set up her easel(画架)next t Kelly. Kelly felt a sinking feeling in her stmach. She’d actually fund an art frm that she enjyed—and was gd at—and nw Sphia was ging t utshine her again? Kelly fught back tears when Miss Grace entered the rm.
    “Hell class,” Miss Grace said. “We’ll cntinue t wrk n the prject tday.”
    What masterpiece wuld Sphia have cme up with?
    Kelly lked at Sphia’s easel and she culdn’t believe it—it was a mess! Fr a brief mment, Kelly culdn’t actually believe her drawing was better than Sphia’s. But then she lked at Sphia, wh was watching Kelly with an anxius expressin.
    “I…I culdn’t decide what t d,” Sphia said. “And yu’re s gd. Smetimes I feel like my stuff is just s bad in cmparisn.”
    Kelly lked t see if Sphia was jking, but she seemed cmpletely serius. Nw Kelly was shcked. “I’m nt talented... Miss Grace seldm praises me. Yu’re the best ne in ur class!”
    Sphia raised her eyebrws. “I might be a really gd cpier f the stuff, but I have n idea what t d when it cmes t making up my wn images. Yu are s great at making new things ut f the ld stuff. I’ve lved yur wrks.”
    “I’ve lved yurs, t,” Kelly said.
    “Well, definitely nt this ne,” Sphia said.
    Kelly smiled. “Maybe nt right nw. But if yu mve these lines up…” she said, pinting her finger n Sphia’s paper.
    Sphia was quiet fr a mment. “That’s a great idea!” she said finally.
    Kelly smiled and turned back t her drawing, lking every s ften at Sphia’s wrk t see that she was taking her advice, dwn t the last line.
    24.When Kelly started classes at the art schl, she ______.
    A.was nt gd at the curseB.lacked cnfidence in drawing
    C.was ften pushed by Miss GraceD.did nt get alng with the ther kids
    25.Hw did Kelly feel when Sphia sat beside her?
    26.What did Kelly d in the art class?
    A.She inspired Sphia.B.She praised Sphia’s creativity.
    C.She decided t utshine Sphia.D.She finished the drawing fr Sphia.
    27.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.Interest is the best teacher.B.Yu are what yu believe t be.
    C.Everyne has their wn strengths.D.Hard wrk will eventually pay ff.
    Research spanning several decades demnstrates that yu are mre likely t think the infrmatin that is repeated t be true than the infrmatin yu hear nly nce. Yu usually assume that if peple put in effrt t repeat a statement, this reflects the truth f the statement. This tendency—als called the truth effect—is a bias(偏见)that can lead yu t draw incrrect cnclusins.
    T what degree are peple aware f the truth effect? This questin was addressed in a paper in the jurnal Cgnitin early this year.
    In the critical study in this paper, participants did tw sessins. In ne sessin, they read abut a hypthetical(虚构的) study in which they were expsed t sme statements and then were asked whether bth statements they had heard befre as well as these new statements were true. They were asked t predict the prprtin(比例)f each statement that wuld be judged as true. They did this bth as a predictin f ther peple’s perfrmance as well as a predictin f hw they wuld d in this study.
    At anther sessin a few days later, participants actually perfrmed this study, reading a set f 20 statements in the hypthetical study again and then judging the truth f altgether 40 statements, half f which were frm the hypthetical study and the ther half f which were new.
    This study did replicate the well knwn truth effect. Peple were mre likely t judge statements they had seen befre as true than statements that were new. Tw interesting findings emerged frm the predictins. First, participants tended t underestimate the size f the truth effect fr everyne. That is, while they did expect sme difference in judgments between the statements seen befre and thse that were new, they thught this difference wuld be smaller than it actually was. Secnd, participants mre significantly underpredicted the truth effect fr themselves cmpared t that fr ther peple.
    This study is particularly imprtant in light f the amunt f misinfrmatin present in scial media. Many peple have the pwer t influence public pinin abut imprtant matters. Flding scial media feeds with misinfrmatin will lead peple t believe this infrmatin is true just because it is stated. Recgnizing that we are all susceptible t this influence f repeated infrmatin shuld lead us t mistrust ur intuitin(直觉) abut what is true and t lk up imprtant infrmatin prir t using it t make imprtant judgments and decisins.
    28.In the first paragraph, the authr intends t ______.
    A.clarify a miscnceptinB.present a phenmenn
    C.challenge a statementD.cnfirm a thery
    29.What can we learn frm the study?
    A.Impacts f the truth effect require further studies.
    B.Making predictins befre judgments is significant.
    C.Peple have hardly any awareness f the truth effect.
    D.Peple tend t believe they can make wiser judgments.
    30.What des the wrd “susceptible” underlined in the last paragraph mst prbably mean?
    When I teach research methds, a majr fcus is peer review. As a prcess, peer review evaluates academic papers fr their quality, integrity and impact n a field, largely shaping what scientists accept as “knwledge”. By instinct, any academic fllws up a new idea with the questin, “Was that peer reviewed?”
    Althugh I believe in the imprtance f peer review and I help d peer reviews fr several academic jurnals—I knw hw vulnerable the prcess can be.
    I had my first encunter with peer review during my first year as a Ph. D student. One day, my adviser handed me an essay and tld me t have my written review back t him in a week. But at the time, I certainly was nt a “peer”—I was t new in my field. Manipulated data(不实的数据) r substandard methds culd easily have gne undetected. Knwledge is nt self-evident. Only experts wuld be able t ntice them, and even then, experts d nt always agree n what they ntice.
    Let’s say in my life I nly see white swans. Maybe I write an essay, cncluding that all swans are white. And a “peer” says, “Wait a minute, I’ve seen black swans.” I wuld have t refine my knwledge.
    The peer plays a key rle evaluating bservatins with the verall gal f advancing knwledge. Fr example, if the abve stry were reversed, and peer reviewers wh all believed that all swans were white came acrss the first study bserving a black swan, the study wuld receive a lt f attentin.
    S why was a first-year graduate student getting t stand in fr an expert? Why wuld my review cunt the same as an expert’s review? One answer: The prcess relies almst entirely n unpaid labr.
    Despite the fact that peers are prfessinals, peer review is nt a prfessin. As a result, the same ver-wrked schlars ften receive masses f the peer review requests. Besides the labr inequity, a small pl f experts can lead t a narrwed prcess f what is publishable r what cunts as knwledge, directly threatening diversity f perspectives and schlars. Withut a large enugh reviewer pl, the prcess can easily fall victim t biases, arising frm a small cmmunity recgnizing each ther’s wrk and cmprmising cnflicts f interest.
    Despite these challenges. I still tell my students that peer review ffers the best methd fr evaluating studies and advancing knwledge. As a prcess, peer review theretically wrks. The questin is whether the issues with peer review can be addressed by prfessinalizing the field.
    31.What can we learn abut peer review in the first paragraph?
    A.It generates knwledge.B.It is cmmnly practiced.
    C.It is a majr research methd.D.It is questined by sme scientists.
    32.What can be inferred abut the example f swans?
    A.Cmplexity f peer review ensures its reliability.
    B.Cntradictins between scientists may be balanced.
    C.Individuals can be limited by persnal experiences.
    D.Experts shuld detect unscientific bservatin methds.
    33.What is the authr’s majr cncern abut peer review?
    A.Wrklad fr schlars.B.Tughness f the prcess.
    C.Diversificatin f publicatins.D.Financial supprt t reviewers.
    34.The passage is mainly abut ______.
    A.what fuels peer reviewB.why peer review is imperfect
    C.hw new hands advance peer reviewD.whether peer reviewers are underrated
    Tday, what we have, is an always-in-yur-pcket, 24/7 news cycle. When yu pen a news app, yu’ll ntice a brief mment when the “ld news” is still there. In a flash, the ancient histry f a few hurs ag is swept away fr the next “breaking news”. 35 It’s endless, but yu had better keep up.
    Researchers intrduce this wrld t the phrase, “nise bttleneck”. A nise bttleneck is where we are verwhelmed with s much infrmatin r nise that ur cgnitive(认知的) abilities can’t keep up. 36 Thus, while ur attentin can watch hurs f vides, ur lng-term learning prcesses can’t.
    37 We watch TV hlding ur phnes, and we listen t music while shpping. Hwever, the human brain might have structural limitatin rted in the cgnitive architecture which causes the slwing dwn that ccurs when tw tasks are perfrmed at the same time.
    In shrt, yur brain is nt as gd as yu think it is. Yu are a human being wh can nly take in s much a day. Understanding the nise bttleneck allws us t fix it. S, here are three tips t get yu ging:
    Clear yur cntent—set up a new accunt n scial media and fllw nly accunts r peple that yu think are really valuable.
    Single-task—yu dn’t need t rid the phne but d rid the distractins. 38 Say, “I will nly read this magazine after dinner.” Multitasking is fr shw; single-tasking is fr prs.
    Accept yur limits—yu’ll never read all the news. Accept yu can nly chse tw r three and embrace that fact. 39 Yu’re getting mre ut f thse few than that “super-prductive” persn n scial media wh says they read five bks a week. After all, it’s better t have a little remembered than a lt frgtten.
    A.Give yurself a time limit r restrictin if it helps.
    B.Dn’t beat yurself up that yu’re being unprductive.
    C.Every secnd, yu are presented with new infrmatin.
    D.Breaking thrugh the nise bttleneck is a legendary idea.
    E.The matter is made wrse by ur mdern addictin t multitasking.
    F.Multitasking has dramatically changed the way we use infrmatin.
    G.Our brains have limited resurces, spread acrss numerus functins.
    第三部分 书面表达(共两节,32分)
    If yu are a psychlgy enthusiast, yu have prbably heard f the famus marshmallw test(棉花糖实验). In this task, kids are given a marshmallw, and are tld that they can eat that marshmallw nw, r wait a little while, and have tw marshmallws instead. Sme kids eat the marshmallw immediately, but mst try their best t wait fr tw.
    When the researchers fllwed up with thse kids later in life, children wh waited lnger had better life utcmes: mre academic success, better scial behavir, and even markers f better health. They believe thse children wh keep waiting are the nes with the mst self-cntrl—a key factr in success, and that’s why they are s successful later.
    But what if the behavir in the marshmallw test has mre t d with cultural nrms than self-cntrl?
    A 2022 study tested the idea that children may decide hw lng t wait fr rewards based n what they are accustmed t waiting fr in their culture. Fr example, in the United States, there is n widespread mealtime custm f waiting until everyne is served. In Japan, hwever, there is.
    Because f this difference in nrms, the researchers hypthesized that Japanese children wuld wait lnger in the marshmallw test than the American children. This is exactly what they fund later in experiments.
    But this isn’t cnclusive evidence; after all, maybe Japanese children actually have better self-cntrl, r maybe they differ frm American children in ther ways that culd explain the result.
    In the U. S., gifts are usually given n special ccasins and children usually have t wait befre they can unwrap their presents. In Japan, hwever, gift-giving happens mre ften, and children usually pen presents immediately.
    Given these cultural differences, scientists expected that if they ran the test with gifts instead f marshmallws, American kids wuld wait lnger. Once again, their hypthesis was crrect.
    This is a pwerful result because it demnstrates the imprtance f culture and habit in shaping behavir. If a child waits nly few minutes befre giving up n tw marshmallws but much lnger t unwrap a gift, can we really say that child lacks self-cntrl? I dn’t think s. I think it just means that they are adjusting well t their scial settings.
    40.Accrding t the researchers, why d children wh wait lnger have better life utcmes?
    41.What was the purpse f the 2022 study?
    42.Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement, then underline it and explain why.
    ▶When scientists ran the test with gifts, American kids behaved the same as they did in the test with marshmallws.
    43.Besides the cases mentined in the passage, please give ne r tw examples t shw hw culture shapes yur behavir.(In abut 40 wrds)
    假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。今年世界地球日的主题为“Planet vs. Plastics”,你校将举办相关活动。你的笔友Jim发来邮件,询问该活动的情况。请你用英文给他回复,内容包括:
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    第一部分 知识运用(共两节,30分)
    1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A
    6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.B
    11.t rganize 12.was pened 13.in 14.nticed 15.buried
    16.which 17.have banned 18.hw 19.cheating 20.educatrs
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,38分)
    21.D 22.A 23.C 24.A 25.C
    26.A 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.B
    31.B 32.C 33.D 34.B
    35.C 36.G 37.E 38.A 39.B
    第三部分 书面表达(共两节,32分)
    40.Because they believe thse children are the nes with the mst self-cntrl.
    41.T test if the behavir in the marshmallw test has mre t d with cultural nrms than self-cntrl.
    42.When scientists ran the test with gifts, American kids behaved the same as they did in the test with marshmallws.
    When scientists ran the test with gifts instead f marshmallws, American kids waited lnger than Japanese kids.
    Dear Jim,
    Hw is everything ging?
    As yu knw, the theme f the Wrld Earth Day 2024 is “Planet vs. Plastics”. Our schl is rganizing an event t raise students’ awareness f plastic pllutin and inspire us t make a difference.
    The event will feature sme activities like presentatins by envirnmental experts and discussins abut the impact f plastic pllutin n ur planet. The highlight f the event will be a hands-n wrkshp. T help with it, I will g t the nearby neighbrhd with my classmates t cllect plastic waste, which will be creatively made int artwrks in the wrkshp. After that, we will give them back t the neighbrs.
    I am eager fr the event. Wait fr my pictures!
    Li Hua

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