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    这是一份2024长春外国语学校高一下学期4月月考试题英语含答案,共9页。试卷主要包含了 答题时请按要求用笔等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    出题人 :程静 审题人:陈英卓
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Which place is the wman leaving fr?
    A. A shp.B. Jack’s hme.C. Her ffice.
    2. What is the weather like nw?
    A. Rainy.B. Snwy.C. Cludy.
    3. Hw des the man sund?
    A. Embarrassed.B. Grateful.C. Nervus.
    4. Hw will the speakers prbably travel?
    A. By car.B. By plane.C. By train.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Traffic accidents.B. Sci-fi mvies.C. Flying ambulances.
    6. When will Mary’s rent be due?
    A. On February 19.B. On February 20.C. On February 21.
    7. What are the speakers ging t d abut thirty minutes later?
    A. Call the man’s cusin.
    B. Attend a meeting.
    C. Search fr an apartment.
    8. What des the wman suggest the man d?
    A. Travel tgether.
    B. Lk fr a jb.
    C. Receive further educatin.
    9. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Neighbrs.B. C-wrkers.C. Frmer schlmates.
    10. When did the earthquake happen?
    A. On Wednesday night.
    B. On Thursday mrning.
    C. On Thursday afternn.
    11. What damage did the earthquake cause?
    A. Frty peple lst their lives.
    B. At least 140 peple were injured.
    C. A railway was nearly destryed.
    12. What will the man d next?
    A. Help the victims.B. Tell sme survival skills.C. Check the highways.
    13. Which assignment has the man finished?
    A. The ne n Future Educatin.
    B. The ne n Educatin Psychlgy.
    C. The ne n Classrm Appraches.
    14. What is the secnd part f the man’s finished paper abut?
    A. Testing systems.
    B. Teacher training.
    C. Rewards and punishments.
    15. Hw des the man supprt his cnclusin?
    A. By making cmparisns.
    B. By giving examples.
    C. By ding surveys.
    16. What is the man’s attitude t nline learning at hme fr children?
    A. Disapprving.B. Uncertain.C. Supprtive.
    17. What has Barty decided t d at age 25?
    A. Retire frm tennis.B. G t cllege.C. Enter a new cntest.
    18. Wh is Casey Dellacqua?
    A. Barty’s main ppnent.
    B. Barty’s persnal trainer.
    C. Barty’s frmer partner.
    19. Hw ld was Barty when she became a prfessinal tennis player?
    A. 12.B. 14.C. 16.
    20. Which match did Barty win in 2022?
    A. British Open.B. French Open.C. Australian Open.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分50分)
    The year 2023 witnessed the ccurrence f significant cultural events, with culture and turism becming even mre clsely cnnected. Let’s review the majr cultural events f 2023 as we bid farewell t the year and embrace the new year f 2024!
    Museum visits rise in ppularity in summer
    Turists were seen queuing fr lng hurs in frnt f museums and btaining entrance tickets became mre challenging. In respnse t the grwing demand, 46 museums in Beijing canceled their custmary Mnday clsures and remained pen daily until August 31. The rise in “museum fever” can be credited t varius factrs, including the public’s increasing enthusiasm fr traditinal Chinese culture, the bming market fr yuth educatinal turs and summer camps, as well as the cntinuus innvatin f museums.
    Old tea frests in Pu’er win Wrld Heritage Site title
    The newly named heritage site, lcated in Lancang Lahu autnmus cunty in Pu’er, Yunnan prvince, cnsists f five large-scale, well-preserved ld tea frests, which stand 1,250 t 1,500 meters abve the sea level, three prtective barrier frests, and nine ancient villages in the ld tea frests, which are mainly inhabited by Blang and Dai ethnic grups. The cultural landscape was jintly created by the ancestrs f the Blang peple—wh immigrated t the Jingmai Muntain in the 10th century AD and later discvered and dmesticated wild tea trees—and the native Dai peple.
    Prtectin plan released fr Beijing’s Central Axis
    The plan is said t be ne f the necessary steps tward bidding fr UNESCO Wrld Heritage status. Alngside regulatins n the prtectin f the Central Axis carried ut earlier, the plan is in line with the requirements f Wrld Heritage cnservatin. The 21 member cuntries f the Wrld Heritage Cmmittee will decide n whether Beijing’s Central Axis can be added t the Wrld Heritage List at the cmmittee’s 46th annual cnference in 2024. If the applicatin succeeds, it will reinfrce Beijing’s tp psitin amng cities wrldwide by the number f Wrld Heritage Sites.
    21. Which f the fllwing is NOT the reasn fr the rise in “museum fever”?
    A. Museums’ ceaseless innvatin.
    B. The cnstant innvatin f summer camps.
    C. The grwing market fr yuth educatinal turs.
    D. Peple’s grwing passin fr traditinal Chinese culture.
    22. Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE cncerning the cultural events?
    A. 46 museums in Beijing stayed pen all year rund.
    B. The Blang peple are the natives in Jingmai Muntain.
    C. The heritage site in Pu’er cnsists f fur large ld tea frests.
    D. Beijing’s Central Axis hasn’t been added t the Wrld Heritage List yet.
    23. In which magazine wuld a reader mst likely find this text?
    A. Chinese Culture ResearchB. Scientific Explratin
    C. Wnders f the Natural WrldD. Art and Architecture
    When Stanfrd University student Ellen Xu was a five-year-ld in Califrnia, she vividly recalls her parents rushing her little sister t the hspital. Three-year-ld Kate had fallen acutely ill; she had a fever, reddened eyes, a rash and sme swelling in her hands and tngue.
    At first, the puzzled dctrs thught she had influenza, but when her cnditin didn’t imprve, the Xus returned t the emergency rm, where a dctr by chance had prir experience with an acute inflammatry(炎症性的) reactin in the bld vessels knwn as Kawasaki disease(川崎病). Thugh rare, it’s the leading cause f acquired heart disease in babies and yung children, and its cause and triggers remain smewhat mysterius. The dctr knew hw t treat it: He rdered a dse f intravenus immunglbulin(静脉免疫球蛋白), and eventually Kate shk ff the illness withut suffering damage t her heart.
    Xu remembers being curius abut her sister’s dramatic cnditin and was amazed that the grwn-ups culdn’t answer her questins abut why it was s hard t detect. “In my mind, it was a mystery,” she says. “It was a puzzle I wanted t slve.”
    A decade later, wanting t enter a high schl science fair, she had an idea: “What if we had a dctr in ur pcket?” S she created just that: Using AI, Xu designed an algrithm(算法) that uses visual data t diagnse(诊断) Kawasaki disease based n five physical symptms.
    The technlgy wrks the same way as apps that can identify birds and plants with phts yu’ve taken n yur cell phne. Wrried parents can uplad a pht that they have taken f their child, and the technlgy will scan the image fr symptms f Kawasaki disease, which ften have a strng visual element, such as a rash r a swllen tngue.
    Xu’s inventin has been applied as a web app n the Kawasaki Disease Fundatin’s website withut charge. The technlgy culd als be develped fr recgnizing aut-immune and rheumatlgical(风湿病学的) diseases. She says, “It means a lt t me. I want t use AI t help peple live happier and healthier lives.”
    24. Why was Kawasaki disease s hard t diagnse?
    A. It had n symptms.
    B. It had never been knwn befre.
    C. It culd be cnfused with influenza.
    D. It culdn' t be diagnsed by medical instruments.
    25. What' s the functin f the first three paragraphs?
    A. T shw why Xu develped the technlgy.
    B. T intrduce a case remaining mysterius.
    C. T describe the bad results f the disease.
    D. T prve dctrs shuld accumulate clinical experience.
    26. What' s the advantage f Xu' s inventin?
    A. It is cnvenient and cheap.
    B. It can take the place f dctrs.
    C. It can treat Kawasaki disease quickly.
    D. It can diagnse Kawasaki disease via scanned pictures.
    27. What can be learned frm the text?
    A. The technlgy is an AI-pwered diagnsed tl.
    B. Xu had the idea f the technlgy when Kate was treated.
    C. The technlgy can' t be applied t diagnse ther diseases.
    D. Influenza is the leading reasn f acquired heart disease in babies.
    Recently it has dawned n the gvernment that clsing mre than 1,000 f England's railway statin ticket ffices wuld nt be very smart plitics. The transprt secretary, Mark Harper, annunced that train peratrs had been asked t withdraw the cst-cutting strategy, which the gvernment itself had riginally pushed n them. The writing was already n the wall in the summer, when public anger led t an extensin f the cnsultatin perid n the prpsed clsures. By the time it ended, 750,000 respnses had been recrded, 99% f them negative.
    The public’s cncerns were ver future access t travel advice and infrmatin, assistance fr disabled peple, safety at understaffed statins, and cnsequences fr the digitally excluded. But the passinate ppsitin als underlined a widespread sense that railway statins must be mre than transit(交通) znes. Cmbined with a refrmed ticketing system, that insight shuld nw infrm a psitive apprach t breathing life int England’s railways and attracting mre peple back n t trains.
    As a reprt published this autumn by the Campaign fr Better Transprt sets ut, there is an urgent case fr fairer ticketing refrm acrss the netwrk. Fr ver a decade, the relative cst f taking the train rather than the car has skyrcketed, as fares have risen while fuel duty has been frzen. Over a third f the public are cnfused by the numerus types f ticket available, and the cmplex regulatins that apply t them. Why shuld an anytime return frm Chelmsfrd t Lndn csts £32.60, when t cver the same distance frm Grays t Lndn csts £ 13.40?
    The failed attempt t shut dwn ticket ffices had its rts in a shrt-term ministerial respnse t falling revenues(收入). But as the cuntry strives t achieve a challenging green transitin, the gvernment shuld wrk t establish a simpler, fairer ticketing system that ffers imaginative rewards t take the train, and t develp an ambitius plan fr ur statins—ne that reflects their imprtant rle in the lives f the travelling public.
    28. What des the underlined wrds in the first paragraph prbably mean?
    A. The public expressed their anger.
    B. The prpsal was put up n a wall.
    C. Unfavrable utcme was expected.
    D. The gvernment adpted the plicy.
    29. What can be inferred abut England’s railways?
    A. They have seen a decline in public favr.
    B. They have undergne ticketing refrm.
    C. They have included mre transit znes.
    D. They have expanded their services.
    30. What des paragraph 3 mainly fcus n?
    A. The ppularity f car wnership.
    B. The develpment f ticketing refrm.
    C. The prblems f the ticketing system.
    D. The applicatin f cmplex regulatins.
    31. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Rising Prices f Train Travel
    B. Urgent Calls fr Rail Revival
    C. Failed Clsure f Railway Statins
    D. Tugh Rute t Green Transit Initiatives
    Every decisin we make is arrived at thrugh hugely cmplex neurlgical(神经系统的) prcessing. Althugh it feels as thugh yu have a chice, the actin that yu “decide” t take is entirely directed by autmatic neural activity. Brain imaging studies shw that a persn’s actin can be predicted by their brain activity up t 10 secnds befre they themselves becme aware they are ging t act. Multiple neurscientific studies shw that even thse imprtant decisins that feel wrked ut are just as autmatic as knee-jerk reactins(膝跳反应) (althugh mre cmplex).
    Decisin-making starts with the amygdala(杏仁核): a set f tw almnd-shaped nuclei(杏仁状核) buried deep within the brain, which generate emtin. The amygdala registers the infrmatin streaming in thrugh ur senses and respnds t it in less than a secnd, sending signals thrughut the brain. These prduce an urge t run, fight, freeze r grab, accrding t hw the amygdala values varius stimuli.
    Befre we act n the amygdala’s signals, hwever, the infrmatin is usually prcessed by ther brain areas, including sme that prduce cnscius thughts and emtins. Areas cncerned with recgnitin wrk ut what’s ging n, thse cncerned with memry cmpare it with previus experiences, and thse cncerned with reasning, judging and planning get t wrk n cnstructing varius actin plans. The best plan—if we are lucky—is then selected and carried ut. If any f this prcess ges wrng, we are likely t hesitate, r d smething silly.
    The varius stages f decisin-making are marked by different types f brain activity. Fast (gamma) waves(伽马波), with frequencies f 25 t 100 Hz, prduce a keen awareness f the multiple factrs that need t be taken int accunt t arrive at a decisin. If yu are trying t chse a sandwich, fr instance, gamma waves generated in varius cells within the “taste” area f the brain bring t mind and cmpare the taste f ham, hummus, whlemeal, surdugh, and s n. Althugh it may seem useful t be aware f the full range f chice, t much infrmatin makes decisin-making mre difficult, s irrelevant factrs get dismissed quickly and uncnsciusly.
    After this cmparisn stage, the brain switches t slw-wave activity (12 t 30 Hz). This extinguishes mst f the gamma activity, leaving just a single “htspt” f gamma waves which marks the chsen ptin.
    Althugh there is n “yu” utside yur brain t direct what it’s ding, yu can help it t make gd decisins by placing yurself in a situatin which is likely t make the prcess run mre smthly. Ding smething that is physically r mentally stimulating befre making a decisin will help yur brain prduce the initial gamma waves that generate awareness f the cmpeting ptins. Getting ver-excited, n the ther hand, will prevent the switch t the slw brainwaves, making it much harder t single ut a chice.
    32. Why des the writer mentin “knee-jerk reactins” in the first paragraph?
    A. T intrduce the finding f the latest brain imaging studies.
    B. T illustrate that decisins are nt cnsciusly thught ut.
    C. T call attentin t a kind f neural reactin that is nt very cmplex.
    D. T shw the difference between decisin-making and ther brain activity.
    33. What des the amygdala d accrding t the passage?
    A. It wrks ut cnscius thughts and emtins.
    B. It selects the best actin plan fr a given situatin.
    C. It dismisses factrs that are irrelevant t the decisin t be made.
    D. It prcesses sensry infrmatin and generates emtinal respnses.
    34. What can be cncluded frm paragraphs 4 and 5?
    A. Slw-wave activity usually lasts lnger than fast-wave activity.
    B. The brain priritizes infrmatin befre settling n a final chice.
    C. Decisin-making is difficult when slw-wave activity ccurs first.
    D. The brain needs as much infrmatin as pssible t make a decisin.
    35. Hw des engaging in stimulating activities help the decisin-making prcess?
    A. By preparing the brain t single ut the mst reasnable chice.
    B. By helping the brain switch t slw-wave activity mre quickly.
    C. By getting the brain t fcus n thse mst relevant alternatives.
    D. By making the brain unaware f the factrs and chices invlved.
    Tricks T Becming A Mre Patient Persn
    Here’s a riddle: What d traffic jams, lng lines and waiting fr a vacatin t start all have in cmmn? There’s ne answer. 36 .
    In the Digital Age, we’re used t having what we need immediately and right at ur fingertips. Hwever, research suggests that if we practiced patience, we’d be a whle lt better ff. Here are several tricks.
    ● Practice gratitude(感激)
    Thankfulness has a lt f benefits: Research shws it makes us happier, less stressed and even mre ptimistic. 37 . “Shwing thankfulness can fster self-cntrl,” said Ye Li, researcher at the University f Califrnia.
    ● Make yurself wait
    Instant gratificatin(满足) may seem like the mst “feel gd” ptin at the time, but psychlgy research suggests waiting fr things actually makes us happier in the lng run. And the nly way fr us t get int the habit f waiting is t practice. 38 . Put ff watching yur favrite shw until the weekend r wait 10 extra minutes befre ging fr that cake. Yu’ll sn find that the mre patience yu practice, the mre yu start t apply it t ther mre annying situatins.
    ● 39
    S many f us have the belief that being cmfrtable is the nly state we will tlerate, and when we experience smething utside f ur cmfrt zne, we get impatient abut the circumstances. Yu shuld learn t say t yurself, “ 40 .”Yu’ll then gradually becme mre patient.
    A. Find yur causes
    B. Start with small tasks
    C. Accept the uncmfrtable
    D. All this adds up t a state f hurry
    E. It can als help us practice mre patience
    F. This is merely uncmfrtable, nt intlerable
    G. They’re all situatins where we culd use a little extra patience
    第三部分 语言运用(共六节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    My father was a restaurant wner. My name is Vincent Lim. I’m a chef and restaurant wner. Running a Chinese restaurant is ne f the hardest and mst 41 things in my life.
    When we first arrived in Australia, my dad 42 a Chinese restaurant. I wuld g there n a 43 basis t help him ut. And slwly I develped my 44 fr cking. The hard wrk that my dad put int Chinese fd makes me feel s prud that I am lucky enugh t learn frm a 45 .
    The first dish that I ever learned t ck was the fried rice, which is the easiest but als the 46 ne t get right. Frm years f experience, I can 47 yu the difference between a gd fried rice just frm the feel and frm the smell, withut even taking a bite.
    T lts f Chinese immigrants like us, the restaurant isn’t just a business. It’s a sense f 48 . The wk hei(锅气) 49 every ingredient in the wk, prducing an appealing smell. The fragrances f the fd 50 the air and linger arund s much lnger. Thse memries, they becme nstalgic(乡愁). The sense f hme is what makes a(an) 51 gd dish taste.
    In 2017, my dad passed away. I realized that my lve f cking dishes was frm my childhd. I 52 the restaurant that I wn tday. Cking was a 53 way t my dad. I wanted t 54 everything that he taught me. Cking 55 all the hard wrk and memries that we had.
    41. A. wrthlessB. valuableC. necessaryD. unexpected
    42. A. supprtedB. fundC. peratedD. ccupied
    43. A. regularB. slidC. seldmD. vital
    44. A. strengthB. passinC. talentD. awareness
    45. A. chefB. wnerC. cachD. master
    46. A. tughestB. wrstC. busiestD. greatest
    47. A. tasteB. tellC. achieveD. learn
    48. A. careerB. urgencyC. purpseD. affectin
    49. A. generatesB. deliversC. accmpaniesD. dismisses
    50. A. cme frmB. g verC. wipe awayD. spread acrss
    51. A. impssiblyB. ccasinallyC. deliberatelyD. cnsiderably
    52. A. shut dwnB. tk verC. pened upD. dealt with
    53. A. amusingB. strikingC. cnnectingD. inspiring
    54. A. recallB. cmpleteC. expectD. alter
    55. A. impressesB. perceivesC. representsD. devtes
    第二节 原文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Anther decisin yu need t make abut husing is 56 by hw much yu can 57 t pay. Husing prices vary in different areas, such as in a city r a suburban r 58 setting, as well as in different parts f the cuntry. When yu have a 59 amunt f mney t spend 60 husing, lcatin is a very imprtant 61 in deciding 62 kind f hme yu will be able t affrd.
    When 63 husing, many peple face 64 . They are willing t spend a little mre mney fr a better lcatin, r walk a few blcks mre t the bus stp t save n 65 .
    第三节 词汇语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    66. The Blacks are used t having their milk d .
    67. Air transprt is a mdern, fast and e means f travel.
    68. Fr disabled visitrs there is gd wheelchair a t mst facilities.
    69. With spring a , the pink f the apple blssm is beginning t shw.
    70. Rescuers tunneled their way in t the t miners.
    71. He was sentenced t prisn after (承认) 47 charges f burglary.
    72. Jessica (惊慌) when she saw smke cming ut f the engine.
    73. The ffer has been accepted by the lawyer (代表) the victims.
    74. I (明确地) tld yu nt t g near the water.
    75. He was unhappy because f his (分离) frm his mther.
    第四节 翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    76. 我的车需要修理。
    77. 价格随季节而变动。
    78. 出国留学的梦想是有代价的。
    79. The telephne allws us t reach ut beynd ur wn lives.
    80. Nt until Mary arrived hme did she realize she had left the key in her ffice.
    第五节 单句语法填空 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    81. caused the accident is a cmplete mystery.
    82. remains t be decided whether we shall raise ducks r geese.
    83. T tell the truth, I dn’t agree yur plan.
    84. The manager entered the ffice and was happy t learn that tw-thirds f the tickets (bk).
    85. By the time the applicant makes up his mind, the ffer (cancel).
    第六节 短语填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    result in take ut set ut pay ff
    at the first attempt be passinate abut in exchange fr
    86. I passed my driving test .
    87. Yesterday, the sailrs n the last stage f their jurney.
    88. It wuld take him the rest f his life t all his debts.
    89. Having a preference fr junk fd can health prblems.
    90. The cmpanies deliver value t custmers payment.
    第四部分 写作(满分15分)
    1. 词数 80 左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    参考词汇: learning resurces学习资源
    Dear Peter,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    第一部分听力 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    1-5 ACBAC 6-10 CBACA11-15 BBACA16-20 BACBC
    21. B 22.D 23.A
    24. C 25.A 26.D 27. A
    28.C 29.A30.C 31.B
    32. B 33.D34. B 35.C
    G 37.E 38. B 39.C 40.F
    41. B 42. C 43. A 44. B 45. D
    46. A47. B 48. D 49. C 50. D
    51. D 52. B 53. C 54. A 55. C
    56. determined 57. affrd 58. rural 59. limited 60. n
    61. factr 62. what63. chsing 64. trade-ffs 65. rent
    66. delivered 67.efficient 68.access69. appraching 70.trapped
    71. admitting 72.panicked 73.representing 74.specifically 75.separatin
    76.My car needs/wants/requires/ repairing.或My car needs/wants/requires/t be repaired.
    77. The price varies accrding t the seasn. 或 Prices vary with seasns.
    78. The dream f studying abrad cmes with a price tag.
    79. 电话让我们拓宽了生活的范围。
    80. 直到玛丽到家,她才意识到她把钥匙落在办公室了。
    81. What82.It 83.t 84. had been bked85. will have been cancelled
    86. at the first attempt 87.set ut 88. pay ff 89.result in 90.in exchange fr
    Dear Peter,
    Learning that yu take a great interest in Chinese culture and have a thirst fr mre, I’d like t recmmend sme learning resurces t yu.
    Reading sme well-knwn newspapers, such as China Daily, is my tp recmmendatin, fr newspapers are infrmative , which can help yu learn the updated vcabulary. It is als a gd ptin t read Readers, a renwned Chinese magazine, as it can expse yu t a wealth f Chinese literature. Besides, yu can watch prgrams abut Chinese culture, such as China in Classics, t enjy a visual and cultural feast.
    I believe yur Chinese will be imprved and yu will gain a better insight int Chinese culture. Best wishes!
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua

    2024长春外国语学校高二下学期4月月考试题英语含答案: 这是一份2024长春外国语学校高二下学期4月月考试题英语含答案,共6页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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