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    这是一份2024沈阳二中高一下学期第一次月考试题英语含答案(含听力),文件包含辽宁省沈阳市第二中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考试题英语含答案docx、2024辽宁省沈阳市第二中学高一下学期第一次月考英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共12页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What is wrng with the man’s marker pen?
    A.It is t small.B.It is ut f ink.C.It is f the wrng clr.
    2.What des the wman suggest the man d?
    A.Take deep breaths.B.Memrize the speech.C.Write wrds n cards.
    3.Where are the speakers prbably?
    A.In a phtgraphy class.B.In a phtgraphy studi.C.At a phtgraphy exhibitin.
    4.Hw lng has the wman been cughing?
    A.Fr a mnth.B.Fr tw mnths.C.Fr three mnths.
    5.Which is usually the man’s best subject?
    6.Why des the man give up playing sccer?
    A.The park is clsed.B.The weather is bad.C.He has t attend a wedding.
    7.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Friends.B.Husband and wife.C.Brther and sister.
    8.What are the speakers ding?
    A.Having a drink.B.Taking a rest.C.Climbing a muntain.
    9.Hw des the man sund?
    10.What will the man d after finishing his degree?
    A.Wrk at a cmpany.B.Start his wn business.C.G t graduate schl.
    11.What des Tny prbably d?
    A.He’s a repairman.B.He’s a chairman.C.He’s an engineer.
    12.What des Tny’s cmpany sell?
    A.Sftware.B.Cmputer parts.C.Internet services.
    13.What kind f race will the wman run?
    A.A marathn.B.Shrt distance.C.Medium distance.
    14.Which seasn is it nw prbably?
    15.Why didn’t the wman exercise tday?
    A.The gym was t far.B.The gym was clsed.C.The gym was fully bked.
    16.Hw will the wman cmplain?
    A.Thrugh the website.B.Thrugh the phne.C.Thrugh email.
    17.What is the main tpic f the talk?
    A.Details f ancient histry.
    B.Stries f 20th-century explrers.
    C.Develpment f mdern technlgy.
    18.Hw des the speaker describe Percy Fawcett?
    19.When did Percy Fawcett start explring?
    A.Arund 1850.B.Arund 1900.C.Arund 1950.
    20.Wh wrte The Lst Wrld?
    A.Percy Fawcett.
    B.Arthur Cnan Dyle.
    C.Ja da Silva Guimaraes.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Want t get started n yur jurney? Big cities r small twns? Yu’ve cme t the right place!
    Wuzhen, China
    Wuzhen is cmpared t a living fssil f ancient riental civilizatin, unflding with a gd cmbinatin f nature, histry, culture and riental life. Over 1,000 years, the twn has remained unchanged in its name and life style. Stne railings and arch bridges, impsing dwellings and spacius curtyards and even river banks are well-preserved, presenting an eclgical scene f a water twn in Jiangnan.
    Cape Twn, Suth Africa
    The Cape f Gd Hpe, Table Muntain, Lin’s Head, Hut Bay, and The Wine Rute are sme f the fantastic ht-spts in and arund Cape Twn. This Suth African city, named the Mther City, is a place f activities f arts, culture, and turism. If yu’ve ever wanted t experience paradise at an affrdable cst, this is it. Yu will be wining and dining amng multi-millinaires and mvie stars. Fr thse wh have been there, there is simply n place better than Cape Twn.
    Tel Aviv, Isral
    This Middle-Eastern city is hme t the wrld’s mst incredible innvatins, start-ups, artists, and attractins. It has a night life secnd t nne, with bars, clubs, and cffee shps buzzing int the early hurs. When yu’re in search f theater, sng and dance, film and fanfare—Tel Aviv has it all. With sun-baked beaches and fantastic sunsets, this city rcks 24/7.
    21.Which f the fllwing wrds can indicate the feature f Wuzhen?
    22.What similarity d Cape Twn and Tel Aviv share?
    A.The same regin.B.The reasnable price.
    C.The nice peple.D.The artistic air.
    23.Which sectin f a magazine des this article belng t?
    A.Current affairs.B.Wrld tur.
    C.Culture nline.D.Sci-tech frnt.
    I was attacked by a tiger shark in late Octber 1997. It was near my hme n the island f Kauai—a typical fall mrning with friends. The waves were really gd, s nthing was stpping us.
    That is until a large shark came right up under me and sank his teeth int my lwer leg. There had been n splashing, n nise, and I felt n pain, nly great pressure n my lwer bdy.
    Then I fllwed my natural reactin: I punched the shark in the face, again and again which happens t be what the expert advises, until the shark released me. As I swam back int shre, I felt my lwer right leg spasming(痉挛). When I lked dwn, I realized it was gne. The shark had bitten my lwer leg ff. My friends rushed t my aid, and rushed me t hspital.
    It was anther day befre the “fg” lifted, at which pint I pened my eyes and realized I was in the hspital—a belw-the-knee amputee(截肢). Fr the next few bedridden weeks, I spent time with my family, and cnsidered the future.
    As sn as I was given the OK by my dctrs, I did what many f us might cnsider unthinkable: I started riding the waves again. In fact, my first time back was near the site f his attack. I was unshaken and curius—Was it because f the tides? The phase f the mn? I als recalled that n the mrning f the attack the water had a fishy smell. Was that what attracted the shark?
    I was determined t research sharks, and I did learn smething that wuld change my life: Humans are far mre dangerus t sharks than the ther way arund, I tell Reader’s Digest. “I watched a dcumentary called Sharkwater, and I learned abut the demand fr shark fin sup and the fact that 70 millin sharks a year are killed fr their fins alne.”
    My unique situatin as a shark survivr empwered me t give sharks a vice. I began wrking with the Hawaii state legislature t help pass a ban n shark-related prducts. I partnered with ther like-minded shark attack survivrs and marine bilgists, and we headed t Washingtn t urge senatrs t create a natinwide bill prtecting sharks.
    24.What is mainly talked abut in the first tw paragraphs?
    A.The missing leg.B.The timely rescue.
    C.The shark attack.D.The expert’s advice.
    25.Why did the authr ride the waves again?
    A.T figure ut why he became a target.B.T g n with his unshaken hbby.
    C.T keep track f the phase f the mn.D.T explre why the water had a fishy smell.
    26.What did the authr find after he recvered?
    A.Humans tend t ignre the dangers.B.Humans can’t survive withut sharks.
    C.Sharks are in urgent need f prtectin.D.Sharks pse a greater threat t humans.
    27.What des authr imply in the last paragraph?
    A.He argues against the bill abut sharks.B.He is speaking in favr f sharks.
    C.There is widespread dubt abut sharks.D.Peple shuld give sharks a preference.
    While ding hmewrk, Seyung Jun clsed ne eye and successfully picked up her pencil hlder. She realized that directing herself in a 3D space didn’t require bth eyes. This surprised her s much that she did sme research. And she learned the brain can prcess 3D infrmatin with pr visin r even withut any visin. Then the idea fr Mind Beacn was brn.
    It uses a thin line f light t gather 3D infrmatin abut the placement f walls, furniture and ther things. Then the light sends that infrmatin back t Mind Beacn, which then raises little pins t shw where thse bstacles(障碍物)are. Then blind peple can “read” the psitin f thse pins t understand the psitins f structures and bjects ahead and walk arund them.
    When the inventin wrked fr the first time, Seyung didn’t believe it . She’d been up all night wrking n it. T be sure there wasn’t a mistake, she shut it ff and started it up. It had been seven lng mnths f research and testing. Nw this tl can help disabled peple create a mental image f their surrundings.
    The heart f Mind Beacn is a 3D depth sensr that’s cnnected t a cmputer. That cmputer can cntrl mtrs that are lined up in three rws f three. Each mtr cntrls a pin that can mve up and dwn. When the sensr finds an bstacle, the pin rises. It can rise t three different heights. Each height rughly represents the height f the bstacle. Smene wh runs their hand ver the nine pins can tell where the bstacle is and its general height.
    Mind Beacn wn Seyung a place at the wrld’s high schl research cmpetitin, Right nw, she wants t amelirate it. She imagines in the future it can be cnnected t a smartphne, with mre little pins t shw the exact height f the bstacle. It wuld feel like a little map shwing the lcatin and size f the bstacle ahead.
    28.What inspired Seyung t invent Mind Beacn?
    A.The desire t win a cmpetitin.
    B.The blind’s gd sense f tuch.
    C.Her wish t bring cnvenience t the disabled.
    D.Her ability t lcate an bject withut full visin.
    29.Hw des Mind Beacn help the blind?
    A.By infrming them f the bstacles in advance.
    B.By teaching them t describe dangerus bjects.
    C.By making them have easy access t the Internet.
    D.By training them t remember maps f their living areas.
    30.What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A.The limitatins f Mind Beacn pins.
    B.The wrking prcess f Mind Beacn.
    C.The rle f cmputers in Mind Beacn.
    D.The effect f Mind Beacn n the blind.
    31.What des the underlined wrd “amelirate” prbably mean?
    Fr peple wh just can’t seem t pass up the candy in a supermarket checkut line, perhaps grcery shpping nline culd help reduce these impulse(冲动)purchases, a new study finds. The study suggests that nline grcery shpping culd help peple stick t a healthy diet, said lead study authr Jaime Cffin, a public health researcher at the University at Albany, State University f New Yrk.
    Previus research shws that peple wh are mre impulsive may be less healthy than less impulsive peple, Cffin tld Live Science. In a grcery stre, that impulsiveness culd lead t a shpping cart filled with fd with little nutritinal value.
    The new study lked at 60 cllege students wh filled ut questinnaires(调查问卷)that assessed their levels f impulsiveness as well as hw they respnd t the presence f fd. The students were then tld they had $48.50 fr grcery shpping, and were asked t fill an nline shpping cart with “nutritius, affrdable and tasty” fds. When Cffin calculated the nutritinal value f all the fds in each persn’s nline shpping cart, she fund that there was n link between the fds a persn chse and hw impulsive the persn was. “It didn’t matter hw impulsive a persn was,” Cffin said. “The nutritinal utcmes didn’t vary.”
    The new University at Albany study dismisses the previus suggestin by Britain’s tp dctr that buying grceries nline is bad fr ur health. Last June Prfessr Dame Sally Davies, the Chief Medical Officer, urged peple t keep making trips t the supermarket t bst health. She cited a lack f exercise as a pressing health prblem, with many adults failing t meet recmmended daily guidelines fr staying active.
    Often, when peple buy grceries nline, they need t search fr each item they want, as ppsed t strlling(闲逛)thrugh a stre and saying, fr example, “Oh, thse cakes lk gd.” Online, mre planning and thught are needed. In additin, nline grcery shpping makes peple mre aware f hw much mney they’re spending, which culd prevent them frm adding impulsive picks t their carts, Cffin said.
    32.What is the cnclusin f previus research?
    A.Impulsive peple tend t fllw a pr diet.
    B.Grcery shpping patterns vary little amng peple.
    C.In-stre grcery shpping leads t unaffrdable purchases.
    D.Fd displayed near checkut areas is mre likely t be bught.
    33.What d we knw abut the study participants?
    A.They shifted their shpping habits.
    B.They made a few impulse purchases.
    C.They fcused mre n taste than nutritin.
    D.They gained similar nutritin t ne anther.
    34.What is Cffin’s attitude t Davies’s advice?
    35.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.Ding fd shp nline culd be healthier
    B.Making trips t the supermarket bsts health
    C.Adding impulsive picks t yur shpping cart is up t yu
    D.Online grcery shpping makes yu mre financially aware
    Perhaps yu knw tw peple wuld get n well--if nly they wuld speak t each ther. Yur shy friends aren’t intentinally aviding ne anther; it is just nt in their nature t start a cnversatin. Yu can help things alng by greasing(润滑)the wheels f scial interactin. 36 In fact, they might bth be grateful that yu helped them get past the initial awkwardness.
    Make Intrductins
    The first step t getting tw shy peple t talk t ne anther is t ffer an intrductin. 37 If yu see tw shy peple sitting tgether but nt talking, walk ver and ffer an icebreaker. A brief intrductin with a piece f infrmatin that ties the tw shy peple tgether will be mst helpful.
    Ease Anxiety
    38 As they talk, an inner thught tells them that they are nt gd enugh, smart enugh r funny enugh. They think that everyne else is judging them and that they never measure up. Yu may be able t help tw shy peple vercme this scial bstacle by building their scial cnfidence and belief that they are mutually(相互地)liked.
    Find Mutual Interests
    Give yur shy friends a reasn t talk. Figure ut what they have in cmmn and let them knw abut it. Fr example, if Jsh and David are bth int watching the UFC, make an intrductin and a cmment abut the latest fight. 39 But nce the tw shy peple are absrbed in their favrite tpic, yu can quietly slip away.
    Get Active
    Shy peple have truble living in the mment. They tend t think abut past weaknesses r wrry abut future scial bstacles rather than fcus n the current situatin. Put yur shy friends in a situatin that frces them t stp thinking s much and have a little fun. Ideally, yur shy acquaintances shuld have t wrk tgether t vercme an bstacle--similar t what happens at the cmpany party. 40
    A.Sme shy peple are their wn wrst critics.
    B.Mst shy peple are hesitant t ffer a handshake r a name.
    C.Yu might need t include yurself in the cnversatin at first.
    D.Dn’t wrry that yur shy friends will feel that yu are interfering(干涉).
    E.Prmte the cnversatin by finding interests shared by yur shy friends.
    F.They will cme away with a shared experience and hpefully a tighter bnd.
    G.Getting t knw the likes and dislikes f yur shy friend will make this easier.
    The sun was beginning t sink as I set ff int the Harenna Frest. I was n my way t 41 a unique hney harvest. Here, in suth-east Ethipia, hand-carved beehives(蜂房)are placed in the 42 . Reaching them t get the hney is difficult and ften 43 .
    I fllwed beekeeper Ziyad ver a wide stretch f grassland 44 entering a thick jungle. Ziyad began preparatins. He gathered 45 f damp tree leaves, wrapped them with string, and 46 the bunch t create a trch(火把). Then, with ne end f a rpe tied t his waist and the ther end arund the trunk f a tree, Ziyad began 47 . He stpped every few minutes t mve the 48 higher up the tree trunk.
    49 , Ziyad gt clse t the hive which was arund 20 meters abve the grund. Sitting n a branch, he 50 twards it and blew smke frm his trch int a tiny hle in the hive. Suddenly, Ziyad 51 a sharp cry. Within secnds, he’d 52 the trunk and was back n the grund.
    It was t 53 t cllect the hney. A cl summer had delayed 54 . Baby bees were still in the hneycmbs(蜂巢). The angry adult bees kept attacking as Ziyad escaped frm the tree. He had t wait fr the right 55 t g back up.
    51.A.made utB.help utC.tested utD.let ut
    52.A.cut ffB.gne upC.slid dwnD.held nt
    The English wrd “garden” gives an entirely wrng idea f the Chinese yuan, fr “garden” suggests a lawn and a wide 56 (vary)f flwers, altgether t frmal and tidy t suit Chinese taste. The Chinese yuan suggests first f all a wild landscape, perhaps better arranged and mre artistically 57 (plan)than nature, but still a bit f nature itself, with trees, creeks, and flwers. Dtted in this natural landscape are the human structures like pavilins and lng winding crridrs, s 58 (perfect)belnging t the scenery as t becme a whle with it. The Chinese garden 59 (characterize)by studied disrderliness. There are n even-cut bushes r symmetric(对称的)rws lining avenues.
    N Chinese huse allws an utsider 60 (lk)thrugh the irn gates, fr that wuld be against the principle f cncealment(隐蔽). Facing the gate, we see a small curtyard giving n idea f the expansiveness f space inside, and leading ne step by step int newer views, in 61 cntinual series f surprises and astnishments. 62 wden framewrk supprting mst f the weight f the huse, windws, drs and walls are nt limited t certain lcatins. The essential idea f interir(室内的)decratin is the beauty f simplicity. Hme designs are nt smething 63 (impress)we buy frm a first-class firm. 64 tells a hme frm a public building is the persnal tuch that we give it. It is nly when the spirit f leisure and lving care exists 65 living at hme can becme an art and a pleasure.
    Adaptatin frm My Cuntry and My Peple by LinYutang
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    A Call fr Assistance in Building “the Mther River Cultural Belt”
    Dear fellw students,
    The Student Unin
    “Mmmy, dn’t g,” my three-year-ld sn screamed in tears as I walked t the dr. My fifteen-year-ld leaned against the kitchen cunter with his arms flded acrss his chest, nt screaming, but glaring at me as I pulled his little brther ff my legs.
    “Are yu mad at me t?”
    “Yu spend all yur time keeping ther peple’s kids cmpany, but what abut us ?” Dylan cmplained and left angrily.
    I was shcked and a little hurt. Hw culd my wn child nt understand that the wrk I was ding was saving lives? Then the answer hit me. He didn’t knw because he had never seen what Healing the Children actually did. Dylan had heard stries f sick children, but had never nce lked int the eyes f a child and understd the hard truth that withut ur assistance, the child wuld likely die.
    “Get dressed. Yu are ging with me,” I said.
    I spent the drive explaining the case f Hectr t my sn, wh pretended t ignre me the entire time. “He’s seven, nly weighs thirty punds and is very sick. He has a cmplicated heart cnditin called Tetralgy f Fallt, which culd kill him. It is a miracle that he is still alive.”
    I cntinued t explain that it tk a team f vlunteer medical staff t get Hectr t the hspital frm his remte village and tend t him while he was there. Still, Dylan seemed cmpletely unimpressed.
    We stpped at a cnvenience stre fr water and snacks. Dylan had ne large and ne small Slurpee(思乐冰饮料). He said the small ne was fr Hectr. I dubted whether the little guy wuld be able t drink it, but remained silent. This was the first interest Dylan had shwn in being there. Therefre, I wasn’t abut t ruin it.
    I stpped at the nurses’ statin t check n Hectr’s prgress while Dylan went t his rm. Our patient was recvering physically, but the nurse was cncerned that Hectr was struggling emtinally. She said, “Kids usually recver fast, but he hardly speaks and never smiles.”
    Imagine my surprise when I heard laughter frm Hectr’s rm. ________________________________________
    On the way hme that night, Dylan asked me several times whether Hectr wuld be kay. ___________________
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1--5BCBAC 6--10ABCCA 11--15BBCAC 16--20 BBABB
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    【A】21.B 22.D 23.B
    【B】24.C 25.A 26.C 27.B
    【C】28.D 29.A 30.B 31.C
    【D】32.A 33.D 34.B 35.A
    36--40 DCBCA 41--45BDCAD 46--50 DCBAA
    56.variety 57.planned 58.perfectly 59.is characterized 60.t lk
    61.a 62.With 63.impressive 64.What 65.that
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节(满分15分)A Call fr Assistance in Building “the Mther River Cultural Belt” Dear fellw students.
    I’m delighted t annunce that ur city is embarking n a prject called “the Mther River Cultural Belt”, with the aim f enhancing the cultural taste f ur city. Tday, I’d like t call upn all f yu t lend yur supprt and participate in this significant endeavr.
    As respnsible students, we can play a rle in prmting envirnmental prtectin alng the Mther River. Let’s rganize clean-up campaigns and raise awareness amng ur peers abut the imprtance f maintaining a clean and healthy envirnment. Tgether, we can make the river a picturesque and inviting place fr lcals and turists alike.
    It is everyne’s respnsibility t make every effrt fr the betterment f ur city. Let’s take actin frm nw n.
    The Student Unin
    Imagine my surprise when I heard laughter frm Hectr’s rm. I entered and fund Dylan sitting n the edge f Hectr’s bed wiping pieces f frzen drink frm Hectr’s muth. Bth bys were giggling and Hectr was apparently enjying the cmpany. I spent the rest f the day speaking t dctrs and watching my sn playing with the special little by. It was truly amazing t watch them interact, as if it were the mst natural thing in the wrld. Perhaps t the tw f them it was.
    On the way hme that night, Dylan asked me several times whether Hectr wuld be kay. I tld him this by wuld get well but he had a hard rad ahead f him. My sn seemed t be lst in thught fr a while. Then he declared his decisin t jin Healing the Children as a vlunteer t help Hectr and ther children. I never thught that a mdy teenager wuld take up the vlunteer wrk and never again cmplain abut his mther’s crazy wrk schedule.
    1.【原文】M: Can yu get me anther black marker pen fr the blackbard? This ne is dry.
    W: Sure. Which ne d yu need? The big ne r the small ne? We have several here.
    M: I think I need a big ne. Thank yu.
    2.【原文】M: I’m taking deep breaths, but I’m still s nervus abut this speech. What will I d if I frget smething?
    W: I wuld recmmend having wrds n small cards t keep with yu. That way yu dn’t need t keep track f everything in yur head during the speech.
    3.【原文】W: OK, just be still and smile. Hld n. I think this camera is nt gd fr what I am ding.
    M: Yu shuld try that ne instead. I heard it’s gd in lw light cnditins. Or maybe yu can use yur assistant’s.
    4.【原文】M: Mary, yu’ve had a cugh fr a lng time. I think yu shuld see a dctr.
    W: Yes, it started a mnth ag. And I began my jb at the factry tw mnths ag. It might be smething in the air. We wrk with a lt f chemicals.
    5.【原文】W: Yu gt ninety per cent in maths, ninety-tw per cent in physics —but nly fifty-five per cent in English. This reprt desn’t make any sense.
    M: I knw. I did wrse in my best subject and better in my wrst subjects.
    6-7【原文】W: Hey, will yu and Rbert play sccer tday? It’s ging t rain sn. That’s why I ask.
    M: N. We fund ut the park is nt pen n hlidays. It’s all right thugh, since my ankle is kind f painful anyway. We’ll arrange smething else.
    W: That’s t bad. Yu haven’t seen each ther fr s lng.
    M: I knw. Last time was at his wedding. That’s almst a year ag.
    W: We can ask him t cme ver mre ften. Our families used t be such gd friends. Our kids lve him s much.
    M: That’s a gd idea!
    8-9【原文】M: I dn’t think I’ve ever been this thirsty.
    W: Then yu shuldn’t have drunk up all yur water at the start f the climb.
    M: Hw much lnger is it t the tp?
    W: Anther hur at least. It might take mre time if yu keep cmplaining.
    M: I think I’m just ging t stp and rest.
    W: Cme n, we already stpped 15minutes ag. Lk, there’s a small waterfall ver the next hill.
    M: Are yu just trying t get me t keep ging?
    W: N, it’s real. I prmise.
    M: Is the water safe t drink?
    W: It’s just melted ice frm the muntain tp. It’s prbably cleaner than the water in yur apartment.
    M: OK. Let’s get there s I can refill my bttle.
    W: That’s the spirit!
    10-12【原文】W: Cmputer science is a very prmising field t study. I’m prud f yu fr chsing it. A lt f yur friends decided t study art. It’s interesting, but it will be hard t chse a career after graduating frm schl. As fr yu, yu can even start yur wn business and make a lt f mney. Sftware is in demand, and that’s yur fcus.
    M: Actually, I wuld rather have the experience f being at a large cmpany first. Then I might cnsider it.
    W: Well, in that case, yu shuld talk t my cusin Tny. He has been in the industry fr 20 years managing cmputer engineers. Nw, he heads the largest cmputer mnitr cmpany in the state.
    M: All right, I have heard a lt abut him. I think I will reach ut t him. What is his email address?
    W: I’m nt sure. I will check it up fr yu later.
    M: Thank yu s much.
    13-16【原文】M: Susan, yu’ve been at the gym s ften since the winter. What’s ging n?
    W: I’m training fr the big race cming up. I have a lt f preparatin t d.
    M: But yu were such a gd runner in university. I’m surprised yu need t prepare s much.
    W: That was shrt distance running. When I ran, it was less than ne kilmeter. Fr smene like me, changing frm that t medium distance events can feel like a marathn.
    M: Yu shuld practice utside n the real rad as well.
    W: I plan t, when the summer cmes next mnth.(Fr nw, I’m stuck in the gym. I can’t even g as much as I want. I have t bk my time t train befre I g, as the gym cannt have t many peple inside at nce. That’s why I didn’t g tday. It’s a real pain in the neck.
    M: Oh, and there were n times left?
    W: Exactly. By the time I gt hme yesterday and gt n their website, all f the times were taken.
    M: That’s unfrtunate. I knw yu’ve paid a lt fr that gym. I wuld cmplain! Write them an email r smething. They shuld be pen fr lnger.
    W: I plan t. After I have dinner, I’m ging t make a call.
    M: May they will give yu a discunt.
    W: Hnestly, I dn’t even care abut the mney. I just cannt miss mre training sessins.
    The jungles f Suth America still have many mysteries. Despite current satellite technlgy, scientists are still discvering ancient sites thrughut the cntinent. Their wrk cntinues the missin f many explrers. Perhaps ne f the mst energetic was Percy Fawcett, wh started explring at the start f the 20th century. In his life, the main gal f the British explrer was t find the Lst City f Z. This is a name he gave t the suppsed capital f a lst civilizatin described by Ja da Silva Guimaraes. He fund the place ne day in the jungle while searching fr gld, yet he didn’t name it. But he said he saw massive stne archives, high twers, and cmplex ruins. This accunt later inspired many famus adventure stries, such as Arthur Cnan Dyle’s bk The Lst Wrld. In the end, Fawcett never fund his lst city. Fr many years, scientists thught that Guimaraes actually met up a site in western Brazil that was discvered later. Hwever, the advanced architecture described by Guimaraes is absent there. This has made the Lst City f Z mre f a fantasy. But is it? In the last five years, nearly 100 ancient ruins have been discvered in the Amazn regin thrugh new technlgy. Perhaps the explrers f the past were nt s crazy after all.

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