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    这是一份广东省河源市河源中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含广东省河源市河源中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题原卷版docx、广东省河源市河源中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第Ⅰ部分 听力(共15个小题,每小题1分,共15分)
    第一节: 听下面 4 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来 回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What’s the relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Dctr and patient. B. Teacher and student. C. Mther and sn.
    2. Why des the man call the wman?
    A.T rder sme fd. B. T quicken the delivery. C. T ask fr the exact address.
    3. What des the man mean?
    A.It’s bad t diet. B. The wman is thinner. C. High-fat fd is unhealthy.
    4. What des the wman want the man t d?
    A.Offer sme medicine. B. Prvide ht water. C. Turn n the air cnditiner.
    第二节:听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间 阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时 间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第 5 段材料,回答第 5、6 题。
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.Their favrite music. B. A big achievement. C. Wrk and hbbies.
    6. What is the wman?
    A. A musician. B. A waitress. C. A ck.
    听第 6 段材料,回答第 7 至 9 题。
    7. What happened t the wman?
    A .She gt up late. B. She missed a cncert. C. She met with a traffic jam.
    8. When will the meeting start?
    A. At 9 ’clck. B. At 10 ’clck. C. At 11 ’clck.
    9. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a classrm. B. In an ffice. C. In a cffee shp.
    听第 7 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
    10. Why des the man say hell t Sarah?
    A.T invite her t hike. B. T buy sme cakes. C. T slve a prblem.
    11. What is Sarah respnsible fr at the cake shp?
    A .Making cakes.
    B. Arranging and intrducing cakes.
    C. Cleaning the shelf and flr.
    12. What’s the man’s attitude t Sarah’s pay gt frm the jb?
    A.Psitive. B. Unclear. C. Negative.
    听第 8 段材料,回答第 13 至 15 题。
    13. What is the exciting news Mnica shares?
    A. She will get married. B. There cmes a vacatin. C. Her prpsal was accepted.
    14. Which f the fllwing is Tim’s suggestin?
    A. Find prfessinal pet care services.
    B. Take the dg t Shanghai.
    C. Turn t a friend.
    15. What will Mnica d next?
    A. Call her family. B. Walk her dg. C. G t a pet care huse.
    第Ⅱ部分 阅读理解 (共两节,共50分)
    Natinal Public Radi (NPR) Music’s Tiny Desk Cntest is back. Artists can submit an entry frm this mrning. This isn’t just anther regular year f the Cntest — it’s the 10th anniversary.
    The panel (小组) f judges has dubled in size cmpared t previus years. The panel has a grup f industry experts wh are eager t see what this year’s participants can share. And there’s a great team f NPR’s Music statin hsts n the panel: Amelia Masn, Nvena Carmel and Stas THEE Bss.
    Als new this year: Nt nly will the 2024 winner play a Tiny Desk cncert, be interviewed n All Things Cnsidered and g n tur with NPR Music — they’ll als be paired with a tutr in the industry wh will help them navigate their music jurney. Our judges are determined t give this year’s winner the supprt they’ll need t take their music t the next level. The winner will als be featured at tw festivals this summer: Celebrate Brklyn and the Millennium Park Summer Music series in Chicag.
    And fr the first time this year, the Cntest is intrducing a fan favrite vte. Later this spring, Cntest judges will share their favrite entries as part f the annual Tiny Desk-Cntest Tp Shelf series n YuTube — and then artists and fans will be able t vte fr their favrite amng thse selectins.
    Here’s hw t enter: Recrd a vide f yu playing ne riginal sng — behind a desk, uplad yur vide t YuTube, and submit the vide n ur Tiny Desk Cntest website by Feb. 21 at 11: 59 p. m.
    A final reminder: Entry vides dn’t need t be fancy. The Tiny Desk is where artists g t simplify their big prductins. Cntest judges are lking fr artists t submit smething that’s true t them and brand new t the Tiny Desk.
    1. Wh are mst likely amng the judges?
    A. News statin hsts.B. Expert musicians.
    C. Cntest participants.D. Famus industrialists.
    2. What will the winner get as an award?
    A. Sightseeing turs.B. Festival suvenirs.
    C. Unlimited supprt.D. Prfessinal guidance.
    3. What is required f the cntest entry?
    A. It has t be a masterpiece.B. It must cnvey psitive feelings.
    C. It must be recrded behind a desk.D. It has t be submitted befre Feb. 21.
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. C
    【导语】这是一篇应用文,文章主要介绍了美国国家公共广播电台举行的Tiny Desk Cntest的相关信息。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“The panel (小组) f judges has dubled in size cmpared t previus years. The panel has a grup f industry experts wh are eager t see what this year’s participants can share. (评委小组的规模比往年增加了一倍。该小组有一群行业专家,他们渴望看到今年的参与者可以分享什么。)”可知,评委小组有音乐行业的专家,所以专业的音乐家最有可能在其中,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“they’ll als be paired with a tutr in the industry wh will help them navigate their music jurney. Our judges are determined t give this year’s winner the supprt they’ll need t take their music t the next level. (他们还将与一位业内导师合作,帮助他们度过音乐之旅。我们的评委们决心给予今年的冠军支持,让他们的音乐更上一层楼)”可知,获胜者将得到专业的指导,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Recrd a vide f yu playing ne riginal sng — behind a desk (录制一段你在桌子后面演奏一首原创歌曲的视频)”可知,参赛作品必须是在一张桌子后面演唱的,故选C。
    Njbati, a yung wman frm Camern, faced a challenging jurney when she mved frm her English-speaking area t a French-speaking area f the cuntry t attend university. The sharp differences between these areas, nce part f the British and French empires, made it difficult fr her t fit in, which led her t examine her wn identity—wh she truly was.
    Seeking guidance, she turned t her grandfather wh als felt discnnected frm his wn culture. He expressed sadness abut what the Ns had lst bth culturally and materially, including Ngnns statue. Ngnns was the funder f Ns dating back t the 14th Century, whse statue was an imprtant cultural symbl fr the Ns. Hwever, it was taken by the Germans in 1902 and has been hused in Berlin’s Ethnlgical Museum ever since.
    Inspired by her grandfather’s desire and saddened by the lss f culture, Njbati made a prmise t bring back the statue. She believed it wuld nt nly achieve her grandfather’s wish but cnnect her with her Ns heritage again.
    Njbati did many researches abut the statue and frmer unsuccessful attempts. She realized that restitutin (归还) was actually abut facing the clnial ( 殖民主义的) past. Njbati decided t try differently. T gather supprt nline and ffline, Njbati began a grassrts campaign. She rganized meetings in cmmunity halls and churches, met peple ne-n-ne, and used the pwer f scial media.Thrugh Twitter, she established cntact with the Ethnlgical Museum.
    Njbati’s tireless effrts paid ff. She was tld that a decisin abut Ngnns statue was cming, which was an imprtant mment fr her.
    “Finally, this is happening. Nt just fr me, but fr the Ns peple, and fr Camern,” She cried. “This als lends a hand t ther cmmunities that are seeking justice fr stlen culture relics.”
    4. What made Njbati decide t bring back the Ngnns statue?
    A. Her interest in clnial histry.
    B. Her grandfather’s identity prblem.
    C. Her desire t recnnect with Ns culture.
    D. Her experience in attending university.
    5. What did Njbati d t gain supprt fr her campaign?
    A. She did wide and cmplete researches.
    B. She turned t her grandfather fr guidance.
    C. She cntacted the Ethnlgical Museum directly.
    D. She rganized meetings and using scial media.
    6. What des “this” refer t in the last paragraph?
    A. The fight fr the statue.B. The prmise she made.
    C. The grassrts campaign.D. The return f the statue.
    7. What can be a suitable title fr the passage?
    A. A fight against clnialism.B. A cultural fighter.
    C. A prmise fr grandpa.D. A stlen cultural symbl.
    【答案】4. C 5. D 6. D 7. B
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Inspired by her grandfather’s desire and saddened by the lss f culture, Njbati made a prmise t bring back the statue. She believed it wuld nt nly achieve her grandfather’s wish but cnnect her with her Ns heritage again.(Njbati受到祖父愿望的启发,并为文化的丧失感到悲伤,她承诺要把雕像带回来。她相信这不仅能实现祖父的愿望,还能让她再次与Ns的传统联系起来)”可知,她渴望重新融入Ns文化,让Njbati决定带回Ngnns雕像。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“T gather supprt nline and ffline, Njbati began a grassrts campaign. She rganized meetings in cmmunity halls and churches, met peple ne-n-ne, and used the pwer f scial media.Thrugh Twitter, she established cntact with the Ethnlgical Museum.(为了获得线上和线下的支持,Njbati开始了一场草根运动。她在社区会堂和教堂组织会议,一对一地与人们会面,并利用社交媒体的力量。通过推特,她与民族学博物馆建立了联系)”可知,Njbati通过组织会议并使用社交媒体来获得支持。故选D项。
    词句猜测题。this为代词,代指前文提到的事,根据前文“She was tld that a decisin abut Ngnns statue was cming, which was an imprtant mment fr her.(她被告知关于Ngnns雕像的决定即将到来,这对她来说是一个重要的时刻)”可知,this代指雕像的回归。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Njbati, a yung wman frm Camern, faced a challenging jurney when she mved frm her English-speaking area t a French-speaking area f the cuntry t attend university. The sharp differences between these areas, nce part f the British and French empires, made it difficult fr her t fit in, which led her t examine her wn identity—wh she truly was.(Njbati是一名来自喀麦隆的年轻女子,当她从讲英语的地区搬到该国讲法语的地区上大学时,她经历了一段充满挑战的旅程。这些地区曾经是英法帝国的一部分,它们之间的巨大差异使她很难融入其中,这促使她审视自己的身份——她到底是谁)”以及纵观全文可知,Njbati为了重新融入Ns文化,通过组织会议并使用社交媒体来获得支持来使之前因为殖民而被夺走的雕像回到自己的文化中,所以B项“A cultural fighter.(一个文化斗士)”是本文最好的标题。故选B项。
    China is recgnized as a wrld leader in the develpment f artificial intelligence (AI) and facial recgnitin systems. A Chinese cmpany says it has created a new facial recgnitin system that can identify peple even if they are wearing masks (口罩). Engineers at the Beijing-based cmpany say their system is the first t be created t effectively identify peple wearing face masks.
    The cmpany tld a news agency that a team f 20 peple built the system in abut a mnth. The system is based n existing technlgies develped ver the past 10 years. The prcess invlved adding a cllectin f abut 6 millin unmasked faces and a much smaller cllectin f masked faces, the cmpany said.
    The cmpany is nw selling tw main kinds f prducts that use the new technlgy. One perfrms “single channel” recgnitin, which is designed t be used at the entrances t buildings. The ther prduct is a “multi-channel” recgnitin system that uses grups f surveillance (监视) cameras. It can identify individuals in a crwd f up t 30 peple within a secnd.
    “When peple are wearing a mask that cvers the muth and the nse, the recgnitin rate can reach abut 95%, which can ensure that mst peple can be identified,” said Huang, vice president f the cmpany. He added that the system’s success rate fr peple nt wearing a mask is abut 99.5%.
    Hwever, the new system struggles t identify peple wearing bth a mask and sunglasses. “In this situatin, all f the key facial infrmatin is lst. In such cases recgnitin is graunchy,” Huang said.
    Peple react t the new technlgy differently. While sme citizens have been against using such tls, the majrity have accepted the technlgy as an effective way t reduce crime and catch criminals.
    8. What did the cmpany d t build the system?
    A. It gathered many face images.B. It used the latest technlgy.
    C. It added a cllectin f masks.D. It emplyed hundreds f peple.
    9. What can we knw abut the new system?
    A. Its success rate is affected by cameras.
    B. It recgnizes grups f peple in secnds.
    C. Its perfrmance changes with the lcatin.
    D. It des better in identifying unmasked faces.
    10. What des the underlined wrd “graunchy” in paragragh 5 mean?
    A. Tugh.B. Specific.C. Nrmal.D. Different.
    11. What is mst peple’s attitude twards the new system?
    A. Uncaring.B. Dubtful.C. Objective.D. Supprtive.
    【答案】8. A 9. D 10. A 11. D
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The system is based n existing technlgies develped ver the past 10 years. The prcess invlved adding a cllectin f abut 6 millin unmasked faces and a much smaller cllectin f masked faces, the cmpany said.(该系统是基于过去10年开发的现有技术。该公司表示,这一过程包括增加约600万张未戴面具的面孔,以及数量小得多的戴面具的面孔。)”可知,公司为了研发新系统搜集了很多面孔。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段““When peple are wearing a mask that cvers the muth and the nse, the recgnitin rate can reach abut 95%, which can ensure that mst peple can be identified,” said Huang, vice president f the cmpany. He added that the system’s success rate fr peple nt wearing a mask is abut 99.5%.(该公司副总裁黄说:“当人们戴着覆盖口鼻的口罩时,识别率可以达到95%左右,这可以确保大多数人都能被识别出来。”他补充说,该系统对不戴口罩的人的成功率约为99.5%。)”可知,这家公司的系统识别不戴口罩的人脸成功率为99.5%,而戴口罩的成功率为95%,所以该系统在识别不戴口罩的人脸上成功率更高。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据划线单词上一句“Hwever, the new system struggles t identify peple wearing bth a mask and sunglasses.(然而,新系统很难识别既戴口罩又戴太阳镜的人。)”可知,这个系统很难识别既戴口罩又戴太阳镜的人,也就是在这种情况下,识别人脸困难。选项A“Tugh (艰难的)”;选项B“Specific (明确的)”;选项C“Nrmal (正常的)”;选项D“Different. (不同的)”。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“While sme citizens have been against using such tls, the majrity have accepted the technlgy as an effective way t reduce crime and catch criminals.(虽然一些公民反对使用这些工具,但大多数人都接受了这项技术,认为它是减少犯罪和抓捕罪犯的有效途径。)”可知,大多数人对这个新的系统还是持有赞同的态度。故选D。
    T get kids int science fr the lng term, new findings suggest it’s best t engage them alngside their families. The finding runs cunter (背道而驰) t the current framewrk, in which children attend science-related summer camps and after-schl prgrams apart frm their families. That apprach may reduce the lng-term ptential f what they learn.
    “Mst kids have interest in science,” says lead authr Megan Ennes. “Fr them, it’s abut curisity and wnder, but research shws that as they make their way thrugh middle schl, there’s a significant decline. S we want t fcus n the finding s that we can build a supprt system arund it.”
    In partnership with Nrth Carlina State University, the researchers based their study n a family science prgram hsted at three museums. Over the curse f ten mnths, families met n weekends fr science themed events. Afterward, the participants attended an activity led by prfessinals in science, technlgy, engineering r math, allwing families t experience what it’s like t wrk in thse fields.
    During an event with a fcus n lcal wildlife, a bird expert helped families capture birds with nets and unite the nes that hadn’t been caught befre t mnitr their ppulatins. “After the bird banding, ne f the parents tk it hme s they culd cntinue talking abut birds at hme,” Ennes says. “Our gal isn’t t persuade students t becme scientists. But if we can help families see science as smething they d fr fun tgether, then we can help ensure they have a lifelng engagement with it.”
    “Sme f the greatest challenges and pprtunities ur sciety is faced with will be slved by teams rather than by individuals,” Ennes says. “Helping families see science as smething they d tgether with a cmmunity can help build 21st-century skills needed t be successful in science and sciety. It als builds a supprtive netwrk t allw yuth and families t explre new careers and lifelng hbbies related t science.”
    12. Why did the researchers carry ut the study?
    A. Mst children shw n interest in science.
    B. Children are curius abut many things.
    C. Students shuld be encuraged t lve their families.
    D. Middle schl students reduce their interest in science.
    13. What can the families d in the study?
    A. Experience the wrk in science.B. Hst events abut science.
    C. Share the infrmatin in science.D. Visit three museums fr free.
    14. What is the aim f the study?
    A. T get students int science fr the lng term.B. T mnitr the number f sme birds.
    C. T make mre students want t be scientists.D. T encurage students t learn t lve wildlife.
    15. What d Ennes’ wrds in the last paragraph shw?
    A. Students will face great challenges and chances.
    B. It’s hard fr students t slve prblems by themselves.
    C. It’s gd t let students engage in science with families.
    D. The cmmunity is gd fr science develpment.
    【答案】12. D 13. A 14. A 15. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段““Mst kids have interest in science,” says lead authr Megan Ennes. “Fr them, it’s abut curisity and wnder, but research shws that as they make their way thrugh middle schl, there’s a significant decline. S we want t fcus n the finding s that we can build a supprt system arund it.”(首席作者梅根·恩尼斯表示:“大多数孩子对科学都怀有兴趣,对他们而言,科学是关于好奇心和探索欲的。但研究表明,随着他们在中学阶段的成长,这种兴趣会出现显著的下降。所以我们希望聚焦于这一发现,以便围绕它建立起一套支持系统”)”可知,研究人员进行这项研究是因为他们注意到中学生对科学的兴趣在减少。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Afterward, the participants attended an activity led by prfessinals in science, technlgy, engineering r math, allwing families t experience what it’s like t wrk in thse fields.(之后,参与者参加了一场由科学、技术、工程或数学领域专业人士指导的活动,这让各个家庭有机会体验在这些行业工作的实际感受)”可知,参与研究的家庭能够亲身体验科学领域的相关工作。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段““Our gal isn’t t persuade students t becme scientists. But if we can help families see science as smething they d fr fun tgether, then we can help ensure they have a lifelng engagement with it.”(“我们的目标并不是说服学生都成为科学家。但是,如果我们能让家庭将科学视为共同进行的趣味活动,那么我们就能帮助确保他们一生都与科学保持紧密联系”)”可知,这项研究的目标是为了让学生们长期保持对科学的兴趣和参与。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Helping families see science as smething they d tgether with a cmmunity can help build 21st-century skills needed t be successful in science and sciety. It als builds a supprtive netwrk t allw yuth and families t explre new careers and lifelng hbbies related t science.(帮助家庭将科学视为与社区共同参与的活动,有助于培养21世纪所需的科学和社会成功所需的各种技能。同时,这也构建了一个支持网络,允许青少年和家庭探索与科学相关的新兴职业和终身爱好)”可知,让学生与家人一起参与科学活动是非常有益的。故选C项。
    第二节:(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,共12. 5分)
    If yu have a big test cming up r just want t d well in class, studying is ne f the best things yu can d t imprve yur grade. Even thugh revising things yu already learned might seem bring, yu’ll feel a lt mre cmfrtable with the material.____16____
    Study in 1-hur blcks.
    Keep yur study time shrter s yu dn’t get tired. Set aside (留出) an hur fr each f yur subjects s yu have time t revise them.____17____ In this way, yu dn’t get infrmatin mixed up between classes.
    Step away fr a few minutes every hur s yu dn’t feel verwrked. Since studying takes up a lt f energy and brainpwer, schedule in 5-10 minutes every hur where yu just relax. Avid wrking thrugh the breaks.
    Schedule time t study every day.
    Try t set aside a regular time t g ver ntes fr class.____19____ S, yu’re able t fcus a little better. If yu can, try t plan the same time every day s yu can get int a regular rutine (惯例).
    Wrk smewhere quiet.
    ____20____ Avid studying in a rm with ther lud peple r distractins since it’ll be hard t fcus and remember the material. Instead g int yur rm and shut the dr, r find a quiet spt at the schl library where yu can sit.
    A. Plan regular breaks.
    B. Revise yur ntes in yur wn wrds.
    C. Only fcus n ne subject at a time during each blck.
    D. Find a time when yu feel the mst energetic t study.
    E. We’ll start by lking at sme tips n frming the best study habits!
    F. Find a place where yu wn’t have truble cncentrating n the material.
    G. If yu live with thers, ask them t be quiet when yu plan yur study time.
    【答案】16. E 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. F
    设空句为第一段末尾句,应是一个“承前启后”句。根据前文“If yu have a big test cming up r just want t d well in class, studying is ne f the best things yu can d t imprve yur grade.(如果你有一个重要的考试,或者只是想在课堂上取得好成绩,学习是你能做的最好的事情之一,以提高你的成绩)”可知,第一段主题是“学习”,因此设空句应提到“学习”;根据后文段落“Study in 1-hur blcks.(以1小时为单元学习)”,“Schedule time t study every day.(每天安排时间学习)”可知,后文段落讲到了学习方面的建议。选项E“We’ll start by lking at sme tips n frming the best study habits!(我们将从一些养成最佳学习习惯的建议开始!)”既呼应第一段主题“学习”,也可用“sme tips n frming the best study habits(一些养成最佳学习习惯的建议)”承启后文段落内容,符合语境。故选E项。
    后文“In this way, yu dn’t get infrmatin mixed up between classes.(这样,就不会在课程之间混淆信息)”提出了“不会混淆课程信息”的效果,由此可推知,设空句应是一个如何不会混淆课程信息的学习方式。选项C“Only fcus n ne subject at a time during each blck.(在每个时间段内,一次只关注一个科目)”提出了学习方式:一个时间段内只关注一门科目,这样就不会混淆内容,在逻辑上可与空后内容构成“因果”逻辑,符合语境。故选C项。
    设空句为该段小标题,应是该段的主旨要义句。根据后文内容“Step away fr a few minutes every hur s yu dn’t feel verwrked. Since studying takes up a lt f energy and brainpwer, schedule in 5-10 minutes every hur where yu just relax. (每小时休息几分钟,这样你就不会觉得工作过度。因为学习需要大量的精力和脑力,所以每小时安排5-10分钟的放松时间)”可知,本段主要强调了学习期间要每小时安排一次休息时间。选项A“Plan regular breaks.(计划有规律的休息时间)”符合该段主旨。故选A项。
    后文“S, yu’re able t fcus a little better. (这样你就能更好地集中注意力了)”提到了效果“更好地集中注意力”,且结合语境主题“Schedule time t study every day.(每天安排时间学习)”以及常识可推知,设空句应是讲述了一个集中注意力的时间。选项D“Find a time when yu feel the mst energetic t study.(找一个你觉得最有精力的时间学习)”提出了找出最有精力时间用来学习,符合语境。故选D项。
    根据主题句“Wrk smewhere quiet.(找个安静的地方学习)”可知,该段强调的是要有一个安静的学习环境,设空句作为该段首句应对该建议进行进一步的强调和解释。选项F“Find a place where yu wn’t have truble cncentrating n the material.(找一个能让你集中注意力在学习材料上的地方)”解释了安静的地方能让人集中注意力学习,符合语境。故选F项。
    第Ⅲ部分 语言运用 (共两节,共30分)
    Pwer f Perseverance (毅力)
    There was nce a yung man named David. Brn int a humble family, David had t ____21____ t make ends meet(维持生计). Hwever, he was determined t rise abve his ____22____ and achieve greatness.
    When David was in high schl, he faced bullying (欺负) frm his schlmates, which left him feeling ____23____. But instead f giving way t the negativity, he chse t see the situatin as a chance fr ____________24____________. He ____25____ thrughut the tugh times and fund strength in vercming his difficulties.
    After graduatin, David had a dream f becming a successful businessman. Hwever, he had n mney r ____26____ in the business wrld. But he refused t give up.
    David ____27____ his first business prject with just a few hundred dllars in his pcket. It was a struggle at first, but he struggled n. Slwly but ____28____ his business began t ____29____. As time passed, his cmpany _____30_____ int a multi-millin-dllar enterprise (企业). His _____31_____ and hard wrk paid ff. David learned that tugh cnditins are nt a _____32_____ but a pwerful driving frce that can _____33_____ us t achieve great things.
    David’s _____34_____ indicates that we all have the _____35_____ t turn ur difficulties int pprtunities fr grwth and success.
    21. A. prepareB. betC. struggleD. run
    22. A. dubtB. abilityC. averageD. circumstance
    23. A. inspiredB. defeatedC. cncernedD. tuched
    24. A. fameB. grwthC. survivalD. escape
    25. A. cnqueredB. thughtC. targetedD. persevered
    26. A. energyB. ambitinC. cnnectinD. curage
    27. A. launchedB. plishedC. ensuredD. rebuilt
    28. A. unsteadilyB. surelyC. suddenlyD. likely
    29. A. take upB. take inC. take ffD. take ver
    30. A. hurriedB. stleC. develpedD. brke
    31. A. willpwerB. prductivityC. luckD. creativity
    32. A. stepping-stneB. milestneC. flashlightD. radblck
    33. A. requireB. mtivateC. remindD. guide
    34. A. experienceB. fcusC. visinD. interest
    35. A. functinB. rightC. beliefD. ptential
    【答案】21. C 22. D 23. B 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. D
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:大卫出生在一个卑微的家庭,不得不努力维持生计。A. prepare准备;B. bet打赌;C. struggle斗争,挣扎;D. run跑。根据“Brn int a humble family,”可知,David卑微的家境让他不得不努力维持生计。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,他决心超越自己的处境,成就伟业。A. dubt怀疑;B. ability能力;C. average平均水平;D. circumstance境况,条件。根据“and achieve greatness.”可知,David决心超越自己的处境。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当大卫上高中时,他面临着同学们的欺凌,这让他感到受挫。A. inspired受鼓舞的;B. defeated被打败的,受挫的;C. cncerned担心的;D. tuched感动的。根据“When David was in high schl, he faced bullying (欺负) frm his schlmates”可知,在学校里被欺凌让David感到受挫。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但他没有向消极情绪屈服,而是选择将这种情况视为成长的机会。A. fame名声;B. grwth成长;C. survival生存;D. escape逃跑。根据“But instead f giving way t the negativity”可知,David选择把自己的处境视为成长的机会。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他在艰难时期坚持不懈,并找到了克服困难的力量。A.cnquered征服;B. thught认为;C. targeted以为目标;D. persevered坚持不懈。根据“thrughut the tugh times and fund strength in vercming his difficulties”可知,他在艰难时期坚持不懈。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,他在商界既没有钱,也没有人脉。A. energy精力;B. ambitin野心,抱负;C. cnnectin连接;D. curage勇气。根据“Brn int a humble family,”可知,他出身卑微,因此在商界没有人脉。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:大卫发起他的第一个商业项目时口袋里只有几百美元。A. launched发起;B. plished抛光,磨光;C.ensured确保;D. rebuilt重建。根据“his first business prject”以及下文“his cmpany ”可知,David发起了自己的第一个商业项目。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:慢慢地但是确定地他的生意开始起飞。A. unsteadily不稳定地;B. surely确定地;C. suddenly突然地;D. likely有可能地。根据“As time passed, his cmpany____10____int a multi-millin-dllar enterprise.”可知,他的生意开始起飞是确定的。故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。A. take up占据,从事;B. take in吸收;C. take ff起飞,脱掉;D. take ver接管。根据“int a multi-millin-dllar enterprise.”可知,他的事业开始起飞。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着时间的推移,他的公司发展成为一个价值数百万美元的企业。A. hurried赶快;B. stle偷;C. develped发展;D. brke破坏。根据上文“David____7____ his first business prject with just a few hundred dllars in his pcket.”可知,此处指他的公司发展成为一个价值数百万美元的企业。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的毅力和努力得到了回报。A. willpwer意志力;B. prductivity生产力;C. luck运气,幸运;D. creativity创造力。根据“He____5____thrughut the tugh times and fund strength in vercming his difficulties.”可知,David很有毅力。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:大卫认识到,艰难的环境不是障碍,而是一种强大的动力,可以激励我们取得伟大的成就。A. stepping-stne垫脚石;B. milestne里程碑;C. flashlight闪光灯;D. radblck障碍。根据“David learned that tugh cnditins”可知,David认识到艰难的环境不是障碍。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. require要求;B. mtivate激发;C. remind提醒;D. guide引导。根据“but a pwerful driving frce”可知,艰难的环境是一种激励我们取得伟大成就的强大的动力。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:大卫的人生旅程告诉我们,我们都有潜力把困难转化为成长和成功的机会。A. experience经历;B. fcus关注;C. visin视力;D. interest兴趣。根据“that we all have the ____15____ t turn ur difficulties int pprtunities fr grwth and success.”可知,此处指大卫的人生旅程告诉我们的经验教训。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. functin功能;B. right权力;C. belief信念;D. ptential潜力。根据上文大卫的努力以及“turn ur difficulties int pprtunities fr grwth and success.”可知,我们都有潜力把困难转化为成长和成功的机会。故选D。
    第二节:语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Recently, a grup f children frm Nanning, Guangxi, wearing range dwn jackets and blue pants, tk ___36___ unique study tur in Harbin. They are fndly referred t___37___the “ittle tangerines (柑橘)”, with the ldest just 6 and a half years ld, with the yungest nly 3 years and 5 mnths ld. The nickname symblizes bth their cute range utfits___38___Guangxi’s well-knwn prductin. The use f range cats___39___ (wear) by the children was chsen by a vte amng the parents, primarily fr safety reasns.
    Each day, their attractive presence is trending n ___40___ (variety) scial media platfrms. Wherever they g, they are hugged and shwered with lve by the___41___ (lcal). In Harbin, they enjyed the lcal delicacies, and watched a firewrk display amid the snwy landscape. On their arrival in Mhe, the tur grup was___42___ (warm) welcmed by a lcal travel agency as well as the city’s turism bureau (局). At the nrthern mst plice utpst f China, they sang the natinal anthem and shwed respect fr the brder guards, ___43___marked an imprtant part f their educatinal trip. Mrever, the plice fficers at the statin prepared snw sculptures and snwmen___44___ (treat) the “little tangerines”.
    T express gratitude fr the hspitality (好客) received in Heilngjiang, a lt f tangerines frm Lipu f Guangxi ___45___ (send) t the prvince last Thursday.
    【答案】36. a 37. as
    38. and 39. wrn
    40. varius
    41. lcals 42. warmly
    43. which 44. t treat
    45. were sent
    考查介词。句意:它们被亲切地称为“小橘子”,最大的只有6岁半,最小的只有3岁零5个月大。根据空后的“little tangerines”可知,此处指“被称为”,be referred t as“被称为”,为固定搭配,符合句意。故填as。
    考查连词。句意:这个绰号象征着他们可爱的橙色服装和广西的知名产品。分析句子可知,这里考查 ,表“二者都”,为固定搭配。故填and。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:孩子们穿的橙色外套是由家长投票决定的,主要是出于安全考虑。分析句子可知,这里考查非谓语, range cats与wear为被动关系,再由句意可知,这里应用过去分词作定语。故填wrn。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:此外,派出所的警察还准备了雪雕和雪人来招待这些“小砂糖橘”。结合句意可知,此处表示目的,应用动词不定式。故填t treat。
    考查时态语态。句意:为了感谢黑龙江的盛情款待,上周四,许多来自广西荔浦的柑橘被送往黑龙江省。主语tangerines和动词send之间是被动关系,结合时间状语“last Thursday”可知,此处应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是复数,be动词使用were。故填were sent。
    第Ⅳ部分 语言基础知识 (共两节,共30分)
    46. In the ________ (远处), yu culd see the clud that rse frm the lake. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:在远处,你可以看到湖上升起的云。根据汉语意思提示可知,此处为名词distance“远处”,distance是不可数名词,in the distance在远处。故填distance。
    47. I wuld appreciate it s much if yu culd cntact me at yur earliest ________________ (cnvenient). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:如果您能尽早与我联系,我将不胜感激。空处应填名词作介词at的宾语,cnvenience是不可数名词,at ne’s earliest cnvenience“在某人方便时,尽早”,故填cnvenience。
    48. She returned hme t get her papers, nly t find them ________________ (steal). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    49. All f her time_________________(devte) t carrying ut a further study n the cause f Alzheimer’s disease since she left schl. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】has been devted
    【详解】考查时态和语态。句意:自从她离开学校以来,她所有时间都用于进一步研究阿尔茨海默病的病因。由since she left schl可知,句子应用现在完成时,且主语All f her time和动词devte是被动关系,应用现在完成时的被动语态,主语是不可数名词,助动词应用has,故填has been devted。
    50. Obviusly he gave away much f his friends’ ________________ (隐私) in his blg. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    51. Gegraphy, _____ (define) as the study f Earth, has always had a fcus n maps. But mapping hasn’t always been easy. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:地理学被定义为对地球研究,一直专注于地图。但绘制地图并不总是那么容易。分析句子可知谓语动词为has had,所以define应使用非谓语动词形式,结合句意可知define和逻辑主语Gegraphy之间是被动关系,应用过去分词作后置定语,修饰名词Gegraphy。结合介词as可知此处是固定搭配defined as 表示“被定义为”。故填defined。
    52. She tells us that La Wang is a persn frm ________ we can learn a lt. (用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查“介词+关系代词”引导限制性定语从句。句意:她告诉我们老王是一个我们可以向他学习的人。a persn是行词,指人,关系词在限制性定语从句中作frm的宾语,frm提前至从句句首时,关系代词应用whm。故填whm。
    53. Cmputers shuld be made readily ________(access) t teachers and pupils. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    54. Dn’t g ut t play until all f yur hmewrk ________________ (finish). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】has been finished
    【详解】考查时态语态。句意:完成所有的作业后再出去玩。主语与谓语为被动关系,且描述的动作发生在g ut t play之前,对现在造成的影响,用现在完成时的被动语态。主语 yur hmewrk为不可数名词。谓语为单数。故填·has been finished。
    55. Why is she ________________ (fllw) by her father at the mment? (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】being fllwed
    【详解】考查时态语态。句意:为什么此刻她正被她的父亲跟着?分析句子结构可知,空处为句子的谓语动词。根据句意及空格后的“by her father”可知,此处表达的是“她”被父亲跟随这一被动动作,所以需要被动语态。而句中的时间状语是“at the mment”,表示正在进行的动作,因此句子需要使用现在进行时的被动语态,即“be being fllwed”。空前出现系动词is。故填being fllwed。
    56. Mr Green std up in_________(defend) f the 16-year-ld by, saying that he was nt the ne t blame.(所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:格林先生站起来为这个16岁的男孩辩护,说他不是该被指责的人。介词in接名词作宾语,in defence f“为……辩护”符合句意,故填defence。
    57. Judging frm his ________________ (puzzle) expressin, this prblem must be quite puzzling. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    58. It is this nvel ________________ they talked abut last week. (用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查强调句。句意:他们上周谈论的就是这本小说。分析句子结构可知此处为强调句:It is/ was + 被强调部分+ that/ wh + 其它部分,被强调部分为 this nvel,故填that。
    59. He made the ________________ (annunce) at the cnference that the cmpany wuld be clsing. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    60. What we need are new appraches t________________ (slve) the prblem. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    61. China___________(lcate) in the east f Asia with the area f 9,600,000 square kilmetres. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】is lcated
    【详解】考查动词的时态和语态。句意:中国位于亚洲东部,面积960万平方公里。lcate是及物动词,意为“找出……的准确位置;把……安置在(或建造于);创办于(某地)”。表示“位于,坐落在”应用短语“be lcated+介词”。句子陈述客观事实,应用一般现在时。故填is lcated。
    62. The famus musician, as well as his students, _____ (be) invited t perfrm at the pening ceremny last year. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查时态和主谓一致。句意:这位著名的音乐家和他的学生被邀请在去年的开幕式上表演。结合时间状语last year可知,该空谓语时态用一般过去时,as well as (和)遵循的是就远原则,即谓语动词要与该结构前面的主语保持一致,该句应与主语The famus musician保持一致,谓语单数形式。故填was。
    63. She was faced with a new jb, in unfamiliar ________ (surrund) with strange peple. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    64. When I came in, I fund him ________________ (lie) in bed. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    65. We can hear the windws ____________(beat)by the heavy rain drps. (用单词的适当形式完成句子)
    66. 请牢记,没有人喜欢被取笑。
    Please keep in mind that nbdy likes ________ ________ ________ ________.
    【答案】 ①. being ②. made ③. fun ④. f
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。表示“取笑”使用动词短语make fun f,like ding sth“喜欢做某事”,且make fun f和主语nbdy之间是被动关系,应用动名词的被动式,故填①being②made③fun④f。
    67. 他因考试作弊而受到控告,这使我们都很吃惊。
    He ________ ________ ________ cheating in the exam, which surprised us all.
    【答案】 ①. was ②. charged ③. with
    【详解】考查固定短语。空处表示“因……而受到控告”,使用固定短语be charged with,结合从句中的surprised可知,句子是描述过去发生的事情,使用一般过去时,主语为He,故填①was②charged③with。
    68. 用心去观察,英国的过去与现在都将展示在你面前,令你叹为观止。
    If yu ________ ________ ________ ________, yu will be surprised t find that yu can see bth its past and its present.
    【答案】 ①. keep ②. yur ③. eyes ④. pen
    【详解】考查时态和形容词作宾语补足语。keep + 宾语+形容词。if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时。根据句意,故填keep yur eyes pen。
    69. 端午节是中国一年一度的传统节日,它的历史可以追溯到大约两千年前,在农历的五月初五。
    The Dragn Bat Festival, an annual traditinal festival in China ________ ________ ________ abut 2, 000 years ag, falls n the fifth day f the fifth lunar mnth.
    【答案】 ①. dating ②. back ③. t
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。空处表示“追溯到”,使用动词短语date back t,和festival之间是主谓关系,应用现在分词作后置定语,故填①dating②back③t。
    70. 作为父母,我们有责任给孩子归属感。
    As parents, we have a respnsibility t give ur children________ ________ ________ ________.
    【答案】 ①. a ②. sense ③. f ④. belnging
    【详解】考查固定短语。空处表示“归属感”,使用固定短语a sense f belnging,故填①a②sense③f④belnging。
    第Ⅴ部分 书面表达 (共25分)
    71. 假设你是李华,有一位外国笔友Harry想了解你们的首都北京,请你根据提示回复一封电子邮件。要点如下:
    1. 北京的位置(中国北部)、面积(16,410多平方公里)、人口(约2200万)及历史(3,000多年)等;
    2. 北京的旅游特色(历史古迹如长城、故宫the Frbidden City、颐和园the Summer Palace, 特色小吃等);
    3. 欢迎Harry来北京参观。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 开头、结尾已给出,不计入总数。
    Dear Harry,
    Li Hua
    Dear Harry,
    Learning that yu are interested in my belved capital, Beijing, and eager t knw mre abut it, I’m glad t tell yu smething abut the city.
    Lcated in the nrth f China, Beijing is an amazing city. Dating back t mre than 3,000 years, Beijing cvers an area f mre than 16,410 square kilmeters with a large ppulatin f abut 22 millin. The Great Wall, whse scenery is fascinating, attracts numerus turists frm hme and abrad. In additin, what yu can't miss is the Frbidden City and the Summer Palace, frm which yu will btain a deeper insight int Chinese traditinal culture. Better yet, tasting the special snacks is a must, leaving a lng-lasting impressin n yu fr certain.
    With all this beauty, it is nt surprising that Beijing is a charming city well wrth visiting. I wuld be mre than delighted t guide yu arund ur city if yu wuld pay a visit here.
    Li Hua
    感兴趣:be interested in→take interest in
    此外:in additin→besides
    原句:Dating back t mre than 3,000 years, Beijing cvers an area f mre than 16,410 square kilmeters with a large ppulatin f abut 22 millin.
    拓展句:Beijing, which dates back t mre than 3,000 years, cvers an area f mre than 16,410 square kilmeters with a large ppulatin f abut 22 millin.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Learning that yu are interested in my belved capital, Beijing, and eager t knw mre abut it, I’m glad t tell yu smething abut the city. (运用了现在分词作状语和that引导宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] The Great Wall, whse scenery is fascinating, attracts numerus turists frm hme and abrad. (运用了whse引导非限制性定语从句)
    听力 1—5 ACBBC 6—10 CABBA 11—15 BCCAC

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