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    专题 04 话题分类+个人情感和情绪(人与自我)--2024年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵
    专题 04 话题分类+个人情感和情绪(人与自我)--2024年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵01
    专题 04 话题分类+个人情感和情绪(人与自我)--2024年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵02
    专题 04 话题分类+个人情感和情绪(人与自我)--2024年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵03
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    专题 04 话题分类+个人情感和情绪(人与自我)--2024年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵

    这是一份专题 04 话题分类+个人情感和情绪(人与自我)--2024年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵,共25页。

    Cdy always knew his family was different. While ther kids went t the beach fr summer vacatin, he and his mm visited the wrld’s largest basket, r the wrld’s largest baseball bat, r the wrld’s largest frk. These are real things. And Cdy’s mm had phts f them during thse trips hanging n the wall.
    As a little kid, Cdy thught these vacatins were the best ever. But with time ging by, he started t feel embarrassed. When his classmates wuld ask where he’d gne fr vacatin, he’d say, “N place special.”
    On a Sunday mrning, his mm said, “I was reading this article abut the wrld’s largest gathering f peple dressed as turkeys. It was in Texas, and it was nly 661 peple! Five times as many peple live in ur twn. I want t hld a similar event here arund Thanksgiving Day, which is a few weeks away.”
    “Mm,” Cdy said. “N.”
    “Yes!” Mm said. “I just called the newspaper. The annuncement runs tmrrw. The day after Thanksgiving, everyne will meet in the twn square — dressed as turkeys!”
    A few days befre Thanksgiving, Cdy and his mm sat dwn fr dinner. Cdy set dwn his frk. “D yu have any idea what the kids at schl think abut the turkey dress-up?”
    “N,” Mm said.
    “Well, they have a lt t say.”
    Mm lked dwn at her fingernails, then lked at Cdy. “I’m afraid it’s t late t call it ff, sweetie.”
    At last, it was the day f the great turkey dress-up. But instead f buncing arund the huse as she’d been all week, Mm was sitting n the living-rm flr, shulders slumped (耷拉着). “I can’t believe the DJ is sick,” she said. “What am I ging t d? Music is what makes a festivity festive! I dn’t knw hw t wrk all this stuff.”
    Mm sighed and leaned back against the cuch.
    With the happy memries brught back by the phts n the wall, Cdy said, “I’ll d it.”
    Mm sighed and leaned back against the cuch. With n music, the turkey dress-up might actually have t be canceled, which meant there wuld be n mre embarrassment. Cdy realized this was his chance. Befre his blurting ut what was in his mind, his eyes fell n the framed phts frm their vacatins ver the years which hung n the wall abve the cuch. Cdy lked at the first ne. He was abut five when they went t Kentucky t see the wrld’s largest baseball bat. His smile was almst as big as the bat while his mm’s smile was even bigger. Suddenly, Cdy changed his mind.
    With the happy memries brught back by the phts n the wall, Cdy said, “I’ll d it.” “D what?” asked Mm, sitting up. “I’ll be the DJ. I can figure ut the equipment.” She gave him a big hug. “Cdy, yu’re a lifesaver!” Cdy had the music set up, and the twn square was full f peple dressed as turkeys. Cdy’s mm was decked ut in extra-lng feathers. They all appeared t be having fun. Best f all, his mm was having a blast. He realized he and his mm had always been there fr each ther, trying t make each ther smile.
    ①意识到:realize/aware f/recgnize
    ②改变:change /cnvert/alter
    ③使……回忆起:bring back /recall/recllect
    ①尴尬:embarrassment /awkwardness
    ②积极:have fun /enjy neself/have a gd time
    [高分句型1] With n music, the turkey dress-up might actually have t be canceled, which meant there wuld be n mre embarrassment.(由连接词which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] He was abut five when they went t Kentucky t see the wrld’s largest baseball bat.(由连接词when引导的时间状语从句)
    [高分句型3] He realized he and his mm had always been there fr each ther, trying t make each ther smile.(由省略that引导的宾语从句及现在分词作状语)
    “What a crabby-lking lady (怨妇),” the cashier at my lcal cnvenience stre whispered t her cwrker. I was grabbing smething ff the shelf. I had a half dzen kids waiting fr me utside in the van, and here’s the thing: they were all my wn children. N time fr plite. N casual cnversatin with the checkut lady, n nd f apprval tward the stck by, n breathing. Just get the tilet paper, tw gallns f milk and sme Frsted Flakes and get back t my children!
    But my interest was arused by the crabby-lking lady. Which ne was she? Taking a family pack f tilet paper under my arm, I scanned the tiny stre fr the crabby lady. Let’s see, there’s a middle-aged guy checking n prk, an lder gentleman at the checkut purchasing an egg salad sandwich and a cffee, and... just then I saw her, the crabby-lking lady.
    Her eyes were small; her brwn hair was pulled back in a pnytail s tight that it lked like her frehead wuld drp. Her muth was shut serius. This lady lked like she had smelled smething really bad. Then, I turned away frm my wn reflectin in the cnvex security mirrr (安全反射镜) at the back f the stre. The crabby-lking lady... was me!
    That night, I cried. I was the crabby-lking lady! Me! The girl nce vted nicest smile by her high schl class! Things must get changed! Right then and there I reslved t d ne thing ver the next year. One simple reslutin: t smile. I didn’t need t wait fr January 1st — I wuld start right nw.
    I reslved t smile at anyne and anything, even thugh they wuld let me dwn. And I als reslved t make a cnscius effrt t smile, at least ten times a day.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The first day f “Missin Smile” I practiced smiling as planned.
    After practicing a mnth, unexpectedly, smething different happened.
    The first day f “Missin Smile” I practiced smiling as planned. I smiled at a strange dg wh peed n my daughter’s new schl shes while she was in them, the salesman t the dr, three f my six children, a librarian wh asked me if I was aware f the glbal verppulatin prblem, and my bathtub. I even smiled at my husband ver the phne when he called t say he’d be late frm wrk. And I smiled at myself in the mirrr twice, just t remind myself what a smile lked like.
    After practicing a mnth, unexpectedly, smething different happened. I didn’t even try t find things t smile at and I’d still ntice smile take ver my face. When my daughter laded the dishwasher with her scks, I smiled. When we were really late fr church, I smiled. One day I was meeting a cuple f friends at a lcal cffee shp. I verheard the cashier remark t her c-wrker, “What a happy-lking lady!" And I didn’t even have t lk arund t knw wh she was talking abut. It was me!
    ②穿:be in/wear/put n
    ③意识到:be aware f/be cnscius f
    ①出乎意料地:unexpectedly/ surprisingly
    [高分句型1]. I smiled at a strange dg wh peed n my daughter’s new schl shes while she was in them, the salesman t the dr, three f my six children, a librarian wh asked me if I was aware f the glbal verppulatin prblem, and my bathtub. (运用了wh引导的限制性定语从句、while引导的时间状语从句和if引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]. And I smiled at myself in the mirrr twice, just t remind myself what a smile lked like.(运用了不定式短语作目的状语和what引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型3]. And I didn’t even have t lk arund t knw wh she was talking abut.(运用了wh引导的宾语从句)
    It was a break time at the village schl. The bell had rung, and the children had run ut int the bright sunshine, wild with laughter and fun. They chased after each ther and played heartily, with giggles lingering in the relaxing atmsphere.
    All but pr Davy. He came ut last and very slwly, but he did nt laugh. He was in truble, and the bright, glden sunlight did nt make him glad.
    He walked acrss the yard, and sat dwn n a stne behind the ld maple. A little bird n the highest branch sang just t make him laugh.
    But Davy did nt ntice it. He was thinking f the cruel wrds that had been said abut his ragged clthes. The tears stle ut f his eyes, and ran dwn his cheeks. He clsed his eyes t hld back his tears and bit his lips tight.
    Pr Davy had n father, and his mther had t wrk hard t keep him at schl. The bell finally rang, indicating it’s time t cme hme.
    At fur 'clck that afternn, he went hme by the path that led acrss the fields and thrugh the wds. He still felt sad. Davy did nt wish t truble his mther; s he wandered a while amng the trees, and at last threw himself n the green mss (苔藓) under them.
    Just then his teacher came alng. She saw wh it was, and stpped, saying kindly, “What is the matter, Davy?”
    He drped his head and did nt utter a wrd, but the tears began again t well up.
    “Wn’t yu tell me? Perhaps I can help yu.”
    Deeply encuraged by her warmth and sincerity, he pured ut all his truble he came acrss. When he ended, she was lst in deep thught and fr a while she came up, gave Davy a cnsling pat and said, cheerily, “I have a plan, Davy, that I think will help yu.”
    “Oh, what is it?” he said, sitting up with a lk f hpe, while a tear fell upn a blue vilet (紫罗兰).
    “Well, hw wuld yu like t be a little flwer merchant?”
    Paragraph 1:
    “And earn mney?” said Davy.“But where shall I get my flwers?”
    Paragraph 2:
    S, with the plan in mind, Davy hunted the wds fr the prettiest flwers.
    Paral: “And earn mney?” said Davy. “But where shall I get my flwers?” “Right in these wds, and in the fields.” said his teacher, pinting t the clrful flwers swaying gracefully in the breeze. Clusters f lvely blue vilets adhered t the trees, white nes adrned the backs f the river, and amng the rcks were ferns and msses. They lked like an angel, unflding in the wind and under the sun. Fr the first time Davy was really arrested by the scene. His teacher narrated her plan that Davy picked sme flwers and brught them all t her huse. Then, they arranged flwers beautifully tgether fr a purchase. Struck by the amazing idea, Davy ndded his head firm and held his teacher’s hand as his smile grew.
    Para2: S, with the plan in mind. Davy hunted the wds fr the prettiest flwers. Excited and cautius, he placed them in the basket, and trtted all his way t his teacher’s huse. Subsequently, they wuld be srted ut discreetly, trimmed fr a better lk and wrapped in paper f different clrs. Everything dne, Davy tk them t the city that was near, and sld them. The first mve was a hit and custmers were ttally impressed by the flwers. A little flwer merchant was ppular in the city. He sn earned enugh mney t buy new clthes. Nw the sunshine and the bird’s sngs made him glad.
    ①.挣钱:earn mney/make mney
    ②.吸引:arrested /attracted/appealed
    ③.极好的:amazing /wnderful/fantastic
    ①.谨慎的:cautius /careful/ prudent
    [高分句型1]. His teacher narrated her plan that Davy picked sme flwers and brught them all t her huse.(用that引导同位语从句)
    [高分句型2]. Excited and cautius, he placed them in the basket, and trtted all his way t his teacher’s huse.(用形容词excited and cautius做伴随状语)
    On a rainy night in March 2013, my husband Reece went ut t get a bx that he had frgtten in his car. On his way back inside, he nticed a small shadw mving n the driveway. He walked twards it quietly, and fund it was a small hedgehg(刺猬), all wet in the grass, eating mud. Reece quickly remved his jacket and picked it up. The hedgehg was very weak and unable t mve abut quickly. But he did nt seem t be frightened; nr did he resist being scped up (抱起).
    Once he was inside, Reece called ut t me, saying that he had smething that wuld make my heart melt, and he was right! We named the hedgehg Alf, because, just like the TV shw character f the‘'80s, he came ut f nwhere. And, like Alf the alien, this little hedgehg was amazingly intelligent. Nt nly did he learn t eat his dinner and drink water frm his bwls, but he als learnt t wait fr us inside his little indr cubby huse and hp int his pet carrier whenever we tk him ut with us.
    Alf knws us very well and recgnizes bth ur vices. He des nt rll int a ball r put his spines up. Every day he allws us t pat him. He lves playing with paper and twels and will bite and tug n the bed sheets if given a chance. Like all pets, Alf lves his treats, in particular small pieces f sugar-cated biscuits.
    Unfrtunately, in April 2014, I was in a car accident and had t spend tw mnths in the hspital. And by, did I miss Alf! Reece tld me that Alf wuld search arund the huse fr me, checking in places where I'd nrmally be, such as my desk, my favrite seat in frnt f the TV and even my side f the bed.
    One evening, Reece set up a vide call fr me frm my hspital bed.
    I cannt describe the feeling when I arrived hme and saw his little face again.
    One evening, Reece set up a vide call fr me frm my hspital bed. When the vide phne was cnnected, I saw Reece hlding Alf in his arms and Alf was staring at the phne screen. Alf seemed shcked when it saw me at the ther end f vide. It kept scratching the phne screen with its claws, which made me s excited that tears filled my eyes. At this mment, I knew she als missed me very much. Hw I wanted t run back t it and pat it. Then we culd play with each ther.
    I cannt describe the feeling when I arrived hme and saw his little face again. As Alf saw me again, it rubbed my trusers with its little face, and then grabbed my pants tightly with its claws as if I wuld disappear. When Reece saw us like this, he said he thught Alf had regarded me as his mther. I lked at him with great excitement and said," I als think f it as my wn child." Peple can cultivate feelings with each ther, while peple and animals can als cultivate such affectin. And then we wuld live happily with Alf.
    【分析】本文以动物为线索展开, 讲述了作者的丈夫捡回来的一只小刺猬, 他们给小刺猬起名叫Alf,并且像养宠物一样,让Alf学会吃饭和用碗喝水,在和Alf的相处中,Alf也和作者一家相处的非常快乐。 但不幸的是, 作者出了车祸, 需要在医院呆两个月,作者非常想念Alf,Alf也非常想念作者,它们通过视频互相表达想念,最后作者终于康复回到家,再次见到Alf的经历。
    ①接通电话:cnnect/get thrugh/put thrugh
    ②盯着看:stare at/gaze at
    ③想念:miss/ lng t see again
    ④认为:regard as/think f
    ①激动的:shwing ne’s excitement/excited/ excitedly
    [高分句型1]. It kept scratching the phne screen with its claws, which made me s excited that tears filled my eyes.(由关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] As Alf saw me again, it rubbed my trusers with its little face, and then grabbed my pants tightly with its claws as if I wuld disappear.(由as引导的时间状语从句和as if引导的方式状语从句)
    Like every by there ever was, what Kyle Hrenwd mst wanted in this wrld was a dg. Unfrtunately fr Kyle, his mm didn’t think he was respnsible enugh.
    The day befre Kyle’s thirteenth birthday, he went t the park and fund a wman sbbing. He was immediately wrried. Was the wman hurt?
    He bent ver and said “Miss, Are yu OK? D yu want me t call anyne?” The wman shk her head and said, “My husband died tw weeks ag, and I feel alne. We’d been tgether fr thirty years. I can’t stand the silence inside that huse. I’m Deidre. What’s yur name?”
    Kyle intrduced himself and they talked fr a lng time. Kyle’s encunter with Deidre left him very sad, and he decided t g hme. “Mm,” he said. “I dn’t want t get married.” “Why nt?” asked Kyle’s mm. “What if yu spend thirty r frty years with smene,” Kyle said. “And then he is dead, and yu’re alne?” Mm said, “Then yu’ll miss ut n lve. Yu see, if yu prtect yurself frm feeling pain, yu’re cutting yurself ff frm happiness. Yu may discver thse thirty years alne are nt wrth living.”
    The next day, he had ne f the biggest surprises and greatest jys f his life—a puppy! That was when he remembered Deidre was alne in her huge huse.
    A few hurs later, Kyle kncked n Deidre’s dr hlding the puppy. He said, “Tday is my birthday, and my parents gave me this puppy. Yu need this puppy mre than I d.” “Give my heart t an animal just s it can die in a few years’ time?” Deidre asked bitterly. “I dn’t think s. I dn’t need any mre pain in my life!”
    “My mm said that if yu prtect yurself frm feeling pain, yu’re cutting yurself ff frm happiness. t,” Kyle said.
    “Yu’re right, Kyle!” Deidre said. “I d need this puppy. Maybe yu can visit us bth; I’ve never had a dg befre and may need sme advice!”
    Over the next few years, Kyle and Deidre, and Max (that was the dg’s name) became great friends. Then Kyle’s dad was ffered a jb in anther state, and the family mved away.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Kyle grew up and fell in lve, and his wedding was drawing near.
    “This is Gemma, Max’s daughter,” Deidre said.
    Kyle grew up and fell in lve, and his wedding was drawing near. He fund his happiness, a girl he lved very much. He remembered smething his mther nce said t him: “If yu prtect yurself frm feeling pain, yu are cutting yurself ff frm happiness”. S fr s many years, he has allwed himself t treat the peple arund him with a lving heart, until he fund the mst belved girl. Then he thught f his ld friend Deidre, whm he wanted t invite t his wedding. S he sent Deidre an invitatin. Finally, n the wedding day, Deidre shwed up with a dg.
    “This is Gemma, Max’s daughter,” Deidre said. Kyle was shcked at first, but sn he realized what Deidre had said. Deidre tld him that Max had died a few years ag. After Kyle mved away, Max had fund his true lve, a lvely dg. They als have their wn puppies. “Unbelievable”, Kyle said t Dietrich. Since then, Kyle has learned mre abut the true meaning f trying t find happiness.
    ①找到:find/seek ut/
    ②.出现:shwed up /turned up
    ③.理解:realized /knew/understd
    ①.震惊的:shcked /surprised
    ②.无法相信的:Unbelievable /Incredible
    [高分句型1]. Then he thught f his ld friend Deidre, whm he wanted t invite t his wedding.(运用了whm引导的非限制性定语从句。)
    [高分句型2]. S fr s many years, he has allwed himself t treat the peple arund him with a lving heart, until he fund the mst belved girl.(运用了until引导的时间状语从句。)
    6. (2023年山东枣庄·统考一模)
    My parents grew up pr. But as a family, we were cmfrtable, thugh we didn’t have much what wuld be cnsidered luxuries. One year, my father went n a trip t Italy and brught my mther an pal ring. It was her favrite stne, and she cherished that ring. It represented Dad’s lve fr her.
    Dad died at the age f 53 in 1980 after a grueling battle with cancer. Mm was wrking at Burlingtn Cat Factry Department stre. She usually wre the ring t wrk. Over the years, the ring became impssible fr my Mm t wear because f her swllen knuckles (指关节). I had the ring fitted with a clasp s that Mm culd wear it again. She tk great pride in the frequent cmpliments as she gt n that ring.
    One day during her shift, the ring slipped ff. She didn’t realize it until the fllwing day. Mm was sad. The ring did nt have a high mnetary value, but it meant as much t her as life itself. I decided t g and lk fr it.
    I encuntered Chle, ne f my Mm’s c-wrkers at my Mm’s wrkplace. She led me t the stre where Mm wrked, and then left. It was packed with clthes, racks and tables. I started rw by rw crawling n the flr t see if I culd find the ring underneath all the clthes. When I gt t the last rw and hadn’t fund the ring, the thught ccurred t me that it might have fallen int the pcket f a cat as my Mm was hanging r rearranging the clthes. I started feeling arund in the pckets f sme f the cats, but quickly abandned. There were at least 20,000 pieces f clthing in that department. The attempt seemed useless.
    I std by a small table in disappintment when Chle came in.
    I called my Mm and nw I was chking back tears.
    I std by a small table in disappintment when Chle came in. “Have yu fund the ring?” she asked curiusly. “N, I have already gt t the last rw but in vain. Maybe I shuld search all the cats here.” Lking at ver 20,000 pieces clthing, Chle lent a helping hand, “It’s nt an easy task.” We pened ne pcket after anther, ging t the secnd rm, and then the third. We tw were sweating heavily with red faces. Suddenly, I burst ut screaming, “Yes! That’s it!” Chle ran t me quickly. She patted my arm gently, “tell yur mm, dear.”
    I called my Mm and nw I was chking back tears. “Mm, gd news!” I culd tell hw happy my Mm was by her laughter. After all, it meant a lt. I thanked Chle and went hme. The mment I stepped ut the stre, the night sky was lit up by flashes f light quietly. Tring as it was, the recvery f this precius ring bught greater pleasure.
    ①.帮忙:lent a helping hand /ffered help
    ②.突然尖叫:burst ut screaming/ burst int scream
    ①.好奇地:curiusly/ut f curisity
    [高分句型1]. I culd tell hw happy my Mm was by her laughter.(由连接副词hw引导的宾语从句作tell的宾语)
    [高分句型2]. Tring as it was, the recvery f this precius ring bught greater pleasure.(由连词as引导让步状语从句)
    My mm nly had ne eye. I hated her! She was such an embarrassment. She cked fr students and teachers t supprt the family. There was ne day during elementary schl when my mm came t say hell t me. I was s embarrassed. Hw culd she d this t me? I ignred her, threw her a hateful lk and ran ut.
    The next day at schl ne f my classmates said, “Yur mm nly has ne eye!” I wanted t bury myself. I als wanted my mm t just disappear. I cnfrnted her that day and said, “If yu’re nly ging t make me a laughing stck, why dn’t yu just die?” My mm did nt respnd. I didn’t even stp t think fr a secnd abut what I had said, because I was full f anger, ttally unaware f her feelings.
    I wanted t get ut f that huse, and have nthing t d with her. S I studied real hard, and finally gt a chance t g abrad fr further study. Then, I gt married with a lcal man. I bught a huse f my wn. I had kids f my wn. I was happy with my life, my kids and the cmfrts.
    Years passed, and I didn’t hear frm my mm ever since I had left hme. Smetimes I wuld think f her but every time thinking f the embarrassment brught by her embarrassingly ne-eyed lk, I still hped that life wuld stay the same way and she wuld never appear in my life again.
    Then ne day, my mm came t visit me. She hadn’t seen me in years and she didn’t even meet her grandchildren. When she std by the dr, my children was scared t cry and ran t me. I calmed them dwn and asked my husband t lead them int the huse.
    I turned t her, lking at her weary face with mre wrinkles and her gray hair. Obviusly she was lder and life surely didn’t treat her well. Hwever, the uninvited visit still made me angry.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    I asked her why she shwed up at ur frnt dr uninvited.
    I was saddened by the news she just shared, but what truly astnished me was what she tld me next abut her eye.
    I asked her why she shwed up at ur frnt dr uninvited. A disappinted and bitter smile flashing thrugh her face, she finally gathered her strength and curage t tell me the reasn fr her appearance. “I’ve been srry fr the embarrassment I have brught t yu because f my ne-eye lk.” she said, “But even with ne eye, I still see n ne but yu as the whle wrld t me.” Smehw, a sense f guilty began t rise in my heart. She cntinued, “I came tday because I gt cancer. With the remaining time, I’d like t knw my grandchildren and, mre imprtantly, my daughter is ding well.”
    I was saddened by the news she just shared, but what truly astnished me was what she tld me next abut her eve. She paused fr a while s as t catch her breath. Then she revealed the secret f that lst eye. “When yu were tw years ld, an accident happened and yu lst the eyesight f yur ne eye. Unable t bear the fact that my baby wuld be living in a half-dark wrld, I vlunteered t dnate my ne eye t yu.” I was ttally petrified n hearing the truth, tears f regret puring dwn my face. “Dn’t cry my baby, because yu will see this beautiful wrld fr me even when I am n lnger there”. Rushing t her, I hugged her s tightly that I tld myself I wuld never leave her again.
    ①出现:shw up→appear/cme frth
    ②聚集:gather→ assemble/ cllect/ aggregate
    ③继续:cntinue→g n/ keep n
    ①抱歉:srry→regret/feel aplgetic
    ②吃惊:astnish→surprise/ amaze/ startle/shck
    【高分句型1】A disappinted and bitter smile flashing thrugh her face, she finally gathered her strength and curage t tell me the reasn fr her appearance. (运用了独立主格结构作伴随状语)
    【高分句型2】Unable t bear the fact that my baby wuld be living in a half-dark wrld, I vlunteered t dnate my ne eye t yu.(运用了that引导的同位语从句)
    It was just the three f us-my parents and me. I always felt it a pity that I wuld never have a chance t knw what grandparents’ “spiling” lve wuld be like.
    My dad is a truck driver, and when I was little, he was gne mst f the time, delivering wire and ther supplies arund the Midwest. My mm is a devted teacher, always busy switching between lking after her nly child and her many students.
    We lived in a small huse in Brightn, Clrad, in a neighbrhd f 1970s ld huses. We mved there n my third birthday. My first memry is ur neighbr Arlene handing me strawberries frm her garden thrugh a hle in the chain-link fence. She and her husband, Bill, lived next dr.
    Arlene spent a lt f time wrking in the garden, and I was always talking t her frm ur yard. I think what drew me t Arlene and Bill is that they never gt tired f listening t me. I als think Arlene saw a lt f herself in me-we were bth lnely, anxius-and that may be why she always tk the time t listen t me. Bill t. It was a wnderful cnnectin.
    One day, my parents asked Bill and Arlene whether they’d watch me while they went ut. This wrked well fr everyne, s it became a smewhat frequent ccurrence. Arlene and Bill didn’t have kids. They had a spare rm in their huse, which became “my” rm. I had bxes f tys and bks in that rm. Arlene and I wuld d crafts tgether. Bill taught me hw t ride a bike and later hw t fly a kite. It was his cmpany that made father’s cnstant absence nt s unbearable.
    When I was abut five, I had an idea. My parents were watching TV when I spat it ut, “what if I adpted Bill and Arlene as my grandparents?”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    My parents said I culd ask them tmrrw.
    Frm the day I adpted them, I called Bill and Arlene Grandpa and Grandma.
    My parents said I culd ask them tmrrw. The next day, heart punding in my chest, I kncked n Bill and Arlene’s dr, sat dwn in their living rm and stammered ut my questin tentatively, “Will yu guys care t be my grandparents?” At these wrds, they were petrified with surprise and the rm fell int an awkward silence. “Maybe they are nt s fnd f me as I thught.” I murmured t myself, dubts crwding in n me. I was abut t sneak ut when my friends reached ut their arms and embraced me tightly. “Of curse!” they respnded enthusiastically, tears f jy brimming in their eyes.
    Frm the day I adpted them, I called Bill and Arlene Grandpa and Grandma. They even went t great lengths t print ut an adptin certificate, and it hung n their living rm wall prudly. Over the years, my dear grandparents supprted me in all my glmy days, encuraged me t pursue dreams regardless f numerus bstacles, and imparted their invaluable wisdm t me selflessly. I culd find n wrds t express hw grateful and frtunate I felt fr their presence in my life. Hwever, it was when they tld me in their last days that hw much jy and cmfrt I had brught int their therwise tedius life that I truly became the luckiest grandsn in the wrld.
    ①热情地:enthusiastically /zealusly
    [高分句型1] The next day, heart punding in my chest, I kncked n Bill and Arlene’s dr, sat dwn in their living rm and stammered ut my questin tentatively, “Will yu guys care t be my grandparents?”(运用了独立主格结构)
    [高分句型2] I was abut t sneak ut when my friends reached ut their arms and embraced me tightly.(运用了when引导的状语从句)
    [高分句型3] Hwever, it was when they tld me in their last days that hw much jy and cmfrt I had brught int their therwise tedius life that I truly became the luckiest grandsn in the wrld.(运用了强调句)
    In the back f my clset is a small bx that has fllwed me t every new address. It’s the first thing I find a place fr as the mving truck pulls away. The nly remaining cntents in it are dzens f ntes in my mther’s tidy writing.
    My mther, wh put her business degree t use running a small cmpany with my father, while raising me, was always prepared and always gave me abundant lve. By day she made marketing slgans and distributin strategies. By night: bubble baths and bedtime stries. She and I had the same February birthday. Each year my parents arranged wnderful parties.
    When I was 3, she learned she had advanced breast cancer and immediately began t prepare by researching every available treatment. Each day, she wuld sit fr hurs at ur dining table, her straight dark hair tied back, surrunded by piles f paper, studying, technical paragraphs.
    When I was 7, the materials n the dining table began t change. Wrapping (包装) paper and ribbns tk the place f her highlighted pages. Scissrs swished thrugh gift wrap. Paper creased (折) under her fingers. Ribbn cut t length with ne snip. Knts came tgether with a tiny creak. Swish, crease, snip, creak. She had begun assembling (装配) a gift bx fr me.
    Inside, she packed presents and letters fr the milestnes f my life she wuld miss —graduatin, wedding, and every birthday until the age f 30. My mther died 10 days befre ur shared birthday. That mrning, when I turned 12 and she wuld have turned 49, I wke up early and pened the bx as my mther had shwn me.
    Neat rws f brightly wrapped presents glwed like the spring tulips (郁金香) that were just cming up in the frnt yard. In the package marked “12th Birthday”, I fund a little ring with an amethyst (紫水晶) at its center. A white card curling arund the present read: “I always wanted a birthstne ring when I was a little girl. I hpe yu like it, t. Happy birthday, darling girl! Lve, yur Mmmy.”
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    Paragraph ne:
    On the mrning f my high schl graduatin, I walked t the bx.
    Paragraph tw:
    Tday I hit 31, and I sat in my rm, hlding the nearly empty bx.
    On the mrning f my high schl graduatin, I walked t the bx. The bx sat quietly at the ft f my bed, as if waiting fr me. I pened it, fund ut the package labeled “graduatin” and unwrapped it. A strand f pearls made a sund like a maraca as I drew them frm the bx. Her nte read, “There seemed t be a traditin in my family that when girls graduated frm high schl, they received a string f pearls. Yu must be shiny at the ceremny.” As I read, I wanted t fall thrugh the white, lightly textured page and int her arms. Wearing the pearls that afternn, I accepted my diplma.
    Paragraph tw:
    Tday I hit 31, and I sat in my rm, hlding the nearly empty bx. Fr 20 years I have pulled mthering frm the bx. When I was a child, pening the next package felt like a treasure hunt. As I grew lder, it began t feel like smething far mre fundamental, her messages meeting me like guidepsts in a dark frest. There is n gifts left in the bx nw, but these letters are a cnstant reminder that I have already been given what every child, what every human, needs. I have been fiercely, extravagantly, wildly lved. The lve is pwerful enugh t help me carve my life in the next 20 years, and my whle life.
    ③拥抱某人:fall int ne’s arms /hld sb. in ne’s arms
    ①.不断的提醒:cnstant reminder/cntinuus reminder
    ②.被强烈地爱着:be fiercely lved/be strngly lved
    [高分句型1] A strand f pearls made a sund like a maraca as I drew them frm the bx. (由as引导的时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] When I was a child, pening the next package felt like a treasure hunt. (由when引导的时间状语从句)

    专题 07 话题分类+精神与品格、哲理与感悟(人与自我)--2024年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵: 这是一份专题 07 话题分类+精神与品格、哲理与感悟(人与自我)--2024年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵,共26页。

    专题 06 话题分类+工作与职业、选择与梦想(人与自我)--2024年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵: 这是一份专题 06 话题分类+工作与职业、选择与梦想(人与自我)--2024年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵,共26页。

    专题 05 话题分类+个人成长型(人与自我)--2024年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵 (2): 这是一份专题 05 话题分类+个人成长型(人与自我)--2024年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵 (2),共26页。

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