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    1.Where des the man want t g?
    A. T Bradway Street.
    B. T 5th Avenue.
    C. T Park Avenue.
    2.Why des the man talk t Jane?
    A. T ask fr advice.
    B. T buy a cmputer frm her.
    C. T brrw mney.
    3.What is the wman?
    A. A salespersn.B. A htel clerk.C. A waitress.
    4.When will the party be held?
    A. On December 13th.
    B. On December 30th.
    C. On December 31st.
    5.What des Alice think f Sam Smith's secnd album?
    A. Bring.B. Wnderful.C. Cnfusing.
    听下面一段材料, 回答以下小题。
    6.Which mvie are the speakers ging t see?
    A. Jaws.B. Saving Private Ryan.C. Jurassic Park.
    7.Hw will the speakers g t the cinema?
    A. By car.B. By subway.C. By bus.
    听下面一段材料, 回答以下小题。
    8.What did Lisa d n Saturday afternn?
    A. She went t the gym.
    B. She tk a part-time jb.
    C. She did sme shpping.
    9.What will the man prbably d next?
    A. Clean his rm.
    B. Take sme exercise.
    C. Study fr exam.
    听下面一段材料, 回答以下小题。
    10.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Dctr and patient.
    B. Teacher and student.
    C. Father and daughter.
    11.What's the girl's prblem?
    A. She has a cugh.B. She has a fever.C. She has a stmachache.
    12.What is the man ging t d next?
    A. Talk t Mrs. Black.
    B. Take the girl t the clinic.
    C. Call the girl's parents.
    听下面一段材料, 回答以下小题。
    13.What is the cause f the disaster described in the bk?
    A. Excessive use f chemicals and fertilizers.
    B. Excessive use f water.
    C. Excessive use f cars.
    14.What is Jack's attitude twards envirnmental prblems?
    A. Negative.B. Excited.C. Wrried.
    15.Wh is Tina?
    A. A student.B. A librarian.C. An envirnmentalist.
    16.Hw many pages has Jack left t read?
    A. 178.B. 183.C. 361.
    听下面一段材料, 回答以下小题。
    17.What des the speaker mainly talk abut at first?
    A. The meaning f dementia.
    B. Typical behavirs f peple with dementia.
    C. Ways t deal with peple with dementia.
    18.What shuld caregivers d t get the attentin f peple with dementia?
    A. Use simple wrds and sentences.
    B. Reduce nise and distractins.
    C. Give many chices.
    19.Hw shuld caregivers interact with peple with dementia?
    A. Ask pen-ended questins.
    B. Use a higher and luder vice.
    C. Set a psitive md.
    20.Which f the fllwing des the speaker think is f great imprtance?
    A. Maintaining a sense f humr.
    B. Asking simple questins.
    C. Asking general questins abut the distant past.
    Sme vlunteering activities Cmmunity Health Intern
    Cuntries served: Kenya
    Screen and survey the students abut health needs (especially the girls). Develp prgrams fr health educatin and prvisin f health needs. Ptentially run cmmunity educatin prgrams and assess sanitatin in the hmes f students and educate their guardians. We will wrk with yu n expenses. There is a htel nearby.
    Dates: June 18, 2018-September 24, 2023
    Required skills: Prefer Graduate-Level Cmmunity Health training r equivalent experience
    Student Service Learning
    Cuntries served: Guatemala, Panama
    Students will have the pprtunity t travel t Guatemala r Panama ver their schl breaks! Vlunteers will take part in the cmpletin f building a primary schl and will attend the dedicatin ceremny (落成典礼) with the lcals. Frm here, students will als have the pprtunity t take part in varius cultural trips, learning abut Guatemalan, Panamanian and Mayan histry and culture! Mst f the cst ges twards the first year f prgramming (teacher training, parent training, bks, etc.) fr the cmmunity.
    Dates: February 13, 2019-August 18, 2023
    Required skills: As Panama and Guatemala are Spanish speaking cuntries, any Spanish skills will add that much mre t the experience!
    Website Manager
    Cuntries served: United States f America
    Update and manage the website as needed. There is extreme flexibility in this vlunteer pprtunity s the individual needs will vary depending n where the persn lives, hw much time they have t give, and what resurces they have available t them such as a cmputer r cell phne. This can be dne electrnically, nline remtely. N travel is needed. This can all be dne remtely.
    Dates: March 10, 2021 -September 24, 2023
    Required skills: Website develpment, management
    Translatin Spanish-English
    Cuntries served: Mexic
    The vlunteer will wrk tgether with the areas f cmmunicatin, fundraising, directin. It will help t translate reprts, scial netwrk messages and thers. N related csts. The vlunteering is nline with flexible arrangement f hurs.
    Dates: February 27, 2020-Octber 01, 2023
    Required skills: Prfessinalism, teamwrk cmmunicatin skills
    21.When will Cmmunity Health Intern end?
    A. August 18, 2023.B. September 24, 2023.
    C. February 13, 2023.D. Octber 01, 2023.
    22.Which activity can make vlunteers knw abut lcal histry and culture?
    A. Student Service Learning.B. Cmmunity Health Intern.
    C. Website Manager.D. Translatin Spanish-English.
    23.What d the last tw activities have in cmmn?
    A. Vlunteers need gd cmmunicatin skills.
    B. Vlunteers will d a lt f traveling.
    C. Vlunteers need Spanish skills.
    D. Vlunteers have a flexible wrking time.
    Ed Jacksn's team were trying t climb t the tp f a Himalayan muntain. Hwever, weeks after they set ff, they were stranded(滞留) there vernight withut water, fd r tents at a temperature f abut -30 ℃. They tk turns t keep each ther awake in case they fell asleep and did nt wake up again.
    Actually, that night n the muntain tp was nt the first time that Jacksn had been clse t death.
    Five years ag, while still a prfessinal rugby player, Jacksn brke his neck in a challenge, which nearly killed him. Jacksn was tld by dctrs that he was likely t face life in a wheelchair. He was frced t retire frm playing rugby.
    Luckily, Jacksn managed t discard his wheelchair six mnths after the accident. T mark the first anniversary f his accident, Jacksn set himself the gal f climbing Munt Snwdn, the highest muntain in Wales, even thugh he was still using tw crutches(拐杖) then. He tried t climb many higher muntains after that. Fur years later, he fund himself in the Himalayas.
    The challenges that Jacksn faced in the muntains have had a great impact n his recvery bth physically and mentally. Jacksn realized that thers might benefit, t. S he started the charity Millimeters t Muntains (M2M) with his wife Lis and his friend Oily Barkley. It takes beneficiaries wh have suffered physical r psychlgical injuries in challenges arund the wrld, allwing them t access the healing pwer f nature.
    Jacksn says, "I nce lst hpe in life because f my bad cnditin, thinking there was nthing I culd d. But hpefully what I'm ding, what we're ding with the charity and what ur beneficiaries are prving can give anyne the hpe that they can turn their life arund, n matter hw discuraging it might seem at that mment."
    24.What d the first tw paragraphs mainly talk abut?
    A. Jacksn was tired f ball games.
    B. Jacksn was n stranger t suffering in life.
    C. Jacksn was well respected fr his survival skills.
    D. Jacksn was advised t d exercise by his dctrs.
    25.What des the underlined wrd "discard" prbably mean in the third paragraph?
    A. Give up.B. Figure ut.C. Mve n.D. Lk thrugh.
    26.Why did Jacksn start M2M?
    A. T educate sprts lvers.
    B. T raise mney fr the disabled.
    C. T encurage safe muntain climbing.
    D. T help peple with similar experiences.
    27.What kind f persn is Jacksn prbably?
    A. Enthusiastic but implite.B. Creative but impatient.
    C. Adventurus and inspiring.D. Respnsible and humrus.
    A new device is helping thse wh are blind t see. Jasn Esterhuizen lst his eyesight after a car accident. He never thught he wuld be able t see light r mvement again. But nw with the mvement f a switch, his wrld suddenly grew brighter.
    He says, “I still can’t put it int wrds. I mean frm being able t see abslutely nthing, it’s cmpletely black, t all f a sudden seeing a little light mve arund.“ It is nt full r nrmal sight, but Esterhuizen can mve abut in the wrld arund him.
    Dr Nader Puratian says, “ Being able t tell where a drway is, being able t tell where the sidewalk begins r ends r where the crsswalk is, are all extremely meaningful events that can help these peple regain sme frm f independence.”
    The new technlgy-called Orin-uses several parts. One is a small device placed in the brain. The ther parts are a vide camera n sunglasses and a prcessing device that can be carried in a persn’s clthes. When the user pints the camera, a signal ges t the prcessr (处理器)and then back t the glasses. The glasses then cmmunicate wirelessly with the device in the brain. The infrmatin causes a pattern t develp in the part f the brain. The pattern helps users detect (识别 ) mvement and shapes f light. And it all happens in secnds.
    Puratian says this technlgy is a first. “We basically have the vide camera and the vide prcessing unit perfrming the functins f what the eye nrmally des, ” he adds.
    Esterhuizen says that nw he can d everyday activities arund his hme that he nce culd nt. “Crssing the rad is much easier and much safer fr me because I can lk dwn and just fllw the white line that’s painted n the rad.”
    The researchers believe that ne day this technlgy culd help peple wh have lst their visin because f illnesses like glaucma(青光眼)r diabetes. It may als help thse with pr visin r wh were brn blind.
    28.Hw des the new device help the blind t becme independent?
    A. T tell them their surrundings.B. T shw them its instructins.
    C. T use sund t cmmunicate with them.D. T give them full sight.
    29.What d we knw abut Orin?
    A. It needs sunglasses with netwrk.B. It ttally depends n the camera.
    C. It can functin almst in real time.D. It sends a pattern f light in hurs.
    30.What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. The technlgy will cure all diseases.
    B. The technlgy still has sme space t imprve.
    C. Thse with pr visin will recver immediately.
    D. Thse with pr visin will g blind nce mre.
    31.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. A New Device Imprves Yur Eyesight
    B. Technlgy Is Changing the Mdern Life
    C. Blind Men Are Given the Chance t See
    D. Yu Will Get Independence with Orin
    32.Why d peple take selfies? Researchers at Syracuse University in New Yrk tried t answer this questin. ①______Peple wh pst selfies and use editing sftware t make themselves lk better shw behavir cnnected t admiring themselves t much, the Syracuse researchers said. ②______As scial media can be shallw, it is a gd place fr peple t “wrk twards satisfying their wn vermuch pride.”
    ③______Peple wh pst grup selfies shw a need fr ppularity and a need t belng t a grup, the Syracuse University research fund.
    Other findings frm the study include: There are n majr differences n hw ften men and wmen pst selfies and hw ften they use editing sftware. ④______
    The Newhuse Schl's Assciate Prfessr Makana Chck wrked n the study. She said, psting selfies n scial media is nt all that different frm what peple have dne fr many years. On trips, ur parents and grandparents used cameras t take phts. Befre scial media, peple wuld bring back phts t shw friends and family. Yu had n chice but t lk at them. If yu are a nice persn, yu cmmented abut hw nice everyne in the phts lked, especially children and the persn shwing the phts. ⑤______
    On scial media, it is a different experience. Peple can decide nt t lk at phts f their friends and family even if they click "like'' r even "lve" under the Facebk selfie.
    A. That was the ld way f "clicking" like.
    B. Different peple have different views abut it.
    C. They came up with sme surprising answers.
    D. Such peple think very highly f themselves, especially hw they lk.
    E. But men desire t be seen as ppular mre than wmen when psting selfies.
    F. There are ther reasns, besides admiring themselves, why peple pst selfies.
    G. Nt nly cameras but als phnes are useful tls t recrd peple's experiences.
    10-year-ld Sasha Olsen went n a trip in the summer f 2021 with her family t Vietnam and Japan. She was shcked at the cean's pllutin levels and dying sea animals.
    “We went n this trip and I was s 1 ,” said Sasha. “But when I saw the way, the ceans had becme I gt upset. I wanted t knw why things were this way but culdn't find an 2 .”
    When she returned hme t Bal Harbur, Flrida, she grew even mre 3 . She learned sme f the 4 in Suth Flrida had been clsed by the health department because the 5 had t much bacteria (细菌) in it.
    Sasha sught the 6 f her cusin, Narmina Aliyev. Tgether, they 7 a nnprfit Organizatin—Iwantmyceanback. 8 the grup started small, with friends cining tgether n weekends t 9 the beaches in Bal Harbur. Recently, hwever, she has 10 events t raise funds fr beach cleanups and t 11 t prtectin grups.
    "It's 12 t bring awareness nt just thrugh ding cleanups and meetings, but t shw peple they can cme tgether thrugh their hbbies and 13 tgether t a cmmn gal," said Sasha.
    Sasha hpes t 14 their wrk t neighbring cities. "We really want t make urselves visible and 15 t all/ said Sasha." After all, in Miami the cean is everyne's backyard. This is the best place t start.
    33.A. tired B. depressed C. excited D. disappinted
    34.A. answer B. apprach C. pprtunity D. pinin
    35.A. absrbed B. upset C. embarrassed D. cnfused
    36.A. rganizatinsB. ceans
    C. animals D. beaches
    37.A. trip B. city C. water D. peple
    38.A. help B. suggestin C. praise D. cmfrt
    39.A. picked up B. tk up C. set up D. gt up
    40.A. Frtunately B. Originally C. Cnsequently D. Temprarily
    41.A. research B. pick C. explre D. clean
    42.A. held B. bught C. recrded D. witnessed
    43.A. refer B. turn C. dnate D. lead
    44.A. flish B. imprtant C. ptential D. appealing
    45.A. learn B. make C. play D. wrk
    46.A. extend B. bserve C. cnvey D. annunce
    47.A. intelligent B. individual C. interesting D. influential
    48.The days have gne when cancer patients ______ (罕有, 少有) survived.
    49.A painting leaves me with anther ______ (印象) in a cmpletely different way.
    50.During the past few decades, this cuntry's ecnmy has grwn at an ______ (每年的,年度的) rate f mre than 10%.
    51.The lcal schls can ______ (建立, 创立) a successful relatinship with their cmmunities.
    52.When she psted her selfies t her Facebk page, she gt 96 likes ______ (在之内) fur minutes.
    53.T my great ______ (减轻, 缓解), I restarted my car successfully.
    54.If time and weather ______ (允许, 使有可能), ur vlleyball match will take place as scheduled.
    55.I dn't like swimming; ______ (此外, 而且), the water is t cld.
    56.It is wrng t ______ (欺骗, 作弊) in exams.
    57.______ (全球的) warming is a big threat t agriculture.
    58.In the streets f Lndn, thusands f peple are waiting t pay ①______ (they) respects t Queen Elizabeth II, wh recently died. The queen's bdy is in a cffin (灵柩) in Westminster Hall. Peple wait fr as lng as thirteen and a half hurs fr the chance ②______ (walk) by the cffin.
    Elizabeth,③______ was ninety-six years ld, said her rle was t serve the peple f Britain and its frmer empire. She ④______ (be) ften busy with her duties. She spent seventy years n the thrne (王位)—mre than any ther British king r queen. She was ⑤______ (wide) respected and lved by peple in England and arund the wrld.
    The ⑥______ (die) f Queen Elizabeth II means that her first-brn child, Charles, is nw King
    Charles III. This ⑦______ (bring) ther changes. Fr example, an image f the queen is n the mney in cuntries where she is the head f state. Newly made mney in many cuntries will feature an image f Charles.
    Fr the peple ⑧______ (wait) t see the queen's cffin, a friendly atmsphere turned mre serius as they gt ⑨______ (clse) t Westminster Hall. The Queen's funeral will be held ⑩______ September 19th at Westminster Abbey. Other ryals and wrld leaders will be there.
    59.你校将以健康为主题, 举办英语征文比赛。请你写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:
    Our Health, Our Respnsibility
    Health is regarded as the mst significant element f ur life.
    There is nthing mre imprtant than health and let's take actin.
    Once, my uncle brught hme a cute little baby parrt. At first, I and my cusins were a little scared, because we didn’t knw hw t handle that little tender baby. My aunt eventually helped us ut. She tk it and kept it just as her baby. She fed it, she gave it ccasinal shwers and eventually we became quite cmfrtable with it. Nw there was anther dilemma (困境) that we had — as we were nt really aware f its gender (性别) we were unable t decide a name fr the parrt. S finally my mm called it Mitthu. We agreed.
    As it was grwing, its wings started grwing lng, but my family was t pssessive (占有欲强的) and caring twards Mitthu that they trimmed (修剪) its wings. They said if it flew, it wuldn’t be able t survive utside.
    As time went by, we grew, s did had by nw started talking quite a was amazed by the way my aunt cared fr it. She fed it anything and everything they had befre eating. Mitthu was never kept in a cage frm the is still nt kept in a eage... at first its wings were trimmed t prtect nw as it has grwn quite a lt, even its wings are nt trimmed...
    I smetimes wnder, it has the whle sky t fly, it is neither in a cage nr its wings are trimmed, then why isn’t it flying at all? Maybe it is nw quite attached t us and desn’t want t leave us, r maybe it desn’t want t leave this cmfrtable life and g away and face the hard reality f life. The answer may be anything, depending n hw we view the situatin.
    But as I grew lder, I realized that the life f Mitthu is nt really very different frm that f mine. I was cared t and thus was prtected frm really getting alng with utside wrld. I made my huse my wrld, just as it was taught t me. I guess s did Mitthu. The cmfrt f my hpe became, and I guess Mitthu’s as well, the invisible chain that never actually will let us fly.
    I guess nt just I, but mst f the girls feel the same.
    The parrt flew tday.
    解析:M:Excuse me, I am a new resident f Bradway Street. Can yu tell me which bus I can take t Park Avenue?
    W:Sure, yu just need t take Bus N.286 n 5th Avenue.
    解析:M:Hey, Jane, I plan t buy a new cmputer.
    W:Sunds gd, but why are yu telling me?
    M:Actually, I haven't decided which brand t buy. Since yu are a prfessinal cmputer engineer, I think yu can help me.
    解析:M:Hell, can yu ask smene t send sme new twels t my rm, please? By the way, I'd like t make a dinner reservatin at 7:00 tnight.
    W:Yes, we will make every effrt t meet yur needs.
    解析:M:Yu have bked a table in the restaurant already?
    W:Yes. It's at 7:00 p.m. n December 30th.
    M:Mr. Brwn said the party wuld take place n the last day f this mnth. But there are 31 days in December.
    W:Oh my Gd! I need t call t change the reservatin nw.
    解析:M:Hi, Alice. Have yu listened t Sam Smith's new album?
    W:Yeah, but I fund it a bit bring and cnfusing. T be hnest, I can listen t his secnd album fr the rest f my life.
    M:Yu're right.
    解析:M:Hey, Ginny, wuld yu like t g t the mvies with me n Sunday afternn?
    W:Yes, I'd lve t. What mvie are we ging t see, Harry?
    M:Jurassic Park. It was directed by my favrite directr Stephen Spielberg.
    W:Yeah, I like his mvies, especially Jaws and Saving Private Ryan.
    M:Which cinema d yu prefer?
    W:Hmm, hw abut the ne in Miramar Shpping Center? My brther can drive us there, and we can take the subway r the bus back afterwards.
    解析:M:Hey, Lisa, hw was yur weekend?
    W:Well, pretty busy. On Saturday mrning, I went t the gym t exercise. Then I went t d a part-time jb in the afternn. And I cleaned and shpped with my mther in the evening.
    M:S what did yu d n Sunday?
    W:I spent the day in the library preparing fr the upcming exam.
    M:Oh n, I frgt we have an exam!I need t hurry up.
    解析:M:Carrie, why are yu standing in frnt f the ffice?
    W:Mr. Miller, I need t talk t yu abut smething. My stmach has been uncmfrtable recently.
    I think I need medical treatment.
    M:N wnder yu are in lw spirits in class these days. D yu have ther symptms, like cugh r fever?
    W:N,I nly have the runs.
    M:Yu may well have a cld. I'm taking yu t the schl clinic right nw.
    W:OK. But Mrs. Black will have a quiz next class...
    M:Well, I'll tell her later. Let's figure ut what's ging n with yu first, and then I'll see whether t call yur parents r nt.
    W:Thank yu.
    解析:M:Hey, Tina. Have yu ever read a bk called Silent Spring?
    W:N, what is it abut?
    M:It mainly describes the envirnmental pllutin and eclgical damage caused by the excessive use f chemicals and fertilizers, which eventually brings verwhelming disasters t mankind.
    W:Oh my Gd, it sunds like ur current envirnmental situatin.
    M:I quite agree with yu. Once ur envirnment was very beautiful. Hwever, with the increase f all kinds f pllutin, the envirnment is getting wrse and wrse.
    W:I think each f us shuld act immediately t prtect ur hme.
    M:Yeah, as students, we can take sme actins in ur daily life, such as picking up rubbish n the grund and caring fr plants, which will play a huge rle in envirnmental prtectin. I believe ur envirnment will be restred t its riginal beauty ne day, instead f becming the disaster described in the bk.
    W:By the way, can yu lend me this bk when yu're dne, Jack?
    M:Sure. I've read t page 178. There are 361 pages in ttal.
    Dementia is a serius mental disrder caused by brain disease r injury, affects the ability t think, remember and behave nrmally. Cmmunicating with a persn with dementia can be uncmfrtable at times. Here are several cmmunicatin tips fr caregivers:
    Get the persn's attentin. Reduce nise and distractins by turning ff the TV, music, clsing the dr r mving t a quieter area. Befre yu speak, make sure yu have the persn's attentin, addressing them by name.
    Interact in a psitive md. Yur bdy language and yur attitude cmmunicate yur feelings and thughts strnger than yur wrds. Set a psitive md by speaking t yur lved ne in a respectful and pleasant manner.
    Express yur message clearly. Use simple wrds and sentences. Try nt t raise yur vice higher and luder.
    Ask simple questins. Questins with a yes r n answer wrk best. D nt give t many chices r ask pen-ended questins.
    Remember the gd ld days. Many peple with dementia may nt remember what happened 40 minutes ag, but they can clearly remember their lives 40 years earlier. With this in mind, try asking general questins abut the distant past.
    Maintain yur sense f humr, which I think is f vital imprtance. Use humr whenever pssible. Peple with dementia are likely t retain their scial skills and are usually delighted t laugh alng with yu.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Cmmunity Health Intern Dates: June 18, 2018-September 24 2023(时间:2018年6月18日—2023年9月24 日)可知,社区健康实习生在2023年9月24日结 束。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Student Service Learning Frm here, students will als have the pprtunity t take part in varius cultural trips, learning abut Guatemalan, Panamanian and Mayan histry and culture!(在这里,学生 还将有机会参加各种文化之旅,了解危地马拉、巴拿马和玛雅的历史和文化!)可知,Student Service Learning可以让志愿者了解当地的历史和 文化,故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据Website Manager部 分There is extreme flexibility in this vlunteer pprtunity s the individual needs will vary depending n where the persn lives (这个志愿 机会非常灵活,因此个人需求将根据个人居住的地 方而有所不同)和Translatin Spanish-English部 分的The vlunteering is nline with flexible arrangement f hurs.(志愿服务在网上进行,时间安排灵活。)可知,最后两项活动的共同之处是 志愿者的工作时间很灵活。故选D。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段中"Hwever, weeks after they set ff, they were stranded (滞留) there vernight withut water, fd r tents at a temperature f abut -30 ℃.(然而,他们出发几周后,在零下30℃的温度下,他们被困在那里过夜,没有水,没有食物,也没有帐篷)"和第二段中"Actually, that night n the muntain tp was nt the first time that Jacksn had been clse t death.(事实上,在山顶的那个夜晚并不是Jacksn第一次濒临死亡)"可知,前两段主要讲述Jacksn在经历的磨难,所以第二段主要讲的是Jacksn对生活中的苦难并不陌生。故选B。
    解析:词义猜测题。画线词前动词短语"managed t"的意思是"设法做成某事",结合其后"his wheelchair"和下一句"T mark the first anniversary f his accident, Jacksn set himself the gal f climbing Munt Snwdn, the highest muntain in Wales, even thugh he was still using tw crutches (拐杖) then.(为了纪念他的事故一周年,Jacksn给自己设定了攀登威尔士最高山峰斯诺登山的目标,尽管当时他还在拄着两根拐杖)"可知,Jacksn不需再使用轮椅了,所以划线词discard意为"抛弃",与动词短语give up意思相近。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中"It takes beneficiaries wh have suffered physical r psychlgical injuries in challenges arund the wrld, allwing them t access the healing pwer f nature.(它接受在世界各地的挑战中遭受身体或心理伤害的受益者,使他们能够获得大自然的治愈力量)"可知,Jacksn创办M2M是为了帮助有类似经历的人。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中"Ed Jacksn's team were trying t climb t the tp f a Himalayan muntain.(Ed Jacksn的团队正试图爬上喜马拉雅山的山顶)"、第四段"Jacksn set himself the gal f climbing Munt Snwdn, the highest muntain in Wales(Jacksn给自己设定了攀登威尔士最高山峰斯诺登山的目标)"以及最后一段中"But hpefully what I'm ding, what we're ding with the charity and what ur beneficiaries are prving can give anyne the hpe that they can turn their life arund, n matter hw discuraging it might seem at that mment.(但希望我所做的,我们与慈善机构所做的,以及我们的受益人所证明的,可以给任何人带来希望,他们可以改变自己的生活,无论当时看起来多么令人沮丧)"可知,Ed Jacksn勇于冒险且鼓舞人心。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段Dr Nader Puratian says, "Being able t tell where a drway is, being able t tell where the sidewalk begins r ends r where the crsswalk is, are all extremely meaningful events that can help these peple regain sme frm f independence."(Nader Puratian博士说:"能够 分辨出门口在哪里,能够分辨出人行道的起点和终 点,以及人行横道在哪里,这些都是非常有意义的 事情,可以帮助这些人重新获得某种形式的独 立。")可知,新设备让盲人获得独立的方式是该 设备能够告知盲人周边的环境。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第四段The pattern helps users detect (识别)mvement and shapes f light. And it all happens in secnds. (该模式帮助用户识别光的运动和形状。这一切都 在几秒钟内发生。)可知,Orin的功能几乎是实 时发生的。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段The researchers believe that ne day this technlgy culd help peple wh have lst their visin because f illnesses like glaucma (青光眼)r diabetes. It may als help thse with pr visin r wh were brn blind.(研究 人员相信,有一天这项技术可以帮助那些因青光眼 或糖尿病等疾病而失明的人。它也可以帮助那些视 力差或天生失明的人。)可知,这项技术还需进一步改进,并最终能够帮助那些因青光眼或糖尿病等 疾病而失明的人,甚至可以帮助那些视力差或天生 失明的人。故选B。
    解析:标题归纳题。根据文章第一段A new device is helping thse wh are blind t see.(一种新 设备正在帮助盲人重见光明。)以及最后一段The researchers believe that ne day this technlgy culd help peple wh have lst their visin because f illnesses like glaucma (青光眼)r diabetes. It may als help thse with pr visin r wh were brn blind.(研究 人员相信,有一天这项技术可以帮助那些因青光眼 或糖尿病等疾病而失明的人。它也可以帮助那些视 力差或天生失明的人。)可知,C项Blind Men Are Given the Chance t See(盲人有了看见的机 会)作为文章标题最为合适。故选C。
    解析:①推理判断题。上文Researchers at Syracuse University in New Yrk tried t answer that questin.(纽约锡拉丘兹大学的研究人员试图回答 这个问题。)再根据下文Peple wh pst selfies and use editing sftware t make themselves lk better shw behavir cnnected t admiring themselves t much, the Syracuse researchers said.(锡拉丘兹大学的研究人员表 示,那些上传自拍照并使用编辑软件美化自己的 人,表现出的行为与过于自我欣赏有关。)是研究 人员给出的结果,C项They came up with sme surprising answers.(他们给出了一些令人吃惊的答案。)承上启下,故选C。
    ②推理判断题。上文 Peple wh pst selfies and use editing sftware t make themselves lk better shw behavir cnnected t admiring themselves t much the Syracuse researchers said.(锡拉丘兹大学 的研究人员说,那些发布自拍并使用编辑软件让自 己看起来更好的人,表现出的行为与过度崇拜自己 有关。)可知他们表现出的行为与过于自我欣赏有关,D项Such peple think very highly f themselves, especially hw they lk.(这些人对他们自己—尤其是外表—评价很高。)与上文 意思相衔接,故选D。
    ③推理判断题。下文Peple wh pst grup selfies shw a need fr ppularity and a need t belng t a grup, the Syracuse University research fund.(锡拉丘兹大学的研究发现,人们 发布集体自拍表明他们需要受欢迎和属于一个群体。)说明了人们在社交网站晒自拍的另一个原 因,F项There are ther reasns, besides admiring themselves, why peple pst selfies. (除了自我欣赏,人们晒自拍还有其他原因。)放在本段开头,承接下文,起到过渡作用,故选F。
    ④细节理解题。上文Other findings frm the study include: There are n majr differences n hw ften men and wmen pst selfies and hw ften they use editing sftware,(该研究的 其他发现包括:男性和女性发布自拍的频率以及他们使用编辑软件的频率没有太大差别。)说明男性 和女性在对待自拍上的相同之处,E项But men desire t be seen as ppular mre than wmen when psting selfies.(但在发布自拍时,男性希望比女性更受欢迎。)讲了不同点,与上文相衔接,故选E。
    ⑤细节理解题。上文Befre scial media, peple wuld bring back phts t shw friends and family. Yu had n chice but t lk at them. If yu are a nice persn, yu cmmented abut hw nice everyne in the phts lked, especially children and the persn shwing the phts.(在社交媒体出现之前,人们会带回照片给朋友和家人看。你别无选 择,只能看着它们。如果你是个好人,你会说照片 里的每个人看起来都很好,尤其是孩子和展示照片的人。)讲述了以前人们在他人展示照片时表达认可和夸赞的方式,A项That was the ld way f "clicking" like.(这是老式的点赞方式)是对前文 的总结,故选A。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.tired疲惫的; B.depressed抑郁的;C.excited兴奋的; D.disappinted失望的。句意: "我们参加了这次旅行,我非常兴奋,"Sasha说。根据下文"But when I saw the way the ceans had becme, I gt upset."中的but可知,此空处表达的意思与upset为转折关系,结合句意,此处应为"兴奋的"。故选C 项。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.answer答案; B.apprach方法;C.pprtunity机会;D.pinin 观点。句意:我想知道为什么事情会这样,但找不 到答案。根据上 文"I wanted t knw why things were this way but..."中的why可知,此处应该是找不到"答案"。故 选A项。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.absrbed专心 的;B.upset不安的;C.embarrassed尴尬的; D.cnfused困惑的。句意:当她回到佛罗里达州巴 尔港的家时,她变得更加沮丧。根据上文中 的"But when I saw the way the ceans had becme, I gt upset."以及空前的mre可知,此处指 的是更加的"沮丧"。故选B项。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.rganizatins组 织;B.ceans海洋;C.animals动物;D.beaches 沙滩。句意:她了解到南佛罗里达州的一些海滩已 被卫生部门关闭,因为水中含有太多细菌。根据下文中的"______ the grup started small, with friends jining tgether n weekends t ______ the beaches in Bal Harbur."可知,此处指的是"沙滩"被 封。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.trip旅行;B.city城 市;C.water水k; D.peple人们。句意:她了解到 南佛罗里达州的一些海滩已被卫生部门关闭,因为 水中含有太多细菌。根据下文" t much bacteria(细菌)in it."中的 in it可知,此处指的是"水"中有细菌。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.help帮助; B.suggestin建议;C.praise表扬;D.cmfrt安慰。句意: Sasha寻求堂兄弟Narmina Aliyev的帮助。结合语境和句意可知,此处指的是Sasha寻求 她的cusin的"帮助"。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词短语及语境理解。A. picked up抬起;B. tk up拿起,从事;C. set up建立; D. gt up起床。句意:他们一起成立了一个非营利组织—I want my cean back。根据下文中的"a nnprfit Organizatin—I want my cean back"可知,此处指的是"成立"一个非营利性组织。故选C项。
    解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.Frtunately幸运地;B.Originally起初; C.Cnsequently因此; D.Temprarily暂时地。句意:最初,这个团体的规模很小,周末有朋友一起清理巴尔港的海滩。根据下文中的"the grup started small"可知,在该 组织起步的时候,规模比较小,由此可推断,此处表示的是"起初"符合语境。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.research研究; B.pick挑选;C.explre探索;D.clean打扫干净。 句意:最初,这个团体的规模很小,周末有朋友一起清理巴尔港的海滩。根据下 文"Recently, hwever, she has _____ events t raise funds fr beach cleanups..."中的 cleanups可知,此处指的是"清理"沙滩。故选D 项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.held举行,握住; B.bught买; C.recrded记录;D.witnessed目 睹。句意:然而,最近,她举办了一些活动,为海 滩清理筹集资金,并向保护组织捐款。根据下文中的" t raise funds"可知,活动与"举 办"搭配,以此活动来筹集资金。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.refer参考,查阅; B.turn转向,翻转;C.dnate捐赠;D.lead引导。 句意:然而,最近,她举办了一些活动,为海滩清理筹集资金,并向保护组织捐款。根据上文中 的"t raise funds fr beach cleanups"可知,举 办活动筹集资金是做善事的,所以"捐给"保护组织 符合语境。故选C项。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.flish愚蠢的; B.imprtant重要的;C.ptential潜在的; D.appealing吸引人的。句意: Sasha说:"重要的是,不仅要通过清理和会议来提高意识,还要向人们展示他们可以通过自己的爱好走到一起,为一个共同的目标共同努力。"根据下文中的"t bring awareness"以及语境可知,通过活动来提高人们的 意识是很"重要的"。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.learn学习; B.make制造;C.play玩耍;D.wrk工作,起作 用。句意: Sasha 说: "重要的是,不仅要通过清 理和会议来提高意识,还要向人们展示他们可以通 过自己的爱好走到一起,为一个共同的目标共同努力。"根据上文中的"they can cme tgether thrugh their hbbies"以及下文中的"t a cmmn gal"可知,此处指的是人们为了共同的 目标一起努力,因此wrk tgether意为"一起工作"符合语境。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.extend拓展,延伸;B.bserve观察;C.cnvey表达,传达; D.annunce宣告。句意: Sasha希望将他们的工 作扩展到邻近城市。"我们真的想让自己对所有人都可见并有影响力,"Sasha说。根据下文中的"t neighbring cities"可知,此处表示将此工作"拓展"到邻近城市符合语境。故选A项。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.intelligent智力的;B.individual个人的;C.interesting有趣的; D.influential有影响力的。句意: "我们真的想让自己对所有人都可见并有影响力,"Sasha说。结合语境可知,将这些工作拓展到邻近的城市,就是为了扩大该组织的"影响力"。故选D项。
    解析:考查副词。句意:癌症患者很少存活的日子已经一去不复返了。分析句子结构可知,此处应为副词作 状语修饰动词谓语动词,根据汉语提示,表示“罕有,少有”应为rarely或者seldm符合句意。故填rarely/seldm。
    解析:考查名词。句意:一幅画以完全不同的方式给我留下了另一种印象。分析句子可知,此处应为名词作 宾语,根据汉语提示,表示“印象”应为impressin ,且anther后应为名词单数。故填impressin。
    解析:考查形容词。句意:在过去的几十年里,这个国家的经济以每年超过10%的速度增长。空处应填形容 词作定语,修饰名词rate,结合汉语提示可知,annual每年的,年度的,形容词。故填annual。
    解析:考查介词。句意:当她在Facebk页面上发布自拍照时,她在四分钟内获得了96个赞。分析句子结构可知,此处应为介词与后面的fur minutes构成 句子的时间状语,根据汉语提示,表示"在……之内"应为within。故填within。
    解析:考查动词和时态。句意:如果时间和天气允许,我们的排球比赛将如期举行。“允许,使有可能”是从句中谓语动词,用permit表示;if引导的条件状语从 句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时;从句主语为and连接表示两个事物的概念的名词,谓语动词用复数形式。故填permit。
    解析:考查副词。句意:我不喜欢游泳;而且水太凉了。空处作状语修饰后一个分句,应用副词形式,结合汉语提示可知,mrever/furthermre/additinally/ besides符合题意,故填mrever/furthermre/additinally/besides。
    58.答案:their;t walk;wh;was;widely;death;will bring;waiting;clser;n
    Our Health, Our Respnsibility
    Health is regarded as the mst significant element f ur life. Regardless f age r scial class, persnal health has been the cnstant surce f delight. Therefre, we individuals shuld take the respnsibility fr ur physical and mental health.
    As teenagers, we can make a huge difference t ur health cnditin. T begin with, we shuld be invlved in sme sprts n a regular basis. In additin, enugh sleep, psitive circles f friends and harmnius family can als guarantee yu a gd mind. Abve all, clse expsure t nature and relaxing scial activities will cntribute a lt t ur high spirits.
    There is nthing mre imprtant than health and let's take actin.
    One pssible versin:
    I guess nt just I, but mst f the girls feel the same. We are afraid f flying. We are afraid we might hurt ur parents’ feelings. We are afraid we might end up hurting them if we take ur wn decisins. Hw similar ur lives are! I and Mitthu might be tw different beings but trapped in a similar situatin. The baggage f feelings, emtins and attachment will never really allw us t fly independently!
    The parrt flew tday. It finally freed itself in true sense. Everyne at hme is sad. My cusins have stpped eating, and they are cntinuusly crying. Maybe they are nt ld enugh t understand the true meaning f freedm s they are unable t understand Mitthu and are sad at lsing it. But I am happy fr Mitthu. I wish t get the equal curage sn. Dear parents, it’s gd t lve and prtect yur child. But smetimes verprtectiveness might harm their future, and it might influence their decisins in future. S nw the parrt is really free!
    ②.被困:be trapped in/be stuck in
    ③.大哭:cry/burst int tears
    [高分句型1]. We are afraid we might end up hurting them if we take ur wn decisins. (运用了宾语从句和if引导的条件状语从句)
    [高分句型2]. Hw similar ur lives are!(运用了感叹句)
    [高分句型3]. Maybe they are nt ld enugh t understand the true meaning f freedm s they are unable t understand Mitthu and are sad at lsing it. (运用了不定式作结果状语以及s连接表因果关系的并列句)

    广西桂林市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题: 这是一份广西桂林市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题,共10页。

    2022-2023学年广西桂林市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年广西桂林市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共19页。试卷主要包含了选词填空-句子,阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,单词拼写-单句,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年广西桂林市高一上学期期中英语质量检测模拟试题(含解析): 这是一份2023-2024学年广西桂林市高一上学期期中英语质量检测模拟试题(含解析),共17页。试卷主要包含了本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分, 答题前考生务必用直径0等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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