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    这是一份2024年上海市松江区高三下学期高考二模英语试卷含答案,共14页。试卷主要包含了B.At 8,5)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Ⅰ.Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1.A.At 8:00.B.At 8:15.C.At 8:30.D.At 8:45.
    2.A.A prfessr.B.A cach.C.An engineer.D.A nurse.
    3.A.In a restaurant.B.In a hairdresser’s.C.At a cinema.D.At a tailr’s.
    4.A.Ways t visit a university.B.Tw student tur guides.
    C.A tur f Fudan University.D.The campus f Fudan University.
    5.A.They did nt make it there finally.
    B.They were nt well received there.
    C.They experienced smething unpleasant n the way.
    D.They had a wnderful time befre they arrived there.
    7.A.Practice the presentatin in frnt f him.B.Watch hw he makes a presentatin.
    C.Reduce the time spent in practicing.D.Find ut wh her audience will be.
    8.A.She is always absent-minded.B.She frgt t tell the man abut it.
    C.She is unclear abut Sphie’s plan.D.She slipped in the neighbring twn.
    9.A.Because it tk him much time t g t wrk.
    B.Because he had t save mney fr his jurney.
    C.Because the jb arranged many business jurneys.
    D.Because he cnsidered it unlucky t have that jb.
    10.A.Buy a new printer with less nise.B.Ask the man t brrw a printer.
    C.Read a bk n hw t fix the printer.D.Get smene t repair the printer.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw passages and ne lnger cnversatin. After each passage r cnversatin, yu will be asked several questins. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    11.A.Hw encres came int existence.B.Hw bands perfrm encres prperly.
    C.Why audiences used t need encres.D.Why encres are part f a perfrmance.
    12.A.The 17th century.B.The 18th century.C.The 19th century.D.The 20th century.
    13.A.French peple were mre interested in encres than thers.
    B.Bands usually prepare mre than tw encres fr each shw.
    C.Recrding technlgy bsted audiences’ needs fr encres.
    D.Musicians can get recharged during the break befre encres.
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing passage.
    14.A.Because f the rule fr the class.B.Because f the curse materials.
    C.Because the speaker changed his tpics.D.Because the speaker disliked technlgy.
    15.A.The students d nt assess the speaker’s class fairly.
    B.The students are satisfied with the class envirnment.
    C.The speaker did nt favr leaving technlgy at the dr.
    D.The speaker were wrried abut students’ evaluatin n him.
    16.A.It will stp students getting n well tgether.
    B.It may help students better understand themes.
    C.It will imprve teaching effect by giving students mre help.
    D.It may distract students frm digging deep within themselves.
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    17.A.Dctr and patient.B.Salesman and custmer.
    C.Teacher and student.D.Emplyer and emplyee.
    18.A.Fishing industry.B.Statistics.C.Cmputer mdeling.D.Nte-taking.
    19.A.She is gd at making mdel cmputers.B.She has decided n the title f the essay.
    C.She is uninterested in cping with statistics.D.She has always been weak at nte-taking.
    20.A.Learn t take ntes immediately.B.Find ut pssible strategies alne.
    C.Read fr mre useful infrmatin.D.Wrk n her weaknesses by herself.
    Ⅱ.Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    Remte Wrk Slws Senir Husing Market Recvery
    With the rise f remte wrk, the market fr senir husing has met with prblems in its recvery. Only a few ld peple chse t live in senir-living cmmunities (21)______the grwing senir ppulatin and the cancelatin f COVID-19 restrictins nce making family visits difficult.(22)______ this trend suggests is that peple’s shift t remte wrk cntributes t the slw rebund f the senir husing market. That is, remte wrk is keeping many lder Americans frm mving int senir-living cmmunities nce warmly (23)______(welcme).
    When mre adults began wrking remtely during the pandemic(流行病), they were able t check in n aging parents easily —they (24)______ take care f their parents’ issues n shrt ntice.
    Experts have been analyzing the phenmenn in different ways. Sme fund that the greater flexibility t care fr parents (25)______(mean) peple’s delay in sending aged parents t expensive senir-husing accmmdatins. Therefre, markets with high levels f peple wrking frm hme usually have lwer senir-husing ccupancy rates. Others said remte wrk might have sme effect but als pinted t different factrs. Fr instance, many senirs think that their family wallets are getting thinner, making sme f them reluctant (26)______(send) t senir-living cmmunities.
    The age at which peple enter senir husing is als increasing, (27)______serves as anther sign that shws peple are chsing t delay transitining. The rising cst f senir living weighs heavily n that decisin. The CPI (cnsumer-price index) fr nursing hmes and adult day services rse 4.5% last May cmpared with (28)______in May, 2022.
    Still, many senir-husing peratrs are ptimistic. When (29)______(illustrate) their pint, they shwed an increase in the number f peple turning 80 years ld ver the fllwing years and the actual wealth they have cllected. Mrever, they find remte wrk arrangements are decreasing in sme parts f the cuntry, (30)______ emplyees there have seen their lwered prductivity while wrking frm hme.
    Sectin B
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in each blank with a prper wrd chsen frm the bx. Each wrd can be used nly nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Brain Signals fr Lasting Pain
    Brain signals that reveal hw much pain a persn is in have been discvered by scientists wh say the wrk is a step twards new treatments fr peple living with lasting pain.
    It is the first time researchers have decded the brain activity 31 patients’ lasting pain. That has raised the hpe that brain stimulatin treatment already used fr Parkinsn’s and majr depressin can help thse running ut f any ther 32 . “We’ve learned that lasting pain can be tracked and predicted in the real wrld,” said Prasad Shirvalkar, lead researcher n the prject at the University f Califrnia.
    Lasting pain affects nearly 28 millin adults in the UK alne, and the causes are 33 . ranging frm cancer t back prblems. That being the case, lasting pain has 34 a rise in taking pwerful painkillers. But n medical treatments wrk well fr the cnditin, 35 experts t call fr a cmplete rethink in hw health services handle patients with lasting pain.
    Fr the latest study, Shirvalkar and his clleagues 36 implanted electrdes(电极) int fur patients with lasting pain hard t deal with after the lss f legs. The devices 37 the patients t recrd activity and cllect data in tw brain regins— the ACC and the OFC—at the press f ne buttn n a remte handset. Several times a day, the vlunteers were asked t cmplete shrt surveys n the 38 f pain, meaning hw strng the pain was, and then recrd their brain activity. These scientists, armed with the survey respnses and brain recrdings, fund they culd use cmputers t predict a persn’s pain based n the electrical signals in their OFC. “We fund very different brain activity 39 severe pain and have develped an bjective bimarker fr that kind f pain,” said Shirvalkar. The finding may explain, at least in part, why 40 painkillers are less effective fr lasting pain. “The hpe is that we can use the infrmatin t develp persnalized brain stimulatin treatment fr the mst severe frms f pain.”
    Ⅲ.Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    The way f recrding things has never ceased t develp. In the 1980s, as sales f vide recrders went up, ld 8mm hme mvies were gradually replaced by VHS (vide hme system)tapes. Later, vide tapes f family hlidays lst their appeal and the use f DVDs 41 . Thse, t, have had their day. Even thse hlding their childhd memries in digital files n their laptps nw knw these files face the risk f 42 .
    Digitising histrical dcuments brings huge benefits—files can be 43 and distributed, reducing the risk f their entire lss thrugh physical damage caused by fire r flding. And develping digital versins reduces 44 n the riginal items. The Internatinal Dunhuang Prject, 45 , has digitised items like manuscripts(手稿) frm the Mga caves in China, enabling schlars frm arund the wrld t access recrds easily withut tuching the real items.
    But the news that the Ministry f Justice f the UK is prpsing t scan the 110 millin peple’s wills it hlds and then destry a handful f 46 after 25 years has shcked histrians. The ministry cites this as a way f prviding easier access fr researchers. But that nly justifies digitisatin, nt the 47 f the paper cpies. The fficials nte the change will be ecnmically efficient (saving arund £4.5m a year) while keeping all the essential infrmatin.
    Schlars 48 . Mst significantly, physical recrds can themselves carry imprtant infrmatin — the kind f ink r paper used may be part f the histry that histrians are 49 . and errr s are ften made in scanning. Besides, digital cpies are arguably mre 50 than the material items, just in different ways. The attack frm the Internet n the British Library last Octber has prevented schlars frm 51 digitised materials it hlds: imagine if researchers culd nt return t the riginals. Sme even think digitised infrmatin can easily be lst within decades n matter what 52 are put in place.
    The gvernment says that it will save the riginal wills f “famus peple fr histric recrd”, such as that f Princess Diana’s. Hwever, assuming that we knw wh will 53 t future generatins is extrardinarily prud. Mary Seacle, a pineering nurse wh nw appears n the natinal schl curse in the UK, was largely 54 fr almst a century.
    The digitisatin f ld dcuments is a valuable, even essential measure. But t destry the riginals nce they have been scanned, is nt a matter f great 55 , but f huge damage.
    42.A.getting utdatedB.cming int styleC.being finedD.making an errr
    44.A.fight r flightB.life r deathC.wear and tearD.awe and wnder
    45.A.unfrtunatelyB.additinallyC.in summaryD.fr example
    46.A.the riginalsB.the essentialsC.the visualisedD.the digitised
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    Charles Rbert Darwin was brn n 12 February 1809 in Shrpshire, England. Darwin’s childhd passin was science, and his interest in chemistry, hwever, was clear; he was even nicknamed ‘Gas’ by his classmates.
    In 1825, his father sent him t study medicine at Edinburgh University, where he learned hw t classify plants. Darwin became passinate abut natural histry and this became his fcus while he studied at Cambridge. Darwin went n a vyage tgether with Rbert Fitzry, the captain f HMS Beagle, t Suth America t facilitate British trade in Patagnia. The jurney was life-changing. Darwin spent much f the trip n land cllecting samples f plants, animals and rcks, which helped him t develp an understanding f the prcesses that shape the Earth’s surface. Darwin’s analysis f the plants and animals that he gathered led him t express dubts n frmer explanatins abut hw species frmed and evlved ver time.
    Darwin’s wrk cnvinced him that natural selectin was key t understanding the develpment f the natural wrld. The thery f natural selectin says that individuals f a species are mre likely t survive when they inherit(经遗传获得) characteristics best suited fr that specific envirnment. These features then becme mre widespread and can lead eventually t the develpment f a new species. With natural selectin, Darwin argued hw a wide variety f life frms develped ver time frm a single cmmn ancestr.
    Darwin married his cusin, Emma Wedgwd, in 1839. When Darwin’s eldest daughter, Annie, died frm a sudden illness in 1851, he lst his belief in Gd. His tenth and final child, Charles Waring Darwin, was brn in 1856.Significantly fr Darwin, this baby was disabled, altering hw Darwin thught abut the human species. Darwin had previusly thught that species remained adapted until the envirnment changed; he nw believed that every new variatin was imperfect and that a struggle t survive was what drve species t adapt.
    Thugh rejected at the beginning, Darwin’s thery f evlutin by natural selectin is nwadays well accepted by the scientific cmmunity as the best evidence-based explanatin fr the diversity and cmplexity f life n Earth. The Natural Histry Museum’s library alne has 478 editins f his On the Origin f Species in 38 languages.
    56.What made Darwin recnsider the rigin and develpment f species?
    A.Examining plants and animals cllected.
    B.His desire fr a vyage t different cntinents.
    C.Classifying samples in a jurney t Suth America.
    D.His passin fr natural histry at Edinburgh University.
    57.We can learn frm paragraphs 1 t 3 that Darwin ______.
    A.used natural selectin t develp new species
    B.enjyed being called nicknames related t science
    C.learned sme knwledge abut plants when studying medicine
    D.argued with thers ver the diversity f life frms fr a lng perid
    58.Which f the fllwing changed Darwin’s view n the human species?
    A.That he had ten children in all.B.His yungest sn’s being disabled.
    C.That he lst his eldest daughter.D.His marriage with Emma Wedgwd.
    59.This passage is mainly abut ______.
    A.Darwin’s passin fr medical scienceB.Darwin’s thery and experiments
    C.Charles Darwin’s changing interestD.Charles Darwin’s life and wrk
    Welcme t Muir Wds! This rare ancient frest is a kingdm f cast redwds, many ver 600 years ld.
    Hw t get here?
    Peple using persnal vehicles must have reservatins befre arriving at the park. (Details at )
    Muir Wds Natinal Mnument is pen daily, 8 a. m. t sunset. Stp by Visitr Center t get trails (路线) and prgram infrmatin, and t take in exhibits.
    What’s yur path?
    Enjy a walk n the paved Redwd Creek Trail (als called Main Trail). Chse shrt, medium, r lng lps(环线). Other trails g deep int Muir Wds and Munt Tamalpais State Park.(Refer t the map f Muir Wds n the right fr details.)
    Ready t explre mre?
    Muir Wds is part f Glden Gate Natinal Recreatin Area, which includes Marin Headlands, Alcatraz, the Presidi, and Ocean Beach. Dwnlad the app at
    Stay safe and prtect yur park.
    Wi-Fi and cell service are nt available. ·Watch fr pisnus plants and falling branches. ·D nt feed r disturb animals. ·Fishing is prhibited in the park. ·D nt mark r remve trees, flwers, r ther natural features. ·G t the park website fr mre safety tips and regulatins.
    We make a great effrt t make facilities, services, and prgrams accessible t all. Fr infrmatin, g t Visitr Center, ask a ranger, call, r check ur website.
    Mre Infrmatin
    Muir Wds Natinal Mnument Mill Valley, CA 94941-2696
    60.Muir Wds will prbably attract ______.
    ①redwd lvers②hunting lvers③fishing lvers④hiking lvers
    61.What can be learned frm the passage?
    A.Muir wds is surrunded by highland and cean beaches.
    B.Visitrs can read electrnic maps using Wi-Fi in Muir Wds.
    C.Visitrs are advised t call Visitr Center fr safety tips and regulatins.
    D.Reservatins shuld be made if visitrs drive private cars t Muir Wds.
    62.Accrding t the map f Muir Wds, ______.
    A.Bridge 4 is the farthest frm the parking lts f all bridges
    B.Mill Valley is lcated n the suthwest side f Muir Beach
    C.Btjack Trail can lead ne t Visitr Center frm Bridge 3
    D.fd and gifts can be bught n varius sites in Muir Wds
    Precgnitive dreams are dreams that seemingly predict the future which cannt be inferred frm actually available infrmatin. Frmer US President Abraham Lincln nce revealed the frightening dream t his law partner and friend Ward Hill Lamn, “…Then I heard peple weep… ‘Wh is dead in the White Huse?’ I demanded. ‘The President,’ ‘he was killed!’…” The killing did happen later.
    Christpher French, Prfessr in the Department f Psychlgy at Gldsmiths, stated the mst likely explanatin fr such a phenmenn was cincidence (巧合). “In additin t pure cincidences we must als cnsider the unreliability f memry”, he added. Asked what criteria wuld have t be met fr him t accept that precgnitive dreams were a reality, he said, “The primary prblem with tests f the claim is that the subjects are unable t tell when the event(s)they’ve dreamed abut will happen.”
    Hwever, sme claimed t make such tests practicable. Prfessr Carline Watt at the University f Edinburgh, has cnducted studies int precgnitive dreaming. She stated that knwing future thrugh dreams challenged the basic assumptin f science — causality (relatinship f cause and effect).
    Dick Bierman, a retired physicist and psychlgist, wh has wrked at the Universities f Amsterdam, Utrecht and Grningen, has put frward a thery that may explain precgnitive dreams. It is based n the fact that when scientists use certain mathematical descriptins t talk abut things like electrmagnetism(电磁学), these descriptins favur the belief that time nly mves in ne directin. Hwever, in practice the wave that is running backwards in time des exist. This cncept is called the time symmetry, meaning that the laws f physics lk the same when time runs frward r backward. But he believes that time symmetry breaks dwn due t external cnditins. “The key f the thery is that it assumes that there is a special cntext that restres the brken time-symmetry, if the waves running backwards are ‘absrbed’ by a cnsistent multi-particle(多粒子) system. The brain under a dream state may be such a system where brken time-symmetry is partially restred. This is still nt a full explanatin fr precgnitive dreams but it shws where physics might be adjusted t accmmdate the phenmenn,” he explains.
    Althugh Bierman’s explanatin is still based n guesses and has nt accepted by mainstream science, Watt des think it is wrth cnsidering. Fr nw, believing that it’s pssible t predict future with dreams remains an act f faith. Yet, it’s pssible that ne day we’ll wake up t a true understanding f this fascinating phenmenn.
    63.Accrding t French, what makes it difficult t test precgnitive dreams?
    A.Unavailability f peple’s dreams.
    B.That cincidences happen a lt in reality.
    C.That criteria fr dream reliability are nt trustwrthy.
    D.Peple’s inability t tell when dreamt events will happen.
    64.Believers in precgnitive dreams may questin the truth f ______.
    A.the assumptin f causalityB.the time symmetry
    C.memries f rdinary pepleD.mdern scientific tests
    65.We can infer frm the passage that ______.
    A.Lincln was warned f the killing by his friend
    B.Watt carried ut several experiments n causality
    C.researches n electrmagnetism are based n the time symmetry
    D.time’s mving in tw directins may justify precgnitive dreams
    66.Which might be the best title f the passage?
    A.Shuld Dreams Be Assessed?
    B.Can Dreams Predict the Future?
    C.Hw Can Physics Be Changed t Explain Dreams?
    D.Why Shuld Scientists Study Precgnitive Dreams?
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can nly be used nce. Nte that there are tw sentences mre than yu need.
    Addictin t Labeling
    Maybe yu’ve nticed it in the cmments sectin f ppular scial media psts abut anxiety. depressin r things alike, with a number f peple claiming t pick these labels fr themselves.
    These days, labeling is everywhere. (67) ______ Hwever, the negative part is that it’s easy fr smene t identify with the characteristics withut truly recgnizing the cntext in which these characteristics wuld require diagnsis, accrding t Charltte Armitage, a registered integrative psychtherapist and psychlgist.
    If yu have dne yur research and genuinely feel that yu have sme frm f mental health cncern, then finally having a name fr yur behavirs can be great. But the risk is that many peple will seek labels and interventin fr any behavir, pattern r emtin that is utside f the permanent happy grup that sciety has set as the nrm. “(68) ______ Then the saying ‘a little bit f knwledge is dangerus’ springs t my mind,” Armitage adds.
    (69) ______“Children are still develping and evlving, and many childhd behaviral features may seem like thse f a disrder when there’re ther ptential explanatins fr that behavir,” Armitage ntes. Ideally, a diagnsis fr a child shuld be carried ut by a qualified mental health prfessinal. S it is with an adult.
    Nevertheless, the mst imprtant thing t bear in mind is that diagnsis desn’t mean t indicate that yu are brken r less capable.(70) ______ And if yu g deeper, it can alert yu t the fact that yu are nt alne, and that many peple experience life in the same way as yu d.
    Ⅳ.Summary Writing
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Why Willing t Wait?
    First it was the fried chicken. Then a variety f fancy milkshakes. N matter what time it is r hw bad the streets smell, there are plenty f peple waiting in line fr hurs t get their hands n the fd that everyne’s talking abut. If yu are nt the type f persn crazy fr trendy fds, yu prbably wnder why smene wuld like t wait in a lng line just t get a taste f a ppular cream tea. There is a bit f psychlgy behind the craze f waiting befre getting ne’s chpsticks n a trendy fd.
    Peple are brn curisity hunters, especially fr fresh ideas, accrding t sme experts. At the sight f a lng waiting line, they just can’t help having a try. And when the trendy fds are nvel in lks and favrs, even innvative in their sales envirnment, the desire fr them is upgraded. All thse stimulate peple t investigate mre—t deal with their curisity.
    In additin, having access t smething that is sught ut but hard t pssess equips peple with a feeling that imprves their self-definitins. When smene is envied due t smething he gained with effrts, his self-wrth gets enhanced. Althugh it is yet t be determined whether the number f likes he receives n the phts f fds he’s psted nline is cnnected with the level f envy frm n-lkers, that feeling autmatically becmes strnger.
    Even mre, “mb psychlgy” cmes int play: when many peple are ding smething—waiting in line fr the sught-after milkshakes, fr instance —thers are eager t be part f the grup and share such a type f scial familiarity, kind f like the natural pursuit f a sense f belnging. Tasting the same wait-wrthy fd has smething in cmmn.
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    Ⅵ.Guided Writing
    Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120—150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    Ⅰ.Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1.W: What time des the bus leave?
    M: Nt until 8:30, but I want t get t the statin 15 minutes earlier in rder t get a gd seat.
    Q: When will the man’s bus prbably leave?
    2.M: It seems like I’m running a fever.
    W: Dn’t wrry. I’ll give yu a bld test first.
    Q: What is mst prbably the wman’s jb?
    3.W: Gd afternn, sir. Take a seat, please.
    M: Thank yu. I want a haircut and a shave, please.
    Q: Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    4.M: I heard yu made a trip t Fudan University last Sunday.
    W: Yes, we arrived at 9 a. m. and then tw senir students shwed us arund the campus. We were deeply impressed.
    Q: What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    5.W: Hi! Welcme back. Have yu had a gd time?
    M: Well, we did when we eventually gt there.
    Q: What des the man imply?
    6.M: Which basketball team are yu ging t supprt?
    W: Yu are nt ging t talk abut basketball again, are yu? That’s it.
    Q: Hw des the wman feel abut discussing basketball?
    7.W: I have t give my ral presentatin in class tmrrw, and I am s nervus.
    M: Maybe yu just need sme practice. Why dn’t yu use me as yur audience?
    Q: What des the man suggest the wman d?
    8.M: Why dn’t yu tell me Sphie is cming t twn?
    W: I’m srry. It cmpletely slipped my mind.
    Q: What des the wman mean?
    9.W: Then why did yu decide t quit yur frmer jb?
    M: That’s because f the jurney. It tk me abut tw hurs t get t wrk. And yu are lucky—yur firm is within walking distance.
    Q: Why did the man want t change his jb?
    10.M: That nise frm the printer sunds quite strange. Why nt have it fixed?
    W: Yu are right. Perhaps I’ve put it ff t lng.
    Q: What will the wman mst prbably d?
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw passages and ne lnger cnversatin. After each passage r cnversatin, yu will be asked several questins. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    If yu’ve attended a cncert, yu might wnder why the band perfrmed an encre, an added shrt perfrmance at the end f a shw. There are actually varius reasns.
    First, there is a histrical reasn. The encre has its rts in the 19th-century perfrmances, where audiences wuld repeat the wrd ‘encre’, a French wrd fr ‘again’, s as t hear a sectin f the perfrmance again. Since recrding technlgy was nt t be invented until 1877, live perfrmance was the nly way t listen t music. Therefre, talented musicians wuld always receive ‘encre’ requests thrughut a perfrmance. As recrded music later well develped in the 20th century, encres became reserved fr the very end f a live shw. Nwadays, mst prfessinal bands and musicians will feature at least ne encre.
    And encres can give the band a break. As we knw, live perfrmance is very physically-demanding. Often, an encre simply serves as an excuse fr the musicians t have a quick break nce they’re almst near the end f their set. During the brief break between the main set and the encre, musicians will usually have a drink r use the bathrm. While the shrt break is usually nly a cuple f minutes, it’s just enugh time fr musicians t re charge t cntinue the perfrmance.
    (Nw listen again please.)
    11.What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    12.Which century can encres be traced back t?
    13.What can we learn frm the passage?
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing passage.
    Like many ther peple, I lve my smartphne, which keeps me cnnected with the larger wrld. I als lve my laptp, because it hlds all f my writing and thughts. Hwever, there are times when I need t mve away frm these devices and truly cmmunicate with thers.
    I teach a curse called Histry Matters. My gals fr the class include a full discussin f histrical themes and ideas. In rder that my students can thrughly study the materials and exchange their ideas in the classrm, I have a rule — n laptps, tablets, phnes, etc. When the students first learned the rule, sme f them were nt happy.
    Mst students think that my reasns fr this rule include unpleasant experiences with students misusing technlgy. There’s a bit f truth t that. Sme students think that I am anti-technlgy. There’s n truth in that. The real reasn why I ask students t leave technlgy at the dr is that there are very few places in which we can have deep cnversatins and truly engage in cmplex ideas. Interruptins by technlgy ften break cncentratin and allw fr t much dependence n utside infrmatin. I want my students t dig deep within themselves.
    I’ve been teaching my class this way fr many years and the evaluatins frm students reflect their satisfactin with the envirnment I create. Students realize that with deep cnversatin and challenge, they learn at a level that helps them keep the curse materials beynd the classrm.
    (Nw listen again please.)
    14.Why were sme f the speaker’s students unhappy?
    15.What can be learned frm this passage?
    16.What can we infer abut the use f technlgy in classrms?
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    M: Hi, Amanda. Cme int the ffice and sit dwn here.
    W: Thank yu, Dr. Lee.
    M: S hw is yur essay planning ging?
    W: Well, Dr. Lee, I’m still having a lt f truble deciding n a title.
    M: What we’ll d is t take dwn sme pints that might help yu with yur decisin. First f all, yu have chsen yur general tpic area, haven’t yu?
    W: Yes, it’s the fishing industry.
    M: Oh, yes. Nw, what aspects f the curse are yu gd at?
    W: Well, I think I’m cping well with statistics, and I’m never bred with them.
    M: Gd. Anything else?
    W: I als fund cmputer mdeling fascinating.
    M: That’s great. D yu think these might be areas yu culd bring int yur essay?
    W: Yeah, if pssible. But I am afraid I dn’t have sufficient backgrund infrmatin.
    M: I see. Well, d yu take ntes?
    W: I am very weak at nte-taking — ther teachers have always been making such a cmment.
    M: I think yu really need t wrk n these weaknesses befre yu g any further.
    W: May I ask fr yur suggestin?
    M: I can g thrugh the pssible strategies in nte-taking with yu. But yu’d better read these bks first t gather valuable infrmatin.
    (Nw listen again please.)
    17.What is the pssible relatinship between the tw speakers?
    18.What is the tpic area f the wman’s essay?
    19.What can be learned abut the wman?
    20.What des the man finally suggest the wman d?
    1-5 CDBCC 6-10 DABAD 11-13 DCD 14-16ABD 17-20 CADC
    21.despite 22.What 23.welcmed 24.culd 25.meant 26.t be sent
    27.which 28.that 29.illustrating 30.because/since/as
    31-35 JFKDG36-40IBEAH
    41-45 BACCD46-50 ADBCD51-55CBACC
    56-59 ACBD60-62 CDA63-66 DADB67-70 BEAF
    71.Many peple are keen n lining up fr ppular fds fr sme psychlgical reasns. First, peple have the tendency t satisfy their curisity, especially fr smething new. Additinally, peple find themselves mre valued when wning smething hard t get. Last, peple naturally want t be part f a cmmunity.(49 wrds)
    72.Mst Chinese peple tend t (1.5) eat a bwl f ndles n their birthdays.(1.5)
    73.The sftware cmpany will prtect designers’ creativity/creative(2)
    frm a technical perspective / frm a perspective f technlgy.(1)
    74.She (had) suppsed that nt many peple wuld cme t the stadium t watch the game,(2)but it turned ut that all the seats n the stand(s) were ccupied.(2)
    75.The phtgrapher finds it meaningless/ bring t sht / take pictures in ppular turist destinatins,(2.5)
    and instead he has planned t lk fr inspiratin / inspiring ideas/ things that can inspire him in the desert.(2.5)
    A.Labeling pses even mre f a prblem when it cmes t kids.
    B.It can be helpful fr thse nt quite able t understand why they feel the way they d.
    C.There seems t be a desire t see negative emtins as smething requiring interventin r diagnsis.
    D.Labeling leads t children’s vercming their addictin t what is psted nline.
    E.Smene has had nly a certain experience and judges all behavir with that experience.
    F.The basic functin f a diagnsis is t give yu a name fr thse behavirs nce felt unusual.

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