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    St Helena is ne f the remtest islands n Earth. The subtrpical (亚热带的) British Overseas Territry sits in the middle f the Suth Atlantic Ocean, 1, 200 miles frm the west cast f Africa and 1, 800 miles frm the east cast f Suth America.
    Size Ppulatin
    St Helena is nly 16 km lng and 9 km wide and the ppulatin is 5, 000. This is 1/3 the size f the Isle f Wight, and the same size as Disney Wrld Orland. This is als the same size as San Francisc-yet the island has just 0. 5% f San Francisc's ppulatin. With an extremely lw-crime cmmunity, yu can freely explre the island's natural and built attractins in peace.
    As a subtrpical island, St Helena's temperature is 15 -28°C all year rund. While the fur seasns are nt recgnized n St Helena, the "cler mnths" are generally June t September and the "htter mnths" are December t March. St Helena is free frm extreme weather events, with even thunderstrms nly ccurring perhaps nce a decade.
    Until 2017, St Helena did nt have an airprt and was nly accessible by sea. Reaching the island meant a five-day ship vyage frm Cape Twn, Suth Africa. Hwever, since Octber 2017, the island's first and nly airprt has enabled passengers t reach the island in just a six-hur flight.
    1.In what aspect are St Helena and San Francisc alike?
    A. Area. B. Ppulatin. C. Climate. D. Crime rate.
    2.What can best describe the climate f St Helena?
    A. Trpical. B. Dry. C. Extreme. D. Mild.
    3.Hw culd visitrs gain entry int St Helena befre 2017?
    A. By plane. B. By ship. C. By car. D. By bike.
    Fr a lng time, I kept a selectin f bks n a shelf next t my bed that I called my “heart bks”. T qualify fr a place n the shelf, a bk had t be nt nly ne I lved, but ne that mattered. There was ne bk that never made it nt that shelf, thugh I read it in high schl: Writing Dwn the Bnes by Natalie Gldberg.
    I can still remember the day I bught it. It was summer and I must have been 14 r 15. Desperate t get ut f my huse, I rde my bike int twn and walked int the bkstre. I was ging thrugh the shelf f bks n writing and it caught my eye. I picked it up, read a few pages, and bught it. Then I tk it with me t a park, read the first few chapters, and pened my ntebk t write.
    It’s a fairly straightfrward writing bk. Gldberg’s methd is simple: yu chse a tpic, set a timer, and write fr 10, 15, r 20 minutes withut picking up yur pen. Free writing, timed writing, writing tpics: anyne wh has taken a creative writing class may have encuntered these things. It’s nt earth-shattering. There was nthing particularly new r unusual abut the bk s I can’t say why it attracted me s much. But it changed everything. I went frm being smene wh enjyed writing t being a writer.
    During my teen years and early twenties, fllwing Gldberg’s methd was at the cre f my identity. N matter where I was r what I was ding, I filled ntebks. When I eventually started writing fictin, I did the same thing. The “I” in my ntebks became smene else, but I held t the same practice.
    This writing practice led me t a writing grup in Bstn. It led me t my current career. It led me, in s many ways, t myself. Becming a writer allwed me t becme s many ther things: an activist, a business wner, a farmer, a baker... Writing is where I fund my cnfidence. It was where I became curius abut the wrld. Frm that, everything else has fllwed.
    4.Hw did the authr encunter Writing Dwn the Bnes?
    A. By fllwing a selectin f “heart bks”.
    B. By referring t a bk list abut writing.
    C. By recmmendatin f Natalie Gldberg.
    D. By seeking writing bks n a bkshelf.
    5.What des the wrd “earth-shattering” underlined in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Trivial.B. Remarkable.C. Apprpriate.D. Amusing.
    6.What can we infer abut Writing Dwn the Bnes?
    A. It inspired the authr t be a writer.
    B. It was the first nvel the authr read.
    C. It made the authr start t lve writing.
    D. It is ne f the bks the authr reads mst.
    7.Which f the fllwing is answered by the last paragraph?
    A. What is the authr’s life like right nw?
    B. What did the authr d in the writing grup?
    C. Hw has the writing practice shaped the authr?
    D. Why did the authr give up the writing practice?
    Have yu ever walked thrugh a dr and thught t yurself, “What was I ging t d?” If yu have, yu are nt alne. Psychlgists believe that walking thrugh a dr and entering anther rm creates a “mental blck” in the brain. This is generally referred t as the drway effect.
    In the early years f brain research, scientists thught that human memry was like a clset, with many sectins in which we culd stre little bxes f experiences frm ur lives. Bxes wuld remain there frever, and whenever we had t lk int them, we culd just g t that particular sectin and find that bx f memry.
    Beautiful as this descriptin f human memry frmatin sunds, it is nt true. Our brain is much mre cmplex than that. Psychlgical studies suggest that ur memries are episdic(情节性的) in general. If yu think back n anything, yu’ll prbably quickly realize ur memries dn’t functin as clear narratives. Instead, they’re mre episdic and divided int parts.
    A new research led by psychlgist Oliver Baumann frm Bnd University in Australia suggests that it’s nt s much the drways that cause a memry wipe, as mving frm ne lcatin t a significantly different ne—it’s the abrupt change f scene that prepares ur minds fr smething new. “A gd example is mving arund in a department stre,” says Baumann, “Taking the elevatr between flrs may have n effect n ur memry, but mving frm the stre t the parking lt might cause us t frget smething that we need t buy.”
    Baumann als pints ut that a busy and perhaps verladed brain des seem t play sme part in this phenmenn. In ther wrds, walking thrugh pen drs is thught t reset memry t make rm fr a new episde.
    The gd news is that experiencing such frgettable episdes after entering anther rm des nt tell yu anything abut yur memry and intelligence. S when yu enter a rm and suddenly frget why yu are there, yu shuld nt think that Alzheimer’s disease is creeping up n yu!
    8.Which f the fllwing wuld mst prbably be “drway effect”?
    A. Yu missed a call and frgt t ring back.
    B. Yu read a bk and frget what it is abut.
    C. Yu entered the ffice and frgt what t get.
    D. Yu saw a man years ag and frget wh he is nw.
    9.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. All memries are linked in the brain.
    B. Memries are clearly separated in the brain.
    C.Nt all the memries can be fund in the brain.
    D. Memries are stred in particular sectins f the brain.
    10.What can we infer frm Baumann’s research?
    A. Taking an elevatr stimulates new memry.
    B. Walking thrugh pen drs results in memry lss.
    C. A sudden change f the scene bsts intelligence develpment.
    D. An verladed brain increases the pssibility f drway effect.
    11.What des the authr think f “drway effect”?
    A. Insignificant.B. Beneficial.C. Influential.D. Damaging.
    As peple becme mre aware f the imprtance f ec-friendly pwer surces, we have devted much time t inventing creative devices. A newly develped paper battery prmises t make a big difference t single-use electrnics.
    The battery is crafted frm sustainable materials, which nt nly strengthens its ec-friendliness but als makes it cst-effective t prduce. This cmbinatin f bidegradability (可生物降解) and affrdability makes it attractive fr a wide range f applicatins. Anther standut feature f this paper battery is its flexibility in terms f shape and size. Unlike traditinal batteries that are available in fixed sizes, this paper battery can be tailred t meet diverse requirements.
    In reality, the paper battery is enugh t pwer an LCD alarm clck. “While it wn’t be charging up yur cmputer anytime sn, there’s lts f ptential fr lw-pwered sensrs. We present a printed paper battery develped t pwer single-use dispsable electrnics and t reduce their envirnmental impact t the lwest level,” write the researchers in their published paper.
    The battery is based n a metal-air electrchemical cell. Made frm sdium chlride salt-diffused (氯化钠盐扩散的) paper, it can measure as little as ne square centimeter, and is based n printed inks. All that’s needed, then, is a small amunt f water, as little as tw drps. This disslves the salts within the paper, and then activates the battery as they travel. The battery starts prducing pwer arund 20 secnds after water is added, accrding t the experiments carried ut by the team.
    Althugh the perfrmance decreases ver time as the paper dries ut, it can be tpped up t sme extent with mre water. The researchers say they want t imprve the efficiency f the battery in the future, and get it wrking fr lnger. “With a rising awareness f the e-waste prblem and the emergence f single-use electrnics fr applicatins, there is a grwing need fr lw envirnmental impact batteries,” write the researchers.
    12.Which is a feature f the paper battery?
    A. It is made frm single-use materials.
    B. It is cstly t put tgether.
    C. It can be used t charge up yur cmputer.
    D. It can be prduced in diverse shapes.
    13.What can we learn abut the paper battery accrding t the text?
    A. It can be applied t any electrnics.
    B. It is able t supply energy t ur cell-phnes.
    C. Its pwer can be refilled by adding sme water.
    D. It has reduced the envirnmental impact t the lwest.
    14.What’s the main idea f paragraph 4?
    A. What the paper battery cnsists f.
    B. Hw the paper battery wrks.
    C. Where the paper battery can be applied.
    D. Why the paper battery is ppular.
    15.What is mst likely t be the fcus f future research accrding t the researchers?
    A. Hw t get rid f impacts f single-use electrnics.
    B. Hw t imprve the efficiency f the paper battery.
    C. Hw t reduce the demand fr single-use electrnics.
    D. Hw t raise peple’s awareness f e-waste prblems.
    16.Fr many yung adults, what t d after finishing high schl is a questin that is nt easy t answer. Fr sme their path is clear, but fr thers a number f pssibilities lie befre them. ①________ Yu are nt t sure abut the directin yu want t take and wuld like t explre yur ptins. Or maybe yu have a desire t travel and experience ther cuntries befre settling dwn t further studies. ②________ What t d during yur gap year can be tailred t suit yur needs, interests and budget. Let’s lk at a few ideas that can just help yu!
    ③________ Yu can becme a babysitter in yur cmmunity r wrk n an il field in anther cuntry. This can really help yu t gain insight int yurself when yu decide what yu are passinate abut. ④________ Chsing a sprting adventure in anther cuntry, either playing r caching will be an amazing experience. In additin, giving back t the cmmunity by vlunteering in a lcal charity is als hw yu wuld like t spend yur time.
    Frm these experiences, yu will learn much mre than just hw t d a jb. Aside frm yur phtgraphs, yur mst treasured pssessin will be that new experiences challenge yu and allw yu t grw. S whether yu are ging abrad r ging t yur lcal cmmunity center, ne thing is fr certain — a gap year is definitely nt just filling a gap. ⑤________
    A. Perhaps yu are ne f the latter.
    B. Why nt apply fr a jb lcally r abrad?
    C. Hw abut cmbining sprts with learning?
    D. Yu can find helpful infrmatin n sme websites.
    E. It is a year that can make all the difference t yur future.
    F. Yu will lk back and knw that yur gap year has dne that.
    G. Whatever yur reasns, a gap year can be an enriching and exciting time.
    It never ccurred t me t think abut my future jb till I entered high schl. In the years befre high schl I ___1___ much n ftball and music. That was ___2___I spent mst f my spare time. After I entered high schl, my ___3___ fr civil engineering (土木工程) inspired me t make greater effrts.
    I fund my way t civil engineering ___4___ when I read an article abut the Ls Angeles earthquake in 1994. Its cnsequence was s awful that I was ttally shcked. During the earthquake, many buildings fell dwn. The disaster led t heavy casualties (伤亡). The ___5___sent me int thinking abut hw the building prjects culd be safer, and hw I culd get them that way. Frm then n, I ___6___t learn civil engineering. ___7___different kinds f buildings is a frm f recreatin fr me. Sitting n my bicycle fr hurs watching the huses arund me has made me feel the ___8___t shape ur buildings int slid nes.
    T achieve my ambitin, I must ___9___that I can get high grades in all my subjects. In schl, I am truly fnd f science and gd at math. ___10___, my high schl years had been challenged. My pr writing skills used t ___11___me a lt. Frtunately, I had a strng wish t achieve my dream. It was the desire, which ___12___me t keep practicing, that helped me vercme my shrtcmings.
    Over the years, I have learned t stick with things that I find right ___13___. This character will stay with me till my effrts ___14___. That, cmbined with my lngstanding curisity abut ___15___ur wrld, is what will make me a great civil engineer smeday sn.
    17.A. reliedB. cncentratedC. livedD. depended
    18.A. hwB. whenC. whyD. what
    19.A. talentB. needC. lveD. pity
    20.A. frtunatelyB. directlyC. frequentlyD. accidentally
    21.A. ruinsB. wastesC. pllutantsD. emissins
    22.A. prmisedB. managedC. expectedD. determined
    23.A. DesigningB. CmpletingC. ObservingD. Understanding
    24.A. expenseB. necessityC. trendD. slutin
    25.A. ensureB. admitC. believeD. declare
    26.A. TherefreB. HweverC. MreverD. Thus
    27.A. cheatB. frightenC. btherD. hurt
    28.A. frcedB. remindedC. restrictedD. urged
    29.A. easilyB. persnallyC. firmlyD. naturally
    30.A. give ffB. get ffC. turn ffD. pay ff
    31.A. shapingB. highlightingC. viewingD. saving
    32.Recently, many netizens psted vides n scial media claiming that Harbin has launched a “pht sht with a white fx” prject t entertain turists. The white fx in the vide ①______ (have) a sft and cute appearance, and after being artificially raised and managed, its fur is clean and drless (无气味), prviding turists with a gd experience and ②______ (frequent) appearing n the ht search list.
    Fr this prject, sme peple believe it is ③______ innvative turism experience that can increase the interactivity and participatin f turists, while thers are cncerned abut the safety and health f the white fx. In fact, these white fxes are prfessinally trained t have clse cntact ④______ humans, and they d nt bite. In additin, the scenic area has taken multiple ⑤______ (measure) t ensure the welfare and safety f the white fx.
    Mr. He, the persn in charge f Harbin Snghua River Ice and Snw Carnival, said that the scenic area has intrduced this prject t ⑥______ (well) meet custmer needs. These white fxes have been bred (饲养) and dmesticated (驯化), s there is n need t wrry abut ⑦______ (catch) and bitten by fxes.
    Mr. He said that due t the cntinuus ⑧______ (ppular) f the White Fx n scial media, mre and mre turists are taking phts with it. ⑨______ (welcme) turists, the scenic area ften takes care f the white fx, keeping its fur clean and fresh, ⑩______ prviding visitrs with a better experience.
    1. 活动介绍;
    2. 活动意义。
    1. 写作词数应为 80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    A Successful Cleanup Activity
    Alex sat quietly at the back f his Chinese class, his eyes fixed n the textbk befre him. As a shy and unnticed student, he felt like a lne wlf, struggling against the cmplexities f high schl life. Ms Lau, his Chinese teacher, was a light in his therwise dark wrld. Her warm smile and gentle behavir made her stand ut amng the sea f teachers. She was the nly ne wh seemed t understand his cnservative nature, always encuraging him t step ut f his cmfrt zne.
    One day, after class, Ms Lau apprached Alex with excitement shining in her eyes. “Alex, I have an ffer fr yu,” she said, her vice filled with enthusiasm. “I am rganizing a cultural exchange prgram t China, and I believe it wuld be a great pprtunity fr yu t explre a new wrld.”
    Alex’s heart skipped a beat, the prspect f traveling t a freign cuntry bth exciting and terrifying. He hesitated, unsure if he had the curage t start such an adventure. But Ms Lau’s firm belief in him gave him the push he needed t take a leap f faith.
    Under Ms Lau’s guidance, Alex began preparing fr the trip. He gt really interested in Chinese culture and learned abut its lng histry and traditins. Ms Lau became his mentr(导师), teaching him nt nly the language but als invaluable life lessns. She taught him the imprtance f being cnfident and nt giving up, reminding him that grwth nly happens utside ne’s cmfrt zne.
    The day f departure arrived, and Alex fund himself n a plane headed fr China. He culdn’t help but feel amazed as he stepped ff the plane and int a wrld s different frm his wn. The busy streets, bright clrs, and unfamiliar sunds flded his senses. Yet, Ms Lau’s cmfrting presence by his side prvided him with the strength t face the unknwn.
    1. 续写词数应为150词左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    During their time in China, Alex whleheartedly enjyed the experience.
    Back in the United States, Alex was a changed persn.
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“This is als the same size as San Francisc”可知,二者共同之处是面积大小一样。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段"As a subtrpical island", "15-28℃ all year rund"以及"St Helena is free frm extreme weather events"可知,此地气候是亚热带气候,较温和。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段"Until 2017, St Helena did nt have an airprt and was nly accessible by sea. "可知,2017年以前都只能通过坐船到达该岛。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段“I can still remember the day I bught it. It was summer and I must have been 14 r 15. Desperate t get ut f my huse, I rde my bike int twn and walked int the bkstre. I was ging thrugh the shelf f bks n writing and it caught my eye. I picked it up, read a few pages, and bught it..(我仍然记得我买它的那天。那是一个夏天,我大概14或15岁。不顾一切地想离开我的房子,我骑着自行车进城,走进书店。我在翻阅书架上关于写作的书时,这本书引起了我的注意。我拿起它,读了几页,就买了下来。)”可知,作者是一次在书店在翻阅书架上关于写作的书时发现《Writing Dwn the Bnes》这本书的。故选D。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据划线单词上一句“Free writing, timed writing, writing tpics: anyne wh has taken a creative writing class may have encuntered these things. (自由写作,定时写作,写作主题:任何上过创意写作课的人都可能遇到过这些事情。)”以及划线单词下一句“There was nthing particularly new r unusual abut the bk s I can’t say why it attracted me s much. (这本书并没有什么特别新颖或不同寻常的地方,所以我也说不出为什么它如此吸引我。)”可推测,任何上过创意写作课的人都可能遇到过的事情在说中都有所描述,并且这本书没有什么特别新颖或不同寻常的地方。因此猜测划线单词指的应该是“极棒的、引人注目的”,和空前的“nt”结合,指的是书中的方法并不是那么引人注目。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第三段“But it changed everything. I went frm being smene wh enjyed writing t being a writer. (但它改变了一切。我从一个喜欢写作的人变成了一个作家。)”可知,《Writing Dwn the Bnes》这本书改变了作者,使作者从一个喜欢写作的人变成了一个作家。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“This writing practice led me t a writing grup in Bstn. It led me t my current career. It led me, in s many ways, t myself. Becming a writer allwed me t becme s many ther things: an activist, a business wner, a farmer, a baker... Writing is where I fund my cnfidence. It was where I became curius abut the wrld. Frm that, everything else has fllwed. (这种写作练习让我加入了波士顿的一个写作小组。这让我有了现在的职业。在很多方面,它让我找回了自己。成为一名作家让我成为了许多其他的身份:一个活动家,一个企业主,一个农民,一个面包师……写作是我找到自信的地方。在那里,我开始对这个世界充满好奇。从那以后,其他一切都随之而来。)”可知,最后一段讲述的是这种写作练习使作者拥有了现在的职业,成为了一名作家,并且使作者成为了许多其他的身份:一个活动家,一个企业主,一个农民,一个面包师等。由此可推测,这一段回答了选项C“Hw has the writing practice shaped the authr? (写作练习如何塑造了作者?)”这一问题。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“Have yu ever walked thrugh a dr and thught t yurself, ‘What was I ging t d?’ If yu have, yu are nt alne. Psychlgists believe that walking thrugh a dr and entering anther rm creates a ‘mental blck’ in the brain. This is generally referred t as the drway effect.(你有没有穿过一扇门,心中在想:‘我是要去干什么?’如果你有,你并不孤单。心理学家认为,穿过一扇门进入另一个房间会在大脑中造成‘精神障碍’。这通常被称为门口效应)”可知,进入一个房间忘记自己要做的事情被称作门口效应。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段“In the early years f brain research, scientists thught that human memry was like a clset, with many sectins in which we culd stre little bxes f experiences frm ur lives. Bxes wuld remain there frever, and whenever we had t lk int them, we culd just g t that particular sectin and find that bx f memry.(在早期的大脑研究中,科学家们认为人类的记忆就像一个壁橱,有很多区域,我们可以在其中存储我们生活中的经历。盒子会永远留在那里,每当我们需要查看它们的时候,我们就可以去那个特定的区域,找到那个记忆盒子)”以及第三段中的“Beautiful as this descriptin f human memry frmatin sunds, it is nt true. Our brain is much mre cmplex than that. Psychlgical studies suggest that ur memries are episdic(情节性的)in general. If yu think back n anything, yu’ll prbably quickly realize ur memries dn’t functin as clear narratives. Instead, they’re mre episdic and divided int parts.(这个关于人类记忆形成的描述听起来很美,但它是不真实的。我们的大脑比这复杂的多。心理学研究表明,我们的记忆通常是情节性的。如果你回想什么事情,你可能很快就会意识到我们的记忆并不是清晰的叙事。相反,它们更有情节性,被分成了多个部分)”可知,并不是所有的记忆都是可以在大脑中找到的。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一句“Baumann als pints ut that a busy and perhaps verladed brain des seem t play sme part in this phenmenn.(Baumann还指出,一个忙碌且可能超负荷的大脑似乎确实在这种现象中发挥了一些作用)”可知,超负荷的大脑会增加门口效应的可能性。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题,根据最后一段“The gd news is that experiencing such frgettable episdes after entering anther rm des nt tell yu anything abut yur memry and intelligence. S when yu enter a rm and suddenly frget why yu are there, yu shuld nt think that Alzheimer’s disease is creeping up n yu!(好消息是,在进入另一个房间后经历这种遗忘的插曲不会告诉你任何关于你的记忆力和智力的事情。所以,当你走进一个房间,突然忘记了自己为什么在那里时,你不应该认为阿尔茨海默病正在悄悄靠近你!)”可知出现门口效应并不表示记忆力或智力出现问题,没有什么影响。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Anther standut feature f this paper battery is its flexibility in terms f shape and size.(这种纸电池的另一个突出特点是它在形状和尺寸方面的灵活性。)”可知,这种纸电池的一种特征是它可以制作成各种形状。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第四段“The battery starts prducing pwer arund 20 secnds after water is added, accrding t the experiments carried ut by the team.(根据该团队进行的实验,在加水后大约20秒,电池就开始发电了。)”可知,这种纸电池的电力可以通过加水来补充。故选C。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据文章第四段“The battery is based n a metal-air electrchemical cell. Made frm sdium chlride salt-diffused paper, it can measure as little as ne square centimeter, and is based n printed inks. All that’s needed, then, is a small amunt f water, as little as tw drps. This disslves the salts within the paper, and then activates the battery as they travel. (这种电池是基于金属-空气电化学电池。它由氯化钠盐扩散纸制成,尺寸小至1平方厘米,以印刷油墨为基础。那么,所需要的只是少量的水,只有两滴。这将溶解纸中的盐,然后在它们移动时激活电池。)”可知,第四段主要讲述了纸电池是如何工作的。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“The researchers say they want t imprve the efficiency f the battery in the future, and get it wrking fr lnger.(研究人员表示,他们希望在未来提高电池效率,并使其工作更长时间。)”可推知,研究人员表示,如何提高纸电池的效率最有可能是未来研究的重点。故选B。
    解析:①由上文“Fr sme their path is clear, but fr thers a number f pssibilities lie befre them. (对一些人来说,他们的道路是清晰的,但对另一些人来说,许多可能性摆在他们面前)”和下文“Yu are nt t sure abut the directin (你不太确定你想要走的方向)”可知,“你”属于不太知道如何选择的一类人,所以属于前文中提到的“thers”那一部分人,即后者。故A选项“Perhaps yu are ne f the latter. (也许你是后者中的一员)”能承上启下,符合题意。故选A。
    ②从后文“What t d during yur gap year can be tailred t suit yur needs, interests and budget. Let’s lk at a few ideas that can just help yu! (空档年做什么可以根据你的需求、兴趣和预算来定制。让我们来看看一些可以帮助你的想法!)”中提到的“during yur gap year”说明此处应将gap year作为话题。故G选项“Whatever yur reasns, a gap year can be an enriching and exciting time. (无论你的原因是什么,空档年都可能是一个丰富而激动人心的时刻)”能引起下文,符合题意。故选G。
    ③从后文“Yu can becme a babysitter in yur cmmunity r wrk n an il field in anther cuntry. (你可以在你的社区做保姆,或者在另一个国家的油田工作)”可知,此处提议找工作。故B选项“Why nt apply fr a jb lcally r abrad? (为什么不在本地或国外申请工作?)”能引起下文,符合题意。故选B。
    ④从后文“Chsing a sprting adventure in anther cuntry (选择在另一个国家进行体育冒险)”可知,此处是另一个建议。故C选项“Hw abut cmbining sprts with learning? (把运动和学习结合起来怎么样?)”能引起下文,符合题意。故选C。
    ⑤根据前文“Frm these experiences, yu will learn much mre than just hw t d a jb. Aside frm yur phtgraphs, yur mst treasured pssessin will be that new experiences challenge yu and allw yu t grw. S whether yu are ging abrad r ging t yur lcal cmmunity center, ne thing is fr certain — a gap year is definitely nt just filling a gap. (从这些经历中,你学到的不仅仅是如何做一份工作。除了你的照片,你最珍贵的财产将是新的经历挑战你,让你成长。所以,无论你是出国还是去当地的社区中心,有一件事是肯定的——间隔年绝对不仅仅是填补空白)”可知,此句总结前文,解释gap year的意义。故E选项“It is a year that can make all the difference t yur future. (回首往事,你会知道你的空档年已经做到了)”能总结前文,符合题意。故选E。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:在上高中之前的几年里,我非常专注于足球和音乐。A. relied依靠,依赖;B. cncentrated集中,聚精会神;C. lived居住,生存;D. depended依靠。根据下一句中“I spent mst f my spare time”可知,作者把大部分业余时间花费在足球和音乐上,故此处指“专注于足球和音乐”,cncentrate n集中注意力于,专注于,故选B。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:我的大部分业余时间都是这样度过的。A. hw如何;B. when何时;C. why为什么;D. what什么。空处引导表语从句,从句中不缺成分,结合句意可知,此处指“那就是我度过大部分业余时间的方式”,用连接副词hw引导,故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:进入高中后,我对土木工程的热爱激励着我更加努力。A. talent天赋,才能;B. need需要;C. lve爱;D. pity同情。根据“inspired me t make greater effrts”及下文提到作者决心学习土木工程可知,作者对土木工程的热爱激励着作者更加努力,故选C。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:当我读到一篇关于1994年洛杉矶地震的文章时,我意外地找到了土木工程的方向。A. frtunately幸运地;B. directly直接地;C. frequently频繁地,经常;D. accidentally意外地。根据“when I read an article abut the Ls Angeles earthquake in 1994.”可知,此处指作者意外地找到了土木工程的方向,故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:废墟让我开始思考如何让建筑项目更安全,以及如何让它们更安全。A. ruins废墟;B. wastes垃圾;C. pllutants污染物;D. emissins排放物。上文“During the earthquake, many buildings fell dwn.(地震期间,许多建筑物倒塌了)”提到很多建筑在地震中倒塌,结合空后“thinking abut hw the building prjects culd be safer”可知,废墟让作者开始思考如何让建筑更安全,故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那时起,我决心学习土木工程。A. prmised承诺,答应;B. managed设法做到;C. expected期望;D. determined决心。根据本段首句“I fund my way t civil engineering”及语境可知,本段是描述作者如何找到土木工程的方向,故此处指“从那时起,我决心学习土木工程”,故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:观察不同类型的建筑对我来说是一种娱乐。A. Designing设计;B. Cmpleting完成,使完整;C. Observing观察;D. Understanding理解。根据下文“Sitting n my bicycle fr hurs watching the huses”可知,作者喜欢观察不同类型的建筑,故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:坐在自行车上几个小时,看着周围的房子,让我觉得有必要把我们的建筑塑造成坚固的建筑。A. expense费用;B. necessity必要,需要;C. trend趋势;D. slutin解决方案。根据“t shape ur buildings int slid nes”可知,此处指有必要把我们的建筑塑造成坚固的建筑,故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了实现我的抱负,我必须确保各科都能取得高分。A. ensure确保,保证;B. admit承认;C. believe相信;D. declare宣布,声明。根据“T achieve my ambitin”及语境可知,为了实现抱负,作者必须确保各科成绩优异,故选A。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,我的高中生活受到了挑战。A. Therefre因此;B. Hwever然而;C. Mrever而且,此外;D. Thus因此。上文提到要实现抱负就得确保成绩优异,与下文“我的高中生活受到了挑战”之间是转折关系,hwever符合语境,故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我糟糕的写作技巧曾经让我很苦恼。A. cheat欺骗,作弊;B. frighten使惊恐,吓唬;C. bther困扰,使烦恼;D. hurt伤害。根据“My pr writing skills”可知,糟糕的写作技巧应是让作者很苦恼,故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:正是这种渴望促使我不断练习,帮助我克服了自己的缺点。A. frced强迫;B. reminded提醒;C. restricted限制;D. urged敦促,鞭策。根据上一句“Frtunately, I had a strng wish t achieve my dream.(幸运的是,我有实现我的梦想的强烈愿望)”可知,作者渴望实现梦想,这激励作者不断练习,故选D。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:这些年来,我学会了坚定地坚持我认为正确的事情。A. easily容易地;B. persnally就个人而言,亲自;C. firmly坚定地,坚决地;D. naturally自然地。根据“stick with things that I find right”及上文内容可知,对于正确的事情,作者坚定不移地坚持下去,故选C。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:这个性格会一直伴随着我,直到我的努力获得成功。A. give ff释放;B. get ff下车;C. turn ff关掉;D. pay ff取得成功。根据“till my effrts”及语境可知,此处指“直到努力获得成功”,故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:这一点,再加上我长期以来对塑造世界的好奇心,将使我在不久的将来成为一名伟大的土木工程师。A. shaping塑造;B. highlighting突出,强调;C. viewing把……视为;D. saving挽救,节约。结合语境可知,此处指“长期以来对塑造世界的好奇心”,故选A。
    32.答案:has;frequently;an;with ;measures;better;being caught;ppularity;T welcme ;and
    解析:①考查动词时态。句意:视频中的白狐外形柔软可爱,经过人工饲养和管理,皮毛干净无臭,给游客提供了很好的体验,频频出现在热搜榜上。分析句子,设空处使用动词作谓语,根据句意和后文的is可知,句子表述客观事实,故使用一般现在时。句子的主语为the white fx为单数,谓语动词用单数形式。故填has。
    ④考查介词。句意:事实上,这些白狐经过专业训练,可以与人类亲密接触,而且它们不会咬人。have cntact with为固定短语,意为“与……有联系/接触”。故填with。
    ⑦考查非谓语动词。句意:这些白狐是经过饲养和驯养的,所以不用担心被狐狸抓住咬伤。分析句子,设空处置于介词abut之后,故使用动名词作宾语,此处catch与fxes之间是被动关系,故使用动名词的被动结构。故填being caught。
    ⑨考查非谓语动词。句意:为了欢迎游客,景区经常照顾白狐,保持其皮毛干净新鲜,为游客提供更好的体验。分析句子,句中takes为谓语动词,设空处使用非谓语动词。此处表示目的作状语,故使用不定式结构。同时该空置于句首,开头单词首字母大写。故填T welcme。
    A Successful Cleanup Activity
    Last weekend, a vlunteer activity, aimed at cleaning up the river nearby, was rganized fr senir 2 students f ur schl.
    Early in the mrning, we, accmpanied by ur teachers, arrived at the river with garbage bags in hand. Fr several hurs, we wrked in grups, cllecting bttles, cans, plastic bags and ther garbage alng the riverbanks. With ur hard wrk, the river sn returned t its frmer cleanliness.
    By participating in this activity, nt nly did we cntribute t the beautificatin f the lcal cmmunity, we als gained valuable team-wrking skills and develped a sense f respnsibility twards ur envirnment. (101 wrds)
    垃圾:garbage → rubbish/trash
    参与:participate in→take part in
    获得:gain→ btain
    原句:Last weekend, a vlunteer activity, aimed at cleaning up the river nearby, was rganized fr senir 2 students f ur schl.
    拓展句:Last weekend, a vlunteer activity, which was aimed at cleaning up the river nearby, was rganized fr senir 2 students f ur schl.
    【高分句型1】Early in the mrning, we, accmpanied by ur teachers, arrived at the river with garbage bags in hand.(运用了过去分词作状语)
    【高分句型2】By participating in this activity, nt nly did we cntribute t the beautificatin f the lcal cmmunity, we als gained valuable team-wrking skills and develped a sense f respnsibility twards ur envirnment.(运用了倒装结构以及介词短语作状语)
    34.答案:He felt s excited that she culdn’t wait t explre China. The high buildings, the mdern cities,the picturesque scenery and the advanced technlgy made Alex really fall in lve with this great cuntry. Als, Alex visited several well-knwn places f interest in China, such as the Great Wall, the Frbidden City and s n, in which he learned much mre abut Chinese traditinal culture and histry. Besides that, he enjyed a lt f Chinese delicius fd. He liked the Beijing rast duck best. Mst imprtantly, t his happiness, he made a lt f Chinese friends. They were friendly and kind t him.
    He was n lnger shy and quiet. He became much mre cnfident and utging. As sn as he went back t schl, he was glad t tell his classmates abut his wnderful experience in China.He studied even harder and was als brave t express pinins and ideas in the class, which wn ppularity amng teachers and students. Mre and mre classmates made friends with Alex. He was much happier and mre ptimistic twards life and future.
    ①由第一段首句“During their time in China, Alex whleheartedly enjyed the experience. ”(在中国期间,亚历克斯非常享受这段经历。)可知,第一段可描写Alex在中国旅行交流的经历。
    ②由第二段首句“Back in the United States, Alex was a changed persn.”(回到美国,亚历克斯变了一个人。)可知,第二段可描写Alex回到美国后发生的变化。
    ①了解:learn abut/knw abut
    ②表达:speak up/express
    ③爱上:fall in lve with/lse ne’s heart t
    ①开心做某事:be glad t d/be happy t d
    【高分句型1】He felt s excited that she culdn’t wait t explre China.(运用了引导的结果状语从句)
    【高分句型2】Als, Alex visited several well-knwn places f interest in China, such as the Great Wall, the Frbidden City and s n, in which he learned much mre abut Chinese traditinal culture and histry. (运用了in which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型3】As sn as he went back t schl, he was glad t tell his classmates abut his wnderful experience in China.(运用了as sn as引导的时间状语从句)
    【高分句型4】He studied even harder and was als brave t express pinins and ideas in the class, which wn ppularity amng teachers and students. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)

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