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    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳答案。
    Are yu interested in rbt-science? What d yu think rbts are capable f? Let’s have a review f wrld-leading technlgy gathered at the Wrld Rbt Cnference (WRC) 2022.
    Technlgy in agriculture
    A fruit-picking rbt attracted visitrs’ attentin. With the help f varius sensrs and an AI system, the rbt can cllect fruit accrding t its ripeness, quality and size. The rbt first lcates the fruit and then uses sensrs t decide whether it is ripe, with a rbtic arm picking the fruit gently. The fruit is then categrized, ending up in a basket accrding t its size. It is said that mre rbtic technlgy will be used in agriculture in the future, including rbts fr daily inspectin and weeding.
    Rbts fighting Cvid-19
    Medical staff cnducting nucleic acid tests ften find their wrk tilsme, especially under the summer heat. A nucleic acid test rbt develped by Tsinghua University and a Chinese bitech cmpany was presented at the WRC. It lks like a vending machine, but the rbt can cllect thrat swabs (拭子), prcess samples, as well as prduce and uplad the results within 45 minutes. The whle prcess will nt require the invlvement f humans r labratries.
    Inventins f the yuth
    Thse visiting the exhibit als witnessed the intelligence f a new generatin. Wang Zirun, a junir student at the schl, designed a three-dimensinal parking facility mdel. Since there are usually t few parking spaces in lder residential areas, Wang’s wrk aims t fit mre cars int current parking spts. The facility wrks like a sky wheel with six parking spts. When cars need t be picked up, the facility rtates steadily, placing the car n the grund.
    21.Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A.A travel brchure.
    B.A technlgy textbk.
    C.A science magazine.
    D.A prduct advertisement.
    22.Why is the parking facility designed like a sky wheel?
    A.T save building materials.
    B.T prevent cars frm being stlen.
    C.T increase grund parking spaces.
    D.T make the mst f limited space.
    23.What can we infer frm the text?
    A.Bth the fruit-picking rbt and the nucleic acid test rbt can save manpwer.
    B.The WRC is intended t inspire the intelligence f a yung generatin.
    C.All the inventins mentined have been put int practical use.
    D.Human can be replaced by the rbt in the future.
    Vaccinatin(接种疫苗) is amng the mst effective ways t help us prevent diseases. Fr viruses that dn't change t much—the measles virus(麻疹病毒), fr example—getting vaccinated is a nce-and-fr-all methd t prevent yu frm becming infected with the virus. If yu had tw measles vaccines when yu were a child, yu wuld be prtected fr life.
    Hwever, it's a different stry when it cmes t influenza(流行性感冒), cmmnly knwn as “the flu”, which generally peaks between December and February. Flu vaccines cannt prtect us in the lng term.
    There is n lng-term immunity(免疫), accrding t Thedre Strange, assciate medical directr at Staten Island University Hspital in New Yrk. “The virus essentially ‘changes its cat’—H1N1, H2N3, and s n,” he tld the website Healthline.
    Apart frm a persn's immune prtectin frm flu vaccinatin declining ver time, flu viruses are als cnstantly changing. S the vaccines are likely t be updated frm ne seasn t the next t prtect against the viruses that research suggests may be the mst cmmn during the upcming flu seasn.
    Thus, t develp effective flu vaccines, ver 100 natinal influenza centers arund the wrld cnduct year-rund surveillance(监测) fr influenza. Researchers will test thusands f influenza virus samples frm patients, accrding t the fficial website f the US Centers fr Disease Cntrl and Preventin(CDC). The Wrld Health Organizatin als suggests there are three r fur influenza viruses that are mst likely t spread amng peple during the upcming flu seasn.
    But even when a vaccine is develped, getting it can prve t be difficult, as it is in high demand and shrt supply. The timing f influenza vaccine prductin and distributin is unpredictable, thus the availability f the flu vaccine supply des nt always meet peak demand.
    S scientists priritize access t the vaccinatin. The CDC recmmends key ppulatins, such as medical staff, teachers, students, children and thse aged 60 and abve, receive flu vaccines.
    This year the situatin seems mre cmplicated, as the upcming flu seasn cincides with the COVID-19 pandemic. This culd verwhelm hspitals, straining(过度使用) resurces and healthcare wrkers, time.
    24.What d we knw abut influenza?
    A.Influenza viruses are cntinuusly changing.
    B.It cmmnly peaks between Nvember and December.
    C.Getting tw flu vaccines can prtect peple against the viruses.
    D.H1N1 and H2N3 are the mst easily infectius flu viruses.
    25.Hw d researchers imprve flu vaccines?
    A.They update vaccines nce a year.
    B.They mnitr the flu thrughut the year.
    C.They fcus n ne r tw viruses during a perid.
    D.Influenza centers wrldwide share virus samples frm patients.
    26.Why d scientists priritize access t the vaccinatin?
    A.Because nt all peple can affrd it.
    B.Because sme peple refuse t get vaccinated.
    C.Because the vaccine is nt safe fr everyne.
    D.Because the vaccine fails t meet the demand.
    27.What des the authr's attitude twards the upcming flu seasn?
    Mass cmmunicatin is a very brad field which includes advertising, mass prmtin, plitical campaigns, public relatins, mass educatin and even the way yu interact with ther peple. It cvers just abut everything yu d in yur daily life. Sme characteristics f mass cmmunicatin are: cmmunicatin, infrmatin verlad, grup effrt and feedback. There are sme mre that are less ften mentined but are just as imprtant as the nes that have been listed abve.
    The mst basic feature f cmmunicatin is interactin. Interactin takes the frm f cmmunicatin where yu can interpret what smene is trying t say. Fr example, when a persn says “Hw are yu?” and yu respnd in a lud vice r in a cncerned manner, it’s cnsidered interactin.
    Anther characteristic f mass cmmunicatin that yu’ll cme acrss is a large number f receivers. When cmmunicating with a grup f peple, it is imprtant t keep in mind that each receiver will bring different characteristics t the table when cmmunicating. Different receivers will take up different tpics and bring a different set f characteristics t the table. In sme cases, yu will need t cmmunicate with many different types f receiver in rder fr yur cmmunicatin ideas t be fully expressed and taken int full effect. Yu shuld therefre cnsider the characteristics f yur receivers when planning yur cmmunicatin strategies.
    New media is als impacting cmmunicatin. Each type f new medium has diverse different ways in which it can deliver messages. Yu can make use f several types f cmmunicatin in many cases and reach a wide range f target audiences. Fr example, yu can use the Internet in rder t cmmunicate with yur audience. As a result, the amunt f infrmatin als in turn becmes t much fr the human mind t prcess in a timely and effective manner. This verlad is nt nly unsund, but it als tends t make peple impatient, which finally takes the frm f arguments and ther types f exchanges that are based n facts, assumptins r persnal experiences. Hwever, althugh yu may have t deal with sme cnstraints, the Internet is still a very pwerful tl that shuld nt be ignred.
    28.What rle des the example given by the authr in the secnd paragraph play?
    A.Explain the imprtance f pliteness.
    B.Explain the cncept f interactin.
    C.Explain the characteristics f cmmunicatin.
    D.Explain what bdy language is.
    29.Why shuld we cnsider different receivers when planning cmmunicatin?
    A.Because cmmunicatrs have many different characteristics n the dinner table.
    B.S that yur ideas can be accurately expressed and play a rle.
    C.In rder t better imprve yur cmmunicatin strategy.
    D.Because the receivers have different views n different tpics.
    30.Why des cmmunicatin ften take the frm f argument?
    A.Because there are t many types f cmmunicatin.
    B.Because peple have different experiences.
    C.Because the new media is nt perfect.
    D.Because verladed infrmatin is bring.
    31.What is the authr’s attitude twards mass cmmunicatin?
    While many f us may have been away smewhere nice last summer, few wuld say that we’ve “summered.” “Summer” is clearly a nun, mre precisely, a verbed nun.
    Way back in ur childhd, we all learned the difference between a nun and a verb. With such a tidy definitin, it was easy t spt the difference. Nt s in adulthd, where we are expected t “ft” bills, “chair” cmmittees, and “dialgue” with plitical ppnents. Chances are that yu didn’t feel uncmfrtable abut the sight f thse verbed nuns.
    “The verbing f nuns is as ld as the English language,” says Patricia O’Cnner, a frmer editr at The New Yrk Times Bk Review. Experts estimate that 20 percent f all English verbs were riginally nuns. And the phenmenn seems t be snwballing. Since 1900, abut 40 percent f all new verbs have cme frm nuns.
    Even thugh cnversin (转化) is quite universal, plenty f grammarians bject t the practice. Sme mst leading experts, William Strunk Jr. and E. B.White, in The Elements f Style—the Bible fr the use f American English—have this t say: “Many nuns lately have been pressed int service as verbs. Nt all are bad, but all are questinable.” The Chicag Manual f Style takes a similar standpint, advising writers t use verbs with great care.
    “Smetimes peple bject t a new verb because they resist what is unfamiliar t them,” says O’Cnner. That’s why we’re cmfrtable “hsting” a party, but we might feel upset by the thught f “medaling” in sprts. S are there any rules fr verbing? Benjamin Dreyer, cpy chief at Randm Huse, desn’t ffer a rule, but suggests that peple think twice abut “verbifying” a nun if it’s easily replaceable by an already existing ppular verb. Make sure it’s descriptive but nt silly-sunding, he says.
    In the end, hwever, style is subjective. Easy cnversin f nuns t verbs has been part f English grammar fr centuries; it is ne f the prcesses that make English “English”. Nt every cined wrd passes int general use, but as fr trying t end verbing altgether, frget it.
    32.What can we learn abut the verbing f nuns?
    A.It hasn’t recently been ppsed by many grammarians.
    B.It is mre cmmnly accepted by children than adults.
    C.It hasn’t been a rare phenmenn in the past century.
    D.It can be easily replaced by existing verbs in practice.
    33.What is mst leading experts’ attitude twards the practice f the verbing f nuns?
    34.What des the authr think f ending the verbing f nuns?
    35.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.Are 40 Percent f all new verbs frm nuns?
    B.Are Summering and Medaling Annying?
    C.Are Yu Cmfrtable abut a New Verb?
    D.Are There Any Rules fr Verbing?
    Regret refers t a feeling f sadness abut smething wrng r abut a mistake that yu have made, and a wish that it culd have been different and better. 36 Experts say they cme in fur basic varieties: cnnectin regrets, mral regrets, fundatin regrets and bldness regrets. An instance f regret may invlve just ne r a cmbinatin.
    37 Regret is linked with depressin and anxiety, and excessive regret can adversely affect yur hrmnes and immune system. Fr sme, it’s anathema t sleep.
    T truly get ver ur regret requires that we put it in its prper place. The trick is nt t avid the bad feeling; it’s t acknwledge it and use it fr learning and imprvement. 38 We have t seek them ut n purpse t imprve urselves. Here are things yu may find helpful the next time yur are indulged in regrets.
    39 This suggests that regret is like a ghst: nt entirely clear but always frightening. Bring yur ghst ut f the shadws by making a list f yur regrets. Write dwn why each ne still bthers yu and its lingering bad effects. Yu will find that a list is a lt less dreadful than a ghst.
    After yu make a mistake, life mves n. But smetimes yu just can’t stp kicking yurself. Perhaps yu drpped ut f schl decades ag and are cnstantly calculating tday hw much mney yu wuld be making, had yu pressed n t graduatin. 40
    Life is a jurney full f pleasures and pains. T live it well and fully means learning frm every bit f it, including regrets, and mving frward.
    A.Nt all regrets are the same, f curse
    B.Peple ften say their regrets chase after them.
    C.Regret’s benefits dn’t cme t us by chance.
    D.Never waste anther minute f life reliving a decisin that cannt be changed.
    E.Sme take the declaratin a step further and claim that they have n regrets at all.
    F.Unanalyzed and unmanaged, any variety f regrets can be pisn fr yur health.
    G.If yu are f the “n regrets” schl f life, yu might think that all this regret is a recipe fr unhappiness.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A 、B 、C和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    It was n my 30th birthday. When I came back, my mther was 41 herself prudly in her usual chair, with tw shirt bxes 42 blue paper and a pink card in frnt f her. “Happy birthday!” she said, 43 at the bxes. “Open them.”
    My mm had gt me 44 what I wanted, as she always knws me. I hugged and thanked her and 45 t eat the chclate cake. “High calries, I shuldn’t have dne that,” I said, nt really caring. Mm waved ff my put-n 46 and laughed. Tw weeks later, I came upn the same 47 : my mm sitting in the chair; a chclate cake next t blue shirt bxes, 48 , a yellw card this time. I was aware she had 49 Alzheimer’s (阿尔茨海默氏病) .
    Fur lng years passed. I nw have a 15-mnth-ld sn, Ben. Lately my mther has been reading t him, the 50 character and plt every time. It desn’t 51 t Ben that he’s heard the stry, and he desn’t mind her pr 52 , because every minute is new fr him t.
    I begin t enjy the situatin and realize we are 53 . My mther is in bad, but stable cnditin. 54 is better than a decline. Change will cme; her remembrance may 55 further, but I’ll be in the frntline.
    42.A.cvered withB.wrapped inC.cmpsed fD.tied t
    A vide f cllege students in nrtheastern China wearing military style cttn cats t class 56 (g) viral n scial media platfrms recently.
    Dwn jackets(羽绒服) have been a 57 (necessary) fr many Chinese peple all the time. T seek mre prfit in the bming market, many brands have started t mve twards high-end develpment, 58 (result)in a mre significant increase in demand fr high-quality materials like white gse dwn. Thus, the price has increased.
    With the price f dwn jackets increasing, cllege students in China have picked up military cats 59 (defend) themselves frm the winter cld. Thanks 60 their lw cst and high quality, cttn cats have made a majr cmeback this winter and strmed cllege campuses.
    The general thinking amng students is 61 it isn’t abut whether they can affrd a dwn jacket r nt, but that cttn cats 62 (simple)prvide better quality at a much lwer price. The cheapest military style cttn cat csts less than 100 yuan and they have becme the mst 63 (fashin)winter wear fr cllege students in nrthern China. A single persn wearing ne f these cats is nticeable, and a cuple might 64 (laugh)at. But when a grup wears them, it’s 65 latest fashin.
    第四部分 写 作 ( 共 两 节 , 满 分 4 0 分 )
    66.假定你是李华, 你的英国朋友Jerry写信邀请你寒假期间去伦敦游玩,你因故无法前往,请你回信表达歉意,内容包括:
    1. 谢绝的理由;
    2. 提议暑假去拜访他。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Jerry,
    Li Hua
    77.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    One f my teachers nce asked my class what ur favurite memry was. She was asking fr the mment in which “yu felt the best, yu felt that yu had the wrld in the palm f yur hand. ” Sme described grand awards; thers described winning a turnament. But I felt the best when I first learned hw t ride my bike at thirteen. I didn’t mind my classmate’s stares and snickering, because I knew there was mre t the stry.
    My brther and I shared a typical brtherly relatinship: we culdn’t stand each ther. Or, t be hnest, he culdn’t stand me. I her-wrshipped him. My clthes mysteriusly lked like his, and even my wrds tended t mimic thse I heard frm him. Many times, I even wanted t literally fllw my brther, sbbing every time I was prevented frm hanging arund with him. Needless t say, I was an annyance t him. Any srt f cnversatin we had usually degraded t fighting, and try as I might, my brther usually wn.
    After a while, I stpped trying t impress him and learned t be ttally indifferent; perhaps the silent treatment wuld get mre apprval. I was wrng. We sn fell int a sad pattern—I avided him, he ignred me, and deep inside, it hurt. Indifferent r hstile, he was nly a brther in name. S that’s hw it was between us. I believed we wuld frever be apart, tw husemates withut cnversatin, tw strangers withut warmth. And nthing mre.
    I still remember the day I learned t ride a bike. I had received it that Christmas, which was great, until I realized I had n idea hw t ride it. My mm was t busy and had lng since abandned any attempt t teach me. I decided t teach myself t ride, a little bit each day, but in vain. On that fateful day, it was n different. I was cming t the end f my daily ne-hur trture, and I was s frustrated that I threw my bike aside and began t cry.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I guess that was what caused my brther t cme utside.
    An hur later, I was shwing ff my riding skill t my mm.
    21.C 22.D 23.A
    21.推理判断题。根据文章首段内容“Are yu interested in rbt-science? What d yu think rbts are capable f? Let’s have a review f wrld-leading technlgy gathered at the Wrld Rbt Cnference (WRC) 2022.(你对机器人科学感兴趣吗?你认为机器人能做什么?让我们来回顾一下在2022年世界机器人大会上聚集的世界领先技术。)”可知,文章主要回顾了2022年世界机器人大会的有代表性的机器人展品,属于科技范畴。由此可推知,文章来自科学杂志。故选C项。
    22.推理判断题。根据文章“Inventins f the yuth”部分内容“Since there are usually t few parking spaces in lder residential areas, Wang’s wrk aims t fit mre cars int current parking spts. The facility wrks like a sky wheel with six parking spts. When cars need t be picked up, the facility rtates steadily, placing the car n the grund.(由于老旧住宅区的停车位通常太少,王的工作旨在将更多的汽车安置在现有的停车位上。该设施就像一个空中摩天轮,有六个停车位。当需要取车时,该设备会稳定旋转,将汽车放置在地面上。)”可知,老旧城区的停车位太少,而这个像摩天轮一样的停车设施有六个停车位,可以要将六辆车安置在一个“停车位”上,以最大利用有限的空间。故选D项。
    23.推理判断题。根据文章“Technlgy in agriculture”部分内容“With the help f varius sensrs and an AI system, the rbt can cllect fruit accrding t its ripeness, quality and size.(在各种传感器和人工智能系统的帮助下,机器人可以根据水果的成熟度、质量和大小来收集水果)”可知,采摘机器人可以在传感器和人工智能的帮助下独立采摘水果,不需要人力采摘。文章“Rbts fighting Cvid-19”部分内容“The whle prcess will nt require the invlvement f humans r labratries.(整个过程不需要人类或实验室的参与)”可知,核酸机器人的使用过程中不需要人类或实验室的参与。因此可推知,这两种机器人的使用都可以节省人力。故选A项。
    24.A 25.B 26.D 27.A
    24.细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Apart frm a persn's immune prtectin frm flu vaccinatin declining ver time, flu viruses are als cnstantly changing.(除了一个人对流感疫苗的免疫保护随着时间的推移而下降外,流感病毒也在不断变化。)”可知,流感病毒在不断变化。故选A。
    25.细节理解题。根据文章第五段“Thus, t develp effective flu vaccines, ver 100 natinal influenza centers arund the wrld cnduct year-rund surveillance(监测) fr influenza.(因此,为了研制有效的流感疫苗,全世界100多个国家流感中心对流感进行了全年监测。)”可知,为了研制有效的流感疫苗,研究人员全年监测流感。故选B。
    26.细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段“But even when a vaccine is develped, getting it can prve t be difficult, as it is in high demand and shrt supply. The timing f influenza vaccine prductin and distributin is unpredictable, thus the availability f the flu vaccine supply des nt always meet peak demand.(但是,即使研制出疫苗,也很难获得疫苗,因为疫苗的需求量很大,而且供不应求。流感疫苗生产和分发的时间是不可预测的,因此流感疫苗供应的可获得性并不总是与高峰需求相吻合)”和倒数第二段“S scientists priritize access t the vaccinatin.(所以科学家们优先考虑接种疫苗。)”可知,因为疫苗需求量很大、供不应求,并不总是能满足需求,所以科学家们优先考虑接种疫苗。故选D。
    27.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“This year the situatin seems mre cmplicated, as the upcming flu seasn cincides with the COVID-19 pandemic. This culd verwhelm hspitals, straining(过度使用) resurces and healthcare wrkers time.(今年的情况似乎更加复杂,因为即将到来的流感季节恰逢新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行。这可能会压垮医院,占用资源和医护人员的时间。)”可知,作者认为因为今年即将到来的流感季节恰逢COVD-19大流行,所有这种情况会更复杂,使医院、医疗资源和医护人员不堪重负,因此对医务工作者来说,这可能比以往任何时候都更具挑战性,从而推断作者持担心的态度。故选A。
    28.B 29.B 30.D 31.C
    28.推理判断题。由第二段中的“Interactin takes the frm f cmmunicatin where yu can interpret what smene is trying t say. Fr example, when a persn says “Hw are yu?” and yu respnd in a lud vice r in a cncerned manner, it’s cnsidered interactin. (互动采取交流的形式,你可以理解别人想说的话。例如,当一个人说“你好吗?”而你以大声或关切的方式回应时,这被视为互动)”可知,所举的例子是为了进一步解释互动的含义。故选B项。
    29.细节理解题。由第三段中的“In sme cases, yu will need t cmmunicate with many different types f receiver in rder fr yur cmmunicatin ideas t be fully expressed and taken int full effect. (在某些情况下,你需要与许多不同类型的接收者进行沟通,以便充分表达你的沟通想法并使其充分发挥作用)”可知,我们计划交流策略时要考虑不同的接收者,是为了使自己的想法得到更好地表达和起作用。故选B项。
    30.细节理解题。由第四段中的“This verlad is nt nly unsund, but it als tends t make peple impatient, which finally takes the frm f arguments and ther types f exchanges that are based n facts, assumptins r persnal experiences. (这种超负荷不仅不健全,而且往往会让人不耐烦,最终以基于事实、假设或个人经历的争论和其他类型的交流为形式)”可知,沟通经常采用争论的形式,是因为过载的信息很无聊。故选D项。
    32.C 33.A 34.D 35.B
    32.细节理解题。根据第三段中“Experts estimate that 20 percent f all English verbs were riginally nuns. And the phenmenn seems t be snwballing. Since 1900, abut 40 percent f all new verbs have cme frm nuns. (专家估计,20%的英语动词最初是名词。这种现象似乎正在滚雪球般蔓延。自1900年以来,大约40%的新动词来自名词)”可知,在过去的一个世纪里,名词被用作动词并不是罕见的现象。故选C项。
    33.推理判断题。根据第四段中“Sme mst leading experts, William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White, in The Elements f Style—the Bible fr the use f American English—have this t say: “Many nuns lately have been pressed int service as verbs. Nt all are bad, but all are questinable.” The Chicag Manual f Style takes a similar standpint, advising writers t use verbs with great care. (一些最著名的专家,William Strunk Jr.和E. B. White,在《英文写作指南》——美式英语使用的圣经中这样说:“最近,许多名词被用作动词。不是所有的都是坏的,但所有的都值得怀疑。”《芝加哥手册》也持类似观点,建议写作者谨慎使用动词。)”可知,最著名的专家们是怀疑地审视名词被用作动词这一现象,建议写作者谨慎使用。由此可知,他们对此持谨慎的态度。故选A项。
    34.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Easy cnversin f nuns t verbs has been part f English grammar fr centuries; it is ne f the prcesses that make English “English”. Nt every cined wrd passes int general use, but as fr trying t end verbing altgether, frget it. (几个世纪以来,名词到动词的轻松转化一直是英语语法的一部分;它是使英语成为“英语”的过程之一。并不是每一个新造的词都会被普遍使用,但至于试图完全停止使用动词,还是算了吧)”可推知,作者认为名词被用作动词这一现象是英语语言发展必不可少的一部分,结束这一用法是不可能的。故选D项。
    36.A 37.F 38.C 39.B 40.D
    36.下文“Experts say they cme in fur basic varieties: cnnectin regrets, mral regrets, fundatin regrets and bldness regrets.”(专家说,这些懊悔有四种基本类型:关系懊悔、道德懊悔、基础懊悔和胆量懊悔。)说明懊悔有四中类型,即并不是所有的懊悔都一样,与选项A. Nt all regrets are the same, f curse.(当然,并非所有的懊悔都是一样的。)相一致。故选A。
    37.下文“Regret is linked with depressin and anxiety, and excessive regret can adversely affect yur hrmnes and immune system.”(懊悔与抑郁和焦虑有关,过度懊悔会对你的荷尔蒙和免疫系统产生不利影响。)说明懊悔对我们有害,与选项F. Unanalyzed and unmanaged, any variety f regrets can be pisn fr yur health.(如果不加以分析和处理,任何种类的懊悔都会毒害你的健康。)相一致。故选F。
    38.下文“We have t seek them ut n purpse t imprve urselves.”(我们必须有意识地寻找它们来提高自己。)说明懊悔对我们也有好处,但我们必须有意识地对待它们,与选项C. Regret’s benefits dn’t cme t us by chance.(懊悔的好处不是偶然的。)相一致。故选C。
    39.下文“This suggests that regret is like a ghst: nt entirely clear but always frightening.”(这表明,懊悔就像鬼魂:不完全清楚,但总是令人恐惧。)说明懊悔像鬼魂一样跟着人们,与选项B. Peple ften say their regrets chase after them.(人们常说他们的懊悔追随着他们。)相一致。故选B。
    40.上文“After yu make a mistake, life mves n. But smetimes yu just can’t stp kicking yurself. Perhaps yu drpped ut f schl decades ag and are cnstantly calculating tday hw much mney yu wuld be making, had yu pressed n t graduatin.”(犯错之后,生活还要继续。但有时候你就是忍不住要踢自己。也许你几十年前就辍学了,现在还在不停地计算,如果你坚持毕业的话,现在能赚多少钱。)说明不论犯了什么错,生活仍要继续,不要把时间浪费在懊悔上,与选项D. Never waste anther minute f life reliving a decisin that cannt be changed.(不要浪费生命中的任何一分钟去重复一个无法改变的决定。)相一致。故选D。
    41~45.CBBAD 46~50.CBCDC 51~55.DBAAD
    41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我回来时,母亲正骄傲地坐在她常坐的椅子上,面前放着两个用蓝纸包着的衬衫盒子和一张粉红色的卡片。A. preparing准备;B. cnducting实施,进行;C. settling舒舒服服地坐下;D. enjying喜欢。根据下文“in her usual chair”可知,此处表示“母亲正骄傲地坐在她常坐的椅子上”。故选C。
    42.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我回来时,母亲正骄傲地坐在她常坐的椅子上,面前放着两个用蓝纸包着的衬衫盒子和一张粉红色的卡片。A. cvered with被……覆盖 ;B. wrapped in被……包裹;C. cmpsed f由……组成;D. tied t绑在……上。根据下文“blue paper”可知,衬衫盒子用纸包着。故选B。
    43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“生日快乐!”她指着盒子说“打开。”A. ndding点头;B. gesturing用动作示意;C. staring盯着;D. wndering想知道。根据下文“at the bxes. “Open them.””可知,她示意作者打开盒子。故选B。
    44.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我妈妈给了我我想要的东西,因为她一直了解我。A. precisely恰好,正是;B. eventually最后;C. accrdingly相应地;D. immediately立刻。根据下文“she always knws me”可知,妈妈的东西恰好是作者想要的。故选A。
    45.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我拥抱并感谢她,然后继续吃巧克力蛋糕。A. pretended假装;B. attempted企图;C. hesitated犹豫;D. prceeded继续做。根据上文“I hugged and thanked her ”可知我拥抱并感谢她后,继续吃巧克力蛋糕”。故选D。
    46.考查名词词义辨析。句意:妈妈对我装腔作势的内疚一笑置之。A. cmplaint抱怨;B. cheer欢呼声;C. guilt内疚;D. astnishment震惊。根据上文“ “High calries, I shuldn’t have dne that,” I said, nt really caring.”可知,妈妈对作者装腔作势的内疚一笑置之”。故选C。
    47.考查名词词义辨析。句意:两周后,我又看到了同样的场景:妈妈坐在椅子上;一个巧克力蛋糕放在蓝色衬衫盒子旁边,除了,这次是一张黄色卡片。A. slutin解决办法;B. scene场景;C. present礼物;D. prpsal提议。根据下文“my mm sitting in the chair; a chclate cake next t blue shirt bxes,____8____, a yellw card this time”可知,作者又看到了同样的场景。故选B。
    48.考查介词词义辨析。句意:两周后,我又看到了同样的场景:妈妈坐在椅子上;一个巧克力蛋糕放在蓝色衬衫盒子旁边,除了,这次是一张黄色卡片。A. twards向,朝着;B. behind在……后面;C. except除了;D. withut没有。根据下文“a yellw card this time”可知,句子表示“除了,这次是一张黄色卡片”。故选C。
    49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我知道她患有老年痴呆症。A. resisted抵抗;B. escaped逃跑;C. handled解决;D. suffered遭受。根据“Alzheimer’s”可知,作者妈妈患有老年痴呆症,suffer frm意为“患病”。故选D。
    50.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最近我妈妈一直在给他读书,每次都是同样的人物和情节。A. unique独特的;B. imaginary想象的,虚构的;C. identical完全相同的;D. amusing逗人发笑的。根据下文“he’s heard the stry”可知,那些故事每次都是同样的人物和情节。故选C。
    51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:对本来说,他听过这个故事并不重要,他也不介意她糟糕的记忆力,因为每一分钟对他来说都是新的。A. bther打扰;B. happen发生;C. ccur发生;D. matter重要。根据下文“because every minute is new fr him t”可知,对本来说,他听过这个故事并不重要。故选D。
    52.考查名词词义辨析。句意:对本来说,他听过这个故事并不重要,他也不介意她糟糕的记忆力,因为每一分钟对他来说都是新的。A. discvery发现;B. memry记忆;C. descriptin描述;D. impressin印象。根据上文“she had ____9____Alzheimer’s”可知,作者的妈妈记忆力很差。故选B。
    53.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我开始享受这种情况,并意识到我们是幸运的。A. frtunate幸运的;B. intelligent聪明的;C. patient耐心的;D. inncent天真的。根据下文“My mther is in bad, but stable cnditin”可知,作者母亲的情况很糟糕,但情况稳定,所以这是幸运的。故选A。
    54.考查名词词义辨析。句意:保持总比衰落好。A. Maintenance保持;B. Transfrmatin转变;C. Acceptance接受;D. Expectatin期待。根据上文“stable cnditin”可知,保持总比衰落好。故选A。
    55.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的记忆可能会进一步衰退,但我会在第一线。A. vary变化;B. recver恢复;C. adjust适应;D. fail衰退。根据下文“Change will cme; her remembrance”及常识可知,作者的妈妈有Alzheimer’s,所以记忆力会进一步衰退。故选D。
    56.has gne 57.necessity 58.resulting 59.t defend 60.t 61.that 62.simply 63.fashinable 64.be laughed 65.the
    56.考查谓语动词的时态和语态。句意:近日,一段中国东北大学生穿着军服风格棉衣上课的视频在社交媒体平台上疯传。设空处为句子的谓语,根据时间状语recently,可知句子的时态为现在完成时,主语为a vide,结合主谓一致。故填has gne。
    59.考查非谓语动词。句意:随着羽绒服价格的上涨,中国的大学生们纷纷挑选军大衣来御寒。设空处在句中作非谓语,表目的,应用不定式作目的状语。故填t defend。
    60.考查介词。句意:由于价廉物美,棉衣在今年冬天卷土重来,席卷了大学校园。thanks t“多亏了,由于”符合题意。故填t。
    63.考查形容词。句意:最便宜的军大衣售价不到100元,已经成为中国北方大学生最时尚的冬季服装。设空处应用形容词和上文the mst构成最高级作定语,修饰空后的名词。故填fashinable。
    64.考查谓语动词。句意:一个人穿这种外套很引人注目,两个人穿可能会被嘲笑。设空处为句子的谓语,和句子的主语a cuple之间是被动关系,空前为might,设空处为含有情态动词的被动语态。故填be laughed。
    65.考查冠词。句意:但是当一群人穿的时候,它就是最新的时尚。空后为形容词的最高级latest,设空处应为定冠词the,the latest fashin“最新时尚”符合句意。故填the。
    66.Dear Jerry,
    Thanks fr inviting me t Lndn in the cming winter hliday. I’d lve t visit yu, but I’m srry that I really cannt make it.
    As yu knw, I am in Senir Three this year, which means I am in the middle f preparing fr the cllege entrance examinatin t be held in the cming June. Therefre, I’m determined t make the best use f every minute I have, the hliday included, t imprve my academic perfrmance.
    Additinally, the winter hliday lasts nly fr tw weeks, a bit shrt fr a trip abrad, s I’m cnsidering rescheduling the trip fr the cming summer hliday. What d yu think f this plan?
    Once again, I’d like t express my sincere aplgy. Lking frward t meeting yu in Lndn!
    Li Hua
    因此:therefre → hence
    另外:additinally → in additin/besides
    考虑:cnsider → think abut
    衷心的:sincere → heartfelt
    原句:What d yu think f this plan?
    拓展句:What d yu think f the plan I put frward?
    【点睛】[高分句型1] As yu knw, I am in Senir Three this year, which means I am in the middle f preparing fr the cllege entrance examinatin t be held in the cming June.(运用了关系代词as引导非限制性定语从句和关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] Therefre, I’m determined t make the best use f every minute I have, the hliday included, t imprve my academic perfrmance. (运用了省略关系代词的限制性定语从句)
    I guess that was what caused my brther t cme utside. I turned my face away, fearing he wuld tease me. Unexpectedly, he gently picked my bike up and gestured me ver, “Get n it.” His determined lk smthed away my dubts. As he gripped the back seat, I gt n the bike, tk a deep breath and started t pedal, hlding tightly nt the handlebars. During the whle prcess, we didn’t talk much. He simply ffered a few necessary instructins at times. But never nce did he shut at me, nr did he let me fall. His patient teaching prved efficient and I gradually gt the hang f riding.
    An hur later, I was shwing ff my riding skill t my mm. She was amazed t see me riding steadily arund the yard. While sharing my learning experience with her in excitement, I nticed my brther standing at a distance smiling at me. I cast him a grateful lk and he ndded and then walked back int the huse. Frm that day n, the sad pattern between us began t change. There were ccasinal cnversatins between us, filled with less embarrassment but increasing cncern. I culd feel a different kind f brtherly relatinship slwly develping between us. I wuld always treasure that day as my favurite memry, the mment when I felt the best.
    ①嘲笑:tease/make fun f/mck
    ②消除:smth away/remve/dispel
    ③摔倒:fall/fall ver/tumble
    【点睛】[高分句型1] But never nce did he shut at me, nr did he let me fall.(运用了否定副词提前的部分倒装句)
    [高分句型2]I wuld always treasure that day as my favurite memry, the mment when I felt the best.(运用了when引导的定语从句)

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