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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.Where might the speakers be nw?
    A.In a supermarket.B.In a hspital.C.At hme.
    2.Hw did the man feel last night?
    3.What des the wman hpe t d?
    A.Take an exam.B.Get sme guidance.C.Take a trip.
    4.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.Where t meet.B.What sprt t play.C.Which club t jin.
    5.What is the relatinship between Emma and Tim?
    A.Classmates.B.Teacher and student.C.Brther and sister.
    6.Hw will the speakers g t the airprt?
    A.By bus.B.By taxi.C.By car.
    7.When des the plane take ff?
    A.At 9:15a. m.B.At 10:15a. m.C.At 10:45a. m.
    8.What did the man d in 2014?
    A.He left cllege.B.He changed his majr.C.He made a new kind f ty.
    9.What d we knw abut the man?
    A.He wn a design champinship.
    B.He has n interest in leading teams.
    C.He has gained experience in marketing.
    10.What is the wman ding?
    A.Having a meeting.B.Hsting a prgram.C.Cnducting an interview.
    11.What is the man ging t d next?
    A.G shpping.B.Pick up his sisters.C.Ck dinner.
    12.What des the wman think f the man?
    A.He’s prud.B.He’s helpful.C.He’s busy.
    13.What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A.See her aunts ff.B.Make sme new friends.C.G t her graduatin ceremny.
    14.Why des the man chse the 10 Harley Street?
    A.The huses here are quite cheap.
    B.It is near his ffice.
    C.It has enugh parking spaces.
    15.What des the man care mst abut the apartment?
    A.Its lcatin.B.Its price.C.Its decratin.
    16.What will the man prbably d next?
    A.Take part in a cntest.B.Talk with his friend.C.Make payment.
    17.Wh is the speaker?
    A.A turist.B.A reprter.C.A tur guide.
    18.Why des the speaker recmmend Tp f the Rck?
    A.It’s the cheapest.
    B.It ffers relaxing drinks.
    C.It has wnderful views f New Yrk.
    19.What can peple d n the secnd day?
    A.G fr a picnic.B.Watch an art shw.C.Visit Greenwich Village.
    20.What is Three Lives & Cmpany?
    A.It’s a bar.B.It’s a bkstre. C It’s a park.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Eurail pass and EU Interrail pass
    The Eurail pass is designed fr travelers frm utside f Eurpe and the EU Interrail pass fr Eurpeans has been arund fr decades. Travelers under the age f 27 can enjy a 25% discunt—with prices starting at €194 fr the EU Interrail pass and equal $211 fr the Eurail pass fr travel up t 33 cuntries ver fur travel days within ne mnth.
    Wrking hliday visa
    This visa(签证)scheme ffers bth wrk and leisure pprtunities fr yung peple in a lnger-term adventure. Sme 50 cuntries acrss the glbe allw peple between the ages f 18 and 30 t apply fr the 12-mnth visa prgram, permitting yung adventurers t live and wrk in a new cuntry.
    The Internatinal Student Identity Card
    Being a student has n age limit, s this part is useful fr anyne wh’s at cllege. The Internatinal Student Identity Card(ISIC)is a glbally recgnized prf f student ID.Students with the ISIC can enjy discunts at turist attractins, air tickets and deals n car rental. Discunts are always changing, s check the ISIC website fr any terms and cnditins.
    Nrwegian and Scandinavian Airlines tickets
    Nrwegian and Scandinavian Airlines(SAS)ffer discunted rates t travelers aged 12-25. The nly requirement is an ID upn check-in r barding. Nrwegian and SAS bth fly internatinally as well as acrss Eurpe, s these discunted tickets ffer plenty f chances fr adventure.
    21.What can we learn abut the Eurail pass?
    A.It csts €194 at mst.B.It appeared a few mnths ag.
    C.It is intended fr Eurpeans.D.It is legally acceptable fr ne mnth.
    22.What can a student with a wrking hliday visa d?
    A.Enjy a 25% discunt at turist attractins.
    B.Wrk in a freign cuntry fr a year.
    C.Travel in mre than 60 cuntries.
    D.Order SAS tickets fr free.
    23.Which prgram is nt targeted at special age grups?
    A.Wrking hliday visa.B.Nrwegian and Scandinavian Airlines tickets.
    C.Eurail pass and EU Interrail pass.D.The Internatinal Student Identity Card.
    During my career in the past years, I’ve been fired a few times. The last time was abut five years ag.
    At the time, I c-wned a literary agency. I agreed t take n a giant prject fr a majr client. I wrked my tail ff abut a year, fcusing just n this ne client. Meanwhile my partner and assciates tk care f everyne else. We all thught it was a gd bet. But in the end, the client fired me and cperated with an agency wh prmised t get him a majr bk deal with a New Yrk publishing huse and an appearance n Oprah. I was left high and dry with nthing t shw fr my year-lng investment.
    The wrst part was that I did nt see it cming. I thught I had dne a great jb, and we had enjyed a lng-term persnal relatinship. But my client had his eye n bigger things and decided I culdn’t take him there, s he abandned me withut discussin.
    The thing I finally learned frm this experience was that clients and custmers can be changeable. S never put all yur eggs in ne basket.
    This wasn’t the nly mistake I’d made in my career. Sme f the mistakes I had made gt me fired. That gt my attentin and furthered my educatin in the schl f hard kncks.
    Chances are that yu are ging t be fired at sme pint in yur career. Last May, 1.7 millin wrkers in America were laid ff r fired. And accrding t the Labr Department, that was during mnth f generally gd ecnmic news. The trick—after being fired—is t try t push bitterness aside and learn frm it. Failure can be a great teacher, but we have t listen.
    24.Why did the authr nly fcus n ne prject?
    A.His client required him t d s.B.He cnsidered it wuld be a safe bet.
    C.It can give him an appearance n Oprah.D.There were n ther prjects in his agency.
    25.Why was the authr abandned?
    A.He caused sme truble fr his client.B.His client wanted t teach him a lessn.
    C.He culdn’t satisfy his client’s demands.D.His client was afraid f destrying their friendship.
    26.What lessn did the authr prbably learn?
    A.He shuld have spread his risk.
    B.He shuld have tried his best t d better.
    C.He shuldn’t have wrked n giant prjects.
    D.He shuldn’t have made friends with his clients.
    27.What did the authr mainly write the text fr?
    A.T shw the imprtance f failure.B.T tell us hw t face getting fired.
    C.T share a mst hrrible experience.D.T explain why peple easily get fired.
    At ancient sites acrss the Amazn River basin, mysterius plts f unusually rich sil dt(点缀)the landscape. Scientists have lng debated the rigin f this “dark earth”, which is darker in clr than surrunding sils and richer in carbn. Sme peple think this dark earth frmed naturally, but the latest research has shwn that mdern Kuikur peple in Brazil create similar sil arund their villages n purpse, which adds evidence t the idea that lng-ag Amazns deliberately made such sil t. Perrn, an earth scientist at MIT, reviewed interviews f Kuikur peple cnducted by a Kuikur filmmaker in 2018 and fund that Kuikur villagers actively make dark earth by using ash, fd bits and cntrlled burns. “When yu plant in hilly land, the sil is weak,” explained elder Kanu Kuikur in ne f the interviews. That is why we thrw the ash, manic peelings and manic pulp. When cmparing sil samples frm ancient and mdern sites, researchers fund “striking similarities” —bth were far less acidic than surrunding sils and cntained higher levels f plant-friendly nutrients.
    Analyses als revealed that dark earth hlds twice the amunt f carbn as surrunding sils n average. Scans(扫描)f the Xingu regin suggest that the area is dtted with dark earth, and that hld as much as abut 9 millin tns f carbn—the annual carbn emissins f a small, industrialized cuntry. “This number culd rughly equal the annual carbn emissins f the United States when all dark earth acrss the Amazn is taken int cnsideratin,” Perrn says.
    Figuring ut the true value f carbn stred in the Amazn’s dark earth will require mre data. Still, the research has significant influences n the Amazn’s future. The technique highlights hw ancient peple were able t live in the Amazn by develping sustainable farming that dubled as a carbn-string technique. With mre and mre greenhuse gases entering the atmsphere, it culd als prvide a blueprint fr develping methds f sustainably lcking atmspheric carbn in the sil, helping fight climate change.
    28.What can we infer frm the dark earth acrss the Amazn River basin?
    A.They are mre acidic than surrunding sils.
    B.They cntain mre rganic nutrients.
    C.They frmed naturally.
    D.They cntain less carbn.
    29.Why des the authr mentin the annual carbn emissins f the US?
    A.T explain the difficulty f prtecting dark earth.
    B.T shw the wide distributin f dark earth in Amazn.
    C.T stress the huge carbn-string capability f dark earth.
    D.T reveal the large carbn emissins f the United States.
    30.What des the authr stress in the last paragraph?
    A.The imprtance f develping sustainable farming.
    B.The advanced farming technlgy in ancient tmes.
    C.A pssible slutin t climate change.
    D.A way f green agriculture.
    31.Which is the best title f the text?
    A.Urgency f Sustainable DevelpmentB.Facts Abut the Dark Earth
    C.Advantages f the Dark EarthD.Wisdm f Ancient Amazns
    Gather tgether a cuple f gd friends and take a leisurely strll thrugh the streets—this is what many yungsters in China enjy ding when they visit a new city.
    T them, Citywalk means “raming arund the city” n ft. Participants can fllw a distinctive urban rute, saking up the atmsphere, explring ld buildings, brwsing butique shps, sipping a cup f cffee, r indulging in authentic(正宗的)lcal snacks.
    In China, the Citywalk trend is spreading frm first-tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai t secnd and third-tier cities, encuraging mre participants and event rganizers t get invlved. Sme rganizers invite flk culture researchers and enthusiasts(爱好者)t act as tur guides. A yung entrepreneur(主办者)based in Changsha explring new pssibilities in the turism sectr launched six Citywalk rutes indifferent cities n her scial media accunt recently, with the aim f prviding experiences fr visitrs t “walk in pen-air museums”.
    Sme regins, such as Beijing and Shandng, have included Citywalk in their plans t prmte cultural turism and leisure turs. Shanghai has established Citywalk rutes using public bus rutes t help day-trippers reach mre far-flung districts by public transprt and cntinue n ft.
    Even thugh Citywalk is a relatively niche and new phenmenn, industry insiders say that its ptential is huge. Zhang Zhi, a tur guide frm Beijing said turists nwadays are paying mre attentin t persnalized travel services. Many tur guides als try t expand their influence nline, sharing their experiences in a bid t attract ptential custmers.
    Citywalk is ffering a psitive change t urban travelers as they can better chse the experiences that align with their interests and needs. At the same time, Citywalk represents an pprtunity fr tur guides and travel service prviders t ffer a mre tailred, prfessinal service t meet with ever-changing market demands.
    32.What is the main cncept f Citywalk as described in the text?
    A.Explring cities thrugh virtual reality.
    B.Guided turs centred n histry.
    C.Leisurely urban strlls with diverse explratin.
    D.A cmpetitive challenge t visit landmarks.
    33.Why did the yung entrepreneur create Citywalk rutes in varius cities?
    A.T free utdr museums fr visitrs.B.T engage mre enthusiastic tur guides.
    C.T prmte urban flk culture research.D.T ffer distinctive city explratin experiences.
    34.What des the underlined wrd “niche” mst likely mean in paragraph 5?
    35.What is the attitude f the authr twards the trend?
    Hw t think utside the bx
    Being pen t dissenting(持异议的)pinins is nt the nly way t think utside the bx. 36 A break in ur everyday life may prvide the frce needed t shift the directin f ur thinking. S we can change envirnments. 37 Fr example, rerganizing ur desk r taking a new rute t wrk. Hwever, fr thers, bigger changes such as a new jb r a marriage are required.
    A famus cncept is appraching rutine situatins as if we met r saw them fr the first time. In ther wrds, we shuld lk at them as if we’d never seen them. 38 Fr instance, when we brush ur teeth, take a mment t lk at the tthbrush as if we never laid eyes n such an bject and nticed its clr and shape. Think abut the flavr f the tthpaste and ntice hw ur muth feels as we mve the brush back and frth.
    39 The mere presence f a grup f peple with diverse experiences, views and backgrunds in ur everyday life creates an atmsphere in which peple can better respnd t change. Why? Because they are key drivers f the develpment f new ideas and slutins.
    Unlike negative emtins that cause specific reactins(fr example, fear drives us t flee), psitive emtins help us braden ur attentin, explre ur envirnment, and pen urselves t absrbing infrmatin.
    40 They can be thse that are ging well r fr which we are grateful. This shifting-int-psitivity prcess will autmatically brighten ur md and free ur brain.
    A.It’s als helpful t seek fr the difference.
    B.Fr sme peple, small changes might wrk.
    C.We shuld shw respect fr different cultures t.
    D.Sme small techniques culd help braden the way we think.
    E.Take a few mments t think abut the beautiful things in ur life.
    F.Psitive emtins play an imprtant part in unfreezing ur thinking.
    G.“Beginners’ mind” allws us t remain pen t experiences despite any knwledge we may have.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Students at an elementary schl in Califrnia, with the help f their art teacher, created a telephne htline that peple can call t get 41 advice frm kids during difficult times. In just days, the htline began getting thusands f calls an hur.
    Jessica Martin, wh teaches art at West Side Schl in Healdsburg, Califrnia, 42 her students just might have the magic wrds needed t bring 43 t peple in these difficult times.“T hear the pure 44 frm kids is extremely cmfrting,” she says.
    The prject was called “PepTc”. Actually, they called it “Pep Talk”(鼓励话语)first. But when Ms. Martin’s 6-year-ld sn drew an advertisement fr the htline and 45 it “PepTc”, they 46 they liked that even better.
    The htline is 47 in English and Spanish. It ffers the happy vices f 48 f different ages sharing psitive messages. Fr example, by pressing 3, yu can 49 a grup f kindergartners saying tgether, “Yu can d it! Keep trying! Dn’t give up!”Pressing 4 50 the sunds f children giggling and laughing—a sund certain t bring a 51 t anyne’s face. Pressing 1 52 ideas fr peple wh are “feeling mad, frustrated, r 53 ” Helpful suggestins include “punch yur pillw”, r “g get a ckie”. Pressing 2 results in “wrds f 54 and life advice”. This includes messages like “The 55 is a better place with yu in it.”
    52.A.brings upB.laughs atC.gives awayD.turn t
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The 78th United Natins General Assembly passed a reslutin(决议)n Friday, fficially 56 (annunce)the Lunar New Year, als knwn as the Spring Festival, as a UN flating hliday. Experts said the mve shws the 57 (significance)influence f Chinese culture and will cntribute 58 the prmtin f the Glbal Civilizatin Initiative.
    The Lunar New Year nt nly bears the ideas f peace and harmny 59 (value)by Chinese civilizatin but als carries the cmmn values f humanity such as family harmny and harmnius cexistence between humans 60 nature.
    The reasn why the Lunar New Year can pass natinal brders and is increasingly welcmed by many cuntries 61 (lie)mainly in the rich cultural heritage f China and the driving frce f glbalizatin. As the wrld’s secnd-largest ecnmy, China’s cultural elements have spread alngside its ecnmic influence. In the trend f glbalizatin, peple’s interest in diverse cultures is 62 (gradual)increasing, and the Lunar New Year has becme a majr means fr peple 63 (cmmunicate)and cnnect.
    Therefre, the fficial 64 (recgnize)f the Chinese New Year as a UN hliday fully reflects an emphasis n the inheritance and innvatin f civilizatin, 65 will prmte exchanges and mutual learning amng diverse wrld cultures and actively embdy the UN’s values f diverse and inclusive cultural ideals.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear fellw students,
    The English Club
    It was a beautiful sunny mrning in early summer, when the wrld seemed full f sunlight and new green leaves. I was in a gd md as my parents had just given me $300 fr my daily expenses during the week that they wuld be away in Mexic t visit my mther’s sick grandfather. I was extremely verjyed, thinking hard abut the things I culd d with the mney. If I survived n bread and butter the whle week, I wuld have an unexpected windfall f $200 t buy the latest Kbe Bryant basketball shes! What a terrific idea!
    As usual, the physical educatin class was thrilling. I felt mst at ease n the basketball curt. After playing several fierce games, I culd hardly catch my breath as I headed back twards the classrm, sweaty and exhausted. When I entered, I fund my classmates gathered arund Steven’s desk as he searched thrugh his bks and sme ther persnal items anxiusly. Steven had always been ppular. Nt nly was he intelligent and well-mannered, but he als came frm a well-ff family. And he shared everything he had with us.
    Right away, I learned Steven had lst the mney he wuld dnate t a children’s welfare institute that afternn. Then I infrmed Miss Jnes, the class teacher. She rushed ver immediately and rganized a search arund the classrm. We std by ur desks and emptied the cntents f ur schlbags nt the desk fr inspectin.
    It was my turn. As Miss Jnes tk ut the $300 frm my wallet, the class fell int a shck. I didn’t knw the amunt lst was exactly $300 until then. I kept prving my inncence, but in vain. Miss Jnes cnfiscated(没收)the $300 and decided I was getting kicked ut f the schl. I stayed hme alne the whle week, living nly n bread. I felt wrnged, angry, and lss f self-esteem.
    Finally, my parents returned hme and talked with me.____________________________________________
    Miss Jnes had just accepted my parents’ advice when Steven came. _________________________________
    第一部分 听力(每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    1-5CABBA 6-10CBACC 11-15ABCBA 16-20 BCCAB
    第二部分 阅读理解(每小题2.5分,满分50分)
    第一节:21-23 DBD 24-27 BCAB 28-31 BCCB 32-35CDAD
    第二节:36-40 DBGAE
    第三部分 语言知识运用(两小节;共30分)
    41-45D ACBC 46-50 ADBDA 51-55CADBB
    56.annuncing 57.significant 58.t 59.valued 60.and
    61.lies 62.gradually 63.t cmmunicate 64.recgnitin 65.which
    第四部分 写作(第一节15分;第二节25分;共40分)
    第一节 参考范文:
    Dear fellw students,
    The schl English Club aims t prmte the use f English and invlve students in diverse language-rich activities. Recently, we are recruiting(招收)new members with the requirements(要求)belw.
    Enthusiasm fr English is undubtedly a must. Yu are mre likely t be admitted if yu are capable f(能够)rganizing activities r have previus(过往的)experiences. Additinally, a strng sense f respnsibility and gd teamwrk spirit(良好的团队精神)are highly appreciated.(表示品质和能力的词也可以用在申请信)
    If yu are interested, please submit yur applicatin befre April 30.
    The English Club
    第二节 读后续写参考范文:
    Finally, my parents returned hme and talked with me. They patiently listened t my side f the stry, their understanding and supprt helping t bst my hurt feelings and self-esteem. I tld the whle stry f what happened, including the expensive misunderstanding, and the relief f sharing my tugh experience was clear in the rm. It was during this emtinal cnversatin that I heard abut Steven’s admissin, which wuld change the situatin.
    Miss Jnes had just accepted my parents’ advice when Steven came. He genuinely lked srry, with a hint f regret in his eyes. T everyne’s relief, he cnfessed that he had fund the lst mney in his backpack. The immense relief and jy I felt were hard t put int wrds, shwing hw misunderstandings and hasty judgments can lead t serius prblems. Steven’s sincere aplgy and ur cllective understanding brught us clser as classmates, restring the warmth f ur friendship.
    ①回家:return hme/g back hme ②承认:cnfess/admit ③找到:find/discver
    ①耐心:patiently/with patience ②喜悦:jy/delight
    【点睛】[高分句型1]They patiently listened t my side f the stry, their understanding and supprt helping t bst my hurt feelings and self-esteem.(独立主格结构)
    [高分句型2]It was during this emtinal cnversatin that I heard abut Steven’s admissin, which wuld change the situatin.(强调句型和由关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型3]T everyne’s relief, he cnfessed that he had fund the lst mney in his backpack.(由连接词that引导的宾语从句)
    Text 1(第1题为推断题)
    W: Frank, I bught a chicken in the supermarket this mrning, and the chicken sup is almst ready. Dn’t frget t take it t Grandpa. The dctr said he’d better eat sme sup during treatment.
    M: Tara, it’s really kind f yu.
    Text 2
    W: Did yu watch the reality TV shw last night? It was really exciting.
    M: N, I didn’t. I went shpping with my wife at Macy’s. There were t many peple n Black Friday. I was tired ut and went straight t bed.(2)
    Text 3
    W: The final exam nearly drives me crazy. I’m wrried abut it. S Mr. Jnes, culd yu give me sme advice?(3)
    M: Oh, t have a peaceful mind! Try t take a shrt trip with yur family.
    Text 4(第4题为主旨大意题)
    W: What are yu ging t d after schl, Phil?
    M: I’m planning t play tennis. Wuld yu care fr a game with me?
    W: I’d like t, but I can’t play it. Hw abut basketball? I knw yu have jined the schl basketball club.
    M: Okay. I’ll meet yu at the schl gate.
    ◆Wuld yu care fr sth.?(礼貌用语)你是否愿意做某事?
    Text 5(第5题为推断题)
    W: Tim, I remember putting my ntebk n this desk. Did yu see it? My mm bught it fr me at the cnvenience stre yesterday.
    M: I saw Emma take it away. She has gne t the teachers’ ffice. She needs Mr. Clark’s help.
    W: I see. Thank yu, Tim.
    Text 6
    W: Mrning, hney! Where is my cell phne?
    M: It’s n the table. We can drive t the Edinburgh Airprt.(6)It usually takes us ten minutes.
    W: It’s up t yu.(6)Oh, I dn’t remember where I put my passprt.
    M: Yu’re never prepared. G and lk fr it in the bathrm.
    W: Ta-da. I find it. I really lk frward t the trip t Seattle.
    M: Me t. Hey, have yu checked ur TV and ther electrical appliances?
    W: I’ll d it right away. When des the plane take ff? The alarm clck says a quarter t nine nw.(7)
    M: Hurry up! We nly have ne and a half hurs left.(7)The traffic is heavy and slw. I see a lt f taxis and buses thrugh the windw.
    Text 7
    M: Thank yu fr meeting with me, Mrs. Andersn.
    W: It’s gd t see yu t. S, yu’ve applied fr the psitin, right? T get started, why dn’t yu tell me a little bit abut yurself?(10)
    M: Yes, I have. I studied at Otis Cllege f Art and Design and graduated in 2014 with a master’s degree in Ty Design.(8)After graduatin, I was hired at Mattel. I wrked there fr the past five years, and I was the directr f ty prductin.
    W: What achievement did yu make?
    M: The sales have grwn greatly. I was the sales champin fr fur years in a rw.
    W: S why did yu quit yur jb?
    M: It’s been a great experience, but I’ve run ut f rm t grw there and I’m lking fr new pprtunities. I have a lt f experience f leading teams in the ty design and finding new markets.(9)
    W: Great. I will call yu back in a cuple f days abut ur final decisin.(10)
    M: Okay. Thank yu very much.
    ◆Otis Cllege f Art and Design 奥蒂斯艺术设计学院
    ◆Mattel 一般指美泰公司。美泰公司总部位于美国加州,是全球最大的玩具公司。
    Text 8
    M: Hi, Marie, yu are graduating this week, right? Where will the graduatin ceremny be held?
    W: Yes, and the ceremny will be held in the schl’s lecture hall. What are yu ding here?
    M: I have t run t the grcery stre fr my mm. Her tw sisters frm China arrived yesterday, and they are planning t have a big feast.(11)This is the first time that they’ve met each ther since 2019.
    W: Ww, that’s really a lng time. Yur mther must be s busy. And she’s surely prud t have a sn like yu t help her ut.(12)My graduatin ceremny will start at 10:30 a. m. this Sunday. Will yu be able t cme?(13)
    M: Can I cme? I think nly yur family members are allwed t attend.
    W: Dn’t wrry. I can invite a friend f mine.
    M: That’s great. I’ll certainly be with yu. But I’ll be a little late. I’ll need t take my aunts t the train statin at 9:50 a. m.
    W: Okay. See yu then.
    Text 9
    W: Hell, Brm Cupbard Real Estate. Hw can I help yu?
    M: Hey, I’m lking fr an apartment fr rent.
    W: D yu knw which area yu’d like t live in?
    M: Near 10 Harley Street wuld make sense, since my ffice isn’t far away.(14)Culd yu give me a range? That wuld be great.
    W: Well, arund £800 t £1,200 a mnth. Are yu alne r with yur friend?
    M: It’s nt cheap as I thught. I’ll be sharing it with a friend. He will attend an English writing cntest in tw weeks. S he’d prefer a place withut t much nise.(15)
    W: Dn’t wrry. That’s just right fr yu.(15)Anything else?
    M: Oh, I need a place with ff-street parking. Culd yu tell me smething abut the apartment?
    W: The living rm is nice and bright. I have it painted a mnth ag. Well, the bedrms are nice and large. The kitchen is quite furnished. The prblem is that the car parking lts are limited.
    M: Okay. Are the utilities included in the rent?
    W: N, yu have t pay fr yur wn light and heat.
    M: But I will have t have a discussin with my friend first. And we will cme tgether next week.(16)
    W: Fine, keep in tuch.
    Text 10(第17题为推断题)
    A gd trip always requires prper planning. Tday, I’m ging t share with yu abut sme places yu must visit during yur first trip t New Yrk City. On the first day, if yu want the abslutely best view f the city, I recmmend Tp f the Rck.(18)The ticket starts at $40.One Wrld Observatry csts less mney at $35.Yu culd als g t a rftp bar t enjy sme drinks.230 Fifth has the best rftp views fr sure if yu’re n a budget and want t get up there. If yu’re a night wl, I recmmend ging t Times Square befre midnight. There yu culd see the wrld’s largest digital art display. On the secnd day, we’re ging t Central Park. It’s wrld-famus, s yu can’t miss it. Yu can g fishing and visit the Cnservatry Garden. At Sheep Meadw, we are able t have a picnic.(19)On the last day, walking arund Greenwich Village and West Village in Manhattan is a requirement. Try sme cffee at Prt Ric Imprting C. Washingtn Square Park is als a gd place t relax and enjy live music. If yu like bks, Three Lives & Cmpany is a gd chice.(20)That’s all abut ur trip.
    ◆Tp f the Rck巨石之巅,在纽约市中心洛克菲勒中心GE大楼顶部,是著名的观景平台。这里视野开阔,可以360度鸟瞰曼哈顿全景。
    ◆One Wrld Observatry 世贸一号观景台
    ◆night wl 夜猫子,指晚上不想睡觉的人、喜欢熬夜的人。
    ◆Cnservatry Garden 温室花园,位于中央公园内。
    ◆Sheep Meadw 绵羊草原,位于中央公园内。
    ◆Washingtn Square Park 华盛顿广场公园,曼哈顿格林尼治村(Greenwich Village)的主要地标。
    21.细节理解题。根据Eurail pass and EU Interrail pass部分中“Travelers under the age f 27 can enjy a 25%discunt—with prices starting at € 194 fr the EU Interrail pass and equal $211 fr the Eurail pass fr travel up t 33 cuntries ver fur travel days within ne mnth.(27岁以下的旅客可以享受25%的折扣——EU Interrail pass 的起价为194欧元,Eurail pass的起价为211美元,可以在一个月内的4天内旅行到33个国家)”可知,Eurail pass在一个月内是有效的,故选D。
    22.细节理解题。根据Wrking hliday visa部分中“Sme 50 cuntries acrss the glbe allw peple between the ages f 18 and 30 t apply fr the 12-mnth visa prgram, permitting yung adventurers t live and wrk in a new cuntry.(全球约有50个国家允许年龄在18岁至30岁之间的人申请为期12个月的签证计划,允许年轻的冒险家在一个新的国家生活和工作)”可知,持有工作假期签证的学生可以在外国工作一年,故选B。
    23.细节理解题。根据The Internatinal Student Identity Card部分中“Being a student has n age limit, s this part is useful fr anyne wh’s at cllege. The Internatinal Student Identity Card(ISIC)is a glbally recgnized prf f student ID.(作为一名学生没有年龄限制,所以这部分对任何在大学的人都很有用。国际学生身份证(ISIC)是全球公认的学生身份证明)”可知,国际学生证对学生没有年龄要求,故选D。
    24.细节理解题。根据第二段“I wrked my tail ff abut a year, fcusing just n this ne client. Meanwhile my partner and assciates tk care f everyne else. We all thught it was a gd bet.(我累死累活了一年,只关注这一个客户。与此同时,我的搭档和同事们照顾其他人。我们都认为这是一个很明智的事。)”可知,作者只关注一个项目是因为他认为这是一个很明智的事。故选B。
    25.细节理解题。根据第三段的“But my client had his eye n bigger things and decided I culdn’t take him there, s he abandned me withut discussin.(但我的委托人有更大的目标, 并且他认为我不能带他去那里,所以他没有和我商量就抛弃了我。)”可知,作者被抛弃了是因为他不能满足委托人的要求,故选C。
    26.细节理解题。根据第四段的“The thing I finally learned frm this experience was that clients and custmers can be changeable. S never put all yur eggs in ne basket.(我从这次经历中学到的是,客户和顾客可能是易变的。所以不要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里。)”可知,作者可能学到的是他本应该分散风险的。故选A。
    27.推理判断题。根据最后一段的“The trick—after being fired —is t try t push bitterness aside and learn frm it. Failure can be a great teacher, but we have t listen.(在被解雇之后,诀窍是试着把痛苦放在一边,并从中吸取教训。失败可能是一位伟大的老师,但我们必须倾听。)”可知,作者通过讲自己职场失败的经历来告诉读者如何应对被解雇的困境,故选B。
    28.推理判断题。根据第一段“Perrn, an earth scientist at MIT, reviewed interview s f Kuikur peple cnducted by a Kuikur filmmaker in 2018 and fund that Kuikur villagers actively make dark earth by using ash, fd bits and cntrlled burns.(麻省理工学院的地球科学家Perrn回顾了2018年Kuikur电影制作人对Kuikur人的采访,发现Kuikur村民通过使用灰烬、食物碎片和控制燃烧积极地制造黑暗的土地)”及“When cmparing sil samples frm ancient and mdern sites, researchers fund “striking similarities”— bth were far less acidic than surrunding sils and cntained higher levels f plant-friendly nutrients.(在比较古代和现代遗址的土壤样本时,研究人员发现了“惊人的相似之处”——两者的酸性都远低于周围土壤,并且含有更高水平的植物友好营养物质)”可知,黑土地富含更多的利于植物成长的营养物质,也就是有机营养成分。故选B。
    29.推理判断题。根据第二段“Scans(扫描)f the Xingu regin suggest that the area is dtted with dark earth, and that hld as much as abut 9 millin tns f carbn — the annual carbn emissins f a small, industrialized cuntry. “This number culd rughly equal the annual carbn emissins f the United States when all dark earth acrss the Amazn is taken int cnsideratin,” Perrn says.(对新古地区的扫描表明,该地区散布着暗土,其中含有约900万吨碳——相当于一个小型工业化国家的年碳排放量。Perrn说:“这个数字大致相当于美国每年的碳排放量,如果把整个亚马逊地区的黑色土壤都考虑在内的话。”)”可知,这个地区的黑土地可以吸附的碳数量相当于一个小型工业化国家的碳排量。由此可推知,作者提到了美国每年的碳排放量,是为了强调黑土地巨大的碳储存能力。故选C。
    30.推理判断题。根据最后一段“With mre and mre greenhuse gases entering the atmsphere, it culd als prvide a blueprint fr develping methds f sustainably lcking atmspheric carbn in the sil, helping fight climate change.(随着越来越多的温室气体进入大气,它也可以为开发可持续地将大气碳锁定在土壤中的方法提供蓝图,帮助应对气候变化)”可知,黑土地极强的碳吸附能力为对抗全球气候变化提供了可能的解决方案。故选C。
    31.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Perrn, an earth scientist at MIT, reviewed interview s f Kuikur peple cnducted by a Kuikur filmmaker in 2018 and fund that Kuikur villagers actively make dark earth by using ash, fd bits and cntrlled burns.(麻省理工学院的地球科学家Perrn回顾了2018年Kuikur电影制作人对Kuikur人的采访,发现Kuikur村民通过使用灰烬、食物碎片和控制燃烧积极地制造黑暗的土地)”及文章第二段描述“黑土地极强的碳吸附能力”和第三段“黑土地为对抗全球气候变化提供了可能的解决方案”可知,本文主要介绍了关于黑土地的一些信息,由此可推知,B项“关于黑土地的事实”最适合作文章标题。故选B。
    32.隐含推断题。由第一段中的“Gather tgether a cuple f gd friends and take a leisurely strll thrugh the streets”和第二段中的“Participants can fllw a distinctive urban rute, saking up the atmsphere, explring ld buildings, brwsing butique shps, sipping a cup f cffee, r indulging in authentic lcal snacks.”可知,Citywalk意味着悠闲地在城市街道中漫步。参与者可以沿着独特的城市路线,感受城市氛围,探索古老建筑,逛精品店,品尝咖啡,或品味地道的当地小吃。由此可推断出Citywalk的主要概念是“城市漫步,多样化探索”。
    33.隐含推断题。由第三段中的“…launched six Citywalk rutes in different cities n her scial media accunt recently, with the aim f prviding experiences fr visitrs t ‘walk in pen-air museums’.”可知,社交媒体上推出了六条不同城市的Citywalk路线,目的是为游客提供“在露天博物馆中漫步”的体验,这表明她的目标是为游客提供独特的城市探索体验。
    34.词句猜测题。根据画线词后的“new phenmenn”和“industry insiders(业内人士)”可推断出,Citywalk是一个相对特定和专业化的现象,与专业领域相关。故画线的词“niche”与specialized“专业化的”接近。
    35.观点态度题。由最后一段中的“Citywalk is ffering a psitive change t urban travelers as they can better chse the experiences that align with their interests and needs.”(Citywalk为城市旅行者提供了积极的改变,使他们能够更好地选择符合其兴趣和需求的体验)可知,作者对这一趋势持乐观态度。
    ①persnalized adj. 个性化的 ②tailred adj. 专门的;定制的
    37.空前提到“我们可以改变一下环境”,B项“对一些人来说,一些小的改变可能就起作用”呼应上文,都是关于改变,空后一句中“rerganizing ur desk r taking a new rute t wrk”是B项中“small changes”的具体内容;且B项与下文“Hwever, fr thers, bigger changes such as a new jb r a marriage are required.(然而,对另一些来说,需要大一点的改变比如一份新工作或者婚姻)”形成对比。故选B项。
    38.空前提到“换句话说,我们应该像从未见过它们一样,来看待它们”,G项“尽管我们可能有一些知识,‘初识者’思维允许我们对经历保持开放的态度”,是说明空前提到的方法的好处,空后内容是对G项中的“Beginners’ mind”进行举例说明,上下文衔接紧密,故选G项。
    39.空处位于句首,是段落主题句,根据本段内容“diverse experiences, views and backgrunds”及“Because they are key drivers f the develpment f new ideas and slutins.(因为它们是新思想和解决办法发展的关键驱动因素)”可知,本段主要说差异的好处,所以A项“寻找差异也有帮助”切题。故选A项。
    40.根据空后“它们可以是那些进展良好或者我们所感激的事情”可知,E项“花一些时间来考虑生活中美好的事情”切题,空后的They指代E项中“the beautiful things”,故选E项。
    41.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:加利福尼亚州一所小学的学生在艺术老师的帮助下创建了一条电话热线,人们可以在困难时期拨打该热线,从孩子们那里获得愉快的建议。A.reasnable 合理的;B.rare 罕见的;C.mysterius 神秘的;D.cheerful 高兴的。下文“during difficult times(在困难时期)”指出是在困难时期寻求建议,应该是要寻求积极向上,令人开心的建议。故选D项。
    42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:杰西卡·马丁在加利福尼亚州希尔兹堡的西区学校教授艺术,她认为她的学生可能会掌握在这些困难时期给人们带来平静所需的神奇词汇。A.thught 认为; B.cmplained 抱怨; C.declared宣称;D.insisted 坚持。上文“Students at an elementary schl in Califrnia, with the help f their art teacher, created a telephne htline(加利福尼亚州一所小学的学生在艺术老师的帮助下创建了一条电话热线)”指出,学生们创建电话热线电话是在老师的帮助之下,因此可推测老师肯定认为这一通热线是有意义的。故选A项。
    43.考查名词词义辨析。句意:杰西卡·马丁在加利福尼亚州希尔兹堡的西区学校教授艺术,她认为她的学生可能会掌握在这些困难时期给人们带来平静所需的神奇词汇。A.wealth 财富;B.attentin注意力;C.calm平静;D.luck 运气。下文“T hear the pure…frm kids is extremely cmfrting,(从孩子们那里听到纯粹的…是非常令人欣慰的,)”指出拨打热线会让人感到舒服,即它给予人们的是心情上好的转变,变得平静属于此类。故选C项。
    44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“从孩子们那里听到纯粹的快乐是非常令人欣慰的,”她说。A.cmment评论;B.jy愉悦,快乐;C.praise 表扬;D.mind思想。下文“It ffers the happy vices...(它提供了快乐的声音…)”指出该热线提供快乐的声音,故能带给人愉悦。故选B项。
    45.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但当马丁6岁的儿子为热线画一个广告时,并拼写为“PepTc”时,他们决定更喜欢这个。A.prnunced宣布;B.typed 打字;C.spelled 拼写;D.drew 画。上文“Actually, they called it “Pep Talk”(鼓励话语)first.(事实上,他们首先称之为“鼓励话语”。)”指出,最初该热线是另一个名字,和老师的儿子提供了存在字母上的差异,可推测这是老师6岁的儿子把单词拼写错了。故选C项。
    46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但当马丁6岁的儿子为热线画一个广告时,并拼写为“PepTc”时,他们决定更喜欢这个。A.decided 决定; B.learned 学习;C.changed 改变;D.assumed 认为。上文“The prject was called“PepTc”.(该项目被称为“PepTc”)”指出,该热线的名字为“PepTc”,是由最初的名字改过来的,故表明在得到“PepTc”这个,名字之后,他们决定选择后者而不是最初的名字。故选A项。
    47.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:热线电话有英文和西班牙文两种版本。A.spken口头的;B.memrable 值得纪念的;C.ppular 流行的;D.available 可用的。下文“in English and Spanish(用英文和西班牙文打电话)”指出,该热线可以通过两种语言拨打,故通过这两种语言都能用该热线。故选D项。
    48.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它提供不同年龄段的儿童快乐的声音,分享积极的信息。A.callers呼叫者;B.children 孩子;C.artists 艺术家;D.peratrs操作员。上文“Students at an elementary schl in Califrnia, with the help f their art teacher, created a telephne htline that peple can call t get cheerful advice frm kids during difficult times.(加利福尼亚州一所小学的学生在艺术老师的帮助下创建了一条电话热线,人们可以在困难时期拨打该热线,从孩子们那里获得愉快的建议。)”指出,该热线是小学生创建的,因此听到的声音肯定是孩子们的。故选B项。
    49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:例如,按3,你可以听到一群幼儿园的孩子一起说:“你能行!继续努力!不要放弃!”A.witness 目击;B.suggest 建议;C.catch 抓住;D.hear听见。上文““T hear the pure jy frm kids is extremely cmfrting,” she says.(“从孩子们那里听到纯粹的快乐是非常令人欣慰的,”她说。)”指出, 拨打热线能够听到孩子们的快乐。故选D项。
    50.考查动词词义辨析。句意:按4,会产生孩子们咯咯笑的声音——这种声音肯定会让任何人都会心一笑。A.generates产生;B.recrds记录;C.analyzes 分析;D.breaks 打破。上文“It ffers the happy vices f children f different ages sharing psitive messages.(它提供不同年龄段的儿童快乐的声音,分享积极的信息。)”指出,只要拨打热线,就能听到不同的儿童快乐的声音,故此处肯定指的是按下3热线那头就传来笑声,即有笑声产生。故选A项。
    51.考查名词词义辨析。句意:按4,会产生孩子们咯咯笑的声音——这种声音肯定会让任何人都会心一笑。A.mark 记号;B.wrinkle 皱纹;C.smile 微笑;D.tear 眼泪。上文““T hear the pure jy frm kids is extremely cmfrting,” she says.(“从孩子们那里听到纯粹的快乐是非常令人欣慰的,”她说。)”指出拨打热线让人舒服,故听到孩子们的笑声,任何人的脸上会出现跟笑声一样的笑容。故选C项。
    52.考查动词词组辨析。句意:按1,会给那些“感到精神错乱、沮丧或紧张”的人带来一些想法。A.brings up 调出,带来;B.laughs at 嘲笑;C.gives away 泄露;D.turn t 向…求助。下文“Helpful suggestins include “punch yur pillw”, r “g get a ckie”.(有用的建议包括“打枕头”或“去拿饼干”。)”指出按1能收到一些建议,故这些建议是按1这个动作带来的。故选A项。
    53.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:按1,会给那些“感到精神错乱、沮丧或紧张”的人带来一些想法。A.distracted 思想不集中的;B.cntent满意的;C.peaceful 平和的;D.nervus紧张的。上文“feeling mad, frustrated, r(感到精神错乱、沮丧或)”指出按1的人是精神错乱或者沮丧的人,因此空格处的用于表明人的状况的词也和这两个词一样指出精神状态的问题,故nervus符合语境。故选D项。
    54.考查名词词义辨析。句意:按2,会得到“鼓励和生活建议的话语”。A.management管理; B.encuragement 鼓励;C.judgement判断;D.argument争论。下文“The…is a better place with yu in it.(有你在,…会变得更美好。)”对拨打热线的人给予了表扬,这是一种鼓励。故选B项。
    55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:其中包括诸如“有你在,世界会变得更美好。”之类的信息。A.htline 热线;B.wrld 世界;C.schl学校;D.street街道。上文“Students at an elementary schl in Califrnia, with the help f their art teacher, created a telephne htline that peple can call t get cheerful advice frm kids during difficult times.(加利福尼亚州一所小学的学生在艺术老师的帮助下创建了一条电话热线,肯定是正对社会上各行各业的人,因此地点范围不应该局限在学校或者小地方,而是告诉人们整个世界都因为他们变得更好。故选B项。
    57.考查形容词。句意:专家表示,这一举措显示了中国文化的重要影响力,有助于推动全球文明倡议。空格处应用形容词作定语,修饰名词influence, significance是名词,其形容词是significant,意为“重要的”,故填significant。
    58.考查介词。句意:专家表示,这一举措显示了中国文化的重要影响力,有助于推动全球文明倡议。结合句意和空前的cntribute可知,本空填介词t, cntribute t 意为“有助于”,为固定搭配。故填t。
    59.考查非谓语动词。句意:农历新年不仅承载着中华文明所崇尚的和平与和谐的理念,也承载着家庭和睦、人与自然和谐相处等人类共同的价值观。分析句子结构,本句谓语为bears,空格处作非谓语,动词value“重视,珍视”与the ideas f peace and harmny是逻辑上的被动关系, 应用动词的过去分词形式,作后置定语,故填valued。
    61.考查动词时态。句意:农历新年之所以能超越国界,并受到许多国家的欢迎,主要是因为中国丰富的文化遗产和全球化的驱动力。lie in“在于”。分析句子结构,空格处作谓语,根据句意和is可知,本句陈述事实,时态为一般现在时,主语是The reasn是第三人称单数,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,故填lies。
    62.考查副词。句意:在全球化的趋势下,人们对多元文化的兴趣逐渐增加,农历新年已成为人们交流联系的主要手段。空格处应用副词修饰动词increasing, gradual是形容词,其副词是 gradually,意为“逐渐地”,故填gradually。
    63.考查非谓语动词。句意:在全球化的趋势下,人们对多元文化的兴趣逐渐增加,农历新年已成为人们交流联系的主要手段。分析句子结构,本句谓语为has becme,此处用非谓语动词,用动词cmmunicate“交流”的不定式作后置定语,修饰名词means。故填t cmmunicate。
    65.考查定语从句。句意:因此,正式承认中国新年为联合国节日,充分体现了对文明传承和创新的重视,将促进世界不同文化之间的交流互鉴,积极体现联合国多元包容的文化理想价值观。分析句子结构可知,本空引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是the fficial recgnitin,指物,关系词代替先行词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which引导。故填which。

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