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    这是一份新疆生产建设兵团第四师第一中学2023-2024学年高三下学期3月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含新疆生产建设兵团第四师第一中学2023-2024学年高三下学期3月月考英语试题原卷版docx、新疆生产建设兵团第四师第一中学2023-2024学年高三下学期3月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共28页, 欢迎下载使用。

    总分120分 考试时间120分钟
    At Summer at Emersn, we believe each child is unique. Our staff (全体职工) are cmmitted t (致力于) challenging ur campers t discver and imprve individual talents and creative abilities.
    Abut Summer at Emersn
    Summer at Emersn is pen t all students, regardless f which schl they attend. We ffer several individual (独立的) weeks f half-day camps and full-day camps t children wh have cmpleted r will end grades K-8 during the 2022-2023 schl year. Nte: A child wh is enrlling (注册) in Kindergarten in the 2023-2024 schl year is nt yet qualified (能胜任) t attend Summer at Emersn
    Facilities & Staff
    Emersn Schl is equipped with (配备有) technlgy labs, Perfrming Arts Theater, and gymnasium (体育馆) as well as the utdr sprts fields, and nature areas will be fully used thrughut the summer staff f caring and experienced instructrs. All camps are designed and run by a prfessinal and cunselrs (顾问). Summer at Emersn is fully permitted (允许;准许) by the State f Michigan as a child care prvider, and the majrity f ur staff members are CPR and First Aid certified (获得资格的).
    Camp Dates
    Camp Hurs
    Mrning Camp:9:00a.m.-12:00p.m Afternn Camp:1:00p.m.- 4:00p.m.
    Camp Fees
    Half-Day Camps: $165-$230 Full-Day Camps: $300-$345
    Cntact Us
    If yu have any questins, please email, call, r text: summer@ emersn-schl. rg r 734-660-5108. We lk frward t prviding a safe and engaging (令人愉快的) summer experience fr yur child.
    1. Wh is qualified t attend Summer at Emersn?
    A. Children t start grades K-8 in the 2022-2023 schl year.
    B. Children t register fr Kindergarten in the 2023-2024 schl year.
    C. Children having cmpleted grades K-7 in the 2023-2024 schl year.
    D. Children having finished grades K-8 during the 2022-2023 schl year.
    2. When des the Week 4 Camp take place?
    A. March 27-31.B. June 19-23.C. July 17-21.D. August 7-11.
    3. Wh is the text intended fr?
    A. Students.B. Parents.C. Teachers.D. Caches.
    Nt nly des the use f plastic water bttles hurt yur wallet, it als increases pllutin and wastes energy and water. Only 23% f all plastic in America ends up in a recycling bin, meaning ver $ 1 billin wrth f plastic is treated as rubbish a year. Recently, Skipping Rcks Lab has invented a kind f water bttle called Oh.
    It is a cnvenient, clear water bttle that can either be drunken r eaten. T drink it, yu can either peel ff the membrane (薄膜) r tear a hle in the membrane with yur teeth t pur the water int yur muth. T eat it, yu simply put the whle bttle in yur muth. One prblem the scientists have run int is hw t ship large amunts f Oh bubbles(水泡) withut arriving with a very wet truck. Hwever, they have attempted t package units f individual bubbles tgether inside a larger and thicker membrane. It is targeting large utdr events, such as marathns, music festivals, and sprting events, where tns f plastic bttles are used, and frequently left behind as litter. And t much plastic is sure t d harm t the envirnment, which culd accunt fr their purpse f such a new inventin.
    The team has been wrking fr the past tw years t develp the technlgy and materials needed t prduce Oh; they have recently applied a patent fr their new advancements. The price fr an individual bubble r a unit f bubbles has nt been set yet, but they cst abut tw cents t create a unit, which is cheaper than plastic bttles. It has appeared at events in Lndn, San Francisc, Bstn, at cnferences, festivals, and s n.
    Oh is catching many peple’s attentin and has raised ver $ 1 millin and gained 1,000 investrs in nly three days. It is mstly being sld at events at the mment t keep the cnsumer’s interest while the prductin machine is getting up and running. It is quickly making a rise,s keep an eye ut this year fr these bttles f the future.
    4. Hw is mst plastic dealt with in America?
    A. It’s sld.B. It’s recycled.
    C. It’s buried.D. It’s wasted.
    5 Why did the team invent Oh?
    A. T make a prfit fr a cmpany.B. T prtect the envirntnent.
    C. T make peple eat as they drink.D. T reduce the cst f plastic bttle.
    6. What can we infer abut Oh frm the text?
    A. It is easy and safe t ship it in large amunts.
    B. It has becme ppular since it began t be sld.
    C. It might be sld at a lwer price than plastic bttles.
    D. It cst the team a lt f mney t develp the technlgy.
    7. What des the authr really want t say in the last paragraph?
    A. Oh is t be a success in the future.
    B. Oh is being supprted by smart peple.
    C. Oh is taking the place f plastic bttles nw.
    D. Oh is being prduced t attract mre investrs.
    I never knew anyne wh'd grwn up in Jacksn withut being afraid f Mrs. Callway, ur librarian. She ran Jacksn's Carnegie Library abslutely by herself. SILENCE in big black letters was n signs hung everywhere. If she thught yu were dressed imprperly, she sent yu straight back hme t change yur clthes. I was willing; I wuld d anything t read.
    My mther was nt afraid f Mrs. Callway. She wished me t have my wn library card t check ut bks fr myself. She tk me in t intrduce me.“Eudra is nine years ld and has my permissin t read any bk she wants frm the shelves, children r adults,” Mther said.
    Mrs. Callway made her wn rules abut bks. Yu culd nt take back a bk t the library n the same day yu'd taken it ut; she didn't care whether yu'd read every wrd in it and needed anther t start. Yu culd take ut tw bks at a time and tw at mst. S tw by tw, I read library bks as fast as I culd g, rushing them hme in the basket f my bicycle. Frm the minute I reached ur huse, I started t read. I knew this was extreme happiness, and knew it at the time.
    My mther shared this feeling f mine. Nw, I think f her as reading s much f the time while ding smething else. I remember her reading a magazine while acting the Wlf in a game f “Little Red Riding Hd” with my brther's tw daughters. She'd just lk up at the right time, lng enugh t answer—“I will eat yu, my dear,” and g back t her place in the magazine article.
    8. Which f the fllwing statements wuld Mrs. Callway mst likely agree with?
    A. Readers can speak alud in her library.
    B. Readers can brrw ne bk every time.
    C. Readers can return a bk t the library n the 8ame day they brrw it.
    D. Readers can take ut any bk they want frm the shelves withut returning it.
    9. Which can best describe Mrs. Callway?
    A. Creative and helpful.B. Outging and patient.
    C. Silent and humrus.D. Strict and principled.
    10. What d the underlined wrds “this feeling” refer t in the last paragraph?
    A. Lve fr her jb.B. Wrries abut the library rules.
    C. Eagerness t read.D. Admiratin fr Mrs. Callway,
    11. What can be inferred abut the authr's mther accrding t the passage?
    A. She has a great passin fr reading.B. She enjys playing games with children.
    C. She is interested in playing the part f a wlf,D. She always frces the authr t g t the library t read bks.
    The Shiants, remte, cliff-edged islands ff the cast f Sctland are hme t 350,000 seabirds. This is the starting pint fr Natinal Gegraphic cntributr Adam Niclsn’s new bk, The Seabirds Cry. Celebrating 10 species in detail, he describes the unbelievable recvery f seabirds and the many adaptatins that have enabled them t survive and navigate the ceans, while sunding a lud call fr their cnservatin amng severely falling numbers.
    Speaking frm his hme in Sussex, England, Niclsn explains why guillemt (海雀) clnies are infrmatin exchange centers: hw new research is shwing that thse lng-distance travelers. The shearwaters, "smell" their way acrss the glbe; and what we can d t supprt seabird ppulatins.
    Natinal Gegraphic has just kicked ff Year f the Bird with a cver stry by Jnathan Franzen titled "Why Birds Matter ". The beginning f Year f the Bird is beneficial t birds. Niclsn said, "Ill ask yu the same questin-why? Fr me, these seabirds are symbls f uniqueness. There is s much n the land where the rest f the living wrld seems t be cntrlled by us, but when yu g t seabird clnies, there is this pumping, lud and raging uniqueness. It's a glance f the untuched wrld. ”
    “The reasn why it's untuched is that, until recently, we have nt cntrlled the ceans that the seabirds depend n. Mre f them have survived in greater numbers than mst ther creatures in the develped wrld, where huge amunts f the animal kingdm have been remved by us. And s ne reasn these birds matter is that they are symbls f what the wrld might be if we hadn't dne s much damage t it. "He added.
    “Seabirds als tend t disappear; they’re nt reliably f ur wrld, due t their migratin and habits f life. Very deep in ur cnsciusness is a sense that they are ambassadrs frm anther wrld. And witnessing and feeling that is, I think, ne f the great enlargers f life.” Niclsn explained.
    12. What is the bk The Seabirds Cry mainly abut?
    A. Seabirds n an island.B. The extinctin f seabirds.
    C. The imprtance f seabird.D. Seabirds in the authr's hmetwn.
    13. What can we learn frm Niclsn’s speech?
    A. The wisdm f seabirds.B. Ways t prtect seabird.
    C. Migratin rutes f seabirds.D. The harder situatin f seabirds.
    14. What des the underlined phrase "kicked ff" in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Watched ut frB. Cut acrss
    C. ExpressedD. Started
    15. Which is a lucky thing fr seabirds in Niclsn’s view?
    A. The sea is t large t be plluted.
    B. The sea isn't entirely gverned by humans.
    C. The seabirds are able t fit the envirnment.
    D. The seabirds are living in the develped wrld.
    Hw t Have a Successful Teenage Life
    Everyne wants t succeed in their life, dn’t they?____16____ Fllw the steps belw, and successful teenage years will fllw suit!
    D well in schl.____17____ Strive fr excellence in schl; try yur best, listen t the teachers, d yur hmewrk, study, and get gd grades. Ding s will help yu get int a better cllege/university, which will enable yu t get a great jb in the future. Schl sets yu up n the right track!
    Help ut in yur cmmunity. Vlunteering can nt nly imprve yur cmmunity’s status, but als make yu happier. Studies shw that peple wh vlunteer are less likely t develp depressin and ther emtinal issues. Find vlunteer pprtunities that interest yu. If yu lve animals, vlunteer at an animal shelter.____18____ If yu lve helping the envirnment, plant trees r pick up litter. When yu help thers, it will make yu feel better abut yurself.
    ____19____ Remember they’re there t help yu be the best that yu can be. Respect them and value their pinins, even if they anny yu smetimes. Keep in mind that they d the things they d because they care abut yu and want yu t succeed in life. Yu dn’t get t chse yur teachers r yur parents, but yu still have t put up with them.
    Figure ut yur gals in life and wrk tward them.____20____ Start thinking abut careers yu wuld like t be in, but make a gd chice based n yur interests and strengths. This culd be yur jb fr the rest f yur life! Yu culd als wrk twards nn-career-related gals, such as creating yur wn fundraiser, getting grades in schl, jining a team sprt, etc. Challenge yurself and yu will be surprised at what yu can accmplish!
    A. Even as a teenager, yu can achieve success in yur life..
    B. Have gd friends t help yu ut
    C. If yu lve helping peple, vlunteer at a sup kitchen.
    D. Be nice t yur parents and teachers.
    E. If we want t succeed we must wrk hard.
    F. Only when yu knw yur gals in life can yu set yur directin t wrk twards them.
    G. N matter hw bring it is nw, educatin will help yu be a prductive member in sciety.
    A by was sent t the wisest man, wh lived n a beautiful castle high n the muntain, t learn the secret f happiness.
    On entering the hall f the castle, the by saw the wise man talking with everyne there, and the by had t ____21____ fr tw hurs befre it was his turn t get his attentin. Later, the wise man listened ____22____ and then suggested that the by lk arund the palace and return in tw hurs t get the ____23____ . Meanwhile, the wise man handed the by a teaspn that held tw drps f ____24____. As yu wander arund, carry this spn with yu withut allwing the il t ____25____”
    The by began climbing and walking dwn many f the stairways f the palace, keeping his eyes ____26____ n the spn. After tw hurs, he returned t the ____27____ where the wise man was. “Did yu see the Persian tapestries (壁毯) that are hanging in my dining hall? Did yu see the garden that tk the master gardener ten years t create? ” ____28____ the wise man. The by was ____29____. He had bserved nthing. His nly _____30_____ had been nt t spill the il. “Then g back and bserve the wnders f my wrld, ’’ smiled the wise man.
    _____31_____, the by picked up the spn and returned t his explratin f the palace. He saw all f the wrks f art n the ceilings and the _____32_____, the gardens, and the muntains all arund him. Upn returning t the wise man, he tld _____33_____ everything he had seen. “But where are the drps f il?” asked the wise man. Lking dwn at the spn he held, the by saw that the il was _____34_____. The wise man said, “The secret f happiness is t see all the marvels f the wrld and never t _____35_____ the drps f il n the spn. ‘‘
    21. A. hldB. listenC. watchD. wait
    22. A. carelesslyB. attentivelyC. srrwfullyD. clearly
    23. A. explratinB. acceptanceC. explanatinD. recgnitin
    24. A. waterB. ilC. saltD. tea
    25. A. spillB. destryC. fallD. disappear
    26. A. tiedB. addedC. fixedD. dragged
    27. A. hallB. bedrmC. castleD. ffice
    28. A. rderedB. repliedC. frgaveD. asked
    29 A. amazedB. ashamedC. delightedD. satisfied
    30 A. expressinB. patienceC. cncernD. questin
    31. A. RelievedB. BredC. AngryD. Hpeless
    32. A. flrsB. tablesC. drsD. walls
    33. A. in returnB. in detailC. in generalD. in public
    34. A. gneB. filledC. meltedD. btained
    35. A. rememberB. keepC. frgetD. hld
    Keeping a diary in English is ne f the ____36____ (effect) ways t imprve ur English writing ability. ____37____ (cmpare) with ther frms f writing, it is shrter and takes ____38____(little)time. It can help us t develp the habit f thinking in English. ____39____ we insist in this practice, gradually we’ll learn hw t express ____40____ (we) in English. In keeping a diary in English, we certainly cme acrss many ____41____ (difficult). In the first place, ____42____ ften happens that we have truble ____43____ (find) prper wrds and phrases t give expressin t ur mind. Secndly, there are many idimatic ways f saying things in Chinese.
    As far as I’m ____44____ ( cncern), my suggestin is that we shuld always have a ntebk and a Chinese-English dictinary within easy reach. We can als turn t ur English teacher fr help, if necessary. In shrt, I believe that it is f great use t keep a diary in English fr _____45_____ develpment f ur writing skills.
    46. 假定你是李华,上周五你校邀请了大学的刘教授做线上讲座,为全体同学介绍了英语学习的规律与方法。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
    Prfessr Liu Gave an Inspiring Lecture
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落的开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Being withut wrk can be scary and verwhelming, especially when yu have a family t supprt.
    Patrick Hagland is a 30-year-ld dad f ne wh was suddenly laid ff frm his jb at a metal recycling cmpany. He was desperate t find anther jb and in this ecnmy, that isn’t very easy. Hwever, as a father, he culdn’t affrd t be withut wrk.
    “I definitely had fear,” Hagland admitted. “My wife and I, we dn’t make a whle lt f mney individually. Once I lst my jb, everything was put n her.” S a mnth after being laid ff, he decided t stand n a busy radside f a Phenix highway and simply hand ut cpies f his resume!
    Befre figuring ut his uncnventinal strategy, Patrick had tried t apply t many jbs, bth nline and in persn. The lack f respnse eventually led t his idea. “I wasn’t getting any respnses,“ he said.” I was getting frustrated. It ppped int my head, stand n a crner and hld a sign and hand ut resumes. At first I laughed abut it... but I kept thinking abut it. I figured, why nt?! There are millins f peple in Phenix driving arund; smene might give me a jb ffer.”
    Fr three days, fr a few hurs each day, Patrick handed his resume ut t strangers. He als held a sign which read “Please take a resume. Laid-ff. Lking fr a jb.”
    During ne f these sessins, a wman named Melissa DiGianfilipp, wner f Serendipity Cnsulting, passed by. She was driving dwn Camel back Rd in Phx near her ffice and saw this guy n the side f the rad with a smile in 110-degree heat, with a sign asking peple t take his resume. She was impressed with Patrick because it was 110℃ utside and what she saw was really unexpected.
    Melissa nticed hw much creativity this mve tk, s she grabbed a cpy f his resume and decided t pst it n scial media.
    Patrick is thankful t everyne wh has helped him get his dream jb.
    Spring Break Camp: March 27-31
    Week 1: June 19-23
    Week 2: June 26-30
    Week 3: July 10-14
    Week 4:July 17-21
    Week 5: July 24-28

    2023-2024学年新疆生产建设兵团第三师图木舒克市第一中学高三上学期11月月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年新疆生产建设兵团第三师图木舒克市第一中学高三上学期11月月考英语试题含答案,共7页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 37, This is partly,简要描述;2等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年新疆生产建设兵团第二师八一中学高一上学期第一次月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年新疆生产建设兵团第二师八一中学高一上学期第一次月考英语试题含答案,共20页。试卷主要包含了25后150分),5分, 共16小题等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    新疆生产建设兵团第二师八一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题: 这是一份新疆生产建设兵团第二师八一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题,共9页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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