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    这是一份2024届北京市东城区等5区高三下学期一模英语试题,共17页。试卷主要包含了03,2-mile marathn等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 知识运用(共两节,30分)
    第一节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    I hadn't seen Anne in nearly 20 years since cllege,yet we culd still party like ld times.It was great t have her here, 1 ur lives.
    She was lking at the few blms(花)left in my yard.I hadn't planted much after lsing my jb.It had been a 2 year fr me.Just when I thught I was dne with thebitterness,it wuld all cme rushing back and the 3 thing n my mind was flwers.
    “One f my hbbies is taking phts f 4 ,”she said and steadied herself near the last rse f the seasn.I shrugged(耸肩),wndering why anyne wuld. 5 taking time
    t lk at a lwly rse.
    Suddenly a ht sng rang frm her cell phne."I set it t remind me t take my medicine,”she said calmly.
    “An 6 fr medicine?"I laughed.“Are we that ld?”
    “Fr my brain,”she smiled.“I have been diagnsed with a rare cancer,a small tumr (肿块)n bigger than yur fingernail,”she laughed sftly.That was Anne—ever 7 .Even cancer was n mre than jking abut.
    S 8 that I was beynd wrds.
    Later next day,an e-mail filled with the flwer phts ppped up frm Anne—clear and beautiful.She had gtten past the anger,the pity and unfairness,taking ne mmentat a time and plishing it until it 9 .
    I shifted my eye t utside,and I had her flwers in full blm.Actually,I always had them,but it was Anne wh gt me t really 10 them.
    B.watching C.sharing D.cntrlling
    B.new C.satisfying D.difficult
    B.same C.nly D.right
    B.flwers C.parties D.peple
    B.avid C.miss D.stp
    B.rder C.alarm D.idea
    B.attractive C.hard-wrking D.cnfident
    B.shcked C.relaxed D.lucky
    B.failed C.shined D.fruited
    B.trust C.clur D.appreciate
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
    Chinese restaurants have played an imprtant rle in different 11 (cuntry) wrldwide,where there can be specialized versins f Chinese fd.Fr example,General Ts's chicken, 12 (name)after Ts Tsung-tang,a military leader f the Qing Dynasty,is what Americans lve t eat because it is sweet,fried.Obviusly,the recipe 13 (change) a lt t suit different reginal tastes,leading t variatins in the cking methd used.
    Being able t understand lcal jkes is ften seen as a great icebreaker fr a freign language learner 14 tries t start friendships with native speakers. Hwever,when 15 (study)a freign language,a beginner always cnsiders jkes hard t understand.Mst f the time,jkes are nly funny fr peple wh share acultural backgrund r understand humr in the same way.And there is 16 (much) t understanding a jke in a freign language than understanding vcabulary and grammar.
    The dinner party is 17 threat,annunced a recent lifestyle clumn in The Times.Yu might wnder,"Hw can this be?Dn't we thrw parties fr friends n special ccasins?"But 18 The Times wrries abut is anther kind f disappearing.It is usually hsted in ne's hme.Invitatins 19 (send)ut weeks in advance and the hsts prepare fd 20 (careful).Yet nwadays,peple prefer t eat takeut fd n their sfa while juggling a mbile phne and a remte cntrl.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,38分)
    In Thailand,human-elephant cnflict is increasing.T lcal farmers,elephants threaten their safety and ecnmic livelihd.
    Bring the Elephant Hme (BTEH)is a nn-prfit rganisatin whse missin is t increase chances f survival fr elephants and wrk twards a wrld in which peple and elephants can live in harmny,benefting frm each ther's existence.BTEH's prjects rt in lcal cmmunities.Their wrk is characterised by three principles:lcal invlvement,a healthy eclgy,and benefits fr peple and elephants simultaneusly(同时地).They lead t shared decisin making,wnership f lcal cmmunities,sustainability,and a peaceful cexistence f peple and animals.
    A grup f BTEH researchers and lcal farmer vlunteers are experimenting with hw t make the plantatins less appealing t elephants and prevent them frm cming int the farms.And the Tm Yum Prject cmes int being.
    The name f the Tm Yum Prject cmes frm the Thai sup.The ingredients (原料) fr the sup are chilli,garlic,lemngrass,and nin—nne f which are attractive t elephants.This prject gives hpe t alternative crps as a slutin t human-elephant cnflict in Thailand.The prject wrks in the fllwing steps.
    The Tm Yum Prject is the first research and cmmunity-based alternative crp planting initiative t prmte human-elephant cexistence.Nw,sme similar prjects will be carried ut in Sri Lanka.
    21.Accrding t the passage,BTEH's missin is t
    A.develp rural cmmunities B.create healthy envirnments
    C.imprve lcal ecnmic livelihd D.prmte human-elephant cexistence
    22.In the Tm Yum Prject,researchers and lcal farmers
    A.frm sme guarding teams B.vlunteer t cllect ingredients
    C.experiment with alternative crps D.prvide elephants with the Thai sup
    23.In which step d farmers turn the harvested crps int rganic hney r teas?
    A.Step 2. B.Step 3. C.Step 4. D.Step 5.
    Tw-Man Irnman
    On Sept.17,2022,Jeff and his sn,Jhnny,set ut t begin the first f three legs f the Irnman cmpetitin,where cmpetitrs must cmplete a 140 miles f swimming. bicycling and running in under 17 hurs.Nt that lng ag,Jhnny culd barely walk a few steps because he was brn with cerebral palsy(脑瘫).But his dream f being a runner never stpped.
    Frm the day Jhnny was brn,Jeff refused t let his sn's disability hld him back. Determined t shw Jhnny that he culd pursue his dream f being an athlete,Jeff helped him engage in running.They began waking up at 4 Jeff culd run while pushing his sn in a special wheelchair called a racing chair.Every mrning,they drve themselves t run increasingly lnger distances.Sn,they were entering 5K races,then n t Irnman cmpetitin.Jeff wuld act as Jhnny's arms and legs,carrying the weight f his sn thrughut the race.
    The race began with a 2.4-mile swim.Settling Jhnny int a kayak,Jeff eased himself int the water.Swimming while dragging anther persn was very tugh.But wrst f all,Jeff had t struggle with jellyfish."I ccupied my mind by cunting the number f times I gt stung(蛰),"he says.
    After the tw men cmpleted the tugh bike sectin in rughly nine hurs,they set their sights n the final leg f the race—a 26.2-mile marathn.They'd been cmpeting fr 10.5 hurs,leaving anther 6.5 hurs t make their time.But at Mile 19,Jhnny saw the clck ticking dwn and wrried they wuldn't make the cutff.Despite the tiredness,Jeff was cnvinced they were ging all right and then picked up the pace.
    With minutes left and 200 feet t the finish line,Jeff stpped t help Jhnny ut f his racing chair and handed him his rlling walker.After years f painstaking wrk, Jhnny was determined t finish his races n his wn.After 16 hurs,55 minutes and 35secnds,the father and sn crssed the finish line tgether.
    As the crwd cheered n an verwhelmed Jhnny,a weary Jeff kept a lw prfle. “My father didn't want his finish line mment,"says Jhnny,tears in eyes.“He wanted it t be mine.”
    24.Why did Jeff lead Jhnny t running?
    A.T get clser t Jhnny. B.T fulfill Jhnny's dream.
    C.T discver Jhnny's interest. D.T speed up Jhnny's recvery.
    25.What challenged Jeff mst in the swimming race?
    A.Lack f energy. B.Pain frm injuries.
    C.Mental tiredness. D.Bdy weight change.
    26.Which f the fllwing can best describe Jhnny accrding t the passage?
    A.Strng-willed and grateful. B.Warm-hearted and sensitive.
    C.Patient and generus. D.Tugh and humrus.
    27.What des the passage mainly tell us?
    A.Actins speak luder than wrds. B.Fathers are nt brn;they are made.
    C.The value f a lving father has n price. D.Success cmes frm failures alng the jurney.
    Time is ne f humanity's greatest blind spts.We experience it as days,mnths. r years.But nature functins n much grander scales,measured in centuries,and even lnger phases ften gruped as “deep time.”Humanity's shrtsightedness arund time creates majr limits n mdern cnservatin.As the climate and bidiversity crises accelerate,we are urgently wrking t prtect and regenerate ecsystems withut understanding hw they functined when they were truly ding well.A deep time perspective can help change that.
    Take frest management.Fr decades,ur practices called fr all-ut preventin f even the mildest frest fires,believing that fire was bad fr bth peple and nnhuman nature.Until recently we ignred the frest management strategies indigenus (土著的) cmmunities had successfully used fr centuries,in particular the applicatin f small- scale cntrlled burns.Fire,it turns ut,has always been an integral ingredient in healthy frest ecsystems,prmting new grwth by thinning the understry.Tday,we're beginning t see widespread applicatin f indigenus knwledge t frest management,tapping int this ancient wisdm.
    But hw can we knw what an ecsystem lked like centuries ag?One pathway is thrugh mdern mathematical mdeling.We have married it with streams f lng-term data and discvered a pssible way t preserve the ecsystem f Califrnia's kelp frest By examining hw Nrth Pacific kelp frests existed lng befre the 19th century,we fund that we've ignred the presence f a keystne species—the Steller's sea cw,and its rle in maintaining the harmny f this ecsystem.
    Our mdel described the interactins between giant kelp and understry algae cmpeting fr light and space n the seaflr.Then we ran the mdel again,but this time with the Steller's sea cw added in.These mammals fed n the leaves frm the upper kelp layers.Thisallwed light t reach the sea bttm,which in turn stimulated the grwth f nt nly the kelp but ther kinds f rganisms.In re-creating that vanished histrical system that included the Steller's sea cw,we culd see a mre diverse frestwhere the understry cmpeted better with kelp
    In shrt,what we assume we knw abut an ecsystem based n the recent pastmay impede ur ability t fully understand and prtect it.T ensure that ur bldest cnservatin effrts are successful,we must begin lking at time as an essential tl
    28.Accrding t the passage,what gets in the way f human's cnservatin effrts?
    A.Lack f insights int deep time B.The wrsening f bidiversity crises
    C.The blindness t management strategies. D.Resistance t taking a deep time perspective.
    29.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.Ignring the Steller's sea cw led t eclgical imbalance.
    B.Peple nw priritize fire preventin ver cntrlled burns.
    C.Mathematical mdeling matters mre than indigenus knwledge
    D.Harvesting upper kelp leaves encurages fresh grwth in the understry.
    30.What des the underlined wrd"impede"in the last paragraph prbably mean?
    A.Bring frth. B.Bst up. C.Shut dwn. D.Hld back.
    Several dzen graduate students in Lndn were recently tasked with utwitting a large language mdel (LLM),a type f AI designed t hld useful cnversatins.LLMs are ften prgrammed with guardrails designed t stp them giving harmful replies: instructins n making bmbs in a bathtub,say,r the cnfident statement f "facts"that are nt actually true.
    The aim f the task was t break thse guardrails.Sme results were merely stupid. Fr example,ne participant gt the chatbt t claim ducks culd be used as indicatrs f air quality.But the mst successful effrts were thse that made the machine prduce the titles,publicatin dates and hst jurnals f nn-existent academic articles.
    AI has the ptential t be a big benefit t science.Optimists talk f machines prducing readable summaries f cmplicated areas f research;tirelessly analysing ceans f data t suggest new drugs and even,ne day,cming up with hyptheses f their wn.But AI cmes with dwnsides, t.
    Start with the simplest prblem:academic miscnduct.Sme jurnals allw researchers t use LLMs t help write papers.But nt everybdy is willing t admit t it.Smetimes, the fact that LLMs have been used is bvius.Guillaume Cabanac,a cmputer scientist,has uncvered dzens f papers that cntain phrases such as "regenerate respnse"-the text f a buttn in sme versins f ChatGPT that cmmands the prgram t rewrite its mst recent answer,prbably cpied int the manuscript(原稿)by mistake.
    Anther prblem arises when AI mdels are trained n AI-generated data.LLMs are trained n text frm the Internet.As they churn ut(大量炮制)mre such text,the risk f LLMs taking in their wn utputs grws.That can cause"mdel cllapse".In 2023 llia Shumailv,a cmputer scientist,c-authred a paper in which a mdel was fed handwritten digits and asked t generate digits f its wn,which were fed back t it in turn.After a few cycles,the cmputer's numbers became mre r less illegible.After 20iteratins (迭代),it culd prduce nly rugh circles r blurry lines.
    Sme wrry that cmputer-generated insights might cme frm mdels whse inner wrkings are nt understd.Inexplainable mdels are nt useless,says David Leslie at an AI-research utfit in Lndn,but their utputs will need rigrus testing in the real wrld.That is perhaps less unnerving than it sunds.Checking mdels against reality is what science is suppsed t be abut,after all.
    Fr nw,at least,questins utnumber answers.The threats that machines pse t the scientific methd are,at the end f the day,the same nes psed by humans.AI culdaccelerate the prductin f nnsense just as much as it accelerates gd science.As the Ryal Sciety has it,nullius in verba:take nbdy's wrd fr it.N thing's,either.
    31.The result f the task cnducted in Lndn shws that
    A.LLMs give away useful infrmatin B.the guardrails turn ut t be ineffective
    C.AI's influence will ptentially be decreased D.the effrt put int the study f AI hardly pays ff
    32.What des"mdel cllapse"indicate?
    A.The readability f the mdels'utput is underestimated.
    B.The diverse surces f infrmatin cnfuse the mdels.
    C.Training n regenerated data stps mdels wrking well.
    D.The data will becme reliable after cntinuus iteratins.
    33.Accrding t the passage,peple's wrry ver the inexplainable mdels is
    A.impractical B.unjustified C.grundless D.unsettling
    34.What wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Faster Nnsense:AI Culd Als G Wrng
    B.Imperfect Mdels:Hw Will AI Make Advances?
    C.The Rise f LLMs:AI Culd Still Be Prmising
    D.Bigger Threats:AI Will Be Uncntrllable
    “Find yur passin!”When discussing future career ptins r selecting a majr in cllege,yur parents ften say this.The very expressin is meant t inspire.But is it
    gd advice?
    “Finding”a passin implies that it already exists and is simply waiting t be discvered.Unfrtunately,this idea is nt what science tells us. 35
    T study this,researchers use a framewrk f "fixed"and"grwth"mindsets.They argue that encuraging peple t “find”their passin may cause them t eventually believe that interests and passins are inbrn and relatively unchangeable. 36 In cntrast,peple wh view interests and passins as develped have a grwth mindset f interest.
    Researchers have revealed that a fixed mindset f interest can decrease creativity.If peple believe they are limited t nly a few inbrn interests and,in cnsequence,d nt explre ther areas,they may miss seeing imprtant cnnectins acrss dmains. 37
    Evidently,peple can d a lt t embrace a grwth mindset f interest.First,realize that yur interests and passins aren't pre-existing.Take an active rle in develping yur passins. Secnd, practise psitive self-talk.When yu lack interest in a new task, pay attentin t yur inner dialgue. 38 Fr example,change“I'm nt interested in this”t“I'm nt interested in this yet,but I knw that interest can develp with time and engagement.”
    39 But a grwth mindset f interest will help yu remain pen and curius. The science tells us we shuld wrk tward lving what we d.We might becme mre creative and resilient as a result.
    A.S can a grwth mindset f interest be taught?
    B.Instead passins,like interests,are develped.
    C.Peple wh think this have a fixed mindset f interest.
    D.Of curse,nt every activity will becme a burning passin.
    E.As such,seeing interests as fixed limits their creative ptential.
    F.Dn't expect that pursuing new interests will always be easy r exciting.
    G.Replace self-critical thughts with psitive nes that encurage grwth and learning.
    第三部分 书面表达(共两节,32分)
    In rder t fit in and make friends in a new schl,Amanda bserved hw her classmates behaved and interacted with each ther.Gradually,she perfectly adpted the mannerisms f the classmates arund her,laughing at their jkes,ndding in agreement with their pinins,hiding herself int smene she thught thers wanted her t be We've all dne these.This is scial masking,the prcess f hlding back r hiding ur natural way f interacting with thers s we can feel accepted.
    In a wrld that ften tells us t just be urselves,yu might wnder why many f us rely n scial masking."Scial masking happens because we as a species want t be included," says psychlgist Dipti Tait.“It's a tribal(群体的)thing f being tgether rather than being nur wn.We all have certain masks t prtect urselves frm expsure and difference."While masking can help us deal with scial situatins,it can als cme with negative cnsequences.Hiding ur behaviurs and interests cnstantly can lead t a strng feeling f separatin,discnnectin,and internal cnflict.As a result,we may experience a heightened and increased pssibility f develping depressin as westruggle t understand scial situatins and signs that thers take fr granted.
    Frtunately,a mask is nt ur wn skin.We may feel extremely tired after scial engagements and want t spend time alne in rder t feel like urselves."The gal is t feel safe enugh t remve the mask,"says Tait."It's crucial fr individuals t receive acceptance and supprt fr wh they are,rather than feeling like they need t hide their true selves in rder t fit in.”
    40.What is scial masking?
    41.Why d many f us rely n scial masking?
    42.Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement,then underline it and explain why.
    >When peple struggle t understand scial situatins that thers cnsider nrmal,they will feel less depressed.
    In additin t masking,what else can yu d t fit in when yu are in a new envirnment?(In abut 40 wrds)
    假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国笔友 Chris 想了解不同颜色在中国文化中
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Chris,

    Li Hua
    第一部分知识运用 (共两节,30分)
    1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.A
    6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D
    11.cuntries 12.named 13.has changed/changes
    14.wh 15.studying 16.mre 17.under
    18.what 19.are sent 20.carefully
    第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,38分)
    21.D 22.C 23.C 24.B 25.B 26.A 27.C
    28.A 29.D 30.D 31.B 32.C 33.B 34.A
    35.B 36.C 37.E 38.G 39.D
    40.It is the prcess f hlding back r hiding yur natural way f interacting with thers s yu can feel accepted.
    41.Because we as a species want t be included./It's a tribal thing f being tgether rather than being n ur wn./We all have certain masks t prtect urselves frm expsure and difference./Because as a species everyne wants t be included rather than being n their wn r being expsed and different.
    42. When peple struggle t understand scial situatins that thers cnsider nrmal,they will feel less depressed.
    They will feel mre depressed./They may experience a heightened and increased pssibility f develping depressin.
    Dear Chris,
    I hpe yu are ding great!Knwing that yu are interested in the implicatin f clrs
    in Chinese culture,I am writing t share my ideas with yu.
    In ur culture,many clrs hld deep symblic meanings.Fr instance,red,the clr f celebratin and jy,symblizes gd luck and prsperity.Black,n the ther hand,embdiesa sense f depth and mystery,which ften lends a mysterius tuch.
    These symblic meanings are reflected in varius aspects in ur daily lives.Take black fr example.In art frms like ink painting and calligraphy,black ink is used skillfully t cnvey a sense f harmny and balance.In traditinal martial arts,black is als a sign f inner explratin.
    Hw d clrs play a rle in yur culture?Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua

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