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    这是一份陕西省安康市高新中学等校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含精品解析陕西省安康市高新中学等校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析陕西省安康市高新中学等校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    考试时长:120分钟 总分150分
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Hw will the speakers g t the cncert hall?
    A. By subway. B. On ft. C. By taxi.
    2. What d the speakers need t buy nw?
    A. Sme butter. B. Sme eggs. C. Sme bread.
    3. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A CD. B. A gift. C. A musician.
    4. What is the weather like in the west f the man’s cuntry?
    A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Rainy.
    5. What des the man like ding nw?
    A. Drawing.
    B. Practicing calligraphy.
    C. Playing the pian.
    6. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At an ffice. B. At a cafe. C. At a schl.
    7. What is the wman ging t d?
    A Send an email.
    B. Pick up her sn.
    C G t the sprts center.
    8. What des the wman decide t d this Sunday?
    A. Visit a museum. B. See a film. C. Take sme pictures.
    9. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues. B. Neighbrs. C. Schlmates.
    10. What des Alex want t watch?
    A. Tm and Jerry. B. Superman. C. Jurney t the West.
    11. What des Alex think f Tm and Jerry?
    A. It’s silly. B. It’s funny. C. It’s ppular.
    12. Which cartn character des the wman like best?
    A. Tm. B. Jerry. C. The Mnkey King.
    13. When is Mary’s birthday?
    A. On July 22nd. B. On July 23rd. C. On July 24th.
    14. Wh went n a business trip this mrning?
    A. Mary’s parents. B. Jenny’s father. C. Jhn.
    15. Where will the party be held?
    A. At Jenny’s hme.
    B. At Hill Restaurant.
    C. At Sutheast Center.
    16. What will Jhn bring t the party?
    A. Sme ice cream. B. Sme flwers. C. Sme cakes.
    17. What des the speaker mst prbably d?
    A. She is a tur guide.
    B. She is a teacher.
    C. She is an rganizer f the exhibitin.
    18. Hw much is the ticket t the castle?
    A. £2. B. £3. C. £5.
    19. What time will the bus leave n Saturday?
    A. At 8: 40 am. B. At 8: 50 am. C. At 9: 10 am.
    20. What can the listeners learn frm the special exhibitin?
    A. When the castle was built.
    B. What ancient peple wre.
    C. Hw the cars were invented.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    The Best Places t Camp in Olympic Natinal Park
    With mre than 2.5 millin visitrs annually, Olympic Natinal Park is ne f the mst ppular parks in the US. If yu’re lking fr breathtaking views, these are the best places t camp inside Olympic Natinal Park.
    Things t Knw Befre Yu G
    ●Bring a B ear Canister(防熊罐): The park is filled with all kinds f wildlife that are mre than willing t help themselves t yur fd. Bring a bear canister t keep yur supplies safe.
    ●Firewd: Sme campgrunds have firewd fr sale, but visitrs are allwed t cllect kindling(引火物)in lcatins where that isn’t the case.
    ●Grup Camping Sites: The park ffers large-grup camping sites in Kalalch. The reservatin may require a phne call t cmplete and has different pricing mdels. Visit the website fr mre infrmatin.
    ●Reservatin Fees: All fees fr the varius campsites are payable by credit card nly. N cash is accepted. Be sure t have a card with yu if yu are nt making a reservatin nline ahead f time.
    1. What d Staircase and Dsewallips have in cmmn?
    A. They charge the mst.B. They welcme tents nly.
    C. They are pen year-rund.D. They need a reservatin.
    2. Which campgrund is suitable fr campers in large grups?
    A. Staircase.B. Kalalch.
    C. Dsewallips.D. Deer Park.
    3. Which f the fllwing is banned in the campgrunds?
    A. Making a fire.B. Feeding wild animals.
    C. Paying in cash.D. Bringing sme firewd.
    One Saturday last Nvember, I stepped int my lcal library. I was abut t read a bk when I heard an elderly man speak t a lady. “This library will sn becme a café. Everyne is reading with electrnic devices,” he said. Hearing this, I wanted t shut, “I still read library bks!” But my wrds stuck in my thrat and I fund teenagers arund me were talking t friends r staring at their phnes.
    Reading nline feels rbtic t me. It’s like I stare at a screen and click “next” fr the fllwing page t appear until the very end f the e-bk, and at the end f all f that, I just think, “That’s it?” But when I read a printed bk, it’s like I’m hlding n t the characters. I can imagine the plt better, as I can picture the scenes f each mment in my head with mre accuracy and imaginatin.
    Besides, sme nline bks miss cmpnents (组成部分) that are in the printed nvels. Fr instance, the physical cpy f a fantasy nvel I have read cntains a map, but the e-bk versin des nt. That is an injustice t e-bk users; after reading and understanding the map, the stry made a lt mre sense fr me, in terms f the setting and plt.
    And persnally, physically turning t the next page is better than clicking “next”. When reading nline, I smetimes wrry that I click “next” t quickly. It feels mre like a race; I want t finish it because the pages just keep making that “flipping” sund and I wnder hw lng the bk really is.
    Sme printed bks have a special smell that makes the nvel feel special t me. It’s hard t describe but I’m sure I’m nt the nly ne that thinks s. I knw I cannt cnvince every teen t switch frm the digital bk t the printed ne, but maybe my writing abut the difference will at least get sme f them t think abut it.
    4. Why will the library be replaced by a café?
    A. Few peple head fr it.B. It lacks gd management.
    C. Few peple read its bks.D. It hlds little attractin fr the yuth.
    5. Why des the authr prefer printed bks accrding t paragraph 2?
    A. They include additinal cntents.
    B. They leave a lively impressin.
    C. They have a special pleasant smell.
    D. They can imprve readers’ imaginatin.
    6. What influence des reading nline have n the authr?
    A. Making her tired f reading.B. Leading her t read aimlessly.
    C. Bringing mre fun t her.D. Stpping her digging int reading.
    7. What is the authr’s purpse f writing this text?
    A. T inspire teenagers’ interest in reading.
    B. T shw advantages f printed bks.
    C. T reduce the impact f electrnic devices.
    D. T encurage teens t change the reading medium.
    Fr lts f kids, tddlerhd (幼儿期) is an imprtant time fr friendship. Studies shw that the earlier kids learn t frm psitive relatinships, the better they are at relating t thers as teenagers and adults. Playing tgether als helps these kids practice scial behavirs, such as kindness, sharing, and cperatin.
    Even s, hw quickly yur child develps int a scial creature may als depend n his temperament(性格). Sme tddler s are very scial, but thers are shy. In additin, the way that tddlers demnstrate that they like ther children is markedly different frm what adults think f as expressins f friendship. Research at Ohi State University in Clumbus fund that a tddler’s way f saying “I like yu” during play is likely t cme in the frm f cpying a friend’s behavir.
    This seemingly unusual way f demnstrating fndness can result in unpleasant behavir. Regardless f hw much they like a playmate, they may still grab his tys, refuse t share, and get bssy. But experts say that this is a nrmal and necessary part f friendship fr kids this age. Thrugh play experiences, tddlers learn scial rules. That’s why it’s s imprtant t take an active rle in yur tddler’s scial encunters by setting limits and ffering frequent reminders f what they are. When yu establish these guidelines, explain the reasns behind them.
    Begin by helping yur child learn sympathy (“Ben is crying. What’s making him s sad?”), then suggest hw he culd reslve the prblem (“Maybe he wuld feel better if yu let him play the ball.”). When yur child shares r shws empathy(同理心) tward a friend, praise him (“Ben stpped crying! Yu made him feel better.”).
    Anther way t encurage healthy scial interactin is by encuraging kids t use wrds- nt fists-t express hw they feel. It’s als imprtant t be mindful f hw yur child’s persnality affects playtime. Kids are easy t get angry when they’re sleepy r hungry, s schedule playtime when they’re refreshed.
    8. What des it indicate when tddlers cpy their playmates’ behavir?
    A. They are interested in acting.B. They are shy with the strangers.
    C. They are fnd f their playmates.D. They are tired f playing games.
    9. What des the authr suggest parents d fr their kids?
    A. Design games fr them.B. Find them suitable playmates.
    C. Play tgether with them.D. Help them understand scial rules.
    10. What is the functin f the quted statements in paragraph 4?
    A. Giving examples.B. Explaining cncepts.
    C. Prviding evidence.D. Making cmparisns.
    11. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Hw Children Adapt t ChangesB. Hw t Be a Rle Mdel fr Children
    C. Hw Yur Baby Learns t LveD. Hw t Cmmunicate with Yur Kid
    Jennifer DeStefan answered a call frm an unknwn number nly t hear a man threatening her 15-year-ld daughter’s life and demanding mney, as well as the sund f her daughter crying fr help. But while she kept him n the phne, her friends managed t reach her daughter, discvering that she was, in fact, free and well n a skiing trip in Arizna. The vice used n the phne was clned.
    A brief sample (样本) f a vice can be used t train an AI mdel, which can then speak any given text sunding like that persn. Nw the dangers are starting t be talked alud.
    ElevenLabs, an AI start-up, ffers users the chance t create their wn clnes in minutes and the results are disturbingly accurate. When generating a playback, the system allws users t chse between variability and stability (稳定性). Select “variability”, and the vice will have a lifelike intnatin (语调), including pauses like “er...”. Chse “stability”, and it will cme acrss mre like a calm and unemtinal newsreader. Taylr Jnes, a linguist and cnsultant, tk a careful lk at the quality f ElevenLabs’s clne f his vice in a vide. A lw-tech test, a “cnversatin” with his wn mther, fled the wman wh raised him.
    Fr several years, custmers have been able t identify themselves ver the phne t their bank and ther cmpanies using their vice. This was a security upgrade, nt a danger. Nt even a gifted vice actr culd fl the detectin system. But nw the banks are frced t change in rder t prevent crime.
    Creative industries culd face truble. Vice actrs’ skills, trained ver a lifetime, can be cpied in secnds. But sme actrs may, in fact, find clning cngenial. One actr, wh has lst much f his vice t thrat cancer, was delighted t have his vice restred fr his new mvie. Others may be spared the truble f heading fr the studi fr retakes. Anther industry that will have t deal with the rise f clnes is jurnalism. Secret recrdings have lng been the cntributr t the big news. Nw wh will trust a stry based n an audi clip (音频片段)?
    12. Hw des the authr lead in the tpic?
    A. By telling a stry.B. By explaining a cncept.
    C. By making a guess.D. By making a cmparisn.
    13. Why is Taylr Jnes mentined in paragraph 3?
    A T analyze the use f vice clning.B. T draw readers’ attentin t AI.
    C. T prve ElevenLabs’s achievements.D. T shw the danger f vice clning.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “cngenial” in the last paragraph prbably mean?
    A. Annying.B. Shcking.C. Suitable.D. Inventive.
    15. Which can be the best title fr the text?
    A. AI Technlgy: Gd r Bad?B. AI-based Vice: A Ptential Risk
    C. Clned Vice: Wh t Blame?D. Vice Clning: A New Phenmenn
    It’s nw, mre than ever, crucial t adpting a lw-impact lifestyle since all kinds f waste, including that f the fashin industry, are piling up in landfills with astnishing speed. ___16___ Thankfully, the fllwing tips can help yu reduce clthing waste.
    ·Buy fewer clthes verall. ___17___ It’s a mre cautius apprach t shpping and cnsumptin (消费) in general. Think twice abut what yu will buy and say n t ver cnsumptin. Yu can even try ut a minimalist (极简主义的) lifestyle. Shp fr what yu need nly when necessary, keep things simple, and g back t basics.
    ·Shp fr high-quality clthing. High-quality clthes can cst mre at first but save yu mney in the lng run. ___18___ Mrever, quality clthes can make yu feel mre cmfrtable and cnfident, imprve yur fashin style, and help yu lk yur best.
    ·___19___ Upcycling is very beneficial t the planet and yur budget (预算). Instead f thrwing ld clthes away use parts f r entire ld clthes t make smething new and mre valuable. Yu can even create stylish and unique pieces f clthing by upcycling.
    ·Dnate yur unwanted fashin items. D a quick nline search fr yur lcal ptins t dnate clthes that are still in gd cnditin. Be sure t cntact rganizatins first and ask them what type f clthes they accept. Yu can dnate clthing t fr-prfit cmpanies r t hmeless shelters and family service agencies. ___20___
    A. Repurpse yur ld clthes.
    B. Upcycle everyday husehld bjects.
    C. Limit yur fashin cnsumptin in the first place.
    D. Thrwn clthes have had a disastrus impact n the planet.
    E. They are mre likely t stay in gd cnditin fr a lng time.
    F. Heavy cats and sweaters can g t animal shelters in yur lcal area.
    G. Reducing clthing waste is necessary fr making fashin mre sustainable.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Peter wrked at a grcery stre. Recently, he ___21___ a secnd jb t help pay fr his sick friend Dan and his wn sn’s ___22___.
    Althugh the jb was bring, there were times Peter especially ___23___. At that time the supermarket was ___24___, being full f custmers. One day, a yung wman named Angela caught Peter’s ___25___ when she turned t her tw children, “Srry, babies. Mmmy can’t ___26___ t get yur sweets and snacks, s please put them back, kay?”
    The children began t cry and Angela tried t ___27___ them. Then Peter quickly swped (接近) in, ___28___ t help her t pay fr the ___29___. Peter was glad t see the children happy and Angela a little at ease.
    The next day Angela returned t the stre and explained t Peter, “Thanks fr yur kindness. It really ____30____ a lt. I’m a single mther and lst my jb, s things are a bit ____31____.”
    “Well, I am ____32____ aware f yur situatin. I need help with my friend’s medical bills and my kid’s cllege. Nthing cmes cheap.”
    Angela was grateful fr Peter’s help. Peter’s actins and ____33____ tuched Angela, and she thught t herself, “This man had his share f ____34____, yet he was still kind enugh t____35____ and help me. I shuld pass this kindness n.”
    A. watched verB. put asideC. tk upD. gave up
    A. shppingB. schlingC. travellingD. husing
    A. enjyedB. expectedC. deservedD. imagined
    A. quietB. nisyC. dirtyD. crwded
    A. interestB. impressinC. attentinD. feelings
    A. decideB. affrdC. prmiseD. expect
    A. calmB. saveC. encurageD. prtect
    A. cntinuingB. preferringC. fferingD. preparing
    A. tysB. fdC. clthesD. drinks
    A. imprvesB. wastesC. changesD. means
    A. tughB. psitiveC. uniqueD. natural
    A hardlyB. basicallyC. slightlyD. cmpletely
    A. effrtsB. wrdsC. requestsD. suggestins
    A. trublesB. rightsC. stylesD. chices
    A. impressB. rescueC. remindD. cmfrt
    The daily list f my 18-year-ld daughter, Julia, became a reminder f the ___36___ (imprtant) f kindness t thers.
    I walked int the kitchen and saw Julia, wh was mixing flur and milk ___37___ (make) muffins (松饼). “Chclate muffins fr yu and banana nut muffins fr Dad,” Julia said with a smile. The fllwing afternn, at ___38___ end f her shift at the grcery stre, Julia picked up milk and ther items she ___39___ (clear) knew ur family needed. The next time she went t wrk, she gt grceries fr my mther-in-law, ___40___ lives acrss the street. Over the next week, Julia unladed the dishwasher, made dinner and swept the flr — things I nrmally wuld have dne — all withut ___41___ (ask) t d s.
    On Friday, I saw Julia’s t-d list n the kitchen table, n which the last item ____42____(catch) my eye: “D smething nice fr smene else.” I lked thrugh the ntebk, finding that every day’s list included that same task, s suddenly I remembered the muffins she’d made, the dishes she’d washed ___43___ the grceries she’d bught. “What a great girl!” I said t ___44___ (I). My daughter reminded me lving thers by ding smething nice fr them is imprtant, which is ____45____ imprtant that it makes my t-d list each day.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你校计划在下周举行以中华传统文化为主题的英文演讲比赛。请你给外教Rbert写一封邮件邀请他做评委,内容包括:
    47. 阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。
    A Christmas Visit
    As 17-year-ld Trriell Nrwd drve thrugh St. Petersburg, Flrida, last February with her friends t pay a visit t the great park, she shared her dream f becming a dctr. She had recently taken sme first aid curses. The ther girls shared stries f their experiences and adventures. But the laughter and chatter frm the fur teenage girls in the car quickly gave way t screams, As they passed a rad junctin(交叉路口), a car crashed int the side f their vehicle, sending their black car sailing int the yard f a nearby hme. It nly stpped when it crashed int a tree. All f the girls were in panic.
    As smke rse frm the car, a bystander(旁观者)shuted, “It’s abut t blw up . Get ut. ”The impact had bent the driver’s dr, meaning it wuldn’t pen. The bystander seized the dr handle f the car, using all his strength t pull it pen, but failed. Shaken, but therwise OK. Nrwd crawled ut thrugh the windw. She had a cut n the right side f her face. Her lvely face became very pale. Alng with tw f her friends, wh’d als managed t free themselves, she ran fr her life.
    But halfway dwn the street, she realized that her best friend, Azarria Simmns, was nt with them. Nrwd ran back t the car and fund Simmns lying in the back seat. “She isn’t mving,” Nrwd shuted, with her heart beating hard. She threw pen the back dr and pulled her friend ut, aviding the brken glass as best she culd. She dragged Simmns a few feet t safety and laid her n the grund. She checked per pulse. Nthing. She put her head against Simmns’s chest. N sign f life. That’s when she started CPR(心肺复苏术)
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    If the accident had happened a few weeks earlier, she might nt have knwn what t d.
    After a while, the CPR wrked and Simmns regained her cnsciusness.
    Brief Intrductin
    Deer Park
    Tent-nly. 14 campsites are available n a first cme, first served basis frm June thrugh mid-Octber.
    49 campsites. The lcatin is pen thrugh the whle year. Sme f its facilities are nly available during the summer.
    With its 170 campsites, Kalalch is the largest and mst ppular campgrund in the entire park. It is recreatinal, vehicle-friendly.
    Dsewallips features rughly 30 campsites, nne f which can be reserved ahead f time. It is accessible thrughut the year.

    陕西省渭南市华州区咸林中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份陕西省渭南市华州区咸林中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含精品解析陕西省渭南市华州区咸林中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析陕西省渭南市华州区咸林中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

    新疆和田地区皮山县高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份新疆和田地区皮山县高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含精品解析新疆和田地区皮山县高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月考试英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析新疆和田地区皮山县高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共28页, 欢迎下载使用。

    浙江省四校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份浙江省四校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含精品解析浙江省四校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析浙江省四校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。






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