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    这是一份2024届内蒙古自治区包头市高三下学期二模英语试题(无答案),共9页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后,将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    ※ Brwn Girl Dreaming
    By Jacqueline Wdsn
    As a winner f the Natinal Bk Award, the Cretta Sctt King Award, and a Newberry Hnr Bk, in her bk, Brwn Girl Dreaming, the authr uses petry t tell her true stry f grwing up as a black wman in the 1960s and 1970s. Wdsn’s beautiful language explres big ideas while describing her family, her grwing awareness f race and the civil rights mvement, and her life in Suth Carlina and New Yrk City.
    ※ When Yu Were Everything
    By Ashley Wdflk
    Cle and Layla have been best friends fr years. But in their secnd year f middle schl, everything changes. Layla starts hanging ut with her new friends, and the tw girls’ friendship slwly ends. Cle is still trying t make sense f what happened as she tries t make new friends. Tld acrss tw timelines, Cle’s stry f sadness surrunding a lst friendship will be relevant fr many 8th graders trying t deal with past middle schl friend drama and lking frward t high schl.
    ※ The Hund f the Baskervilles
    By Arthur Cnan Dyle
    The famus detective Sherlck Hlmes and his friend Watsn set ut t lk int a new case in Dartmr, England. A man is dead, with many dg paw prints leading t his bdy. Hlmes and Watsn arrive in Dartmr t find several unexplainable events and clues. Tgether, they start t figure ut a puzzle that has defined mystery and detective fictin ever since.
    ※ The Hbbit
    By J. R. R. Tlkien
    This stry is an pener t the lnger and mre challenging The Lrd f the Rings trilgy. It’s an adventure stry set in a fantasy wrld. With dwarves (小矮人), hbbits, swrd fights, wizards and dragns, the bk’s plt and humr have std the test f time.
    21. Hw is Brwn Girl Dreaming different frm the ther bks?
    A. It fcuses n city life.B. It uses clear language.
    C. It has wn many awards.D. It tells humrus stries.
    22. What is When Yu Were Everything mainly abut?
    A. Friendship and grwth.B. Lst lve and gained hpe.
    C. Learning t be mre independent.D. Dealing with pressure frm schlwrk.
    23. Which bk suits whever wants t read abut adventures?
    A. The HbbitB. Brwn Girl Dreaming
    C. When Yu Were EverythingD. The Hund f the Baskervilles
    It was a cld May mrning when I received an email frm an ld friend inviting me t jin a 10-day all-girls surf trip. I knew I had t say yes. The trip seemed simple enugh. 10 wmen aged 30 t 45, all cmplete strangers, were t meet n the cast f Prtugal t try smething new: surfing in the Atlantic Ocean. I have always lved traveling, s I eagerly sent an email t my bss asking fr time ff t make the trip.
    If there’s ne thing I’ve learned ver my past 33 years, it’s that adults typically spend their days mastering the things they’ve dne befre. It seems like we pride urselves n becming experts in whatever field we’ve fallen int, knwing mre abut less. Nw, in thery, this is a great strategy, as it allws yu t becme really gd at ne particular thing, but it als kind f ends up leaving sme skills lacking.
    I met my new surfing cmpanins n the grass f the htel lawn in a small surf twn called Ericeira. Despite ur different persnalities and backgrunds, we were all united in a strng desire t challenge urselves, learn, tackle and grw.
    The shres at Ericeira, where the beginners learn t surf, are shallw and cvered with slippery rcks. They make fr sfter waves but are difficult t ride.
    Guided by ur amazing caches, tgether, we faced the waves. Smetimes, it pured with rain, and the waves crashed arund us, but we were still ut there. And with every slip and fall, wrds f encuragement filled the air. Hnestly, I prbably spent mst f my days frzen t the bne, but that didn’t matter because a new level f genuine jy and persnal achievement had been unlcked.
    Learning a new skill taught me the humility (谦虚) that can cme frm ding badly at smething new, and the pride that develps when yu finally manage t grasp smething yu’ve been wrking n. While surfing might nt be my lifelng passin, trying it ut inspired me t take mre risks in life. Yu never knw what yu’re capable f if yu dn’t g ut there and try.
    24. What inspired the authr t jin the surf trip?
    A. Her lve fr seashre surfing.B. Her desire t make new friends.
    C. Her need t take a break frm wrk.D. Her passin fr explring smething new.
    25. What des the authr think f adults’ fcusing n mastering ne field?
    A. It hurts ne’s pride.B. It narrws ne’s ptential.
    C. It prmtes ne’s career success.D. It bradens ne’s view f the wrld.
    26. Which wrds can best describe the authr’s surfing experience?
    A. Relaxing but dangerus.B. Tugh and uninteresting.
    C. Challenging but rewarding.D. Surprising and unfrgettable.
    27. What can be inferred abut the authr?
    A. She used t lack cnfidence in herself.
    B. She determined t becme an expert surfer.
    C. She discvered her lifelng passin after the trip.
    D. She was mre willing t try new experiences in life.
    Yu hate me. Yu dn’t even knw me and yu hate me. Befre we’ve even spken, yu hate me. At least that’s hw it feels n my end f the call as a female cllectins fficer at a call center.
    I dread the mment when I have t lg n t ur phne system first thing in the mrning because I never knw wh is ging t be n the ther end f that call.
    Smetimes it’s an easy task. The caller is pleasant and has accepted persnal respnsibility fr their debts, and we get thrugh the phne call with ease. Then there are the nes wh call in lking fr a fight, r lking fr smene t blame. Thrugh the luck f the phne system, that persn is me.
    I’ve had peple wh shut at me, call me hrrible names, accuse me persnally f taking their mney and threaten me. Why? I think it’s because I am invisible. I think I wuld be treated with the same level f disrespect if we were face t face. Frtunately fr me, I have had years f experience in custmer service, s I’m fairly rich in nt letting the negative encunters bther me.
    The biggest and mst effective skill when it cmes t the jb is empathy (同感). I can appreciate the situatin which the caller is in because I’ve been there. That’s why I’m gd at my jb—I understand what yu’re ging thrugh, and I’m here t help.
    Sme days thugh, n matter hw much I try t leave the stress behind when I hang up the phne, it stays with me. I may d sme deep breathing, g fr a quick walk r simply stick my head utside fr a burst f fresh air. I d this s I dn’t carry that negativity n t my next call. That next call may be a persn having the wrst day f their life, but I dn’t want t ever be the ne wh makes it wrse. We are all humans just trying t get by in life, which makes yu and me equal. S please, the next time we talk, remember that.
    28. What des the underlined wrd “dread” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Enjy.B. Fear.C. Expect.D. Avid.
    29. Why des the authr think sme callers treat her badly?
    A. They get angry t easily.B. They blame her fr their debts.
    C. They d nt see her as a real persn.D. They accuse her f taking their mney.
    30. Why des the authr think she is gd at her jb?
    A. She can ffer callers best advice.B. She is always respected by callers.
    C. She can put herself in thers’ shes.D. She isn’t easily influenced by negativity.
    31. What is the authr’s main purpse in writing this text?
    A. T call fr understanding f her jb.B. T explain why she is gd at her jb.
    C. T intrduce what she is respnsible fr.D. T cmplain abut her being treated badly.
    Waterways are imprtant fr every cuntry arund the wrld. They prvide nt nly water fr everyday use but als rutes fr transprt. Hwever, due t industrial activity, many f them are nw plluted.
    Dakta Perry frm the US has experienced water pllutin first-hand. The 15-year-ld high schl girl tld Alabama Lcal News that she spends a lt f time ging n bat rides with her dad n the river behind their huse. Hwever, the river has becme littered with plastic bags, bttles and cups. Perry wanted t clean up the water s she culd cntinue t enjy the river. S, with the help f her father, she designed a system t cllect and remve rubbish in waterways.
    In May, Perry put frward her slutin at the Regenern Internatinal Science and Engineering Fair held in Gergia, US, and received a Judge’s Award frm the Natinal Oceanic and Atmspheric Administratin fr her prject.
    Accrding t the Science News fr Students website, her system was inspired by the Dutch Great Bubble (气泡) Barrier in Amsterdam, which creates a flw f bubbles that trap waste and directs it t a catchment system. But Perry tried t challenge herself and make her system mre envirnment-friendly. She planned t create a curtain f bubbles that stretched the river diagnally (对角地). The curtain wuld stp the flating rubbish and then push it tward the shre. Once there, a cnveyr run by a slar-pwered battery wuld carry the waste t a dustbin.
    In her backyard pl, Perry used an air cmpressr (压缩机) t send air thrugh a pipe full f hles t create a stream f bubbles. She experimented with different amunts f pressure t make sure there wuld be enugh bubbles t frm a full curtain. “Fr the bubble system t actually wrk and cllect rubbish,” she explained t Science News fr Students, “I have t knw hw much pressure the air cmpressr is suppsed t push ut.”
    After she tested her system fr cllecting rubbish, Perry fund that it wrked better than expected. Next, she plans t wrk ut hw t use the pwer f the river t run the air cmpressr.
    32. What mtivated Perry t design a rubbish-cllecting system?
    A. Her father’s encuragement.
    B. Her desire t prtect a nearby river.
    C. A visit t a science and engineering fair.
    D. An inventin f a Dutch high schl student.
    33. What can we knw abut the rubbish-cllecting system?
    A. It was designed by Perry alne.
    B. It makes pwer t run the air cmpressr.
    C. It cllects slar energy t remve rubbish.
    D. It creates a bubble curtain t blck rubbish.
    34. What is the 5th paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Advantages f the system.B. The way f testing the system.
    C. The imprvement n the system.D. Challenges in the design prcess.
    35. What kind f persn is Perry?
    A. Efficient and ambitius.B. Helpful and hardwrking.
    C. Respnsible and creative.D. Prfessinal and adventurus.
    We all want t knw what happiness means and try t find ways t help make ur life better. Happiness—yu knw it when yu see it, but it’s hard t define. Yu might call it a sense f well-being, ptimism r meaningfulness in life, althugh thse culd als be treated separately. 36 we knw that we want it, and that is just smehw gd.
    We als knw that we dn’t always have cntrl ver ur happiness. Research suggests that genetics may play a big rle in ur level f happiness, s sme f us may start ut at a disadvantage. On tp f that, envirnmental factrs can bring dwn md and dry up ur thirst fr living. 37 . Many studies have fund a cnnectin between psychlgical and physical well-being.
    A 2022 review f mre than 200 studies fund a cnnectin between psitive psychlgical features, such as happiness, ptimism and life satisfactin, and a lwered risk f heart disease.
    38 . If yu have a gd sense f well-being, it’s easier t maintain gd habits: exercising, eating a balanced diet and getting enugh sleep.
    39 , and they d nt prvide hard evidence f cause and effect. But sme researchers believe that psitive mental states d have a direct effect n the bdy, perhaps by reducing damaging physical prcesses. Fr instance, they fund that ptimism is assciated with lwer levels f inflammatin (炎症).
    If what yu mean by happiness is specifically “enjyment f life”, there’s newer evidence t supprt that, t. A study in the Canadian Medical Assciatin Jurnal fund that peple aged 60 and ver wh said they enjyed life less were mre likely t develp disability ver an 8-year perid. 40 . This study des nt prve that physical prblems are caused by less enjyment f life, but suggests a relatinship.
    A. But whatever happiness really is
    B. It might take mre wrk if yur md is lw
    C. Fr nw these studies can nly shw assciatins
    D. That refers t the persn, and the situatin he r she is in
    E. Being able t travel arund was als related t enjyment f life
    F. T manage ur emtins is imprtant fr bth ur bdy and mind
    G. It’s nt as simple as “yu must be happy t prevent heart attacks”, thugh
    Standing n the shre f a lake, I can’t help but feel surprised at the thusands f small rcks that surrund my bts. They were all created frm hard surfaces, their edges sftening ver time. I wnder, “Can we learn frm a pile f 41 ?”
    Even the tallest muntains have 42 ; nne are as tall as they were 1,000 years ag. And much like a rck, I’ve fund my 43 has sftened and my desire t better understand thers has expanded with each trip arund the sun.
    44 , I was als a sharp rck cvered in pinty edges. Tday, after decades f the waters f life cursing ver me, my edges are sfter and and I’m mre 45 . I’m less likely t judge and mre interested in learning hw we can 46 tgether.
    But I’m nt a rck. I’m a 47 filled with all the drama built int my DNA.
    Tw years ag, while traveling in the Pacific Nrthwest, I watched a restaurant wner ask several yung men t 48 fr nt wearing masks. Nt 49 and nt rude. On the dr read a sign, “Please wear a mask befre entering ur restaurant. We dn’t like it either, but let’s all d what we can t 50 this tgether.”
    The grup f yung men wanted t 51 abut the nte. I sat at the restaurant watching, understanding bth sides. I’ve been ne f them befre, using my yuthful edges t chip away at the wrld. What I lst, 52 , was the ability t grw frm 53 by lking thrugh the eyes f thers. In learning t be mre 54 , I’ve als fund mre happiness and success.
    Yu can fit mre runded rcks in a jar than thse with sharp edges. The frmer lk fr ways t 55 and make rm fr thers, while the latter never give an 56 t accmmdate thers.
    57 , like the waters rlling against nce sharp stnes, changes us by washing away ur resistance t 58 the wrld frm smene else’s pint f view.
    I placed a 59 stne int my jacket pcket. Mther Nature is hlding a 60 again.
    41. A. gdsB. bxesC. bksD. rcks
    42. A. piled upB. wrn dwnC. risen upD. brken dwn
    43. A. willB. viceC. attitudeD. heart
    44. A. penB. StillC. HereD. Once
    45. A. understandingB. cnfidentC. patientD. cmpetitive
    46. A. cntributeB. existC. sufferD. develp
    47. A. leaderB. teacherC. humanD. judge
    48. A. leaveB. explainC. aplgizeD. pay
    49. A. cntradictryB. cnfusingC. frcefulD. discuraging
    50. A. get thrughB. stick tC. deal withD. fight against
    51. A. thinkB. careC. talkD. argue
    52. A. evenB. hweverC. anywayD. als
    53. A. hardshipsB. struggleC. experiencesD. failure
    54. A. penB. cautiusC. ambitiusD. independent
    55. A. ignreB. acceptC. adjustD. change
    56. A. excuseB. agreementC. entranceD. inch
    57. A. NatureB. TleranceC. TideD. Time
    58. A. refrmingB. seeingC. explringD. travelling
    59. A. sharpB. rundedC. valuableD. rlling
    60. A. classB. beliefC. meetingD. discussin
    The 38th Qinhuai Lantern Festival Lights Up China
    On the evening f February 2, the 2024 “Light Up China” event, the 38th annual China Qinhuai Lantern Festival lighting ceremny, 61 (begin) at the Bailuzhu Park in Nanjing, Jiangsu prvince. The Qinhuai Lantern Festival, 62 is als knwn as the “Jinling Lantern Festival”, is a flk cultural activity spread in Nanjing in histry. It is usually held during the Spring Festival t the Lantern Festival every year. It is the mst famus lantern festival in China and it is included in the natinal intangible cultural heritage list.
    With the Bailuzhu Park, the Cnfucius Temple Scenic Area and the Lamendng District serving 63 main display venues, this year’s Qinhuai Lantern Fair has set up 7 exhibitin areas with 330 lantern installatins.
    64 (cmpare) t previus years’ lantern festivals, ne f the majr highlights this year is the remarkable “the Year f the Dragn” theme. Fr instance, at the frnt f the Linxing Gate f the Cnfucius Temple in Nanjing, the lantern display features twin dragns winding arund pillars, blwing ut dragn pearls, symblizing auspiciusness (吉祥) and reunin. Meanwhile, the Bailuzhu Park takes 65 (inspire) frm the “Illustratin f Lanterns in the Shangyuan Festival” as its creative theme, shwing 66 ttal f 68 sets f lanterns in varius sizes and frms, recreating the splendid scene f bserving lanterns during the Ming dynasty as described in the ancient artwrks.
    The Lantern Festival in Nanjing this year nt nly celebrates the traditinal custms f the Lunar New Year but als highlights the city’s cultural heritage and 67 (innvatin) spirit, drawing visitrs frm acrss the natin 68 (participate) in the jyus celebratins.
    A lcal elderly persn said t a news reprter 69 (prud), “It has the reputatin f N. 1 Lantern Festival in the wrld and the Qinhuai Lantern Festival 70 (be) the best in the wrld. It is the nly large-scale cmprehensive lantern festival in China that integrates lantern exhibitins, lantern festivals and lantern markets.”
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    Last Sunday I tk part in the exciting utdr activity with my friends. We g hiking in the muntains nearby, and it was a pleasant experience. We gt up early than usual t pack ur backpacks with water, fd and ther necessary thing. When we gt there, we started with ur hike. The path was challenging, but the scenery was amazed. As we hiked, we chatted, laughed, and encuraging each ther. We als had breaks and tk phts. When they finally cmpleted the hike, we were tired ut but happy. I was extreme delighted t spend time with my friends in nature and enjy the fresh air and sunshine. It was an unfrgettable walk indeed, I can’t wait t have anther chance t hike with them.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    你们学校最近组织了一次植树活动,请以“An Interesting Tree-planting Activity”为题写一篇报道,向校英语报投稿,内容包括:
    1. 时间、地点及参与者;
    2. 植树的过程;
    3. 你的体验和感受。
    1. 写作词数应为100左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    1. What des Mike plan t d tnight?
    A. Watch a mvie.B. Attend a meeting.C. Wrk n his presentatin.
    2. Hw will the wman cntact Jhn?
    A. By phne.B. By email.C. In persn.
    3. When will the speakers meet n Thursday?
    A. At 3:30 p.m.B. At 4:00 p.m.C. At 4:10 p.m.
    4. Why will Kathy call Anne?
    A. T express thanks.B. T lk fr a helper.C. T give sme infrmatin.
    5. Where will the cnference prbably be held?
    A. In Pittsburgh.B. In Atlanta.C. In Kansas City.
    6. What are they prbably ding?
    A. Taking a driving test.B. Ding sme shpping.C. Playing a cmputer game.
    7. What did the wman think f what the man did?
    A. It was useless.B. It was nt crrect.C. It was unimprtant.
    8. What has the wman decided t d?
    A. Try film making.B. Learn a language.C. Study phtgraphy.
    9. Why des the wman want t develp a new skill?
    A. T travel.B. T find a jb.C. T get prmted.
    10. What are the speakers ging t d first?
    A. Buy sme cffee.B. Eat dinner.C. Watch a perfrmance.
    11. What des the wman prbably d?
    A. A hst.B. A teacher.C. A writer.
    12. What des Bb say abut life administratin?
    A. It is pleasing.B. It is tiring.C. It is bring.
    13. What did Elizabeth advise the “administratin aviders” t d?
    A. Make a t-d list.B. D necessary tasks first.C. Avid meaningless.
    14. What keeps the grup ging?
    A. The lve fr creating artwrks.
    B. The pleasure f helping thers.
    C. The wish t imprve the cmmunity.
    15. Hw has the lcal gvernment helped the grup?
    A. By renting a rm.B. By prviding mney.C. By building a webs.
    16. Where can peple buy the bttles nw?
    A. Frm the twn hall.B. In the shps.C. On the Internet.
    17. Hw many members des the grup have at present?
    A. Three.B. Five.C. Eight.
    18. Why will the shpping mall make a change t the cafe?
    A. T ffer mre dishes.
    B. T make it mre cmfrtable.
    C. T prvide rm fr mre custmers.
    19. Hw shuld shppers bk the “persnal shpper” service?
    A. By filling in a frm nline.
    B. By ging and visiting the stre.
    C. By calling the infrmatin desk.
    20. What is the secnd cking class abut?
    A. Keeping fd fresh.B. Making instant meals.C. Learning abut safety rules.An Interesting Tree-planting Activity

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