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    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Accrding t new studies frm the University f Clrad, wearing hearing aids may actually benefit yur brain by imprving yur brain’s perfrmance and memry! That’s why we’re s excited t intrduce yu t the mst affrdable member f ur rechargeable hearing aid family: the Hear Clear GO! The GO prvides incredible value and a fantastic hearing experience!
    The GO is pre-prgrammed fr mst mild t mderate hearing lsses and utilizes high-end digital elements while leaving ut fancy bells and whistles that increase csts and require expensive adjustments. And with the GO’s included charging statin, yu wn’t have t keep replacing tiny hearing aid batteries. They’re amazingly cnvenient!
    The new high-quality, digital GO hearing aids are perfect fr yur budget and yur brain! We’re s sure yu’ll lve yur advanced, lw-cst GO hearing aids.
    We ffer a 100% Mney-Back Guarantee. The GO is nly $ 239, r $ 200 each when yu buy a pair; purchasers ver 70 years r under 5 years can enjy a 30% discunt!
    The Rechargeable GO!
    ·Digital sund prcessing chip prvides clear sund and makes speech easier t under-stand withut whistling
    ·Never replace batteries again! Full Charge Gives 16 Hrs f Use! (Free Charging Statin Included)
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    ·Autmatic Nise Reductin and Feedback Canceler
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    5 Star Reviews
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    “This prduct is utstanding. Dad lves it, my mm lves it, and I am grateful! Dn’t be-lieve that yu have t spend a lt f mney t get a quality hearing aid.”-Gilmre B.
    Telecare Cnvenience!
    Call us frm the cmfrt f yur hme and discuss yur hearing care with ur friendly and caring staff. 1-888-788-1770.
    1. Which is nt invlved int the G’s advantages?
    A. It is budget-friendly. B. It carries fancy accessries.
    C. It can reduce nise autmatically. D. It is easily perated and adjustable.
    2. What may impress Gilmre B mst f the G?
    A. The lve frm his parents. B. The lw cst f the prduct.
    C. The included charging statin. D. The clear sund withut whistling.
    3. Hw much will an 80-year-ld pay fr a pair f Gs?
    A. $ 120. B. $ 478. C. $ 400. D. $ 280.
    Jeannie Di Bn has a strng belief that mvement heals. Fllwing a 35-year quest fr answers, a physical therapist was able t cnnect the dts f her symptms by asking just a handful f questins. Finally, armed with an explanatin, the diagnsis f hypermbile Ehlers-Danls syndrme (hEDS) was mre f a relief than a surprise. Since qualifying as a yga instructr in 2008, Di Bn has seen the cnditin appear in varius ways amng her clients.
    Thught t be the mst cmmn f 13 knwn subtypes f Ehlers-Danls syndrme (EDS), the hEDS cnnective tissue disrder is mst ften assciated with jint hypermbility, instability, chrnic pain, and dislcatins. Hwever, thse impacted can face multi-systemic symptms and c-mrbidities, such as gastrintestinal (肠胃的), and neurlgical disturbances, presenting a wide range f severity.
    Despite yielding psitive results, as Di Bn’s wrk with hEDS clients increased, she began t ntice gaps in her teaching, and set ut t address them. “That’s why I started t lk mre int the mind, int the breath, and relaxatin... and mdify the exercises s that they were safe and suitable fr smebdy wh is maybe feeling very unstable.”
    Having experienced her wn difficulties navigating the healthcare system, Di Bn has been thinking abut why s many with EDS carve ut a vcatin linked t the disrder. “I think it happens because we g thrugh such a persnal struggle t find infrmatin, t figure it ut. Fr me persnally, I just want t share that.” The Wimbledn native is cnstantly seeking a greater understanding f the bdy, currently studying fr an MSc in Pain Management alngside her multi-hyphenate lifestyle as an authr, mvement therapist, app funder, and award-winning cmmunity champin. But, thrugh her six principles f pain-free mvement, Di Bn ffers a sincere message f hpe.
    “We can always change smething that wuld make yur life better. Even if it’s the tiniest thing. I wrk with peple wh are bed bund, wh have had t give up wrk, wh are huse bund, and we are wrking tgether t make their lives mre fulfilling, and t give them a better quality f life.”
    4. Why was her diagnsis f hEDS viewed as mre f a relief than a surprise?
    A. Its cause put her in a panic. B. Its result came ut in the wash.
    C. It was nt beynd her expectatin. D. It was nt as serius as it seemed.
    5. Which f the fllwing can best describe Di Bn frm paragraph 3?
    A. Kind and inspiring. B. Generus and hard-wrking.
    C. Firm and prductive. D. Reflective and cnsiderate.
    6. What might make Di Bn becme a yga instructr?
    A. The desire t help thers. B. The explratin fr a cure.
    C. The passin fr learning smething new. D. The determinatin t get ver challenges.
    7. What can we learn frm Di Bn?
    A. Mre haste, less speed. B. It never rains but it purs.
    C. Fcus n the big, start small. D. There is n ryal rad t learning.
    Mesptamia was hme t sme f the very first cities in existence, leading many t link it t the birth f civilizatin. The rigin f these cities is still unknwn tday, althugh many theries exist. One suggestin is that the develpment and building f temples created a place where peple wuld gather, and thus served as pints f cntact between different grups f peple.
    Others believe that peple sught sanctuary frm natural disasters. As the Mesptamians were able t develp technlgy t help them cntrl the nearby rivers, such as levees, they culd ensure a gd crp. They had n need t be nmadic, and were able t settle in ne place cmfrtably. It is fr this reasn that all the early cities were built alng the tw majr rivers.
    Frm the mment the Sumerians began t frm these cities, it frever altered human histry. Peple went frm being ruled by nature, t attempting t cntrl it and make it wrk fr them. By 4500 BCE the first recrded city rse in the frm f Uruk. Hwever, the nly urban structure at this pint was the temple, which regulated all ecnmic and scial matters.
    The central purpse f these early cities was t help regulate trade, as suthern Mesptamia was reliable n utside resurces. This need encuraged the spread f urbanizatin. Hwever, cmmunicatin between the cities was difficult, s each city develped int an individual city-state. This led t territrial disputes and, inevitably, war.
    In rder t keep their cities prtected, the Mesptamians built frtificatins, and walled cities rse. Migratin t these cities increased, and mre buildings were erected. Cities gradually expanded and rulers were prclaimed, wh then began lking utwards fr trade and cnquest.
    8. What des the underlined wrd “sanctuary” mean?
    A. rescue. B. stability. C. shelter. D. accmmdatin.
    9. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The functin f early cities. B. The structure f early cities.
    C. The regulatin f early cities. D. The appearance f early cities.
    10. What caused cities t becme city-states?
    A. War and cnflicts. B. Limited interactin.
    C. The spread f urbanizatin. D. Cmpetitin fr resurces.
    11. What is the best title?
    A. The birth f city-states. B. The first cities in the wrld.
    C. The urban expansin in the wrld. D. The cnquest f nature in Mesptamia.
    Manatees—ften called sea cws—are an anmaly in the animal kingdm. Neither predatr nr prey, these peaceable creatures, which can grw t 13 feet and weigh mre than 2,000 punds, are evlutinarily devid f aggressin. Crystal River—“Manatee Capital f the Wrld”—is the epicenter f their presence and recvery.
    Yet despite sme gains, manatees still face grave threats. Three-quarters f Flrida’s 22 millin peple live alng the cast, many in prime manatee habitat, where the strain f human-presence has degraded the state’s enchanted springs, waterways, and wetlands. In Indian River Lagn, fr example, an imprtant manatee habitat alng Flrida’s densely ppulated east cast, decades f human waste, sediment frm real estate develpment, and fertilizers frm lawns and farms have cluded the water. That has killed seagrass, manatees’ main fd surce there. Mre than a thusand manatees have died in the lagn during the past tw years.
    What peple dn’t understand is the need t help supprt them in waterways. That means restring seagrass beds and freshwater aquatic vegetatin, the basis f their existence and f the verall health f Flrida’s waters. Steps t reverse the damage started small. Neighbrs gathered with rakes, scping up algae by hand. Irnically, it was Save Crystal River—the grup envirnmentalists had ppsed during their fight ver the manatee’s endangered status—that spearheaded the restratin f aquatic vegetatin. With funding frm the state gvernment, Save Crystal River hired Sea& Shreline, an aquatic restratin firm, t remve the waste and replant the river bttm with eelgrass, which grws lng, ribbn like leaves.
    While the prspect f replanting the entire river was daunting, after vacuuming mre than 300 millin punds f detritus and planting sme 350,000 individual eelgrass pds by hand, the grups have flipped the river back t an ecsystem n lnger dminated by algae.
    Instead f spending the few shrt winter mnths in Crystal River befre heading back ut int the Gulf f Mexic t graze, sme manatees nw linger here year-rund, enjying fat times. Aerial surveys frm January 2022 revealed the highest number f manatees ever recrded in these waters—mre than a thusand in Kings Bay alne.
    12. What is a feature f manatees?
    A. They are gentle animals. B. They feed n small creatures.
    C. They are slightly aggressive. D. They lk cute fr their shape.
    13. What is the main reasn fr manatees’ decline?
    A. Climate change. B. Habitat lss.
    C. Lw fd supply. D. Human activities.
    14. Hw did Save Crystal River help imprve manatees’ endangered situatin?
    A. By remving wastes frm the river.
    B. By raising funds frm the gvernment.
    C. By replanting algae in the river bttm.
    D. By refining manatees’ living surrundings.
    15. What can we learn abut manatees frm the last paragraph?
    A. They enjy the cld winter f Mexic.
    B. They remain in Manatee Capital fr lng.
    C. They head twards the warmer waters during winter.
    D. They have the largest ppulatin ever recrded glbally.
    It is natural t cmpare urselves t thers and t get caught in a mental cmparisn lp, and yet this seldm is beneficial. Yu may have heard the expressin, “ 16 ” T me, this rings true as I have fund it is quite difficult t cmpare myself t thers and feel satisfied at the same time.
    Cmparisn nt nly rbs us f delight, but it als fuels self-criticism and a lack f self-acceptance. 17 “I am nt as successful, cmpetent, attractive as they are.” “Why dn’t I have what they have?” We use cmparisn as an avenue fr self-criticism, “What’s wrng with me? I must be an exact lser.” This hinders self-acceptance.
    We ften tell urselves we are acceptable nly if we meet certain standards, and we evaluate hw we measure up by lking at thers. The tendency is t cnclude that we are nt measuring up, particularly if we have a lw sense f self-wrth. 18 We dn’t just ask urselves, “What’s wrng with me?” We wrry what thers will think: “What’s wrng with them?” The lming sense f pssible rejectin creates uneasiness and anxiety.
    19 It tells us that if we meet the expectatins, lse weight, get a prmtin, r buy a new huse, we will feel better, calmer, mre self-assured, and stp cmparing urselves. This may be temprarily true, yet, a cmparisn is an internal prcess that is ultimately based n ur thughts and sense f self, nt external circumstances. We can always find smething else t cmpare, anther expectatin we tell urselves we are nt meeting. 20 S cmparisn can destry ur awareness f persnal values gradually.
    T stp cmparing urselves t thers, we have t recgnize that the cmparisn game is unwinnable and stp playing.
    A. N cmparisn, n life.
    B. Cmparisn is the thief f jy.
    C. Cmparisn can even be misleading.
    D. We are fcused n thers and nt n what is meaningful t us.
    E. Typically, cmparisn will lead t feeling inadequate r inferir.
    F. Shift frm being guided by cmparisn t being guided by values.
    G. And we fear that we are ging t be judged by ur perceived failures.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    “D yu want t run Radi 4’s Any Questins?” the BBC asked. I knew it was a great pprtunity, but I wndered hw 21 I wuld manage t deal with all thse high-pwered panel members. I 22 . Then I rang my mther, as I always did when I was in 23 . “G fr it, darling,” she tld me. “Yu may nt enjy all f it, but yu’ll 24 .” That’s what I remember mst abut Mama—she was always 25 t have a g.
    In many ways Mama had a 26 life. She was brn in Maidstne in 1916. She wn a schlarship t Lndn University but had t turn it dwn t earn sme mney fr the family. She never 27 r even regretted it, true t her philsphy: “D what yu can within yur 28 .”
    29 , she fund time t attend evening classes in all srts f subjects. She read while cking, serving in the shp, lking after us. She taught me we culd all 30 time fr what we really wanted t d. Fr Mama, success was getting the mst ut f any situatin. She was 31 when I jined the BBC as a cpy typist in the Suthamptn newsrm. “Enjy it,” she tld me. “Even if yu never d mre than type, yu’ll be in a(n) 32 mst peple never get near.” Yet she 33 enjyed my successes, and lved meeting the celebrities I knew frm my wrk. Mstly she wuld just listen t the cnversatin, never verwhelmed but eager t 34 their view f life and learn smething frm their experiences.
    Mama kindled in me a flame f curage, determinatin and hpe, which has affected me deeply. Keeping that flame alight is the nly way I knw t 35 her fr a life f lve and wisdm. She taught me hw t live.
    21. A. n earth B. after all C. in time D. at randm
    22. A. withdrew B. regretted C. panicked D. resigned
    23. A. truble B. cnfusin C. frustratin D. despair
    24. A. pass B. attempt C. experiment D. cpe
    25. A. reluctant B. ambitius C. ready D. brave
    26. A. tugh B. miserable C. mysterius D. brilliant
    27. A. verlked B. pardned C. tlerated D. cmplained
    28. A. pprtunities B. limits C. capacities D. ptentials
    29. A. Anyhw B. Anyway C. Smehw D. Smewhat
    30. A. apply B. make C. devte D. cmmit
    31. A. calm B. anxius C. patient D. thrilled
    32. A. psitin B. atmsphere C. case D. ccurrence
    33. A. mainly B. cmpletely C. thrughly D. hugely
    34. A. evaluate B. digest C. glimpse D. cnsume
    35. A. repay B. award C. memrize D. respect
    第二节(共10 小题;每小题1.5分,满分15 分)
    Over centuries, villagers 36 (wrk) n the bdy f the dry dragn bat, a lcal intangible cultural heritage in Xiajiafang twn, Shawu city, Fujian prvince.
    The unique celebratin, rted in histry, highlights village’s enthusiasm 37 the Lantern Festival. Peple are busy preparing the bamb 38 (need) t make the village’s distinctive dry dragn bat ahead f the festival. They use best quality bamb and start preparing a mnth befre the festival. The bats are knwn as “dry” because they are nt made t enter the water 39 rather t play an imprtant cultural rle.
    During the early hurs f the Lantern Festival, abut 60 t 70 villagers gather t burn the midnight il at the lcal ancestral hall 40 (finish) the making f the giant bat, 41 is abut 6 t 8 meters lng and 3 t 4 meters in 42 (high), in ne g. The bat cmes ut 43 (magnificent), and its shape and features are distinctive f the nrth f Fujian prvince.
    Once it is finished, the bat greets visitrs at the break f dawn and is then carried dr t dr, in 44 symblic gesture f spreading blessings, befre being burned that night t signify the sending f the dragn back t the heavens. Abut 3,000 t 4,000 visitrs frm 45 (neighbur) villages cme t enjy the auspicius mment.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    参考词汇:预制菜 ready-made meals
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    “Dn’t bug me! Hug me!” Bumper Sticker Lee Shapir is a retired judge. He is als ne f the mst genuinely lving peple we knw. At ne pint in his career, Lee realized that lve is the greatest pwer there is. As a result, Lee became a hugger. He began ffering everybdy a hug. His clleagues dubbed him “the hugging judge”, which is ppsed t the hanging judge. The bumper sticker n his car reads, “Dn’t bug me! Hug me!”
    Abut six years ag Lee created what he called his Hugger Kit. On the utside it reads “A heart fr a hug.” The inside cntains thirty little red embridered hearts with stickers n the back. Lee will take ut his Hugger Kit, g arund t peple and ffer them a little red heart in exchange fr a hug. Lee has becme s well knwn fr this that he is ften invited t keynte cnferences and cnventins, where he shares his message f uncnditinal lve.
    At a cnference in San Francisc, the lcal news media challenged him by saying, “It is easy t give ut hugs here in the cnference t peple wh self-selected t be here. But this wuld never wrk in the real wrld.” They challenged Lee t give away sme hugs n the streets f San Francisc. Fllwed by a televisin crew frm the lcal news statin, Lee went ut nt the street. First he apprached a wman walking by. “Hi, I’m Lee Shapir, the hugging judge. I’m giving ut these hearts in exchange fr a hug.” “Sure,” she replied. “T easy,” challenged the lcal cmmentatr. Lee lked arund. He saw a meter maid wh was being given a hard time by a traffic plice, wh was giving a ticket t her fr illegal car parking. He marched up t her, camera crew in tw, and said, “Yu lk like yu culd use a hug. I’m the hugging judge and I’m ffering yu ne.” She delightedly accepted it. The televisin cmmentatr threw dwn a mre hug challenge t Lee.
    1.续写词数应为150 左右;
    He had never befre hugged peple wh were severely terminally ill as Lenard. ______________________
    Dctrs said it was the first time that they had seen Lenard smile. __________________________________
    山东新高考联合质量测评 3 月联考
    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    1 - 5 BCDBD 6 - 10 ACCDB 11 - 15 BADDB
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    16 - 20 BEGCD
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    21 - 25 ACBDC 26 - 30 ADBCB 31 - 35 DBDCA
    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    36. have wrked/have been wrking 37. fr 38. needed 39. but 40. t finish
    41. which 42. height 43. magnificently 44. a 45. neighbring/neighburing
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节 (满分 15 分)
    One pssible versin:
    As peple’s pace f life is getting faster and faster, ready-made meals begin t emerge n the market and are served n the dinner table. Hwever, they shuld be frbidden t enter the campus fr
    the fllwing reasns.
    First f all, it is difficult t secure fd safety fr lack f a universal standard fr ready-t-eat meals, which wuld raise cncerns frm bth students and parents. Besides, they can’t prvide enugh nutritin which students need fr their grwth and develpment, because the prcessing
    methd increases nutritin lss.
    As mentined abve, ready-made fd is nt the best chice fr students, s I am strngly against the idea f it entering the campus.
    第二节 (满分 25 分)
    One pssible versin:
    He had never befre hugged peple wh were severely terminally ill as Lenard. Thrugh talking t dctrs, Lee learned that Lenard, nce an ptimistic and cheerful by, had suffered frm severe leukemia tw years earlier. Lee realized that if Lenard was willing t accept his hug, it wuld have a psitive effect n the child. Appraching the ward, Lee tk a deep breath, leaned dwn and gave Lenard a hug. Surprisingly, Lenard began t squeal, "Eeeeehh! Eeeeeehh!" Sme f the ther
    patients in the rm began t clang things tgether. Lee turned t the staff frsme srt f explanatin nly t find that every dctr, nurse and rderly was crying. Lee asked the dctrs, "What's ging n?" Lee wuld never frget the dctrs ’ reply.
    Dctrs said it was the first time that they had seen Lenard smile. Upn hearing the dctr's wrds, Lee culd nt cntrl his emtins. Cuntless peple as he had hugged befre, this hug wuld surely leave the deepest memry fr him. Every weekend that fllwed, Lee made time t hug the by with the televisin cmmentatr recrding every tuching hug mvement. Hugged and lved by
    a stranger , the by was psitive and ptimistic t receive treatment and he picked up gradually. As a judge, he culd bring justice t sciety. If everyne can ffer their wn hug, the wrld will becme mre beautiful. Hw simple it is t make a difference in the lives f thers!
    1.本题总分为 15 分,按 5 个档次进行评分。
    (1)词数少于 60 的,从总分中减去 2 分。
    (2)单词拼写和标点符号是写作规范的重要方面,评分时应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、 美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。
    第五档:(13-15 分)能写明全部要点;语言基本无误;行文连贯,表达清楚。
    第四档:(10-12 分)能写明全部或大部分要点;语言有少量错误;行文不够连贯,表达基本清楚。
    第三档:(7-9 分)能写明基本要点;语言虽有较多错误,但能基本达意。
    第二档:(4-6 分)能写出部分要点;语言错误多,影响意思表达。
    第一档:(1-3 分)只能写出一两个要点;语言错误较多,只有个别句子正确。
    1.本题总分为 25 分,按七个档次进行评分。
    3.评分时,应先根据作答的整体情况确定其所属的档次,然后以该档次的要求来综合衡量,确 定或调整档次,最后给分。
    (1)词数少于 120 的,酌情扣分;
    (3)单词拼写和标点符号是写作规范的重要方面,评分时应视其对交际的影响程度予以考 虑,英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。
    (22-25 分)
    第六档(18-21 分)
    第五档(15-17 分)
    第四档(11-14 分)
    第三档 (6-10 分)
    第二档 (1-5 分)
    第一档 (0 分)

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