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    高 三 英 语
    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分30分)
    1.When will the speakers leave fr their hliday?
    B.The day after tmrrw.
    C.Three days later.
    2.Hw d the speakers feel?
    3.What is the man's current issue?
    A.He hurts his leg.
    B.He's starving
    C.He has a fever.
    4.What des the wman intend t d?
    A.Play a sprt
    B.Study science.
    C.D hmewrk.
    5.What kind f chclate biscuits des Tm usually buy?
    6.What did the man check secndly?
    C.Bld pressure
    7.Where might the speakers be?
    A.In a schl.
    B.In an eyeglass stre.
    C.In an emergency rm.
    8.What are the speakers talking abut?
    A.Sharing a stry.
    B.Buying a newspaper
    C.Placing an advertisement.
    9.Wh are the man's custmers?
    A.Old peple.
    B.Middle-aged peple.
    C.Yung peple.
    10.What des the wman suggest?
    A.Trying the TV.
    B.Trying the Internet.
    C.Trying a special ffer.
    11.What will the speakers d next?
    A.Call in the trucks.
    B.D safety checks.
    C.Take a lunch break.
    12.What is the wman's jb?
    A.A chef.
    B.An engineer
    C.A child carer
    13.Hw des the man feel abut the wman's career chice?
    14.What time is it?
    A.6·00 p.m.
    B.8:00 p.m.
    C.10:00 p.m.
    15.Where will the speakers be ging?
    A.T a cinema.
    B.T a theater
    C.T a sprts stadium.
    16.What is the wman prbably ding?
    A.Taking a bath.
    B.Shpping fr a dress.
    C.Getting dressed.
    17.What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Husband and wife.
    B.Brther and sister.
    C.Salespersn and custmer.
    18.Hw many peple were helped?
    19.Why did the wman cntact Rb and Mike later that day?
    A.T pay fr her grceries.
    B.T ask fr mre mney
    C.T express her thanks.
    20.Which is the best descriptin f Rb and Mike?
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Bright-line will fficially begin its lng-awaited high-speed train service t Orland,Flrida,n Friday.Here's what travelers shuld knw abut Bright-line.
    What cities des Bright-line serve in Flrida?
    Bright-line serves Miami,Aventura,Bca Ratn and West Palm Beach.Orland service begins n Friday.
    Bright-line aims t expand service t Tampa in its next phase.
    Hw lng will it take?
    Travel between Miami and Orland is scheduled t take just ver 3.5 hurs,accrding t Bright-line's website.
    Hw much d Bright-line tickets cst?
    Bright-line ffers tw classes f service:Smart Fares,which is described as a“cmfrtable business class”with leather seats,pwer prts and free Wi-Fi,and Premium,which is cmparable t first class with free snacks and drinks,pririty barding,checked bags and a special lunge.
    One-way Smart fares between Suth Flrida and Orland start at $79 fr a limited time fr travelers 13 and lder.The starting rate fr kids between the ages f 2 and 12 is $39. Additinally, an autmatic 25%ff is applied t Smart Fares fr grups f fur r mre peple traveling tgether.
    Premium fares start at $149.
    Tickets can be purchased at Bright-line statins,n the cmpany's website and thrugh its app.
    Is there a student discunt?
    Beginning this fall,students at select clleges and universities can receive up t 25%ff Smart fares if they create their Bright-line accunt with their student email address.
    The list f participating universities is available nline.
    Is Bright-line pet-friendly?
    Dgs and cats are allwed n Bright-line trains.The website's pet plicy says that pets must be leashed r crated while in Bright-line statins and n trains.The West Palm Beach and Frt Lauder dale statins have pet relief areas.
    21.What is the minimum single fare fr a cuple with 10-year-ld twins?
    22.What is a must fr cllege students t enjy a 25%discunt n the tickets?
    A.Taking Smart Fares.
    B.Creating a bank accunt.
    C.Prviding their email address.
    D.Participating in activities nline.
    23.What can we infer frm the text?
    A.Any pet can be taken n Bright-line trains.
    B.Bright-line will serve up t 6 six cities in Flrida.
    C.Peple can spend nly 3.5 hurs frm Miami t Orland.
    D.Smart Fares ffers mre luxurius experiences than Premium.
    During the pandemic,Tky's lively Mejji University campus std still.My students were restricted t their hmes,appearing nly as small figures n my screen during Zm lectures n human-cmputer interactin.I spent the days in my lab,lking fr ways t pass the time.
    On a particularly bland day in 2020,I was recalling abut hw,befre the pandemic,Tky used t be packed with peple wh had flwn acrss the wrld t enjy the exciting fd scene.But nw restaurants were empty and peple lnged fr fds they nce relished.I missed drinking wine in a bar,watching thers enjying their evenings.I wndered hw I culd cntribute during these trying times.That's when an idea struck:why nt create a device t bring the flavur f the wrld int peple's hmes?
    In Japan,cmpanies use taste sensrs t mnitr the quality f prducts.These devices measure the strength f the five basic tastes—salty,sweet,sur,bitter,umami—and assign each a value.It dawned n me that if taste culd be quantified,perhaps it culd als be recreated.I disslved fds such as pizza and fries,measured hw they rated,then made 10 liquid samples that each represented a taste.When cpying the taste f fd,it's like fllwing a recipe;I cmbined the 10 liquid samples t reflect the taste sensr's measurements f the disslved dish.
    Taste the TV(TTTV),released in 2021,lks like a televisin screen—but yu can lick it.Once the viewer selects a dish frm the screen menu,an image f the fd will appear,and abve the screen a device cntaining my liquid flavur samples will spray in a cmbinatin that creates the taste f the chsen fd.The spray then rlls films ver the screen,and they can enjy the taste f pizza withut even biting int a slice.
    My inventin was received pretty well wrldwide.My students and I wuld be interested in finding hw else t challenge traditinal ways f enjying media,and we knew we wanted t expand n TTTV.
    24.What can we learn abut the authr frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A.He fcused n his lectures.
    B.He was bred f his current jb.
    C.He cherished the memry f the past.
    D.He disliked the quietness f the campus.
    25.Why did the authr mentin the practices f Japanese cmpanies?
    A.T test his idea.
    B.T stress his effrt.
    C.T infrm his prcess.
    D.T intrduce his inspiratin.
    26.What des paragraph 4 say abut TTTV?
    A.The practical uses.
    B.The designing plan.
    C.The wrking principle.
    D.The underlying lgic.
    27.What will the text talk abut next?
    A.The ppularity f ur prduct.
    B.The upgrade release f ur creatin.
    C.The difficulty f ur new inventin.
    D.The cmmn feedback f ur innvatin.
    The best thing that has happened in Flrida,since the beginning f July is that the electricity department has kept functining.It is reprted that daily maximum temperature is abve 43℃.It is nt just the United States,where 100 millin peple are under heat-warning ntices, that is suffering.There is currently a series f such heatwaves arund the wrld.Temperatures exceed 40°C frm Madrid t Cair,where suffering pwer is unavailable. In Beijing July 18thsaw a 23-year-ld recrd brken by a 27th cnsecutive day with a maximum temperature abve35℃,which means peple hadn't even enjyed ne cl day during that perid.By increasing the pssibility f a wide range f extreme events,glbal warming als increases the chances that they will cme in waves.
    There are things t d as sn as the mercury(水银柱)rises.Get hmeless peple t cling statins;encurage peple t lk in n elderly neighbrs,the weak citizens and especially wmen ver 80,wh dminate the excess deaths assciated with heatwaves;make it pssible fr thse wh must wrk utside t d s early in the mrning;put hspitals n an emergency fting.
    There are als things t be dne in advance.It is crucial t wrk ut where the peple at greatest risk live.One thing that can help is deciding where t plant trees,which bth prvide shade and,as water evaprates thrugh their leaves,cl the air.There are smart chices t be made abut the built envirnment,frm the best srt f pavement and curtyards designed fr passive cling t the ppularity f white rfs.There are building cdes t update s as t make thse chices easier,as well as regulatins t change s that wrkers are nt endangered by midday heat.
    All these measures are easier t take when a city has resurces t devte t them.In the develping wrld,where a lack f air cnditining makes heat all the mre deadly,such resurces are scarce.What is needed fr leaders is t take the issue seriusly and fr lcal pliticians is t see cling plans as a way t cmpete fr vtes.Unfrtunately,such a strategy wrks best in places where vters have already felt the cnsequences f failing t act.Sme studies re-veal that many places are at increasing risk f vicius heatwaves but have yet t experience ne particularly trubling.Flrida at least knws what t expect—and what it will have t g n expecting fr decades t cme.
    28.Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A.A textbk.
    B.A news reprt.
    C.An academic article.
    D.A gegraphy magazine.
    29.What is the purpse f paragraph 1?
    A.T intrduce the tpic.
    B.T draw peple's attentin.
    C.T give examples f heatwaves.
    D.T cmpare the heat f different places.
    30.Which is nt mentined t deal with heat?
    A.Planting trees in prper places.
    B.Making rules relative t heat cntrlling.
    C.Taking care f the ld and the fragile.
    D.Encuraging utdr staff t wrk flexibly.
    31.What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A.Dealing with the issue f heat is cmplicated.
    B.Pliticians struggle t tackle the issue f heat.
    C.Many places haven't sustained the severest heatwaves.
    D.A certain strategy perates best in the develping wrld.
    “Just imagine it,chatting t a chimp in chimpanzee.”Whether prtrayed by Rex Harrisn, Eddie Murphy r Rbert Dwney,Jr.,Dctr Dlittle learned t talk t animals.But in reality, science has remained sme distance frm slving the lng-standing questin f hw we humans learned t talk during ur evlutin.
    Recently,a study by a team f researchers in Great Britain has demnstrated hw the rapid successin f pening and clsing muth rhythms by chimpanzees—knwn as lip-smacking (砸吧嘴)—mimics the natural pace f human muths talking.This phenmenn has been bserved befre in ther ape species wh perfrmed lip-smacking mvements at arund 5 Hz,which falls within a range f muth pens and clses characteristic f all spken languages,namely between2 and 7 Hz.But it wasn't until nw that this lip-smacking timing cnnectin had been made in ur clsest evlutinary relatives.The last years had seen accumulating evidence that these rhythms frm deeper within ur primate ancestry, recycled, s t speak,as a crnerstne fr speech evlutin.
    “But the sense f evlutinary cntinuity twards speech still had a big gap t crss—the African apes.There was n evidence fr speech like rhythm neither in grillas, bnbs,nr chimpanzees",says Adrian Lameira f the University f Warwick,wh led the study. The study fllwed tw dmestic ppulatins f chimpanzees,as well as tw wild ppulatins in Uganda.Researchers bserved lip-smacking at an average f 4.15 Hz. They made all their bservatins whenever a chimpanzee was grming(理毛;梳毛) anther. Picture a hairdresser engaging in idle chatter with a custmer at the beauty saln.
    The cnfirmatin f speech like rhythm f the muth in chimpanzees des nt reveal hw language came abut in ur wn ancestry,but it ffers the final cnfirmatin t scientists that we are lking at the right place,that we are n the right track t unlck this mystery and that great apes in enclsed areas and the wild still have t reveal all their secrets abut human nature and human rigins.
    Lameira als ntes that variatin in lip-smacking times bth between and within the chimp grups d nt appear t be hard-wired.Rather,the lip-smacking variability likely reflects hw individual differences and envirnmental factrs,and even scial cnventins, affect hw chimpanzees cmmunicate with each ther.Even Dctr Dlitle might well be amazed.
    32.What des the new study reveal?
    A.We humans can talk t chimpanzees.
    B.Chimpanzees like imitating humans talking.
    C.A new clue f speech evlutin has been fund.
    D.All apes perfrm the same lip-smacking rhythms as we humans d.
    33.What is the significance f this study?
    A.Paving way fr the fllwing researches.
    B.Prving the assumptin f the scientists.
    C.Cnfirming hw language came int being.
    D.Revealing the secrets abut human evlutin.
    34.What des the underlined wrd“hard-wired”in the last paragraph mean?
    35.What can be a suitable title fr the passage?
    A.Crnerstne fr Human Origin.
    B.Research Value f Ape Species.
    C.Human Speech Evlutin Getting Lip-Smacking Evidence.
    D.Chimpanzees Perfrming Speech like Lip-Smacking Mvements.
    If yu thught that yur child's academic perfrmance is based slely n the number f hurs spent studying,yu're srely wrng.__36__And ne f the majr,mstly ignred, influencing cntributrs is physical health.
    Physical activity and health can actually bst a persn's ability t learn.Accrding t a study, exercise can imprve a child's cgnitive abilities,health,and academic perfrmance significantly.Regular aerbic exercise enhances the functining f the hippcampus,the area f the brain invlved in learning and verbal memry.__37__Even the prefrntal crtex and medial tempral crtex—parts f the brain that cntrl thinking and memry—are fund t be in better health in thse wh exercise regularly than in the brains f thse wh dn't exercise.
    The effect f exercise n memry and thinking is bth direct and indirect. Directly, regular exercise gives the ability t stimulate the release f grwth factrs,chemicals in the brain that affect the health f brain cells,as well as the survival f new brain cells.__38 __It will als reduce stress and anxiety.
    __39__ Studies shw that the added study length desn't bring abut the expected learning effects.Furthermre,the greatest cgnitive benefits frm physical educatin have been seen t cme abut when physical educatin is given either in the first half f the day r midday rather than at the end f the day.The benefits f exercise in terms f academic perfrmance als apply t cllege students.Accrding t a recent study in the Nrth Carlina State, just an hur f exercise every week can bring abut great changes.__40__
    A.There are lads f benefits f physical exercise.
    B.In fact,gd grades are a result f multiple factrs.
    C.As a cnsequence,it can bst ur behaviur and thinking ability.
    D.Additinally,getting enugh exercise will imprve sleep quality and md.
    E.Other frms f exercise like balance exercises d bst the cgnitive perfrmance f the brain.
    F.The benefits f exercise during the schl day exceed thse cming frm increasing class time.
    G.Thus,physical activity shuld be seen as mre a cre educatinal cncern than an insignificant ptin.
    第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分30分)
    It was a busy mrning and I had several urgent tasks t cmplete.As I was walking by a nisy rad,I saw an ld lady standing perilusly(危险地)clse t the traffic.Althugh my mind was__ 41__,I realized that I shuld warn her t stay away frm the __42__traffic rushing by.
    When I__43__her,I nticed that she was attempting t get attentin f passers-by wh were t busy t__44__her.She kept__45__t the middle f the rad.When I tried t__46__ mve her back further away frm the rad,she said that she had drpped her huse key in the middle f the rad.I knew I was getting__47__but determined t help.
    It was the wrst time f the day t crss a busy rad withut a traffic__48__.I cautiusly __49__nt the rad waving my hands desperately and almst expecting t be__50__by an nging vehicle.At first,ne lane__51__and then I mved further n.Just then a schl bus was drawing near and I bldly stepped in frnt f it t stp it.My experience had been that schl bus drivers were always__52__f reckless(不顾后果的)pedestrians like me.The schl bus stpped exactly__53__the spt where the key had fallen.I quickly picked up the key and ran back.Althugh the bus driver sunded the hrn vilently at my recklessness,the schl children wh were watching my actins __54__a cheer and clapped.
    The ld lady embraced me warmly as I gave back the key.I hpe the schl children wuld d the same when their __55__cmes in life,but safety cmes first.
    Getting angry culd help yu achieve yur gals,a new research suggests.Often __56__ (perceive) as a negative emtin,anger can actually be pwerful__57__(mtivate)fr peple t meet challenging targets in their lives.It is useful in achieving mre challenging gals, __58__ des nt appear t be linked t easier tasks.The finding als suggests emtins that are ften cnsidered negative,such as anger,bredm,r sadness,can be useful.
    Lead authr Heather Lench,a prfessr at Texas A and M University,USA,stated that peple ften believed a state f happiness was__59__ideal,and the majrity f peple regarded the pursuit f happiness as a majr life gal."The view that psitive emtins are perfect fr mental health and well being__60__(be)nticeable in psychlgical accunts f emtin, but many researches suggest a mix f emtins,including negative emtins like anger, result in__61__(gd)utcmes.”She added that the functinalist thery f emtin suggests that all emtins,gd r bad,are reactins__62__events within a persn's envirnment and serve the purpse f alerting that persn t imprtant situatins that require actins.
    In the study researchers cnducted experiments__63__(invlve)mre than 1,000 peple, and analyzed survey data frm mre than 1,400 respndents.The researchers fund that anger increased effrt twards attaining a desired gal,__64__ (frequent)leading t greater success and the effects f anger in encuraging peple t reach fr and achieve their gals were specific t situatins__ 65__ the gals were mre difficult t realize.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Jane:
    Yurs sincerely
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    The 26-year-ld mther stared dwn at her sn wh suffered leukemia(白血病).Althugh her heart was filled with sadness,she als had a strng feeling f determinatin. Like any parent she wanted her sn t grw up and fulfill all his dreams.Nw that was n lnger pssible.The leukemia wuld see t that.But she still wanted her sn's dreams t cme true.
    She tk her sn's hand and asked,“Bpsy,did yu ever think abut what yu wanted t be when yu grew up?Did yu ever dream and wish abut what yu wuld d with yur life?"“Mmmy,I always wanted t be a fireman when I grew up."Mm smiled back and said,"Let's see if we can make yur wish cme true."Later that day she went t her lcal fire department in Phenix,Arizna,where she met Fireman Bb,wh had a heart as big as Phenix.She explained her sn's final wish and asked if it might be pssible t give her six-year-ld sn a ride arund the blck n a fire engine.
    Fireman Bb said,“Lk,we can d better than that.If yu'll have yur sn ready at seven 'clck Wednesday mrning,we'll make him an hnrary fireman fr the whle day.He can cme dwn t the fire statin,eat with us,g ut n all the fire calls,the whle nine yards!
    And,if yu'll give us his sizes,we'll get a real fire unifrm made fr him,with a real fire hat—nt a ty ne—with the emblem f the Phenix Fire Department n it,a yellw slicker like we wear and rubber bts.They're all manufactured right here in Phenix,s we can get them fast.”
    Three days later,Fireman Bb picked up Bpsy,dressed him in his fire unifrm and accmpanied him frm his hspital bed t the waiting hk and ladder truck.Bpsy gt t sit up n the back f the truck and help steer it back t the fire statin.He was in heaven.There were three fire calls in Phenix that day and Bpsy gt t g ut n all three calls.He rde in the different fire engines,the paramedics' van and even the fire chiefs car.He was als videtaped fr the lcal news prgram.
    第一部分 听力:(共20小题;每题1.5分,共30分)
    1-5 ABCAA
    6-10 BACAC
    11-15 CBCAB
    16-20 CABCB
    第二部分 阅读(共20小题;每题2.5分,满分50分)
    21-23 BAB
    24-27 CDCB
    28-31 DADC
    32-35 CADC
    36-40 BEDFG
    46-50 DBCAC
    51-55 BCCBD
    56.perceived 57.mtivatin 58.but 59.an 60.is/has been
    61.better 62.t 63,invlving 64.frequently 65.where
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Jane,
    Learning that yu have gained the first place in the Chinese Traditinal Culture Paper-cutting Cmpetitin fr Internatinal Students,I'm mre than delighted t write t extend my sincere cngratulatins t yu.
    As the saying ges,yu reap what yu sw.Frm my perspective,yur effrts paid ff.It was yur passin and hard wrk that cntributed t yur winning.Keen n Chinese traditinal culture paper-cutting,yu have lng been devted t learning frm masters and keeping practicing cnstantly.What yu have cmmitted t cunts.
    I expect yu culd share yur experience and reflectin with me.I am terribly thirsty fr cultivating my culture cnsciusness and enhancing my practical abilities.Once again,cngratulatins n yur splendid achievement.
    Lking frward t yur early reply.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    Pssible versin
    S deeply tuched was Bpsy that he reslved t live with perseverance.His dream realized,with him blessed with all the lve and attentin,Bbsy felt that he was the mst frtunate persn in the wrld.Never had the by anticipated such a great dream culd be realized n him.Thugh in the prcess f terminal leukemia,Bbsy still led a life full f hpe and beauty.It was the persnal experience f being a fireman that inspired his desire t live a gd life regardless f the severe illness.Brimming with cnfidence in life,alng with the encuragement f the great mther,Bbsy was psitively engaged in his treatment.Hwever,a severe infectius virus hit him,which wrsened his cnditin.
    All the dctrs thught the by was n the edge f life and death.Hwever,the mther insisted n the fact that faith culd create the miracle f life.Hugging the by in her arms,the mther called the fire chief and asked if it wuld be pssible t send a fireman in unifrm t the hspital t be with Bpsy t pull thrugh the dangerus perid.N sner had the fireman came int the ward than Bbsy smiled as if the fireman were his future and all the pain had gne.Amazingly,the next few days saw the by picking up gradually.He was firmly cnvinced that his life wuldn't end befre he culd be a real firefighter.With scientific and effective treatment,his cnditin was imprving all the time.S a beautiful dream in the heart can make a great difference.
    Text 1
    W:It's already 10 yu packed?Our flight is early in the mrning.(1)
    M:Yes.I can't believe that the day after tmrrw we'll be lying n a beach.
    W:And ne day after that,we'll be n the trip we bked t Rme.
    Text 2
    M:Sitting here in this garden,I feel like I dn't have a care in the wrld.
    W:Me t.I culd spend the whle day here,just enjying the sights,sunds and smells f nature.(2)
    Text 3
    W:Harry,yur frehead is burning.Are yu alright?
    M:N,I've been in bed all day.Plus,I'm s sweaty,and I have n appetite.
    W:Let me check yur temperature.Oh n,yu shuld prbably stay hme frm schl tmrrw. (3)
    Text 4
    M:What are yu ding after schl?The rest f us are ging t play tennis.Want t cme?
    W:Definitely.(4)I had tw science classes this mrning but luckily we weren't given any hmewrk.
    Text 5
    W:Srry,Tm,we've sld ut f white chclate biscuits tday.Yu aren't the nly fan.(5)
    M:Oh n.What else d yu have?
    W:We have them in milk chclate r dark chclate.
    Text 6 (第7题为推断题)
    W:OK,that's fine.Yur eyesight seems t be gd.Nw,culd yu lift yur shirt,please?(6)
    M:Like this?
    W:A little bit higher…that's it.Nw,I'll just have a listen.Great,there's a gd strng beat.(6) Yu can pull yur shirt back dwn.And lastly,bld pressure.Let me wrap this thing arund yur arm.
    M:It's making my arm mve n its wn.
    W:That's OK.It's meant t d that.Bld pressure is nrmal —and that's it.N prblems at all. Culd yu send the next student in?
    Text 7(第8题为总结题)
    W:Hell,Evening News.Can I help yu?
    M:Culd yu tell me the price fr half a page n Friday?
    W:A half-page advertisement n Friday wuld cst yu f200.
    M:Oh,I was expecting it t cst mre than that.
    W:Well,fewer and fewer peple read newspapers these days.S they advertise n TV r n the Internet.
    M:I sell my prducts mainly t the 60 t 80 age grup.(9)I'm nt dealing in cmputer games r baby clthes
    W:Mst f ur remaining readers are nw in that age grup,s yu've prbably cme t the right place.
    M:OK,I'll g ahead.
    W:We d have an ffer.Tw Fridays fr just E250.That might suit yu.(10)
    M:Oh yes,I'll d that.
    Text 8
    M:OK,the structure f the bridge has been settled.Shall I call the trucks t bring the building materials?
    W:Nt yet.Ill tell the safety wrkers t d their final checks.Yu can never d t many checks n a jb f this size.
    M:Fine.S,what nw?(11)
    W:We'll cme back after ur lunch break and mve n t the cncrete stage.(11)
    M:I hpe yu dn't mind me saying s,but it's very unusual t see a wman ding a jb like this.
    W:Yu're right there.I was the nly wman in my university grup t graduate as an engineer.
    (12)That was six years ag.I was nly 22 then.
    M:Did yu find it difficult?
    W:N mre than anyne else.I've always been interested in cnstructin,especially big prjects like this.But sme f my classmates thught I shuld be at hme baking cakes r lking after children.(13)
    M:Dinsaurs.Just g ahead and shw them they are wrng.(13)
    Text 9 (第17题为推断题)
    W:Hurry up.The shw starts at 8:00 p.m.(14)(15)
    M:Oh,stp wrrying.We have anther tw hurs yet.(14)
    W:Yes,but we have t drive there.We dn't knw what the traffic will be like,and we've never
    seen a play befre.We dn't knw what happens in a theater.(15)
    M:Relax,it will be just like ging t a mvie r a sprts game,except that we'll be dressed a little mre smartly.
    W:I dn't knw why yu didn't just have a shwer.Baths take t lng.
    M:I've nearly finished.Once I've dried myself,I'll be getting dressed.
    W:Remember we have t pick up my sister n the way.
    M:Are we taking yur mum and dad as well?
    W:N,they said they wuld meet us there.
    M:Well,that will save us sme time.We'll prbably arrive t early.
    W:I'd rather be early than late.And I'm nt sure abut this black dress.It makes me lk fat
    in the mirrr.Shuld I change it?(16)
    M:It's beautiful.Everyne in the audience will be lking at yu instead f the play.
    W:Oh dear!I hpe nt.
    Text 10(第20题为推断题)
    High schl friends Rb and Mike went t a grcery stre with fur hundred dllars in their pckets.The mney wasn't meant t buy eggs and milk fr themselves, hwever. Instead, they used it t surprise 15 needy shppers by buying their grceries fr them.(18)Yu culd seethe shck and happiness in the shppers' eyes as they realized that strangers had just paid fr them.One wman ffered t pay fr the next persn's grceries.Anther blew Rb a kiss and said, “I lve yu!”A third said,“That just made my day.”Anther wman cried s much that Mike went arund the cunter and gave her a hug.“Nw yu're ging t make me cry as well," she said."Let's truly lve ur neighbr,whatever that lks like fr yu."Rb said later. Mike added that ne f the wmen they had helped that day later cntacted them,and said she had been ging thrugh a rugh time and that day brught the light int her darkest days.(19) Rb said,“We are nt frm wealthy families,but we want t d smething t encurage peple t g ut and be nice t thers.Be kind t a persn r smile at smene.”
    B.glare at
    B.let ut
    C.take care f
    C.jumped at
    D.take nte f
    D.jumped t

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