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    Discver Our Winter Camps This Seasn
    Spaces Edu
    Ages 13-17 Years
    Are yu lking fr an exciting and creative way t develp cmputer skills?Spaces Edu is the perfect curse fr students wh want t bring their imaginatins t life by cding(编码)their wn VR prjects. In this curse, students will learn hw t create 3D bjects and will als learn hw t cllect infrmatin quickly, as well as hw t share their creatins nline and experience them with VR headsets. This is an advanced curse s sme cding experience is necessary.
    Necessary Life Skills
    Ages 12-13 Years
    This curse will ffer imprtant real-life skills fr students which will prepare them fr their university. Students will learn hw t create their wn detailed resumes (简历)as well as hw t prepare fr interviews s they are prepared and filled with cnfidence as they take the next steps in life.
    French thrugh Art Culture
    Ages 8-11 Years
    Jin us this spring as we travel in time thrugh the richness f French music, peple and clrs. Each day, students will build their understanding f the language thrugh a different way. As students becme interested in French art and culture they will develp their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.
    First Steps
    Ages 7-12 Years
    In this intrductry curse fr beginners, students will learn the basics f cmputer in Pythn. The curse will fcus n learning Pythn prgramming and then using the knwledge and skills t create cmputer prgrams. Using an nline learning platfrm(平台), students will be guided thrugh their learning f Pythn basics. Students shuld bring their wn cmputers.
    1.Which camp is suitable fr students wh prepare fr cllege life?
    A.French thrugh Art Culture.B.Necessary Life Skills.
    C.Spaces Edu.D.First Steps.
    2.What can students d in French thrugh Art Culture?
    A.Imprve their French.B.Travel in France.
    C.Organize an art shw.D.Create a 3D painting.
    3.What d Spaces Edu and First Steps have in cmmn?
    A.They are perfect fr beginners.
    B.They are pen t students aged 7.
    C.They ffer curses in cmputer science.
    D.They prvide free cmputers fr students.
    Wrking at an investment bank in New Yrk City in the mid-2010s, Anna Sacks was living the life—just nt the life she wanted. Sure, she was happy. But she wanted t d smething that was imprtant and meaningful n a deeper level.
    Sacks packed up her life and mved t. Cnnecticut fr three mnths t participate in Adamah, a Jewish farming prgram that fcuses n sustainable (可持续的) living and grwing sustainable fd. The Adamah prgram pened Sacks's eyes t the damage that cnsumer culture is ding n a lcal, natinal, and glbal level, and the need t find slutins. Frm then n, she began what she calls "trash (垃圾) walking."
    While walking arund her neighbrhd, Sacks, 31, picked thrugh rubbish t lk fr reusable items. Sn, her trash walks expanded t include cmpany rubbish alng with residential trash. Surprisingly, she discvered a wide range f really great stuff—like clthing, dinnerware, and fd—all f which she dcuments n Instagram and TikTk.
    Under the name The Trash Walker, Sacks quickly gained ppularity fr her educatinal, funny, and surprising vides that highlight the prblems with cnsumerism and share infrmatin abut hw t live a mre sustainable life. "The rt issue is verprductin, which leads t vercnsumptin, which leads t a large amunt f waste, "she says. Sacks's vides have gne viral (走红) many times, causing shckwaves thrugh the industries she calls ut.
    Trash walking has given Sacks a nearly endless supply and she shares much f her "treasure" with thers. She tries giving them infrmally t family, friends, r individuals she knws may need a specific item. Then she takes the remaining items t free stres s ther New Yrkers can benefit frm her treasure-hunting.
    Sacks's main fcus is simply getting peple t pay attentin t hw many unnecessary things they buy and then thrw away. "Once yu becme aware f the way yu cnsume, yu can see ways yu imprve," she says.
    4.What inspired Sacks t begin her "trash walking"?
    A.Her desire t live a richer life.B.The great need fr husehld stuff.
    C.Her invlvement in a prject.D.The wish t be an Internet star.
    5.What d Sacks' vides fcus n?
    A.Funny stries.B.Views n cnsumptin.
    C.Educatinal curses.D.Fashinable items.
    6.Hw des Sacks deal with her trash?
    A.She dnates all t the charity.B.She keeps mst fr her family.
    C.She gives away much t thers.D.She sells sme t individuals.
    7.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Trash Walker:Find Treasure in Trash B.Trash Walking:A Tugh Jurney
    C.Trash Walker:Live in the Mment D.Trash Walking:A New Career
    Lake Titicaca is a freshwater lake in the Andes muntains n the brder f Blivia. It's the largest lake in Suth America. Dtted alng the lake's western crner, yu can find dzens f artificial islands. Several thatched huses and structures sit n each island, sme f which are nly 30 meters r s wide, althugh larger nes exist.
    The flating platfrms are built by piling layers upn layers f mixed ttra rts and reeds(芦苇). The ttra plant is necessary t life n the lake. Its strng rt fibers are used t make huses, bats, rfs, mattresses, and mre, as well as used t make tea, traditinal medicine, and tasty dishes knwn as "lake banana".
    S the stry ges, this unusual living arrangement came ut in the pre-Clumbian era when the ambitius Inca Empire began invading (入侵)int the mainland villages f Urs. The Urs villages mved t Lake Titicaca where they built these flating platfrms. If invading Inca came their way, the Urs culd push these artificial islands ut t the middle f the lake and flee their attack.
    The threat f the Inca Empire has lng passed, but the traditin remains strng. Even tday, it's estimated that arund 1,300 Urs live n sme 100 cnstructed islands n Lake Titicaca. Maintaining the lifestyle isn't easy. While ttra is a tugh material, the thatched rganic material degrades due t the frces f nature ver time, meaning the islands and hmes are in a cnstant state f repair.
    Hwever, the traditinal way f life isn't withut its mdern benefits. Many f the islands have slar panels that pwer lights, radis, and televisin satellites. The lake's artificial islands have als becme a must-see spectacle fr turists, with sme lcals even renting ut their ttra-thatched hmes t travelers n nline rental website Airbnb.
    8.What is the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A.The value f the ttra plant.B.The prcess t build the islands.
    C.The islands made f water plants.D.The traditin and histry f the Urs.
    9.Why did the ancient Urs build artificial islands n the lake?
    A.T live a nature-friendly life.B.T preserve their ld lifestyle.
    C.T build thatched huses n them.D.T prtect themselves against enemies.
    10.What d we knw abut the current life f the Urs?
    A.They have lst their native language.
    B.Mdern devices have cme int their life.
    C.Turism is their majr surce f incme.
    D.They're tired f repairing the ttra-thatched huses.
    11.What is the purpse f the text?
    A.T persuade.B.T educate.C.T advertise.D.T intrduce.
    When running thrugh an airprt, yur luggage becmes a burden fr yu. A new ride-n suitcase called the Airwheel, currently seeking funding n Kickstarter, can let yur luggage carry yu arund fr a change.
    Cmpanies like Trunki have been making ride-n suitcases fr kids fr years, and later invlved in adapting them fr adults t. And the appeal f the idea is hard t deny—wh wuldn't want t slide t their terminal(航站楼)n tp f their luggage, rather than trying t carry it while yu're running?
    The Airwheel is designed t make it cme true, equipping an electric mtr, rechargable battery and a steering(操纵)device just like the mtrbike handlebars. The acceleratr and brake take the frm f buttns n the handle, and the 4-in(10-cm)wheels are apparently tugh enugh t run ver rcky rads and cracks. The uter frame is strng enugh t supprt riders weighing up t 130 kg.
    At max speed the case can get up t 10 km/h, and the battery will last ne hur at that speed. The cmpany says that nt nly is this faster than ther ride-n suitcases, but the mre upright sitting psitin is mre cmfrtable and natural than the bent-ver psture f thers, which is the riders' big hit.
    Fr a tuch f custmizatin(定制), the Airwheel cnnects t an app which lets users set up clrs and patterns f lights. There's als a search mde t help yu find it n a luggage transfer-belt. That said, making the suitcase transparent is a bit f a unique design chice. Yur custmized suitcase will draw yur attentin easily.
    The Airwheel has already passed its gal n Kickstarter, with 44 days remaining n the campaign. If all ges t plan, shipping shuld begin in February 2024.
    12.Why des Trunki cmpany try t prduce the Airwheel?
    A.It is ppular with kids.
    B.It meets the demands f custmers.
    C.It can raise fund fr the lcal airprt.
    D.It can help travellers keep their luggage.
    13.What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A.The instructins f the Airwheel.B.The methds t use the Airwheel.
    C.The applicatins f the Airwheel.D.The prcess f making the Airwheel.
    14.What d the riders like best abut the Airwheel?
    A.Its lnger duratin f transprt.B.Its ppular bent-ver psture.
    C.Its increasing running speed.D.Its natural sitting psitin.
    15.What des the underlined wrd "transparent" mean in paragraph 5?
    A.Widely available.B.Cmpletely cntrlled.
    C.Easily recgnized.D.Envirnmentally friendly.
    16.Brain exercises t imprve memry
    Memry is an intellectual ability t cllect, stre and recall events that peple have experienced in the past. Nt many f us can bast f a gd memry. Scientists have fund a direct relatinship between exercises and brain health. Here are sme brain exercises t imprve memry.
    Studying a new language
    This is a gd way t enhance the ability f thinking and gathering infrmatin t the brain. Yu will prbably find it difficult t memrize the vcabulary f a freign language. ①______ Learning a new language helps the brain wrk cntinuusly and imprves memry.
    Fcusing within 8 secnds
    Yu shuld fcus thinking abut smething t remember (anniversary fr grandparents, class meeting time...)within 8 secnds.8 secnds seems t be a very shrt time. Hwever it is the time necessary t mve infrmatin frm shrt-term memry int lng-term memry f the peple. ②______Therefre, yu shuld apply and practice every day.
    Psitive thinking
    ③______Having a cmfrtable life is the aim f this brain exercise t imprve memry. Life and spirit are always happy t have an plentiful strength and a tughness memry. An ptimistic mindset, lve life will increase the wrk efficiency f the brain and help yu avid depressin, and bring yu much jy and happiness.
    It's very easy t d this exercise. Yu clse yur eyes, cunt the clr f the letters in rder in the Ggle name, r the name f the stres in frnt f yur huse, then yu check fr accuracy. Yu shuld gradually increase the difficulty f the exercises t get sharp memry. Yu can als d brain exercise t imprve memry frm: write dwn a bunch f wrds, read nce and think quickly t see hw many wrds yu can remember. ⑤______
    A. Clsing yur eyes
    B. Build up yur vcabulary
    C. Yu shuld start with 10 wrds and increase gradually.
    D. Regularly read articles and new lists f wrds t have a healthy brain.
    E. This is actually a methd that sme studies have tested and cnfirmed.
    F. But the mre difficult t remember, the mre brain functin wrk prperly.
    G. The methd is always thinking abut a better future: simple life, happy family, gd children.
    Vicky Umdu frm Cltn in Califrnia was in the prcess f mving int her new hme. She was in urgent 1 f furniture but culdn't affrd t buy anything 2 r used. S she decided t search nline fr ther ptins. She was 3 t find a lvely furniture set that was being given away. It lked hardly used. Vicky then cntacted the wner f the furniture 4 and was mre than blessed t have it.
    Once she gt it hme, she started t 5 the furniture. But she nticed smething a little 6 abut ne f the chairs. The cushin(坐垫)felt uneven. As she inspected the cushin, she 7 what she was feeling was perhaps a ht water bttle under the cushin cver.
    But t her 8 ,she fund dzens f envelpes full f mney!Instead f keeping it, she right away 9 the mney t the wner f the furniture. Much t her surprise, she later learned the furniture 10 the wner's grandma wh passed away last mnth and the wner had n 11 that his grandma saved mney by 12 envelpes f mney in furniture.
    Vicky's 13 turned int a duble blessing. Nt nly did she find favrite furniture, but the wner f the furniture als gave her a(n) 14 ! He gave her extra cash t buy a new fridge. What a valuable 15 she is teaching her children and the wrld!
    17.A.advance B.charge C.favr D.need
    18.A.flexible B.real C.new D.simple
    19.A.delighted B.discuraged C.hnred D.puzzled
    20.A.wrriedly B.slightly C.immediately D.secretly
    21.A.assess B.exchange C.arrange D.design
    22.A.hrrible B.strng C.awesme D.strange
    23.A.realized B.recgnized C.assumed D.believed
    24.A.regret B.relief C.jy D.shck
    25.A.lent B.returned C.presented D.ffered
    26.A.belnged t B.cntributed t C.subscribed t D.adapted t
    27.A.intentin B.idea C.business D.chice
    28.A.distributing B.shwing C.earning D.hiding
    29.A.genersity B.hnesty C.affectin D.cnfidence
    30.A.reward B.rder C.prmtin D.certificate
    31.A.fridge B.gift C.heart D.lessn
    32.The Chinese American Museum, ①_______ (lcate) in dwntwn Washingtn, 800 meters frm the White Huse, is the nly Chinese museum in Washingtn, DC, the United States.
    Philip Qiu, the funder f the Museum, said it ②_______ (establish) t tell the stry f Chinese peple in America, highlight their cntributins t the cuntry ③_______ imprve peple's understanding f Chinese-American culture.
    Over the past few years, the museum has been devted ④_______ cllecting, preserving, researching and displaying the histry and culture f Chinese Americans. It hpes t encurage Chinese Americans t shw ⑤_______ (they) and tell and recrd their wn stries and experiences in the US ⑥_______ (prud) .
    The museum has held mre than 15 high quality ⑦_______ (exhibitin) with different themes. The items n display include artwrks frm China and the US, antique dcuments, calligraphy, paintings and clthing, ⑧_______ has attracted mre than 150,000 visitrs frm all ver the wrld.
    ⑨_______ (celebrate) the Chinese New Year, frm the end f January t the beginning f February, the museum held the "Welcme t the New Year" lantern exhibitin and Chinese New Year cultural display activities.
    "I always believe that human civilizatin is like a big family, and the culture f every natin shuld be respected, "Qiu said. "Cultural exchanges like this will ⑩_______ (strength) cmmunicatin between peple frm the tw cuntries, he added.
    33.假定你是李华,你班开展了以“Hw ften meals are skipped”为题的调查,调查显示绝大多数学生都存在“翘饭”现象,请给校英文报健康栏目写一篇文章,进行投稿,内容包括:
    Skipping Meals
    It was a bright and sunny day. Daniel wke up and jumped ut f bed, ready fr a full day utside. He ran dwn the stairs and sat dwn at the kitchen table. His mm was making pancakes: Daniel's favrite. She made pancakes every Saturday mrning.
    "What d yu want t d tday?"she asked Daniel.
    "I think I'm ging t g explring in ur backyard,"he tld her. "It's s nice utside!"Daniel quickly ate up his pancakes and rushed upstairs t get dressed. He put n a red T-shirt and jeans.
    "Alright, Mm, I'll be back later!"
    "Dn't g t far!"she tld him.
    When he pened the dr, Daniel felt a rush f warm air. He smiled at the sun. Perfect hiking weather, he thught. Daniel lved his backyard. There were plenty f tall trees. If he walked far enugh, he wuld reach a lake. When it was really warm utside, he culd walk in the water t cl ff. The water was always cld.
    The leaves were just beginning t grw n the trees after the cld winter. Daniel wandered fr a bit. He picked up a lng stick and used it t clear a way thrugh the frest.
    Suddenly, Daniel saw smething in the distance that wasn't a rck r a leaf. When he gt clser, he knelt dwn t investigate. He fund a small injured bird between the fallen leaves. He lked arund and saw a bird's nest sitting n a branch. He carefully climbed up the trunk f the tree with the nest t get a clser lk. The nest was empty, and he didn't see any birds arund. Then, he ran back t his huse.
    "Mm, I fund a bird that's hurt!" He tld her as he ran thrugh the dr.
    They tk the bird t the animal hspital.
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段对Necessary Life Skills的介绍可知,这个课程主要是为那些为大学做准备的学生 们提供重要的真实生活技能。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段对 French thrugh Art and Culture 的介绍可知,它可以帮助学生提高法语。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段对 Spaces Edu的介绍可知,在这个课程中,学生们将学习如何创建3D物体,也会 学习如何快速收集信息。又根据最后一段对 First Steps的介绍可知,在这个为初学者准备的人门课程中,学生们将学习电脑的基础。由此可判断两者的共同点为“提供计算机课程”。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知,Sacks 参加了一个项目后,看到了消费文化在地方、国家和全球层面上 造成的损害,以及找到解决方案的必要性,于是她开始了“垃圾漫步”。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第五段可知,Sacks 将大部分的垃圾送给了家人、朋友和免费商店。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知,文章主要介绍了Anna Sacks通过“垃圾漫步”活动在垃圾中寻找可重复 使用的物品,并将这些“宝藏”分享给他人的故事。因此,A选项"Trash Walker: Find Treasure in Trash"最符合文章的主题和主要内容,能够准确概括文章的核心思想。
    解析:细节理解题。第三段 If invading Inca came their way, the Urs culd push these artificial islands ut t the middle f the lake and flee their attack.表达,如果印加人来袭,乌鲁斯人可以将这些人工岛推到湖中央,以逃避他们的攻击。由此可知,乌鲁斯人建这些人工岛屿是为了保护自己,逃避印加帝国的攻击。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段 Hwever, the traditinal way f life isn't withut its mdern benefits. Many f the islands have slar panels that pwer lights, radis, and televisin satellites.可知,现在的乌鲁斯人已使用了一些现代设备。
    解析:推理判断题。文章主要叙述几个世纪前土著乌鲁斯人在的喀喀湖上建造了一些人工浮岛,其建造材料、 原因及现今状况。由此推断,文章主要是对文化景点的介绍。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段 And the appeal f the idea is hard t deny—wh wuldn't want t slide t their terminal n tp f their luggage, rather than trying t drag it while yu're running?及第三段第一句可知,这个创意 的吸引力是很难否认的,因为谁都想坐在行李上滑到航站楼,而不是拖着行李紧跑。由此推断,Trunki 公司想 要推动Airwheel 产品生产,因为它符合大众的需求。
    解析:细节理解题。第三段叙述,Airwheel配备了电动机、可充电电池和转向装置就像摩托车车把一样。加速器 和制动器采用把手上的按钮形式,4英寸(10厘米)的车轮显然足够坚固,可以在颠簸和裂缝中行驶。外框足够结实,可支撑重达130公斤的骑手。由此可知,该段主要介绍Airwheel的一些配备情况。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段 the mre upright sitting psitin is mre cmfrtable and natural than the bent-ver psture f thers, which is the riders' big hit.可知,更直立的坐姿比其他人弯腰的姿势更舒适自然,这令骑手们最喜欢。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据第五段 Fr a tuch f custmizatin(定制), the Airwheel cnnects t an app which lets users set up clrs and patterns f lights. There's als a search mde t help yu find it n a luggage transfer-belt.可知,Airwheel连接到一个应用程序,用户可以设置灯光的颜色和图案,还有一个搜索模式可以帮助您在行李传送带上找到它。也就是说,让箱子容易辨认是独特的设计选择,
    ②过渡句。本段主要讲述,集中注意力8秒钟。上文叙述,8秒似乎是一个很短的时间。然而,现在是能够将 信息从人们的短期记忆转移到长期记忆的时候了。该空“这实际上是一些研究已经测试和证实的方法”承上 启下,因此,读者应该每天应用和练习。所以E项符合上下文逻辑关系。
    ③细节句。本段主要讲述,正向思考。所以,下文应陈述积极乐观的事。“这个练习方法就是时刻想着美好 的未来:简单的生活、幸福的家庭、优秀的孩子”与之表述一致。下文进一步解释,拥有舒适的生活是这项提高 记忆力的大脑锻炼的目的。乐观的心态、热爱生活会提高大脑的工作效率,帮助你避免抑郁,给你带来很多快乐和幸福。
    ④小标题。下文叙述,做这个练习非常容易。你闭上眼睛,按顺序数一下谷歌名称中字母的颜色,或者你家门前商店的名称,然后检查准确性。你应该逐渐增加练习的难度,以获得敏锐的记忆力。由此可知,该段讲述 另一个大脑锻炼提高记忆力的方法“闭上眼睛”,与后文具体做法陈述一致。
    ⑤细节句。上文叙述,您还可以通过进行大脑锻炼来提高记忆力:写下一堆单词,读一次并快速思考,看看您 能记住多少单词。该空补充说明“你应该从10个单词开始,然后逐渐增加”。上下文逻辑关系一致。
    解析:考查名词。根据上文mving int her new hme 及下文 find a lvely furniture set that was being given away可知,维姬急需家具,但买不起任何新的或用过的东西。in urgent need f 迫切需要。
    解析:考查动词短语。下文But she nticed smething a little abut ne f the chairs.表达,但她注意到其中一把椅子有点奇怪。由此可知,她一把家具弄到家,就开始布置家具。
    解析:考查动词。下文The cushin(坐垫)felt uneven.坐垫摸起来有点凹凸不平。由此可知,当她检查垫子时,她 猜想自己感觉到的可能是垫子下面有一个热水袋。
    解析:考查名词。根据后文They gave her extra cash可知,她不仅找到了免费的家具,而且家具的主人也给了她奖励!
    32.答案:lcated ;was established;and;t;themselves ;prudly;exhibitins;which;T celebrate;strengthen
    解析:①考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词作状语,主语“The Chinese American Museum”,和动词“lcate”之间为被动关系, 用过去分词形式。
    ②考查时态和语态。it指 the Museum,与establish 是被动关系,主句用过去时,此处用一般过去时的被动语态。
    ③考查连词。空前“tell the stry f Chinese peple in America, highlight their cntributins t the cuntry”和空后 “imprve peple's understanding f Chinese-American culture”之间为并列关系,用连词 and。
    ④考查固定短语。devte... t...致力于……。
    ⑤考查代词。根据句意可知,动词之后的宾语正是动作的逻辑主语,用反身代词。故填 themselves。
    ⑥考查副词。修饰动词用副词形式。故填 prudly。
    ⑧考查定语从句。此处为 which引导的非限制性定语从句。
    Skipping Meals
    Our class cnducted a survey entitled "Hw ften meals are skipped". The results f the survey shw that the percentage f students wh skip meals several times a week is 50%.
    Sme students are keen t eat snacks, skipping regular meals, which des great harm t their health, and even their study, while ther students may nt have access t a healthy meal due t their busy schedules r lack f access t healthy fd ptins.
    As far as I am cncerned, prviding healthy meal ptins can help reduce the harmful impact f skipping meals and prvide students with the nutritin they need. Secndly, it's imprtant t carve ut time fr meals by making small adjustments in ur schedule r priritizing breakfast r lunch ver ther activities.
    "Mm, I fund a bird that's hurt!" He tld her as he ran thrugh the dr. His mm was abut t d sme husewrk when she heard Daniel yelling. Seeing his nervus lk, she rushed ut f the huse. She was in shck when she saw the injured bird. "Oh, this pr thing! It lks like it might have a brken wing," she said, carefully picking up the bird. "We shuld send it t the animal hspital at nce." Daniel and his mm carefully placed the bird int a bx and gt int their car.
    They tk the bird t the animal hspital. The dctr examined the bird and said it had a brken wing. "We'll need t set the wing and keep it here fr a few weeks until it's fully recvered," he said. Daniel and his mm were relieved t knw that the bird wuld be taken care f. On their way hme, Daniel's mm turned t him and said, "Daniel, I'm s prud f yu fr rescuing that bird tday. Yu have a big heart." Daniel smiled and a sense f accmplishment washed ver him. He knew that even thugh he had planned t explre the yard that day, helping the bird had been even mre imprtant.

    辽宁省朝阳市2023-2024学年高一下学期3月份考试(开学考试)英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份辽宁省朝阳市2023-2024学年高一下学期3月份考试(开学考试)英语试卷(含答案),共19页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    辽宁省朝阳市2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题(PDF版附解析): 这是一份辽宁省朝阳市2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题(PDF版附解析),共10页。

    2022-2023学年辽宁省朝阳市高二(下)期末英语试卷(含解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年辽宁省朝阳市高二(下)期末英语试卷(含解析),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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