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    D yu have any travel plans fr 2024? Tur agencies like Cntiki in New Zealand and Bking, ne f the largest nline travel agencies, have prvided their predictins fr travel trends in 2024.
    Embracing the unknwn
    While many peple like t make a perfect plan fr their trips, mre travelers are interested in bking trips where the destinatin remains a mystery until later, accrding t a glbal study f Bking invlving 27,000 travelers acrss 33 cuntries and regins. By ding it this way, they seek a chance t escape frm their everyday lives and explre places that few peple have been t. A majrity want t g n trips withut any set plans, enjying the spntaneity (自发性). Surprisingly, 34 percent are even pen t traveling with strangers.
    AI travel
    With the rise f AI, especially with services like ChatGPT becming accessible t peple, there’s been a grwing interest in AI-assisted travel. Accrding t Cntiki, bth tur cmpanies and travelers are increasingly turning t AI. Fr cmpanies, AI serves as an efficient tl t plan trips based n clients’ preferences, such as the duratin f their vacatin, preferred htel types and budget. Similarly, travelers are shwing a willingness t let AI select their next hliday destinatin, particularly if it cmes with discunts n travel and htels.
    Muth feast
    Regarding fd explratin, mst travelers prefer experimenting with new and fresh flavrs rather than sticking with familiar dishes, accrding t Bking’s study. They als lve t discver the rigins f well-knwn lcal specialties. Additinally, technlgy is transfrming ur dining experiences. A significant number f peple are drawn t eating experiences that cmbine the physical and digital realms, using technlgies like virtual reality (VR) r augmented reality (AR). There’s als a grwing curisity in creative plant-based alternatives, such as 3D-printed vegan steaks.
    Sustainable (可持续的) trip
    The travel industry is ready fr a sustainable revlutin. Accrding t Cntiki, a substantial majrity f travelers nw actively lk fr accmmdatins that ffer bth cmfrt and innvative sustainability features. There’s a grwing desire fr natural peace even indrs, with many seeking green spaces and plants in their ldging. Adam Armstrng, CEO f Cntiki, nted, “Peple are traveling clser t hme t reduce their carbn ftprint. They are using alternative transprtatin such as cach rides and train trips, and traveling ff-seasn t avid large and ptentially destructive crwds. ”
    1.Why d mre travelers bk unknwn destinatins fr their trips?
    A. T meet new friends.B. T reduce the cst f travel.
    C. T escape frm daily rutine.D. T discver mre abut themselves.
    2.What is a new trend in fd explratin, accrding t Bking’s study?
    A. Buying special lcal prducts.
    B. Making vides f familiar dishes.
    C. Learning t ck plant-based fds.
    D. Mixing real and virtual experiences.
    3.What are travelers ding t achieve sustainability, accrding t Cntiki’s CEO?
    A. Traveling during busy seasns.
    B. Using ec-friendly transprtatin.
    C. Grwing sme green plants indrs.
    D. Taking away the garbage they prduce.
    What’s the first thing that pps int yur mind when yu think f wheat straw? Mst peple wuld prbably just see it as a pile f waste in a farmer’s field. Hwever, Wu Cui, an intangible cultural inheritr, can turn the straw left ver frm harvested wheat int beautiful and eye-catching functinal artwrks.
    The earliest straw-weaving (草编的) prducts were discvered at Hemudu Cultural Ruins, a Nelithic cultural site lcated in eastern China’s Zhejiang prvince. The Bk f Rites, ne f the classical wrks f Cnfucianism, als recrds that there were already mats made f cattail grass and prfessinal straw-weaving craftsmen during the Zhu Dynasty (c.11th century-256 BC).
    Straw weaving is a methd f manufacturing daily items r artwrks. It was listed as a natinal intangible cultural heritage in 2008.
    Wu explains the prcess f straw weaving: selectin f materials is the first step f a cmplicated, time-cnsuming and labr-intensive prcess that can take weeks, r even mnths, t cmplete. Yu need t sketch (素描) the piece n paper, which requires drawing skills. Next cmes weaving, shaping and preserving f the wrk. Even by finishing that prcess, it des nt mean that yu will always create a gd piece f wrk, and the hardest part is t make it vivid.
    In the past, wven straw items culd be fund almst in every husehld in the cuntryside, such as straw hats and straw shes, because they were practical in everyday life. But due t the impact f industrializatin, manufactured gds have replaced such prducts, which prduce lw prfits, and there are nly abut 100 individuals engaging in the wrk acrss the cuntry. “The wrld has changed, and craftsmen need t transcend practicality and seek the beauty and artistry f straw culture t help the craft survive and develp,” Wu says.
    As far as she is cncerned, straw weaving shuld respnd t peple’s needs and preferences, while still drawing inspiratin frm traditinal culture. “Craftspeple shuld make a great effrt t grasp the trends and pprtunities f the times t create new and relevant prducts,” she says. When asked abut her plans, Wu says she wants t dig deeper int lcal traditinal culture and create cultural creative prducts by develping the straw-weaving technique.
    4.What des paragraph 2 mainly tell us abut straw-weaving prducts?
    A. Their majr uses.B. Their cultural value.
    C. Their histric rigins.D. Their manufacturing prcess.
    5.Which is the mst difficult part fr straw-weaving craftsmen accrding t Wu Cui?
    A. Making the artwrks lifelike.B. Drawing sketches n paper.
    C. Selecting suitable materials.D. Preserving finished prducts.
    6.What des the underlined wrd “transcend” in paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    A. Rely n.B. Turn t.C. Thrw away.D. G beynd.
    7.What can we learn frm Wu Cui’s pinin accrding t the last paragraph?
    A. Straw-weaving prducts are ut f favr with custmers.
    B. Seeking fashin shuld be the first task fr craftspeple.
    C. Lcal peple benefit a lt frm the straw-weaving techniques.
    D. Craftsmen shuld create the craft based n traditinal culture.
    As humanity sets their sights n deep space explratin, the mn becmes a stepping stne, with cuntries hping t build lunar bases t supprt such missins. T slve the “lunch” prblem, scientists have been explring the pssibility f grwing plants n the mn. A new study by Chinese scientists has fund that bacteria in sil frm Earth culd ffer a slutin.
    Researchers frm China Agricultural University tested five species f bacteria n a material that simulated (模拟) lunar sil. Within a perid f 10 t 21 days, three f the bacteria species had dubled their amunt f phsphrus (磷) cntent, a key element fr plant grwth.
    They then grew mdel plants in the lunar sil cntaining these three bacteria species. They bserved that the plants had lnger stems and rts after six days f grwth cmpared with thse grwn withut the bacteria. The plants als had heavier and wider leaves after 24 days f grwth. Besides, levels f chlrphyll (叶绿素) — respnsible fr harvesting energy frm light — in the mdel plants were abut duble that f thse grwn withut bacteria.
    “The study results have imprtant implicatins fr future lng-term stays n the mn,” the study’s lead researcher, Sun Zhencai, tld Xinhua. Earth bacteria may help astrnauts make better use f lunar resurces, such as creating lunar greenhuses. In their fllw-up research, they hpe t experiment with real lunar sil samples and grw crps like rice, cm and ptates.
    Since the duratin f space missins is increasing, carrying all fd supplies t space becmes unsustainable. Hence, “space farmers” becmes critical.
    During the Shenzhu XI missin, astrnauts managed t grw lettuce, frm swing t harvest. In the later missins, the “space farmers” have successfully grwn wheat, rice and thale cress (拟南芥), accrding t CCTV News.
    The mst recent visitrs t China’s space statin, the Shenzhu XVII astrnauts, are nw grwing lettuce, scallin and cherry tmat. These “space farmers” nt nly prvide astrnauts with fd but als mre xygen and water.
    8.What d scientists hpe the bacteria in sil frm Earth can d?
    A. Change lunar sil. int Earth sil.B. Remve pllutants in lunar sil.
    C. Help cultivate crps n the mn.D. Get nutrients frm the lunar sil.
    9.The scientists divided the plants used in the experiment int grups based n _____.
    A. plant speciesB. bacteria species
    C. the grwth rate f the plantsD. the presence f the bacteria
    10.What is the main fcus f the last tw paragraphs n China’s “space farming”?
    A. Future missins.B. Recent achievements.
    C. Planting methds.D. Prductin prcesses.
    11.Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Bacteria frm: Earth May Help Grw Crps n the Mn
    B. Bacteria Play a Key Rle in Grwing Crps Nwadays
    C. China Has Made Many Achievements Regarding Crp Harvest
    D. The Origin and Develpment f Space Explratin Wrldwide
    The news industry has had a rugh decade. Print readership is steadily declining, newspapers are clsing, and jurnalists with decades f experience are being laid ff. In respnse, majr newspapers have made significant changes. They’re attempting t cmbat declining reader interest by shrtening stries, creating clickbait (诱饵性标题), and mst especially, using scial media t their advantage.
    With the rise f scial media sites, many peple have claimed that we are entering a new age in which news must be delivered in 140 characters r fewer. Peple’s ability t fcus n lng-frm cntent and engage in deep reading has als been declining due t the endless distractins and excessive infrmatin in tday’s wrld. This change in reading habits has led t a preference fr shrt, easily-understd news pieces that can be quickly cnsumed. T interest a mre specific and generally yunger readership, newspapers have revised cntent, priritizing articles that are visually appealing instead f having depth.
    But, in reality, there is still a demand fr in-depth reprting. In this era f misinfrmatin and clickbait, readers are seeking reliable surces f news that prvide cntext, analysis, and accuntability. Depth reprting explres the fundamental causes, invlves multiple perspectives, and uncvers the hidden truths that shape ur wrld, helping readers get a mre cmprehensive understanding f cmplicated matters.
    While scial media have changed the way we cnsume news, the quality f news remains essential fr public. It’s crucial fr the news industry t achieve a balance between catering t changing reader preferences while als maintaining the integrity (完整性) f news. This means prviding bth quick updates and in-depth analysis, and using scial media t prmte their cntent, but nt at the expense f accuracy r integrity. By ding s, news rganizatins can ensure that they remain relevant and trusted surces f infrmatin in a rapidly changing media envirnment.
    12.What prblem des traditinal news industry face?
    A. The decline f readership.
    B. The lack f lng-frm stries.
    C. The spread f unreliable infrmatin.
    D. The shrtage f experienced jurnalists.
    13.What d we knw frm paragraph 3?
    A. Peple’s need fr in-depth reprting is decreasing.
    B. Scial media has played a key rle in prmting hidden facts.
    C. Clickbait greatly increases readers’ interests in explring truths.
    D. In-depth reprting can imprve readers’ cmprehensin f cmplex issues.
    14.Accrding t the passage, the news industry shuld achieve a balance between .
    A. prviding quick updates and fcusing n ppular tpics
    B. stating matters in multiple perspectives and shrtening articles
    C. satisfying readers’ preferences and ensuring the quality f news
    D. widening news surces and maintaining the accuracy f cntents
    15.Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. An advertisement.B. A daily newspaper.
    C. A diary entry.D. A stry bk.
    16.When scrlling thrugh TikTk, I ften cme acrss vides suggesting prducts t imprve my self-care rutine. ① _________ Here are sme ways I practice self-care that I believe can truly imprve verall mental wellness.
    Appreciate the utdrs
    It is easy t feel uninspired if yu spend mst f yur time in a small bedrm r drm. Be intentinal abut spending time utdrs by ging n a walk r having a picnic. ② _________ I find priritizing time in the daylight t be especially imprtant t keep me feeling grunded.
    Practice regular gratitude and frgiveness
    When I am intentinal abut being thankful fr the small things in life, I have much mre energy t handle the mre difficult parts f my day. Giving grace t the peple arund me als helps me becme a better persn. ③ _________ This will g far in the way yu view and treat yurself.
    ④ _________
    While it may seem bvius, I find it essential t participate in activities that energize me, as s much f my day as a student can feel stressful. If ging t class is smething that makes yu really anxius, be sure t set aside sme time t d a sprt r create art in a way that makes yu feel inspired r at peace.
    Care fr thse arund yu
    Self-care is ften viewed thrugh a lens that we must be fcusing n individual imprvement. Frm my experience, turning inward ften leads t negative emtins. ⑤ _________ Ck smething t share with yur friends and remind yur lved nes f hw much they mean t yu. Priritizing yur relatinships will change the way yu feel abut yurself.
    A. Begin a new hbby r learn a new skill.
    B. Take part in activities that fill yu with mtivatin.
    C. Sunlight and fresh air never fail t pick up yur md.
    D. But self-care shuld have nthing t d with cnsumptin.
    E. Challenge this idea by ding nice things fr thers.
    F. Try t practice being mre accepting and frgiving f thers.
    G. Recgnizing aspects f yur day that yu appreciate can be uplifting.
    Kelli Tanghe makes the ‘hmeless cmmunity in Ls Angeles’ skid rw (贫民区) neighbrhd feel belnged. She is the 1 f Beauty 2 The Streetz, a nnprfit rganizatin that prvides free fd, clthing, hair and make-up services fr the hmeless. And nw, Kelli is the CNN Her f the Year. Wh is she and what 2 her t take n this missin?
    In 1990, Tanghe’s 2-year-ld sn passed away. This event created a lt f 3 fr Kelli Tanghe. The pain lasted fr many years. And she didn’t knw what t d abut it. She struggled t understand what her 4 was in life until ne day.
    Rughly six years ag, Keli visited the skid rw with a friend wh asked her t 5 . She met a lt f hmeless peple and 6 hw much help they needed nt just in finding a hme, but in finding themselves and their wn 7 and beauty. Kelli started t vlunteer each Saturday. As she 8 gt t knw the hmeless, they ften 9 her n her make-up, hair and style. She started t ffer t “make up” the hmeless. They lved it, she lved it, they lved her and she lved them. Kelli fund purpse. 10 she started an utdr beauty saln t 11 the hmeless.
    With the aim f letting mre peple be 12 with the situatin f the hmeless, Tanghe started sharing her 13 n Instagram with phts and even live-streaming sme f her events. Things 14 . She frmed her nnprfit, Beauty 2 The Streetz, and her fllwers quickly began dnating t 15 Kelli’s impact. Her Instagram fllwing grew, nw ver 200, 000 peple, including many beauty prfessinals such as 16 hairstylists, barbers, make-up artists. Many f them 17 dnate mney t keep the services rlling. Others 18 their time and effrt t helping Kelli serve the hmeless.
    Kelli’s 19 , caring, cnsistency and desire t take actin have made a real influence n peple’s lives. And she served as a 20 and inspiratin t thers.
    17.A. cnductrB. memberC. funderD. partner
    18.A. furnishedB. stdC. inspiredD. recalled
    19.A. riskB. incnvenienceC. nnsenseD. pain
    20.A. cntributinB. memryC. existenceD. purpse
    21.A. vlunteerB. submitC. cmplainD. amuse
    22.A. guessedB. appreciatedC. estimatedD. fretld
    23.A. wrthB. statusC. identityD. signal
    24.A. significantlyB. mildlyC. graduallyD. pssibly
    25.A. cngratulatedB. cmplimentedC. capturedD. challenged
    26.A. HweverB. SC. StillD. Meanwhile
    27.A. assistB. cnvinceC. praiseD. attract
    28.A. pleasedB. familiarC. defeatedD. rganized
    29.A. imaginatinB. fantasyC. dreamsD. effrts
    30.A. tk upB. tk inC. tk verD. tk ff
    31.A. saluteB. distributeC. accmpanyD. expand
    32.A. licensedB. claimedC. equippedD. infrmed
    33.A. dailyB. rarelyC. regularlyD. carefully
    34.A. returnB. cutC. devteD. remve
    35.A. curageB. balanceC. cmmentD. instructin
    36.A. fllwerB. rle mdelC. green handD. cnsultant
    37.A brief meeting abut the “China-France Year f Culture and Turism in 2024” was held at the Palace Museum in Beijing n Thursday, ① _________ has released a variety f upcming activities featuring cultural legacy and arts.
    2024 marks② _________ 60th anniversary f the establishment f diplmatic ties between China and France. The meeting’s place, the Palace Museum, was chsen fr a reasn. Starting frm April 1, an art shw c-planned by the Palace Museum③ _________ the Palace f Versailles (凡尔赛宫) in Paris, will debut (首次亮相) n site. A pcket watch that nce④ _________ (witness) the friendship between France’s King Luis XIV and the Emperr Kangxi f China’s Qing Dynasty will⑤ _________ (display) amng 181 ther items.
    The rare bjects will intrduce visitrs⑥ _________ the cultural interactins that tk place between the tw cuntries⑦ _________ (date)back t the secnd half f the 17th century thrugh the 18th century.
    Cmpared t⑧ _________ (field) such as painting, music and film, “cultural legacy” is a rather nvel field in China-France cperative exchanges. ⑨ _________ (they) effrts in areas like legacy cnservatin will inspire the wrld t see hw the grwth f humanity is independent frm different cultural cntexts.
    Besides shws in China, mre than 10 prgrams will be⑩ _________ (specific) launched in France t bring Chinese culture t lcals in 2024. Mre than 20 Tang Dynasty treasures will be selected and then exhibited at the Guimet Museum in France in Nvember.
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    Welcme t the wrld f ice and snw! The winter wnderland is a influential turist attractin f Harbin. Here, exciting is the easiest thing t find. This year’s seasnal theme park cvering an area f ver 800,000 square meters. And it’s made up f thusands f massive ice carvings and sme entertain activities. Climbing t the tp f the Ice and Snw Wrld, I realized why Harbin culd have s a successful stry. It is Harbin where lcal residents will be give free rides t visitrs. It is Harbin where authrities will prepare nn-slip carpets r public warming shelters. It is Harbin where yu can ttal enjy yurself with n wrries at all. When it cmes t using winter turism t bst it ecnmy, Harbin seems have already taken the first step.
    1. 菜品介绍;
    2. 推荐理由;
    3. 年夜饭的意义。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“By ding it this way, they seek a chance t escape frm their everyday lives and explre places that few peple have been t.(通过这种方式,他们寻找机会逃离日常生活,探索很少有人去过的地方)”可知,越来越多的旅行者为他们的旅行预定不知名的目的地是为了逃避日常生活。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“A significant number f peple are drawn t eating experiences that cmbine the physical and digital realms, using technlgies like virtual reality (VR) r augmented reality (AR).(相当多的人被虚拟现实(VR)或增强现实(AR)等技术的结合物理和数字领域的饮食体验所吸引)”可知,根据Bking的研究,食物探索的新趋势是混合真实和虚拟体验。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“Peple are traveling clser t hme t reduce their carbn ftprint. They are using alternative transprtatin such as cach rides and train trips, and traveling ff-seasn t avid large and ptentially destructive crwds.(人们在离家更近的地方旅行,以减少碳足迹。他们正在使用其他交通工具,如乘坐长途汽车和火车旅行,并在淡季旅行,以避免大规模和潜在的破坏性人群)”可知,根据Cntiki首席执行官的说法,旅行者正在使用环保交通工具来实现可持续发展。故选B。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第二段“The earliest straw-weaving (草编的) prducts were discvered at Hemudu Cultural Ruins, a Nelithic cultural site lcated in eastern China’s Zhejiang prvince. The Bk f Rites, ne f the classical wrks f Cnfucianism, als recrds that there were already mats made f cattail grass and prfessinal straw-weaving craftsmen during the Zhu Dynasty (c.11th century-256 BC).(最早的草编产品是在河姆渡文化遗址发现的,河姆渡文化遗址是位于中国东部浙江省的新石器时代文化遗址。儒家经典著作之一的《礼记》也记载,在周朝(公元前11世纪-公元前256年),就已经有了用香蒲制作的席子和专业的稻草编织工匠)”可知,草编历史悠久,可以追溯到新石器时代,周代有了专业的草编工匠。由此可知,本段主要介绍了草编产品的历史源头。故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中“Even by finishing that prcess, it des nt mean that yu will always create a gd piece f wrk, and the hardest part is t make it vivid.(即使完成了这个过程,也并不意味着你总是能创造出一件好的作品,最难的部分是让它生动起来)”可知,吴翠认为草编技艺最难的地方在于让作品栩栩如生。故选A项。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据第五段中“In the past, wven straw items culd be fund almst in every husehld in the cuntryside, such as straw hats and straw shes, because they were practical in everyday life. But due t the impact f industrializatin, manufactured gds have replaced such prducts, which prduce lw prfits, and there are nly abut 100 individuals engaging in the wrk acrss the cuntry.(在过去,草编物品在农村几乎家家户户都能找到,比如草帽、草鞋,因为它们在日常生活中很实用。但由于工业化的影响,制成品已经取代了利润低的产品,全国只有大约100人从事这项工作)”和“need t transcend practicality and push fr the beauty and artistry f straw culture t help the craft survive and grw(推动草编文化的美与艺术性,才能帮助工艺生存与发展)”可知,过去匠人追求实用性,但是现在的社会需要追求美和艺术性。由此推知,匠人要超越实用性,transcend意为“超越”,与g beynd意思相近。故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中“As far as she is cncerned, straw weaving shuld respnd t peple’s needs and preferences, while still drawing inspiratin frm traditinal culture.(在她看来,草编既要回应人们的需求和喜好,又要从传统文化中汲取灵感)”可知,吴翠认为从传统文化中汲取灵感很重要。由此推之,匠人应该立足于传统文化创造草编产品。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“T slve the “lunch” prblem, scientists have been explring the pssibility f grwing plants n the mn. A new study by Chinese scientists has fund that bacteria in sil frm Earth culd ffer a slutin. (为了解决“午餐”问题,科学家们一直在探索在月球上种植植物的可能性。中国科学家的一项新研究发现,地球土壤中的细菌可以提供解决方案。)”可知,科学家们希望地球土壤中的细菌能有助于在月球上种植庄稼。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Researchers frm China Agricultural University tested five species f bacteria n a material that simulated (模拟) lunar sil. Within a perid f 10 t 21 days, three f the bacteria species had dubled their amunt f phsphrus (磷) cntent, a key element fr plant grwth. (中国农业大学的研究人员在一种模拟月球土壤的材料上测试了五种细菌。在10到21天的时间里,其中三种细菌的磷含量增加了一倍,磷是植物生长的关键元素。)”以及第三段“They then grew mdel plants in the lunar sil cntaining these three bacteria species. (然后,他们在含有这三种细菌的月球土壤中种植模式植物。)”可知,科学家们根据细菌的存在将实验中使用的植物分为不同的组。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“During the Shenzhu XI missin, astrnauts managed t grw lettuce, frm swing t harvest. In the later missins, the “space farmers” have successfully grwn wheat, rice and thale cress (拟南芥), accrding t CCTV News. (在神舟十一号任务期间,宇航员设法种植生菜,从播种到收获。据央视新闻报道,在后来的任务中,“太空农民”已经成功种植了小麦、水稻和拟芥蓝。)”以及最后一段“The mst recent visitrs t China’s space statin, the Shenzhu XVII astrnauts, are nw grwing lettuce, scallin and cherry tmat. These “space farmers” nt nly prvide astrnauts with fd but als mre xygen and water. (中国空间站最近的访客——神舟十七号宇航员,现在正在种植生菜、大葱和圣女果。这些“太空农民”不仅为宇航员提供食物,还提供更多的氧气和水。)”可知,最后两段关于中国“太空农业”的重点是最近的成就。故选B。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“As humanity sets their sights n deep space explratin, the mn becmes a stepping stne, with cuntries hping t build lunar bases t supprt such missins. T slve the “lunch” prblem, scientists have been explring the pssibility f grwing plants n the mn. A new study by Chinese scientists has fund that bacteria in sil frm Earth culd ffer a slutin. (随着人类将目光投向深空探索,月球成为一块垫脚石,各国都希望建立月球基地来支持这类任务。为了解决“午餐”问题,科学家们一直在探索在月球上种植植物的可能性。中国科学家的一项新研究发现,地球土壤中的细菌可以提供解决方案。)”结合文章主要说明了科学家利用地球土壤中的细菌在月球上种植庄稼,介绍了实验开展的经过以及研究结果的意义。可知,A选项“来自地球的细菌可能有助于在月球上种植庄稼”最符合文章标题。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“Print readership is steadily declining, newspapers are clsing, and jurnalists with decades f experience are being laid ff. (纸质报纸的读者数量正在持续下降,报纸正在关闭,拥有数十年经验的记者正在被解雇)”可知,传统新闻行业面临着读者数量下降的问题。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“Depth reprting explres the fundamental causes, invlves multiple perspectives, and uncvers the hidden truths that shape ur wrld, helping readers get a mre cmprehensive understanding f cmplicated matters. (深度报道探究根本原因,涉及多个角度,揭示塑造我们世界的隐藏真相,帮助读者更全面地了解复杂的事物)”可知,深度报道可以提高读者对复杂问题的理解。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中“It’s crucial fr the news industry t achieve a balance between catering t changing reader preferences while als maintaining the integrity (完整性) f news. (对于新闻行业来说,在迎合不断变化的读者偏好和保持新闻的完整性之间取得平衡至关重要)”可知,新闻行业应该在满足读者偏好和保证新闻质量之间取得平衡。故选C项。
    解析:①上文“When scrlling thrugh TikTk, I ften cme acrss vides suggesting prducts t imprve my self-care rutine.”(在浏览TikTk时,我经常会看到一些视频,建议使用一些产品来改善我的自我保健习惯。)可知,一些视频会推荐使用产品来改善自我保健的习惯,D项“But self-care shuld have nthing t d with cnsumptin.”(但自我保健不应该与消费有关。)与上文构成转折,“cnsumptin”照应上文“prducts”,说明自我保健与消费,即购买产品无关,衔接恰当。故选D项。
    ②上文“Be intentinal abut spending time utdrs by ging n a walk r having a picnic.”(有意识地把时间花在户外,比如散步或野餐。)建议要多去户外走走,C项“Sunlight and fresh air never fail t pick up yur md.”(阳光和新鲜空气总能让你心情好起来。)衔接上文,说明待在户外的好处,即可以放松心情,衔接恰当。故选C项。
    ③上文“When I am intentinal abut being thankful fr the small things in life, I have much mre energy t handle the mre difficult parts f my day. Giving grace t the peple arund me als helps me becme a better persn.”(当我有意识地感激生活中的小事时,我就有更多的精力来处理一天中更困难的部分。给我周围的人恩典也帮助我成为一个更好的人。)说明拥有感激之心并宽恕别人会使自己成为更好的人,F项“Try t practice being mre accepting and frgiving f thers.”(试着练习更多地接受和原谅别人。)可总结上文内容,并照应本段标题“Practice regular gratitude and frgiveness”(经常练习感恩和宽恕),衔接恰当。故选F项。
    ④下文“While it may seem bvius, I find it essential t participate in activities that energize me, as s much f my day as a student can feel stressful. If ging t class is smething that makes yu really anxius, be sure t set aside sme time t d a sprt r create art in a way that makes yu feel inspired r at peace.”(虽然这似乎是显而易见的,但我发现参加能让我充满活力的活动是必不可少的,因为作为一名学生,我一天中的大部分时间都会感到压力。如果去上课真的让你很焦虑,一定要留出一些时间做运动或创作艺术,以一种让你感到灵感或平静的方式。)说明在遇到压力时,要参加一些能让你充满动力的活动。B项“Take part in activities that fill yu with mtivatin.”(参加能让你充满动力的活动。)可概括本段内容。故选B项。
    ⑤上文“Self-care is ften viewed thrugh a lens that we must be fcusing n individual imprvement. Frm my experience, turning inward ften leads t negative emtins.”(自我保健通常被认为是我们必须关注个人的进步。从我的经验来看,内向往往会导致负面情绪。)说明不社交,不与他人交流会导致负面情绪,E项“Challenge this idea by ding nice things fr thers.”(通过为他人做好事来挑战这个想法。)说明了正确的方法,并引出下文“Ck smething t share with yur friends and remind yur lved nes f hw much they mean t yu.”(做一些食物与你的朋友分享,提醒你所爱的人他们对你有多重要。)具体的向他人表达善意的方法。衔接恰当。故选E项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她是Beauty 2 the Streetz的创始人,这是一个非营利组织,为无家可归者提供免费的食物、衣服、头发和化妆服务。A. cnductr列车长;售票员;B. member成员;C. funder创始人;D. partner合伙人。根据倒数第二段的“She frmed her nnprfit, Beauty 2 The Streetz”可知,她是Beauty 2 the Streetz的创始人。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:她是谁,是什么激励她承担这项任务?A. furnished布置家具;B. std站立;C. inspired激励;D. recalled回忆。根据上文“And nw, Kelli is the CNN Her f the Year.”可知,现在,凯利是CNN年度英雄。故此处设问是什么激励她这样做的。故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这件事给凯莉·唐河带来了很大的痛苦。A. risk风险;B. incnvenience不便;C. nnsense废话;胡言乱语;D. pain痛苦。根据下文“The pain lasted fr many years.”可知,这件事给凯莉带来了很大的痛苦。pain一词是原词复现。故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她不知道自己的人生目的是什么,直到有一天……A. cntributin贡献;B. memry记忆;C. existence存在;D. purpse目的。根据下文“Kelli fund purpse.”可知,她不知道自己的人生目的是什么。purpse一词是原词复现。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:大约六年前,Keli和一位朋友一起去了贫民区,朋友邀请她做志愿者。A. vlunteer志愿做;B. submit提交;C. cmplain抱怨;D. amuse逗乐。根据语境可知,Keli和一位朋友一起去了贫民区。由下文“Kelli started t vlunteer each Saturday.”可知,朋友邀请她做志愿者。vlunteer一词是原词复现。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:她遇到了很多无家可归的人,并意识到他们不仅在找房子方面需要这么多帮助,而且在发现自己和自己的价值和美丽上也需要。A. guessed猜测;B. appreciated欣赏;感激;意识到;C. estimated估算;D. fretld预知;预言。根据上文“She met a lt f hmeless peple”可知,她遇到了很多无家可归的人。此处指她明白这些无家可归的人需要帮助。appreciate指“意识到”。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. wrth价值;B. status地位;C. identity身份;D. signal信号。根据上文“finding themselves”可知,此处指这些无家可归的人在发现自我价值上也需要帮助。故选A。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:随着她逐渐了解无家可归的人,他们经常称赞她的化妆、发型和风格。A. significantly显著地;B. mildly温和地;C. gradually逐渐地;D. pssibly可能地。根据句中“gt t knw the hmeless”可知,此处指她逐渐了解无家可归的人。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. cngratulated祝贺;B. cmplimented称赞;C. captured捕获;D. challenged向……挑战。根据下文“She started t ffer t ”make up“ the hmeless. They lved it, she lved it, they lved her and she lved them.”可推知,这些无家可归的人经常夸她的装扮。cngratulate侧重于庆贺,此处应用cmpliment,意为“夸奖;称赞”。故选B。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:所以她创办了一家户外美容院来帮助无家可归者。A. Hwever然而;B. S因此;C. Still仍然;D. Meanwhile同时。根据上文“They lved it, she lved it, they lved her and she lved them.”可知,此处是因果关系,因为他们喜欢,她自己也喜欢,所以她创办了一家户外美容院。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. assist帮助;B. cnvince使相信;C. praise称赞;D. attract吸引。根据上文“She started t ffer t ”make up“ the hmeless.”可知,她创办了一家户外美容院是为了帮助无家可归者。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:为了让更多的人了解无家可归者的情况,凯莉开始在Instagram上用照片分享她的努力,甚至直播了她的一些活动。A. pleased满意的;B. familiar通晓的;C. defeated泄气的;D. rganized有组织的。她在Instagram上用照片分享以及甚至直播她的一些活动是为了让更多的人了解无家可归者的情况。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. imaginatin想象力;B. fantasy幻想;C. dreams梦想;D. effrts努力。根据下文“live-streaming sme f her events”可知,这些都是她付出的努力。故选D。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:事情取得了成功。A. tk up拿起;接受;B. tk in吸收;C. tk ver接管;D. tk ff起飞;腾飞;取得成功。事情取得了成功。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:她成立了自己的非营利组织Beauty 2 The Streetz,她的追随者很快开始捐款以扩大凯利的影响力。A. salute致敬;B. distribute分发;C. accmpany陪伴;D. expand扩张。根据句中“her fllwers quickly began dnating”可知,追随者们捐款是为了扩大凯利的影响力。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她的Instagram粉丝不断增加,目前已超过20万人,其中包括许多美容专业人士,如有执照的发型师、理发师和化妆师。A. licensed领有执照的;B. claimed声称;C. equipped装备齐全的;D. infrmed了解情况的。根据句中“many beauty prfessinals”可知,此处指有执照的发型师、理发师和化妆师。故选A。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们中的许多人定期捐款以维持服务的运转。A. daily每天;B. rarely很少;C. regularly定期地;D. carefully仔细地。根据下文“keep the services rlling”可知,要维持服务的运转,他们中的许多人定期捐款。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:其他人则投入时间和精力帮助凯利为无家可归者服务。A. return返回;B. cut剪切;C. devte奉献;D. remve移除。其他人则投入时间和精力帮助凯利为无家可归者服务。devte用作及物动词,意为““把……献给;把……用在”,常与介词t搭配,构成devte …t…结构,介词t之后跟名词或动词-ing形式。故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:凯利的勇气、关心他人、始终如一和采取行动的愿望对人们的生活产生了真正的影响。A. curage勇气;B. balance平衡;C. cmment评论;D. instructin指导。根据上文“In 1990, Tanghe’s 2-year-ld sn passed away.”可知,1990年,凯莉两岁的儿子去世。这件事给她带来了很大的痛苦。所以,她从这件事走出来并致力于帮助他人是需要勇气的。故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她是一个榜样,激励着其他人。A. fllwer追随者;B. rle mdel榜样;C. green hand新手;D. cnsultant顾问。根据下文“inspiratin t thers”可知,她是一个榜样,激励着其他人。故选B。
    37.答案:①which②the③and④witnessed⑤be displayed⑥t⑦dating⑧fields⑨Their⑩specifically
    ②考查冠词。句意:2024年是中法建交60周年。根据60th anniversary可知,此处表示特指,序数词前面要加定冠词the。故填the。
    ③考查连词。句意:从4月1日开始,由故宫博物院和巴黎凡尔赛宫共同策划的艺术展览将在现场首次亮相。the Palace Museum和the Palace f Versailles为并列关系,用and连接。故填and。
    ⑤考查动词语态。句意:一只曾见证了法国国王路易十四和中国清朝康熙皇帝之间的友谊的怀表,将与其他181件物品一起展出。分析句子可知,主语为watch,与display构成被动关系,应用被动语态,句子陈述将来发生的事情,应用一般将来时的被动语态。故填be displayed。
    ⑥考查介词。句意:这些罕见的物品将向游客介绍两国之间从17世纪下半叶到18世纪的文化互动。intrduce sb. t sth.意思为:使某人初次了解……/介绍给某人某物,t是介词。故填t。
    ⑦考查非谓语动词。句意:这些罕见的物品将向游客介绍两国之间从17世纪下半叶到18世纪的文化互动。分析句子可知,空处表示“追溯到……”用于修饰the cultural interactins作后置定语,此处interactins与date为主动关系,用现在分词。故填dating。
    ⑩考查副词。句意:除了在中国的演出,2024年还将专门在法国推出10多个节目,将中国文化带给当地人。此处修饰动词be launched,应用副词specifically“专门地”,作状语。故填specifically。
    Welcme t the wrld f ice and snw! The winter wnderland is influential turist attractin f Harbin. Here, is the easiest thing t find. This year’s seasnal theme park an area f ver 800,000 square meters. And it’s made up f thusands f massive ice carvings and sme activities. Climbing t the tp f the Ice and Snw Wrld, I realized why Harbin culd have a successful stry. It is Harbin where lcal residents will give free rides t visitrs. It is Harbin where authrities will prepare nn-slip carpets public warming shelters. It is Harbin where yu can enjy yurself with n wrries at all. When cmes t using winter turism t bst it ecnmy, Harbin seems have already taken the first step.
    ③考查时态。句意:今年的季节性主题公园占地面积超过80万平方米。此处cver作谓语,陈述事实用一般现在时,主语为This year’s seasnal theme park,谓语用三单形式。故cvering改为cvers。
    ⑦考查连词。句意:当局将在哈尔滨准备防滑地毯和公共取暖场所。此处nn-slip carpets与public warming shelters为并列关系,应用连词and。故r改为and。
    ⑩考查固定短语。句意:在利用冬季旅游促进经济发展方面,哈尔滨似乎已经迈出了第一步。短语seem t have dne sth.表示“似乎已经……”。故seems后添加t。
    39.答案: Dumplings, r Jiazi, hld a special place in my heart when it cmes t the New Year’s Eve dinner. The delightful dumplings, with their tasty filling wrapped in sft dugh, aren’t just a treat fr the taste buds but als signify wealth and happiness fr the cming year.
    My affectin fr dumplings riginates frm the jy f making them with my family. It’s a time fr laughter and sharing stries. This bnding ritual makes the dumplings taste even better, filled with the essence f family lve.
    New Year’s Eve dinner is abut ushering in the new year with hpe and tgetherness. Each dumpling, made by the hands f my lved nes, represents a shared wish fr the future. This experience, rich in traditin and affectin, is why I cherish dumplings mst n ur festival table.
    充满:be filled with→be full f
    原句:Each dumpling, made by the hands f my lved nes, represents a shared wish fr the future.
    拓展句:Each dumpling, which is made by the hands f my lved nes, represents a shared wish fr the future.
    [高分句型1] Each dumpling, made by the hands f my lved nes, represents a shared wish fr the future. (运用了过去分词作定语)
    [高分句型2] This experience, rich in traditin and affectin, is why I cherish dumplings mst n ur festival table. (运用了why引导表语从句)

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