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    As any gardener knws, nature desn’t need much space t grw strng and healthy—give her an inch, and she’ll take a mile! Here are fur impressive examples f nature reclaiming (开发利用) ur wrld fr itself with amazing results.
    Hutuwan, China
    It lies n the island f Shengshan Twn n the furthermst edge f a grup f islands. The nly way t get there is by private bat, r by bus, and then by ship. Its islatin (隔绝) was ne f the prime factrs leading t the abandnment f the village in the 1990s. Nw, its walls and streets becme green with vergrwth.
    Spreepark, Germany
    Spreepark was clsed in 2001 and the lcal plant life sn gt t wrk. Structures in use since the park riginally pened in 1969 were quickly cvered by leaves. Nw, an initiative aims t bring the site back t life.
    Vallne dei Mulini, Italy
    Its high humidity (湿度) encuraged a micrclimate perfect fr plant grwth. As the abandned buildings fell apart, the ruins and their surrundings became cmpletely vergrwn. Phtgraphs taken f the site in 2006 went widespread nline.
    Beng Mealea, Cambdia
    Thugh cnstructed arund 900 years ag, this grand temple is far less frequented than its mre famus neighbur, Angkr Wat. In 2020, it was submitted fr cnsideratin as a UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site. Natural decline, amng ther factrs, has caused serius damage t the site, allwing the surrunding jungle t verrun and cmbine with it.
    1.What mainly caused Hutuwan’s abandnment?
    A. Its wet climate. B. The vergrwth f plants.
    C. Its separate lcatin. D. The aging f walls and streets.
    2.Which place nce became ppular nline?
    A. Hutuwan. B. Spreepark.
    C. Vallne dei Mulini.D. Beng Mealea.
    3.What feature d the fur places share?
    A. They are Wrld Heritage Sites. B. They are being taken back by nature.
    C. They are nearly 1,000 years ld. D. They are regaining their riginal state.
    While climbing the Great Wall is a nce-in-a-lifetime dream fr many, Jim Spear has taken it a step further, spending the last 18 years as a village r residing beneath this ancient wnder.
    “Never did I dream I wuld have the chance t visit the Great Wall, let alne live under it,” said 68-year-ld Spear, a self-taught architect frm the United States.
    Spear’s interest in China began during his cllege days. It deepened when he met Tang, a Chinese girl, in 1980, and they gt married tw years later. In 1986, he decided t drp ut f his dctral studies in Chinese plitics at the University f Califrnia and mved t China “t get t the heart f things”. “I realized that if I became a schlar f China, based verseas, I wuldn’t be able t experience what was happening in China,” Spear said.
    In 1995, the cuple secured a lng-term rent f a traditinal village farmhuse in Mutianyu and decided t make it their full-time hme ten years later. Shrtly after pssessing full-time village life, he rented an abandned schlhuse and transfrmed it int a restaurant and art glass factry fr a sustainable turism business. He als turned a frmer factry int a htel and helped renvate (翻新) ver 20 husehlds int restaurants. Besides, he explred ther ways t supprt thse residents in rural areas. “I want t d smething fr them,” Spear said.
    Spear’s designs reflect his natural talent fr fusing (融合) traditinal and mdern elements, adpting the Great Wall style. Hwever, Spear emphasized his apprach invlves creating designs and views “that ech (呼应) the Great Wall, nt cpy it”. In 2014, Spear received the Great Wall Friendship Award frm the Beijing gvernment.
    Talking abut the future, Spear sees abundant pssibilities in China, driven by significant dmestic demand and a grwing emphasis n preserving histric structures.
    4.What d we knw abut Spear frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. He likes t climb the Great Wall.
    B. He came t China when he was 18.
    C. He nce dreamed f becming a villager.
    D. He has lived beneath the Great Wall fr years.
    5.What’s Spear’s purpse f mving t China when he was in cllege?
    A. T see a real China. B. T marry a Chinese girl.
    C. T wrk as an architect. D. T study Chinese plitics.
    6.What is special abut Spear’s designs?
    A. They are inspired by rural residents.
    B. They cpy the style f the Great Wall.
    C. They have received a wrld-wide prize.
    D. They cnnect the past with the present.
    7.What will Spear pssibly plan t d in the future?
    A. Cntinue t engage in cultural exchange.
    B. Wrk fr anther award in structure preserving.
    C. Find mre ways t supprt the rural residents.
    D. Cnduct further study in Chinese histric structures.
    Why d we find ugly animals s appealing? And what makes dd-lking creatures s cute?
    Evlutin (进化) plays a rle. Accrding t Austrian zlgist Knrad Lrenz, human attractin t childish features, such as big eyes, large heads and sft bdies, is an evlutinary adaptatin that helps ensure that adults care fr their yung, guaranteeing the survival f their species. Odd-lking animals such as blbfish, pugs, and bulldgs all share these childish qualities that initiate an affectinate respnse amng humans. And these childish characteristics increase a persn’s “prtective behavir, attentin and willingness t care” fr the individual and reduce the “likelihd f attacks twards a child”, says Marta Brgi, a researcher.
    Ugly animals ften have ther value—sme, like the blbfish r the naked mle rat, live in extreme envirnments that they have adapted t in remarkable ways. Scientists are keen t study these animals t understand whether their bilgy might prvide fresh insights that culd lead t treatments fr human health cnditins such as cancer, heart disease and ther deadly diseases.
    Our fascinatin with ugly-cute animals can als be traced back t culturally-based causes. “The ugly-cute thing is very fashinable,” says Rwena Packer, a lecture r f animal behavir. “This is partly driven by scial media, with many influential peple shwing ff pet pugs and French bulldgs n the Internet,” she says.
    But there are sme serius welfare cncerns arund this trend. Vets are urging peple nt t chse a flat-faced dg, because they suffer frm serius health prblems. Pugs and French bulldgs which have been selectively prduced experience breathing difficulties, repeated skin infectins and eye diseases.
    We may want t rethink ur lve fr “ugly-cute” animals because f their silly features like prtruding (鼓出的) eyes and wrinkly faces.
    8.Why d peple like ugly animals accrding t Knrad Lrenz?
    A. Peple appriciate their effrts t survive.
    B. Peple appriciate their super adaptability.
    C. Peple are attracted by their childish lks.
    D. Peple are fnd f their fast respnse speed.
    9.What is Paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. What media are changing peple.
    B. Hw public practices influence peple.
    C. Whether scial media is wrth believing.
    D. Why celebrities shw ff their pet animals.
    10.What’s the authr’s attitude twards peple’s lve fr ugly animals?
    A. Oppsed. B. Supprtive. C. Indifferent. D. Cautius.
    11.Hw des the authr mainly answer the questins raised in Paragraph 1?
    A. By quting different researchers’ findings.
    B. By shwing sme examples f keeping pets.
    C. By bserving peple’s behavir twards animals.
    D. By referring t authritative evlutinary thery.
    An innvative creatin will help transfrm treating diseases. Scientists at Tufts University and Harvard University’s Wyss Institute develped tiny bilgical rbts “Anthrbts” frm human cells. These Anthrbts pssess the astnishing ability t mve acrss surfaces and have exhibited a remarkable healing (治愈) effect by stimulating neurn (神经元) grwth in damaged lab dish regins. This discvery serves as a crucial stepping stne tward the researchers’ visin f emplying bilgical rbts as innvative tls fr healing, and disease treatment.
    This breakthrugh riginates frm earlier research cnducted by Michael Levin, Prfessr f Bilgy at Tufts University Schl f Arts & Sciences, and Jsh Bngard at the University f Vermnt. They nce created bilgical rbts called Xenbts frm frg cells, capable f varius functins including self-cpying, fr a limited number f cycles. Hwever, it was unclear if bilgical rbts culd be frmed using cells frm ther species.
    In their latest study, Levin and Tufts PhD student Gizem Gumuskaya discvered that Anthrbts can indeed be crafted frm adult human cells, with capabilities utperfrming thse bserved in Xenbts.
    Anthrbts shwed the ability t mve acrss a surface cvered in human neurns grwn in a lab dish, facilitating new grwth t fill gaps caused by cell layer damage.
    “It is extremely interesting and cmpletely unexpected that nrmal patients’ cells, withut changing their DNA, can mve n their wn and encurage neurn grwth acrss a regin f damage. We’re nw lking at hw the healing mechanism wrks, and asking what else these cnstructs can d,” says Levin.
    One f the main advantages f using human cells lies in cnstructing bilgical rbts frm a patient’s cells t perfrm healing tasks withut leading t immune (免疫的) respnses. These Anthrbts naturally break dwn after a few weeks and can be easily absrbed int the bdy nce their functin is cmplete.
    Anthrbts can nly survive under specific labratry cnditins, psing n risk f expsure r unintended spread utside the cntrlled envirnment. They d nt reprduce, have n genetic changes, and therefre carry n risk f develping beynd safety measures.
    12.What d Anthrbts d in healing patients?
    A. Replace human cells. B. Facilitate neurn grwth.
    C. Create new human cells. D. Mve acrss tissue surfaces.
    13.What des the underlined wrd “crafted” in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Made. B. Divided. C. Cpied. D. Designed.
    14.What is ne f the main advantages f Anthrbts?
    A. They can be easily created frm patients’ cells.
    B. They can be used in many cntrlled envirnments.
    C. They can avid causing immune respnses.
    D. They can have genetic changes when necessary.
    15.Which magazine is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. Advanced Science. B. Sprtsnet Magazine.
    C. Art in America. D. Natinal Gegraphic.
    16.Althugh it’s an age f typing, handwriting still matters. Tday the danger f the technlgy which cmputers and the typing peple are using n writing is becming extremely enrmus. ① .
    As primary schl pupils and cllege students return fr a new schl year in the Nrth America, many will place a greater-than-ever reliance n cmputers t take ntes and write papers. Children are nt just encuraged but required t bring laptps t class, with which sme parents are disappinted. ② , and their prfessrs cmplain f this serius distractin (分心) in classrms.
    ③ , frm recalling a randm series f wrds t better grasping the cncept f cmplicated ideas. In a study frm 2014, students typing wrte dwn almst twice as many wrds and mre passages verbatim (一字不差地) frm lectures, suggesting they were nt understanding s much as rapidly cpying the material. Handwriting, which takes lnger fr nearly all university-level students, frces nte-takers t integrate ideas int their wn wrds. ④ . Thse taking ntes by hand als perfrm better n tests when they are later able t study frm their ntes.
    Many studies have cnfirmed handwriting’s benefits, and many cuntries have taken actin. Abut half American states have mandated (强制执行) mre teaching f handwriting since 2010. In Sweden there is a similar campaign. ⑤ . England’s natinal subjects already include teaching basic knwledge f handwriting by age seven. Hwever, several schl systems in America have gne s far as t ban mst laptps. This is t extreme.
    A. And a heated debate is ging abut it
    B. They wuld n lnger need t cmplain
    C. Writing n paper can imprve everything
    D. But s many are fnd f typing in their jbs
    E. Cllege students message instead f listening t lectures
    F. This aids cnceptual understanding at the mment f writing
    G. The gvernment pushes fr mre handwriting and fewer devices
    Last year, cardilgist (心脏病专家) Steve Lme came t truly understand what it means t be at the right place at the right time. During a half-marathn (半程马拉松), he fund himself in the psitin t 1 nt ne, but tw runners. It all began arund the 3-mile 2 . Things had been ging smthly up t that 3 , but that’s when Steve nticed an unwell 4 name d Gregry.
    Gregry had just reached the peak and was 5 t see that he wuld run dwnhill fr a bit. This is the last thing he remembers befre 6 . Meanwhile, Steve saw this happen, and he culd 7 it wasn’t a simple fall. Steve stpped 8 t perfrm CPR (心脏复苏) fr Gregry as an ambulance made its way there. Steve 9 t ensure the ambulance tk him, and then he cntinued the race.
    But, as sn as Steve 10 the finish line, his life-saving help was needed nce mre. A man named Michael began t feel 11 after crssing the finish line. Then, just like Gregry, he fell dwn. The 12 f this entire situatin is truly remarkable. Had Steve nt 13 t help Gregry, he wuld have crssed the finish line much sner than Michael, 14 he wuldn’t have been arund t save him, t.
    This happened last year, but all three men have stayed in 15 . They even ran tgether in the very same half-marathn this year!
    17.A. save B. lse C. accept D. believe
    18.A. match B. mark C. jint D. way
    19.A. extent B. distance C. area D. pint
    20.A. cach B. guide C. cmpetitr D. vlunteer
    21.A. cnfused B. relieved C. wrried D. disappinted
    22.A. leaving B. arriving C. cllapsing D. understanding
    23.A. tell B. predict C. decide D. imagine
    24.A. temprarily B. accidentally C. eventually D. immediately
    25.A. mved away B. stayed arund C. wandered abut D. lked ver
    26.A. nticed B. identified C. missed D. reached
    27.A. dizzy B. thirsty C. uneasy D. pleased
    28.A. analyzing B. evaluating C. timing D. recrding
    29.A. agreed B. failed C. refused D. paused
    30.A. meaning B. prving C. clarifying D. indicating
    31.A. shape B. tuch C. peace D. happiness
    32.Acupuncture (针灸) has been a treatment fr cuntless patients fr thusands f years in China. Befre mdern medicine came t life, stne tls ① (use) t relieve pain. Over time, this natural practice develped int a cmprehensive medical system and shaped the rt f acupuncture.
    Acupuncture is a treatment that is aimed ② (prmte) the bdy’s self-regulating functins. Its principles are in line with the philsphical cncepts f traditinal Chinese medicine, ③ emphasizes cmprehensive treatment, meridian (经脉) adjustment and balance f bdily functins.
    ④ (practice) vary in frms. Needle insertin (插入) is the mst cmmn methd, which is carried ut ⑤ inserting hair-thin needles int meridians, r specific pints n the bdy that channel vital energy. Practitiners use needles t ⑥ (effective) unblck the flw f energy and restre yin and yang balance.
    Lking beynd China, acupuncture has becme a glbal treatment. Over the years, acupuncture ⑦ (see) many advancements in scientific research and mdern medicine. Accrding t a 2019 WHO reprt, acupuncture is used in 113 f its 120 member cuntries, ⑧ (illustrate) its widespread recgnitin and applicatin.
    Acupuncture, as ⑨ ancient Chinese treatment, is a reflect f a rich histry and ⑩ (significance) Chinese culture.
    33.假如你是李华。你校计划举行以“Fly Yur Dream”为主题的英语周活动。现就活动的内容、形式征集建议,请你给负责本次活动的外教Chris 写一封信,提出你的想法。
    1. 写作词数应为 80 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Chris,
    Li Hua
    It was a perfect day fr the beach. My brther and I were meeting ur friends n the nrtheast side f the island, a beach we seldm visited due t the strng currents.
    Dad drpped us ff an hur befre everyne was t arrive. I watched my brther take ff int the blue cean. He was a bdy surfing enthusiast. I decided nt t wait fr ur friends either because the water began t rise, frming a perfect wave.
    I held my breath and dve thrugh the wave. I was under the surf, with my eyes wide pen, the water like silk flwing ver my bdy. It was cld, like liquid ice waking up my senses. I pulled my bdy t the surface, allwing fresh air t fill my lungs, and then went back under. I pretended t be a fish, a dlphin, anything that lived under the sea.
    After a while, I thught it might be a gd idea t head back in and see if ur friends had arrived. I lked tward the beach and realized I had gne farther ut than I shuld have. I was the nly ne this far ut.
    I was nt t wrried thugh. I was a pretty gd swimmer. But, as I tried t swim in, I realized I was making n prgress. After what felt like a lng while, my bdy began t feel heavy, and my arms grew tired. Hwever hard I tried t swim, I was nt mving any clser t the beach. Wrn ut, terrified and desperate, I cried fr help ludly.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I began t think I might drwn ut there.
    A mment later, I regained my cnsciusness.
    解析:题意为:主要是什么导致了Hutuwan 的废弃?选项为:A.其湿润的气候;B.植物的过 度生长;C.它的独立位置;D.墙壁和街道的老 化。根据文章第二段第二行"Its islatin was ne f the prime factrs leading t the abandnment f the village in the 1990s."(它的 孤立是导致该村庄在1990年代被废弃的主要因素之一。)结合选项可知,主要是Hutuwan的独立位置导致了它的废弃,故选C。
    解析:题意为:哪个地方曾经在网上流行?选 项为:A. Hutuwan; B. Spreepark; C. Vallne dei Mulini; D. Beng Mealea。根据文章第四段第 三行"Phtgraphs taken f the site in 2006 went widespread nline."(2006年拍摄的该地点 的照片在网上广泛传播。)结合选项可知,Vallne dei Mulini曾经在网上流行,故选C。
    解析:题意为:这四个地方共享什么特征?选项为:A.它们是世界遗产;B.它们正在被自然界 夺回;C.它们几乎有1000年的历史;D.它们正在 恢复原状。根据文章第一段第二行Here are fur impressive examples f nature reclaiming ur wrld fr itself with amazing results.(以下是四个 令人印象深刻的例子,说明大自然以惊人的结果重 新开垦了我们的世界。)可知,这四个地方共享的特 征是它们正在被自然界夺回,故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段"Accrding t Austrian zlgist Knrad Lrenz, human attractin t infantile(婴儿的) features, such as big eyes, large heads and sft bdies, is an evlutinary adaptatin that helps ensure that adults care fr their ffspring, guaranteeing the survival f their species.(根据奥地利动物学家康拉 德洛伦兹的说法,人类对婴儿特征的吸引力,如大眼睛、大脑袋和柔软的身体,是一种进化适应,有 助于确保成年人照顾他们的后代,保证他们物种的 生存) "可知,动物柔软的身体和可爱的外表会激发 人类对它们的爱。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段"Scientists are keen t study these animals t understand whether their bilgy might prvide fresh insights that culd lead t treatments fr human health cnditins such as cancer, heart disease and neurdegenerative diseases.(科学家们热衷于研究这些动物,以了解它们的生物学特性是否可能为治疗癌症、心脏病和神经退行性疾病等人 类健康问题提供新的见解) "可知,科学家热衷于研究丑陋的动物是为了开发某些治疗人类疾病的方 法。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中"This is partly driven by scial media, with many celebrities and influencers shwing ff pet pugs and French bulldgs n Instagram, she says.(她说,这在一定程度上是由社交媒体推动的,许多名人和有影响力的人在 Instagram上展示宠物哈巴狗和法国斗牛犬) "可知, 社交媒体的影响导致了人们对又丑又可爱的动物的 狂热。故选D。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段"Why d we find ugly animals s appealing? And what makes dd-lking creatures s cute?(为什么我们觉得丑陋的动 物如此有吸引力?是什么让长相奇怪的生物如此可爱?)"以及文章提及了对"丑萌"动物的喜爱应基于 对它们特性的理解,并关注这种趋势可能带来的健 康问题,也就是说,我们应该明智地爱这些"丑萌"动物,而不仅仅是追随潮流。由此可知,A选项"做一个明智的丑萌动物爱好者"最符合文章标题。故送A。
    解析:①结合上文“Althugh it's an age f typing, handwriting still matters.(尽管是打字时代,手写仍然很重要。)”推测,此处在谈论手写的重要性,结合选项,“And a heated debate is ging abut it (关于这件事正在进行激烈的辩论)”符合语境,故应选A。
    ②结合下文“and their prfessrs cmplain f this serius distractin in classrms(他们的教授抱怨课堂上的严重分心)”推测,此处在谈论带笔记本电脑到课堂上的 弊端,结合选项,“Cllege students message instead f listening t lectures (大学生发信息而不是听讲座)”符合语境,故应选E。
    ③结合下文“frm recalling a randm series f wrds t better grasping the cncept f cmplicated ideas (从随机回忆一系列单词到更好地把握复杂思想的概念)”推测,本段在谈论手写的好处,结合选项,“Writing n paper can imprve everything(在纸上写可以提高一起)”符合语境,故应选C。
    ④结合上文“Handwriting, which takes lnger fr nearly all university-level students, frces nte-takers t integrate ideas int their wn wrds.(手写,它对于几乎所有的大学生来说需要花费更长时间,迫使记笔记的人将想法加入他们的文字。)”推测,此处在谈论手写记笔记的好处,结合选项,“This aids cnceptual understanding at the mment f writing(这有 助于在写作时理解概念)”符合语境,故应选F。
    ⑤结合上文“In Sweden there is a similar campaign.(在瑞典也有相似的运动。)” 推测,本段在谈论不同国家对于手写采取的措施,结合选项,“The gvernment pushes fr mre handwriting and fewer devices (政府推动更多的手写和更少的设备)”符合语境,故应选G。
    32.答案:were used/had been used;t prmte ;which ;Practices;by;effectively ;has seen ;illustrating; an;significant
    Dear Chris,
    I’m Li Hua, a senir 3 student in ur schl. I feel greatly hnred and excited t shw my pinins n the appraching activity week with the theme f “Fly Yur Dream”.
    Persnally, a theme class meeting, I Have A Dream, may be a gd chice, ffering us students a chance t share ur dreams freely. Additinally, each class can recmmend a representative t jin in a speech cn test titled “Fly Yur Dream”, which will serve as an inspiratin fr us t dream big and fight fr a better future.
    I’m really expecting the cming f the significant mnth. Sincere gratitude fr yur cnsideratin.
    Li Hua
    I began t think I might drwn ut there. Just then a stranger appeared in frnt f me. With the last hpe, I gathered all my strength t cry ut “Help” but suddenly a huge wave hit me and drwned my cry. I chcked n a big swallw f salty water and felt terrible. Frtunately, my angel was swiftly appraching me and then held me tightly with his strng arm. My basic knwledge reminded me t stay relaxed befre I fell int a wrld f darkness.
    A mment later, I regained my cnsciusness. I wanted t express my sincere gratitude t the man wh saved my life. But he was gne. My relatives and friends were s cncerned abut my safety that they even didn’t ntice him leave. Feeling regretful, I decided t lk fr him thrugh the Internet, but in vain. I made a pst, adding that “Wrds are far frm enugh t cnvey my heartfelt thanks, my angel. Best wishes fr yu!”, expecting him t see my heart with an increasing number f likes and shares. Althugh I have nt seen my her ever since, the gratitude t him will live in my heart frever.

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