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    Fur new bks t read The bks that are included in this list can meet yur reading needs at any time f year.
    Nbdy Will Tell Yu This but Me
    Bess Kalb
    In this bk, the authr shares the advice her belved grandmther Bbby left her. Bbby was a pwerful wman wh shuld never be underestimated, and she was very knwledgeable abut the family's traditins and secrets. The bk prves that family bnds can endure thrugh generatins and beynd death.
    We Came Here t Shine
    Susie Orman Schnall
    We Came Here t Shine fcuses n the strng female friendship between an aspiring jurnalist and an unlucky actress at the 1939 New Yrk Wrld's Fair. Leaning n each ther, these tw ambitius wmen struggled against adversity (困境) at a time when wmen had little say.
    A Star Is Bred
    Byrn Lane
    Favred by televisin star Jnathan Van Ness, this nvel is partly based n the authr's experiences as the frmer persnal assistant t Carrie Fisher, a legendary American actress. The bk fllws Charlie Bessn, the new assistant t the Hllywd icn, Kathi Kannn. Their three-year jurney tgether is an unfrgettable adventure that is funny, heartbreaking, and hpeful.
    Fast Girls
    Elise Hper
    The stry in Fast Girls tk place during the 1936 Berlin Olympics, where Betty Rbinsn, Luise Stkes, and Helen Stephens vercame difficult pasts t attain Olympic glry as the wrld's fastest female athletes. Beynd the athletic jurney, they als aimed t challenge the scial standards f what females can achieve.
    1.Wh is the character in Bess Kalb's bk?
    A. Bbby.B. Susie Orman Schnall.
    C. Carrie Fisher.D. Betty Rbinsn.
    2.What kind f bk is A Star Is Bred?
    A. A bigraphy.B. An industry reprt.
    C. A real-life based nvel.D. A fictinal adventure stry.
    3.Which f the fllwing bks will yu chse if yu are interested in sprts?
    A. We Came Here t ShineB. Nbdy Will Tell Yu This but Me
    C. A Star Is BredD. Fast Girls
    "Anyne knws single parents wh can't affrd t get their child's hair dne fr schl? I will braid (编辫子) it fr free!" Brittany Starks wrte n a Facebk pst.
    She decided t ffer her hair braiding services after a family friend delivered backpacks full f schl supplies, clthing and shes fr Cayden and Ceniyah in early August. At the time, "I didn't have anything fr my kids t start schl," said Starks, wh is in between hmes and staying with her mther. "It meant s much t me."
    The unexpected gift made a big difference t Starks and her children, and it mtivated her t pay it frward. Starks, wh wrks tw receptinist jbs, als braids hair part-time. "The hair-braiding prcess invlves washing, blw-drying, and finally dividing the hair int small sectins and braiding it. It als requires multiple supplies—including cmbs, brushes, hair jam and additinal pieces f hair t weave in. It csts anywhere frm $150 t $400 at a saln (美发厅), depending n the style," Stacks explained. "But it can last fr mnths and is a huge timesaver in the mrnings."
    When she wrte the Facebk pst, she assumed nly a handful f peple wuld reach ut, but befre she knew it, she had 35 appintments bked. Her Facebk inbx was suddenly full f messages frm single parents, whse stries f hardship and financial challenges mirrred her wn.
    "There's a huge need fr this. I culd really relate t a lt f the wmen wh reached ut, and it made me realize that what I was ding was really imprtant," said Stacks. "What gt me the mst was seeing the kids smile." Given that there was less than tw weeks befre the start f schl. Starks knew she needed t enlist help.
    4.What gt Brittany Starks t ffer her hair braiding service?
    A. A pst n Facebk.B. Her friend's timely help.
    C. Her mther's advice.D. A trip t her kids' schl.
    5.What des Starks say abut hair braiding?
    A. It's a bit dear.B. It's time-wasting.
    C. It's an easy jb.D. It's a mther's duty.
    6.Hw des Starks feel abut the respnse t her Facebk pst?
    A. Rather disturbing.B. Beynd expectatin.
    C. Far frm satisfactry.D. Very disappinting.
    7.What can we infer abut Brittany Starks frm the text?
    A. She is single with ne child.
    B. She is ambitius and arbitrary.
    C. She is in need f helping hands.
    D. She is free frm financial wrries.
    In recent years,China has witnessed the grwth f luxury (奢侈品) brands.In this market,Chinese cnsumers are nw the largest spenders.It's clear that a new generatin f yung,materialistic peple is increasingly relying n luxury brands t imprve its self-image.
    I am a fashinist t,at least in spirit---I lve t lk at clthes and shes.But I dn't understand why peple spend lts f mney n designer labels.
    When a yung wman buys a handbag that csts tw mnths f her salary,that's a scary thing.
    What's interesting is that scientists have fund that having luxury things desn't lead t happiness.
    Study after study has shwn that althugh we want material things,when we get them we dn't suddenly becme "happy" peple.In fact,a series f studies by Leaf Van Bven at the University f Clrad,US,has shwn that individuals wh spend mney n travel and similar experiences get mre pleasure than thse wh invest it in material things.That's because experiences are mre easily cmbined with a persn's identity.If I travel t Yunnan,that adventure affects hw I think in the future.My memries becme a part f me.
    Mrever,as Van Bven has bserved,yung peple wh pursue happiness thrugh "things" are liked less by their peers.Peple prefer thse wh pursue happiness thrugh experiences.
    It's natural t want t express yurself thrugh yur appearance.S my advice is:create a lk that isn't tied t a designer label.Cnvey yur wn message.Take sme lessns frm the late Apple c-funder Steve Jbs.He was always in Levis jeans and a black turtleneck.Mark Zuckerberg,funder f Facebk,rutinely appears in hdies and sneakers.These peple,successful peple,have style.Yu dn't have t break the bank t send a message abut wh yu are.
    Take a trip.G ut int the wrld.Then cme back and cnfidently create yur wn signature lk.
    8.What can we infer frm the first three paragraphs? ______
    A. The authr enjys buying luxury brands herself.
    B. The authr agrees t spend mney n material things.
    C. The authr is critical f yuths tying their lks t designer labels.
    D. The authr finds it natural fr fashinists t fllw fashin trends.
    9.Leaf Van Bven's studies shwed that ______ .
    A. traveling changes a persn's identity greatly
    B. peple dislike thse wh lve luxuries
    C. experiences can bring peple mre happiness than luxuries
    D. luxuries have a negative effect n peple's happiness
    10.What is the authr's advice n expressing neself? ______
    A. Be selective abut designer labels.
    B. Create yur wn persnal unique style.
    C. Chse styles that are simple and cmfrtable.
    D. Try styles like Mark Zuckerberg's.
    11.The main purpse f the article is t ______ .
    A. persuade readers t invest in experiences instead f luxuries
    B. prve hw luxury leads t an unpleasant life
    C. tell hw t express yurself thrugh appearances
    D. reprt n a series f studies abut luxuries and happiness
    Quantum (量子) cmputers have been n my mind a lt lately.A friend has been sending me articles n hw quantum cmputers might help slve sme f the biggest challenges we face as humans.I've als had exchanges with tw quantum-cmputing experts.One is cmputer scientist Chris Jhnsn wh I see as smene wh helps keep the field hnest.The ther is physicist Philip Taylr.
    Fr decades,quantum cmputing has been little mre than a labratry curisity.Nw,big tech cmpanies have invested in quantum cmputing,as have many smaller nes.Accrding t Business Weekly,quantum machines culd help us "cure cancer,and even take steps t turn climate change in the ppsite directin." This is the srt f hype (炒作) that annys Jhnsn.He wrries that researchers are making prmises they can't keep. "What's new," Jhnsn wrte, "is that millins f dllars are nw ptentially available t quantum cmputing researchers."
    As quantum cmputing attracts mre attentin and funding,researchers may mislead investrs,jurnalists,the public and,wrst f all,themselves abut their wrk's ptential.If researchers can't keep their prmises,excitement might give way t dubt,disappintment and anger,Jhnsn warns.Lts f ther technlgies have gne thrugh stages f excitement.But smething abut quantum cmputing makes it especially t hype,Jhnsn suggests,perhaps because "‘quantum' stands fr smething cl yu shuldn't be able t understand." And that brings me back t Taylr,wh suggested that I read his bk Q fr Quantum.
    After I read the bk,Taylr patiently answered my questins abut it.He als answered my questins abut PyQuantum,the firm he c-funded in 2016.Taylr shares Jhnsn's cncerns abut hype,but he says thse cncerns d nt apply t PyQuantum.
    The cmpany,he says,is clser than any ther firm "by a very large margin (幅度)" t building a "useful" quantum cmputer,ne that "slves an impactful prblem that we wuld nt have been able t slve therwise." He adds, "Peple will naturally discunt my pinins,but I have spent a lt f time quantitatively cmparing what we are ding with thers."
    Culd PyQuantum really be leading all the cmpetitin "by a wide margin",as Taylr claims?I dn't knw.I'm certainly nt ging t advise my friend r anyne else t invest in quantum cmputers.But I trust Taylr,just as I trust Jhnsn.
    12.Regarding Jhnsn's cncerns,the authr feels ______ .
    A. sympatheticB. uncncernedC. dubtfulD. excited
    13.What leads t Taylr's ptimism abut quantum cmputing? ______
    A. His dminance in physics .B. The cmpetitin in the field.
    C. His cnfidence in PyQuantum.D. The investment f tech cmpanies.
    14.What des the underlined wrd "prne" in Paragraph 3 mst prbably mean? ______
    A. Open.B. Cl.C. Useful.D. Resistant.
    15.Which wuld be the best title fr the passage? ______
    A. Is Jhnsn Mre Cmpetent Than Taylr?
    B. Is Quantum Cmputing Redefining Technlgy?
    C. Will Quantum Cmputers Ever Cme int Being?
    D. Will Quantum Cmputing Ever Live Up t Its Hype?
    Mst smart phnes allw yu t run lcatin-sharing sftware that uses the phne's GPS capability t let friends and family knw yur exact lcatin.There are lts f great uses fr this technlgy.(1) ______ S make sure yu're permitted t use an app r service,and pay attentin t hw yu are using it.Here're sme imprtant pints yu may find helpful.
    Chse what's best fr yu.Sme lcatin-sharing services are games that let yu give a shut-ut when yu've turned up at a particular spt.(2) ______ Still thers cntinue t share yur lcatin until yu change the setting.Be sure yu knw exactly hw yur service shares yur lcatin.
    Knw wh yur friends are.(3) ______ This means peple can search t see if yu're nline and add yu as a friend.It's imprtant t remember that sharing yur lcatin with peple yu've never met in real life is risky,s yu shuld carefully manage friend requests and share yur lcatin nly with peple yu knw and trust.
    ( 4) ______ Sme services autmatically stp sending yur lcatin after a perid f time,but thers will send it frever-until yu stp it.Review yur cntact list peridically and delete anyne t whm yu n lnger feel cmfrtable revealing yur lcatin.
    Update parents.Lcatin-based services are a great way fr teens t let parents knw where they are withut having t call r text.(5) ______ If yu're heading hme late at night,yu can als use a service like Glympse t share yur lcatin as yu drive,s they'll knw if yu have car truble r get stuck in traffic.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    Within tw years f first shwing signs f memry lss, Peter Marshall had t give up wrk as early nset Alzheimer's began t take hld.
    His wife Lisa started a blg called "Oh Hell Alzheimer's" t help her cpe with the prgressive (21) f her husband's fading memry. I get (22) every day frm peple saying, 'Thank yu—nw I dn't feel s alne,'" she said.
    As the disease (23) , Peter's memry (24) faded and he began t refer t Lisa as his "favurite persn". Then, ne day last year, they were watching a wedding (25) n televisin when Peter suddely lked at his wife and said, "Let's d it!" "Well, OK, we shuld get married then, "she tld him.
    The next day, (26) , Peter appeared t have frgtten all abut it. Still, with the20th (27) f their wedding appraching this year, the idea seemed t make sense t Lisa in the face f her husband's rapid (28) . Sarah, Lisa's daughter frm a marriage befre she met Peter, helped rganize the event. "I knew that my stepdad, wh I am very clse with, was there thrugh sme f the (29) times f my life."
    When Lisa jined her husband t (30) vws fr the secnd time, his delight was clear fr all t see. "It was just magical—straight ut f a (31) ." she said.
    The music (32) the theme f the day: a saxphnist played Unfrgettable as Lisa walked dwn the aisle.
    "There wasn't a dry eye, and I was (33) ." Lisa said. "I hadn't seen Peter that happy in a lng time." As they danced while guests (34) . Lisa said her husband (35) a few wrds in her ear. "Thank yu fr staying," he said.
    21.A. dilemmaB. prblemC. challengeD. truble
    22.A. messagesB. lettersC. mailsD. cmments
    23.A. appearedB. wrsenedC. emergedD. strengthened
    24.A. frmallyB. eventuallyC. desperatelyD. instantly
    25.A. sceneB. eventC. situatinD. spt
    26.A. butB. insteadC. hweverD. therefre
    27.A. yearB. ceremnyC. celebratinD. anniversary
    28.A. declineB. reductinC. drpD. disappearance
    29.A. happiestB. saddestC. tughestD. brightest
    30.A. speakB. exchangeC. swearD. express
    31.A. fairytaleB. stryC. dramaD. shw
    32.A. playedB. reflectedC. equaledD. matched
    33.A. in the skyB. ver the mnC. ver the skyD. in the air
    34.A. lked atB. mved arundC. lked nD. cheered up
    35.A. tldB. utteredC. cnveyedD. whispered
    Like many ther students,yu may have varius peple,including family members and friends, (1) ( give) input n yur cllege decisin.
    While many f yur trusted relatives and peers (同龄人)may have very (2) (value) advice that can help yu t make the decisin,finally the chice is yurs and yurs alne.Only yu can fully realize which aspects f a cllege will make yu truly happy and (3) (satisfy),s keep that at the frnt f yur mind.
    Mrever,fully cnsider each ptin.It can be easy (4) (let) a particular schl becme a frnt-runner early n (5) yur decisin-making prcess,and it may even becme the winning chice — but be sure t carefully evaluate every schl (6) has accepted yu,since yu had particular reasns fr applying t each schl.
    D keep (7) pen mind.Students can change majrs,but remember that there's n re-living a certain semester(学期),and there's n making up fr lst time.Dn't g t a schl (8) (specific)fr a high schl relatinship (9) t make smene else happy.A (10) (student) cllege experience is his r her wn,and the student must put his r her educatin first.
    I'm smaller than everyne else my age. When I walk in the halls at schl, I have t squeeze in between the bigger kids t get by. At the playgrund, smetimes even little kids try t bss me arund. Mia, my best friend, is s tall that when she walks, I have t jg t keep up with her.
    I used t try t make myself taller whenever I culd. My psture was perfect, straight as an arrw. I hung frm the tree in ur backyard t stretch ut my arms and legs. I even ate all my vegetables. Every day Imeasured myself, but I was the same height every time. Frustrating!
    "Dn't wrry," Mm always said. "Being small has its advantages." Really? I culd never ntice any.
    One day, Mrs. Alvarez annunced t the class that we'd be putting n a spring play. I practiced all the lines. But at the auditin (试演),when I walked up t the stage, Mrs. Alvarez cried, "Yu'll be perfect as the elf (小精灵)!Yu're just the right size fr the cstume." I even never gt a chance t deliver the practiced lines. Back hme I grumbled (咕哝) t Mm that I was made an elf. But she bet I wuld be the best elf. T please her, I went t rehearsals (排练),thugh I nly had tw lines.
    Mia gt the lead rle—a girl wandering thrugh a magical fairy frest in search f her lst dg. In the last scene, she finds a bx under a giant mushrm, and when she pens it, her dg jumps ut. Mrs. Alvarez's dg, Prince, played the dg rle. She brught him t all the rehearsals, and when he wasn't nstage, we gt t play with him, but he seemed t like me best.
    The night f the shw, my first line came early, "Let's ask the Fairy Queen!" Since my nly ther line was tward the end, I waited ffstage, playing with Prince.
    Finally, the grand end came, and Prince was brught nstage inside the bx.

    "Hw can we get Prince ut frm beneath the stage?" Mrs. Alvarez asked.

    38.假定你是校心理社(psychlgy club)社长李华,你的英国朋友James发邮件询问你校心理社的相关情况。请你回复邮件,内容包括:
    Dear James,
    Yurs, Li Hua
    1. 根据Nbdy Will Tell Yu This but Me部分In this bk, the authr shares the advice her belved grandmther Bbby left her. (在这本书中,作者分享了她深爱的祖母Bbby留给她的建议。)可知,Bess Kalb的书里的人物是Bbby。故选A。
    2. 根据A Star Is Bred部分Favred by televisin star Jnathan Van Ness, this nvel is partly based n the authr's experiences as the frmer persnal assistant t Carrie Fisher, a legendary American actress. (这部小说深受电视明星乔纳森范内斯(Jnathan Van Ness)的喜爱,部分基于作者作为美国传奇女演员卡丽。费希尔(Carie Fisher)的前私人助理的经历。)可知,小说部分取材于作者作为美国传奇女演员卡丽费希尔前私人助理的经历,可知是基于现实生活的小说。故选C。
    3. 根据最后一段The stry in Fast Girls t place during the 1936 Berlin Olympics, where Betty Rbinsn, Luise Stkes, and Helen Stephens vercame difficult pasts t attain Olympic glry as the wrld's fastest female athletes. (《快女孩》中的故事发生在1936年柏林奥运会期间,贝蒂罗宾逊、路易斯斯托克斯和海伦斯蒂芬斯克服了过去的困难,成为世界上速度最快的女运动员,赢得了奥运会的荣誉。)可知,如果你对运动感兴趣,当然是选择Fast Girls。故选D。
    【解析】【文章大意】本文为一篇记叙文,讲述了单亲妈妈Brittany Starks伸出援手,为那些支付不起孩子编头发家庭的孩子免费编辫子的故事。
    1. 根据文章第二段She decided t ffer her hair braiding services after a family friend delivered backpacks full f schl supplies, clthing and shes fr Cayden and Ceniyah in early August. At the time, "I didn't have anything fr my kids t start schl," said Starks(8月初,家里的一个朋友给Cayden和Ceniyah送去了装满学习用品、衣服和鞋子的背包,之后她就决定提供编辫子服务。“当时,我没有任何东西供孩子上学,”Starks说)和第三段The unexpected gift made a big difference t Starks and her children, and it mtivated her t pay it frward.(这个意想不到的礼物对Starks和她的孩子们产生了巨大的影响,也激励她把它传递下去)可知,朋友的及时帮助让Brittany Starks开始她的编辫子服务。故选B。
    根据文章第三段Starks的话The hair-braiding prcess invlves washing, blw-drying, and finally dividing the hair int small sectins and braiding it. It als requires multiple supplies—including cmbs, brushes, hair jam and additinal pieces f hair t weave in. It csts anywhere frm $150 t $400 at a saln (美发厅), depending n the style(编发过程包括清洗、吹干,最后将头发分成小块编发。它还需要多种用品,包括梳子、刷子、发卡和额外的头发来编织。在美发厅根据不同的风格费用从150美元到400美元)可推知,编辫子并不是简单的事情,还有一点小贵。故选A。
    根据文章倒数第二段When she wrte the Facebk pst, she assumed nly a handful f peple wuld reach ut, but befre she knew it, she had 35 appintments bked.(当她在Facebk上发帖时,她以为只有少数人会联系她,但在她知道之前,她已经被预约了35次)及Her Facebk inbx was suddenly full f messages frm single parents(她的Facebk收件箱突然塞满了来自单亲父母的信息)可知,Starks认为Facebk上的回应出乎意料。故选B。
    根据文章最后一段There's a huge need fr this.(这有巨大的需求)及Given that there was less than tw weeks befre the start f schl. Starks knew she needed t enlist help.(考虑到离开学不到两周的时间,Starks知道她需要寻求帮助)可推知,Starks需要寻求帮助来进行自己的服务。故选C。
    【解析】1-4 CCBA
    1.C.推理判断题.根据第二段句子I dn't understand why peple spend lts f mney n designer labels.我不明白人们为什么要花很多钱买名牌.When a yung wman buys a handbag that csts tw mnths f her salary,that's a scary thing.当一个年轻女人买一个花了两个月薪水的手提包时,那是件可怕的事.可见作者对于这种现象是一种批判的态度,所以答案选C.
    2.C.细节理解题.根据第五段句子 In fact,a series f studies by Leaf Van Bven at the University f Clrad,US,has shwn that individuals wh spend mney n travel and similar experiences get mre pleasure than thse wh invest it in material things.可知 Leaf Van Bven的研究表明,花钱旅行和类似经历的人比那些在物质方面投资的人得到更多的快乐.所以答案选C.
    3.B.细节理解题.根据句子倒数第二段S my advice is:create a lk that isn't tied t a designer label.所以我的建议是:创建一个与设计师名牌无关的外观.Then cme back and cnfidently create yur wn signature lk.创建自己独特风格的外观,所以答案选B.
    【解析】(1)观点态度题。根据第二段This is the srt f hype (炒作) that annys Jhnsn.He wrries that researchers are making prmises they can't keep. "What's new," Jhnsn wrte, "is that millins f dllars are nw ptentially available t quantum cmputing researchers."(这是一种让约翰逊恼火的炒作。他担心研究人员正在做出他们无法兑现的承诺。"最新的是,"约翰逊写道,"现在量子计算研究人员有可能获得数百万美元。")和第三段的As quantum cmputing attracts mre attentin and funding,researchers may mislead investrs,jurnalists,the public and,wrst f all,themselves abut their wrk's ptential.(随着量子计算吸引了更多的关注和资金,研究人员可能会误导投资者、记者、公众,最糟糕的是,他们自己的工作潜力。)可知,关于 Jhnsn的担心,作者是赞同的。A.sympathetic赞成的;B.uncncerned不关心的;C.dubtful怀疑的;D.excited兴奋的。故选A。
    (2)推理判断题。根据倒数第二段The cmpany,he says,is clser than any ther firm "by a very large margin (幅度)" t building a "useful" quantum cmputer,ne that "slves an impactful prblem that we wuld nt have been able t slve therwise." (他说,该公司比任何其他公司都更接近于"非常大的差距"建造一台"有用的"量子计算机,一台"解决了一个我们无法解决的有影响力的问题")可知,泰勒对PyQuantum的信心导致了他对量子计算的乐观。故选C。
    (3)词义猜测题。根据划线词所在句子But smething abut quantum cmputing makes it especially t hype,Jhnsn suggests,perhaps because "‘quantum' stands fr smething cl yu shuldn't be able t understand." (但约翰逊认为,量子计算的某些方面使得它特别容易被炒作,也许是因为"量子"代表了一些你不应该理解的酷东西。")可知,prne意为"易于",和pen意思最接近。A.Open开放的;B.Cl冷静的;C.Useful有用的;D.Resistant抵制的。故选A。
    (4)标题判断题。根据最后一段Culd PyQuantum really be leading all the cmpetitin "by a wide margin",as Taylr claims?I dn't knw.I'm certainly nt ging t advise my friend r anyne else t invest in quantum cmputers.But I trust Taylr,just as I trust Jhnsn.(PyQuantum真的能像泰勒所说的那样"以巨大的优势"领先所有竞争对手吗我不知道。我当然不会建议我的朋友或其他人投资量子计算机。但我信任泰勒,就像我信任约翰逊一样。)可知,文章主要介绍了量子计算机是否能和宣传的一样带来很大的好处。Will Quantum Cmputing Ever Live Up t Its Hype?(量子计算真的会达到它的宣传吗?)是最合适的标题。故选D。
    【解析】(1)C.推理判断题.根据文章S make sure yu're permitted t use an app r service,and pay attentin t hw yu are using it因此一定要确保你被允许使用一个应用程序或服务,并注意你是如何使用的;可知然而,这些服务并不是所有的孩子都能得到的;故选C.
    (2)F.推理判断题.根据文章Sme lcatin-sharing services are games that let yu give a shut-ut when yu've turned up at a particular spt一些位置共享服务是一种游戏,当你出现在一个特定的地点时,你就可以大声喊出来;可知其他人显示你一直在哪里,或者在你设定的一段时间内;故选F.
    (3)G.推理判断题.根据文章This means peple can search t see if yu're nline and add yu as a friend这意味着人们可以搜索你是否在网上,并把你作为朋友加入;可知有些定位服务就像Facebk一样,你可以在那里邀请和接受朋友;故选G.
    (4)A.推理判断题.根据文章Sme services autmatically stp sending yur lcatin after a perid f time,but thers will send it frever-until yu stp it可知主要讲经常检查回来;故选A.
    (5)E.推理判断题.根据文章Lcatin-based services are a great way fr teens t let parents knw where they are withut having t call r text基于位置的服务对青少年来说是一种很好的方式,可以让父母知道他们在哪里,而不必打电话或发短信;可知检查--减轻忧虑,这样他们就不必跟着你的每一步;故选E.
    句意:他的妻子丽莎开设了一个名为“哦,你好,阿尔茨海默氏症”的博客,以帮助她应对丈夫逐渐衰退的记忆带来的挑战。A.dilemma两难;B.prblem问题; C.challenge挑战; D.truble麻烦。根据“ husbands fading memry.”可知, Lisa开了博客,帮助自己应对丈夫记忆消退所产生的挑战。故选C。
    2. 句意:她说:“我每天都收到人们的留言说,‘谢谢你,现在我不觉得那么孤单了’。”。A.messages信息;B.letters 信件;C.mails 邮件;D.cmments 评论。 根据“saying, 'Thank yu —nw I dn't feel s alne’,”可知,丽莎每天都会收到很多的消息。故选A。
    3. 句意:随着病情的恶化,彼得的记忆力严重衰退,他开始称丽莎是他“最喜欢的人”。A. appeared出现;B.wrsened 恶化;C.emerged 浮现;D.strengthened加强。根据“he began t refer t Lisa as his 'favurite persn’. “可知,彼得病情恶化。故选 B。
    4. 句意同上。A.frmally正式地;B.eventually 最后;C.desperately 绝望地、严重地;D.instantly 马上。根据“he began t refer t Lisa as his 'favurite persn’. " 可知,彼得的记忆力严重衰退。故选C。
    5. 句意:然后,去年的一天,他们正在看电视上的婚礼场景,A.scene场景;B.event事件;C.situatin 情况;D.spt 地点。根据“‘Well, OK, we shuld get married then,' she tld him.”可知,他们在电视上看到一个婚礼场景。故选 A。
    6. 句意:然而,第二天,彼得似乎把这事全忘了。A.but但是;B.instead代替;C.hwever然而;D.therefre因此。根据“Peter appeared t have frgtten all abut it. " 可知,前后表示转折,空后有逗号,用连接副词hwever。故选C。
    7. 句意:尽管如此,今年是他们结婚20周年纪念,面对丈夫记忆的迅速衰退,丽莎似乎觉得这个想法是合理的。A.year年;B.ceremny仪式;C.celebratin 庆祝;D.anniversary周年纪念。根据“ f their wedding " 可知,他们20周年结婚纪念来临。故选D。
    8. 句意同上。A.decline下降;B.reductin减少;C.drp 掉下;D.disappearance消失。根据Peter's memry (4) faded and he began t refer t Lisa as his favurite persn可知,她丈夫的记忆快速下降。故选A。
    9. 句意:“我知道我的继父,我和他很亲近,在我生命中最艰难的时刻陪伴着我。”。A.happiest 最快乐的;B.saddest 最伤心的;C.tughest 最艰难的;D.brightest 最明亮的。根据“wh I am very clse with, was there thrugh" 可知,Peter在丽莎女儿生命的最困难时期陪伴着她。故选C。
    句意:当丽莎第二次和丈夫交换誓言时,他的喜悦显而易见。A.speak说话; B.exchange 交换;C.swear 发誓;D.express 表达。根据“‘Well, OK, we shuld get married then,' she tld him.”可知,丽莎和丈夫在婚礼上交换誓言。故选 B。
    11. 句意:她说:“这简直太神奇了,就像童话故事一样。”A.fairytale童话;B.stry故事;C.drama 戏剧;D.shw 展览。根据“It was just magical" 可知,这一幕好像来自从童话故事,让人觉得不可思议。故选A。
    句意:音乐与这一天的主题相吻合:当丽莎走过红毯时,一位萨克斯手演奏了一首难忘的乐曲。A. played 演奏;B.reflected反映;C.equaled等于; D.matched 匹配。根据“ a saxphnist played Unfrgettable ”可知,婚礼上所放的音乐和当天的主题相配。故选 D。
    句意:丽莎说:“我流下了眼泪了,欣喜若狂。”A. in the sky 在空中;B.ver the mn 欣喜若狂;C.ver the sky 天上;D.in the air悬而未决。根据“ Lisa said. ‘I hadn’t seen Peter that happy in a lng time.’”可知,丽莎欣喜若狂。故选 B。
    14. 句意:他们在客人的注视下跳舞。A.lked at看着;B.mved arund四处走动;C.lked n 旁观;D.cheered up加油。根据“As they danced " 可知,婚礼上他们跳舞而来宾在一旁观看。故选C。
    句意:丽莎说她丈夫在她耳边悄悄说了几句话。“谢谢你留下来,”他说。A.tld 告诉;B.uttered 说出;C.cnveyed 表达;D.whispered低语。根据“ in her ear.”可知,丈夫在她耳边温柔低语。故选 D。
    【小题4】t let
    (4)考查动词不定式。句意:在你的决策过程中,让一所特定的学校成为你的第一选择是很容易的,甚至可能成为你的获胜选择--但一定要仔细考虑接受你的学校,因为你申请每所学校都有特定的理由。此处it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语,故填t let。
    (5)考查介词。句意:在你的决策过程中,让一所特定的学校成为你的第一选择是很容易的,甚至可能成为你的获胜选择--但一定要仔细考虑接受你的学校,因为你申请每所学校都有特定的理由。in the prcess表示"在...进程中",故填in。
    (10)考查名词所有格。学生的大学经历是他或她自己的,学生必须把教育放在首位。此处用名词所有格作定语修饰名词cllege experience,故填student's。
    37.【答案】 Finally, the grand end came, and Prince was brught nstage inside the bx. He was meek and cperated well with the actrs n stage. He jumped ut as it was planned in the plt. He jumped int the giant mushrm, which fell ver accidentally. Everyne present there were shcked by the scene and were wrried that Prince might gt hurt. In a panic, Prince leaped ff the stage and disappeared underneath it. Mrs. Alvarez called him, but he whimpered and wuldn't cme ut.
    "Hw can we get Prince ut frm beneath the stage?" Mrs. Alvarez asked. "I'm small enugh t get him." I said. I crawled under the stage thrugh the dust and the cbwebs until I reached him. Prince licked my face. When we came ut, the audience clapped and cheered. In fact, we gt mre applause than the stars at the end f the shw. My parents were prud and s was I. After that, I stpped wrrying s much abut my size. In fact, I decided that mm was right and being small has its advantages.
    ②由第二段首句内容“‘我们怎样才能把Prince从舞台下面弄出来?’Mrs. Alvarez问道。”可知,第二段可描写作者把Prince弄出来的过程以及观众的反应。
    ①与...配合:cperate with/wrk tgether
    ②跳出:jump ut/kick n
    ②担心:be wrried/be cncerned​​​​​​​
    ①He jumped int the giant mushrm, which fell ver accidentally.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    ②My parents were prud and s was I.(s引导的倒装句)
    38.【答案】Dear James,
    I wuld like t briefly intrduce ur schl's psychlgical club.(写信目的)
    In rder t let all the students take the initiative t pay attentin t and maintain their wn mental health,imprve the awareness f psychlgical self-prtectin,ur schl established the "psychlgy club" tw years ag.(心理社简介)
    Recently,we launched an educatin campaign,which was called "Treasure ne's life".【高分句型一】Activities included watching educatinal vides,listening t expert lectures and discussins between teachers and students.(近期开展的一次活动)
    Thrugh this activity,students realized that every life had value t thers and sciety,and that every life deserved recgnitin and respect.【高分句型二】The mentality f the students became mre psitive and sunny.(该活动的影响)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:Recently,we launched an educatin campaign,which was called "Treasure ne's life".
    高分句型二:Thrugh this activity,students realized that every life had value t thers and sciety,and that every life deserved recgnitin and respect.
    第三步:遣词造句,套用句型,上下衔接,地道表达,行文成篇。A.Check back ften.
    B.Keep sending yur lcatin.
    C.Hwever,these services are nt fr all children.
    D.With its help,yu can easily share yur lcatin with them.
    E.Check-ins ease wrries s they dn't have t fllw yur every mve.
    F.Others shw where yu are all the time r fr a perid f time yu set.
    G.Sme lcatin services perate like Facebk,where yu invite and accept friends.

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