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      安徽省合肥市六校联盟2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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      安徽省合肥市六校联盟2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份安徽省合肥市六校联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含安徽省合肥市六校联盟2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题Word版含解析docx、安徽省合肥市六校联盟2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1 Where did the man g yesterday?
    A. T a museum. B. T a library. C. T a tennis curt.
    2. Wh is the wman talking t?
    A. Her sn. B. A neighbr. C. A deliveryman.
    3. Why is Gerge late?
    A. He missed the bus. B. His bike brke dwn. C. He had t change clthes.
    4. Hw did the man feel after watching the vide?
    A. Mved. B. Excited. C. Surprised.
    5. What’s the matter with Laura?
    A. She brke the printing machine. B. She pressed the wrng buttn. C. She is under wrk pressure.
    6. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Receptinist and custmer. B. Cach and player. C. Bss and secretary.
    7. Why is the swimming pl clsed?
    A. It is under decratin. B. Its equipment needs updating. C. Tday is weekly cleaning day.
    8. What will the speakers have fr supper?
    A. Fried fd. B. Italian fd. C. Hmemade fd.
    9. What will the wman d next?
    A. Take a bath. B. Order fd nline. C. G t a restaurant.
    10. What des the wman think f the man?
    A. He is creative. B. He is thughtful. C. He is generus.
    11. Hw des the man like Avatar 2?
    A. Impressive. B. Average. C. Disappinting.
    12. Which part f Avatar 1 attracted the man mst?
    A. The plt. B. The characters. C. The special effects.
    13. What des the wman suggest the man d?
    A. Cmpare the tw mvies. B. Appreciate Avatar 2 again. C. Explain his lve fr Avatar 1.
    14. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. The city marathn. B. The supply distributin. C. The changeable weather.
    15. When did the wman cmplete her curse?
    A. Arund 8:00. B. Arund 10:00. C. Arund 12:00.
    16. What was the weather like in the mrning?
    A. Cludy. B. Windy. C. Sunny.
    17. What will the man prbably d next year?
    A. Wrk as a vlunteer. B. Run a race. C. Jin the law ffice.
    18. What helps wmen find mre scientific clues?
    A. Their research methds. B. Their wrld view. C. Their sixth sense.
    19. Wh cntributed t the develpment f the air cnditiner in cars?
    A. Margaret Wilcx. B. Rsalind Franklin. C. Katie Hafner.
    20. What des the radi prgram mainly fcus n?
    A. Public pinins n science.
    B. Untld stries f female scientists.
    C. Majr scientific breakthrughs.
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    The Children’s Museum f Manhattan Exhibitins Beginning in 2024
    Adventures with Dra and Dieg (Ages: 3-6 years)
    Jin Dieg n a series f animal rescue missins. Learn facts abut animals and their habitats by helping Dieg rescue animals in truble. Explre a cave, a beach and the rainfrest r rub animal ftprints, even build a Bear’s nest! By helping Dra and her friends, kids will learn prblem-slving skills, and gain a greater appreciatin and awareness f Latin American culture.
    Inside Art (Ages: 4-10 years)
    The exhibitin cntinues ur traditin f prviding families with access t beautiful cmplex, and challenging art, as well as access t wrking artists and pprtunities fr art making. Cme t celebrate art as a vehicle fr building healthy cmmunities and explre ideas f hme and identity.
    PlayWrks (Ages: birth years)
    We’ve designed every aspect f PlayWrksTM t help families prepare children t enter schl. By cmbining hands-n games and learning, PlayWrksTM creates a fun and rewarding experience fr children.
    Fr adults, PlayWrksnTM prvides an pprtunity t bserve each child’s unique learning style and appreciate hw play creates a strng fundatin fr later learning. This innvative envirnment includes Alphie — a giant talking dragn wh “cats” letters! Cme t get mre resurces t supprt yur child’s language develpment.
    Superpwered Metrplis: Early Learning City (Ages: 2-6 years)
    The exhibit invites children and their grwn-ups t feel like heres, building their learning brain skills tgether. These skills, knwn as executive functins, include self-cntrl. wrking memry, and mental flexibility. Children practice these learning “superpwers” with Zip, Zap, and Zm, wh guide families n a series f city adventures explring the subways, parks, music, travel, tree huses, and mre.
    1. What is a child expected t learn after attending Adventures with Dra and Dieg?
    A. Draw a map f city subways and parks.B. Learn mre abut nature and culture.
    C. Graduate with a specific qualificatin.D. Get resurces fr language learning.
    2. Which exhibitin is suitable fr a by aged 3 wh is learning spelling?
    A. Adventures with Dra and DiegB. Inside Art
    C. Superpwered Metrplis: Early Learning CityD. PlayWrks
    3. What d the fur exhibitins have in cmmn?
    A. They prvide kids with hands-n experience.B. They are nly participated by kids.
    C. They imprve kids’ academic perfrmance.D. They are free f charge fr kids.
    My sn just turned 14 and des nt have a smartphne. When he graduated frm Grade 8, he was the nly kid in his class withut ne. He asks fr a phne nw that he’s ging t high schl. I say n, he asks why, I explain, and he pushes back.
    “Yu can chse t d things differently when yu’re a parent,” I tld him. But smetimes, I wnder if I’m being t stubbrn r unfair.
    The mre I research, the mre cnfident I feel in my decisin. Many studies link the current mental health crisis amng adlescents t fundamental changes in hw they scialize, namely, the shift frm in-persn t nline interactin.
    But ther mthers challenge my view. “He must feel s left ut!” Then there are the parents wh tell me sadly that they wish they had delayed their teenager’s phne wnership lnger than they did. They urge me t hld ut.
    If teenagers between the ages f 13 and 18 are truly spending an average f 8 hurs 39 minutes per day n their devices, as stated in a survey cnducted by Cmmn Sense Media, then what are they nt ding? Kids absrbed in their devices are missing ut n real life, and that strikes me as really sad.
    I want my sn t have a childhd he feels satisfied with and prud f. I want it t be full f adventures, imaginative play and physical challenges which he must srt ut himself withut asking me fr help. The easiest and simplest way t achieve these gals is t delay giving him a smartphne.
    Sme think my sn is missing ut r falling behind, but he is nt. He des well in schl and extra-curricular activities, hangs ut with his friends in persn, and mves independently arund ur small twn. He prmises he’ll give his wn 14-year-ld a phne smeday, and I tell him that’s fine. But recently, he admitted that he missed the beautiful scenery n a drive t a nearby muntain because he had been s absrbed in his friend’s iPad. If that is his versin f admitting I’m right, I’ll take it.
    4. What des the underlined phrase “pushes back” in Paragraph 1 prbably mean?
    A. Agrees.B. Delays.C. Oppses.D. Persuades.
    5. What is the authr primarily cncerned abut regarding giving her sn a phne?
    A. Her sn’s nline safety.
    B. Her sn’s mental grwth.
    C. Her sn’s reduced physical activities.
    D. Her sn’s pr academic perfrmance.
    6. What quality des the authr want her sn t develp in his childhd?
    A. Team spirit.B. Leadership.
    C. Independence.D. Critical thinking.
    7. What can be learned abut the authr’s sn?
    A. He is falling behind academically.
    B. He is easily influenced by his friends.
    C. He has given up his desire fr a smartphne.
    D He has realized the prblems f much screen time.
    The grundbreaking Shaxing Opera adaptatin, New Dragn Gate Inn, captures the interest f a new generatin and brings the ancient art frm fr cntemprary lifestyles back t life.
    Unlike the traditinal framed stage, the theater is designed as an inn, with the audience becming guests. They sit clse t the perfrmers, engaging with them, and immersing themselves in a unique and fascinating viewing experience. “This places new demands n ur perfrmers,” said Xu Yena, wh acts in the shw as the A cast f Jin Xiangyu, the landlady f the inn. “We need t abandn many f the stylized mvements frm traditinal Shaxing Opera and learn frm drama and film perfrmances, adpting a mre natural, authentic, and subtle acting style.”
    Upn leaving the theater, these audience members feel a sense f satisfactin that prmpts them t willingly share shrt clips f the perfrmance nline. The fragmented (零碎的) cntent f perfrmance has generated many streams and clicks, leading t high demand fr shw tickets, especially amng yung audiences. “Nw, the ticket cmpetitin has becme fierce and nly thse with fast internet access can get them,” said Chen Lijun, wh plays the imprtant supprting rle f Jia Ting.
    As bth Xiabaihua (a Shaxing Opera trupe (剧团)) and Japan’s renwned Takarazuka Revue are all-female trupes, sme internet users have drawn parallels between the tw, likening Chen t “China’s Amami Yuki”, a frmer acclaimed male-rle actress in the Japanese trupe.
    In respnse Chen said, “All gd perfrmances are wrth learning frm. Our tw trupes share many similarities, but there are als fundamental differences, rted in the cultural heritage f ur respective theatrical traditins.”
    A reprt by Xinhua News Agency states that Generatin Z makes up 74 percent f cnsumers f gucha gds r China-chic gds last year. As a cultural prduct, New Dragn Gate Inn has successfully wn the hearts f the yung generatin due t the cntemprary nature f the shw.
    “Shaxing Opera nce brrwed and learned frm Peking Opera and Kunqu Opera. Tday, we draw inspiratin frm a brader range f artistic frms and expressin techniques,” Xu said.
    “New Dragn Gate Inn has successfully drawn many nntraditinal theatergers, particularly yung peple. Seeking nvelty has always been what Shaxing Opera has been ding.”
    8. Wh became a new challenge fr the perfrmers while they were acting in Shaxing Opera?
    A. The internet users making cmparisn nline.
    B. The ther trupe perfrming mre natural and authentic.
    C. The audience psitined right next t the perfrmers.
    D. The guests immersing themselves n the central stage.
    9. Hw did Chen respnd t her nickname “China’s Amami Yuki”?
    A. By jyfully accepting it.B. By bjectively clarifying it.
    C. By plitely denying it.D. By respectfully using it.
    10. Accrding t Xu Yena, Shaxing Opera has made a psitive step in regaining its ppularity, mainly depending n__________.
    A. Adaptatin and advertisement.B. Specially designed theater.
    C. Actresses’ ppularity nline.D. Integratin and innvatin.
    11. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Generatin Z Dminates The Market f Guca.
    B New Dragn Gate Inn Returns t Live Stage.
    C. Shaxing Opera’s Mdern Twist Wws Yuth.
    D. Nntraditinal Theatergers Fld int Theater.
    Dgs may have the title f ur best friends thrugh their interactins with humans, but nw researchers say these scial skills culd be present shrtly after birth rather than being learned.
    T better understand the rle f bilgy in dgs’ abilities t cmmunicate with humans, the researchers studied 375 eight-week-ld service dgs. They lked at hw these dgs perfrmed in a series f tasks designed t measure their cmmunicatin skills. The puppies were still living with their littermates (同窝出生者) and had nt been sent t live with a vlunteer puppy raiser, making it unlikely that they had learned abut his r her behavir.
    In the first task, a persn hid a treat beneath ne f tw verturned cups and pinted t it t see if the puppy culd fllw the gesture. Since dgs are gd at using nses t find things, a treat was als taped t the insides f bth cups. In the secnd task, puppies watched as the researchers placed a yellw blck next t the crrect cup, instead f pinting t indicate where the puppy shuld lk fr the fd.
    The third task was designed t bserve puppies’ tendency t lk at human faces. The researchers spke t the puppy in a vice peple smetimes use when talking t a baby. They then measured hw lng the puppy fixed a stare n the human. In the last task, researchers sealed a treat inside a clsed cntainer and presented it t the puppy. They then measured hw ften the puppy lked t the human fr help in pening the cntainer.
    The study fund that while many f the puppies were respnsive t humans’ physical and verbal cues, very few lked t humans fr help with the unslvable task. Researchers said, “This suggests that while puppies may be brn knwing hw t respnd t human-initiated cmmunicatin, the ability t initiate (发起) cmmunicatin n their wn may cme later.” The next step will be t see if specific genes that may cntribute t dgs’ abilities t cmmunicate with humans can be identified.
    12. Why were eight-week-ld service dgs chsen fr the study?
    A. They were cute and safe t deal with.
    B. They were the best age t learn.
    C. They had had little cntact with humans befre.
    D. They were unlikely influenced by their mates.
    13. What is the researchers’ purpse in taping fd t bth cups?
    A. T prvide clues fr the puppies’ final decisins.
    B. T make cmparisns between different cnditins.
    C. T check the puppies’ preference fr a particular clr.
    D. T prevent the puppies frm making use f their smell.
    14. What can we knw frm the study?
    A. Puppies can understand ur bdy language.
    B. Puppies are gd at asking humans fr help.
    C. Puppies are brn t initiate cmmunicatin with humans.
    D. Puppies need specific genes t cmmunicate with humans.
    15. What’s the main idea f the text?
    A. Dgs are brn t be able t learn.B. Dgs are brn t understand humans.
    C. Dgs are talented perfrmers.D. Dgs are humans’ best friends.
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Hw D Kids Develp Emtinal Literacy(情感素养)?
    The skills f identifying emtins and respnding t ther peple’s emtins cmbine t create a skill knwn as emtinal literacy, which is a big part f a kid’s scial develpment. It will be nice if this ability cmes naturally, but it isn’t. ____16____ Here are sme ways t increase their emtinal literacy.
    ____17____ Parents can grab a really big piece f paper and sit dwn with their kids t brainstrm all the feelings they can think f. The list may include emtins kids dn’t recgnize, but that is OK. A parent shuld make his/her face that ges with the feeling and explain a situatin where it may cme up.
    Read tpical bks. There are many great bks that specifically explre emtins. When parents are reading t their kids, ask them t figure ut what the main character is feeling in certain situatins. ____18____
    Play emtinal wrd-guessing game. This is a fun game t play with kids. One parent picks an emtin t cnvey t the ther, using either the whle bdy r just a face. ____19____ In this way, they may be able t see their wn feeling n their faces especially when they are having truble in making sense f the faces.
    Rle play scial scenes and review. Cme up with cntexts kids may meet. ____20____ Alngside rle play cmes reviewing. G ver situatins that didn’t end well, examine the emtins f the peple invlved and talk with kids abut what culd have been dne differently.
    A. Make a big list f feelings.
    B. Explain reasns fr kids’ bad emtins in time.
    C. It is helpful t use the pictures and plts f the bks.
    D. Have them act ut hw they will react if it is pssible.
    E. Speaking ut yur feelings t kids matters in sme situatins.
    F. Ask them t make the same face as yu d and lk in the mirrr.
    G. Kids develp emtinal literacy by scial experience and instructin.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    A little girl was enjying the beautiful garden in her hme. Her father had a gd cllectin f rare and prized plants, which he ___21___ with great care.
    The girl was ___22___ by a plant full f delicate flwers. She apprached it and admired its striking beauty. Suddenly she ___23___ that the plant was in a pile f filth (污秽). She culd nt tlerate the ___24___ f dirt with such fantastic flwers.
    She wrked ut a plan t clean the plant. She ___25___ the plant with all her might frm the dirt and washed its ___26___ in running tap water till all traces f dirt were washed away. She then placed the plant n a clean stne and went away, prud that she had dne a great ___27___.
    Later her father came t the garden and sptted the uprted plant, which had lain ___28___ in the baking sun. His little daughter ran ver t ___29___ her achievement. “I have cleaned it, Daddy,” she reprted ____30____.
    The father shwed her hw her treatment had nearly killed the plant and tld her that the filthy sil was the best ____31____ t grw that plant. Hearing that, the girl felt guilty that the plant had suffered by her cleaning.
    A great gardener mixes the ____32____ sil fr each plant. ____33____, Gd prvides each f us with the best ____34____ required fr ptimum (最佳) spiritual grwth. But it may appear t be ____35____ and we may even cmplain t Gd abut ur difficulty.
    21. A. weeded utB. brught upC. attended tD. fed n
    22. A. caughtB. attractedC. attackedD. shcked
    23. A. recalledB. ntedC. recgnizedD. cncluded
    24. A. frmatinB. presentatinC. presenceD. cmpsitin
    25. A. heldB. pickedC. pulledD. dragged
    26. A. flwersB. branchesC. leavesD. rts
    27. A. deedB. dealC. peratinD. prject
    28. A. burningB. bathingC. breathingD. dying
    29. A. cnfirmB. exhibitC. evaluateD. celebrate
    30. A. inncentlyB. distantlyC. decisivelyD. thughtlessly
    31. A. shelterB. medicineC. mediumD. venue
    32. A. rightB. sameC. dirtyD. lse
    33. A. MreverB. LikewiseC. RatherD. Nevertheless
    34. A. envirnmentB. mdeC. neighburhdD. pprtunity
    35. A. invisibleB. disrganizedC. imprperD. unpleasant
    第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Sitting inside the Shenzhu XVI spacecraft, Gui Haicha, the first Chinese civilian n a spaceflight, tgether with the ther tw astrnauts, ____36____ (launch) by a 20-stry-tall Lng March 2F carrier rcket, ____37____ tk ff at 9:31 am n May 30, 2023 at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.
    Brn in 1986, Gui’s ____38____ (enthusiastic) fr science has been develping since childhd. He had a set f encyclpedias (百科全书) frm which he gained a lt f basic space knwledge. Years later, Gui Haicha attended Beihang University, ____39____ (majr) in spacecraft design and engineering.
    Gui then pursued pstdctral research verseas and published abut 20 SCI academic papers in tp internatinal jurnals. After returning t China, he received Beihang’s invitatin t teach ____40____ an assciate prfessr.
    In the spring f 2018, Gui was tld that China’s manned space authrities had made a decisin ____41____ (select) the third grup f astrnauts, including the first spaceflight engineers and science paylads specialists. “I have been ____42____ fan f space explratin fr many years and smetimes dreamed abut ding my research in space. S excited was I n hearing this news ____43____ I signed up withut much thught. Eventually I was ____44____ (successful) admitted fllwing several demanding runds f _____45_____ (prfessin) tests,” he recalled.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Gerge来信说他对中国人贴春联(Spring Festival cuplets)的习俗很感兴趣,希望给他回信简要介绍一下。内容包括:
    Dear Gerge,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    When I was 15, I fell in lve with the sngs when they were first released — Bring Him Hme, I Dreamed A Dream and On My Own. Even thugh I hadn’t read Les Miserables and knew very little abut the musical, the sngs captured my attentin and I happily sang alng with enthusiasm and energy whenever I heard them n the radi.
    At the age f 17, I watched Les Miserables in a theatre f Vancuver. After getting hme, I was really thrilled and annunced that I wanted t perfrm in the musical. Hearing what I said, my parents did nthing but supprt me, althugh they cnsidered the thught ridiculus, given that we lived 50 kilmetres frm the nearest large twn, Twmba. There was little likelihd f ever having a chance t perfrm.
    But sme things are just meant t be. The Twmba Chral Sciety bught the perfrmance rights with the view t perfrm it. Althugh I was nt a member f the chir, they called fr auditins (试镜) and I went alng. I had had n experience singing and had never perfrmed in any musicals but I believed in miracles and hped that there was a place fr me smewhere in the chrus.
    I tried ut fr the part f Javert but did nt have the range. Little did I knw there were a hst f parts that needed filling. Frtunately, I was chsen t be in the chrus as well as playing seven rles — ten cstume changes in all. It was s exciting t play all the different parts. Rehearsals (排练) started immediately and I gt a crash curse in singing, acting and dancing. There was s much t learn and as I drve t rehearsals three times a week a little vice wuld say, “Yu are in ver yur head, get ut nw.”
    I really had a hard time rehearsing — first with written texts and sheet music and then withut. Persnally, I struggled. S much t learn really made me s crazy that I had a strng desire t quit. And the little vice “Yu are in ver yur head, get ut nw.” rang in my ears again.
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    At that time, my parents’ determined lk appeared in my mind.
    On the pening night, nervus as I was, I gathered my curage and stepped n the stage.
    听力答案:1-5 BBCAC 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 CCBAB 16-20 AACAB

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