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    这是一份广东省阳江市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含精品解析广东省阳江市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析广东省阳江市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Tp Scientific Breakthrughs in 2023
    The pace f innvatin never slws, and the impact f the breakthrughs will redefine the way we live, wrk and cnnect with the wrld.
    A New Era fr Space Explratin
    Space explratin is ne f the cre missins in many cuntries. Recently, the newest missin t the mn was launched as NASA’s Artemis Prgram, which wuld pave the way fr a future missin t Mars. This new era f space explratin will drive technlgical advancements in fields beynd astrnautics and stimulate prgress in real-wrld applicatins like materials, fd science, and mdern industry.
    A Milestne in AI Predictins
    Fr decades, the scientific cmmunity has chased a greater understanding f relatinships between prtein functins and 3D structures. In July 2023, Deep Mind revealed that the flded 3D structure f a prtein mlecule (分子), which reduced the number f human prteins with unknwn structural data frm 4,800 t just 29. While there will always be challenges with AI, the ability t predict prtein structures in bilgy has implicatins acrss all life sciences.
    Greener Fertilizer Prductin
    Every year, billins f peple depend n fertilizers fr the nging prductin f fd, and reducing the carbn ftprint and expenses in fertilizer prductin wuld reshape the impact agriculture has n emissins. T reduce energy requirements, researchers frm Tky Tech have develped a nble-metal-free catalyst (催化剂), which is much mre envirnmentally friendly and safer t the agricultural prduces.
    Exascale cmputers, which can perfrm a mind-bggling quintillin (1018) mathematical peratins per secnd, finally arrived in 2023. They’ve already helped refine weather frecasts and design new materials, and new nes will be cming nline sn. The wrld’s mst pwerful supercmputers, perating at the far frntier f speed knwn as the exascale, have nw begun t bm. These results frm exascale machines cming nline in the next few years prmise t pen a new windw int materials, climate science, and medicine.
    T stay ahead f emerging trends, new discveries and unique perspectives, we invite yu t subscribe t CAS Insights!
    1. What d the Space Explratin and Fertilizer Prductin have in cmmn?
    A. They take a lt f time.B. They make influence n the fd.
    C. They need gvernment cperatin.D. They cst a big sum f mney t maintain.
    2. Which aspect has a clse cnnectin with bilgy?
    A. A New Era fr Space Explratin.B. A Milestne in AI Predictins.
    C. Greener Fertilizer Prductin.D. Supercmputers—Exascale.
    3. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A textbk.B. An exam paper.C. A magazine.D. A science fictin.
    【答案】1. B 2. B 3. C
    细节理解题。根据A New Era fr Space Explratin中“This new era f space explratin will drive technlgical advancements in fields beynd astrnautics and stimulate prgress in real-wrld applicatins like materials, fd science, and mdern industry. (这个太空探索的新时代将推动航天以外领域的技术进步,并刺激其在现实世界应用方面的进步,如材料、食品科学和现代工业)”和Greener Fertilizer Prductin中“Every year, billins f peple depend n fertilizers fr the nging prductin f fd, and reducing the carbn ftprint and expenses in fertilizer prductin wuld reshape the impact agriculture has n emissins. (每年,数十亿人依靠化肥生产粮食,减少碳足迹和化肥生产费用将重塑农业对排放的影响)”可知,两者的共同之处在于都影响着食物,前者的进步可以推动食品科学的进步,后者是粮食生产的重要基础。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据A Milestne in AI Predictins中“In July 2023, Deep Mind revealed that the flded 3D structure f a prtein mlecule (分子), which reduced the number f human prteins with unknwn structural data frm 4,800 t just 29. While there will always be challenges with AI, the ability t predict prtein structures in bilgy has implicatins acrss all life sciences. (2023年7月,Deep Mind揭示了一个蛋白质分子的折叠3D结构,将具有未知结构数据的人类蛋白质数量从4800个减少到29个。虽然人工智能总会面临挑战,但预测生物学中蛋白质结构的能力对所有生命科学都有影响)”可知,AI预测方面的突破增进了人类对蛋白质结构的认识,与生物学紧密相关。故选B项。
    推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是最后一段“T stay ahead f emerging trends, new discveries and unique perspectives, we invite yu t subscribe t CAS Insights! (为了保持领先于新兴趋势、新发现和独特视角,我们邀请您订阅CAS Insights)”可知,文章简要介绍了四项2023年的重大科学突破,并在文末邀请读者订阅CAS Insights。由此可知,文章应该出自一本杂志。故选C项。
    Once a rich and clever by had practically everything a by culd want, s he was nt interested in mst tys. Because he culdn’t get a very ld mirrr, he cnvinced his parents t buy it frm a mysterius ld man. When the mirrr arrived hme, the by went t see his reflectin in it. His face lked very sad indeed. He tried smiling and making funny faces, but his reflectin cntinued with its sad expressin. “What a terrible mirrr! It’s the first time I’ve seen a mirrr that didn’t wrk prperly!” the by jumped vilently.
    That same afternn he went int the street t play and bught a few tys, but n his way t the park he saw a little girl wh was crying her heart ut. The girl was crying s much and lked s lnely that the rich by went ver t help her and t see what had happened. The little girl tld him that she had lst her parents.
    Tgether the tw set ff in search f the girl’s parents. As the little girl wuldn’t stp crying, the by spent his mney buying her sweets t cheer her up. Finally, after much walking, they fund her parents wh were much wrried and were lking fr her everywhere.
    The rich by said gdbye t them. As it was getting late, he decided t head fr hme, withut being able t play. At hme, he went t his rm, and nticed a shining light in the crner, the same crner he had left the mirrr in. Seeing this, he went ver t the mirrr, and realized that the light was cming frm his wn bdy, s radiant (闪亮的) with happiness he had becme.
    And s he understd the mystery f that mirrr, the nly mirrr which culd faithfully reflect the true jy f its wner. He realized it was true. He felt very happy at having helped that little girl. And since then, each mrning when he lked in that mirrr and failed t see a special shine, he knew what he had t d t bring it back.
    4. Hw did the by feel when he first lked int the mirrr?
    A. Embarrassed.
    B. Angry.
    C. Wrried.
    D. Satisfied.
    5. Why was the little girl crying s hard?
    A. She culdn’t find her parents.
    B. She culdn’t get the mysterius mirrr.
    C. Her parents culdn’t buy tys fr her.
    D. The by refused t give his tys t her.
    6. What culd the by see in the mirrr after he went back frm the park?
    A A shining ty.
    B. A brken mirrr.
    C. A radiant light.
    D. The lvely girl.
    7. What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T tell us a hrrible stry.
    B. T intrduce t us a strange mirrr.
    C. T warn us nt t be selfish.
    D. T encurage us t help thers.
    【答案】4. B 5. A 6. C 7. D
    推理判断题。根据第一段中的“He tried smiling and making funny faces, but his reflectin cntinued with its sad expressin. ‘What a terrible mirrr! It’s the first time I’ve seen a mirrr that didn’t wrk prperly!’ the by jumped vilently.(他试着微笑,做鬼脸,但他的倒影仍然带着悲伤的表情。‘多么糟糕的镜子!这是我第一次看到不能正常用的镜子!’男孩猛地跳了起来。)”可知,男孩第一次照镜子时镜子总是显示他悲伤的样子,他认为镜子坏了,所以会感到非常生气。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The little girl tld him that she had lst her parents.(小女孩告诉他她找不到自己的父母了。)”可知,因为这个小女孩找不到自己的父母,所以痛哭。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中的“At hme, he went t his rm, and nticed a shining light in the crner, the same crner he had left the mirrr in.(在家里,他走到自己的房间,注意到角落里有一道亮光,就在他放镜子的那个角落里。)”可知,男孩从公园回到家后,他在镜子里看到了一道亮光。故选C。
    推理判断题。通读全文尤其是最后一段中的“He felt very happy at having helped that little girl. And since then, each mrning when he lked in that mirrr and failed t see a special shine, he knew what he had t d t bring it back.(帮助了那个小女孩,他感到非常高兴。从那以后,每天早上他照镜子并看不到特别的光芒时,他就知道该怎么做才能把它带回来。)”可知,本文主要讲述了一位富有且聪明的男孩得到了一面神秘的镜子,他照镜子的时候发现自己很悲伤,但当他帮助了一位小女孩后,他发现镜中的自己散发出了快乐的亮光,原来这面镜子能够映射出主人的真正快乐,他明白了自己要去帮助他人。由此可推测出,这个故事的目的是鼓励我们去帮助他人,找到真正的快乐。故选D。
    As a result f trade, travel and migratin, different cuisines have spread acrss the wrld. Many recipes, chefs and restaurants try t annunce that their fd f a cuntry r regin is the mst authentic (正宗的). But is this a gd thing?
    Peple care abut authenticity because fd traditins are clsely linked t identity, particularly fr migrant cmmunities. Scilgist and prfessr f fd studies, Krishnendu Ray, explains that hme cking is ften the last way that cmmunities can shw their identity. British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver was accused f trying t take advantage f psitive feelings abut Jamaica. His ready meal prduct had a Jamaican name, but was unlike real Jamaican cking.
    Hwever, fd cnsultant Sara Kay asks whether there are prblems with the idea f authenticity. She stresses that these ideas ften cme frm the expectatins that majrity cultures have abut minrity cultures and their fd. These can be restricting—restauranteurs have cmplained that peple expect Asian fd t be cheaper than that frm Eurpean cultures. Expectatins can als give peple a false idea f what is authentic. While large cities are full f eateries representing different cuntries—China, India, Italy, Mexic and mre—these labels can versimplify the reality f fd frm these cuntries. Stephanie Eliznd Greist is surprised by the recgnitin that fds in Mexic are mre authentic than what she ate grwing up as a Mexican-American in Texas, because she feels that bth are authentic examples f Mexican fd.
    A mre cntrversial view f authenticity was stated by American Chef Andrew Zimmern, wh claimed that he culd bring in Chinese dishes in a mre authentic way than existing restaurants—many f which are wned by Chinese-Americans. Writer and fd pdcaster Ruth Tam pints ut that while these restaurants altered their menus t suit lcal tastes, s des Zimmern. S, while fd and identity are clsely linked, and failure t respect authenticity can cause ffence, culd there be prblems with the whle idea f authenticity?
    8. Which f the fllwing factrs causes peple t care abut authenticity?
    A. Psitin.B. Decratin.C. Taste.D. Price.
    9. What is the main idea f Paragraph 3?
    A. Eateries in different cuntries cntribute t the authentic prblem.
    B. Expectatin abut authenticity may cause prblems.
    C. Asian fd is cheaper than Eurpean fd.
    D. Yu can enjy the traditinal taste f Mexican fd bth in Mexic and America.
    10. Which statement might Stephanie Eliznd Greist agree with?
    A. There can be nly ne authentic taste in a cuntry.
    B. What she eats in Texas means nthing t her.
    C. The reginal specialities shuld be the same in a cuntry.
    D. Every persn can have his r her wn recgnitin f authenticity.
    11. In which clumn f the newspaper can we prbably read the passage?
    A. Fd & CultureB. Science & Technlgy
    C. Sprts & HealthD. Literature & Art
    【答案】8. C 9. B 10. D 11. A
    推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Many recipes, chefs and restaurants try t annunce that their fd f a cuntry r regin is the mst authentic(正宗的).(许多食谱、厨师和餐馆都试图宣布他们所在国家或地区的食物是最正宗的。)”并结合常识可知,厨师或餐厅通常通过宣扬自己食物的味道来表明自己是正宗的。由此推知,食物的味道使人们关心食物的正宗。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段中的“She stresses that these ideas ften cme frm the expectatins that majrity cultures have abut minrity cultures and their fd.(她强调,这些想法往往来自于多数文化对少数文化及其食物的期望。)”和“Expectatins can als give peple a false idea f what is authentic.(期望也会让人们对什么是真实的产生错误的想法。)”可知,本段主要讲述了对正宗的期望可能会产生问题。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Stephanie Eliznd Greist is surprised by the recgnitin that fds in Mexic are mre authentic than what she ate grwing up as a Mexican-American in Texas, because she feels that bth are authentic examples f Mexican fd.(Stephanie Eliznd Greist对墨西哥的食物比她在得克萨斯州长大时吃的食物更正宗这种认识感到惊讶,因为她觉得这两种食物都是墨西哥食物的正宗例子。)”可推测出,她认为每个人都有自己对正宗的认识。故选D。
    推理判断题。通读全文可知,第一段“As a result f trade, travel and migratin, different cuisines have spread acrss the wrld. Many recipes, chefs and restaurants try t annunce that their fd f a cuntry r regin is the mst authentic(正宗的). But is this a gd thing?(由于贸易、旅行和移民,不同的美食已经传播到世界各地。许多食谱、厨师和餐馆都试图宣布他们所在国家或地区的食物是最正宗的。但这是件好事吗?)”引出了话题“人们强调食物正宗的现象”,这与食物和文化有关,因此最有可能出现在报纸的“食物与文化”模块。故选A。
    When Millet was a by he wrked n his needy father’s farm. At the rest hur in the fields the ther wrkers wuld all take naps, but yung Millet wuld spend time drawing. Finally, the village where he lived gave him a little mney t Paris t study art.
    When Millet reached Paris, he had a tugh time. Frtunately, when he was almst starving, smene bught ne f his peasant paintings, which enabled his family t leave fr Barbizn.
    Millet’s pictures f peasants at wrk were painted in a unique way. The painter wuld g ut n the farms and watch them carefully — digging, heing, spreading manure, sawing wd, r swing grain. Then he wuld cme hme and paint what he had seen. S astnishingly accurate was his memry that he culd paint at hme withut mdels and get all the mvements f his figures right. When he did need a figure t g by, he wuld ask his wife t pse fr him.
    One f his nted artwrks is called “The Swer”, which shws a man seeding. He reaches int his bag fr seed and then swings backward t scatter the seed, and with each swing f his hand the swer strides frward. In Millet’s picture the swer has been wrking hard, but his swinging step and arm still mve smthly, like a machine. Only the man’s head reveals his great tiredness.
    Anther masterpiece is called “The Gleaners”. A gleaner is smene picking up the leftver in the field after the wheat harvest. When farmers near Barbizn are extremely badly-ff, even the little the gleaners can find is a help. Yu can see frm Millet’s picture what back-breaking wrk gleaning must be.
    12. What d we knw abut Millet?
    A. His wife supprted him t be a painter.B. He was keen n painting as a kid.
    C. He spent his whle life in Barbizn.D. He was brught up in Paris.
    13. Hw did he paint the labring farmers?
    A. Asking mdels fr help.B. Imagining figures in the field.
    C. Remembering what he had bservedD. Recalling the days n his father’s farm.
    14. What d Millet’s wrks cnvey?
    A. The farmers’ hardships.B. The scene f farming.
    C. His lve fr the village.D. His anxiety abut the farmers.
    15. Which is the text mst likely t be taken frm?
    A. A shrt-stry cllectinB. A persnal diary
    C. A magazine f artD. A science magazine
    【答案】12. B 13. C 14. A 15. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段“When Millet was a by he wrked n his needy father’s farm. At the rest hur in the fields the ther wrkers wuld all take naps, but yung Millet wuld spend time drawing.(当米勒还是个孩子的时候,他就在贫穷的父亲的农场里干活。在地里休息的时候,其他的工人都会小睡一会儿,但小米勒会花时间画画)”可知,Millet从小就喜欢画画。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“The painter wuld g ut n the farms and watch them carefully — digging, heing, spreading manure, sawing wd, r swing grain. Then he wuld cme hme and paint what he had seen.(画家会到农场去,仔细地看着他们挖土、锄地、施肥、锯木头或播种。然后他回到家,把他所看到的画下来)”可知,他通过记住他所观察到的来描绘劳动的农民。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“In Millet’s picture the swer has been wrking hard, but his swinging step and arm still mve smthly, like a machine. Only the man’s head reveals his great tiredness.(在米勒的画中,播种者一直在努力工作,但他摆动的步伐和手臂仍然像机器一样平稳地移动。只有这个人的头显示出他极度的疲倦)”以及最后一段中“Yu can see frm Millet’s picture what back-breaking wrk gleaning must be.(从Millet的画中可以看出,拾穗是一项多么累人的工作)”可推知,Millet的作品传达了农民的艰辛。故选A 。
    推理判断题。根据最后第二段“One f his nted artwrks is called “The Swer”, which shws a man seeding.(他的著名作品之一是《播种者》,画的是一个人在播种)”以及最后一段“Anther masterpiece is called “The Gleaners”.(另一部杰作叫做《拾穗者》)”且文章主要介绍了画家Millet画作特点的描述。由此推知,本文可能出自一本艺术杂志。故选C。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    D Lbsters (龙虾) Feel Pain?
    The traditinal methd fr cking a lbster— biling it alive— raises the questin f whether r nt lbsters feel pain. ____16____ Lbsters g bad very quickly after they die, and eating a dead lbster increases the risk f illness and reduces the quality f its flavr. Hwever, if lbsters are capable f feeling pain, the methd and thers, such as string the live lbster n ice, raise mral questins fr chefs and lbster eaters alike.
    ____17____ Lbsters have a peripheral system like humans, but instead f a single brain, they pssess nerve cluster (神经簇). Because f this difference, sme researchers argue lbsters are t dissimilar t vertebrates (脊椎动物) t feel pain. Nnetheless, lbsters d satisfy all f the standard fr a pain respnse. Lbsters guard their injuries, learn t avid dangerus situatins, respnd t anesthetics, and are believed t pssess sme level f cnsciusness. ____18____
    There is grwing evidence that lbsters may feel pain. ____19____ Currently, biling lbsters alive is illegal in Switzerland, New Zealand, and the Italian city Reggi Emilia.
    The mst human e tl fr cking a lbster is the CrustaStun. This device electrcutes a lbster, making it uncnscius in less than half a secnd r killing it in 5 t 10 secnds. And then, it can be cut apart r biled.
    Unfrtunately, the CrustaStun is t expensive fr mst restaurants and peple t affrd. Sme restaurants place a lbster in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer fr a cuple f hurs, during which time it lses cnsciusness and dies. ____20____ But it is prbably the mst human e ptin fr killing a lbster befre cking and eating it.
    A This slutin is nt ideal.
    B. S it is nw becming illegal t bil lbsters alive r keep them n ice.
    C. Lbsters are ppular fd in many cuntries.
    D. S mst scientists believe that injuring a lbster causes physical pain.
    E. Scientists disagree ver whether r nt lbsters feel pain.
    F. Many restaurants chse mre human e methds t ck it.
    G. This cking way is used t imprve humans’ dining experience.
    【答案】16. G 17. E 18. D 19. B 20. A
    前文“The traditinal methd fr cking a lbster— biling it alive— raises the questin f whether r nt lbsters feel pain.(传统的烹饪龙虾的方法——活煮龙虾——引发了龙虾是否会感到疼痛的问题)”引入传统活煮龙虾的话题,后文“Lbsters g bad very quickly after they die, and eating a dead lbster increases the risk f illness and reduces the quality f its flavr.(龙虾死后很快就会变质,吃死龙虾会增加患病的风险,并降低其味道的质量)”具体解释采用这种烹饪方式的原因,因此G项“This cking way is used t imprve humans’ dining experience.(这种烹饪方式被用来改善人类的用餐体验)”符合语境,承上启下,其中的This cking way指代前文的biling it alive。故选G。
    空处位于段首,需引出段落内容。根据后文“Lbsters have a peripheral system like humans, but instead f a single brain, they pssess nerve cluster (神经簇). Because f this difference, sme researchers argue lbsters are t dissimilar t vertebrates (脊椎动物) t feel pain. Nnetheless, lbsters d satisfy all f the standard fr a pain respnse. Lbsters guard their injuries, learn t avid dangerus situatins, respnd t anesthetics, and are believed t pssess sme level f cnsciusness.(龙虾像人类一样有一个外围系统,但它们不是一个单一的大脑,而是神经簇。由于这种差异,一些研究人员认为龙虾与脊椎动物太不相似了,感觉不到疼痛。)”可知,本段主要介绍了对龙虾是否会感到疼痛的两种不同意见,因此E项“Scientists disagree ver whether r nt lbsters feel pain.(科学家们对龙虾是否会感到疼痛持不同意见)”符合语境,统领后文内容,其中的feel pain和后文的feel pain是同词复现。故选E。
    空处位于段尾,是对前文的总结,根据前文“Nnetheless, lbsters d satisfy all f the standard fr a pain respnse. Lbsters guard their injuries, learn t avid dangerus situatins, respnd t anesthetics, and are believed t pssess sme level f cnsciusness.(尽管如此,龙虾确实满足了疼痛反应的所有标准。龙虾会保护自己的伤口,学会避开危险的情况,对麻醉剂有反应,并且被认为具有一定程度的意识)”可知,龙虾被认为是有一定程度的意识,由此可知,伤害龙虾会让它们感到疼痛,D项“S mst scientists believe that injuring a lbster causes physical pain.(因此,大多数科学家认为,伤害龙虾会导致身体疼痛)”和前文构成因果关系,是对前文的总结。故选D。
    根据前文“There is grwing evidence that lbsters may feel pain.(越来越多的证据表明,龙虾可能会感到疼痛)”以及后文“Currently, biling lbsters alive is illegal in Switzerland, New Zealand, and the Italian city Reggi Emilia.(目前,在瑞士、新西兰和意大利城市雷焦艾米利亚,煮活龙虾是非法的)”可知,前文讲述龙虾会感到疼痛,后文讲述法律问题,所以空处应是过渡句,B项“S it is nw becming illegal t bil lbsters alive r keep them n ice.(因此,现在将龙虾活煮或冷藏是违法的)”符合文意,和前文构成因果关系,并引出下文。故选B项。
    前文“Sme restaurants place a lbster in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer fr a cuple f hurs, during which time it lses cnsciusness and dies. (一些餐馆把龙虾放在塑料袋里,放在冰箱里几个小时,在这段时间里,龙虾失去知觉,死亡)”介绍了一些无力负担水产品电击器的餐馆处理龙虾的方法,后文“But it is prbably the mst human e ptin fr killing a lbster befre cking and eating it.(但在烹饪和食用龙虾之前杀死它可能是最人性化的选择)”对这种方法做出了评价,因此A项“This slutin is nt ideal (这个解决方案并不理想)”符合语境,承接前文,和后文形成转折,“这种方法”指前文“将龙虾装入塑料袋在冰箱冻死”。故选A。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    I was getting mre excited as we gt ff the train at beautiful Grand Central Statin. After tur at the Museum f Mdern Art, we ___21___ Radi City Music Hall and the Christmas tree at Rckefeller Center. In ne f the ___22___ in the area, I fund a tiny bxed set f Peter Rabbit bks, perfect fr my ___23___. Was there anything like Christmas in New Yrk? Having experienced an exciting and tiring tur, we called a ___24___ back t Grand Central Statin.
    On the way hme I realized that my handbag was gne -- lst r ___25___. I had n idea. All the magic f this special day ___26___. I glumly (闷闷不乐地) pictured a jam-packed Department f Mtr Vehicles and all the phne calls that I’d have t make t get my ___27___ cards replaced with new nes. And I’d never ___28___ all thse precius phts f my daughters.
    The days slipped by while I gt rides t cllege and ___29___ ging t the DMV (车管所) at such a busy time f year. Then I gt an unexpected ____30____, a bx with the return address f Radi City Music Hall. ____31____, I pened it and shuted in a jyful ____32____.
    There was my ld handbag, with everything ____33____ gd inside — license, cards and phts — and ne thing that hadn’t been there ____34____, a handwritten nte, saying, “I fund this handbag lying under the seat f my taxi by ____35____. Merry Christmas!”
    21. A. reachedB. enteredC. visitedD. nticed
    22. A. shpsB. factriesC. schlsD. hspitals
    23. A. snsB. daughtersC. cusinsD. parents
    24. A. taxiB. carC. carriageD. bus
    25. A. cveredB. hiddenC. frgttenD. stlen
    26. A. arrivedB. disappearedC. wrkedD. disturbed
    27. A. dirtyB. usefulC. ldD. small
    28. A. shwnB. encunteredC. packedD. replaced
    29. A. put ffB. brught abutC. relied nD. came rund
    30. A. faxB. dcumentC. rewardD. delivery
    31. A. DisappintedB. ShckedC. CnfusedD. Frightened
    32. A. viceB. wrdC. speedD. mment
    33. A. graduallyB. cmpletelyC. frequentlyD. riginally
    34. A. thughB. yetC. everD. befre
    35. A. cmparisnB. accidentC. designD. nature
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. A 30. D 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. B
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:参观完现代艺术博物馆后,我们参观了无线电城音乐厅和洛克菲勒中心的圣诞树。A. reached到达;B. entered进入;C. visited参观;D. nticed注意到。根据上文中的“After a tur at the Museum f Mdern Art”可知,作者游览完了现代艺术中心,由此可知,作者在游览“参观”。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这个地区的一家商场里,我发现了一套小盒装的彼得兔书,非常适合我的女儿们。A. shps商场;B. factries工厂;C. schls学校;D. hspitals医院。根据下文中的“I fund a tiny bxed set f Peter Rabbit bks”可知,作者发现一套适合女儿的书,由此可知,作者应该在逛“商场”时,发现的一套小盒装的彼得兔书。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这个地区的一家商店里,我发现了一套小盒装的彼得兔书,非常适合我的女儿们。A. sns儿子;B. daughters女儿;C. cusins表妹,堂兄;D. parents父母。根据下文的“And I’d never 8 all thse precius phts f my daughters.”可知,作者从没有把这些照片给女儿们看,由此可知,此处应是“女儿们”符合语境。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:经历了一次既刺激又累的旅行后,我们叫了一辆出租车回到中央车站。A. taxi出租车;B. car小车;C. carriage马车;D. bus公交车。根据下文中的“I fund this handbag lying under the seat f my taxi ”可知,在给作者的快递里写着“在出租车的座位下发现的手提包”,由此可知,作者和家人应该是叫了一辆“出租车”符合语境。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在回家的路上,我意识到我的手提包不见了——不是丢了就是被偷了。A. cvered覆盖;B. hidden隐藏;C. frgtten忘记;D. stlen偷。根据上文中的“On the way hme I realized that my handbag was gne -- lst r”可知,作者意识到手提包不见了,作者的推测是有可能丢了,或者“被偷”符合语境。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个特殊一天的神奇魅力全部消失了。A. arrived到达;B. disappeared消失;C. wrked工作;D. disturbed打扰,弄乱。根据上文中的“my handbag was gne”可知,作者的手提包不见了,以及下文中的“I glumly (闷闷不乐地) pictured”可知,作者丢了东西,心情不好,由此可知,此处应指的是游览带来的魅力就“消失”了。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我闷闷不乐地想象着汽车管理局里挤满了人,我必须打很多电话才能把旧卡换成新卡。A. dirty脏的;B. useful有用的;C. ld旧的;D. narrw狭窄的。根据语境以及下文中的“cards replaced with new nes”可知,作者的包丢了,里面有卡,由此可知推断,此处指的是作者把丢失的“旧”卡换成新卡,需要打很多的电话。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从来没有给他们看我女儿们的那些珍贵照片。A. shwn展示;B. encuntered偶遇,遇到;C. packed打包;D. replaced代替。根据语境以及下文中的“thse precius phts f my daughters.”可知,作者手提包不见了,意味着作者不能“展示”女儿们的珍贵照片。故选A项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:日子一天天过去,我乘车去上大学,每年的这个时候,我都推迟去车管所的时间。A. put ff推迟;B. brught abut引起,导致;C. relied n依赖;D. came rund恢复知觉,苏醒。根据下文中的“at such a busy time f year”可知,在一年中最繁忙的时候,作者会因此而“推迟”去车管所的时间。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后我收到了一个意想不到的快递,一个盒子,上面写着无线电城音乐厅的回信地址。A. fax传真;B. dcument文件;C. reward奖励,回报;D. delivery快递。根据常识和下文中的“a bx with the return address f Radi City Music Hall.”可知,可知收到了一个上面有无线电城音乐厅的回信地址的盒子,由此可推测,此处指的是作者收到了一个意想不到的“快递”符合语境。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我感到迷惑,打开后高兴地喊叫起来。A. Disappinted失望的;B. Shcked吃惊的;C. Cnfused迷惑的;D. Frightened害怕的。根据上文中的“Then I gt an unexpected ___10___, a bx with the return address f Radi City Music Hall.”可知,收到一个没有料想到的快递,由此可知,此处应是感到“迷惑”符合语境。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我感到迷惑,打开后高兴地喊叫起来。A. vice声音;B. wrd话语;C. speed速度;D. mment片刻。根据上文中的“I pened it and shuted…”可知,作者打开后喊叫起来,由此可知,此处应指的是以一种高兴的“声音”符合语境。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:那是我的旧手提包,里面的东西都完好无损——驾照、证件和照片——还有一件以前没有的东西,一张手写的便条,上面写着,“我偶然发现这个手提包躺在我的出租车座位下面。A. gradually逐渐地;B. cmpletely完全地;C. frequently频繁地;D. riginally起初。根据下文中的“license, cards and phts”可知,包里的东西完好无损,所以此处指的是“完全地”符合语境。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:包里还有一件以前没有的东西,一张手写的便条,上面写着,“我偶然发现在我的出租车座位上放的手提包。圣诞快乐!”。A. thugh尽管;B. yet然而;C. ever曾经;D. befre以前。根据上文中的“and ne thing that hadn’t been there”可知,里面还有一个没有的东西,结合下文中的“a handwritten nte,”可知,此处指的是这张纸条是“以前”包里没有的东西。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:包里还有一件以前没有的东西,一张手写的便条,上面写着,“我偶然发现在我的出租车座位上放的手提包。圣诞快乐!”。A. cmparisn比较;B. accident事故;C. design设计;D. nature自然。根据语境以及上文中的““I fund this handbag lying under the seat f my taxi”可知,便条上写着在出租车的座位下发现手提包的,由此可推断,此处指的是“偶然地”符合语境,by accident意为“偶然地”。故选B项。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Emjis are widely used in ur daily lives and have becme ___36___ imprtant way f cmmunicatin. The first emjis were created in 1999 by Japanese designer Shigetaka Kurita, ___37___ wrked n a mbile Internet platfrm ___38___ (call) i-mde. Kurita attempted t develp a simple way fr peple ___39___ (express) emtins in shrt text messages.
    As emjis gained ___40___ (ppular), they faced a significant technical hurdle (障碍) : early emjis culd nt ___41___ (send) acrss different mbile platfrms, since there was n standardized encding (编码). This issue was reslved in 2010 by the Unicde Cnsrtium, an rganizatin respnsible ___42___ maintaining a standardized encding f text and symbls acrss platfrms. This allwed fr crss-platfrm cmmunicatin and cntinued expansin in emji usage wrldwide.
    Given ___43___ (they) rigins in Japan, many early emji characters were reflective f Japanese culture. As they’ve spread ___44___ (glbal), new characters have been added t accunt fr cultural differences and prvide a mre universal means f cmmunicatin. Users must als cnsider cultural sensitivities when ____45____ (cmmunicate) via emjis, as certain symbls can have hugely different meanings acrss different cultures.
    【答案】36. an 37. wh
    38. called 39. t express
    40. ppularity
    41. be sent
    42. fr 43. their
    44. glbally
    45. cmmunicating
    考查定语从句。句意:1999年,日本设计师Shigetaka Kurita在一个名为i-mde的移动互联网平台上创作了第一批表情符号。非限制性定语从句修饰先行词Shigetaka Kurita,在从句作主语,指人,故填wh。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:1999年,日本设计师Shigetaka Kurita在一个名为i-mde的移动互联网平台上创作了第一批表情符号。分析句子结构可知call与逻辑主语platfrm构成被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。故填called。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:Kurita试图开发一种简单让人们在短信中表达情感的方法。在way后用动词不定式作后置定语,意为“做某事的方法”。故填t express。
    考查语态。句意:随着表情符号的流行,它们面临着一个重大的技术障碍:早期的表情符号无法在不同的移动平台上发送,因为没有标准化的编码。主语与谓语构成被动关系,且culd nt后跟动词原形。故填be sent。
    考查介词。句意:这个问题在2010年由Unicde联盟解决,该联盟负责维护跨平台文本和符号的标准化编码。短语be respnsible fr表示“负责”。故填fr。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 假如你是李华,校学生会主席,高二年级组织主题为“用英语讲好中国故事”演讲比赛,请你邀请你校外教Mr. Green充当评委,请你给他写一封邀请信,内容包括:
    【答案】Dear Mr Green,
    I am writing n behalf f the Schl’ Student Unin t invite yu help us judge the English Speaking cmpetitin t be held at the Lecture Hall n 10 December.
    The theme f the lecture is Telling Chinese Stries in English. 16 students each are t give a five-minute speech n the theme in English. As a judge, yu will be respnsible fr listening t all the speeches, nting dwn any psitive r negative aspects fr each ne. Cmpetitrs shuld be judged n their prnunciatin, clarify and fluency and influence f stries. Then yu will discuss yur ntes with three ther judges, wh are English teachers. Finally, make a decisin abut wh cmes first, secnd and third.
    I sincerely hpe yu can cme.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    President, Student Unin
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。假如你是李华,校学生会主席,高二年级组织主题为“用英语讲好中国故事”演讲比赛,请你邀请你校外教Mr. Green充当评委,请你给他写一封邀请信。
    代表:n behalf f→represent
    原句:I am writing n behalf f the Schl’ Student Unin t invite yu help us judge the English Speaking cmpetitin t be held at the Lecture Hall n 10 December.
    拓展句:I am writing n behalf f the Schl’ Student Unin t invite yu help us judge the English Speaking cmpetitin, which will be held at the Lecture Hall n 10 December.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Then yu will discuss yur ntes with three ther judges, wh are English teachers. (运用了wh引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] Finally, make a decisin abut wh cmes first, secnd and third. (运用了wh引导宾语从句)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Fr many years, my nly cmpanin was ur dg, Sn. A small but mighty Bichn Frise, ur dg may have lked rdinary, but he was smart, creative, and always ready fr ice cream and rlling at my request. While I wrked, he slept, waking t chase the red cat frm next dr, greet a delivery persn, r sit in the sunshine.
    We didn’t agree n everything, especially when t get up and when t g t bed. He sighed with bredm when a prject was due and I didn’t have time t play. He didn’t understand weekends, deadlines, and visitrs wh left him. Hwever, we bth agreed n walking.
    At least nce a week, we tk a lng walk t the beach. Fr him, there were tall grasses and exciting smells. Fr me, there were ther dg walkers and neighbrs t catch up with. We returned tired, thirsty, and very happy.
    Being a dg with huge ambitin and shrt legs, Sn needed several breaks alng the way. The ne at the entrance t the beach was his favrite, pssibly because he knew we were circling back hme. There, n a windy summer day, he lked up at me just as I was lking dwn at him. We bth grinned (咧嘴笑). This was the best walk ever.
    When he was ld and dying, ur walks were shrter and clser t hme. I’d take him fr a walk and then g ut fr my wn walk, wandering arund the beach like we used t d. I always grinned when I gt t the entrance t the beach, remembering that summer day when he was yung and energetic.
    In his final days, Sn still insisted n walking. It tk twice as lng t take even the shrtest walk, but we enjyed every step. Then came that Sunday when he leaned hard tward the beach walk. Hw culd I refuse his last-walk wish?
    We tk the walk.
    After he died, I went fr the lng walk.
    【答案】We tk the walk. It tk an extra hur t take that walk. He needed t rest, sniff, and pause at his favrite places. He sat dwn when we came t the entrance t the beach. He lked up at me the way he had that lng-ag summer day. It was really an unfrgettable and tuching mment in all my life. I dn’t knw if dgs can cry, but if they culd, it wuld make tw f us sb at the entrance t the beach.
    After he died, I went fr the lng walk. I felt like part f me was missing. I kept lking dwn as if he were there beside me enjying the sun, warmth, and fresh air. He was with me when I walked past the entrance, thinking f that smiling day when we shared ur best walk ever. Instead f crying, I grinned. It was a warm, windy day with a bright, blue sky, just like ur magical walk. I was the nly ne standing there, but I wasn’t alne. The walk t the beach is nw my favrite. I grin every time I cme t the entrance t the beach and tell him I lve him.
    ①休息:rest/have a break
    ②走过:walk past/pass by
    ③来到:cme t/get t
    【点睛】[高分句型1] He sat dwn when we came t the entrance t the beach. (运用了when引导的状语从句)
    [高分句型2] He lked up at me the way he had that lng-ag summer day. (运用了省略that/in which引导的定语从句)
    [高分句型3] I dn’t knw if dgs can cry, but if they culd, it wuld make tw f us sb at the entrance t the beach.(第一个if引导宾语从句,第二个if引导条件状语从句)

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