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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. What is the wman prbably?
    A. A lawyer.B. A teacher.C. A dctr.
    2. What des the wman dislike abut the sfa?
    A. The size.B. The clr.C. The style.
    3. What will the weather be like tmrrw?
    A. Rainy.B. Sunny.C. Windy.
    4. What des the man say abut the ckies?
    A. They have t much milk.B. They are t hard.C. They are t ht.
    5. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a flwer shp.B. In a garden.C. In a muntain.
    6. Why is the man feeling unhappy?
    A. His bss was late.B. He brke his clck.C. He lst his jb.
    7. What des the man decide t d?
    A. Buy a new clck.B. Explain t his bss.C. Becme mre respnsible.
    8. When will the man give a presentatin?
    A. Tmrrw afternn.B. Tmrrw mrning.C. Right away.
    9. What will the wman d next?
    A. Play a game.B. Practise her lecture.C. Help the man practise.
    10. What kind f cmputer curse will the man take?
    A. The beginner curse.B. The medium curse.C. The advanced curse.
    11. Where shuld the man take the cmputer curse?
    A. In the cmputer science building.
    B. In the library.
    C. In the ffice building.
    12. What des the man plan t d?
    A. Change a curse.B. Buy a cmputer.C. Quit his part-time jb.
    13. Where was the wman befre the typhn’s cming?
    A. At hme.B. In her cmpany.C. At schl.
    14. When did the wman hear sme trees fall dwn?
    A. After her kids gt int the huse.
    B. When she was n the phne.
    C. As she hung up the phne.
    15. Why did the wman park the car in the middle f the yard?
    A. It was dark inside the huse.
    B. It was safer there.
    C. It was easier t be fund.
    16. What des the man advise peple t d t face the climate change?
    A. Learn smething abut the climate.
    B. Acquire sme knwledge abut first aid.
    C. Prepare the necessities fr emergency.
    17. Which rm is Jan respnsible fr?
    A. The bathrm.B. The living rm.C. The kitchen.
    18. Which f the fllwing is Kevin’s duty?
    A. Picking up the bks.B. Washing the dishes.C. Cleaning the cffee table.
    19. Hw many kids are there in the family?
    A. Three.B. Fur.C. Five.
    20. What is the speaker ging t d?
    A. Walk the pet dg.B. Help clean the kitchen.C. Tidy up the bkcase.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    While there are many summer prgrams fr high schl students in NYC, the Career Edge, an NYU high schl summer prgram, affrds students an exceptinal cllege and career readiness experience. It has served thusands f high schl students frm arund the wrld in explring career paths and experiencing what it is like t live n the NYU campus and learn at a well-knwn university.
    Prgram verview
    The prgram ffers yu the chance t explre a career path befre yu declare it as a cllege majr. Many students chse t attend multiple weeks, taking a different curse each sessin.
    Academic experience
    The curses fcus n the cntent that prvides a cmprehensive verview f yur area f interest. Field trips t related cmpanies and rganizatins bring what yu learn in class t life.
    NYC experience
    Living and learning in NYC is an unfrgettable adventure. Yu’ll dive deep int the curse cntent that immerses yu in industry, while enjying the culture and excitement f the city.
    Students’ feedback
    Tny: The Finance class was great. We explred Wall Street, visited Federal Hall and the Museum f American Finance, and learned hw t trade stcks. The instructr made the curse interesting and entertaining.
    Ava: The Integrated Marketing class was very infrmative. The instructr was a real prfessinal. Visits t digital agencies and marketing firms gave me an insider’s view f what it’s like t wrk in the field.
    21. Wh is the prgram intended fr?
    A. Cllege students.B. Primary schl students.
    C. Junir middle schl students.D. Senir high schl students.
    22. What can the students d after jining in the prgram?
    A. Learn American histry.B. Set up new rganizatins.
    C. Visit sme places in NYC.D. Wrk in a freign cmpany.
    23. What may Tny and Ava think f the prgram?
    A. It’s cstly.B. It’s bring.C. It’s rdinary.D. It’s wnderful.
    The beauty industry prduces many units f ne-time use cntainers every year. Mre and mre cnsumers are asking hw they can keep themselves clean and beautiful withut trashing the planet.
    It’s a questin Wmen f the Future winner, Natassia Nicla, cnsidered during her years wrking in prduct develpment fr beauty and wellness cmpanies. Raised by a strng and supprtive mther, Natassia used her skills and passin t make a difference. In 2021, she created her waterless beauty brand.
    She said, “Water is invlved in every stage f a prduct lifecycle, Everything we use, buy, sell and make has a huge water ftprint. On tp f that, the beauty industry adds water as the main ingredients in its prducts, despite it having n direct benefit t ur skin.”
    Having lived thrugh water restrictins in drught-ridden Australia, Natassia felt it necessary t stp the veruse f water in the beauty industry. Natassia has always lved beauty. Her cmpany tries t be sustainable in every step f the way, but at it scre, it is abut remving water frm ur beauty rutines.
    “It’s really rted in water cnservatin first, and then managing yur water ftprint, yur carbn ftprint and yur waste ftprint,” Natassia said. “We create waterless beauty prducts t help cnserve water.” The glass bttles and jars f her prducts can be recycled. The ils and wipes are frmulated withut any water, requiring n water t use. The cmpany als has a piece f game-changing beauty technlgy: face-wipes and masks that cmpletely disslve in water.
    “The cmpany is still in its beginning,” Natassia said. With the prize mney frm Wmen f the Future, she plans t purchase a machine t simplify the creatin f the wipes and masks. The publicity, meanwhile, will help her spread the message central t the cmpany’s existence that beauty must d better. Natassia believes that, with a little curage and innvatin, it can d.
    24. What des the underlined wrd “trashing” in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Studying.B. Damaging.C. Explding.D. Supprting.
    25. What mainly led t the birth f Natassia’s cmpany?
    A. Her pursuit f prfit.B. Her best beauty skills.
    C. Her grwth envirnment.D. Her lve f extreme beauty.
    26. Which can best describe the prducts f Natassia’s cmpany?
    A. Envirnmentally friendly.B.Relatively cheap.
    C. Elegant.D. Wrld-famus.
    27. Hw des Natassia feel abut the beauty industry?
    A. It has died ut.B. It’s prmising.C. It develps well.D. It’s wrth analysis.
    Research shws that frming cnnectins with yur cwrkers is gd fr yur career and yur verall happiness.
    It’s a fact that as yu get lder, it becmes harder t make friends. It’s a natural prgressin, whether yu wrk in an ffice r a remte area. As yu get lder and leave schl, yu ften have mre demands fr yur time and fewer pprtunities t get t knw thse arund yu.
    “Maintaining friendships takes effrt, but it’s well wrth it,” says CEO and Fast Cmpany cntributr Crey Weiner. “Studies shw that a friend can make yu a better cllabratr(合作者), a mre creative and prductive wrker and generally happier with yur jb.”
    After all, mst f yu spend a huge number f yur waking hurs at wrk. Of curse, it’s mre fun t have smene t cllabrate with and ccasinally sympathize with. But hw d yu g abut making genuine cnnectins with cwrkers r ther like-minded individuals in yur industry?
    It might sund verly simplistic, but a big part f building friendships is just putting yurself ut there. “If yu’re nt used t having a lt f friends anymre, yu may actually need t remind yurself t engage,” writes Prfessr Art Markman. “Set time n yur calendar fr a phne call r make plans t get a cup f cffee.”
    “Dn’t wait fr smene else t make the first mve,” says Keith Rllag, authr f What t D When Yu’re New. “If things g well during an initial cffee r activity, actively fllw up t build n that cnnectin.”
    Yu’re nt ging t immediately bnd with all f yur cwrkers r every persn yu meet at a netwrking happy hur. But making cntinual attempts t find cnnectins with yur nn-annying clleagues will eventually pay ff. Last but nt least, dn’t call them wrk husband r wrk wife in the beginning.
    28. Why is it harder t make friends when peple get lder?
    A. They fcus mre n ther business.
    B. They have mre demands n friends.
    C. They reject t put many effrts int it.
    D. They are t ld t knw ther peple.
    29. What d the wrds f Crey Weiner shw?
    A. The way t make friends.
    B. The need t d jbs well
    C. The imprtance f the studies.
    D. The meaning f gaining friendship.
    30. What des Keith Rllag attach imprtance t?
    A. Keeping in tuch with ld friends.
    B. Spending mre time drinking cffee.
    C. The initiative infrming cnnectins.
    D. The balance between wrk and life.
    31. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the last paragraph?
    A. T ffer suggestins.B. T explain reasns.
    C. T draw cnclusins.D. T make cmments.
    “The majrity f decisins we make d nt cme frm the cnscius(有意识的) mind, but the subcnscius mind,” Beni Gradwhl, the c-funder f Cgnvi Labs, said. “Our decisins are based n emtins. Peple think they are very ratinal(理智的), But they are nt. In fact, decisins in the subcnscius mind are made in a secnd befre the ratinal mind recgnizes that.”
    Gradwhl used t think that cld and hard data defined the wrld. But when he was expsed t behaviral ecnmics, his wrldview changed. He said, “Emtinal intelligence is mre imprtant than intelligence qutient (IQ). Mst successful leaders in the wrld dn’t have abve-average IQ but abve-average emtinal qutient (EQ).”
    Gradwhl c-funded AI cmpany, Cgnvi Labs, t better understand hw peple make decisins, using data and science and technlgy t measure underlying emtins.
    When asked hw event rganizers culd benefit frm using emtinal AI, Gradwhl said, “The first thing is whether yu really understand what’s driving yur target audience t an event.” He added, “Yu can ask them, but what ptential registrants tell yu may be incrrect,”
    Accrding t Gradwhl, registering fr an event is nt an entirely ratinal decisin, and it ges deeper. Understanding hw yur target audience makes decisins is imprtant because yu dn’t want t sell them smething they dn’t care abut. Cgnvi Labs’ AI can uncver the underlying emtinal drivers r blckers f yur target audience’s decisin-making.
    Beynd using Cgnvi Labs’ AI in the marketing leading up t an event, nce the event is underway, Gradwhl thinks rganizers can knw hw their participants are feeling via the AI. That invlves using feedback(反馈) surveys. He said, “Have attendees talk t the event app and then transcribe that. We call that diagnstic(诊断的) interview because they may generate a strng emtinal respnse, With thse cnversatins abut what they are experiencing thrughut the prgram at different times f the day, we will see what the emtinal blckers and drivers are. We can get a full picture f the emtinal aspects f the attendees.”
    32. What may Cgnvi Labs mainly fcus n?
    A. Researching peple’s ptential emtins.
    B. Helping peple make ratinal decisins.
    C. Training peple t develp cnscius minds.
    D. Leading peple t study science and technlgy.
    33. What can we learn frm paragraph 5?
    A. Registering fr an event is imprtant.
    B. Believing target audience is necessary.
    C. Cgnvi Labs’ AI helps event rganizers.
    D. Cgnvi Labs’ AI benefits lts f drivers.
    34. What des the last paragraph mainly talk abut?
    A. Cgnvi Labs’ AI’s feedback surveys.
    B. Cgnvi Labs’ AI’s additinal functin.
    C. The ways t rganize a marketing event.
    D. The attendees’ strng emtinal respnse.
    35. Which f the fllwing maybe the best title fr the text?
    A. The Funder f an Emtinal AI
    B. The Future f Behaviral Ecnmics
    C. An AI Cmpany Imprves Intelligence
    D. An Emtinal AI Helps Make Decisins
    The 40th birthday is ften treated as a milestne birthday. Fr men, especially, the birthday may symblically signify the start f middle age. 36 .Give the man turning 40 in yur life a gift that he will treasure r ne that will make him laugh.
    Gag(恶作剧) gifts
    Many 40th birthday parties are rasts. They are meant t be funny. If this is the case and the man has a gd sense f humr, cnsider giving him a gag gift. Wrap up a magazine printed in large print r set a cane r walker by his chair. 37 .
    Adventure gifts
    Recapture the man’s feeling f yuth by giving him the gift f adventure. 38 .Fr example, if he has always wanted t g paragliding(滑翔伞运动), pay fr the lessn, pick him up in the car and dn’t give him a chance t back ut f it.
    Smething expensive
    Mst men dn’t utgrw their lve f expensive tys. Get tgether with sme friends and chip in fr a 40th birthday gif the will truly treasure. 39 .Giving him smething expensive that he wuld never purchase fr himself is a great way t stave ff that middle-age crisis.
    Give the man the gift f wrds. Write a list f 40 things that yu lve abut him and then read it alud t him while dining n his favrite meal. Alternately, ask everyne in the family t write ne admiring thing abut him. Once yu have 40 sentences, give them t the man. It will be treasure he will remember fr a lng time.
    A. A lving list
    B. Reading an article alud
    C. Talk with him abut his adventures
    D. Yu can als chse ther items like false teeth
    E. The gift yu give t the man may depend n his preference
    F. Perhaps the man has been eyeing his friend’s brand-new laptp
    G. Think f smething he has always wanted t d and arrange fr it t happen
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Taking a vacatin maybe the last thing n the mind f a cancer patient. 41 can be expensive, time-cnsuming and smetimes hard wrk. While peple facing illness may be 42 f resurces fr vacatin, they are 43 a stress-free time away. I’m ne such patient.
    I’m suffering frm lung cancer. Diagnsed in March 2017, I was 44 beynd belief. Due t my medicatins’ side effects, I lst my career and what I thught made me wh I was, thugh I nw discver that 45 is what matters.
    Thrugh the Internet, I 46 Little Pink Huses f Hpe, a nnprfit that prvided a free week-lng 47 t cancer patients and their families. After applying and being 48 , we drve frm Hustn all the way t Hatteras Island in Nrth Carlina. I trained mst f the time. I had n idea what t expect and was 49 .
    Lking back, I am s glad I went. I hadn’t felt such 50 lve and such a sense f family. We went t the beach, had wnderful meals and went surfing which I had never thught I wuld get the chance t d. We 51 in a way that I thught was impssible, nt nly with the ther 52 but als with the vlunteers. It was nice t see my husband get alng with the ther husbands. Being a(n) 53 and the breadwinner, he had a lt n his plate.
    I’ve suffered frm the cancer fr many years. I want peple t knw that thugh I am living with a serius disease, I am still living 54 .S dn’t feel srry fr me, but make the 55 f life with me.
    41. A. Writing B. Driving C. Traveling D. Shpping
    42. A. sure B. shrt C. careful D. capable
    43. A. in need f B. in frnt f C. by means f D. n tp f
    44. A. cnfident B. relieved C. scared D. cautius
    45. A. wrk B. lve C. friendship D. luck
    46. A. cmplained abut B. wrried abut C. talked abut D. learned abut
    47. A. arrangement B. treatment C. vacatin D. cnference
    48. A. prved B. apprved C. ignred D. dubted
    49. A. cncerned B. efficient C. beneficial D. embarrassed
    50. A. weak B. ptential C. uncmfrtable D. uncnditinal
    51. A. bnded B. succeeded C. chatted D. cmpeted
    52. A. dctrs B. clleagues C. participants D. emplyees
    53. A. assistant B. carer C. rganizer D. specialist
    54. A. curiusly B. patiently C. independently D. wnderfully
    55. A. memries B. judgements C. preparatins D. prmises
    The cncept f “gap days” 56 (appear) n a variety f scial media platfrms recently. Unlike a gap year, a gap day means an 57 (extreme) brief perid f relaxatin and escape frm everyday rutine, After resting, peple will cntinue t devte 58 (they) t the busy pace f nrmal life.
    Apart frm “gap days”, ther similar expressins have made 59 hit n the Internet, such as “city walk”, “da zi (activity partner)” and s n. This grwing trend f creating new phrases r euphemisms(委婉语) fr smething therwise rdinary and cmmn has caused 60 (heat) discussin.
    Sme peple think that these kinds f new phrases better cater t(迎合) peple’s mindsets, 61 (shw) their ptimism, Fr example, the cmmn expressin “taking a walk” is neutral(中性的). But “city walk” 62 (be) the psitive versin f it, meaning “t explre the city with a curius mind”.
    Others disagree, hwever, and think that it’s simply just a kind f “sugaring up”, satisfying ne’s need fr shwing ff. Fr example, “city walk” is the same as “taking a walk” 63 general. But by calling it a “city walk”, peple feel like they are ding smething fancier than it actually is.
    But n matter hw we think f these phrases, they have taken rt in ur daily lives and have already gained wide 64 (recgnize) amng the yunger generatin. S 65 we need t d is nt make them ut t be bigger than they actually are.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Linda,
    Li Hua
    I always lve ging t schl as I can meet my friends and learn frm my teachers. Everyne has an unfrgettable mment in their schl life and mine was in junir middle schl.
    That day started as usual. I wke up, gt ready and went t schl, where I first met my friends and then we were required t gather fr the daily get-tgether. After that, we went t ur respective classes. I went t my classrm as well and settled dwn as usual, greeting my classmates and waiting fr the teacher t arrive.
    It was a chemistry class and the teacher asked us t g t the labratry t cnduct a lng-anticipated experiment. I tk my stuff and was ready t leave the classrm when I felt sharp pain in my stmach. I sat dwn fr a while, with hands rubbing my stmach. I was waiting fr the pain t g ff by itself. Hwever, it was in vain. The pain still remained. Unfrtunately, all f my friends had gne except the class mnitr, the ne I had never thught t make friends with.
    But anyway, I called him and infrmed him f my cnditin, asking him t help me cntact my parents. Nticing my trembling vice and begging eyesight, he agreed instantly and went t cntact my parents withut any hesitatin.
    On his departure, I realized that things were getting wrse. Beads f sweat drpping ff my paleface, I had t lean against the desk t ease the severe pain withut realizing I suddenly vmited(呕吐), Everything arund me was in a ttal mess, including myself. At that pint, I thught my life was ver and was scared f all the mean wrds t be said by my classmates and schlmates. At that embarrassing mment, the class mnitr came back. Obviusly, he knew my dilemma. I was frzen with pain n the spt, maybe awkwardness, t be accurate.
    Hwever, he cnsiderately helped me t g t the tilet.
    ·After fully recvering frm the fd pisning, I returned t schl.
    M: Hell. Internatinal Friends Club. Can I help yu?
    W: Oh, hell. I read abut yur club in the paper tday and I thught I’d phne t find ut a bit mre.
    M: Yes, certainly. Well, we are a srt f scial club fr peple frm different cuntries. It’s quite a new club—we have abut 50 members at the mment, but we are grwing all the time.
    W: That sunds interesting. I’m British actually, and I came t Washingtn abut three mnths ag. I’m lking fr ways t meet peple. Er, what kinds f events d yu rganize?
    M: Well, we have scial get-tgethers, and sprts events, and we als have language evenings.
    W: Culd yu tell me smething abut the language evenings?
    M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. Peple can cme and practice their languages—yu knw, ver a drink r smething. We have different languages n different evenings. Mnday—Spanish; Tuesday—Italian; Wednesday—German; and Friday—French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant fr anyne wh wants t cme.
    W: Well, that sunds great. I really need t practice my French.
    M: OK. Well, if yu can just give me yur name and address, I’ll send yu the frm and sme mre infrmatin. If yu jin nw, yu can have the first mnth free.
    M: Excuse me. Can yu tell me hw much the shirt is?
    W: Yes, it’s nine fifteen.
    (Text 1)
    M: My eyes are tear-filled, even if I wrk n the cmputer fr a little while. I’ve taken the medicine yu gave me last time, but it hasn’t wrked.
    W: Well, these eye drps culd help yu. Put them in three times a day.
    (Text 2)
    M: Jane, lk a tur sfa. It’s the newest style.
    W: Well, I like the clr and everything, but I’d prefer smething smaller.
    (Text 3)
    M: If it is cld tmrrw, we may as well give up the idea f visiting the z.
    W: But the weather frecast says the sun will cme ut tmrrw and we can wear ur warm cats.
    (Text 4)
    M: Did yu make these ckies, Jyce?
    W: Yes, I did! I made them a cuple f weeks ag. Wuld yu like t try sme?
    M: Of curse! Oh, my gd! They’re as hard as a rck! I think I’ve brken my tth!
    (Text 5)
    W: D yu want t buy sme rses, sir? They were nt grwn lcally, but under the sunshine f the Andes Muntains.
    M: Ww! They were still s fresh!
    W: They were transprted hereby plane, and we water them every day and keep them under perfect temperature.
    (Text 6)
    M: I’m feeling dwn. It lks like I wn’t have a jb anymre.
    W: Really? Yu had a great jb. What happened?
    M: My bss fired me fr being late every day.
    W: Why were yu late every day? Didn’t yu have an alarm clck?
    M: Of curse I did. But In ever remembered t set it at night.
    W: Well, I’m srry yu lst yur jb. But it sunds like yu deserved t be fired.
    M: Yu’re right. I need t start being mre respnsible.
    (Text 7)
    W: Hey, Jude. What are yu ding here?
    M: Oh, it’s great that yu’re here. I need yur help.
    W: What’s the prblem?
    M: Well, I will have t give a presentatin in class tmrrw mrning and really need t practice it in advance.
    W: S, yu need smene t help yu give it a try?
    M: Yes! D yu have time t help me ut?
    W: N prblem. When d yu want t practise?
    M: Right away.
    (Text 8)
    M: I dn’t really knw much abut cmputing. Is there any training available?
    W: Yes. We have beginner, medium and advanced curses.
    M: I dn’t think I’m up t anything mre than beginner. Medium and advanced culd be t tugh fr me.
    W: OK. There are 4 cmputer labs nw. Lab 1 is in this cmputer science building; Lab 2 and Lab 3 are in the ffice building; Lab 4 is in the library. Yur curse is in Lab 2.
    M: OK. I dn’t knw what time the curse starts.
    W: Advanced starts at 4: 30 in the afternn n Mndays but yurs is the day after at 5: 00 in the afternn.
    M: Are there any ther arrangements as I’ve gt apart-time jb then.
    W: Yes, yu culd try Thursday at 2: 00 pm. Hw’s that?
    M: Even wrse, as I’m nt free then. I think I have t quit my part-time jb then.
    (Text 9)
    M: We experienced a lt in the typhn in August. Tday, Mrs Buffay will tell usher experience.
    W: Hell, everyne. I will remember what happened that day frever.
    M: What did yu d befre the typhn’s cming?
    W: My husband drve t wrk in the nrth f the twn. My tw children caught their bus t schl ten minutes away. I was wrking n my cmputer at hme.
    M: What did yu d when yu felt the winds started t get strng?
    W: I tried t phne my husband and left a message t him. As I hung up the phne, I heard sme trees fall dwn.
    M: Hw abut yur children?
    W: The schl bus carried them hme. The children were scared.
    M: Had yu been staying in the huse?
    W: N. We gt int the car and parked in the middle f the yard, where n trees culd land n us. It was starting t get dark when my husband managed t get hme.
    M: The news had reprted the typhn, s what did yu prepare fr it?
    W: We had all the emergency equipment we needed. We were withut pwer fr five days, but we didn’t panic.
    M: Thankfully, nne f yu were injured, but the damage was serius. We need t be prepared, like Mrs Buffay did, t face the climate change.
    (Text 10)
    M: It’s Saturday, and it’s time t clean up the huse. Cme n! The faster we all get t it, the faster we can g ut and enjy the day. Listen carefully! The bathrm is in a mess. Jan, I want yu t hang up the twels behind the dr, and put the dirty clthes in the basket beside the washing machine. Kevin, yu are n kitchen duty. Wash the dishes in the sink, and clean up the kitchen flr. Ken, yu’ve gt the living rm. Sweep the flr, and thrwaway the pizza bx that’s sitting n the cffee table. Lily, yu are respnsible fr cleaning yur bedrm which is in a mess right nw. Pick up the bks ff the flr and put them n the shelf abve yur desk. Pick up all yur clthes and put them away r in the basket in the bathrm. I want t see this place cleaned by the time we get hme. Nw yur mum and I will take ur pet dg fr a walk. We wuldn’t want t get in yur way while yu’re cleaning.
    1—5CABBA 6-10CCBCA 11-15CCACB 16-20CABBA
    21.D 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,这个项目的主要参与者是高中生。
    22.C 【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段第二句和最后两段可知,参加这个项目后,学生们有机会到一些公司或组织进行实地考察,也有机会参观纽约的一些景点。
    23.D 【解析】推理判断题。根据最后两段可知,Tny和Ava都称赞了这个项目,所以他们应该觉得它是很不错的。
    24.B 【解析】词义推测题。根据下文内容可知,画线词所在句的句意为“越来越多的消费者开始询问,如何在不破坏地球环境的前提下保持自己的清洁和美丽”。
    25.C 【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段第一句可知,Natassia曾在干旱的澳大利亚体会过用水困难,她认为有必要阻止美容业过度用水。由此可知,她的成长环境促使她成立了自己的公司。
    26.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据第五段可知,Natassia的公司关注水资源的保护和一些物品的回收利用,由此可知答案。
    27.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据文章最后一句可知,Natassia认为只要一点勇气和创新,美容业就能做得更好。
    28.A 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段可知,年龄越大,人们就越难交到朋友,那是因为他们把更多精力花在其他事情上了。
    29.D 【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段可知,Crey Weiner认为获得友谊有重大意义。
    30.C 【解析】推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第一句可知,Keith Rll ag重视和他人建立联系的主动性。
    31.A 【解析】推理判断题。作者在最后一段给出了与同事建立联系的建议:保持耐心,不断尝试。
    D篇: 本文是说明文。Cgnvi Labs研发的人工智能程序可以判断人的潜在情绪,帮助我们了解人们是如何进行决策的。
    32.A 【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段可知,Cgnvi Labs利用数据和科学技术来判断人们的潜在情绪,由此可知答案。
    33.C 【解析】推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句可知,Cgnvi Labs的人工智能程序可以发现目标受众在决策过程中潜在的情感驱动因素或阻碍因素,因此它能帮助到活动组织者。
    34.B 【解析】主旨大意题。最后一段主要介绍了Cgnvi Labs的人工智能程序的另一个作用,即帮助组织者了解参与者的感受。
    35.D 【解析】主旨大意题。通读全文可知,Cgnvi Labs研发的人工智能程序可以判断人的潜在情绪,帮助我们了解人们是如何进行决策的。由此可知“An Emtinal AI Helps Make Decisins”可以概括文章大意。
    36—40ED GFA
    36.E 【解析】根据本空下一句中的a gift的提示可知答案。
    37.D 【解析】对于一个四十岁的人来说,假牙是恶作剧的礼物。这与本段的主旨一致。
    38.G 【解析】G项“想一想他一直想做的事,并安排他去做”在本段中承上启下。
    39.F 【解析】F项中的brand-new laptp(全新的笔记本电脑)是关于本段小标题Smething expensive的举例。
    40.A 【解析】根据最后一段中a list和lve等词的提示可知答案。
    41—45CBACB 46—50DCBAD 51—55ACBDA
    41.C 【解析】考查名词。旅行既昂贵又耗时,有时还很辛苦。
    42.B 【解析】考查形容词。面临疾病的人虽然可能缺乏度假的资源,但他们却需要一段没有压力的假期。
    43.A 【解析】考查介词短语。解析参考上一题。
    44.C 【解析】考查形容词。2017年3月确诊时,我害怕得无法相信。
    45.B 【解析】考查名词。尽管我现在发现爱才是重要的东西。
    46.D 【解析】考查动词短语。通过网络,我了解到了Little Pink Huses f Hpe。它是一个非营利组织,为癌症患者及其家人提供为期一周的免费度假。
    47.C 【解析】考查名词。解析参考上一题。
    48.B【解析】考查动词。在申请免费度假并获得批准后,我们从休斯敦一路驱车前往北卡罗来纳州的Hatteras Island。
    49.A 【解析】考查形容词。我不知道会发生什么,因此我很担心。
    50.D 【解析】考查形容词。我从未感受过如此无条件的爱和如此(温暖)的家庭的感觉。
    51.A 【解析】考查动词。我们以一种我认为不可能的方式建立了联系。这种联系不仅是与其他参与者,还有志愿者。
    53.B 【解析】考查名词。他既是照顾我的人,又是挣钱养家的人,有很多事情要做。
    54.D 【解析】考查副词。我想让人们知道,虽然身患重病,但我依然活得精彩。
    55.A 【解析】考查名词。所以不要为我感到遗憾,而是和我一起创造生活的美好回忆。
    56. appeared/has appeared 57. extremely 58. themselves 59. a 60. Heated 61. shwing
    62. is 63. in 64. recgnitin 65. what
    56. appeared/has appeared 【解析】考查时态。根据句意及recently的提示可知,此处应该用一般过去时或现在完成时。
    57.extremely 【解析】考查副词。本空后的brief是形容词,要用副词来修饰,所以此处填extremely。
    58.themselves 【解析】考查代词。devte neself t是常见用法,意为“献身于,致力于”。
    59.a 【解析】考查冠词。句中的hit是可数名词,意为“风行一时的事物”,所以此处填a。
    60.heated 【解析】考查形容词。heated是heat的形容词形式,在本句中意为“激烈的”。
    61.shwing 【解析】考查非谓语动词。shw和these kinds f new phrases构成了逻辑上的主动关系,所以此处要用shwing作伴随状语。
    62.is 【解析】考查主谓一致。本句主语“city walk”是个名词短语,且这里讲述的是现在的事实,所以此处要填is。
    63.in 【解析】考查介词。in general是常见短语,意为“大体上”。
    64.recgnitin 【解析】考查名词。recgnitin是recgnize的名词形式,意为“认识, 认可”。
    65.what 【解析】考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知,d后面缺少了宾语,因此此处要用what来引导这个主语从句。
    Dear Linda,
    I was delighted t hear abut yur plan t establish a Chinese club in yur schl. Yur passin and enthusiasm fr learning Chinese is truly admirable. I think yur plan is a great idea since yu can learn nt nly the language but als Chinese culture thrugh the club.
    T make it mre attractive t ther students, yu might cnsider rganizing sme cultural events, such as celebrating Chinese festivals and learning Chinese calligraphy and Chinese traditinal culture.
    I am sure yur effrts will inspire many students t learn Chinese and prmte cultural exchange between China and yur mtherland. I wish yu the best f luck and success in establishing the club.
    Li Hua
    Hwever, he cnsiderately helped me t g t the tilet. He then advised me t wash up in the tilet while waiting fr my parents’ arrival. Meanwhile, he even tried t cmfrt me and prmised he wuld clean the classrm s that there was n need fr me t feel embarrassed. Tears were we ling up in my eyes, dripping dwn int my muth and tasting like a mixture f embarrassment and gratitude. Shrtly after that, my parents arrived. Having knwn everything frm the class mnitr, they tk me t the hspital immediately. It turned ut that I had fd pisning.
    After fully recvering frm the fd pisning, I returned t schl. Instead f trying t cver everything up, I shared what had happened t me publicly in frnt f my classmates and teachers, extending my parents’ and my wn heartfelt gratitude nt nly fr the class mnitr’s generus assistance but als fr his kind cnsideratin. Withut his timely help, I wuldn’t have recvered in such a shrt time. I nw clearly knw that he is the ne that I shuld make friends with. After all, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

    江西省九江市十校2023-2024学年高三第二次联考英语试题及答案: 这是一份江西省九江市十校2023-2024学年高三第二次联考英语试题及答案,文件包含江西省九江市十校2023-2024学年高三第二次联考英语pdf、江西省九江市十校2023-2024学年高三第二次联考英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共12页, 欢迎下载使用。

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