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    这是一份湖南省常德市临澧县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期入学考试英语试题(无答案),共9页。试卷主要包含了5分,15 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    例Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15 B. £9.18 C. £9.15
    1. What des the man plan t d tnight?
    A. Watch a mvie. B. Attend a meeting. C. Wrk n the presentatin.
    2. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. The cat care tips. B. The cmpetitin rules. C. The award-winning pht.
    3. Why will the wman call Anne?
    A. T lk fr help. B. T express thanks. C. T give sme infrmatin.
    4. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. At hme. B. At a restaurant. C. At a grcery stre.
    5. What is the tpic f tnight's prgram?
    A. Cking methds. B. Farming tls. C. Animal shelters.
    6. What are the speakers prbably ding?
    A. Ding sme shpping. B. Taking a driving test.
    C. Playing a cmputer game.
    7. What des the wman think f what the man did?
    A. It was useless. B. It was incrrect. C. It was unimprtant.
    8. What des the wman want the man t d right after schl?
    A. Ck dinner. B. D hmewrk. C. Lk after his brther.
    9. Why is the man asked t speak t Rger?
    A. T cancel a visit. B. T ask fr leave. C. T discuss a plan.
    10. What relatin is Julie t the man prbably?
    A. His sister. B. His mm. C. His teacher.
    11. What des the wman like abut the stre in Chapel Hill?
    A. Its wide chices. B. Its lw price. C. Its quality cstumes
    12. Why des the wman ask the man t g with her?
    A. T keep her cmpany. B. T ffer her a ride. C. T give her sme advice.
    13. What will the wman d t thank the man?
    A. Treat him t lunch. B. Practice a sng with him.
    C. Teach him t play the guitar.
    14. What mtivates the grup?
    A. The lve fr creating artwrks.
    B. The pleasure f helping thers.
    C. The wish t imprve the cmmunity.
    15. Hw has the lcal gvernment helped the grup?
    A. By renting a rm. B. By prviding mney. C. By creating a website.
    16. Where can peple buy the bttles?
    A. On the Internet. B. In the shps. C. Frm the twn hall.
    17. Hw many members des the grup have nw?
    A. Three. B. Five. C. Eight.
    18. Wh is the speaker prbably talking t?
    A. Drama teachers. B. Acting students. C. Fellw actrs.
    19. What des the speaker think an unreliable manager wuld d?
    A. Charge a fee in advance.
    B. Ask fr mney fr every jb.
    C. Take 10% f an actr's earnings.
    20. Hw des the speaker feel abut Jeremy?
    A. Grateful. B. Curius. C. Disappinted.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Lndn Theatre Shws
    Alice In Wnderland
    Each ticket t the shw includes free entry t Kew Gardens. Alice in Wnderland is playing at the Kew Gardens frm 22 July t 28 August 2023.
    Running time: 1 hur 10 minutes with n interval(幕间休息)
    Perfrmance days
    Matinees (日场): Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
    Imprtant infrmatin: Children under 2 years ld g free.
    Back T The Future: The Musical
    It is based n the icnic Back t the Future films. Back t the Future:
    The Musical tickets at the Adelphi Theatre, Lndn are available t bk fr perfrmances up t 11 February 2024.
    Age restrictins: Suitable fr general audience aged 6+. Children under 3 will nt be admitted.
    Running time: 2 hurs 40 minutes (including interval)
    Perfrmance days
    Evenings: Mnday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Sunday
    Matinees: Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
    Blippi: The Wnderful Wrld Tur
    This shw sees Blippi in the ultimate curisity adventure. Dance; sing, and learn with Blippi as he discvers what makes different cities unique and special. Blippi: The Wnderful Wrld Tur runs at Rse Theatre, Kingstn frm 29 August t 9 September 2023.
    Age restrictins: Recmmended fr ages 2+.
    Running time: I hur(n interval)
    Perfrmance days
    Matinees: Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday, Sunday
    Dinsaur Wrld Live
    Jin ur brave explrers acrss unchartered territries t discver a pre-histric wrld f remarkably life-like dinsaurs. Dinsaur Wrld Live runs frm 11 August t 3 September 2023 at Regent's Park Open Air Theatre, Lndn.
    Age restrictins:3+
    Running time:50 mins +a 15-minute pst shw
    Perfrmance days
    Matinees: Mnday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
    21. What d we knw abut Back t the Future: The Musical?
    A. It has n perfrmances n Tuesdays.
    B. Bking starts n 11 February 2024.
    C. Children under 3 years ld can g free.
    D. It lasts 2 hurs 40 minutes withut intervals.
    22. Where shuld yu g if yu want t learn mre abut cities arund the wrld?
    A. Kew Gardens. B. Adeiphi Theatre.
    C. Rse Theatre, Kingstn. D. Regent's Park Open Air Theatre.
    23. Which shw prvides after-shw interactin?
    A. Alice In Wnderland B. Dinsaur Wrld Live
    C. Back T The Future: The Musical D. Blippi: The Wnderful Wrld Tur
    Like many peple, Stimpsn, wh is nearly 80, has nticed an alarming lss f wildlife in his lifetime. The cluds f swifts (雨燕) f his childhd have disappeared.
    A lss f nesting(筑巢的) sites is driving the decline f swifts in the UK, whse numbers are believed t have drpped by abut 57% in 22 years. These birds—which are nw n the UK's red list—are site-specific, meaning each spring they cme back t the same spt after flying thusands f miles frm Africa. The prblem is that lts f ld barns(谷仓) and huses have been upgraded and repaired and nesting sites have disappeared.
    Thirteen years ag n ne was making swift bxes, s Stimpsn started. "I'm nt a carpenter (木匠), I'm a salesman, but I thught I'd certainly give it a g," he says. When he started he culd make three a day, nw n a really gd day he can make 30."The gvernment and big wildlife rganizatins dn't end up ding much t stp wildlife lss. We seem t have t many pen-pushers and nt enugh wrkers," he says. "We culd d an awful lt mre than we're ding."
    He believes lcal actin grups are much mre effective and has been wrking with a number f them. "The number f swift grups that have started up in the last five t eight years is quite staggering. And they seem t g frm strength t strength," he says.
    "Swifts are the ne thing where an individual can make a significant difference," says Dick Newell, frm Actin fr Swifts, wh has 66 pairs f nesting swifts in his village f Landbeach in Cambridgeshire,20 f them nesting n his huse.
    Newell says develpers shuld put a swift brick in every new building, and he has been wrking with husebuilding cmpany Taylr Wimpey t make this happen. Exeter city cuncil has started incrprating them int new buildings, as well as the Duchy f Crnwall, and lcal cuncils are getting n bard. Others are wrking n bee bricks and hedgehg (刺猬) hles in new develpments.
    24. What led t the swifts' decline in the UK?
    A. A lss f fd. B. A lack f nesting sites.
    C. Their being remved frm the red list. D. Their deaths during their lng jurney.
    25. What is Stimpsn's attitude twards the practice f the gvernment and big wildlife rganizatins?
    A. Curius. B. Dubtful. C. Tlerant. D. Negative.
    26. What des the underlined wrd "staggering" in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Misleading. B. Shcking. C. Cnfusing. D. Disturbing.
    27. What des Newell advise develpers t d?
    A. Build fewer buildings in rural areas. B. Increase buildings made f bricks.
    C. Include a swift brick in new buildings. D. Give special attentin t bees and hedgehgs.
    Science fictin has lng entertained the idea f artificial intelligence becming cnscius. Many researchers say that Al systems aren't yet at the pint f cnsciusness, but the pace f AI evlutin(发展) has gt them cnsidering: hw wuld we knw if they were?
    T answer this, a grup f 19 neurscientists(神经系统科学家), philsphers and cmputer scientists have cme up with a checklist f standards that, if met, wuld indicate whether a system has a high chance f being cnscius. The authrs made the effrt because "it seemed like there was a real lack f detailed, thughtful discussin f AI cnsciusness." says c-authr Rbert Lng, a philspher at the Center fr Al Safety.
    The team says that a failure t identify whether an Al system has becme cnscius has imprtant mral implicatins. If smething has been labelied "cnscius", accrding t c-authr Megan Peters, a neurscientist at the University f Califrnia, "that changes a lt abut hw we as human beings feel that entity(独立存在的个体) shuld be treated". Lng adds that, as far as he can tell, nt enugh effrt has been made by the cmpanies building advanced AI systems t evaluate the mdels fr cnsciusness and make plans fr what t d if that happens.
    One f the challenges in studying cnsciusness in AI is defining what it means t be cnscius. Peters says that fr the reprt, the researchers fcused n "phenmenal cnsciusness".
    Many neurscience-based theries describe the bilgical basis f cnsciusness. But there is n agreement n which is the right ne. T create their framewrk, the authrs therefre used a range f these theries. The idea is that if an Al system functins in a way that matches aspects f many f these theries, then there is a greater likelihd that it is cnscius.
    They argue that this is a better apprach t assessing cnsciusness than simply putting a system thrugh a behaviral test—say, asking Chat GPT whether it is cnscius, r challenging it and seeing hw it respnds. That's because Al systems have becme remarkably gd at mimicking (模仿) humans.
    28. What des Rbert Lng say abut present research n AI cnsciusness?
    A. It is far frm enugh. B. It is prgressing rapidly.
    C. it has shwn prmising insights int it. D. It has learnt a lt frm previus research.
    29. What wuld change if Al systems became cnscius accrding t Megan Peters?
    A. Their final applicatins. B. Hw humans treat them.
    C. Their mral respnsibilities. D. Hw humans make future plans.
    30. What is a challenge f studying AI cnsciusness?
    A. Prviding a definitin f it.
    B. Uncvering the reasn behind it.
    C. Measuring Al's ability t mimic humans.
    D. Cmparing AI cnsciusness and human cnsciusness.
    31. Hw d the researchers identify whether an AI system is cnscius?
    A. By bserving its respnses t digital signals and nline questins.
    B. By checking its understanding f sme neurscience-based theries.
    C. By cmparing its functinal patterns with neurscience-based theries.
    D. By cnducting experiments and tests t measure its level f self-awareness.
    Mre than 170,000 peple in Califrnia are unhused. Even as the state has pured resurces int fighting against the prblem, the number f peple withut hmes has ticked upward in recent years. On the surface, the state has ne key advantage fr peple withut a reliable rf ver their heads: relatively cnsistent and livable weather. S ne f my first thughts when I heard news f a hurricane attacking Ls Angeles was just "What will happen t the city's hmeless ppulatin?"
    City agencies quickly tk actin. As it became clear that the Ls Angeles regin culd experience an extreme dwnpur and subsequent flding, utreach teams fanned ut acrss the river bank and da m areas acrss the city that have becme hme t a significant unhused ppulatin, ffering supprt t mve them int shelters and mtels(汽车旅馆).
    Despite that, it's bvius that the effects f climate change will hit the mst vuinerable (脆弱的) hardest. We see this glbally as extreme weather events hit cuntries that have cntributed the least t the prblem.
    The mst ntable cnnectin between climate change and the US husing crisis is the threat extreme weather pses t unhused peple. Mre unhused peple are affected as climate change drives increasingly unpredictable weather. Peple withut hmes knw hw t respnd t expected seasnal events. But events like a near-hurricane in Ls Angeles r a wildfire in Maui can catch ppulatins with limited access t infrmatin ff guard.
    Anther link wrth cnsidering is the way in which climate change creates mre hmelessness and further stresses n husing systems. Hurricane Katrina, fr example, displaced 800,000 peple. Fur years later, 12,000 peple remained withut shelter.
    Husing has been —and will cntinue t be—a key issue in Maui t as it recvers frm the wildfire that killed mre than 100 peple. Maui has alrcady had a husing crisis, the result f a high cst f living driven in large part by the turism industry. And, nw, many mre are left lking fr places t stay. Ashley Kelly , the chief perating fficer at Hawaii's Family Life Center. said," Finding husing fr any new clients is just nt pssible right nw.
    32. What cntributes t the increase f the unhused ppulatin in Califrnia?
    A. Its mild weather. B. Its inclusive lcal culture.
    C. Its limited basic facilities. D. Its relaxed state plicies.
    33. What did utreach teams d in respnse t the hurricane in Ls Angeles?
    A. They built dams t prevent flding.
    B. They mved hmeless peple t safe places.
    C. They sught lw-cst husing frm city agencies.
    D. They surrunded the river bank t keep peple away
    34. Which wrd can best describe Maui's husing circumstances nw accrding t Ashley Kelly?
    A. Mysterius. B. Exceptinal. C. Changeable. D. Difficult.
    35. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Ways f Americans relcating disaster-affected ppulatins.
    B. The significance f timely weather updates fr the hmeless.
    C. The link between climate change and the husing crisis in the US.
    D. Appraches f hmeless Americans t dealing with natural disasters.
    Traveling is a great way t experience new cultures and landscapes, learn abut different ways f life, and simply have an adventure. It can als help yu pen yur mind t new ideas and perspectives. ___36___ They prvide insight, tips, and inspiratin fr peple lking t explre the wrld arund them. Frm detailed guides t persnal stries, these bks ffer readers a way t experience the wrld withut ever leaving their hmes.
    One bk that perfectly captures(描述) the spirit f travel is The Distance Between Us by Reyna Grande. ___37___ Thrugh her mving writing style, Grande paints a vivid picture f the struggles and jys f crssing a physical and cultural brder.
    Her bk has a great impact n readers. ___38___ By sharing her wn experiences, Grande ffers hpe and inspiratin t anyne lking t take the leap and explre the wrld arund them.
    One f the greatest benefits f traveling t places inspired by bks fr students is the pprtunity t explre and learn abut many different cultures. Immersing (使沉浸) yurself in unfamiliar surrundings can help pen yur eyes t different ways f life. ___39___
    Being able t cmmunicate effectively with thse frm different backgrunds is essential fr any student. especially in tday's internatinal sciety. ___40___ It can further imprve cnversatin and fluency.
    Lastly, by traveling t places inspired by bks, students will gain a deeper understanding f the wrks that inspired them t take the jurney in the first place.
    A. Meeting new peple can be invaluable.
    B. That's why there are s many bks abut traveling.
    C. Literary wrks ften include ideas beynd a reader's imaginatin.
    D. It can even help yu gain insight int why peple live differently frm yu.
    E. It's an inspiring stry that will stay with them lng after they finish the last page.
    F. Traveling ab rad helps students practice using their language skills in real-life situatins.
    G. In this bk, Grande describes her jurney frm Mexic t America and hw it shaped her life.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Chle Smith is a 6-year-ld girl frm Atlanta, Gergia. One day, while taking a walk with her father near their hme, she ___41___ smething shiny under a pile f rubbish. She picked up the ___42___ t take hme, as she ften did n her treasure-hunting walks. Chle was later ___43___ t discver she had fund a stlen Olympic gld medal.
    The medal belnged t frmer caneist (划艇运动员) Je Jacbi, wh wn gld while ___44___ fr Team USA in the 1992 Barcelna Olympic games. The medal, alng with ther persnal belngings, was ___45___ in May f 2016 when smene brke int Jacbi's can Thugh plice managed t ___46___ sme f his stlen items, they hadn't been able t find his ___47___ Olympic medal. It may have been lst frever, if nt fr a 6-year-ld girl's treasure--hunting ___48___ .
    Chle's dad had seen Jacbi's stry n the news, and ___49___ realized it was his stlen prperty. He fund Jacbi's email and sent him pictures f the treasure. After ___50___ the medal, Jacbi was astnished, just speechless.
    Chle was ___51___ t give it back after speaking with Jacbi n the phne. ___52___ , Jacbi prmised t speak t her class when schl begins again this fall. The ___53___f this little girl reuniting an Olympian with his belved pssessin is ___54___ . When we talk abut character and ding the ___55___ thing, Chle represents the Olympic values in every sense f the wrd.
    41. A sught B. buried C. nticed D. drpped
    42. A. waste B. bject C. material D. antique
    43. A. embarrassed B. satisfied C. frightened D. shcked
    44. A. cmpeting B. applying C. caching D. preparing
    45. A. brken B. stlen C. replaced D . deserted
    46. A. purchase B. register C. preserve D. recver
    47. A. secured B. prized C. advertised D. priced
    48. A. prject B. decisin C. habit D. idea
    49. A. quickly B. gradually C. really D. carefully
    50. A. identifying B. btaining C. evaluating D. investigating
    51. A. srry B. eager C. upset D. hesitant
    52. A. in additin B. In fact C. In return D. In advance
    53. A. purpse B. reprt C. attempt D. stry
    54. A. heart-warming B. breath-taking C. eye-catching D. life-changing
    55. A. imprtant B. simple C. interesting D. right
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Qipa, a traditinal dress fr females in China, is reputed as ne f the traditinal Chinese 56______(cstume) and an irreplaceable cultural heritage in the fashin wrld. Thugh 57______(debate) by experts abut the exact time f its ccurrence, it is believed that Qipa riginated frm a type f Manchurian female garment in the Qing Dynasty(1632-1912).
    Qipa mainly 58___(feature) a stand-up cllar, Chinese kntted buttns, and a tight-fitting waist, is usually made frm silk r cttn. Tw majr styles f mdern Qipa. 59______ were established in the prgressin, are the Shanghai style and the Beijing style. 60______ frmer, absrbing western elements f design and tailring, leads the fashin trend. 61______ is generally accepted by schlars that the craze fr Qipa in the Republican Perid is a 62______(nature) result f the rise f wmen's pursuit f freedm. Wearing Qipa. which is 63______(basic) a ne-piece rbe, carries a symblic sense f prmting gender equality. Later n, the pririty f Qipa shifted frm a plitical expressin t aesthetic(审美的)emphasis. It was chsen 64______ the Republic f China's mandarin dress in 1929. Since the refrm and pening-up plicy 65______(adpt) in China, Qipa has been designated(命名) as the frmal dress fr female diplmats in freign affairs activities.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Sir r Madam.
    Li Hua
    When I was in middle schl, my family mved t Seattle, where my parents started their new business-a small grcery stre dwnstairs my huse. As a girl f shy and reserved nature, I had t take a fresh start t fit int the sphisticated city life.
    One sunny day, my schl annunced an exciting event, a talent shw fr the lcal fd bank. Students were encuraged t shwcase their unique talents in frnt f the public in the city hall n Natinal Day. A buzz f excitement filled the schl as everyne began preparing fr the big day. Deep dwn, I felt a spark f curisity and a desire t participate. Hwever, my self-dubt held me back, “I dn't have any special skills t share.”
    Days turned int weeks, and the talent shw drew clser. I culdn't shake the upsetting feeling until ne day Emma, ne f the mst ppular girls in my class, came t me while I was helping in the grcery stre after class. "Hw abut singing tgether in the talent shw?" She grinned, "I heard yu singing a tune, alng the way back hme. I can't help fllwing yu here." Gsh, I culdn't believe my cars. Emma, with persnality and ppularity, acknwledged my little talent. Since Emma had the wrld's prettiest vice, I felt like being favured by frtune.
    "Yu tw? The talent shw fr the fd bank?" My mum bent twards us and her face lit up. "A big ccasin. Why nt practise right nw upstairs? I bet yu'll be a perfect match." Winking at us, she seemed t knw we were thinking alike.
    Emma and I rehearsed almst every single day after schl. We brainstrmed, exchanged ideas and rehearsed the scene. As the days rlled by, I was feeling pretty gd abut ur act. But the day befre the perfrmance, Emma called that she had an acute stmachache and was nt able t perfrm.
    I was cmpletely kncked ut by the news________________________________________________________
    Finally came the big mment.___________________________________________________________________

    2023-2024学年湖南省常德市临澧县第一中学高三上学期第二次阶段性考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年湖南省常德市临澧县第一中学高三上学期第二次阶段性考试英语试题含答案,文件包含湖南省常德市临澧县第一中学2023-2024学年高三上学期第二次阶段性考试英语试题原卷版docx、湖南省常德市临澧县第一中学2023-2024学年高三上学期第二次阶段性考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共50页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年湖南省长沙市长郡中学高一入学考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年湖南省长沙市长郡中学高一入学考试英语试题含答案,文件包含精品解析湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高一入学考试英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高一入学考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年湖南省临澧县第一中学高一上学期第一次月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年湖南省临澧县第一中学高一上学期第一次月考英语试题含答案,文件包含精品解析湖南省临澧县第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析湖南省临澧县第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共46页, 欢迎下载使用。






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