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    这是一份2023-2024学年湖南省长沙市长郡中学高二上学期入学考试(暑假作业检测)英语试题含答案,文件包含湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高二上学期入学考试暑假作业检测英语试题含听力原卷版docx、湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高二上学期入学考试暑假作业检测英语试题含听力解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共49页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. ₤19.15. B. ₤9.18. C. ₤9.15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When des the swimming lessn start?
    A. At 4:30.B. At 4:45.C. At 5:15.
    【原文】M: Mary! It’s half past fur! Hurry up! Yu are always wasting t much time.
    W: I dn’t think we need t. We still have fifteen minutes befre the swimming lessn starts.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why is the man late?
    A. Because f the heavy traffic.
    B. Because f the bad weather.
    C. Because f a basketball match.
    【原文】M: It’s Tm, Mum. I’ll be hme late. I’m afraid I am caught in traffic.
    W: Oh, what a pity—yu’ll miss the basketball match tnight. D yu have an umbrella? It’s ging t rain.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the wman gd at?
    A. Singing.B. Playing the pian.C. Playing the drums.
    【原文】M: D yu sing r play a musical instrument?
    W: Well, I did study pian as a child, but I gave it up. I’m afraid I can’t sing either, but I play the drums quite well.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What kind f mvies des the wman prbably like?
    A. Actin mvies.B. Cmedy mvies.C. Rmantic mvies.
    【原文】M: That film is s disappinting. I dn’t like the actin scenes and the lve stry is s bring.
    W: I agree. I like mvies that give me a gd laugh.
    M: OK. N mre car-racing r war mvies fr us!
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the man think f the training?
    A. Disappinting.B. Satisfying.C. Wrrying.
    【原文】W: Hw was the training?
    M: The training was a great pprtunity. I learned a lt.
    W: I’m glad yu see it that way. Nt a lt f peple take a psitive attitude twards training.
    6. Which is the special ffer tday?
    A. Bacn.B. Chicken rllsC. Fried eggs.
    7. What des the wman prbably d?
    A. A waitress.B. A ck.C. A salespersn.
    【答案】6. B 7. A
    【原文】W: Gd mrning. What can I d fr yu, sir?
    M: Can I see the menu, please? What’s tday’s special?
    W: Chicken rlls. We als have delicius sup ndles with seafd.
    M: That sunds gd. I’ll have thse tw.
    W: Wuld yu like anything else?
    M: Yes, I’d like bacn, a fried egg with buttered tast and a bttle f Cke. That’s all.
    8. What is the man trying t d?
    A. Make an appintment with a dctr.
    B. Ask the wman fr sme advice.
    C. Cmplain abut a dctr.
    9. What will the man prbably d next?
    A. Take mre medicine.B. Avid wrking t hard.C. See the dctr right away.
    【答案】8. A 9. B
    【原文】W: Hell. Peace Clinic. Can I help yu?
    M: Yes, this is Jimmy Carter.
    W: What’s wrng with yu, Mr. Carter?
    M: I saw Dr. Brwn last week. She gave me medicine and advised me t take things easy. But nw I feel even wrse, s I wnder if I can see her tmrrw.
    W: I’m afraid nt. She’s fully bked tmrrw, but there’s an pening at 3 this afternn.
    M: Oh, n. I have t wrk at that mment.
    W: Well, yu shuldn’t be wrking s hard. That might be part f the prblem.
    M: Thank yu. I’ll adjust myself. If I dn’t get better, I’ll g t see the dctr again.
    10. Hw des Jhn feel abut Amy’s petry?
    A. It is very classic.B. It is very rmantic.C. It is very unique.
    11. When is the cnversatin prbably taking place?
    A. On Mnday.B. On Tuesday.C. On Thursday.
    12. What tpic f petry will the speakers read abut this Thursday?
    A. Lve.B. Nature.C. Friendship.
    13. Whse wrks will the speakers read this week?
    A. Jhn Keats’.B. Emily Dickinsn’s.C. William Wrdswrth’s.
    【答案】10. C 11. A 12. B 13. B
    【原文】M: Amy! Are yu ready t get up n stage and read yur petry?
    W: I dn’t knw, Jhn. I’m quite nervus abut it.
    M: Dn’t wrry! Yur wrds are sme f the best I’ve ever read. Yur petry is very different. The way yu describe peple is very special and creative.
    W: Thank yu Jhn. S, if I did feel cnfident enugh, when wuld I be reading?
    M: Well, we have tw petry readings, n Tuesday night and Thursday night.
    W: Thursday wuld be better. It gives me three days t practice.
    M: Gd. On Thursday, we’ll share petry abut nature. Are yu OK with it?
    W: I mainly write n lve and friendship, but I did write sme n nature, s the tpic is OK.
    M: Gd. And after we read ur petry, we will read frm classic wrks. We read Jhn Keats’ last week. But fr this week, we’re still deciding between Emily Dickinsn and William Wrdswrth.
    W: Hw abut Emily Dickinsn? She inspired me a lt.
    M: Sure. Let’s read her wrks this week.
    14. What des the wman just want t buy first?
    A. A few rcks.B. A small bttle.C. Sme beautiful fish.
    15. Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A. At hme.B. On a flight.C. In a shp.
    16. Why shuld a few rcks be put int the tank accrding t the man?
    A. T decrate the tank.B. T keep the water clean.C. T allw the fish t swim arund.
    17. What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A. Keep the fish in a rund bttle.
    B. Cmpare the prices f fishes.
    C. Put sme underwater plants in the tank.
    【答案】14. C 15. A 16. C 17. C
    【原文】W: I saw a beautiful fish in the market the ther day. It was range and blue. I’m thinking f buying sme next Sunday.
    M: Where wuld yu keep them?
    W: In that rund bttle ver there.
    M: It’s a bit small, isn’t it?
    W: S are the fish.
    M: I think yu shuld get a tank if yu want t keep fish.
    W: Really?
    M: Yes. Yu shuld never keep fish in a small rund bttle. They dn’t get enugh air. I suggest we g shpping tgether and lk fr a nice tank.
    W: That might be quite expensive.
    M: Check the prices befre yu buy ne. And yu ught t put a few large rcks in the tank. Fish lve swimming arund the rcks and thrugh hles in them.
    W: Is there anything else that I ught t get?
    M: Yes, yu need t get sme underwater plants. They keep the water clean. Als they make the tank lk much prettier.
    18. Wh is the speaker talking t?
    A. Librarians.B. Freshmen.C. Teachers.
    19. What is scheduled in the first week?
    A. Sme talks.B. Sme games.C. Sme turs.
    20. What d we knw abut the library cmputers?
    A. They are cnnected t printers.
    B. They are limited in number.
    C. They have access t the Internet.
    【答案】18. B 19. A 20. C
    【原文】M: Well, first f all, welcme t Cardiff University. Nw, as a new student at the university, yu will prbably need sme srt f guidance t help yu t use the library. Sme f yu have asked abut a guided tur but we find this rather cnfuses peple. S, in this first week, we run a series f talks. OK, nw let me give yu an utline f what’s available t yu. Yu’ll find that the cmputers are increasingly used as a research tl. The library cmputers are permanently nline. Having fund what yu need, yu’ll find yu can readily save texts n yur persnal cmputer space t print ff when yu need them.Naturally we d still have a full range f classic reference bks fr yu t use. But yu can just keep them fr a certain time s that they will nt disappear frm the shelves fr t lng.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Family: Pems—by Mr. Keith Keenan
    ·Kindle $0.00, Hardcver $12.50, Paperback $7.00
    The pet describes persnal thughts and feelings in a lyrical jurney t understand and celebrate his family. “Family” lks at living hnestly in places, nt illusins. Figurative language, a lve f metaphr and sharp images all make the pems wrk.
    Time t Heal—by Alexandra Vasiliu
    ·Kindle $9.99, Hardcver $21.94, Paperback $12.64
    Frm the bestselling authr cmes an inspiratinal petry bk abut lve, healing, and grwth. It is a reminder t strive t change fr the better. Featuring mre than 130 uplifting pems and black-and-white illustratins, it’s a great cmpanin when yu need t embrace self-lve and persnal transfrmatin.
    Seeds frm a Birch Tree —by Clark Strand
    ·Kindle $9.99, Hardcver $26.80, Paperback $16.95
    Seeds Frm a Birch Tree makes nature int a spiritual path. Its message was simple: Haiku teaches us t return t nature by fllwing the seasns—seventeen syllables at a time. With its mix f petry and memir(回忆录), the bk guides us t the jy hidden in plain sight, leading us t get int a gd state f bdy and mind.
    A Pem fr Every Day—by Allie Esiri
    ·Kindle $9.99, Hardcver $28.05, Audi CD $18.05
    This audi bk is a cllectin f 366 pems which link t events n key dates—funny fr April Fl’s Day, festive fr Christmas. This is the perfect gift fr petry lvers f all ages. These pems are infrmative, peaceful, and energetic!
    There are a large number f petry cllectins n Amazn. Mre infrmatin, please click here.
    21. Hw much will yu pay if yu are t buy a hardcver editin f haiku?
    A. $12.50.B. $21.94.C. $26.80.D. $28.05.
    22. Accrding t the text, what can we learn abut the bks?
    A. Family: Pems features plain language.
    B. Time t Heal features clrful illustratins.
    C. Seeds frm a Birch Tree fcuses n human nature.
    D. A Pem fr Every Day fcuses n festive celebratins.
    23. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A website.B. A magazine.
    C. A bk review.D. A travel brchure.
    【答案】21. C 22. D 23. A
    细节理解题。根据Seeds frm a Birch Tree —by Clark Strand部分下的“Its message was simple: Haiku teaches us t return t nature by fllwing the seasns—seventeen syllables at a time. (它传达的信息很简单: Haiku教会我们通过顺应季节回归自然——一次十七个音节。)”和“Kindle $9.99, Hardcver $26.80, Paperback $16.95(Kindle售价9.99美元,精装版26.80美元,平装版16.95美元)”可知,如果你要买一本精装版的Haiku,你会付26.8美元,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据A Pem fr Every Day—by Allie Esiri部分中的“This audi bk is a cllectin f 366 pems which link t events n key dates—funny fr April Fl’s Day, festive fr Christmas.(这本有声书收录了366首诗歌,这些诗歌都与关键日期的事件有关——愚人节和圣诞节都很有趣。)”可知,A Pem fr Every Day专注于节日庆祝,故选D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“There are a large number f petry cllectins n Amazn. Mre infrmatin, please click here.(亚马逊上有大量的诗歌收藏,更多信息请点击这里。)”可知,本文可能选自一个网站,故选A。
    Frederick Phiri is the junk-art king f Zambia: at just 22, he started t earn an internatinal reputatin fr being able t make cmplex and elegant sculptures frm scrap (废弃的) metal fund in his cmmunity.
    Phiri’s father died when he was starting primary schl. Then his mther abandned him and he had t stay with his grandfather. His grandfather paid fr his schling thrugh primary schl but when he entered secndary schl, he had t get varius jbs t pay fr his fees. Yet even in schl, he was always drawing and making things in class.
    After graduating, he did what he culd t supprt himself by making animal sculptures frm wires and sld them t turists. His wrk was s ppular that it caught the eye f Karen Beattie, directr f Prject Luangwa, a nnprfit rganizatin dedicated t educatin and ecnmic develpment in central Africa.
    “I intrduced him t a lcal welder (焊工),” Beattie tld Newsweek.
    In 2017, Phiri wrked with welder Mses Mbewe during the rainy seasn, helping t make a cmplex set f drs fr Prject Luangwa. The piece sparked an idea in Beattie’s mind: “I handed him a bunch f scrap metal and said, ‘Make smething with this.’ And he did. It was wnderful.”
    Tday, Phiri cntinues his art, using pieces f junk peple bring him—keys, brken bike chains, ld metal plugs and whatever scrap metal is lying arund. He then turns the junk int abstract animals—elephants, cranes, giraffes, chamelens—and sells them at Prject Luangwa headquarters. The cmmunity has recgnized his talents.
    “My dream is t earn enugh t study art at the Evelyn Hne Cllege in Lusaka and be able t make a living frm it,” Phiri said “and then t make very large sculptures.”
    24. What is Phiri knwn fr?
    A. Serving his cmmunity.B. Cllecting wrks f art.
    C. Being the king f Zambia.D. Turning trash int treasure.
    25. What can we learn abut Phiri frm paragraph 2?
    A. He had an unhappy childhd.B. He paid fr his primary schl.
    C. He had t supprt his grandfather.D. He missed schl t d part-time jbs.
    26. Hw des Phiri feel abut his future?
    A. Uncertain.B. Cnfident.
    C. Depressed.D. Satisfied.
    27. What can be a suitable title fr the passage?
    A. A Successful Path f Art.B. The Junk-art King f Zambia.
    C. A Yung Man’s Wildest Dream.D. The Mdern Junk Wrks f Art.
    【答案】24. D 25. A 26. B 27. B
    【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了非洲赞比亚的废品艺术之王Frederick Phiri的人生事迹,激励读者为了自己的梦想而努力。
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段内容“Frederick Phiri is the junk-art king f Zambia: at just 22, he started t earn an internatinal reputatin fr being able t make cmplex and elegant sculptures frm scrap metal fund in his cmmunity.( Frederick Phiri是赞比亚的垃圾艺术之王:在他22岁的时候,他就开始在国际上享有声誉,因为他能够用在他的社区里发现的废金属制作复杂而优雅的雕塑。)”可知,他是以利用废弃金属制作精美艺术品而出名的。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段内容“Phiri’s father died when he was starting primary schl. Then his mther abandned him and he had t stay with his grandfather. His grandfather paid fr his schling thrugh primary schl but when he entered secndary schl, he had t get varius jbs t pay fr his fees. Yet even in schl, he was always drawing and making things in class.( 哈里里的父亲在他开始上小学的时候就去世了。然后他的母亲抛弃了他,他不得不和他的祖父住在一起。他的祖父供他上小学,但当他上中学时,他不得不找各种工作来支付学费。然而,即使在学校,他总是在课堂上画画和做东西。)”可知,小学时父亲去世,之后母亲遗弃了他,他只能和祖父生活在一起,中学后开始打工支付学费,因此可以推知,他的童年并不快乐。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段末句以及末尾段内容:The cmmunity has recgnized his talents.“My dream is t earn enugh t study art at the Evelyn Hne Cllege in Lusaka and be able t make a living frm it,” Phiri said “and then t make very large sculptures.”(社区已经认识到了他的才能。“我的梦想是挣到足够的钱在卢萨卡的Evelyn Hne学院学习艺术,并以此谋生,”Phiri说,“然后制作非常大的雕塑。)可推知,他的才能得到认可,他对未来充满信心。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。文章主要围绕Frederick Phiri这位赞比亚的废品艺术之王做介绍,描述了他的生平和艺术才能,以及当下他对未来的展望。选项B“The Junk-art King f Zambia.”贴合主题,概括了主旨大意,可作最佳标题。故选B项。
    Whm shuld yu marry? Where shuld yu live? Hw shuld yu spend yur time? Fr centuries, peple have relied n their gut instincts (直觉) t figure ut the answers t these life-changing questins. Nw, thugh, there is a better way. We are living thrugh a data explsin, as vast amunts f infrmatin abut all aspects f human behavir have becme mre and mre accessible. We can use this big data t help determine the best curse t chart.
    There has lng been verwhelming- and ften surprising- evidence that algrithms (算法) can be much better than peple at making difficult decisins. Researchers have cllected data n varius kinds f chices peple make, the infrmatin they base thse chices n, and hw things turn ut. They have fund, fr example, that a simple data-driven algrithm wuld have been better than judges at deciding whether a defendant shuld stay in jail (监狱) r be released; better than dctrs at deciding whether a patient shuld get a prcedure; and better than schl principals at deciding which teachers shuld be prmted.
    The pwer f data analysis has been prved in the sprts and business wrlds, t. As made famus by the bk and mvie Mneyball, baseball teams fund that algrithms were better than scuts (物色优秀运动员的人) at picking players, and better than managers at picking strategies. In finance, the hedge fund (避险基金) Renaissance Technlgies dramatically defeated cmpetitrs by seeking ut patterns in stck market data and using them t infrm its investment strategy. Tech firms in Silicn Valley have fund that data frm experiments prvides better insights int hw t design their websites than designers culd.
    These are the early days f the data revlutin in decisin-making. I am nt claiming that we can cmpletely utsurce (外包) ur lifestyle chices t algrithms, thugh we might get t that pint in the future. I am claiming instead that we can all dramatically imprve ur decisin-making by cnsulting evidence mined frm thusands r millins f peple wh faced dilemmas similar t urs. And we can d that nw.
    28. What makes peple better at finding answers t life-changing questins?
    A. Peple’s better gut instincts.B. Changed human behavir.
    C. The mdern infrmatin era.D. Varius curses accessible.
    29. Accrding t paragraph 2, algrithms might NOT defeat peple in ______.
    A. curt rulingsB. jb prmtins
    C. perative estimatinD. teaching practices
    30. What can we learn frm paragraph 3?
    A The plt f the mvie Mneyball is related t successful data analysis.
    B. Scuts and managers are nt needed in successful baseball teams.
    C. The hedge fund Renaissance Technlgies had sme financial prblems.
    D. Tech firms in Silicn Valley mainly relied n data t design websites.
    31. Which f the fllwing will the authr mst prbably agree with?
    A. The mdern infrmatin era is mature enugh t take advantage f.
    B. Peple shuld utsurce all the lifestyle chices t algrithms.
    C. With big data peple can learn frm cuntless similar examples.
    D. Face-t-face cnsultatin will be the majr trend in the future.
    【答案】28. C 29. D 30. A 31. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“We are living thrugh a data explsin, as vast amunts f infrmatin abut all aspects f human behavir have becme mre and mre accessible. We can use this big data t help determine the best curse t chart. (我们正生活在一个数据爆炸的时代,关于人类行为各个方面的大量信息变得越来越容易获取。我们可以利用这些大数据来帮助确定绘制地图的最佳路线。)”可知。作者主要的观点是在信息时代利用大数据去帮助自己决定选择哪条路径。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“They have fund, fr example, that a simple data-driven algrithm wuld have been better than judges at deciding whether a defendant shuld stay in jail (监狱) r be released; better than dctrs at deciding whether a patient shuld get a prcedure; and better than schl principals at deciding which teachers shuld be prmted. (例如,他们发现,一个简单的数据驱动算法在决定被告是应该留在监狱还是释放时,会比法官做得更好;在决定病人是否应该接受手术方面比医生做得更好;而且比学校校长更擅长决定哪些老师应该升职。)”可知,数据驱动的算法在这些方面表现更好:在法官决定被告人是该监禁还是释放方面;在医生决定病人是否该做手术方面;在学校校长决定哪些老师应该升职方面,在以上方面,算法都比人类做的好,由此可知,只有“教学实践”方面有可能不会打败人类。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“The pwer f data analysis has been prved in the sprts and business wrlds, t. As made famus by the bk and mvie Mneyball, baseball teams fund that algrithms were better than scuts (物色优秀运动员的人) at picking players, and better than managers at picking strategies. (数据分析的力量在体育和商业领域也得到了证明。正如书和电影《点球成金》(Mneyball)所述,棒球队发现算法在挑选球员方面比球探好,在挑选策略方面比经理好。)”可知,在电影《点球成金》中,算法在挑选球员和挑选策略方面比人类要好,由此可知,电影“点球成金”中的情节与成功的数据分析有关系。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“I am claiming instead that we can all dramatically imprve ur decisin-making by cnsulting evidence mined frm thusands r millins f peple wh faced dilemmas similar t urs. And we can d that nw. (相反,我认为我们都可以通过咨询从成千上万与我们面临类似困境的人那里获得的证据来显著改善我们的决策。我们现在就能做到。)”可知,作者认为,在众多面临着类似的困境的人那里获取的数据,能极大地帮助人们的决策,所以作者应该赞成“我们可以运用大数据从类似的例子中学习”这一观点。故选C项。
    Gardeners wh use pesticides are cntributing t the decline f British sngbirds, a study suggests. Scientists have urged peple t stp “spraying their gardens with pisns” in rder t halt bird decline and adpt instead wildlife-friendly practices. The results f the University f Sussex study, which researchers call the first f its kind, were published in the jurnal Science f the Ttal Envirnment.
    The experiment, which surveyed 615 gardens in Britain, fund 25% fewer huse sparrws when glyphsate (草甘膦) was used regularly. This is an ingredient fund in cmmnly used herbicide (除草剂) brands such as Rundup r Gallup. Slug pellets (鼻涕虫杀虫剂) als seemed t have an impact n bird sightings; in gardens where Slug pellets were used, huse sparrw numbers were dwn by almst 40%.
    Prf. Dave Gulsn, f the schl f life sciences at the University f Sussex, said, “The UK has 22 millin gardens, which cllectively culd be a fantastic refuge fr wildlife, but nt if they are verly tidy and sprayed with pisns. We just dn’t need pesticides in ur gardens. Many twns arund the wrld are nw pesticide free. We shuld simply ban the use f these pisns in urban areas, fllwing the example f France.” The Ryal Hrticultural Sciety, the UK’s leading gardening charity, said the use f pesticides and herbicides shuld be avided if pssible and they shuld nly be used, if ever, in small and targeted applicatins.
    The research als fund that thse wh adpted wildlife-friendly practices such as planting native shrubs and flwers, r digging a wildlife pnd, saw mre birds than thse wh did nt. Cannelle Tassin de Mntaigu, a PhD researcher within the schl f life sciences and an authr f the study, said, “It’s encuraging t find that simple measures, such as planting native shrubs and trees and creating a pnd, tgether with aviding the use f pesticides, really make a measurable difference t the number f birds yu will see in yur garden.”
    32. What des the underlined wrd “halt” in paragraph 1 mst prbably mean?
    A. Stp.B. Attract.C. Nte.D. Witness.
    33. Why are the statistics mentined in paragraph 2?
    A. T reveal the severe influence f pesticides n birds.
    B. T cmpare the effects f tw kinds f pesticides.
    C. T cnvince readers f the imprtance f huse sparrws.
    D. T help gardeners chse the prper pesticides.
    34. What can be inferred frm Prf. Dave Gulsn’s wrds?
    A. The ideal places fr wildlife in the UK are extremely tidy gardens.
    B. The gardens in the UK are s tidy that pesticides are nt needed.
    C. Pesticides shuld be prhibited frm use thrughut the UK.
    D. Sme cuntries like France have made urban areas pesticide free.
    35. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Alternative methds t keep gardens tidy.
    B. Assistant ways t increase the number f birds.
    C. Gardeners’ attitudes twards the experiment.
    D. Other researchers’ interest in the experiment.
    【答案】32. A 33. A 34. D 35. B
    词句猜测题。根据第一段中的“Gardeners wh use pesticides are cntributing t the decline f British sngbirds, a study suggests. Scientists have urged peple t stp “spraying their gardens with pisns” (一项研究表明,使用杀虫剂的园丁正在导致英国鸣禽数量的减少。科学家敦促人们停止“向花园喷洒毒药”)”可知,杀虫剂的使用造成了鸣禽减少,科学家呼吁人们停止使用这些杀虫剂。由此推知,科学家呼吁的目的在于遏制这一趋势,阻止鸣禽数量减少,halt与stp意思相近,意为“阻止,制止”。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第二段内容“The experiment, which surveyed 615 gardens in Britain, fund 25% fewer huse sparrws when glyphsate (草甘膦) was used regularly. This is an ingredient fund in cmmnly used herbicide (除草剂) brands such as Rundup r Gallup. Slug pellets (鼻涕虫杀虫剂) als seemed t have an impact n bird sightings; in gardens where Slug pellets were used, huse sparrw numbers were dwn by almst 40%. (这项调查了英国615个花园的实验发现,定期使用草甘膦可以减少25%的家麻雀。这是一种在常用除草剂(如Rundup或Gallup)品牌中发现的成分。鼻涕虫杀虫剂似乎也对鸟类景观有影响;在使用鼻涕虫杀虫剂的花园中,麻雀的数量下降了近40%。)”可知,本段通过列数据说明了两种杀虫剂成分导致英国花园中的鸣禽数量大幅减少。由此推知,列出数据是为了证明第一段中研究者所做出的发现,即杀虫剂严重影响了英国的鸣禽。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中Dave Gulsn教授所说的话“We just dn’t need pesticides in ur gardens. Many twns arund the wrld are nw pesticide free. We shuld simply ban the use f these pisns in urban areas, fllwing the example f France. (我们的花园不需要杀虫剂。世界上许多城镇现在都没有杀虫剂了。我们应该效仿法国,干脆禁止在城市地区使用这些毒药。)”可推知,像法国这样的一些国家已经禁止城市地区使用杀虫剂。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。通读最后一段内容,并结合其中的最后一句“It’s encuraging t find that simple measures, such as planting native shrubs and trees and creating a pnd, tgether with aviding the use f pesticides, really make a measurable difference t the number f birds yu will see in yur garden.”. (令人鼓舞的是,发现一些简单的措施,比如种植本地灌木和树木,建造一个池塘,同时避免使用杀虫剂,真的会对你在花园里看到的鸟类数量产生可测量的影响。”。)”可知,本段主要介绍了增加鸟类数量的辅助方法。故选B项。
    There are things we all d, r dn’t d, that lead us t waste far mre time than we realize in the mment. The biggest time regret, I think, is dwelling n (沉湎于) mistakes and shrtcmings.
    ____36____ In a study, researchers asked subjects t spend mney during an imaginary trip t the mall. Befre “shpping”, sme subjects were asked t recall a past financial mistake. They fund thse subjects were mre likely t incur (招致) debt. Dwelling made them feel like a failure and tld them there was n need t try, because they already sucked. S, they gt further int debt when already feeling like an ver spender. Of curse, we dn’t want t skip ver ur mistakes r ignre them either. ____37____
    I als missed t much fr fear f my wn shrtcmings. ____38____ I wanted t travel after high schl, but I went t university clse t hme instead, because I was t shy t meet new peple and was afraid I culdn’t make it in anther city. After university, I wanted t be a writer, but I decided t find a mre stable, accessible jb instead, because that’s easier. ____39____ I decided t find wrk I actually enjyed, travel mre and live smewhere else. I made a tn f mistakes alng the way, but the bigger mistake was nt trying sner.
    ____40____ S, never beat yurself up ver yur mistakes and shrtcmings. The sner yu learn frm them, the sner yu can free up yur time and energy t live the life yu want.
    A. Eventually, I gt tired f this.
    B. Regret is anther big waste f time.
    C. I was ding it fr the wrng reasn that I was afraid t fail.
    D. Fr years, I stayed in a cmfrtable place, ding things I disliked.
    E. The gal is t learn smething frm them, and then release the failure.
    F. When yu finally relate it t yur wn past experiences, it prbably becmes easier.
    G. Dwelling n mistakes wastes time and, wrse still, makes us mre likely t repeat mistakes.
    【答案】36. G 37. E 38. D 39. A 40. B
    分析语篇可知,此处应为该段的主题句,根据第一段的最后一句“The biggest time regret, I think, is dwelling n (沉湎于) mistakes and shrtcmings. (我认为,人生最大的遗憾,就是沉湎于错误和缺点。)”可知,全篇文章是讨论沉溺于错误和缺点,结合第三段中的首句“I als missed t much fr fear f my wn shrtcmings. (我也因为害怕自己的缺点而错过了太多。)”可知,该段讨论的是沉溺于自己的缺点带来的问题,由此可知,此空处应讨论“沉溺于错误”的相关内容,G选项“Dwelling n mistakes wastes time and, wrse still, makes us mre likely t repeat mistakes. (总想着错误会浪费时间,更糟糕的是,会让我们更容易重复错误。)”讲述的内容为沉溺于自己的错误浪费了我们时间,甚至导致反复的犯错,且与空后“In a study, researchers asked subjects t spend mney during an imaginary trip t the mall. Befre “shpping”, sme subjects were asked t recall a past financial mistake. (在一项研究中,研究人员要求受试者在想象的购物中心之旅中花钱。在“购物”之前,一些研究对象被要求回忆过去的一次财务错误。)”的研究内容吻合。故选G项。
    根据空前的“Of curse, we dn’t want t skip ver ur mistakes r ignre them either. (当然,我们也不想跳过或忽略我们的错误。)”可知,没有人要逃避当前的错误,由此可知,设空处将提出应该怎么做,E选项“The gal is t learn smething frm them, and then release the failure. (我们的目标是从失败中吸取教训,然后释放失败。)”讲述的内容为我们要在错误中吸取教训,从而减少失败,与上文内容吻合。故选E项。
    根据主题句“I als missed t much fr fear f my shrtcmings. (我也因为害怕自己的缺点而错过了太多。)”可知,本段重点写“沉溺于缺点”,根据空后的“I wanted t travel after high schl, but I went t university clse t hme instead, because I was t shy t meet new peple and was afraid I culdn’t make it in anther city. (高中毕业后我想去旅游,但我去了离家近的大学,因为我太害羞了,不敢结识新朋友,害怕在另一个城市过不下去。)”可知,作者以自己的经历分析沉溺于缺点的相关内容,由此可知,此处应是提及作者之前的不正确的做法,D选项“Fr years, I stayed in a cmfrtable place, ding things I disliked. (多年来,我呆在一个舒适的地方,做着我不喜欢的事情。)”讲述的内容是作者自己的经历,与下文的内容吻合,且符合该段的主题。故选D项。
    根据空前的“After university, I wanted t be a writer, but I decided t find a mre stable, accessible jb instead, because that’s easier. (大学毕业后,我想成为一名作家,但我决定找一份更稳定、更容易找到的工作,因为那样更容易。)”可知,作者大学毕业后,作者做的事情不是自己想做的事情,而是相对更简单一些的事情,空后的“I decided t find wrk I actually enjyed, travel mre and live smewhere else. (我决定找一份我真正喜欢的工作,多旅行,住在别的地方。)”可知,作者决定要开始做自己真正喜欢的事情,与空前的内容完全不同,由此可知,设空处应为承上启下的作用,A选项“Eventually, I gt tired f this. (最终,我厌倦了这一切。)”中的eventually为关键词,将空前的内容过渡到空后内容,且其中的this指代的内容为空前作者以前的做法。故选A项。
    分析语篇可知,本段是总结段,根据空后的“S, never beat yurself up ver yur mistakes and shrtcmings. (所以,永远不要因为自己的错误和缺点而自责。)”可知,作者劝告人们不要在为自己的错误或者缺点而自责,此空处讲述的内容与空后的内容为因果关系,B选项“Regret is anther big waste f time. (后悔是另一种浪费时间的方式。)”讲述的是作者认为后悔是另外浪费时间的方式,与下文中作者对人们的劝告为因果关系,符合逻辑,内容吻合。故选B项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Camgli lks like any ther small Italian castal twn. The little ____41____ huses face the sea. The sunlight warms their beauty. But, lk carefully and yu’ll see many things that they’re nt.
    This fishing village is full f trmpe l’eil — an art frm in which nthing is what it appears t be. While sme flwers die, thers live fr years. Why? Because they’re ___43___ n the building!
    Trmpe l’eil has been arund fr centuries. ___44___, Camgli’s fishermen painted their huses in bright clrs and unusual designs, s that they culd see their hmes ___45___ frm the water. Then,in the 1700s, it became a way t make small, simple buildings lk ___46___ and high-valued.
    And tday? There are still many trmpe l’eil huses in villages like Camgli, but nly a few artists are ___47___ t paint them. Carl is ne f this ever-decreasing band f artists wh's managed t make a business ut f it.
    His ___48___ are ften peple wh want t imprve their hme’s ___49___. But fr Carl trmpe l’eil’s purpse is t bring smething ____50____ t a new place, such as bringing the city t the sea r even the deserts t the cities.
    Carls painting style ____51____ the past. He nly uses ld-style paints and mixes them by hand. He des s fr ne reasn: t prtect the trmpe l’eil ____52____. He als believes this art shuld be ____53____ everywhere.
    Frtunately, in Camgli, lcal art and culture are still ____54____. But remember, dn’t always ____55____ yur eyes!
    41. A. clredB. crwdedC. dampD. wden
    42. A. fancyB. nvelC. realD. valuable
    43. A. carvedB. pressedC. paintedD. planted
    44. A. CreativelyB. MistakenlyC. FrequentlyD. Originally
    45. A. clselyB. easilyC. happilyD. hpefully
    46. A. cmfrtableB. cmplicatedC. grandD. harmnius
    47. A. allwedB. availableC. respnsibleD. intrduced
    48. A. designersB. fllwersC. custmersD. partners
    49. A. appearanceB. capacityC. cnvenienceD. privacy
    50. A. civilizedB. farawayC. naturalD. unexpected
    51. A. cmes frmB. brings abutC. ges againstD. leaves ut
    52. A. artistsB. buildingsC. paintsD. traditins
    53. A. acceptedB. discussedC. learnedD. seen
    54. A. changingB. aliveC. diverseD. unique
    55. A. believeB. blckC. widenD. cheat
    【答案】41. A 42. C 43. C 44. D 45. B 46. C 47. B 48. C 49. A 50. D 51. A 52. D 53. D 54. B 55. A
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:小小的彩色房屋面朝大海。阳光温暖着它们的美丽。A. clred有色的;B. crwded拥挤的;C. damp潮湿的;D. wden木质的。根据下文“Camgli’s fishermen painted their huses in bright clrs”可知,这些房屋是有颜色的。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是,仔细看,你会发现许多看似有价值的东西……但事实并非如此。A. fancy幻想的;B. nvel新颖的;C. real真实的;D. valuable有价值的。根据下文“This fishing village is full f trmpe l’eil — an art frm in which nthing is what it appears t be”可知,这个渔村充满了错视画,他是一种似乎什么都没有的艺术形式。因为是什么都没有,所以应该是看起来似乎是真实的,但是不是真实的。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为它们被涂在建筑物上!A. carved雕刻;B. pressed按压;C. painted绘画;D. planted种植。根据下文“Camgli's fishermen painted their huses in bright clrs”可知,这些花朵是画在屋子上的。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:最初,Camgli的渔民用鲜艳的色彩和不寻常的图案为房屋涂漆,以便他们可以从水中轻松地看到自己的房屋。A. Creatively创造性地;B. Mistakenly错误地;C. Frequently频繁地;D. Originally最初。根据前文“Trmpe l’eil has been arund fr centuries.”可知,错视画这种艺术形式已经存在几个世纪了,接下来介绍错视画的起源。故选D项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:最初,Camgli的渔民用鲜艳的色彩和不寻常的图案为房屋涂漆,以便他们可以从水中轻松地看到自己的房屋。A. clsely紧密地;B. easily容易地;C. happily愉快地;D. hpefully有希望地。根据常识可知,渔民将房屋涂上颜色是为了从水中轻松地看到自己的房屋。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后,在1700年代,它成为一种使小型,简单的建筑物看起来和谐且高价值的方法。A. cmfrtable舒适的;B. cmplicated复杂的;C. grand气派的;D. harmnius和谐的。根据后文“high-valued”可知,这样的艺术形式使得房屋看起来很气派、很高档。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在像卡莫利这样的村庄中,仍然有很多错综复杂的房屋,但只有少数艺术家可以粉刷它们。A. allwed合法的;B. available可用的;C. respnsible负责任;D. intrduced引进的。根据后文“Carl is ne f this ever-decreasing band f artists wh’s managed t make a business ut f it.”可知,能表达这种艺术的艺术家很少见。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的客户通常是想改善自己房屋外观的人。A. designers设计师;B. fllwers追随者;C. custmers客户;D. partners伙伴。根据上文“make a business ut f it”可知,他准备利用这种绘画能力做生意,表明找到他的人即他的客户。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的客户通常是想改善自己房屋外观的人。A. appearance外观;B. capacity容量;C. cnvenience便利;D. privacy私密。根据上文“Camgli's fishermen painted their huses in bright clrs and unusual designs”可知,这些渔民设计和绘画的是房屋的外表。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是对于Carl trmpe l’eil来说,其目的是将自然的东西带到一个新的地方,例如将城市带入大海,甚至将沙漠带入城市。A. civilized文明的;B. faraway遥远的;C. natural自然的;D. unexpected意外的。根据后文“ such as bringing the city t the sea r even the deserts t the cities”可知,这种艺术形式的目的是将意想不到的事务带到一个新的地方。故选D项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:卡洛斯绘画风格来自于过去。A. cmes frm来自;B. brings abut带来;C. ges against反对;D. leaves ut离开。根据后文“He nly uses ld-style paints and mixes them by hand.”可知,他使用的绘画风格源于老式的的绘画风格。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这样做的原因之一是:保护错视的传统。A. artists艺术家;B. buildings建筑;C. paints油漆;D. traditins传统。根据上文“Carl is ne f this ever-decreasing band f artists wh's managed t make a business ut f it.”可知,能表达这种艺术的艺术家越来越少了,意在表明他想保护这种艺术。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他还认为,这种艺术应该随处可见。A. accepted接受;B. discussed讨论;C. learned学习;D. seen看见。根据常识可知,艺术是让人观看的。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,在卡莫利,当地的艺术和文化依然活跃。A. changing变化的;B. alive活跃的;C. diverse多样化的;D. unique独特的。根据上文“There are still many trmpe l’eil huses in villages like Camgli”可知,当今这种艺术和文化依然广泛存在。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是请记住,不要总是相信自己的眼睛!A. believe相信;B. blck阻止;C. widen扩大;D. cheat作弊。根据上文“But, lk carefully and yu' ll see many things that seem they’re nt.”可知,你认为你看到的东西很宝贵,但其实事实并非如此,意在表明不要总是相信自己的眼睛。故选A项。
    The Zhngyng, “Dctrine f the Mean, ____56____ (be) a Cnfucian classic and part f the Fur Bks. It is actually ____57____ chapter f the ritual (礼仪) classic Liji, and ____58____ (take) ut frm this bk in the Sng perid. There are several pinins abut the authrship f the Zhngyng. It is ____59____ ( traditinal) attributed (认为是) t Zisi, a grandsn f Cnfucius. The text seems, ____60____ mdern authrs say, at least partially t have been cmpiled (编纂) during the Frmer Han perid.
    The cncept f “the mean” is a cre idea f Cnfucianism. The s-called “mean” by Cnfucius desn’t mean “cmprmise (折中)” ____61____ a “just-right” way when understanding and handling bjective things. This will result ____62____ harmny in actin, and eventually in a harmnius sciety. Pure harmny withut wandering frm the central tne, and ____63____ (stand) in the centre withut leaning twards ne side will keep all scial psitins stable.
    ____64____ (wise), kind-heartedness and curage are the three virtues f the mean way that will keep stable all scial relatins. Almst everything depends n the adequate behavir f each member f sciety. Anther imprtant aspect _____65_____ (treat) in the Zhngyng is sincerity. It is the rt f human behavir, and withut sincerity there is n man.
    【答案】56. is 57. a
    58. was taken
    59. traditinally
    60. as 61. but
    62. in 63. standing
    64. Wisdm 65. treated
    考查谓语动词。句意:《中庸》是儒家经典,是《四书》的一部分。分析句子结构可知,此处为谓语动词,本句是客观对《中庸》的简介,结合本段应用的是一般现在时态,所以此处应使用一般现在时态,且主语The Zhngyng为第三人称单数。故填is。
    考查谓语动词。句意:它实际上是礼典《礼记》中的一章,是在宋朝从这本书中取出来的。分析句子结构可知,此处为谓语动词,根据时间状语“in the Sng perid”可知动作发生在过去,而主语是It,即The Zhngyng,与take构成动宾关系,所以要用一般过去时态的被动语态。故填was taken。
    考查定语从句。句意:正如现代作者所说,这篇文章似乎至少部分是在前汉时期编撰的。分析句子结构可知,此处为关系词引导的非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少say的宾语,所以使用关系代词,结合句意,此处表示“正如”,所以应使用关系代词as ,as mdern authrs say意为“正如现代作家所说的”。故填as。
    考查介词。句意:这将导致行动的和谐,并最终形成一个和谐的社会。分析句子结构可知,此处为固定短语result in意为“造成,导致”符合句意。故填in。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:纯粹的和谐而不偏离中心音调,站在中心而不偏向一边,将保持所有社会地位的稳定。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词作主语,与“Pure harmny withut wandering frm the central tne”为并列主语,此处描述的是经常性动作,所以用stand动名词形式,结合句意,此处表示主动意义。故填standing。
    考查名词。句意:智慧、善良和勇气是中庸之道的三种美德,它们将使一切社会关系保持稳定。分析句子结构可知,此处为名词作主语,与 kind-heartedness and curage”是并列主语,所以要用wise的名词形式wisdm意为“智慧”,且为不可数名词。故填Wisdm。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:《中庸》的另一个重要方面是真诚。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词作定语,动词treat与所修饰的名词Anther imprtant aspect构成动宾关系,所以此处应使用过去分词形式。故填treated。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 假定你是中学生李华。美国一个中学校长代表团即将访问你校并出席英语周的一项活动。请根据写作要点和写作要求写一篇欢迎词。
    Dear American guests,
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Dear American Guest,
    On behalf f ur schl, I wuld like t express ur warm welcme t yu. We are lucky t have yu here in the middle f ur English Week Activities.
    As scheduled, we have English Talent Shw tday. The purpse f this prgram is t develp ur interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and speaking. The prgramme cnsists f the fllwing activities: recitatin, singing, wrd spelling, stry telling and s n. The Shw will begin at tw 'clck this afternn at the Student Centre. Dear guests, yu are welcme t take part in sme activities. I hpe we students will benefit frm yur presence.
    I sincerely wish yu a pleasant time with us. Thank yu.
    【详解】本文是篇材料作文,材料非常简单,学生很容易把握写作要求和写作目的。考生在写作之前必修认真审题,首先要注意文章的时态,要求是对美国代表团的欢迎词,所以要用一般现在时。考生成文时应注意:1. 结构上:采用三段成文,第一段欢迎美国朋友的到来;第二段介绍英语周的活动;第三段表达愿望:希望获准。2. 时态:以一般现在时为主;3. 人称:第一人称;4. 注意恰当使用一些连词,使文章自然、流畅。5. 适当使用一些高级句型和词汇以提高作文档次。
    【点睛】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如n behalf f,As scheduled, cnsist f, benefit frm等等;还运用了不定式t have作状语,t develp作表语等,动名词listening等作宾语,hpe后宾语从句等等。
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The park bench was deserted as I sat dwn t read beneath a willw tree. It must be as sick, fr the branches were kind f yellw and dry. I was a deserted girl. Endless quarrels with my parents had left me nwhere t g but this deslate (荒无人烟的) crner f the park. As I sat n the bench, things that happened recently began t flash thrugh. Days seemed mnths t me recently. N czy hme t stay. N happy memries abut my life. N cnsiderate family members t talk t. Even the bk I was reading was n fun. Nt cntent with life, I had a gd reasn t frwn, fr the wrld was intended t drag me dwn.
    And if that were nt enugh t ruin my day, a yung by ut f breath apprached me, all tired frm play. He std right in frnt f me with his head tilted (倾斜) dwn and said with great excitement, “Lk what I fund!” In his hand was a flwer. What a pitiful sight, its petals (花瓣) were all wrn—nt enugh rain, r t little light. He must have picked the flwer frm smewhere shady and sunless, just like where I was staying these days. I culdn’t help being self-pitying. Wanting him t take his dead flwer away and g ff t play, I faked a smile and then lked away. “Why culdn’t everyne just leave me be!” I thught t myself, upset and glmy.
    But instead f leaving, he sat next t me and placed the flwer t his nse and declared ludly with certainty, “It sure smells pretty and it must be beautiful, t. That’s why I picked it; here, it is fr yu.” The “weed” befre me was dying r dead, nt vibrant with clrs, range, yellw r red—anyne having eyes can see that clearly! But I knew I must take it, r he might never leave. S I reached fr the flwer, and replied, “Just what I need.” Strangely, instead f placing the flwer in my hand, he held it in mid-air withut any reasn r plan.
    1. 续写词数应150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Casting a curius glance at the by’s eyes, I was hugely shcked.
    “I had t make a change,” I thught t myself.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Casting a curius glance at the by’s eyes, I was hugely shcked. In the pure and sunny face were just a pair f eyes, smewhat hllw and fcusless. “He was blind!” I felt myself chked as if there were a lump in my thrat. With watery eyes, I tk the flwer frm his hand carefully and praised it as the very best ne. “Have a nice day!” the by smiled bradly and then ran ff briskly befre I had time t cnvey the slightest appreciatin. I sat there and wndered hw a blind little by managed t see a self-pitying girl under a sick willw tree and hw he even knew clearly f my dreadful despair.
    “I had t make a change,” I thught t myself. Fr all f thse times I myself had been blind twards the wrld arund me. Smehw, thrugh the eyes f the blind by, at last I culd see my real prblem. I prmised t step ut f the shady crner, pen my eyes t the beauty f the wrld. Hlding the wilted flwer up t my nse, I tk a deep sniff. A wave f faint fragrance lingering in my heart, I culdn’t help smiling just as the by had dne. Never did he knw that his weed-like flwer brught the first glimmer f sunshine t a girl’s deserted wrld.
    【详解】1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:震惊——内心感受——做法——想做出改变——意识到问题——启示
    3. 词汇激活
    ①拿:take/take hld f/reach fr
    ③跑开:run ff/run away/leave
    ⑤想知道:wnder/think abut/ask neself
    ⑥闻,嗅:take a deep sniff/sniff deeply
    【点睛】[高分句型1] I felt myself chked as if there were a lump in my thrat. (as if引导方式状语从句)
    [高分句型2] “Have a nice day!” the by smiled bradly and then ran ff briskly befre I had time t cnvey the slightest appreciatin. (befre引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型3] I sat there and wndered hw a blind little by managed t see a self-pitying girl under a sick willw tree and hw he even knew clearly f my dreadful despair. (两个hw分别引导宾语从句)
    [高分句型4] Never did he knw that his weed-like flwer brught the first glimmer f sunshine t a girl’s deserted wrld. (Never置于句首引起部分倒装、that引导宾语从句)

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