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    Sea Turtle Camp
    Cme change the wrld and becme part f the glbal cnservatin effrt in Sea Turtle Camp.We wrk alngside devted envirnmentalists t cllect data n endangered sea turtle species that frequent the Caribbean castline.Whether yu already lve the cean r care deeply abut sea turtles,this adventure is fr yu!
    SOCAPA Acting Summer Camp
    Engage yurself in the wrld f acting this summer at SOCAPA Acting Camp.In class,students wrk with master actrs t learn hw t act.When wrking with SOCAPA's filmmaking students t make their shrt films,SOCAPA's acting students have the pprtunity t put their acting techniques t wrk by playing new characters.
    Smky Muntain Adventure Camp
    Lcated in the fthills f Eastern Tennessee,Smky Muntain Adventure Camp uses the surrunding envirnment t prvide exciting camp experiences t children f all ages.Adventures include:Back Cuntry Hikes,Rck Climbing,Hrseback Riding,and mre.
    Cllege Prep Bt Camp
    This camp is a ne-week residential camp designed t give campers 14-17 a lk int what cllege life is.Held at Williams Cllege,it will prepare yu t make yur cllege life easier.Yu will learn hw t think mre lgically and cmmunicate mre effectively.Yu will als have time fr utdr activities.Mst imprtantly we will put all f these skills and experiences tgether int yu!
    1.Which camp will attract students wh are interested in wildlife prtectin? ______
    A. Sea Turtle Camp.B. Cllege Prep Bt Camp.
    C. SOCAPA Acting Summer Camp.D. Smky Muntain Adventure Camp.
    2.What will campers d at SOCAPA Acting Summer Camp? ______
    A. Make films with master actrs.
    B. Imagine living in the wrld f acting.
    C. Learn and practice their acting skills.
    D. Learn hw t act as a cllege student.
    3.What d Smky Muntain Adventure Camp and Cllege Prep Bt Camp have in cmmn? ______
    A. Campers live in a cllege.
    B. There is n age limit fr campers.
    C. Bth rganize utdr activities.
    D. Bth fcus n hw t be a successful student.
    We were standing at the tp f a church twer.I saw twisting streets leading t the square. "See,my dear," Father said gently. "There is mre than ne way t the square."
    Father's wrds always guided me.Dreaming f becming a fashin designer,I came t Paris,but withut luck.Then ne day I met a friend wearing a beautiful sweater. "What an interesting stitch!" I cried. "It was dne by Mrs.Vidian," my friend explained. "She learned the stitch in Armenia,her native cuntry." Suddenly I had a daring idea.Why nt design,make and sell my wn clthes?
    I drew a butterfly pattern and asked Mrs.Vidian t knit it int a sweater.It prved a success.A New Yrk stre wanted 40 sweaters t be ready in tw weeks.I accepted the rder.My happiness disappeared,hwever,when Mrs.Vidian tld me it tk her almst a week t knit ne sweater.
    I was crushed.Then I remembered father's wrds.There must be ther Armenian wmen in Paris wh mastered the special stitch.Then I searched fr any Armenians living in Paris.At last I tracked dwn several.Tw weeks later, the first shipment was n its way t the United States!
    Frm that day n rders pured in.Then came anther test.As I was busy getting ready t shw my winter fashins,the sewing girls were called ut n strike.Where was the way ut this time?I wndered and wrried.Then it dawned n me.
    I wrked hurriedly.And right n time,my shw tk place.Sme cats had n sleeves;sme were nly patters made f heavy cttn clth,but n these I attached material t shw what clrs and textures the clthes wuld have when they were finished.What a shw!Once again father's wrds helped me.
    4.What prblem did the writer face after accepting the rder? ______
    A. It was impssible fr Vidian t meet the deadline.
    B. The sewing girls were called ut n strike.
    C. She fund it hard t track Armenians living in Paris.
    D. There was a shrtage f suitable clth.
    5.What d the underlined wrds "the first shipment" refer t in Paragraph 4? ______
    A. Raw materials.B. Mre rders.
    C. The frty sweaters.D. The special stitch.
    6.Hw did the writer deal with the shw prblem? ______
    A. She put ff the shw.
    B. She shwed the clthes unfinished.
    C. She emplyed mre sewing girls.
    D. She cmpleted the clthes in a hurry.
    7.Which f the fllwing might the writer agree with? ______
    A. Practice makes perfect.B. Like father,like sn.
    C. Easier said than dne.D. All rads lead t Rme.
    When a tiny glass frg sleeps,its bdy becmes s transparent that it almst cannt be seen.The frg's glass-clear skin makes n shadws.Even the red bld disappears.It's an unusual trick—mst see-thrugh animals live in water all the time,which dn't prduce red bld cells.
    But when the frgs are active,bld begins t flw again,frming a pattern f bright red that can be seen.S,scientists set ut t discver what happens t all that bld.
    In a new study,researchers fund ut hw,while sleeping,a glass frg sends mst f the red bld cells t its liver(肝脏).In the prcess,the liver grws in size by abut 40% t accmmdate the extra cells.Like its heart and sme ther rgans,the frg's liver is cvered in a mirrred part,which reflects lights,that helps the frg hide itself frm enemies.
    "If these frgs are awake,stressed r under anesthesia(麻醉),their bld systems are full f red bld cells,and they are nt transparent," explains an expert. "The nly way t study transparency is when these animals are happily asleep,which is difficult t achieve in a research lab."
    Luckily,there is an imaging technlgy which can check red bld cells withut breaking the skin f frgs.The team used this technique n frgs while they were sleeping.They fund the animals mved a shcking 89% f their red bld cells t their livers while sleeping.
    Hw exactly these frgs can pack their red bld cells tgether withut getting bld clts (血栓) remains a mystery.Mst ther animals' bld becmes very thick if the cells bump int each ther,which can help cure a wund r—in a wrse situatin—stp bld frm flwing t imprtant areas.Understanding mre abut hw the frgs stay healthy while jam-packing their livers with red bld cells culd help advance bld clt research in humans.
    8.Why are the glass frgs unusual? ______
    A. They are very tiny.
    B. They can be nearly invisible.
    C. They live in the water all the time.
    D. They dn't prduce red bld cells.
    9.What happens t its liver when a glass frg is sleeping? ______
    A. It takes in lights.B. It expands in size.
    C. It gets bld clts.D. It functins like a heart.
    10.What trubled the researchers when experimenting? ______
    A. T stp bld frm flwing.
    B. T check the red bld cells.
    C. T measure the frgs' mvement.
    D. T put the frgs t a prper state fr study.
    11.What can be learned frm the last paragraph? ______
    A. Bld clts cause many deaths fr humans.
    B. Scientists have learned the secret f glass frgs.
    C. Further study will prbably be made n glass frgs.
    D. Packing red bld cells tgether is harmful t animals.
    Mm and dad are tw f the first wrds we learn.But exactly hw ld are they?And just why d we call ur parents by them?
    Accrding t Carrie Gilln,a linguist(语言学家),the exact wrd f "mm" is actually fairly "recent".The first dcumented use f it dates back t just 1867.Befre that,we'd say "mmmy"(dating frm 1844),r,if yu g further back, "mamma"(first used in the 1570s),and even further, "mama"(4500 ).
    Gilln explains that "mamma" is a "reduplicatin"(r a repeated sund) frm Ind-Eurpean,a rt language fr English,Greek,and mre.That's why the cmmn rigins f "Mm" can be fund in languages,bth ancient and mdern,thrughut Eurpe,the Middle East,and beynd.
    While the first knwn use f "dad" is abut 1500 ,Gilln says it is likely much lder.Again,there are frms in lts f Ind-Eurpean languages,such as the Greek ("tata"),Irish ("daid"),and Welsh ("tad"). "There may be ther wrds fr 'dad' that I dn't knw in these languages," Gilln emphasizes. "And it's really unclear hw universal dad is,r hw far back it ges."
    These wrds are thught t grw ut f the fact that babies tend t make similar sunds as they begin t speak-usually using sfter cnsnants(辅音)prduced by the lips,such as B.P and M,making wrds like "baba," "papa," and "mama" early " prtwrds," which develped int the wrds we used tday.
    Linguist Rman Jakbsn has stated that babies make the sunds fr "mama" as a "slight nasal(鼻音)murmur" naturally while breastfeeding,which might explain why there is such similarity even between cuntries and cultures with little else in cmmn.
    12.Which wrd has the lngest histry f use? ______
    A. Mm.B. Mmmy.C. Mamma.D. Mama.
    13.What des the underlined wrd "prtwrds" in Paragraph 5 prbably mean? ______
    A. Rt wrds.B. New wrds.C. Brrwed wrds.D. Official wrds.
    14.Why d the wrds fr "mm" sund similar acrss cultures? ______
    A. Because they are universal language
    B. Because babies tend t make such sunds naturally.
    C. Because they're reduplicatins frm Ind-Eurpean.
    D. Because they are taught t babies in the same way.
    15.What can be a best title fr the text? ______
    A. Hw Did "Mm" and "Dad" Becme Ppular??
    B. Why D We Call Our Parents "Mm" and "Dad?"
    C. What Is Cnveyed in the Wrds "Mm" and "Dad?"
    D. Hw D Babies Learn the Sunds f "Mm" and "Dad?"
    ChatGPT,develped by Open AI,an AI cmpany,is a chatbt knwn fr its ability t quickly and clearly answer questins and prvide detailed infrmatin in a cnversatinal way. (1) ______ Nw peple are starting t use it as a therapist (治疗师) in mental health care.
    Cmpared with human therapist,ChatGPT has many advantages.Fr patients,human therapists might judge them r treat them differently while an AI therapist wn't.Besides,a human therapist can nly speak t ne persn at a time and the average therapy fees are high. (2) ______ It prvides a timely respnse t help patients mve frward with their prblems.
    ( 3) ______ As it isn't designed t be a therapist,there are risks in getting suggestins frm an AI rbt wh didn't g t medical schl.What's mre,the face-t-face cmmunicatin is a huge part f what makes therapy effective.AI-based therapists can't ntice facial expressins,nr are they able t prvide the same level f emtinal supprt as a human can. (4) ______ After yu share infrmatin with an AI therapist,where des it g?Culd it be stred in public databases,and then be used r shared by thers?
    It's still early days fr AI related t mental health.In the future,it is likely that AI-based tls will be able t prvide mre persnalized suggestins fr individuals suffering frm varius mental health prblems.But even if technlgy gets there,AI shuld nly play a supprting rle. (5) ______
    A.Privacy issues are anther cncern.
    B.But ChatGPT is available anytime and anywhere,fr free.
    C.It can nt be a replacement fr talking t a human prfessinal.
    D.At the same time,there are disadvantages in ChatGPT's stability.
    E.Thirdly,human therapists can tell a patient's psychlgical state better.
    F.It has gained massive ppularity and widespread usage since its launch.
    G.Hwever,sme experts warn that Al therapists may have sme limitatins.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    Here's what happens when ne mm is determined t make every child feel sme birthday jy.In 2008,pregnant Paige was lking fr (1) ______ fr her future daughter's birthday party in a magazine.Her excitement (2) ______ ,hwever,as she saw a pht f pr Haitian children.The (3) ______ stayed with her,and she reslved t d smething.Fr the next fur years,Paige visited shelters husing (4) ______ kids t determine hw best t pull ff the parties.
    ( 5) ______ ,in January 2012,Paige launched the Birthday Party Prject,with the gal f making a (6) ______ t the hmeless children.On their first party,they (7) ______ the birthdays f 11 children,with 60 mre hmeless kids (8) ______ the party.Paige recalled, "That first party (9) ______ better than I had imagined." Since then Paige has been celebrating the lives f cuntless children acrss the cuntry,while (10) ______ with lcal shelters.Paige's favrite part f each party is when the kids make a wish and blw ut the candles. "They rarely get a chance t (11) ______ big,and we are making sure that they feel a sense f (12) ______ ," says Paige, "after all,every child (13) ______ a birthday party."
    Influenced by Paige,her daughter,nw seven,ften (14) ______ at the parties.Paige says, "The ne thing I've always wanted is fr my kid t be (15) ______ ."
    21.A. exhibitinB. reasnC. inspiratinD. fund
    22.A. grewB. fadedC. arseD. stayed
    23.A. imageB. excitementC. jyD. children
    24.A. injuredB. disabledC. hpelessD. hmeless
    25.A. NrmallyB. FinallyC. GenerallyD. Directly
    26.A. decisinB. differenceC. chiceD. request
    27.A. preparedB. rememberedC. celebratedD. described
    28.A. hstingB. missingC. rganizingD. attending
    29.A. turned utB. ran utC. brke utD. gt ut
    30.A. cmpetingB. agreeingC. arguingD. wrking
    31.A. makeB. dreamC. talkD. win
    32.A. dutyB. happinessC. achievementD. directin
    33.A. wnsB. experiencesC. deservesD. thrws
    34.A. helps utB. dresses upC. shws ffD. runs abut
    35.A. generusB. braveC. inncentD. creative
    My jurney began in Linhai Cunty,a city in Zhejiang Prvince with mre than 2000 years f histry.As I arrived,I (1) ______ (attract) by the splendid city wall that verlked the city,with clean,clear funtains (2) ______ (flw) thrughut.
    Wandering thrugh the ancient streets in Linhai,I was amazed at the ld buildings n bth (3) ______ (side).The simple but elegant design f the buildings reminded me (4) ______ the past era.As I explred further,I discvered a unique and charming lake.Artificial hills lay in the middle f the lake,dtted with water lilies and swimming fish.
    Thrughut my visit,I was particularly fnd f the lcal fd,( 5) ______ was nt nly delicius but als surprisingly affrdable.I(6) ______ (enjy) a tasty lunch f dumplings filled with tender bamb shts and meat.The quality f the fd cmbined with (7) ______ (it) reasnable price made the meal a delight.
    My time in Linhai Cunty left (8) ______ unfrgettable mark n my memry.This beautiful city (9) ______ ( true) captured my heart.Frm the splendid city wall t the delicius fd,Linhai Cunty is a place where the past and present cexist harmniusly.It's very likely fr me (10) ______ (return) smeday as I'm eager t uncver mre f its secrets.
    Dear fellw students,
    Jane was a busy mm.One cld winter day,after her husband left fr wrk,she decided t spare sme time t g shpping.She drve t a stre,with her sn,a little baby,sitting beside her.
    On parking her car,she tk her little sn and rushed int the stre.When picking grceries,she fund her sn quite wanted t have a sleep.She decided t quicken her speed f shpping and then return t her car t put her sn n the cmfrtable car seat s he culd easily fall asleep.
    S she quickly finished selecting grceries.Then she carried them and her baby and rushed twards her car.When she stepped frward t pen the car dr,she was shcked t find that her keys were gne.After minutes f checking arund,she realized she had lcked them inside the car with her bag.
    She wasn't sure what t d.S she carried her sn and went back inside the stre.She had t use their phne t call her husband fr the spare key because her phne was in the bag she had left in the car.After many calls with n answer,she was getting very anxius.Her sn was tired.But unable t fall asleep,he gt very impatient and nervus.Jane herself was tired frm last night's sleepless night.
    Nw lking at her impatient baby,Jane felt sad.Suddenly,her baby burst ut crying,and she felt tears cming dwn her face,t.Just then,an emplyee at the stre tapped Jane n the shulder and asked her t cme with her,Jane was embarrassed,thinking she was ging t be blamed by this emplyee.The emplyee tk her,t her surprise,t the cafe inside the stre.Then,she asked Jane kindly if she'd like a cup f cffee.
    Still surprised,Jane ndded.______
    When she gt back hme,Jane decided t d smething t thank the emplyee._______
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Sea Turtle Camp下面的Cme change the wrld and becme part f the glbal cnservatin effrt in Sea Turtle Camp.(来改变世界,成为海龟营全球保护工作的一部分吧。)可知,海龟营可以吸引对野生动物保护感兴趣的同学。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据SOCAPA Acting Summer Camp下面"In class,students wrk with master actrs t learn hw t act.When wrking with SOCAPA's filmmaking students t make their shrt films,SOCAPA's acting students have the pprtunity t put their acting techniques t wrk by playing new characters.(在课堂上,学生们与大师级演员一起合作,以学习如何表演。当与SOCAPA电影制作专业的学生合作制作短片时,SOCAPA的表演学生有机会通过扮演新角色来运用他们的表演技巧。)可知,SOCAPA表演夏令营中,营员们可以学习和实践自己的表演技巧。故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据Smky Muntain Adventure Camp下面的Adventures include:Back Cuntry Hikes,Rck Climbing,Hrseback Riding,and mre.(冒险活动包括:越野远足、攀岩、骑马等等。)可推知,大烟山探险营所安排的活动都是户外活动。根据Cllege Prep Bt Camp下面的Yu will als have time fr utdr activities.(你也将有时间进行户外活动。)可知,大学预科训练营安排了户外活动。由此可知,二者的共同之处是均安排了户外活动。A.Campers live in a cllege.露营者住在一所大学里;B.There is n age limit fr campers.露营者没有年龄限制;C.Bth rganize utdr activities.两者都组织户外活动;D.Bth fcus n hw t be a successful student.两者都关注如何成为一名成功的学生。故选C。
    这篇短文主要介绍了四个夏令营活动。第一个是Sea Turtle Camp,参与者将与环保人士一起收集有关濒危海龟物种的数据。第二个是SOCAPA Acting Summer Camp,学生将与专业演员一起学习表演,并有机会在短片中扮演新角色。第三个是Smky Muntain Adventure Camp,位于田纳西州山脚下,提供各种刺激的户外活动给孩子们参与。最后一个是Cllege Prep Bt Camp,为14-17岁的营员提供一周的住宿营地,帮助他们了解大学生活,并提升思维和沟通能力。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第三段中的My happiness disappeared,hwever,when Mrs.Vidian tld me it tk her almst a week t knit ne sweater.(然而,当Vidian太太告诉我,她织一件毛衣几乎要花一个星期的时间时,我的快乐消失了)可知,作者在接受订单后,Vidian不可能在最后期限前完成任务。故选A。
    (2)词义指代题。根据第三段中的A New Yrk stre wanted 40 sweaters t be ready in tw weeks.I accepted the rder.(一家纽约商店希望在两周内准备好40件毛衣。我接受了订单)"以及第四段中的Then I searched fr any Armenians living in Paris.At last I tracked dwn several.(然后我找了住在巴黎的亚美尼亚人,终于找到了几个。)可知,作者找了几个住在巴黎的亚美尼亚人来完成这四十件毛衣。故划线词指的是"四十件毛衣"。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据最后一段中的Sme cats had n sleeves;sme were nly patters made f heavy cttn clth,but n these I attached material t shw what clrs and textures the clthes wuld have when they were finished.(有些外套没有袖子;有些只是用厚棉布做成的图案,但我在这些图案上附上了布料,以显示衣服完成后的颜色和质地)可知,作者通过展示了未完成的衣服处理展示问题。故选B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据第一段We were standing at the tp f a church twer.I saw twisting streets leading t the square. "See,my dear," Father said gently. "There is mre than ne way t the square."(我们站在教堂的塔顶上。我看到蜿蜒曲折的街道通向广场。"看,亲爱的,"父亲温柔地说。"通往广场的路不止一条。")结合全文内容,本文主要讲述了父亲说过的"通往广场的路不止一条"的话一直在指引着作者,帮助作者度过一次次难关。可推知,作者认同"条条大路通罗马"。A.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧;B.Like father,like sn.有其父必有其子;C.Easier said than dne.说起来容易做起来难;D.All rads lead t Rme.条条大路通罗马。故选D。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第一段中的When a tiny glass frg sleeps,its bdy becmes s transparent that it almst cannt be seen.(当一只小小的玻璃蛙睡觉时,它的身体变得非常透明,几乎看不见)可知,玻璃蛙的不同寻常之处在于它们可以变得近乎看不见。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段中的In a new study,researchers fund ut hw,while sleeping,a glass frg sends mst f the red bld cells t its liver(肝脏).In the prcess,the liver grws in size by abut 40% t accmmdate the extra cells.(在一项新的研究中,研究人员发现了玻璃蛙在睡觉时是如何将大部分红细胞输送到肝脏的。在这个过程中,肝脏的大小增长了约40%,以容纳额外的细胞)可知,玻璃蛙睡觉时,它的肝脏会变大。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第四段中的The nly way t study transparency is when these animals are happily asleep,which is difficult t achieve in a research lab.(研究透明度的唯一方法是在这些动物快乐地睡觉时,而这在研究实验室很难实现)可知,只能在玻璃蛙睡觉时才能研究透明度,但很难在实验室里让玻璃蛙睡觉。由此可推测出,在实验过程中困扰着研究人员的是将玻璃蛙置于研究的合适状态。故选D。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Understanding mre abut hw the frgs stay healthy while jam-packing their livers with red bld cells culd help advance bld clt research in humans.(更多地了解青蛙如何在将红细胞挤满肝脏的同时保持健康,有助于推进人类的血栓研究)可知,了解玻璃蛙肝脏的工作原理有助于推进人类的血栓研究。由此可推测出,有可能会对玻璃蛙进行进一步的研究。A.Bld clts cause many deaths fr humans.血凝块导致许多人类死亡;B.Scientists have learned the secret f glass frgs.科学家已经知道了玻璃青蛙的秘密;C.Further study will prbably be made n glass frgs.可能会对玻璃蛙做进一步的研究;D.Packing red bld cells tgether is harmful t animals.将红细胞聚集在一起对动物有害。故选C。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段The first dcumented use f it dates back t just 1867.Befre that,we'd say "mmmy"(dating frm 1844),r,if yu g further back, "mamma"(first used in the 1570s),and even further, "mama"(4500 ).(第一次有记载的使用可以追溯到1867年。在那之前,我们会说"mmmy"(1844年),或者,如果你再往前说,"mamma"(1570年代首次使用),再往前说,"mama"(公元前4500年)。)可知,拥有最长历史的是单词"mama"。故选D。
    (2)词义猜测题题。根据第五段中的These wrds are thught t grw ut f the fact that babies tend t make similar sunds as they begin t speak-usually using sfter cnsnants(辅音)prduced by the lips,such as B.P and M,making wrds like "baba," "papa," and "mama"(这些词被认为是由于婴儿在开始说话时倾向于发出类似的声音——通常使用嘴唇发出的柔和辅音,如B.P和M,形成"baba"、"papa"和"mama")可知,这些词是最原始、最基础的发音。A.Rt wrds 根词;B.New wrds 新词汇;C.Brrwed wrds 借来的词;D.Official wrds 官方语言。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据最后一段Linguist Rman Jakbsn has stated that babies make the sunds fr "mama" as a "slight nasal(鼻音)murmur" naturally while breastfeeding,which might explain why there is such similarity even between cuntries and cultures with little else in cmmn.(语言学家Rman Jakbsn表示,婴儿在母乳喂养时自然会发出"妈妈"的声音,这可能解释了为什么即使在国家和文化之间也有如此相似之处,而其他几乎没有共同之处。)可知,语言学家认为不同文化中的"mama"发音非常相似是因为这个音是婴儿在哺乳时自然发出的声音。故选B。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据第一段Mm and dad are tw f the first wrds we learn.But exactly hw ld are they?And just why d we call ur parents by them?( Mm和Dad是我们最先学会的两个单词。但它们到底有多久远?为什么我们要用它们来称呼父母呢?)以及全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了我们为什么用"Mm"和"Dad"来称呼自己的父母。B项"为什么我们叫父母"妈妈"和"爸爸"最能概括本文内容"。故选B。
    【解析】 (1)推理判断题。根据空前的 ChatGPT,develped by Open AI,an AI cmpany,is a chatbt knwn fr its ability t quickly and clearly answer questins and prvide detailed infrmatin in a cnversatinal way.(ChatGPT是由人工智能公司Open AI开发的聊天机器人,以其快速清晰地回答问题并以对话方式提供详细信息的能力而闻名。)可知,此处简要介绍ChatGPT的基本情况,根据空后的Nw peple are starting t use it as a therapist (治疗师) in mental health care.(现在人们开始用它作为心理健康护理的治疗师。)可知,此处开始介绍ChatGPT当作心理健康治疗师。由此可知,此空应引出本文讲述的话题,介绍ChatGPT自发布以来很受欢迎,widespread usage引出空后的"作为心理健康治疗师"。F选项"自发布以来,它获得了巨大的人气和广泛的使用。"符合语境。故选F。
    (2)推理判断题。根据空前的Besides,a human therapist can nly speak t ne persn at a time and the average therapy fees are high.(此外,一个人类治疗师一次只能和一个人说话,而且平均治疗费用很高。)可知,人类心理治疗师每次只能一对一进行治疗,且费用很高。根据空后的It prvides a timely respnse t help patients mve frward with their prblems.(它提供了一个及时的反应,帮助病人解决他们的问题。)可知,ChatGPT可以提供及时的回应,选项中的But为解题关键词,ChatGPT可以随时随地免费使用,与空前内容为转折关系,且与空后内容吻合。B选项"但是ChatGPT可以随时随地免费使用。"符合语境。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据空后的As it isn't designed t be a therapist,there are risks in getting suggestins frm an AI rbt wh didn't g t medical schl.(因为它不是为治疗师设计的,所以从一个没有上过医学院的人工智能机器人那里得到建议是有风险的。)可知,把ChatGPT作为心理治疗室,听取其建议是有风险的,所以该段讲述的是ChatGPT作为治疗师存在的问题,选项中的Hwever可知,此处与上文的内容为转折关系,引出本文的主题,AI心理治疗师存在局限性,与空后内容吻合,且概括了本段的主题。G选项"然而,一些专家警告说,人工智能治疗师可能有一些局限性。"符合语境。故选G。
    (4)细节理解题。本段讲述的是ChatGPT作为心理治疗师存在的局限性,根据空后的After yu share infrmatin with an AI therapist,where des it g?Culd it be stred in public databases,and then be used r shared by thers?(在你与人工智能治疗师分享信息后,信息去了哪里?它是否可以存储在公共数据库中,然后被其他人使用或共享?)可知,与AI治疗师分享的信息会被存在公共数据库中,这意味着个人的信息可能被他人使用和分享,讲述的内容与空后的内容吻合,且符合本段的主题。A选项"隐私问题是另一个令人担忧的问题。"符合语境。故选A。
    (5)细节理解题。此空处是对本段的概括总结,根据空前的But even if technlgy gets there,AI shuld nly play a supprting rle. (但即使技术实现了这一目标,人工智能也只能扮演辅助角色。)可知,AI只能充当一个辅助的角色,讲述的是ChatGPT不会取代专业人士的交谈,与空前内容吻合,且对ChatGPT的功能做出明确的定位,C选项"它不能代替与人类专业人士交谈。"符合语境。故选C。
    【解析】(1)考查名词及语境理解。A.exhibitin展览(会);B.reasn理由;C.inspiratin灵感,启发;D.fund基金。句意:2008年,怀孕的Paige在一本杂志上为她未来女儿的生日派对寻找灵感。根据空后的"fr her future daughter's birthday party"可知,这里是说为自己即将出生的女儿寻找生日派对灵感。故选C。
    (2)考查动词及语境理解。A.grew 扩大,增加;B.faded(使)变淡,逐渐消逝;C.arse(尤指问题或困境)产生,出现;D.stayed停留,保持。句意:然而,当她看到一张贫穷的海地儿童的照片时,她的兴奋情绪逐渐消退。根据句中的"she saw a pht f pr Haitian children"可知,看到海地的贫困儿童的照片让她的兴奋情绪逐渐消退。故选B。
    (3)考查名词及语境理解。A.image图像;B.excitement兴奋;C.jy开心;D.children孩子们。句意:这个图像一直伴随着她,她决定做点什么。根据上文中的"a pht f pr Haitian children"可知,这里是说那张照片。故选A。
    (4)考查形容词及语境理解。A.injured受伤的;B.disabled残疾的;C.hpeless无望的;D.hmeless无家可归的。句意:在接下来的四年里,Paige参观了收容无家可归儿童的收容所,以确定如何最好地举办派对。根据下文中"the hmeless children""hmeless kids"可知,这里是hmeless的原词复现。故选D。
    (5)考查副词及语境理解。A.Nrmally通常,正常情况下;B.Finally最终;C.Generally一般地,通常;D.Directly直接地。句意:最终,在2012年1月,Paige发起了"生日派对项目",目的是对无家可归的孩子们产生影响。根据上文中的"Fr the next fur years"和空后的"in January 2012"可知,历经四年,Paige终于在2012年发起了这个项目。故选B。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.decisin决定;B.difference差异,不同;C.chice选择;D.request要求。句意:最终,在2012年1月,Paige发起了"生日派对项目",目的是对无家可归的孩子们产生影响。根据下文中的"we are making sure that they feel a sense f(12)"可知,这个项目的目的是对无家可归的孩子们产生影响。make a difference意为"产生影响,有作用"。故选B。
    (7)考查动词及语境理解。A.prepared准备;B.remembered记得;C.celebrated庆祝;D.described描述。句意:在他们的第一场派对上,他们庆祝了11个孩子的生日,还有60个无家可归的孩子参加了派对。根据空后的"birthdays f 11 children"可知,这里是说庆祝11个孩子的生日。故选C。
    (8)考查动词及语境理解。A.hsting主办,主持;B.missing错过,想念;C.rganizing组织;D.attending出席,参加。句意:在他们的第一场派对上,他们庆祝了11个孩子的生日,还有60个无家可归的孩子参加了派对。根据空后的"the party"可知,这里是说参加派对。故选D。
    (9)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.turned ut结果是,证明是;B.ran ut用完,耗尽;C.brke ut爆发;D.gt ut出去。句意:第一次派对的结果比我想象的要好。根据空后的"better than I had imagined"可知,这里是说结果这次派对比她想象的要好。故选A。
    (10)考查动词及语境理解。A.cmpeting竞争;B.agreeing同意;C.arguing争论;D.wrking工作。句意:从那以后,Paige一直在庆祝全国无数儿童的生命,同时与当地收容所合作。根据上文中的"Paige visited shelters",Paige参观了那些收容所,这里是说她与当地收容所合作。wrk with意为"和……合作"。故选D。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.make制造;B.dream梦想;C.talk谈论;D.win赢得。句意:Paige说:"他们很少有机会有远大的梦想,我们正在确保他们感到幸福,毕竟,每个孩子都应该得到一个生日派对。"根据上文中的"when the kids make a wish and blw ut the candles"可知,这些派对让这些孩子可以许愿并吹蜡烛,而他们平时很少有机会许下远大的梦想。故选B。
    (12)考查名词及语境理解。A.duty职责;B.happiness幸福;C.achievement成就;D.directin方向。句意:Paige说:"他们很少有机会有远大的梦想,我们正在确保他们感到幸福,毕竟,每个孩子都应该得到一个生日派对。"根据空前的"they feel a sense f"并结合上文可知,Paige为无家可归的孩子庆祝生日,她想让这些孩子们感受到幸福。a sense f happiness意为"幸福感"。故选B。
    (14)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.helps ut帮助;B.dresses up装扮;C.shws ff炫耀;D.runs abut到处乱跑。句意:受Paige的影响,她现已七岁的女儿经常在派对上帮忙。根据句中的"Influenced by Paige"可知,女儿受Paige的影响,也开始在这些派对上帮忙。故选A。
    (15)考查形容词及语境理解。A.generus慷慨的;B.brave勇敢的;C.inncent无辜的;D.creative创造性的。句意:我一直想要的就是让我的孩子慷慨大方。根据上句"Influenced by Paige,her daughter,nw seven,ften(14)at the parties."可知,女儿在Paige的影响下也开始在派对上帮忙,而Paige对女儿的希望就是她能够成为一个慷慨的人。故选A。
    36.【答案】【小题1】was attracted
    【小题10】t return
    【解析】(1)考查动词时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:当我到达时,我被俯瞰城市的壮丽城墙吸引,那里自始至终都流淌着干净清澈的喷泉。分析可知,所填词为句子谓语动词,结合时间状语从句as I arrived可知,句子是在叙述过去的事情,应用一般过去时,主语I和动词attract之间是动宾关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语为I,be动词应用was。故填was attracted。
    (4)考查介词。句意:这些建筑简洁而优雅的设计让我想起了过去的时代。remind sb.f sth."使某人想起某事",为固定搭配。故填f。
    (5)考查定语从句关系词。句意:在整个参观过程中,我特别喜欢当地的食物,这些食物不仅美味,而且价格实惠。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为the lcal fd,指物,关系词在从句中作主语,故应用关系代词which引导该从句。故填which。
    (10)考查动词不定式。句意:有一天我很可能会回来,因为我渴望揭开更多的秘密。it is likely fr sb.t d sth."某人有可能做某事",为固定句型,其中it为形式主语,其后应用动词不定式作真正的主语。故填t return。
    37.【答案】Dear fellw students,
    With the reading day appraching,I'm here t call n all f yu t d mre reading.(发出倡议)
    Reading can benefit us a lt.First,it can enrich ur minds and teach us t distinguish between right and wrng,which lays a slid fundatin fr further learning.【高分句型一】Furthermre,as a famus writer put it, "Reading a gd bk is like talking with a nble man." By reading bks,we can gain the wisdm helping us slve practical prblems in ur daily life.All in all,the advantages f reading are beynd descriptin.(倡议理由)
    Let's take actin t d mre reading.Only thrugh reading can the sul be strengthened,ambitin inspired and success achieved.【高分句型二】(总结)
    【解析】高分句型一:First,it can enrich ur minds and teach us t distinguish between right and wrng,which lays a slid fundatin fr further learning.
    高分句型二:Only thrugh reading can the sul be strengthened,ambitin inspired and success achieved.
    38.【答案】Still surprised,Jane ndded.She fllwed the emplyee t the cafe,where the emplyee placed a cup f cffee n the table in frnt f her.【高分句型一】Jane was relieved t find that her sn suddenly stpped crying and fell asleep.【高分句型二】She was grateful t the emplyee fr helping her and decided t d smething t thank her.(这位员工是如何帮助Jane的。)
    When she gt back hme,Jane decided t d smething t thank the emplyee.First,she wrte a letter expressing her gratitude and explaining what had happened.She als included a pht f her baby.Then,she wrapped the letter and the pht in a piece f paper and went t the stre.When she arrived at the stre,she asked ne f the emplyees where she culd find the manager.The emplyee was surprised,but led her t the ffice.Jane handed the package t the manager and explained that she wanted t find smene wh had helped her when her baby was crying.The manager was impressed and said he wuld d smething t help her find the emplyee.(Jane如何感谢这位员工。)
    高分句型一 She fllwed the emplyee t the cafe,where the emplyee placed a cup f cffee n the table in frnt f her.
    高分句型二 Jane was relieved t find that her sn suddenly stpped crying and fell asleep.

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